i nrv Airy MOUN VOL. 21. MOUNT AIRY, N. C. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 2, 1001. NO. m. News. The Grip Leaves Thousands Weak, Nervous, Dyspeptic, Catarrli Wrecks. ! AVw ) V Journal. Purir tht rtititt Crip tpi Jtmic, daimiup million vic tims or more, thr tffl,itn,y cf Pertin,i in fail ily rtlirving this mt!a,ly anj its after effects kits been th talk cf the continent? LIKK A DKMON" grip haa crowed otir country, )avlng N-lilnd Kurci of phralcal wm ki, Victim, of catarrh of I ho head, catarrh f tli. throat, catarrh of Hie lunc, catarrh of the stomach, rnUrrli i t I ho Vtdnoj., c.Urrli of tin prhii) orcnnii, r to b counUMl l'jr lniiiilriilii of thou uiiia. Grip 1. rpiili-inlfl mi.rrh, nd Kiwi tha Kvd of r.liruiiic r.tarrh illun ih.iyitcm. Thl U o tru. that fi'W grip nuffrrfr. V tble lo make a roinplt-to rpi-ovrry until they tiavo nurd IVruna. Never in tho history of mrdlelna ha remedy received ancfrunijiialinwl and unlTer.al eulogta. a. I'cruna. A New York Alderman' experience, lion. Joeph A. Tllnn, alderman l"ifth lilnlrlct, wr:toa from K4 C'lirlstojlur lret, New York City, an follow.: "When a pe.tllonce overtake our peopln we take precaution an a nailon t.. pretMTve the clllxeni againut the ilnn.l d iwane. " Rrlppe tai entered tlumsandii of our homes thl. fall, and I noticed that the people who used I'eniiia weriiM k ly realored, whl1 thoso wjio di'.i'nde.I , on doctor a prcaerlptlonn, iijx tit o't l in recovering, leaving them weak and emaciated. I had a .llpht attack of la grippe :nl at one took l'eruna. wh'.'h drum the m m--...... a .-i. . b. 1 - 1 -' 1 --1' . .1. W. KAEP it CO., Mm b Fnrmtsre, tes Faroiii Goofls, it, k, AND COFFINS, CASKETS, BURIAL R03ES. OHDiaTAKE.V MAIN fiTRTET. A "WE Ht3 Una fflJ are M OH Will PayPrijiiy. 3Vtt. FORGET Ifcat fe sell this fa edss Shoe. Also a big line cf ether kinds. Ion till always find ns Ileadquartcrs for Shocs,StaileDry-Goods V.nd G-roocrios. Yours lor Low Prices, JR. D. DeYault & Co. THE GRIP THOUSANDS IN ITS )V PATH WEAK. NERVOUS DYSPEPTIC. yn? dlwa-e out of my ytem In few day. j and did not hinder me from iiuratilna my dally work. 'I .hotilil like to ace our Hoard of Health give II odiclal recognition and have it used generally amonn our pr h k Nple in (inhaler New York." Iiwi j.h A, 11 Inn. 1. I.. Wallace, acharter meiulerof the international ltarl-r' I'iiIoii, w rile, from 15 Wctern avenue, Minneaptdi, Minn. "lot lowing a .erere atta-k of la grippe t .eeined to 1 affcted hadly all over. I duffcrcd with a .ever backache, finll ge.tion and numeroii. ill., ao I could in itle r eat Itor leep, anil I thought I would give tip my Work, which 1 could not alTord to do. tie of my eii.toini r. w how .in greailv heljxil hy lVnma a.h Ued me to tr it, and I procured a Ih.hIc the f.un" day . I u-i'd it fiiitlifu'.ly and felt a 111:11k. -d im proveiucnt. Iiurm the n. t twomontha I t.-.k five In, tiles, and then felt aplej dul. Now my bead i. ch ar, my nerv- IcaJv. 1 nil.. v f. nI, and rextwell. r.- jrun.i 0 worth a dollar mdoe to j inc."-I. 1.. Wallace. I Mr. u. II. lvrry, At.-hi.on, Kan-..i, 1 write.; A-m, after repealed trial. ,.f your 111. ,iic, I'. ri.ua and Manalin, I g.M thin 1 my epr. -i-l..ii of the wo.i.lertul re-uli- ,,f j.,ur very aiiiald ti edle.-ne t :-;v.v . - - - it v- MOUNT AIRV, N. C. Emi lo Patronize tlis Airy News. : ?. - . -.; .'... . . - . i . Wf j, YZLDOUGLAS 25 OSS t,t40o ir'ilf.-.2 UNION ttorui 55fHMCiiX" hi'-.jr MADE W LijOUGLAS NAKES H0!U3o-eAKD.r.eSHDS in its Path LEAVES CATARRH WRECI In It. effect. In my CaM fu-r rex.alHl trial.. " Flrnt, it cured me of chronic hmn- chili, of fifteen ycara'alandlng hy imin j . two imtlle of rerun In January, lM, an. I no return of It. After 1 wa. cured of lironchitl. I had 1 grippe every winter for several win ter", lint, throuch the use of IVnin. it got gradually weaker In It. .everily, until It dwindled down to mere .tupnr - - i for two or three day.. Now the aiupor i1.m- not trouble me any more."- "-. 1U 1 erry. A Cnnircssman's experience. House of r.epreaentatlve., Waahillgtoll, 1. v. I'eruna Medicine Co., (Vlumhn., t ihlo. (Jeiitliiucn "I am mote than .uiilled w Mh reruna, and find It to lie an excel lent remedy for the gvip mul catarrh. I hocused it In my family and they all J in me In recommending it a. an excel lent reniedv." 'ory re.peclfully, George H. Whitn. If yoa do not derive prompt and m.i fx tory ri'Mill. from the ue of l'er.nia, write at once to Ir. Ilartman, giving full HtHtement of your case and he will I pleased to give yuii hit valna' ! ad vice p rai i-.. A.l.lr.-s lr. Htrtinan, rrcnieut 1 f The HarUnan bauitariulii. 1'u1diiiI.: - t. Educational Zeal. North Caroiiniarn rejoice to be ppoken of a being in the forefront of educational progress, and it is only natural that we should under eueh conditions forget some thingi we onld otherwise remember. We have as State superintendent of edu cation one of the moet able of the men who have occupied that poei ti..n. lie is thoroughly educated, specially trained for his peculiar vocation, experienced by years of Hieeiseftil work, and a master of the detnils of his llice. 'With those ijnaliticatioris in the cotton mill buai nie, I e would be drawing a salary of from jS.OiiO to $15,000 a year. As a lawyer,' he would easily earn $5H t0 a year. In any business and anywhere, he would be at the top and tniinnitly successful, ilut as superintendent of education, with direct or indirect control of 7 coun ty superintendents and 7,0u0 teach ers, and the expenditure of bun drtdsof thousands of dollars, this man is pid $1,500 a year. A manager of a Northern millionaire's dog kfnuela in Randolph county is paid $1,600 a year, and his assistants $50 a month, while the f uperintend ent of child-training in this State gets $1,500 and the average teacher $24 a month. North Carolina will before long realize that she has but a veiy few such men as I'rol. J. V. Joyner, and that if the public schools are to be the force they should be, the teachers and superintendent! must be so paid that tbey can de vote their entire time and attention to the work in their care. Charlotte Chronicle. A rninieter of Morgantown, W. Va., made a stir on a recent Sunday, when be denounced society from the pnlpit for receiving a young man, while the girl he had disgraced had to flee from the town. The girl was a student at the West Virginia University and the man was a hotel clerk who had been a fellow student After the exposure from the pulpit the young man left town. Millionaire's Poor Stomach. The worn oulBlomach of tbe over fed millionaire is often paraded in the public prints as a horrible ex ample of the evils attendant on the poKHOsaion of great wealth. But millionaires are not the only ones wliouiekffl c;ed with bad stomachs. Tbe proportion is far greater among tbe toilers, jjyspepsia and indiges tion are rampant among tbeae peo ple, and tbey suffer iar worse tor tures than the millionaire unlesa they avail theraseives ot a atandard medicine like Green's AnguU Flow er, which baa boon a iavoiite house hold remedy for all stomac h troubles for ovor thirty-6ve yearn. Auguat Fiowi-r route the torpid liver, thus ereatiiitf appetite and insuring per teet diges'ion. It tone and vital iiitt the entirt) system and -nakes life worth living, no mailer wb&t your station. Trial bottlua, 25c; regular izu. T5c. 1. W. West, Drug-giM. ID I Explained by Mrs. F. L. Townsend. The Hoard of the Woman's Home Mission Society, of tho M K. Church, South, hai instituted a plan by which the work ol this orgaulxition may be brought buloro the public in order to enlist tha interest and ivmiiathT of somo who might othurwite koovr nothing of the society. Through what it known u tbe Literaturo and 1'ross Department every auxiliaryy is supplied with monthly items bearing on the gcn eral work, ana racn auxiliary is - . t t earnestly requested to make nse of local papers in disseminating this information and other news of the society. This by way of explaining the fc that I am taking advantage of Mr. Iiwiy s ciurtesy and am using space for this article. Several years ago isishop liar grove made his episcopal rounds and became familiar with the great dif ficoltiei which meet an itinerant minister in the lar West. ()a hit return home bespoke to a few ladies of these hardships, of bow the preachers worked so often without a home, or at best, a home of such poor sort. Said he : " W by should not yoa women of the South set to work and help tnese men by build ing homes for them ?" From this conversation s prang the Homo Mission Society, an organizi tion which is taking deep root in our land. Miss Lucinda Helm was its founder, and her thought was, at first, to aid the preachers, in these hard works especially, by donations and loans for the building or re modelling of parsonages. l!ut as the years have passed tbe scope of lome Mission work has widened ont till it is as broad as the heart of philanthropy itself. It touches every phase of religious activity from in dustrial education to the neighbor- visit yoa pay a sick or troubled woman. The society has three distict pur poses : to aid in me connecuonai work, to care for the church and parsonage, and to do local work. Tbe connectional part of it is kept op by sending off the ten cent dues to our general treasurer at Nashville, where one half the dues are kept to be applied by the Board and the other half is brought back into each conference to be used in the belp- ng of a parsonage in some needy place. Tbe rest of the dues are used to keep up schools at different points : for Cubans in r lorida, fur Japanese and Chinese in California, tor whites n Kentucky and in Brevard, Is. C. Besides these we have a Rescue Home for fallen women in Dallas, Texas, an nterprise whce power for good is not to be lightly calcula ted. If yen but remember that there are more Italians in New York city than in the City of Florence, you will realize the need for evan gelistic work among foreigners who come to our shores. If yoa but re call the fact that the Chinese have Buddhist temples in the City of San b rancisco, yoa can readily see tbe duty df etljrt to Christianize these world-waifs among as. The Home Mission Society ap pealed to our last General Confer ence to establish the order of Dea conesses. The request was granted and the management of the new or der was turned over to the Home Mission Society itself. Already five new deaconesses have been ordained tfnd the call comes up from city af ter city, "Give us these women t3 btilp us. t rum the raokf of Home Mission worker will largely come these consecrated ladies, Vence we are urged to try to enlist the young women as well as the more mature. I have not yet touched on tbe lo cal work which each Auxiliary is expected to carry on. One duty is to care for tbe church and parson age, but where there is already a successful Aid Society snch, for instance, as Mt, Airy has, ol coarse that work is left altogether to tbe older society. Tbe other local work consists in visiting tbe sick, tbe poor and stran gers ; relieving want when we think it best, though indiscriminate giving is not to be encouraged, rather are we expected to go into the homes and learn of ourselves what would be tbe wise thing to do. We are expected to distribute reading mat ter, to read tbe Bible with those hj, we believe, might profit by it, we are supposed to be leady to bold cot tage prayer meeting where we hod an open door : we are to try to in crease tbe attendance at church and Sunday School. In other words, if we be true Home Mission workers we will be ready, should we live io a city, to go down into tbe slums, with onr gloves off, to work for uitn wbo came into tbe world to ea ve sin -nera and not simply the respectable or the cultured. We are supposed also to help our pastor in a special seuse by notify ing him of any place where his pres ence is needed and by trying, along with him, to comfort the ditreeed SSI III rich or poor, and to look up the ncg li f ted ones. In a town like Mt. Airy we do not have city slums to contend with that It a problem of the future, but we can and work to do. If we do not care to hold a prayer meeting, there it the friendly visit to be made wherein a good woman may cause her lest fortunate titter. to feel that a common bond of tympatby anile the two. There are to many little wayt to mow ainauoM 1 wonder mar, more of ut do not spend time in these lit tle things. Where are the last yoar't maga z'net that yoa do not care for! The re a somebody who would de light in getting bold of them. So of other way to give pleasure. Let ut pat oar hearts into it and we will do well. Thore't something fine about the work of the Winston Home Mission Society as it plant to do great things. Think of it getting up an entertain- rtinnl ftp KfU raa. .t..M..H . J k- '-" .v. wvv ywt VU11UIQU IUU uav ing a present for each child, but if we can not do these things we can, ip a quiet way, do good here and there and let men and women know that the church it alive and it a'thrill wiih a love which criet ont. "My brother, my sister, we would help you give at your hand J" Is the Gospel Preached ? Tbe Citizen it in receipt of many lettert which have not been pub lished, owing to the fact that the communications were unsigned. A perusal of tome of these anony mous epistlet leadt to the impression that there exists in the cuindt of some people a feeling that the churches of to-day are not truly ful- nuiug ine mission lor wbicn tbey were established. The question naturally arises, it the Gospel of Christ being preached a He intended that it should be t Duet there exist among tome pastors of to-day a tendency to depart from the staid religious methods of oar forefathers! Are the words of lov ing counsel gradually giving place to rhetorical displays and vitupera tive harangues! It the hope of eternal salvation, which hat often been tbe sole strength of despairing s uls, being gradually annihilated by discourcet which ever bold prominently before the Christian mind the prospect of everlasting damna'if n ! Are tbe s-ula of sin ners, whom Christ came on earth to save, to be rescued by merciless censure rather than piout exhorta tion! Is the Divine example ot the Master when He forgave the erring Magdalene, to be emulated by con demnatory utterances which shut ont all hope to the fallen ! It the despairing cry cf the tinner to be answered by telling him that he it irrevocably destined for tbe realms of fire end brimstone ! It the pul pit which was intended for the dis semination of the Gospel troths be ing used at a political rostrum and lecture bureau I To turn up, it tbe spirit ot sensationalism invading the sanctity of the church ! We submit these questions to the consideration of a fair-minded pub lic. We are not prepared to assume the responsibility of ao affirmative reply to each and every one of these queries. But we have no hesitation in saying that all of them will i Or nish much food for reflection on the part of Christian-minded men and women. Asbeville Citizen. Id Buncorcbe Superior Court the other day a Iroe bill was found against A. W. tutton, Esq , and John Long, who are charged with conspiracy to defraud in telling tbe Pristine Petrified Company, of Asbeville, a fake petrified man. Sitton it also indicted for receiving money under false pretense. f Corn must have a sufficient supply of Potash in order to develop into a crop. No amount of Phosphoric Acid or Nitrogen Ckn compen sate for a lack of potash in 1 fertilizer for grain and all .1 1 T omer crops j. W aWl a tU4 w and tnt a mf abW iaferaQa boot tai ahn. OEM. KALI WORMS. 1 FAS 1 HAIR 1 hmm 4 HAIR BALSAM : 1 f ! I to It TmrStNi Oo'-w. The Wilson Farce. The farce called court at Wilson which recently settled a murder case by compromise, deserve the con demnation of all right thinking people. Our readori will remember how a mob went to tbe private room of Percy Jonea and attempted to run him out of town, and how Jones in trying to defend himself wa kill ed. Now tho court by agreement of counsel 00 both tides allows the men who were implicated in the aff ir to in bin it to manslaughter and give them aoutence of six to ten month in the ponitontiary. This penalty it often imposed for misdemeanors, and to let a case of thi kind go off in that way it (imply inviting lynch, ing. Such a travesty on justice do maud the contempt of decent peo ple. Lenoir Mew. Trinity College. Dr. Kilgo taya Trinity College ha more academio ttudontt enrolled than any other college between the t otomao and Miasirsippi river. And yet it wt thought by some that the building which represent so much money, to much of the future of Methodism, would be left desolate, the home of owl and baU, or at pack honse for the cigar ette truit. We cannot al way tell just what it to happen. lUluigh Time. Russian Students Coming. M.i r Alger M. Wheeler, who recently made a trip to Knssia in the interest of the Pike concession called "A Trip to Siberia," tay that 75 student and several professor from the Russian Imperial School of Engineering will (pend two months in America this year, and that they will visit the World's Fair in a body and remain for two week studying the exhibits of interest peculiar to their profession. More War News. St. Petersburg, Feb. 25. A tele gram from Viceroy Alexieff to the Cztr says: "At a quarter betore three in tbe morning of February 23 numerous Japanese torpedo boats-attempted to attack tbe battleship Ketviztn and sink large steamers loaded wiib inflammables. Tbe Retvizan was the first to observe the torpedo boatt and opened a strong fire on them. She was supported by the land bat tenet. She destroyed two steamers near tbe entrance of the harbor; they were coming directly towards her. One of them went down on the rocks near the lighthouse on Tiger Peninsula and the other sank under Golden Hill. The Retvizau observed four steamers in a sinking condition, and eight torpedo boats departing slowly to rejoin the wait ing Japanese warships. A portion of the crews of the Japanese vessels was drowned. The grounded steam er is still burning. The enemy is observed in the oiling of Port Arthur in two lines." St. Petersburg, Feb. 5 The wildest rumors have been afloat here regarding the reported Japantse re pulse at Port Arthur, but up to midnight nothing otncial could be learned. An official bulletin, how ever, is expected soon. It is reported unofficially tbattht- Japanese, while attempting to lind at Pigeon Bay, lost two cruisers and two transports. Ten Thousand Churches in the United States have used tbe Longman & Martinez Pore Paints. Every Church will be given a lib eral quantity whenever they paint. Don t pay $1.50 a gallon tor Un seed oil (worth 60 cents) which yoa do when yoa bay thin paint in a can with a paint label on it 8 and 6 make 14, therefore when ou want fourteen gallons of paint, uy only eight gallons of L. fc M., and mix six gallons of pore linseed oil with it You need onlv four eallona of L it M. Paint, and three gallons of oil mixed therewith to paint a good sized honse. Houses painted with these paints never grow shabby even atter is years. These celebrated paints are sold by F. L. Smith & Co., Agents The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic disease experience great difficulty in having their case in telligently treated by tbe average physician. Theee diseases can only be cared by a specialist wbo under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga it acknowledged tbe most skillful and tuocesef ul specialist in the Uni ted States. Write him for bit ex pert opinion of your case, for which Lb make no charge. "Stoo vour rroauine." Rhenma- 3 1 cide will cure yoa, and make yoa feel ten years younger. Get it at your druggist's. 3ato Chi tT trm tttm W -'-' nw Trt i tit tvrr tmiitM, Fray's VennifzgQ mmm aM erf tm. m tt a m-H tt-d wU wjafe iiflt .. ua Amenm tatra a"' Vf la, ft. ft. MIV, ItHWlOf, 4. ANcCi'lrtble IVepnMlutnror As -slmilnlini iticFixxlnmlllotful'i ling flic Sh)ia;ic!is iual Bowels of Promotes Dii;tsliiM.Ciarriif nes and Rt'sl .Contains lu'illar Opium. Morplune nor MuarraL OT NAHCOTIC, tftMiy uvr tl rrroaR M Xmtm irs. Mi Aperfrrl Remedy forConslin tlon.SoiirSlitravh.Di.inWfl Worins.tonviilMoiw.rewrish nrss end Loss or Sleep. Tac Simile Sttinnlurc of NEW YOIiK. .,,1 4 ttaffvy,,, rtiiliisi txACT copy or wapc!. YOU CAN FIND n 1 1 i I M Ml M ip (Both Gal Also Tin and Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Old Copper, PnrinoK onrl DiTTftfo Crnnm Brass Lead wu uuu wbaiu Pewter and and Water Pipe Fit- Rubber bought tinsrs of all kinds. atEyentts. rp M r OAK - RIDGE C 1 -f 7 PREPARES I I. ill LEQLS - . , ISO. and for Ul t, Situated NEAR UREENS- BOKO, N. C. over 1.000 feel aboc the aea Irvct. in view of the mountain. Larg-e. ao Beat Equlppe.1 Fittlni School for Young Vcn .nit Boya la theNMith. Ratal 1 25.00 to 1175.00 rer annum. (OMKuTirui J. A. & M. H. HOLT a m aflttTlllMCLJ'CWSIJ-Ivl Cesti tilj 25 cesti Or Bull tl mm kCJ. MOFFETT. M. D ST. LOUIS. Ma Jui- V im. Dm. a f. orr-TT Hf nt.i.a X.arr MNdf wm mttmtmt ta tM sar gMaW10 u.i. a mm og pmn htaod a. fc-jmla.- In. Mnml Im iinman k. SW Mui lamM B n TlITEUIul Bamamramlil. Ml BMBIB TUIMilll, ai aw. HM M OlMt Im, n la, W. MoiT&a. a&u-i bb4 fngnrnm Tm (AJbJ Wmm "I viroto to Dr. Piarco for his Tbe lady, from whoae letter wc qnotir, got what she wrote for, and is a well woman to-day as a recntt or following Dr. I'ierce'a advice and using Dr. Pirn a Favorite Preacnption, the mediane which make weak women strong and sick women well, "Favorite Prescrip tion eatablipbea regnlanty, dnea weak ening drains, heaia inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakneaa. Sick women, especially those Buffering; faom diaraara cat long standing, are la- feed to cocntxlt Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All correspondence is held &J tnctly private and mcmSlj confiden tial. Addretw Dr. SL V, Pierce, Bufialo, N. Y. I can truth fuTTy tsrthal Dr. PWcel Pvwarh FtM. lift ton vFaadrrtiil mtxticioe mr& do swrvrs tbe pre war 0m tt wntrt Hn Kmmi ftponBrr, nf Ijik rirm, Moetcmtm Co., Uk h.. IKK . ! wava. sack frwir mocilhv and ibr n-i-rroar prmcrihpd the rtorttw- ds1 mt M gacA Fln!l 1 wrrtf to Dr. Pwrrr far hi (fHc. He twrred in v-r-r kiud Vrttrr irtnrtinr tn wtoct to k. I followed ht adrtct ami ka-dsy mm wrll woouan. thank to Vr. yrMt Dr. TSercr'a neaaant Pelleta ahonld he nard with m Famrite PrtcnpUcm mbe ever m laxative is required. Brw-ciiintj wrtr--o Bwon. Bti-sv . V - Writ p-t'? w;t. rH Hill BBS I" f W r em nirvpm a artim iir"t I ( 1 i i r - , i net r t- aaE : k w aW a. 1cg! Uyspspsla Cur Vjta wtat jwm V IIS I QUIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years wrm Tmi iinttua tenMar, mtw wmm 99V i W AM an vanizedlron and Tin), Iron Roofing, EVERITT. - INSTITUTE for th. lIVrBSITIES a4 COU well a fur for TEACH cTLeaut. .DD.iaa Oak Ridge, N. C. AT Aid. DlfUtkw. Btf the Bowcia, Stmtthcaa the ChiM and fcUkcs at Dnpsts, TEEThING EAST. Dw :ri k o l.x.ai I nf vMcripuiu Uom ta..ir arKUM. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified al administrator on the estate of Mm'l M. Stanly, dee d, all iM-rpon owing the .aid estate are here by notified to make tirompt payment and (ate octet ; and all persona holding; claim againft tl.e e.tate will present thrm for payment w ithin the time pre tTjld by law or this notice will be plead in bar of their eollwstion. J. D.8M1TH, Administrator Feb. , 1904. of r-am'l M. Btanly, dee'd. fSPEPSIfl For six fear. I mmm vlrtlBB artfyB wepla in tl .r furm 1 couta a4 BoUitnc but milk toiti, and at bo.fi wij aunach wtu4 But reu.n and dti'-i ever IUL Lt Marea I brFan uk'iu; A.- A 1. K J"s and aina the. I have auiiul it tn.rf.l, uuul 1 an aa wU as I ver a id n 1 lite." litrm B M t-arsr. Kewark, 0. Candy CATMAtmC rtaMtn. ?m'ah,v lnija. TaaWt) Oaol, l-a 8ou4. pvt h km KMUat. car &r.a Mc. Jatxttaj, CURE CONSTIPATION. JMii"att s.t4 to A i ava 1 itaaoan W ECZEMA Ota Sore, Kcfty PB. i SkJa Disease, a ABSOLUTELY CURED. HERMIT SALVE, ta . se cots a vox. Snid br all rh-arrofa. Tut at Wa a eV ewa at. QUIA in i. m m rmm fmm. m rmt tmm ti. a (Vr aaaTj't-AJfckUMk a - r . i ... - if- t4 V A