Airy- VOL. 21. MOUNT AIItY, N. 0.. AVEDNESDAY EEMiUAHY H, 1001. NO. iJ2. Mount News. Tn i K 3 X 4 " CAPTAINS ON MANY SEAS NEVER WITHOUT PE-RU-NA. 'Give Mo My Compass ami lo-ru-na nml I Hill Steer Clear of All Wricks." Pe-ru-na Known and . Prauod on Land and Sea, "X airk aallur It praHtjr hi'lplf nun. t hr found tint lYmtia lll do mora to ri'.tot . en lha.1 any mlur moll elna I know, and 1 )uv rarrd d poiijtln of Ixml' on lnt for many araona. jrara itiro ivrttna nirttl me of lirotvhtat trouMo In a f.w npfka and mn anrh raw lif and Brv furra tlut I certainly l !l. ' In Ivlllnir you of It, ";ive nu my oon ami IVruna nil I will ti'-r rli-r of r ka if ail kinda ami land In port aaf and 1 1 With Yeawt iul nun." (apt. t T. Carter, 13 loth Awnnr, lVn-n.-ola, I'lorMa. Capt.K. A. Vton, M.K.,4 Mir.alaMh atrivt, Ottawa, Out., wrlt.-n: "IVruna haa my )inrt.t r-ndorae-rnr-nl. If thi'ro I any J.lafn that you r helplra Win n 111 It In on la.ard a atoamcr, at aoa, iniloa away from any aaaiatnniv. NxiiM'tiim-a two i.r xhuo of my m'n would ! n.-k at r tmin an, I Pt-rlniialy rripnli- tlm fori-p, lull imf or h arni l .f t i . valuo .f IVruna, l. tnkinif a fi-w do. Hi. y r..iiiwmii- vrry quickly. "3 um it I. r r..M., unj 1 y-W. v:m T. W. KARP & CO., Dialers ii Fmitire, Bona FcmisliirE GdqCs. ic, it, ' AND COFFINS, GASKETS, BURIAL ROBES. uNotaTma. MAIN STBttT. ISTIAHt$gERALD NCl V-H. 01 0JC JIMCJ. PiWIibctf l vr Wedamliy. lull a. Ipx.h. ProyrlMorj E Brichtcst, Best and Most Beautifully Illustrated Fam ily Weekly in America is L'n qucstionchly The Christian Herald, Edited by Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, D.D. It is Published 52 Times a Year, and Aggregates 1,000 Large Pages, Brimful (if Pictures. Subscription Price $1.50 per Annum, a l;t:L- less than T.rcc Cents a copy. AMWSS: The Christian Herald Ji Ti.'Mc Foukc ew York DeWitt's Salvo For Pi!us. Burns, Soretv Th Ona Day Cold Cura. Jold III hfBd aiifl "ir Ihroal mirrO bv Kif Wrt:'. Chnr.ili.te, t.iiUHliw Hiluiiir. An av The Ono Day Cold Cure. Forcnlit In Ihf h-aM and anrr ihriwl Ker nmt'i l h.ilaln !.. itivf yiMtimr. Ih " Our FORGET -ara ; IM e sell this fa-! Eons Shoe. Also a big ; linn of ether kinds. Yon ? lill always find us CTH.AX HcadquartcrsforS!!OC5:,StapIeDiT-Goods Groceries. Youi's lor Low lrict.-;, WW!), '. ,j fc. T A . T ''L' ' -I ' i7 tmiiMw ami kldnry ttUraa.-a, and liar aNo found It vi ry fin for la urippi'. " IVruna In al"i on f thr nmt lm p'Tlant n),lli of my ntcamrr." K. A Walnon. Wiih a !t:li of IVruna Alat.l mllora have a r inidy on lili-h tlu-yrati rdy. Cflmmndunt 1'. a. Ciminolcii fvmnTVllIn Ni. lmlMin, ol tlu I'nitccl si!r Navy, In a l. tt.-r from 1st: It si., N. V., a-tilnton, ). h. : 7 tmheHilngW recommend Pe run tn til person suffering from i larrh."-S. Skhnlsnn. t you H i n'.t (! rive prompt and .sti f. -i..rj r'uli frmil ti.rt n of I'. rnnn, w i He at i n.'o to lr. Ilariman, ivluu'tt fml utaii'imMit of ymir rai. 'i l ln ,1 1- pn .! it to yii hi .iln:ioli- a. I (r)li, Al Ina r. llartman, I'r- t of 1 h Hartman hanitariuin, t'olumlma, I Hl io. mount mv, N. c. Asth mm "One of tr.v daturlitcra t;d terrible case of asthma. Mi e tried almost e-verythinc, ht:t rirhout re lief. ? e then tr:id Aver s Cherry Pectoral, and three and one-half hottles cured her."-- I.rrma Jane tntsmingci , Langsvillc. O. Aycr's Chcrr)' Pectoral ccrtainl)curcsmany cases of asthma. An J it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. Tkrw alim : 2k.. II. All fraRlata, Con. nit Tiinr iWt-r. tf ttY, take It, tliHh ill. a, lt .nr. II lia 111. jnu rut l. tHkM ti. O'kii'l in if It lla knoam. lav, II Willi Inni. ..iwiIIIiik. (' A". k:i: i i.. Lowell, Mm, " frnndirft on rvprv hi of the ftinuin Ijixstivc Brofno-Oninine tm . - MM ILI10UGLAS i r N V - ': L i tail Aal ' MADE "WV 0THrP TWO l 'fafricjt f rxr W091C aaaaaa.jiaaBanajaaBai.aHaaaBaaaaawMaiKaaaaiaia4aaaaaaaaaiaaMa(aiaMiaa B. D. De Vault & Co. The Japanese. There it ft wlltircad Imprpwlun thitt tlm Jntmtm re too gHtno for tin ir wolnlil. Ivnphaaia It laid on tholr titturu, and on thuir tiuiiincr Th7 aro little turn, and thore art) only forty million ioolu In tho kingilotn. Hut tlitj am vry hardy, Vfir pliirkr, and are full ol etidur ani'o. Thf 'irmy and the navy aro tlmroiiglily Jnllid and autiilrituiy niuiiitii'il for wr. A tnarlUI unit ft II' ifHI-Hlil'fl all cliiKti and CJtidilioi i Ntii itml prido and nal ptrlotiin am not found In itrpitti'r diyn'0 in any country. Iter tiuoplo lovo Ja pin, and regard her aa dontlnud to tHku a plitcu among Ilia fmcmoMt of ihu nitiiotii. It l this fuel i iik that Ik HHtir in thuir hnaoma now, aa tin f viuw tho tMirtoat'hinutitt of liiiHxia, whitth, to tln in, Imliciite a purpoao mi lu r part to cripple Japanese In llnont'e and atunt Japinicau growth. liny d in I prnpoao to dio, If they can help it, In the (f"iiy of the irreat i . l,.. 1. .... Tl.n. ntiiira irim oir i'iiiiirai:, m-r m u'd n t'ier diu HijIimi g the animal o a lilile dinUnco. Tin tnattial fpitit la di'veloped in the ach nl day Lad in the pti nuiy tlipatlmetit aio drilled and uuht ho art of attack and de- 1 1 o. The lift to fllo divide up nt c 'in panic and IwM than) ha1 tli a ii it great art. I hey are like ia' taught, at American tchool tmya are, ureal fevirencO' for the iNtional colott. At the proper time nut the regular army tcrvico, wh' n the vounat men are well 'rain I in camp, ami tret a thorough .OMonit.g for the duties of a aoldier. It H at true ol Japan at nl any country, that the it a nation of men not only (Mpahle of lighting, hut ao to tiirnt, lor the national wel fare. The national her ft are of ilio nartial older. Memories niott icvi reticed are tltoo of inen who tuve dd d lor the country. All the people, fr-'in Ihe higheat to lowra, o down lMfore the taroe obtained lighting Japan's hattlt'S. Tho u h ut death is the t ldit r't denh. 1 hi' intui ts la-ting honor hiid re ntcttibrance. Theite are the men then small of maiuro, but well knit ana wen trained; not at numerous at the sands of the feanhore, but all of them available lor the country puri mja; game at death, and I mi of the feel ing that they are being unjns'ly treated and crowded who seem to be on the eve of going up against the hordes of Rnwia'a giant. That they will, if called opm, give a good account of themselves there can he no doubt ; and should they triumph and check Russia's game of grab in that quarter of the world, real pro ercea and civilizttion would un doubtedly profit- Washington Star. Fifteen Men Killed. A dippatch of Jan. '26:h from Victor, Colorado, says: By the filling of a cage to-dy in the JSlrtten Independence mine. -citted near the center of this city, fifteen men are dead and one other severely injured. In the main li&ft sixteen men were being hoietcd in a cnge from he sixth, seventh and eighth levels When ttie cee reached the surface the engineer, from some unexplained reason, whs unable to stop the engine and the cae wi'h its load of human freight was drawn into the gallows frame, where it became lodged temporarily. The strain on the cable finally canned it to part and the cage shot down the shaft with errific speed. Two of the occu pant, L 1. Jackson and James Balbek had become entangled in the timber rods near the top of the trallows frame. Jackson was crushed to death by the sheave wheel falling npon him, while Bulbek had a marvelous escape from dea'h, but received painful injuries and was rescued from bis position. The other fourteen men were hurled to death down the 1,500 foot shaft. As soon as possible the boss and a number of miners went down into the ruine through another compart ment of the shaft. Ihey found all fjftten men dead, the bodies scat tered at different points. Arms and bodies had been torn, heads crushed and clothing stripped from ihe victims, irom the 700 foot level to the bottom, the snaft wa splattered with blood, while her. and there were found pieces ol fl sh clinging to the prt j 'etions. At the b ittom 'if the shaft fetniids 25 let t of water and into this the cage piling ed carrying some of the men into the wa'er with it. Frank Gelle8, engineer in charge, surrendered himself to the military officers in the district and was locked up. De would not taik The militia has taken charge of tbe mine and an examination will be made. Sea of Azof Disappearing. A stranpe phenomenon is re ported from sou thsas tern Russia, where the Sea of Aaof , an impor tant body of water, is disappear ing. The sea is about 2lb miles long by 110 in its greatest breadih. It lies to the north of the Black Sea, with which it is connected by a navipable strait. Thoupb it has always been wry shallow it is of great importance to the commerce of that section. Tapamog is a city situated on a tmy from this sea, formed by two sandy pouinsulas some fifteen miles lonp. Owing to its proxim ity to the fertile wheat lands of South Kussia, this city is one of the most important to the empire. Girl in Boy's Clothing. Laura Williams, of newspaper fame, who has been nitroucrading in male attire for teyeral months subjected to tho hardest toll of coin mon labotcta at Ann limn working at lineman for the Bell Telephone company, at livoti. IS. U, latt night slept prisoner in the city jai i f (loliimhia. Tho nathetln ttoiv of tho ulrl'i dlttppolh'mmit in life hat bren Itiveti publicity, tho tragedy doting In on an orphan gitl at 1 1 years old, working at what she c nild some time tho meanest labor. Finally facing tho Inevitable, alio made a last brave, hold s'n ko fur an Inoast life, donund man'i apparel and went forth into tin' world with a liht heart and a ready hand to do thing at men do. Iter sex Ir un timo to lime being discovered, alio was driven from pil'ar to pust seeking wotk. Arriving at NewUirry uti week hi r tcx wat again discovered ii pi in search by police nlllcers, who believed "ho1' was John I. 'ing, implicated with other in obtaining iiimiey under faUe pretense. Money wa contribu'cd by cill xons of iN'cwUtry to clothe her properly and to pay her railroad lata to Columbia, where she c uld obtain medical attention, ol which she wa in i xiretiio need. Tho itirl ratue to lolnmhia and wat found by Police man Brown Sunday night at mid night wandering around broken down from nervous shock. Yesterday morning Inta WiU liam u arraigned in Hie recorder's court fi r vagrancy and as she bad the defence only ol having no menus, no money ami needing medical attention, the recorder had her taken to tho city jail where aha could have proper care and protec tion. Columbia State. - How to Boom a Town. Tho Durham Sun makes this ref erence on the editorial page: " I he city if Atlanta, Ua , has ap propriated $2, '2o0 to Ihj used in daily newspapers to advertise the munici pality. This ia where Atlanta gets the start and kect ahead of towns which do not rccognixe tho benefi cial results of printer's ink. No wonder that Atlanta grows and thrives and attracts attention. Dur ham's ine'hod it to get all you can for nothing, and keep everything out of the daily papers possible. W hich is the most sensible and pro gressive method of these two cases f" The Star copies the above from tbe Sun to endorse it and add that it is the home paper that does more tor tts city than any other agency. The more patronage a paper receives the better paper it will be. A newspaper is what the people of the city make it and it is a true ndt-x of its town. Lvery locality should see that its newspaper is heartily supported and thua make it a more vigorous exponent of the town. When the citizens of a lo cality determined to make efforts to build up their town their hit atten tion should he turned to their news paper as the biggest lever with which to accomplish their purpose. Wilmington Star. About Ills that Never Come. There has never been a time in the memory of any, even the old- st, when there was not some por tending evil. Always, everywhere, tendencies have been pointed out w hich were interpreted to be franiht with dire c nsequenca. However btight the western sky and fair the morning, there has ever been pro jected by somn a cloud to hide the parting son. There is a proneness to see pointer to ruin. The history of our country is made np largely of sufferings on account of blight that never came. If a small portion of tbe ills we have suffered in our minds throogh the annals of oor history had become actualities, then to-day we would be great, if treat at all, in gigantic ruins The difficul ties before us as individuals and as a people are no greater, if aa great, a those with which our fathers were confronted. The imaginations of seers and all are as great to-day io painting what will not be, as afore time. Rev. P. R. Lumber- ton Robeson ian. Millionaire's Poor Stomach. The worn-out stomach of tbe over- d millionaire ie often paraded in the public prints aa a norrible ex ample of the evils attondatit on the po.seifin of grout wealth. But millionaires are not the only ones who ute iiffl eled with bud stomachs. The proportion is fur greater among the toilers. Dyapopnia and indigna tion are rampant among tbeae peo ple, and they suffer fur worse tor tures than the millionaire unless they avail themteives of a standard medicine like Ureen's Augmt Flow er, which has been a favorite house hold remedy for all stomach troubles for over thirty-five yeara. August Flower rousos the torpid liver, thua croat ing appetite and insuring per fect diges'.ioti. It tones and vital izes the entire system and makes life worth living, no matter wbat your station. Trial boiilea, 25c; regulitr size, 75o. . W. Wont, Drug- g'-ta The North Carolina exhibit at tbe St. Loui World's Fair is being pre pared in tine shape by Secretary T. K Rruoer. The agricultural de partment will nntk a tr rand display. Thousand of North Carolinian in the West, who visit the fair during the year, will be proud of the won derful dispUy irom their old native St, A Golden Rule of Agriculture: He (imhI to ynur land and yuur crop will In i.mkI. I'lontjr of Potash 13 N,w Vara- Maa M, Atlaat a. tit. -H'. The Good Old Clock. "(5ie me the clock for company," stid the observant man, "and you may have all the balance of tho in animate Ihinga under tho inn, or over it, and I will throw a few of the annual In for good measure. I can conceive of nothing more friend ly, more nntpeakahly comforting, than the mellow tick of the old fam ily clock which tower high on Ihe :fd fashioned mantel, above the good old open faced firs place where the embert are dying down and deepening into a bfuith melancholy gtay late of winter night. One never fecit quite alone at long at one may hear the mellow tick tack of tbe old family clock, the tame sweet, mollow cadence which have rung in one's ear from earliest in fancy, through all Ihe change and upheavals of time, down to the present. Other sound may fall and di epco into the aaddor silence of the night's heavy stillness, but the old clock continuea to mark the, flight of time, and no second may escape without hearing its passing called out dreamily by tho faithful clock whose hands have measured already so many days some bright and full of light and life and promise and sweet boding of tho future and othets echoing back tepulchrally from the year already counted. Ah, the clock! Rot give me the clock with it ticking all through the night and it silvery chiming on the hour, and you may have the other thirgs, and the dog to boot. I'll take the clock in mine every lime when it comes to keeping off that feeling of loneeominess which creeps upon us now and then." Toe New Orleans Times Democrat. Fell Dead in Statesville. A dispatch of Jan. the 2ti h from Statesvillo says : After complain ing all day t not feeling well, yet apparently the picture of health, Capt. J. B. Riirwcll, former prcst dent of Peace Institute and more re cently the pnsider.t of Statosville remale Collcgo, dropped dead on the street this evening at 7:15. He was on his way to the hotel to his supper when ho reeled and fell back and died. Friends rushed to Irs aid and carried him into the Ho tel Iredell, and physicians were sum moned who, after an examination, said be had expired instantly. Hit many friends here went to tbe hotel and nothing wae left undone that love and respect could suggest. I hone message and telegrams were sent to hi brothers and rela tives annortneing his death. He had been a resident of Statesville seven years, was principal of Statesville Female' College thre year and since had been engaged in the real estate and insurance business. Abominable Preaching. The Rev. Dr. Charles II. Tark- hurst, of New York, it exceedingly persistent in Li effort to shock the eufiibilitiec of mankind. Tb Louie- viile Courier -Journal refer to him j as tbe latest preacher to declare that the Iroquois theater horror was act of God. "Tbe fire that burned those 600 persona, he says, "was God1 fire. Fire ia one of tbe wa in which lie work. God is love. but that is not all there is of II ion. lie is a loving father, but He is not a doting old grandfather. lie is enongb of a God to have some re spect for Himself. We bear so much about God love, o much, 1 mean, that is said in a one-sided way, that are ome to imagine, after while, that God ia nothing but a mush of coDCeesion; that Li is fond nees for people has melted out of His character all respect for Him self." With inch a light thrown upon a certain side of God's char acter as is shown by disasters like the one we have been contemplating, I am sure we are all of ns taking thing too easily. Tbe people that went into that theater were taking things too easily the result ahows that, and we ourselves are taking things too easily. The Conner-Journal, in view of these shocking citations, remarks that wtnoet of ua, at least, are ready to acknowledge that men of the Park hurst stamp get their notoriety by taking the name of God too easily.' We are not going to dUcuas fore ordination or free will in order to tlx tbe responsibility for the Iroqn.tis hoimr, hot it aeems to ns thm th F AkK LR'S HAIR ItUaM ! Iir ao lt Vnuu.r.11 fVitw. 1 MW t ii i 4 nt 1 i- - , . .- !- i - In thefertlllivr aMtl. quality r i ami tpianliir In the liar- J ( 'ilT veat. Writ ua ami .AMrj'M ma will srinl yon, yV Vl' ft rt, hr neit mull, e,1iVl','C' tmr iminey winning ai;r,isiA QIKUN 11 J wntia, I ' ' 'a. X'i if 1, . fatl limn mm ue proas it bound by it obligation to the ieople to denounce auch a de liverance a that, in (pile of the astounding fact that Dr. 1 arkhtirtt ( the idol of a Urge, Intelligent and respectable congregation. If that wa "God' fire," the knife that the assassin plunge into the heart of a man, a woman, or a aloeping inlant I (iod knife. Outrsgeou bli phuiny like thai might bo continued through tbe whole list of crime At well might Dr. Far k hunt (peak of tho bullet of the murderor, the friction match of the Incendiary, tho jimmy of tho burglar, or the pen of the lorgor a belonging to God and being employed In working out th will of tho Father. As wo all know, it it tho province of God to bring good out of evil "from seeming evil still educing good, and better thence in infinite progression" but it is inexpressibly (hocking to speak, to think, or to bear ol the All merciful Father a the author of htart-hroaking tragedies. If Dr. Parkhuret could convince the million who constitute hi audience that "the tire which burned those GOO portont wat God'i fire,' wbat would be the ret ill I ? Would Ihe avertgo individual love tuch i Godf That, we think, were Im possible And the effect of tuch proaching aa that ia altogethor bad It I th wont of the many bad brcakt thtt cUnd Io Dr. Parkhurt account. Wedding Was Postponed. Juttiee G. W. Ilornctnann, of (hit city, who I second only to Squire Utiles, of Sooth Carolina, io num her and interest of the marriage vow which he ha administered during tbe past year, had a mott unusual experience in tbe line of hi profession last night. He had been tent for to t lliciate at Ihe ma- nago ol At is til AlcUatley, III year old, of Maaonboro township, and George Noma, who lately re moved to Wilming'oi from Darling ton,S. C. The wedding wa to take place with more or let elaboration at the home of a friend at N inth and R'aden street. The residence was ablaze with light ; the bride and groom had donned their costumes and the wedding supper bad been prepared in an adjoining room The justice wa about to enter the parlor and take hi station in front of an improvised altar, when come one tapped him on the shoulder and silently informed him that young Norn had another wife and one child at his home in South Carolina Justice Rornemana had respect for tho authority from which the Infor mat ion same and forthwith an end was put to the proceedings. A con sultatioa of the magistrate and bride and groom was held and although the young man dented the charge and the bride reiterated her utm st confidence in him, it was decided to postpone the ceremony until Sun day night, at w hich time Norrit said he would be present to defend him self against the imputation. The announcement wa made to the guests, who departed with invita tiors to be present at thepoetpontd nuptials. Wilmington LHspatch. Tea Thousand Churches in the United State have oaed the Longman at Martinet Pore Paint Every Church will be given a lib eral quantity whenever they paint. Don t pay f I SO a galko tor Un seed oil (worth 60 cents) which you do when yon boy thin paint in a can with a paint label on it s and t mate l, tneretore wnen yon want fourteen gallon of paint, buy only eight gallon of L x M-, and mix six gallon of pore linseed oil with it. Yoo need only four gallons of L. & M. Paint, and three gallons of oil mixed therewith to paint a good izd house. Houses painted with thee paint never grow ebabDy even atter is years. I neee ceieoratea paints are old by F. L Smith A: Co, Agent.! Cotton ia higher by far than it La been in a quarter of a century. It will probably go to I? cent before tbe specula tors get through with it. The- ww of-rhe' whole matter 4 that nearly all the ooUdR bad slipped ont of the iianda-ef the farmers long before the ffiee. crawled up into the teena, xut some fairer were for tunate enough to have aomlfoo hand t sell at big prices. The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic disease experience great diiSculty in having their case in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stand them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga ia acknowledged tbe most skillful and aooceasfnl specialist in the Uni ted States. Write him for Lis ei pert opinion of your case, for which ba make to charge ' a i wand J Chorea f htt( trtTrfT aUitl vt) : VRlt T It llUt fntfaTti ra frHfif Ttfn-Ht bf Um 9f V tmmmm wmea.v FREY'S YERmiFUCE fimato atl diaairiVra of th finniaii, rapfl. arorm. er. Iittill i. I'd nrMillw In lu'lina HoMlfrto, liiti.L. 1. 2 i.aa.rai:i,aaaian,aa. IS 0 for ayvarfte, Ct4 m4 Cretr CASTOR AM'Kchihle ''repartition for As iii the hHd. Hid UoK'til'l tmg the MouwiilB nial Dowels ol' Promotes DigcaliiHt.Chfrful -ncss Amines! I'l'iitdiimiciilar Opium, Morphine nor Muicml. Not Nam c otic. teaiatae SmJ iUawfe.wa-. j",, t , iTS,,w.aa. rt s Aporfrcl Remedy forronsliprt lion. Sour Slom.fh, linn rtHM Norms .(onwiUauw. feverish nrst end Lohs or SLEEP. Tar Similo SiCnnlur of NK.W YOHK. -Sai "if1 j f Lxact copy or wappc. YOU CAN FIND Mp and Spouti, (Both Gal vanized Iron and Tin), Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Eventt's. r OAK- RIDGE INSTITUTE 5 r,-i rci.PAl'U Ut the IMVERITIES aa COl. I 5L 1 V-a.ll. LIOIS as aill at for HIMNLSS, for TEACM- IM1. and tor t I! T. Silualcj MiAR Ol!LFNS BORO, N. C, vrr 1 ,000 irrt alxi, tt-M .. . let el. ifl vk of Ihe rtalaa. I.arjrt aa Bcu EnirT Fitting Sch l I. r t r. Mca aaj b)i ia th 5tk. RateJt $123.00 ta $17? Od per annem. roa avauTtrwk caraLOGbt, ae&araa J. A. & M. II. HOLT - - - Oak Ridge. N. C. (TUTMIN3 Cuts 6lj 25 can t-rw miil TCKMIt AWJIV . Wm DaVC. J. mj My-"' raTTatw M i.infty mmi twawatatitj, fm pmw kterad t, kirtt4 (vwMtDlwl M lari (. sr. r MtarttM at m -! m " viroto to Dr. PIorcQ for his advice' The lady, from wbcae letter we quote, got what abe avrote for, and ia a well aromaa to-dnv aa a remit ct folloii:i? f. I'HTce'a advice and asing Dr. I'lt-rtt a FaTWTte PreacTTptKm, tbe oiainne Wbk-k makea ink wcitnrn atror.g aui ick women well. Favorite Pre-scrip-tioo " esublisbca regularity, drira weak- nnnc; (intma, beala uflatrimauon ana olcrratioB and curea frauije antiiest. Sick women, wtrax-ially those atiSeriiic from diarauiea of km? at a mi inc. are ia- err Thed to cotriroU Dr. ISeree Yrw Vttr, frcr AH rt i i r) K-mdnm is held m tricdT private and tyarrp5lT corifjci-i-ti&L 'Addmifi Dr. tL V. iWoe, BuUm-Io, N. Y. I can trwthfull rvttit Tr Pirmt Vwwnri-rr ivm.i iptiraB m wnDttt-riu) iwriarmr snd tl w r w the ttb war rtrr i " wruft Mr Fnrt HrvwinrT, rn Lkrnrm, TMnrtratm Co.. Tkl arh . Bam rm. I wna. lour mmi:t nd the mf 'i nw rr-f aarritar,-'. thr d.--tnr did me ne gond. Pinat" 1 wTfjtr tt rr I'm-tct fnr ti tire. Jit mamertH in a r ktntl k-ttr rrrurtirir v'e jrlMt to tin I I '..oarrd hw -Snfe i4 l-li.y m irrU wenuaui, ttotiDka to Ik. firroe " Tr. ri-rrr,i nrmsarrt TVTlrts fchmil-i be tmrd m ith rrrite lYrnrrijKiOBB mheaft- aya nil, Ol aaJT f r-m pi i It II I UT 1 i - r luri F I aaa (et Hr r-- a l taa-a nr'- ttaaak artjMB . UtraCaa, 1 JKn-aj iWaaM HaVttC- - m vv- jP7 11 f ,,, t f tea. fcf , i- I nr-af.. -' tt. r " VT ITS- tP - t K&ia Lfcyspep&ia Cars 9 ', ! w i a a s ' 1 1 av-i la-ai1ii at t- a' a:a fa ttt. msm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears tho Signaturo of Vr ct nvauta cmmm, t Iron Roofing, Galvanized Iron Work, AAV I In hf Us! iv' For Over rVi I Thiriy Years valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. KVKRITT. l. a I t I uurrnau.iAvattni.M4 PI Ittlill th Bawd Trawbka revvau. Aid Dieotioa, Kcaiaj tfat ftMvtia, SbTAftho tht OM an Makaa TtETTt.NG EAST. tt Drrjjlsls, a C J. MOPPtTT. aa. o. sr. louis. aao. mil, 1-I1 aa firi Jirsaa i yoa fcaai ttaa I nH cta aaa tUTHiA. Oar Lpj. g -c laatllirw-aiafcU wi4. fcaa h4 ia itef. t BfMcrtj,uoa rrva fw I, Ji nMM. Hat, aa aliaod , m 1bmr vtM e rliaa.a aaa turn a ofTKOft. UM hta4 rrntXMiM .tat Wk Aw mm ttmtrp (j is a sure resource BVOTSlfl Pr sts frmrm I aa a a a te-Uiai aaf 4f afiata la iu , tr i l.jr Bi i .tl c4 acabanf out mim uM. atid at umtmm) atuaiiM-ti awuiS .t n-l.B and d!fr.l ere lb. La Marra I jftra.a ti 'hi? Cam At .tlN aai aiiHa, u 1 oavr au-acliiy in p'.-ieKl auui 1 aja aa arU aa t saajr aa m n v !:." uaa-ic B amrtl. aara. O. C atha am C 4tuH, fW hsr-a.r-11. V ? aVrtta ttat. ffcaa IMt- CVSE COKSTiF-ATIOB. t te - m. J.. una ECZEMA, OS Sir rt, ttchmi Nn, Sua t -acaaea. ASSOLlTiTLY CUBED HERMIT SALVE, f C 0 CCKTt OL 4. i .n ttmv vaiavm. in ! K fair Ff"y- .m-t Wrar a .0 taaa. aaa ; T Zm-?7Z?T 1 I , aws

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