Mount Airy News. r?, VOL. 21. MOUNT AIItY, N. C. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 11)01. NO. oU CAUGHT BY THE GRIP. RELEASED BY PE-RU-NA. nxnuiiiiiiiiiiiiiixiiiiiiiiiiiiirxiiiiizrrxiiiiiiij medicine recognizes Orlp as epidemic CMlarrh." Medical Talk. :xxxxxxxxiriXixzxxxxrxxxxxxxxxxxTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxri LA QRirrE lsepldemlo catarrh. It spares no class or nationally. Tho cultured and the Ignorant, tlio arinUK-rat and the pauper, the manes and th classes are alike (abject to la grippe. None are exempt all are liable. Have you the grlpf Or, rather, ha the grip got you T Orlp 1 well named. The original French term, la grippe, ha beon (ihortoned by the busy Ameri can to read "grip." Without intending , to do bo a new word boa been coined that exai-tly d-gi'rlhrs the caw, A If gome hlitoous giant with awful (imp lin.l rlutohed tin in it. fatal claxp. Men, women, children, wholn town and ellii aroeaunhtln tnc baneful (rip of a ter rible inniuter. The following letter speak fuf U i in- -5U 4tL-Jk$Lr& f . .'rJ J. W. JSAUP & CO., ite in Fmitire, House FmiiM Goods, it. K AND COFFINS, GASKETS, BURIAL HOBES. UN0tTAHLR8. MAiN STBLtT. lcan be -j grown without Potash S.ipi-1) enough Pot ash and your profits will Lc large; without Potash your crop will be "scrubby." Our ixxAtt, tfllittf iKrt c-wnrtk-fi of trrtHtun aUuitrU Ur all :.., in- iiet- u, ail Urmci CKkM-iS KM I WORKS, De Witt's ffi Oalvo For P'!u. Rurn-, Sora. FORGET Hat ic sell tbis fa eoss Shoe. Also a tig line oT ether kinds. w till alwajs find os T"tN eaifiiiiii.N ... n .rf Ae terSffj L,fffri tjr -S W. V, I fmn Yours lor JLuw I Vic s, II. D. DoYaulfc & Co. ..' "5--w-';..' iiJ A a solve a to the efficacy of IYruna in chc. of la grlpHi or It fler effei'tn. After Effects of La Grippe Eradicated by Pc-i una. Mr. J-'p-d Welniierger, We.bilo, Albany futility, N. Y., write: "Several year-i npi I bail an attack of la prlppo which b it my nerve in a prilral -.1 comliiii n. Then 1 had im otlier attack of li i:ripH which left me worse. I had three po.d phyxiciunr but all in Vain. I pave I'eriina a trial. In a chort time 1 wax feehn ix ll r und now 1 am in well B4 anj'oni'." Mrs. 'red Weill !rg-.-r. Hon. J lir e j R. C.iill of Oinaiid. lion. Jainc It. (mill It one of the oldest ami n:iH imiiwhi-'I men of Omaha. Nch, !! t- -hoe l 1 iic I, i ..,.,!;,. j! - ? -1 - MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Asth ima "Ore of n y dauRi.rcrs had icrKbic esse oi a&ihtna. U' tried almost cserytiiin:'. but v. -iliout re lit f. vr'e then tin. d Ayvr't Cherry Pectoral, and three nd one-half bottles cured her." tmma Jane Entsminger, Langsville. O. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral certainly curesmany cases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. TkRt tim : 2V, Sc.. II. All aranlria, Tonaiilt J-.WIT diirler If li taa It, Ufu um ! . If ! vr it yon D'4 t. iMkv It. then il.rfi'1 ti.K It. Hs kpiw. 1mi,UIII. hln- W i Velim"" J. ( A Ll I o l..wlt SOUGLAS yzATs. - ? MADE V L.D0UC LAS hakk 3fiOe-e m 3 smoes ANY C lrSf') IV Tvr yr;0 liui's. oiii 1.113 iirv-uuuus what It la, lorvlng on publlo Wnl a number of time. lie endorse I'erun In the following worda! 'I am 08 year old, am hale and hearty, ami renin a ha holpcd me attain It. Two year ago I had la grippe my life won dcvpalred of. Foruna aved urn." J. It.dulli. A Rcldllve of Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Hi! 8. Lincoln, w ho r h!1 n nt 013 I. Htreet, N. W., Washington, I. '., tun tlio honor of being third cousin to Abraham Lincoln. !! wrllea: "1 had la grippe five time heforn UHliig your ini-dirlne. Four year apt I begun the Uao of 1'ernna, mIiico w hich tlino I have Hot 'm-cii troubled with tliut disease. I can now do a much work at tny (leak a I ever could In my life. I have gained morn than ten jmmiiiiI In weight." H. H. Lincoln. Pe ru na Mot Only Cured La Grippe but Benefited the Whole System. Ml Allen M. lrler, i:il; N. ltryant Ave., Mlnneaiolla, Minn., w rlteat "Last apring I suffered from la grl pn anil was partially cured but the In. J afler effect remained through the sum mer and aomehow I did not get atrotig a I vu In-fore. One of my collets frieml who wa rlslllng me asked mn to try I'ertina and I did o and found it all and nioro than I had expected. It not only cured me of the catarrh but restored Ilia to perfect health, built lip the entire system and brought a happy feeling of buoyancy which I had Hot known for year." Alice M. l)resler. An Actress' Testimonial. Mia Jean Cowgill, GrUwold 0x-ra llotiac, Troy, N. Y., I Ibo leading lady with the Aubrey Stock Co, Klie write the following! "During the past winter of itml, I Buffered for several weeka from a acvere attack of grippe, w hleh left a serious catarrhal condition of the throat and head. "Homo one anggeatcd Perutia. As a last reaort, afler wasting much time and money on phyalclnns, I tried I'm remedy f.-ilthfullv, and in a few weel. waa aa w ell ax ever." .lean Cow till, A Southern Judge Cured. Judge Horatio J. (Jom, Hartwell, tin., write: "Nome flvn or lx year ago 1 had a very severo spell of gripw, which li ft me wilh avstemlo cutanli. A frier I iicHI-'d mu to try your lN-runa which I ili.l.uml w :i Immcillulely liem-d nil and ciinil. The third lxttlu completed the cure." 1 1. J. in. If you do imt derive prompt iint sMi factory result from the u-o of IVruna, vrilo tit once to I r. llariman, giving a fill I statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you hi valuable ad vice gratia. Adilic- lir. I!, I'riiilenl of T! e 1! -rlMinn Siiiuinrinni. (" iliicil- . l A Heinous Crime. A hcinotiB crime has jnst ben re ported from the Golden Valley sec tion, in thie ctnnty. Cnrdie Turner, who tijjnred 8) cubepicuoosly in like crime in theeamo neihboihood jtiat ;ne year aj?n, ie aiiain reported to Iihvo ;iven birth to a child and killed ir lust wii k. From parties h ! vn there I have learned that Onrdit 'I'unier, fume time kro gave hir'ti to a child and Boon afterwardg tho child whb mifaitnf and nei)jlibor h' g tn to eutpect fonl play, aud they Unn to search fur the child and on Saturday last it wan found concealed in a batrel in the tl iwer-pit on the premiere where tln I'nrnerRirl wag living. Tlie tnmdcr tta c imtiiittod by tying- a napkin around its nack to tight h to atop it from breathing, thud causing di-ath by strangulation. The napkin waa tied in three knots aud waa drawn perfectly tight arouud the neck. After murdering the child she placed it in a barrel in the noer pit and covered it over with an old sack, and when it was discovered she claimed to be per fectly ignorant of the crime and she 6iid she did not know how it came there or who put it there. County Coroner Edwards went down Monday morning and held an inquest over the body, and the jury returned i verdict, that the ciiild came to its death by the hands of one Cardie Turner. Now, strange to relate, after this verdict was given by the jury, the woman was allowed to go tree until Dr. Edwards came to Rutherfordton and secured an officer and proper papers and re I turned to secure her arrest. This oame woman has been accused of killing four or five of ber offspring Deputy Sheriff Ed. Tanner re turned to town yesterday with Cardie ToraetandiheU now behind 'be bars Hut herfordton Special. Will Finally Do Justice. The saying that human progress will do justice to great men who have appeared in advance of their time, is attributed to Emerson, and history demonstrates the truth of it Every true man is willing to suffer in silence while conscious of the rec titude of hit course, and, acting on 'he suggestion of Longfellow, will "learn to labor and to wait." The Greentboro Christian Advocate. 1,000 Mill People Idle. The New Holland Mills, built by the Pacolet Co., at Gaines ville, Ga-, have shut down for an indefinite period. This is due to the unnatural difference in the price of raw material and the manufactured products. As6xm as cotton pets lower or the mana f. ;unii '(hkJh advance in price, ojnTati- ns will be resumed. Dur itijr their iilloni'NS, the peratives of the New Holland Mills, atxut l,(nj jhi ; ie, will be furnished housto rect free, and will be allow ed to draw half pay without being required to do any work. A GREAT CONVENTION. Thinking Men Will Assem ble in Spartanburg, S. C, for a Three Days' Conference. The city of Spartanburg, 8. 0. will entertain the fmt Inter state Convention of the Young Men'i Chriatian Association of North and South Carolina. The mooting will take place (ehruary 20 23. Heretofore each State mot in sop artte convrn'ion, but the rrcen federation of all the AwmiaMons In the Carolina with one Executive Committee nukes it possible to meet in joint convention. "Service," is the central theme of this sigtiiucant gathering of young men. The c invention is to be ma terially strengthened by the pres ence of some prominent Association workers from other sections of the country. Among those who have already consented to bo present is Mr. Chas. K. Towson, of Phila delphia. Mr. Towson is Secretary of the Pennsylvania Iitilroad De partment, Young Men's Christian Associa'iou which is by the wsy, the largest Association of Its kind in the world. C. C. Michener, of New York Ci'y, is another protuinont speaker. Mr. Michener is one of the International Secretaries aod is giving practically all of his time to Association work id great in dustrial plants. Trior to tlio con vention, Mr. Michener and Sec re ary Kui-bel will visit some of the large cotton mills and confer with the presidents and superintendents with reference to the feasibility of erecting special buildings with all the modern equipments tor the male Operatives. W. D. Weathurford, of Nashville, who is the International Commit tre's special Student Secretary for the South, will also be a prominent figure in the convention. U O. Williams, one of the Inter national Kiilroad Secretaries is an other promiueut speaker. Mr. Wil liatns and Mr. Michener will be the special spankers on Monday nibt of the convention ; this entire evening wt'l bo tkvutvd to a discussion of "Work Among Industrial Classes." Kv J. A IJ. Scherer, Ph. D., preeident elect ot Newberry College, will deliver four addresses on "Fun damentals " Dr. Scherer is to-day the leading man in his denomination a broad scholar aud a most attractive speaker. Kev. M. D. Hardin, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, Char lotte, will deliver the Convention Sermon. There will be a number of busi ness and ptofessional men who will till places on tho program. Alto gether it is going to be a most sig nificant gathering some of the choicest men in the Carolinas will thus be brought together in three day's conference ; they are coming from villages, from cities, Irumratl rad shops, from colleges and uni versalis, to plan tog' ther how they ikay individually be of greater ser vice to their fellows. This paper is authorized to extend a general invitation to any of its readers who may be interested to at tend this convention. There will be reduced railroad rates, bnt all win contemplate attending must first communicate with tho State Coin mil tee's itlioo and be supplied with the proper credentials. For further intormation address State Secretary, l oung Men s Christian Association, Charlotte, N. C. Advising- Farmers. Many newspapers are now en- gaeod in the pleasant occupation of giving agriculturists advice as to the manner in which they should con- duct their farm operations daring the present year. Some of the pa pers are advising them to plant more cotton, while others are telling them to beware of increasing the acreage devoted to the fleecy staple. The Messenger and Intelligencer has not presumed to advise its farmer friends as to their business since it told them, several years ago, to hold cotton for a higher price, and the price straight way grew beautifully lower UDtil it dropped from 10.75 to something like eight cents. The truth of the matter is the average fanner is just aboat s-rb!e to take care of bis own business as are persons engaged in other callings, and the great amount of advice Avrn them by outsiders is gratuitous and wholly uncalled for. W adet-boro Messenger and In telligencer. CLIMATIC CURES. Tbe Influence of climatio con ditions in tbe cure of consumption is very much overlrawn. The poor patient, and tbe rich patient, too, can do much better at home by proper attention to food digestion, ana a regular use of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning is made certain by German Syrup, so is a good night's and tbe absence of tbal weakening cough and de bilitating night sweat, ilestletta nigbts and tbe exhaustion due to coughing, tbe greatest danger and dread of the consumptive, can b prevented or stopped by taking German Syrup liberally and regular ly. Should you be able to go to a warmi-r dime, you will find that of tbe lliotiKands of eotisumptirea there, the iew who are br nefiied and ri-ain ulrength ar llioe who use German Syrup. Trial bottles, 25o ; regular axe, 75c 1. W. West, Drug gist. fc'hon evil conversation every day. 4mm m km mmmmm Our money wlnnlnx booka. wrati-n br men mho know, tell you all about Potash Thf y are ner irl by evrry man who owns a hi kl and a plow, and wtin drsires to fi-l the inot out of thrm. "Yiwy urrfrtt, Snd potl card. hi-an a kali wonaa vk-( at,, AtUaU, H .-'' K. Hra4 M. The Little Man. The evening train from the city had just pulled into tbe suburban station. 1-rom every platform the men poured down, glad to be in the country again after the day's work. r or many carnages and automobiles wore waiting, borne represented great riches, and others moderate wealth. After tbe carriairos as they rolled away came the lone line of men afoot, some walking in groups and chatting, snd some, two by two, neighbors or friends, making their way nome togetner. Among them a little, stout man with his hands fall of bandies walked quickly along, looking up the street as he came, apparently hastening to a particular place, it waa easy to see why he hastened to that place. A little boy and girl were waiting for him there, and as he came they twined their arms round his neck and kissed him, took some of tbe bundles from him, and hurried him boms. I was almost every evening that this happened, so that others than the little man watched for the boy aud girl, and, though no one but the little man got the bog and the kiss, others steppoj along with warmer hearts, thinking of their homes and of little ones waiting for them there. I he little man worked bard every day, and earned enough for his little ones and his home, and do envy was id uu heart toward tbe rich men as they drove by him oo the road, by the side of which his children waited for him toe ime. Had he not love! No money could buy love, and with love he waa content. What com parison could there be between his evening expectancy of the meeting witb those two little figures beside tho road and another man's im patient search for his cirridge in the throng that awaited the incoming of the evening tram I lie lived in peace and contentment, aud his heart leaped each day as became in sight of bis children and home. Happy is the young man whose ife is shaped oti such idetls. Happy ar,' the littio children who watch dr their fat tor's coming as the day Witnes, and happy the father who knows that there are eyes that mark "his coming and grow brighter when he comes. Improvement in Wilkes. Whether the Watts law is respon sible tor the improvement or not, it is a fact that there is not a serious criminal case on docket for this court, which was committed since tbe law went into effect. A big saving already in county cos's, whether tbe Watts law sboald be credited with it, or whether it should be credited to the "increased block ading," which the revenue officers talk about. Anyway the Watts law and the ''increased blockading" are making a more decent record so far than Government distilleries run by tbe grace of the govorument offi cials. Wilkes boro. Chronicle. Better Plan Proposed. A bureau at Washington is urg- ng tbe adoption of post checks by tbe Government to take tbe place of money orders. It is charged that the old system is complicated, cum bersome and unprofitable, now re quiring for clerical force and storage nearly one-half of tbe Poetoffice building at Washington and will necessitate in a few years a separate building costing several million dol. lars. Tost checks, it is contended, will require no auditing, save in ex pense and valuable space aud afford a better, simpler and universally ac ceseible means of sending money bj mail. A bill embodying this plan is before tbe House committee on posteffices. Mail advices from Nassau, Baha mas, announce the drowning there last week of Rt. Rev. II. N. Char ton, D. D., Bishop of Nassau, while making a visit to one of the outer islands. In attempting to go out to his yacht, tbe Message of Peace, tbe small boat, was swamped. Last Saturday Uymao Simon, a colored man, while drunk and ait- ting oo the track at Lass iter 's cross ing, in Oxford, was run over and killed by a train oo tbe Seaboard Air Line. TheG vcrnorand Vice Governor of Manila, Luke E. Wright and H. C Ide, were inaugurated Monday. PARKERS HAIR BALSAM )1 tur to it TmiUvfui Vi?r. rik a Mmimm &rmr SKSMI SS.rte tiS? p mmt I -11 f J 1-r.M.Ma Man Found Dead in a Car. The dead body of a man, evident ly a foreigner, was found yesterday in the box car of cotton which was discovered to be on tire when it reached this city last Tuesday morn ing. Tho fire was extinguished promptly by the city fire depart ment, which was called out, and as only a portion of tbe cotton was on fire, when this was removed from car, the remainder was left inside, This was not removed nntil yester day, when tbe men who were un loading the cotton found the body between tbe bales, in a crouching position. The only clue to the identity of the unfortunate man was an express rccoipt, issued by a local express company of New York. The name of the person to whom the roceipt was issued could not be deciphered but it could be seen that the address was Austell, Ga, This, with 20 cents in money, was all that was disco vorod in tbe man i pockets. It was evident from the position of the body, and tbe fsct that it was considerably scorched, that the man tiad attempted to reach the end of the car, where there was a window where he intended to make his es cape from the flames. Spartanburg bp cial. Depression in Mill Circles. Although New England mana factoring c irapaoies are not in the cotton maiket for raw material in large amounts at present quotations, no big corporation has entirely shut down its mills. Io msDj mills there is some idle machinery and toward spring it is expected many more spindles will have to be stopped. It develops that the unusual cost of cottoo is not the only impedi ment to tbo success of the cotton industry. Tbe fetr of war between Japan and Kussia has killed tbede mand in China and other countries io tbe Orient for cotton goods, and most of those mills which engaged in the export trade with that part of the world are looking for markets elsewhere. Democratic Convention. Pursuant to call, the committee on arrangements for the Democrat ic National Convention, consisting of members of the Democratic Na tionsl Committee, met at the South ern hotel in St. Louis Tuesday with all the members present except J It. McLean, of Ohio. A committee of the Business Men's League met with the commit tee and explained the preparations that bad been made, especially in regard to hotel rates. Tbe aesnr ance was given that there would be no advance in the rates now in force. The committee, under the escort of the gentlemen from the Lusiuess Mens League, devoted most of the afternoon to a close per sonal inspection ot the Coliseum. Ten Thousand Churches in the United States have used the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints Lery Church will be given a lib eral quautity whenever they paint. Don t pay 1 50 a gallon for Lin seed oil (worth CO cents) which you do when you buy thin paint in a can with a paint label oo it. o and b make 14, therefore wben you want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight gallons of L. x M-, and mix six gallons of pure linseed oil with it. Yon need only four gallons of L tt M. Paint, and three gallons of oil mixed therewith to paint a good sized house. Houses painted with these paints never grow shabby even after 18 years, tnese ceieoratea i amis are sold by f. L. Smith & Co., Agents Ex-Secretary William Col lins Whitney Dead. William C. Whitney, former Sec retary of the Navy, died a few min utes after 4 o'clock on Tuesday af ternoon, at his home in New ork. He died while under tbe icnaence of ether, administered preparatory to a second operation for appendi citia. By his bedside were his son, Hirrv Payne Whitney, and Do rothy, his daughter, as well as Dr. William T. Bull, the chief surgeon in attendance. The Valne of Expert Treatment Everyone who is affile td with a chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their case in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga.. is acknowledged tbe most skillful and successful specialist io the Uni ted States. Write him for his ex pert opinion of your case, for whith be makes do charge MA Frey's Ycrir.ifL'23 m mat mt m Ea-tw (k- M .1 fc .n A I . -y-l Tm. . I, tar uturtl Mf. Ii t, imi. a. a. may, ninw, . Gno flouts Gssf oh Curo For Coughs, Cold ami CrMip rr I BMl fct awWWt ltVtii frtm iK I I stitatv Tb-tT warns mrnmm. tfc 4 I p V, 'J mr --w xir" .-w "I. The Kind Yon Have Always la uho for over .'! yeurs, ii inl &fj?f-t , nonnl Biipervlalon dlnce 1U Infancy. If 4CCU&1 Allow no one to deceive yon in tbls. All Counterfeit, Imitations mid ".TiiNt-ntt-j jood'- are but KilM-rlmciits tliut trifle with unl -ii.!uiikt tlio lieultlt of lufuuta aud Children Kxperlouro n gainst Kxix-rliuenU What is CASTORIA Cnatoria la a liarmleM miliHt Unto for Cantor Oil, Pare goric, Drops mid Soothing Syrups. It Is I'leamtnt. It contain neither Opium, JHorpliliut nor other NurcotlO ii1hUiiic. Its ir lit M (riiaraiit-c. It ilestroja AVornm ftiul allay lvcriliiiri. It cures 1 inrrloi'ii und AVilid Colic. It relict cs Tt--tliinir Tronlili-s, ores CoiiKtlputloil and Flatulency. It axsiiiiilatiK I ho l'f, nifiihitea the SIoimik h aud How els, riving lical'liy und natural rdocp The Children's l'anaceik-Tlio .Motlu r'a I'rlcrid. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears tho The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI stTawll WHrff, TV u TOTJ CAN EIND Up and IwU (Both Gal vanized Iron and Tin), Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Eventt's. r OAK-RIDGE-INSTITUTE 5 & f Von PBEPAfcEi lor the t'MVERSITIES and COL. 151 I Ctll t.l:OI.S well tor ItLSIMiSS. lor TEACH- INU, and (or I in:. Situalcd NEAR GREENS BORO, N. C over 1.000 Iret above the ftca level, in itw ol the mountains. Largeat and Rett Equipped Fitting School for oung Men and Boyt la tb5outh. Ratal SUS.00 ta SI7S.00 per annum. roa acAunruL cat. locus, aso-m J. A. & M. 11. HOLT ... Oak Ridge, N. C. rp CZZaJD ?T. T ? 0 P F HTT7? rjT "ii , 4. m aT Costs 01 25 at Vngsists, . Or aua (S Mki I C. J. MOFFETT. M. D. ST. LOUIS, Ma Wl-Caa I. Somrr-lt t? expwteae. vua yoe.iM.IUl i1fl1a T(crai4. iar HRi g . je.i u.tnw. onUn 4, kAd km4 mmah jl.lmtig Itw, HMdr w Mbutol U tt Iktf. ' PfMCnLMI (MS ft.:!T ltlTlklMk H I.M. I. mmm fmn HooA u4 bttrsIM Ii.u4 t dr uius. Hm U.. fm iIm. w .a-rf mt. mmm Mun.iuiiiu.' i. . -m-f i. tw m. b. w. Moitaa.aLMHriewatTi "i vroio to Dr. Picrco for his advice." The lady, from whose letter we quote, got what ahe wrote for, and ia a well woman to-uay as a result or following Dr. Piercc't advice and uainij Dr. Pierte'a Favorite Preacription, the medicine which makes weak women strong aud sick women well. Favorite I-rescrip-Uon esUblisbes rejnilantT. dries weiik- ening draina, heal inrUunmalion and nkeration and cures female weakness. Sick women, especially those suffering from diseases of long standing, are io- vfted to consult Dr. Pierce br letter. free. AH corrwiporidcnce U held at trictly private and tacmlly cocfidea tial. AddreM Dr. SL, V. Ilcrce, BafiiJa, N. Y. I n trothfuIlT v that Dr. IVretl Prtwit sftiaeiipUoa i a woodrrtul tnrdicirte ai d de arrwa ths pntlc ri- it " vnin Mra. mma ftpoossrr, of Ukn-vw. Montralm Co., h: u h , Mom " ! vii rk four mooth. aod the ructi on? prgacnrtrd w tbr rl arnr did K To gmA. IWmfly 1 rttJtf to rr fvrr tW ha k-We. He ant id In a rr kind Irtter inatractine m w i Io:io-m ha iMt aed to-ay i a wrU wcovan, thaaka to Dr. fterc.9 IV. Iivrre'i Uri&ini Pellets should h ttaed wuh Fsvorite rreacriion wbea wer a UxAtire it miuired. m a,m&m r fsjr Vsstiaj--si Uhtitihtir kkwtV S-1 S M V a m VBOiksr fn or nt ia t snOsi asta smh f taWrm ai. ttum.. y m, j , ? - ttedol Dyspepsia Ccro I v?-rF i? fit ! J-mm- ma n Doti-ht, and which lui been liortie the Hltrnatnre of lias been made under lit per- Signaturo of , IB tW MTV. Iron Roofing. Galvanized Iron work, valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVERITT. lm ClDlera-lflfistin. Diarrhota, DyKntcry, aa th Bowel Traubka f Children Ofinr igt. Aidi Oigotion, Rtfnlatts tlit BowtU, Stwifthaw Owe Ktrl mlto. torn ...iH UUIuoUiItiM (Akv)SMna Administrator's Notic. Having qualifii-d as adrcinittrmtor on the) nit ate of ham'l M. Ktanly, dee'd, all ifrgon on ini the eaid estate are here ij notified to make prompt payment and save font ; and all persons holding claim againet tbe estate will present tht-m fur payment within the time pro scribed by law or this notice will bo plead in bar of their collection. J. I). SMITH, Administrator Feb. 4, 1904 of Pam'l M. fctanly, dee'd. IfPSIA M Par tv fmrn I Isrtlai f -7 flsi in tut tkuisi It-na I toukl el doUhimj but muk loisKt. at timrc my umacii ou4 ftot r-tin kuJ dit-r-l eoti UiL LsuU Mftrrk tWC&n UMttttf CAM'AKr.'IS ftlkd .fK U I bftve t3i-ti(li laiirovKt. until i sai m vU M I tvr tu lo trijr hte." Daw ib H Mi rfht. Ncwtvrk. O. (rood. Bf f r-i . . ut brtpa ... CURE CONSTIPATIOM. Hhasj Mtmrntf Uwutr. ssw f - M K3-T0-EA f 4 tuf .'rti! br an arjgf ECZEMA, Old Sares, ttchHn Piles, SUo Cueases, ABSOLUTELY CURED HERMIT SALVn, tS anc so ccnts a sc t. Sold by i'l Pnwri-ii. - Tali no other. roemoKi aARAKTrra. tnSmr 0BVa C.n v. -i , i 4 1. i 15 ' . -I - Ml Sai rmm Wmrm ra m. mm rmm s Shs Sh Vary tmmmm mmt

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