Mount Airy H MOUNT AIRY, N. C. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1001. NO. 41. VOL. 24. News.""" " r DAM GROSVEMOR SAYS: Pe-ru-na is an Excellent Spring Catarrh Remedy -I am as - -1 HO. D1H. A. GBOSTEXOR, OF THE FISOIS OUIO F1M1LY. Hon. Dan. A. GrosTenor, IVputy Auditor for the War 1H partnunUn a Mtrr written from Washington, D. C, saya: Mow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived from one bottle of Peru na. One week has brought wonderful changes and I am now sa well as ever. Besides being one of the very best spring tonics It la an excellent catarrh remedy." DAS. A. OROSVE.SOR. In ft rwoent letter h says: consider Pervna really more meritorious than I did when I wrote you last I receive numerous letters from acquaintances all o er the country asking me if my certificate Is genuine. I In x ariably answer, yes."-Dan. A. Qrosvenor. A Coonty OMaUmrt Ittor. I ConKro.nAn, I-ettrr. Hon. John WlUUmft, County Commit- Hon. 11. W.OR.lm.fonirre-s'man from .i.r n.MTWoaafVKXondstreet.nuhith. Ixminiana, tnalvtur wnin-n al Wa-li Vlnn..saYSthe following In regard to , Foruna: " A. a remedy for catarrh 1 can fhwr fully recommend Pernnft. 1 know what 1 1 i to suffer from that terrible diwase and I foel that HU my duty to pmk a pcKul word for the tonic that limupht me immediate reitei. 1'erunarurtii me oi a , ,jCi,inriy if,ihe in the cure ot ca 1 ml cae of ratarrh and 1 know It will thrift. Pur those .o reeJ a friod cure any other auffcrcr frara that U i - j cmn rrh medicine I know of nothing ras." John William, better." i . ... -i" - - - - J. W. KA.T?P ife CO., Mm ii Fcrriitie, Mi Furiiii Goot-s, fo, 4c, AND COFFINS, GASKETS, BUIML ROBES. UNDHTAKEH8. MiS STdttT. tlQUneimi'lO i - MMraJ0y FORGET 1 bat we sell this fa mous Shoe. Also a big line of other kinds. od fill always find us r '. i-i'lMF lxN -r-T-TA I' ' I H NEW HOOKf Headquarters l(ir Slioes,Siap!cDry- And Groceries. Yours lor I ow Prices, V.. D. DolTa-ult & The Cn-s TJ.iy Cif Th Ono s..- Well as Ever." IM i 1 tn;tn, I. C, oaya the following of l'e nina, the national ratarrh rc-mwly : I can conscientiously mommtmf your Pervna an a fine tonic and all around good medicine to those ho are In need of a catarrh remedy. It has been commended to me by people n hi have ussd It, in a remedy par MOUNT AIRY, N. a - l - - 0 Three Times the Value of Any Other. One Third Easter. One Third Faster. The only Hewing Machine that doe not fail in any point. liotary Mot'on rid Ball BeariiiK. make it the lightest running machine in the world. Agents wanted in unoccu pied territory. Send for circular and term. Wheeler I Wilson Mfg. Co, Atlanta, Ga, For aalc by J. 0. Jcakln., Mt. Airy. 1 ILBOUGLAS ' N J. ' I " WCHlJbS ,waioi situpoAy, rjtr maul W.L.DOU6LA5MAKESM0Rt3?AKD3JSHOES . than two c.'siiw'snjs ih the wwitj Goods Co ire 1' V "DiO. t4ii UkmtM m GaWfy W. T.. flrlfrtlli, Conean, Tela, wrlteat "I aiiffenil wild rhmtiia catarrh f'r many yeart. I took IVruna and It otiin plotely cnml mo. I think IVruna In tin lx't nKslii'lno In the world for catarrh. My K'eral health U much In. proved dy 11. ue, a. I am much atroiiKr Clan I have hven for year.." W. K. lirim'h. A foitf rfuinai'i letter Cincrennian If. Tlowen, HiiKkln,Taxe well riiuity, Va., w rite. I " can cherrfuHy recommend your valuahle remedy. Pcruna, to any one n no It Buffering with catarrh, and h ho 1 In need uf a permanent and effective cure." - II. Hon en. Mr. Krxl. 1. Hcott, Irno, Ohio, llltsht (luuril of HlraniKoot Hull Tenm, wrllnl ' A ft apeciito for lung trmiMcI plneo rerumt at the head. I have til It my .elf forrohl. and raliirrh of tho Ixiwi U and H I a rplcmlld remtily. II r'Htorra vitality, Increaeea bcxllly atrrnRth and make, a nick permn well In a nhort time I (ilve lVrtinft my hearty luilorneinent." Kr. d. It.Keott. Oen. Ira C. Abhott, M.treet,N. W, aHhluptoii, 1. C, wriUi.) " I am fully coiiTlnoed that your rem edy la an excellent tonle. Many of my frlctiils have himhI It w ith tho nuwt In n clli lnl ri'"Ulia for couch., cold, and caf tarrhul troiilile." Ira ('. AliliolU Mr.. K'mer Fleming, orator of lUwf voir Council No. 1, Northwintrrn i:lon of Honor, of Minn aioll', Minn., write, from ZM Tolk atrot, M". .t I have horn trouliliHl all my life with catarrh In my head. I liiuk IVruna for about threa month., nd now think I am permanently cured. I tx'lleva that for catarrh in all It forma Mrt. l-.lmrr "Irnttn Wjuni'njll, W in it. rerun a la the medicine of the age. It cure, when all other remedies fall. I can heartily reeommrnd lYrutia, aa ft catarrh remedy." Mr.. K liner I'lomlnK Treat Ctarrh In Rprlng, The .prinjr I. the time to treat catarrh. Cold, wel winter weather ofh n retard a cure of catarrh. If a course of IVruna In tnken during the early pprlnR month the cure will lie prompt and permanent. There can lie no failurcx if IVima U I -.ken Intelligently during the fax orahla xvealher tf il'riiig. A. a fyMemie catarrh remedy IVruna eradicate. catnTrh from the fv!ini xx hercver it may 1m loi .ti-d. It cure catarrh of the xlomnch or Imw-N villi t he f-ame certainty as eatnrrhof the l,i ,;d. If you do not derive prompt and utlf factory l'Wiilta from the ue of re;u.:a, w l ite at once to lir. Hartman, piini; a full Ktateinciit of your oa.e and lie vx ;!1 lr ph-H-cd topivejou liis valuahle ad vice crntiK. Addre a Ir. ITarlmnn. PreMdevf i t The 1 'avtmitt r'"nii-- ''"). ' Dead Man Steers a Ship. A sealing schooner, the Arietta, recently sighted a mastiffs derelict ah nt 100 nii'ee southwest of Qaeen Clmrlntte islands. Although at firs' it was thought tht-r-i x-ai no one on board, a figure whs nt h nth made Qt crouching in a Icet'litiif jiosition at the wheel. The OHptain ol the Ariutie according ly hailed them when within distance and pr tiered assistance. Ilici-ivini? no answer, howerer, xrid nn'icin,.' 'lint the steersman t vi r s' if!'d ti is tio.ition, he lowered Kar. and with some of his crew K.i,(rd"d the d-relict He f nnd t;.at the niin whs quitedend and hud "jiixa'-entlv h.en so for s.ime linie, 'mi his rigid bands still grasped the wheel and gnided the vessel on its course. He had evidently h-en deserted by his crew in a storm, and as a last forlorn hope had lathed himself to the wheel. S ime food was foond cloeo to him and also two or three bottlts of medicine, showing sp parently that he WhS ill whin his 1 ing watt h began. The name of the schooner wsg the Gon Siglin, bound from San Fran cisco to Alaska. She had on board the complement of six sailors and five paesetigeia. The body of Capt. 8anndt rs was duly buried according to the rites observed at sea Ex. Prosperity Among the Rich. The year just past was a grt at one for the South, the most prosperous in fact since the Civil war. The chief factor, of course, was the phenomenal price of cotton, which xold higher than for many years past and put millions of dollars into the States which grow this staple. Tnere are other crops, however, all of which brought fair prices, and 'he result of it all has been a boom in the industrial life of tho South land that indicates a great awaken ing. New manotactQ'ing plants tiHve been established, whicti means m ire employment for the people and increased wealth for the com ninnity. Capital will fl iw in from utile mictions an demand ie made tor it by increasing growth and prosperity and there are those who p i die that the time will come when the s uthern S'atee will be the wealthiest in the Union. Speed the day ; all will rejoice in the pros parity of onr southern brethren. Atuericiti Farmer. Jug Business. Luuiberton and vicinity had pit. ay ot whiskey Suuday. A goti Human who came down on the "Corn Licker Express" says he is coi.liJ.-nt that from Lauriuburg to LuuihxTU n, inclusive, there was at Inst 5 gallons distributed. The pl 1 voi 1 the river a' "t .r, L'. k r fa Hon' and let i II a 1 l d p .ii I gt-f Willi five jlljfr hot ri c t IriPinJi. ai.iiig to ttBt ( nil x t . h tin- i ad Tula ittntlutuau . . l; a i tj J i lu re x ere at I'-aut ttL,i) live ai.tJii. brought to XjUm bertuo. Lmnthirtvo Argus, Concord Boy s Story NORTH CAROLINIAN ON BATTLESHIP WHEN THE EXPLOSION OCCURRED. Mr. II. 8. Scarboro, t Concord, N. C, boy, who Is aboard the battle ship Missouri, writes to hit mother graphic description of the explosion hat resulted In the death of about 3(1 seamen. Tho following extracM are tnken from the letter : "We were about finishing up our practice. At 10:30 a. m., tho for ward gnna had been tried, and we were almost throng!) with the after turret, but 3d men wcro doomed to die before it was finished. They had fired fivo shots when immedi ately there waa a dull sound which all knew to well meant a powder e x plosi on . I ii t h roe second s t ho fi re drill was i unded, and in two sec onds moro the pipes were connected and tho pumps going. There were 25 or 50 streams of water going in that ihort time. We all know aome thing had exploded in the alter turret, but the first thing to do was to quench the fhmea which were shooting out throngh the top. A soon at that was done volonloert were called for to go in and bring out those caught in the explosion. Up to 3 p. m., S3 had been taken ont dead. Most of tuem were burned to death, n that they did not look like human beings. Their eyes, ears and noses wore burned completely off. Among tho men killed were five oilicurs. It waa an awful sixfht to look at the poor fol lows. Those still living were pray ing for death to take them. "As Boon hre quarters was sounded all water tight doors were closed. One and all of ns expected to be b'own to eternity at any mo ment. The fltmes were in the magazine right on the powder, and nothing but a miracle saved us After the fire wa under control eo that we could what caused the explosion, it was seen that aa tho gun crew were putting in the pow der for the fifth shot a spark some where escaped notice and set the charge in the gnn on fire. Tho breech waa open and tho flame blew all the charge ont This fell right down in the handling room on about 7,200 pounds of powder, which of course waa at once ignittd. The fiioji-s were awful and the decks were hoi through twelve inches of water. "The powder used in the gnns is smokeless and in short sticks. You can hold it iu your haud and stick a match to it aud it will burn like eel uloid. As soon as it is confined it is moro dangerous than any other. When it caught lire it flamed up about tiO feet right throngh the top of the turret almost as high aa the u a-is If it httd been black powder it would hve blown tip the ship. 'Iinmediiit. ly after tlie accident we went itito PutiSHCula, being about 20 mies a ay. All the doctors from tho other ships came aboard and gave all the assistance po&jible. The bodies will all be sent home for bu rial. Suite of tho boys are now near death's door from suffocation aa they were trying to get out the bo dice of their dead comrades. All the officers did heroic work, and there is no better set in the navy than those on the Missouri. "I suppose this will stop our trip to Europe, for we will go to New York and the Missouri may go ont of commission. A remarkable thing is that this waa the 13th shot ever tired out ot that gun, aud it was on the 13th of the month." Charlotte News. Millionaire's Poor Stomach. The worn out stomach of the over lod millionaire is otten paraded in the public prints as a horrible ex ample of the evils attendant on the poixacssion of great wealth. But millionaires are not the only ones who ate afH cted with bad stomachs. The proportion is far groater among the toilers. Dyspepsia and indiges tion are rampant among these peo ple, and they suB'or iur worse tor tures than the millionaire unless they avail themaeives ot a standard medicine like Green's August Flow er, which has been a iavoiite iio use hold remedy for all stomach troubles for over tliirty-five years. August Flower rouaea the torpid liver, thus creating appetite and insuring per iod digeauon. It lone and vital izes the entire system and makes lite worth living, no matter what your station. Trial botilea, 25c; regular siee, 75c. I. W. West, Drug- The Value of Expert Treatment Everyone who is afflicted with i chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their caae in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be enred by a specialist who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton llathaway of Atlanta, Ga.. is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted Staa. Wri'e him for his ex (-rt . pinion ot your chko. fur which nmktir uo Chars'1-. ''S arts to woik xxiih the first dose." Lfi Iibeuoittcidu begiu to-day the campaign agni net disease in your J body. At all druggist. Sam Jones I ce IB o1 VERY GREAT PREPARA TI0NS ARE NOW BE ING MADE FOR MAY FIRST. Wednesday's Greensboro Record contains the following which will givo tho reader somo insight into the extensive arrangements being made in that city for the Jones Stuart meeting which ia to begin May tho 1st : "Mr. C. A. I! ray, chairman of the committee of arrangements o the Jonts-Stuart rovival, placed an or deryesterday through Mr. Uurton, of the E. M. Andrews Furniture Company, with a Thoraaavillo con corn for 2,304 chairs to be nsod in seating tho throngs who will attend the meetings to be held in Danoor Warehouse. Those chairs, together with one hundred comfortable seats, each holding twelve people, pur chased from Guilford Lumber Co., and other chairs that can be secured in the city, will accommodate over 4,000 pooplo. Extensive preparations are being made at the warehouse for the ar rangement of tho seats. A floor will bo placed over the driveway on the west side and platform largo etiongh for the preacher and a large choir will be constructed on the east. Electricity will be used in lighting the building, and every thing will be done that will con tribute to the comfort of the con grrgations and to the success of the niceting." Early Hatches Pay Best. The importance of tho early hatches and the arranging to get at this work in good season to secure them, is the question which now interests the up to- date poultry raiser. Emma Clear- waUr, in Ulno r armor, gives tne following discourse on this topic. Tho very early hatches are the ones that bring the better prices, and to tho ones who raise the chicks on small range and feed all, or nearly all, that the chicks eat, the early hatches are tho money makers, borne, indeed the majority of farmers' wives, would not make so much from early chicks taking the extra bother and work into considera tion, because the hens' hatches come at a time when there is con siderable forage. To have early hatches we must have incubators and brooders, and to successfully run the ma chines we must have suitable houses. A dry cellar is the best place for an incubator, but a tight room, where the temperature is kept reasonably even, is a good place. To have good hatches we must have strong, fertile eggs, and to secure these we must keep the breeding stock in prime con dition. House them in warm, dry houses, and by all means have a dry scratching shed with south ern exposure, kept well filled with dry litter, having small grains wheat, rye, millet, Kaf fir or sorghum seed well stirred in, and well covered in the litter. Keep the birds hungry enough to scratch well, and use cabbage, cut clover or turnip tops for the green feed, also cut bone or fresh meat ; a constant supply of clean water, unfrozen, a box each of grit and charcoal, and a large well filled dust box. But the mash, if not given too liberally, is of great benefit. The great danger in mash feeding is that enough of it is given so the birds will not scratch enough to get the needed exercise. Nothing has been said about the freedom from lice, as it is always thought our chicks and our houses are free from the pests. However, it is best to use lice exterminators, so as to be sure there are none. Are Ton a Dyspeptic ? If vou are a dyspeptic tod owe it to yourself and jour friends to gel well. Dyspepsia annoys the dyspeptic's friends because his disease sours his disposition as well as bis stomach. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure will not only cure dyspepsia, indigestion and sour stom ach, but this palatable, reconstructive tonic digestant strengt liens the whole digrative apparatus, and sweetens the life aa well as the stomach. When you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure the food you eat ie enjoyed. It is digeued, as similated and its nutrient properties appropriated by the blood and tissues. Health is the result. Bold by 1 w Went, drnggift. Mt. Airy. N. 0. Small Potatoes result from a lack of Potash in the soil. Potash pro ducts size and quality. a I a a a a urn fully th far. .. - ' ,l I 01 mac vlu f . V I at pen ah. t,.o..,r 4-vrs-7;r farmer w , r-J, r ,; J C x - them. OrtJV.AN KALI WOKKS, firm X arli-.l -..! imi. tMbaa , a Km4 at. Russian Butchery REPORTS SENT OUT TO THE EFFECT THAT NO PRISONERS ARE TAKEN. The stories purporting to eman ate from St. Fetersborg aboot the barbarism oi the Russian army can hardly bo true. If they aro state mouts of facta and not yollow news, they allow that Russia haa do right to be namod among tho civilized nation! of tho earth. One story tent oat from St. Pe tersburg last Sunday tayi that "the Russians give no quarter to tho Japaneso but kill every Jap soldier that falls into their hands." Another story was that "replying to a ques tion why he is not taking prisoners, General Kashtilinski, commanding the Russian force on the Yaln, tcl egraphod that he didn't find it con venient to keep prisoners." This is monstrous. It it incredible. We are prono to doubt the troth ot these horrible statements, but wo aro pre pared to believe moat anything oft pooplo that will permit such horrors as the KischencS massacre. Read en of the Russian storiea of their victories have not failed to notice that on several occasions the Rut sisnt laid in wait for small partioa of Japa and annihilated them, when one would naturally wonder why they did not capture instead of kill tho enemy. Contrasted with the savagery of Ruseia is the evidence of civiliza tion on the part of the Japanese. The Japanese express regret at the tragic end of the Russian naval commander, Vice Admiral Maka rnff, who went down with hit ship Thia cablegram coming from Tukio w is mere like coming frotnaC uis tiati than a Pagan land : Expressions of regret at the death of Vice Admiral Makaroff are gen etal here. Speaking for the naval s'aff, Commander Ogasawara hat published a statement in which he laments the death of tho Russian vice admiral, and prooouncos it to be a lost to the naviot of the world. Wilmington Star. Vivid Description. Awful story of tho sinking of the Russian Flag ship at Port Arthur, blown np by a mine. One of the eye-witnessea said ; "Moving at reduced speed the Petropavlorsk came abreast of Electric Cliff. The torpedo boats were entering harbor when suddenly from the starboard side of the Petro pavlovtks bow a white column slut op. There was a donble moiled explosion and the whole fl-tcship be came covered with orange-brown smoke ; 'they are firing a broadside,' cried a gunner standing beside me, bat through my binoculars I gsassil speechlepg and horror stricken. I conld see fragmeute falling fr. m above tbe broken ringing of the foremast and flames of fire shooting out. 'She's sinking, she's sinking,' ailed some one beside me, "The Petropavlovsk began to set tie slowly by the bead, heeling far over to starboard unil her rail was nnder water. II er bow bad already disappeared and now the foremts was sinking. 1 could still a e the conning tower. Then her smoke stacks disappeared. They seemed to fall throngh the water and tbe sea began to engulf the mainmast. Her after tnrret with her gona pointing skywards quickly vanished; then ber stern wi n tbe port propeller still revolving. I could see figures desperately clutching at tbe slippery hull and tongues of flames. A last explosion and all was over. Tbe flagship waa no more. "Hosts from tbe torpedo boat d stroyer Gaydamark hurried to the scene of the disaster. It was forty minutes past nine in tbe morning." Ten Thousand Churches in the United States have used the Longman & Martinez Pare Paints. Lvery Church will be given a lib eral quantity whenever they paint. Don't pay $150 a gallon for Lin seed oil (worth 60 cents) which you do when you buy thin paint in a can with a paint label on it. 8 aud 6 make H, therefore when yon want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight gallons of L & M-, and mix six gallons of pure linseed oil with it. Yon need only fonr gallon! of L & M. Paint, and three gallona of oil mixed therewith to paint a good iizd bouse. nouses painted with these paints never grow shabby even after 18 years. These celebrated paints are aold by F. L Smith & Co., Aeenta re H 4 in It asifWt a4 t MM to J J m trtkioMrf I fl J S Ucdcl Dyspepsia Cur C!tt irttat jtm est JMMS ANcCeluhlc P. I'par.ilion for Ai -slmilalinfi the 1'ihxI nnd Hctfula -ting ihc bli'uviita and lktvxvis of rromolcs Dicslioti.ChiTrrtil nessarwlKVsl liHitciiiH neillar Opium. Morpluiu! nor lnitraL otNaiicotic. Mx .tmutm AmW i-ta ii WdM4i Hirm M - Vttasfcrprvtn rswfWft Aperfrrl Remedy forTonsliprt Hon, Sour SlotTVK-h,l)MrriKcA Worms .Convulsions, Kovvnsh itcss nnd Loss or Sleep. facSimili! Sigrtnlurc of NRW YORK. I... T (MM tXACT COPY Of MVWAapC. TOU CAN FIND Mm (Both Gal Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Eventt's. r OAK-RIDGE-INSTITUTE I 3- I Ceil rr-l! S j cll a. t.,r -.LUES5. lor TEAvM. I! . IMi, anU for l.irt:. S til.lcd NEAR GRLI NS. BOKO, N. C, over 1. 000 feet above the tea level. In view of the moanUi.-it. Largeit and Ftcat Equipped Flttlr.f School fur Vaung Men and Boy In the .Suth. Rates i $ 125.00 to f 1 7 J. 00 per annum. roa cttunrvL ciriioeut. lectin J. A. & M. H. HOLT --- Oak Ridpre, N. C. r m4o 0a1w 9C jajo wot Or aulj It a C. Tr i J ( . M. UlL Dm. a I r.rrTTT- y nmatluiKll nnimlaM aMlUelaa. TlkKTBl.NA. & aw tmblouiKklM. nudi Mtthui la tt orwcrlinau trom fJ prclM, Um miaul M mmm t r mJ c4 InliifcwMUKi Iw linuilM Ht L . lmn1 1 m a 1 1 V Kr mwMm Mm1m4 I. In TLlTa. A. ..4 U i.f twolber nilfMl .kow. Imtm MalI,MiaMUITainM2IA,klwlkokeMMluli. two. . B. W. KairajkajlwaadiWrtaul wroto to Dr. Plorco for tils Tbe lady, from wboae fetter ire quote, got what she wrote for, and is a well woman to-dar aa a reanlt of following Dr. Pierce'a adxice and using Dr. Pierce'a Favorite rreacription, tbe medicine which make weak women strong aud nek women welL Favorite Prescrip tion " estal'lishea regnlaritjr, driea weak ening drams, heals inflammation and fclceration and cures female weakness. Sick women, especially those suffering from diseases of long standing, are ia- fted to consult I. rieree by Vttrr, free. All cotTMpondence i held u trictJy private and Mcredly conrirfr-j.-tiL AddrM Dr. SL V. Fierce. Buffalo, NY. I on trtrthfuny rtrjrrt Tr, rVrrr-'t Frrl? Prr senptkm i wonderful metiictni nd (1p rrves the urate fivcu tt." wrttr tPm. tsyni Rpo'wwT. L Mim"iU Co., Math. sVnt I .surk four Tiiouth. the Kir ', cine pretTityii h thr tl'trm dii tne do gwr Plfun I wTtitr tt in I-'rrr'-r ft hi .!ric. ' itdwervd in vrrv k-nd r-t1rr irwtrxirtsr. mt what to do. I (r.r. -iprrf! hw sin - n o-&y mm wrll wututui thank to 1-r Ptrrcc Tr. Pitrre't II rasa Tit TrTVu ftbouM be tMrd with Favorite IVeornptioia be ever a laxative is required. o.-, '-wr7? i: f-SO 1 K I I. ... Jtr - !-.. .-- cd&I Uyspcpsla Gyre ti'peUa, vt.t yem act. i w ffmmtt TNrt.ttr ym -" t5 ( xt.g ,u. .r.Mlt)U'ifiMiMvbUil.llItt'lXJ a tmm Tn I- r- - ' ' .4 j g i J tmi .i.f.i.i,-jl 1 l f ur. ( u.. ..... - i 1 1 kl' - M ii For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Twi eiNTtua e '. nn TOM MTV. ii Spiiup. vanized Iron and Tin), Iron Roofing, Galvanized Iron Work, Um Ihjr Use jJ For Over Thirty Years valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. KVERITT. Cares CiDlfrj-bfaitia. Dumxoca,Dywaci7, Mi th ftoxnl TrMbSw af 'niAidj Distiiiaa, fctfniita ' th Bowtia. SbtattiMBa of rrrr' m th OiiM an Maka TEETHING EASY. . J. WOr-FETT, M. D. ST. LOUIS, MO. airi Jmmiaroa lnilitinlimil On !m c.n. tnMttimraaMUMaKaMkMawA Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator OB ttie estate of Jaru'l M. Stanly, dee'd, aU persona oirgthx said estat are her iiy nnti'ied to nake prompt payment a?d f t; and all pt-raont holding claimn against the estate will present tiit-m for payment w itliin tbe time pre scrilxKl t y law or tbis notice will be plead in bar of tbeir collection. J. I. r-MITH, Administrator Feb. .,15X4 of htm'l M. htanly, dee'd. in For ai year I mi vlrttw mt afrnm frtola it) -1 f i-'J 1 itmlcl oat boUiIdc dji in .i; I j. .at, ii'u' a I tni: ku-oiacb xvouia sot re. a n a.xl ck-.-M ei: tul Laat Marrk I tv-.n u i; r AS AKI.TS and aiaos Mial Cr .-' v taiprsxod. aatll 1 aa aa wait as i t.-r io m? life." . Ln w H M rnrT. Nswark. O. CaNOY CATHARTIC Oncd. ,rar! . amaac .r trit fte. tiit . CtRE CCWSTIPATIOM. ... tttM xw-'- t:m- tham'TW, Hs-fl. am V. M :! V0 A.a..- M(i iIt'JW..MC HitiL. KILLthi COUCH iua CAIBF THE 1 IJHCfi WITH Ksiy Discovery 0fSUrTI0 r.-ica COCMSaaa IDcttlM 6S f -m Tnai. THROAT and LUK3 TB.OCB- as. aaa. u c c c ricixfcs: mm u Varaini " ran or maur atavma r r T 5- tzit rtr:r - s.