1 w n Mount Airy NWW H VOL. 24. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1001. NO. I'd. 3 QUEEN OF ACTRESSES PRAISES PE-RU-NA. 0-0X00 3C0KXK000KK e X W-- .;"V: -.;-v '.Li-.'V MIS3 JULIA 'K00-0 Id a mul letter to The IVruna M.-.II-rln. Co., Mlaa Julia Marlowe of New York Cltj, bu th. folluwlng to aycif rerun! " am glad to write my endorse ment of the great remedy, Peruna, as a nerve tonic. I do so most heartlly."Julia Marlowe. Nrrvouaneas I very common anions women. Thlacinilltloii lailue to annul. nerra center. Tlio nerve ri-nu-ra an' the ranrvolrl of lu-rvouii vitality. Tln-w contere Ixvome IiIimmIIi-k fur want of projMT nutrition. Thia In -.H-.-iu! ) y true lit tlio spring mason. Kv.-ry epriitK a boat of Invalid. ar produced ax tlio di rect fault of weak nerve. Till could las easily obviated bv Hie ti.e of IVruna. I'eruna utriken at tliel root of the difficulty ly corn-cllin; tin dilution. DiKeHtimi fnrnlHliea nuirl- I i $10,000 forfeit if we cannot produce the original letter and signature of above testimonial which w ell demonstrates its full yvr.uincnc s 1 "vr:- 'tr'i '.. . -""Jt' . i lia '."i J. W. EARP Ss CO., n u nmmi udhsb AND COFFINS, GASKETS, BURIAL ROBES. UNOCKTAKERS. MAIN STRtET. Solid ! - Reliable ! ! -A.alX- "SToxxr Doalor for txxicL Havo no OtHor tout "JEimS ..... j line oi oiner kidqs. ion till always find ds W. LD 0 I THAN Ileadquarters for SIiocs,SiaplcDjy-Goods -A.xad Grocorlos. Yours lor Low Prices, R. D. DeYault & Co. i ... - Th On Drfy Cold Cure. Prtf cr14 tn lh Vr '. ti1 aT lhr jt u Kf ttt 1 iriM(f4 L.jtt.i't'- v'.jiiiiii, t im I Im i'..M Tli Oupttrtd I'MOt I Aiinrtic lc or k. MARLOWE. lion for tlio nerve center. 'roHrly di KeMU'il fiMxl furiiili-s ili(e reaervolra of llfn with vitality which leailH toalroiiK. nti-ndy iiervea, and tlni inuirlehca life I'eruna U In great favor anions men, eei:illy th... w lio have voe. tloii tlmt am trying lo tlio nervous r a ten). I'eruna f urn ir the lnnling 1 n vigoralioii fur thu net ve that mh-Ii Hu )ln an mm-li n I. Thousand of tcatl- inoniiiN from women In all .art of tlio l nl led Htatea are Ix-iim rwelvid every year. Such iiiiwillilted t-vldclu-0 surely rovea tlmt IVriinu la without an eijiml m a nerve t..nie and a vital In. vi(.oral..r. liuy a bottle of Peruna today. If you do not receive all the bene fits from Peruna that ou ex- ! pectcd, write to Dr. Ilartman, Co- Iambus, Ohio. . i i il wiiisie ugogs. sc.. sc.. MOUNT AIRY, N. C - Comfortable ! ! ! BEOTHERS'" :ivSa. JU rStejEstfateoiEaiti TrFta oe Co., N8T0N-SALEM, N. C. o Iiouho in North Carolina,. LBOUGLAS 50 iVi U 6 LAS make s mcrl i and 3 shoes NY QTMtp TWQ M.i';aCT'lc3S III TH? W0B1D. Tho Cro Oiy Cold Cure. .a Curo DigMU wi.at you Mt 1 HA h 1X lM --UNION 'X MADE it Sea on tlie MeQiterranean March 24, 1004, I)orNeend Friends : Kvory school bov knowi that Gibraltar be lontrs to Great Dritain. This world renowned Rock waa wrested from Spain in 1704, and has been held by force of arms ever since, opain nev er having formally coded any rijjht or priviWo to the placo. Spain looks across tier borders toward thi ancient Pillow of Hercules, this crouching Lion, with envions eyes and would gladly storm the fort any day oho might entertain a gluam of hopo nl regaining tier righttul ter ritory. She has founded a city and two or thren villngis within throat ening proximity to the Uock, while between i una a narrow strip of low land belonging to no one, and, in cons (jueiiTe, is called tieutra ground. Juat south ot tins "no body's land" the Uock of Gibraltar rises up out of the soa 2,500 feet precipitous and dt hant, as if dial lunging the rest ol the world to sin glu com but. The town of some 20,000 inhabi tants gradully rists out of a flat and climbs this limestone mountain third of the distance to the top, drill itig and bUsiing out foundations tor stores and - dwellings, and cutting through the s lid rotk narrow streets or stairways that lead from t iio earth towards tho clouds. 1 hi ee are tlio cross town streo's, wtnie others wind gracefully around the side of the Uock up, up higher, back and forth, until the upper suburbs of tho city are reached. o climb ed and stepped and slid along tlieeo mystic masses until it seemed like a real 1'ritihh lion was somewhere crouching for us, whereupon we sought a guido who conducted us to the Galleries, and after submitting to much red tape exercises, as well as various and tedious delays, we were escorted half a mile through some dreary winding tunnels with here and there port holes lurnishod with heavy cannon looking toward tho soa and tho neighboring moun tains of Spain. John Uull had bis armed guards everywhere. A crowd of ns Sunday School pilgrims like to Lavo run over wo red coa's who gave the order for titteen to puss through a certain gate that had juet been thrown open. About one hundred of na made a rueb for the gate way and so render ed it impossible for the guard to clone tho pass. For fifty yards or more the crowd pressed on regard- ens of the earnest protest of King Edwards' forces. Each person in tho prets seemed - to think he was one of tho fifteen to whom tho or djr referred, and hence, bnt for the intervention of other guards further on, together with the formidable ar- illery looking us straight in the face, there is no telling who would ave owned tho Uock before snn set, oho l!ull or Uncle Sam. I'ut I must hurry on. Algeirs, abont which you hear but itile, tins much to ret res b and enter (tin those who go down to the sea in hips. 1 have never seen fuch queer, grottMtie!y ridiculous and lunny igli s in all my hfo as are bronght ace to face with one as he traverses he wavs and by ways, gardens and larks, bazaars and stands, etairwavs nd galleries of the capital of Al geria, it required 175 carriages to icvey our party about the city. The parks and gardens were fairly radiant with beauty and loveliness smiling in tneir robes ot tropical uxury, while in the new city there were stores and banks and shops and matihiotis that would rival I'aris in etatelinees and symmetry of design nd architecture. The old towo built farther away from tho shore is a perfect mszi ol narrow streets and pathways and stair ways, ranging from three to seven foot in width and filled with people ol many nationalities Malt ese, Turks, Arabs, Moors, Uedowina, Sinhalese, Negroes, and what not, all crying whatever wares they had to sell in t perfect babble of lan guages. Uonkoys, goats, dogs and cats were enjoying social equality with all the rest, while the children between the ages of six and twelve were busy begging ns American pil grims for all sorts of money and things. We were told it was dan gerous to go slooo through tho old quarters, so we paused through on toot (it was impossible to rid) in companiea of about fifty, each torn pany escorted by guides, who could speak throeor four language s There were ss many sorts of fantastic dresses as there were nationalities represented, and this added greatly to the grotesque and amusing side of the panorama In the stores every thing is exposed, the entrance often being the full size of the building fronting on the street. Many little shops are nothing more llmu dark, repulsive holes let into the stone wall, without any light txeept from the deeply shaded street or pathway. Near the entrance the owner will sit and cry to passers by how cheap he is selling bis wares. Yicterday we stoarred into tho worlJ renowned Island of Malta. I say into, for our ship which is f82 feet in length paased right up be tween great stone walls several bun dle 1 ytrds into the heart cf Valetta. We wero landed in about 50 row I oi's, t!in drove in enrriaires to a i y b i. ii when- wi am atx'Hrd iiid glid-d away ten miles ti 'lie ti.-t cpitnl ,f the IUnd, Citta Veerhia. Here we spent several hours riitii g queer Cathedrals, the Murium at d the Catacombs. Tne most interesting object reen was the cave in which tradition says St. Fan resided during bis three months stay ou the island after bia shipwreck. A splendid church is built over the spot, and several statues of the great apostle adorn some of the chapels Tho catacombs wore much the same in goneral appoarance as those I had seen in Koine, but I enjoyed seeing the ladies of our party pass in and go groping their way through the gloomy chambers of the dead, and wondering if they would ever get out again. On our return to Valetta we had several hours to explore the Bights of the city. St. John's Cathe dral was a marvel of beauty and ex quisite carving. Not even St.l'eter's in Homo possesses so charming an intorior. Many of our party were entrapped down in the crypt and an (during was demanded and made before they could get out. Malta is 17 miles long and about seven wide. It is emphatically built up out of stone with just a little soil dashed on here and there to fill np tho crev ices. Not a tree did we seo any. where except stunted fig and orange and other smaller growths. Away from tho cities stone fences enclose from one fourth to about one acre lots everywhere any soil can be found sufhciont to grow vegetables. There is not a house on the island that is not of stone. The ladies of our party invested iberitlly in Malta silk and linen lace, but I wanted a Malteae cat. I didn't even seo the genuine article, much ess have the chanco to boy. Io the late aftornoon we sailed out to St. Paul's I!y where he waa shipwrecked, and "some swam to shore, others on boards and broken pieces of the ship came sale to land without the loss of a single soul. Here wo nlainlv saw where two seas met, and doubtless gazed upon the very spot where tho ship ran aground and was broken to pieces. expected to seo some fragments of the old vessol in at least two or three of their cathedrals, but if they had any such relics we failed to note them. One of St John's hands was the only relic of great noto that we wero permitted to look upon. We are having a fine cruise, lho weather is ideal, the soa smooth and the sky clear. Overcoats and wraps are useless, whilo the ship has not been heated since the fourth day out from N e w l ork. To- morrow morn ng at G o'clock we expect to cast nchor in the harbor ol l ercius, hve miles from Athens. Will spend three days in this classic city, and ave services Sunday, 27tb mst., on Mar's Hill, where l'aul preached one of bis most memorable sermons. Sight and scones are drawing boav ily on my time, so I will just say Good night." W. M. CusniFr. Free Coinage Bill. A report from the Ilonse commit tee on 15 inking and currency rccom mending the jaeeace of the bill "to m prove currency conditions, has been tiled in the House by Chair man fowler ot that committee. The report explains each section of ie bill, lho first section provide or the uniform treatment of public moneys by repealing the law which rohibits customs receipts from be ng deposited in iNational banks. he result of the present law in this matter, it is declared is to unneces sarily tie up the money of the coun lho second section repeals the monthly three million dollar limit on bank note retirement. Tbe re port eays the repeal of this restric tion will give to the National bank note circulation all of the elasticity hicb it is possible lor a bond secured circulation to have. Tbe recoiuage of silver dollars in to subsidiary silver coins is provided n the third section of tbe bill. The limit of $ 100,000,000 as the total amount of subsidiary silver coins that can bo in existence at any one time, is repealed by this section. belief to the treasury department n its inability to meet the demand for small bills, owing to tbe manner in which present law limits their issuance, is sought to be remedied by tbe removal of this limitation. On this point tbe report says "It is probably true that the inability of the treasury to meet the demand for small bills, combined with the short age in subsidiary cjio in recent years, has compelled the retention of small billa in circulation until much of that form of money has be come ragged and filthy and pro duced conditions which havo fully justified tho vigorous crusade for e'ean money which has been recent ly inaugurated. It is believed, bow ever, that with the large discretion given to the treasury and tbe na tional banks under the provisions of this bill, supplemented by an abundant supply of subsidiary coin, much of tbe cause for complaint will be removed. The Value of Expert Treatment Everyone who is afflicted with chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their case in telligeutly treated by tbe average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist wbo under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga.. is acknowledged tbe most skillful and suecful sitecialist in the Uni ted Stu'ef. Wti.u him K-r nis ex tmrt opinion of your CrtK, for wbioti he make do charge. Strawberries are being shipped north from Wilmington. The first shipment was made on the lOlh. Race Trouble In Texas. News from Waller county, sixty miles north of Houston, indicate that race feeling ia very high, owin In the murder near Ilemstead of Tucker I'inrkney, brother of Con gressman John M. Pinckney of th Houston district. It appears that Pincknoy and a companion were riding by a negro church, when they were fired upon. While th dead man's body lay in front of tl church, a negro with a shotgun rod by and informed the crowd that h did tbe shooting, after which he dis appeared. Th is negro bad one fi nge xhot off, which Indicates that Pinck noy and his companion returned the lire. Goo. Gosa was with Pinckney when he waa killed. Goes says they were hunting cattlo and roade to negro church for a drink of wator when they were fired upon by the negroes, wbo were concealed behind the door. Soven revolver shot entered Pinckney' body and doath was instantaneous. Gosa said be has had touble with negroes and thinks they mistook the dead man for him. Over 100 armed whites are in the field after the negroes. Congressman Pinckney wired that he will leave Washington to day and would arrive at home Wednesday, I be dead man waa one of the lead ing planters and stock men of this section. Twenty-Nine Killed. Pensacola, Fla., April 13. By the explosion of two thousand ponnda ol powder in tbe alter twelve inch turret and the handling room of the battleship Missouri, Captain William S. Uowles, commanding, twenty nino men were instantly killed and five injured, two of whom will die. Ibe Missouri wss on tbe target range with the Texas and Urooklyn at practice about noon, when a charge of powder in the twelve inch loft hand gun exploded, gnited from gass and dropping be low ignited fonr charges of powder n the handling room and all ox ploded. Only one man of the entire turret and handling crew survives Put for the prompt and efficient work of Captain Cowles in hooding the handling room and magazine with water, one of the magazines wonld have exploded and the ship would have been deetroyod. Cap tain Cowles, completely overcome by the disaster, referred all news paper men to Lieutenant Hammer, tbe ordnance officer. Tha latter gave ont a statement of the explo sion and its probable cause. CLIMATIC CURES. Tbe Influence of climatic con ditiona in the cure of consumption is very much overdrawn. Tbe poor patient, and tho rich patient, too, can do much better at homo by proper attention to food digestion, and a regular use of German Syrup, i rco expectoration in tho morning is made certain by German Syrup, so ia a good night's rout and tbe absence of that weakening cough and de bilitating night sweat. Kestless nighta and tho exhaustion duo to coughing, tbe greatest danger and dread of tbe consumptive, can be prevonted or stopped by taking German Syrup liberally and regular ly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime, you will find that of tbe thousands of consumptives there, tbe few who are benefited and regain strength are those wbo use German Syrup. Trial bottles, 25c ; regular sire, 75c. I. W. West, Drug gist Tbe following vaccination news ia from tbe Wilmington Star: A large meeting was held at Snow Hill on Saturday to protest against com pulsory vaccination, t armers claim that so many of their families and tenants are being disabled by sore arms that it obstructs farm work. Are Yon a Dyspeptic ? If you ara a djipeptlo you owe it to yourself and jour frinnds to get well. Uyapepaia annoys tbe dyspeptic's fneud. because his disease sours his diapoaition as well as bis stomach. Ko dol Dyapepaia Dure will not only cure dyspepsia, indigestion and sour stom ach, but this palatable, reconstructive tonic dlKustaut strengthens the whole digestive apparatus, and sweetens tbe tits a wen aa the stomach. Vt ben you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure tbe food you eat is enjoyed. It ia dieetted. as similated and its nutrient properties appropriated by the blood and tissues. Health ia the result. Hold by I. W. West, druggist, Mt. Airy. K. 0. TL r '--l'l!,J37Tfff,ll,,' Our money winning books, writtrn by men wbo know, tell you all about Potash Thev are neded ty evrry man who owns a field and a plow, and who desirea to gel the moat out of them. They f f"l. Send Jtsmml rnrtL tirBa kali wanks Stow T - will, Atbata. Brw4 a. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM r ' . ' I F . J l IHn Wl to fctor (j -r I H.ir o U Yoniftful Oo: "",- jMnf d.MM.IUTlU 7" i " - ' 1 Scared to Death. After receiving a paper coffin, in which there was a note telling her lo be prepared for the death that wonld come within a week, Harriett Gra ham, an sged degress, reputed to be wealthy, has been found dead in her bod at 30G f razter street A coroners jury returned a vor diet that the woman died from valvular disease of the heart, parti ally due to the fright cansod by tbe grueaomo epistle she had recoived Chief Pill, at the request of Coroner btamps, has detailed several detect ives to work on the case. Harriott Graham waa an ante bollum ncgrcss, tho widow of Goorge Graham, a negro known all over Atlanta. He died wealthy, leaving his wife an entire block of property with seventeen bonsei, in one of which she lived. To a son, who is now a teacher in the public schools to Nashville, he left another block of property. This son ia a widower and tbe 15 year old daughter lived with bor grandmother. About a month ago the aged negroes, on going to her front ve randa, found a box a foot long made of black paper in the shape of a coffin. She was much frightened by the ghoulish contrivance, but look it into tbe bonse. It contained a long letter in scrawling hand, saying in substance that the writer bad for throe years been trying to get rid of bor. "Now 1 ve paid f 100 for a recipe that II end yonr existence," tbe let ter said. "As soon as you take this colli n into your bouse yon are doomed. Io ton days you'll be dead." . The woman was terribly scared. She did not, however, consult the police department, but showed the etter in her neighborhood. At tbe advice of her neighbors, who feared that she would be poisoned, she stopped drinking from the well in her yard, carrying water for some distance in a bncket. hicb morn ing she found queer colored dirt scattered about her house. Friday afternoon her grand daughter left the bouse for an hour. hen she returned she found the old woman lying dead on the floor. Icr face was distorted from fright, bnt there waa no mark of violence on her body. Literally scared to death by the anonymous communication she re ceived, however, was the verdict Atlanta Journal. No Bolting. The Anti-Saloon Leagne mnst not euconrage bolting. If anybody bolts in the name of the League, it should epidato them. 1 he League strict ly pledgos cot to interfere with the ealty of citizens to their parties, it will find itself upon the rocks and II its fair prospects blighted, if any local organizition proceeds to bolt or encourage bolting. How then are we to bnOg onr purposes to pass? By patient and steady work. Abide in tbe ship, and one day you will find tbe holm in good hands. There are horses and horses. One horse will break away with a snort and make bait a mile in good time. Another will move off steadily and pulls his load thirty miles without faltering. This work of establishing a great moral reform will never be accomplished by the bolters. They set it back. n ten years, if we make no mis takes, we shall redeem North Caro- na. If a political machine cheats or suppresses the voice of tbe people, it should be overthrown. Loder uch circumstances revolutionary measures are justifiable. Put do not bolt in tbe name of temperance. If you are a party man, go into your party primaries, work hard lor your candidates ; and if you are honorably defeated, stand your ground, keep your faith and go on with the work of education. To bolt will only paralyze your influence and your cause. Biblical Uecorder. Tea Thousand Churches tbe United States have used the Longman x Martinez rure I amts. Every Church will be given a lib eral quantity whenever tbey paint. Don t pay 1.50 a gallon lor Un seed oil (worth CO cents) which you do when you bny thin paint in a can with a paint label on it 8 and 6 make 14, therefore when you want fourteen gallons of paint, uy only eight gallons ot L. V At, and mix six gallons of pure linseed oil with it Von need onlv loor rations of L. & M. Paint, and three gallons of oil uii.iu tuoiv.iku w vwu. m .vu t hA-anr I In . nalnf m ww1 zed hnnaa. I Houses painted with these paints never grow shabby even alter is years. These celebrated paints are old by F. L. Smith & Co., Agents Starts to work with the first dose " Let Ilhenmacide becin to-dav th campaign against disease in your a. .ii i. bodj A l mil uiukibw. VSSJ SXetaaHaBt I n.i fasr. tKi tiaa Thotr Bt ara i umt-T ', tiatj tba. 4 .ta4rik, Mistpl, rssa. Fray's Yerinifyga tv4 ! Of thm Ksap-ft Ihej srrw sn4 won mr tare . i)is ru . a tla'4a natflrti Itti f Ktn atw K. ft. Ptr, latimor, Hd. I f fall The Kind Yon Hnvn Always In uho for over .'JO jenra, ami yT ' I, "oniil stiiervisloii nine Ita Infancy. -CCtCAl4t Allow tin oiiA tn divelvn won In thlo. All Counterfeits IiuKutlniH and "JuKt-Hn-frood" are but KxiM-riHi-iit Unit trillei with and einlantrer the health of Infant and Children l'iierletioo niilnst Experiment. What is CASTORIA i Caatorla Im a h(trm1e mihstltutn for Castor OU, rare gorlo. Prop and Soothing Sjrup. It I lMeaxaut, It contain neither Opium, Morphine) nor other Jiiirootlo puihMtaiieo. Its oo U lis guarantee. It (lextroyn Worm anil allay IYverMinci. It cure Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieve Teetliintr Troublcx, euro Constipation mid Flatulency. It niitiil.itc thn 1'oixl, regulates) the (Stomach and ItoueN, nM"tr healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children' I'anacea-Tlio Mother' 1'rlend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears tho The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. fTUM Mt , VT TISt-rT. Is WW 0MI MTa YOU CAN FIND n I D (Both Gal Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. P r OAK- RIDGE INSTITUTE 5 cf Wn t PR' PAPE5 ,nf 'h tMVFRSITIES and COL. 31 I Cell l. ten S a. wrll an (or liLSINLSS. lor TEACH. INO. and (or LIH2. Sllu.trd NEAR GREENS BokO, N. C, over 1 .000 fret ahovt the ra level, in view ot th. mountain.. I .re.t and lle.t Equipped Fitting School lor Young Mea and Boys ia th.uuth. RaU.i $129.00 to $175.00 per annum. roa ac.uTiruL c.taloouc. .ODarsa J. A. & M. M. HOLT .-. Oak Rltlge, N. C. PI 11 i CTaXTRLKiLrfiWC IK 1 Casts CWj 25 cats Or sufl IS i a C TsuauaaTZi... J.ir at. Wia, Da. a J. aftm-li ainaitoiinu rwimM awdlM, TKKTEU.NA. wiUMiMWH'm.t inn nun wa. nmmm is im IMdf kloed M. off par. ud enrmuul aw oobu.m. Im 4... m tti try TKKTHIK A. .n. t. . 4r vUiiuu. tiiTniXi.. u. iMaa. Ma. ft, W. "i vroto to Dr. Plorco for his cdvicc." The lady, from whose letter we qrtote. got what ahe wrote for, and is a well woman to-tlav as a result ot tollnwing Dr. Pierce's advice and neine Dr. Meree's Favorite Prescription, the medicine which make weak women at rang and tick women welL "Favorite rrescniv tion etat)li?hea regnlarity, dries weak ening drains, heala inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. Sick women, eapecially those suffering torn diaeaaes ol long standing, are io- 1 I vited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, tee. All correspondence ia "held aa strictly private and eacredly confiden tial. Addreaa Dr. R. V. Pierce, Butfalo, N. Y. I ran truthfully aaytnat Tr fHere. Faamite rreacrliltrti la a w.To.leil-.U fnrttlclne nl de mtrwvm the nraiae r'rm tl - amte. aim. hmrna Biwfmff, i.l" LakrMew Mofitfatoa (a. Xsich . Bom I am. n h fcur numtha. and the medi cine TiTearrllw-d hv the ftoelor. did vne no good Ftnallv 1 wnne tn tie p-iert-e l.ie hia .dr-e He aaaairred In a v-rr kind letier I natron ma: ane what to do I fc.llmm hl .dvit and uj-oar aa. a well woman, thank, to Iff. fierce Dr. Pierce's Ilrasant Pellets ahould be Used with '' pavtinte Prearri ption " wbea tver a laxative ia required. ItaMtt ama yaa araae r iw ,v -waiaej ..a. lit. d-.r lor kf!r, " "aj a a-Tfc jp atn.- ka4 wad affll 1 I 1 v , -a waaiaa . nr,M dv I j .a I . ia l.a.ait B.a Ul"" ' ,a.:'t -eap . i 1 1 all loan .".. eT a ' ' ' I y.ajr 'LrfWai-aal!' Wi f , f mrt ttodol lyspcps.ia Ct.ro r Imm ITY f 1 VI r ft I 1 1 4 ..fcAikjJ Bought, And which La been lu bortin tho signature of bin been mrule under his per Signature of vanized Iron and Tin), Iron Roofing, Galvanized Iron work, an i, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVEEITT. th Bowel Trwubaa) af Children ofinr ift. uisuooa. Ktralasas trx Bowels, StraajthsM at Dngglsts, trie UtHd ana Males TEETHING CAST. I D. ST. LOUIS. MO. ' J. MOFFaTT, M. Dm a In luta to m On Ucu. (in, )a.l lAtrwa Jul Latnaaa aaaaUla 014, aaa aaat aWaal floa tmai.l; akraelaaa, Ba 1- M ma. Bat .1. anal alae 1 1 lllH 4j rraal Uaafft-M. laM aaat Saaataawa. lur. or prtMnpuaaj mat imu: e m iam r. . frrt aaaa uni. tcb. la .w ..in MoleUkB4ila.aaarnwilaM.Ti .(AJaJI AdminLstrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator on the estate of ham'l M. Htanly, dee'd, all persona owing the said estate are here by notified to make prompt payment and save cost; and all persons holding claims against the estate will present them for payment within the time pre scribed by law or this notice will be plead in bar of their collection. J. D. SMITH, Administrator Feb. 4, 1904. of Haru'l M. Htanly, dee'd. "For atx yeara I waa a vletlaa of dya- pepalai iu ttav w.rat form. 1 could aa. aoaaiiaa butmilk touat. and at time, my .u-aiaeh would ool retain and dtirrst even Uul Laat Marea I began lakmtf CAWAlitTS and sine. the. I nave ' !!, Improved, jntll I ats as well aa I ..er aaa lu my Itle." Daviu U Mcbpbt, Kewark. 0. ZP CathaVtic Plaeaant, r-i'atahle mtctit Tmat. Sons ra 0ud. H'.en W ama.n. or ttnial kaa. Baa. BaS. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Ctlmaa. li'iat. aa. ffaaa. SIS WT1 P t P "' and t.r."uwt fcy all drwr lalBW .1.14 u c at a. iMtm atawt, KILLthe COUCH N3 CURE the LU.iCS Dr. King's WITH Iq'.y Discovery naieiiaiBTina Prit fPt? I OOf.HSaad socafi.es Free Trial a (1L0S bureau at a Uuitae.t Cur for tai THKOAT and LUKO TB0C li3. or KOK EY BACK. ta Hal fr rtriy CMtt. f L.n-.-.l t.-w BMt e-i-., an.a-aai Waaaa . . . -, . ,. -....w. hh. ara. i. i i iiiaia. r.ln-.l. tant WaH WHh SJaalaairnaa. -y r ..t::. e-.r air.wa f . mt,. U C V C Bk'l, l.lwat I

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