n he Mount JRY MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1004. NO. 40. VOL. 21. SYSTEMIC CATARRH Claims Many Thousands. A . ROBERT DOWM0. THE In speaking of IVruna, IIoImtI Down ing, tli famous tragedian, nay.: "I And Pertina a priv'titntiv apilnct all udilvn mimm'-r III that viki tiii one in changing climates ami water. It la I lie finest trawling rompaiiiuti and safi-cuanl again! malarial influences. "You may notion that orin lit jwr health alwaya II ml tlin heat ni.wl lnt.il eralilo; tliU I avoid by uhIiik IVruna. I know ly the tliermniiieter that the weather Is ho., yet 1 have felt the heitt i lens thin Hummer than ever. '"Tlio roolil.J u-t)nu of I'eruna on the murotia ni-mliraiic laakeK It InvnlimKle j to aetor.H nit I n ii'',ii, a It Im- aw.iv j With that t ink -in y toMidiM 11 lioar-riii mi ' l.i apt ti ovi rl.i1..' . ii- i.n. hi. rtii: ! t . -"..",:.. -a .1 l - --ua. - - :....J:I-t':.V , , . - . i J. W. EARP & CO., Mm ii Fmlre, Honse Fmistii GooCs, K K AND COFFINS, GASKETS, BURIAL ROBES. UNDERTAKERS MAIN STREET. 1 1 ' r BL FORGET lhat we sell this fa mous Shoe. Also a big line of other kinds. Ton Till always find as " ip.t Headquarters for Shoos,StaplcDiy-Goods A.na Groceries. Yours lor Low Prices, R. D. DeYault & Co. Th One Day Cold Cure. rVrect14 in th h-nl and p-.rr throat u K-t irr i lnrri!e jaottw Oihuhm, the ' f !- Cr.M fittv Th One Day Cod Cure. I . .... f -I.J V. I ' . I '--'si r.r; ; --! 1 r yyr-ii- I 60 UTTLg UNDERSTOOD Tragedian's Thanks to Pe-ru-na fAMOL'S TRAGEDIAN. a hoi dressing room to a draughty stage. "To punt it tip, I'lruna ha dono m more good than any tunic I havoecl taken." Knhcrt Downing. Ir. lUrlmiin watt the flrat phyidel in in the 1 ni tod Statist to accurately ii' Horil' fjHleinlo catarrh. Il! niin.ij I'eriitiH, the only f-V'teniic catarrh reri edy yet devlxed, Is Mow known a!l ni i the i ilizci! world. A por . n In . i r. 11 J'd it olleo oatl Lever lx" iel.ll.ll I ! lie without It when In need of u.-l, . remedy. Write for a copy of Pr. Ilartiiinufc lat'i Ir.i.ik entitled "Slimmer ('atari h." A - lr. Ihirlinan, Coliiinlnir. . MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Three Times the Value of Any Other. One Third Easier. One Third Faster. Thfl only Sewing Machine that dnee not fail in any point. Rotary Motion and Ball Bearing make it the lightest running machine in the world. Agenta wanted in unoccu pied territory. Send for circulars and terms. Wheeler I Wilson Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga. For Mlt by.J. D. Jikla, Mt. Airy. ---a a aaaa-aaa a-a. .. ... WLDOUGLAS 7) tiarA nVl. jm mi r --: ' - "J J UNION MADE W.L.D0U6LAS AKS r10B3AN03SI10ES but uiHCK lwo p., a.,i;!gH3 H Ttt WCWID, The One Day Cold Cure. F,"Tf!'S mi1 sfirnhioat Kf-rmntt'sCHnrtv 'f- ia:tii t c v,,i,tt' t-iiv takes mm caawlT ECZEMA, Hi Skin Disease, ABSOLUTELY CURE!), HE1MIT SALVE, a an. ao cents a aoi. Sold ty t! rniri've. Titrnooitar. Gov. C. B. Aycock NORTH CAROLINA'S DIS TINGUISHED SON FOR THE VICE-PRESIDENCY. The Citizen Mt that it cannot endorse too strongly the movemmi now on foot to tuiBii (Jovernor Ay cock, of I IiIr Htnto, . a enndidato lor tln Vice l'reeidi'iicy on the Na'iotm ticket, (iovertior Aycock'i idmin intration of the oilier, from which h Is noon to retire, mnkra him a a man eminently fitted for the ofllce Vice-President. A Democrat every (pnno of tlio wotd, loyal and true to those itrincitdoa which Insnlr ed the founder of Democracy, ever faithful in (lie discharpe of the du tiot of the hiifh ollice to which he waa elrcU'd hy the people of thi Ktate, we know of no man who could orilint the Mipport of the teople o tlio cmtitiy to a higher douree than (tovernor Aysock. Moreover, thero la a general fool itiK spreading throngliotit the conn try that the South should be recog nixed in aome shape or form on the National ticket. The opinion pre vails that it is high time for the country to abandon the last trace o sectionalism, and give some reward to the people who are the bone and sinew of the party, i ear after year. never faltering, the Domocracy o tho South has done its duty nobly and well, and yet for many cam painns the suggeetion of a Southern man as a candidate on the xationa ticket evoked nothing more than ehmg of the shoulders, but it may now be said that the Democratic leaders are lending a pationt ear to tho growing demand of the Land of Dixio that ono of her sons be chosen as a running mate for Judge Parker Parker and Aycock ! There is a sound which smacks of victory in the mention of this combination. We feel sure that all sections v the country would enthusiastically unite in supporting a ticket fraught with such momentous meaning- Parker and Aveock! It would mean the annihilation of the carper who still preaches the doctrine of a divided country. The waver of 'the blood v shirt" would lose his occupation. lo the credit of the press of the Old North State be it said that with out an exception the papers of North Carolina have rallied round the Ay cock banner with a fervor and entha eiitsrn which recalls the days of the Mecklenburg Declaration. Iheir lead is sure to be followed by many ol the big Southern dailios, and Gov crnor Aycock as a Vice-Presidential qnantity is destined to attract oni vetsal attention. Ashevtlle Citizen. Bold Hold-Up at Level Cross Whilo the family of James Col- trane, of Level Cross, were away from home last Wednet-dny Miss hula Uhappel. an eighteon-yeai-old girl who lives with Mr. Coitranc, was tied and gagged and the Ik use ransacked by an unknown man. So money or property is missing. About 3 o clock in the afternoon, and within legs than ten minutes since the lai-t occupant of the brnse had tttken leave, the man entered by the kitchen door. Ho wore a paper uiat-k and glovea. Miss Chappel says the man was large, muscular, wore a wide brimmed black bat and good clothes. Un entering the s'ranger demand ed the keys to Mr. Coltrane's money drawer. Miss Chappel replied that she knew nothing about Mr. Col rane's keys or his money. The man then tied her hands and feet, gagged her with a handkerchief and ied another over her mouth. Miss Chappel, who seems to have retained ber nerve and self posses sion to remarkable degree, says the man cursed and swore because he didn't find any money. At the time of the bold-np Mr. Coltrane was in his field a short dis tance away. Mrs. Coltrane and her daughter, Miss Emma, were visiting in Rindleman. Three hind men and Mr. Coltrane's little son were also at work in the field. There is no clue and no suspicions mve boeti aroused. ltanuieman Times. New York's Diamond Rooms Only men and women who want to purchase an expensive set of jewela, eay f 10,000 worth or up ward, get a glimpse of the "diamond rooms," as they are called, in the big New York jewelers' shojia. Gems worth less than that f 10,000 are kept in show cases and examined in trays at the cjanters. But if a customer wants to make a larger purchase a diamond necklace with pearl pendant worth from $40,000 to $50,000, for instance be is shown into a parlor where be can examine the jewels more at his leis- re and see the salesman weigh them on the most carefully balanced scales. These parlors as a rule are luxuriously but simply furnished nd are couvenieut to the safes. It is not an unusual thing during uie holiday season for a salesman in a well established store to make three or f nr sales a day rang ifg from $12,000 to $30,000. Kt i York Pres. A Jap Suicides. An unknown cadre of the plucky utile country, j span, commuted su clde Krldsy morning by jompin from No. 39, the Southern's fast passenger train that reaches Char lotte shortly after 0 u clock. When No. 3'J reached Danviil this morning, Capt. J. II. Small was ankod to lake charge of Jap trav eler who had a ticket to San Fran cinco. The man was terribly excitod on reaching Danvillo and tho con dtictorol the Norfolk train explained this excitement by saying that 'in Japanese ci'lrons of Norfolk had tried to kill him and take his money Conductor Small took tho man in the second class coach and placin his bsggngo near him, wont about doing hit duty. The lonely Jap tat as II In deep study, never moving. I ho train passed (ireensboroand tli Jspstill sat in tho seat, never payir any attention to the passenger who came and went. Capt. Small noticed as the train passed Lexington that the windo opposite the scat occupied by tl. Jap had been raised. He thonght nothing of this as the car was warm In passing through the car. Capt Small kept a close watch on the stranger. Put he never suspected that at that very time the lonely native of Japan was seriously think ing of jumping through the window and ending bis life. When the train reached Spencer Capt. Small wont back to the second claca car aud his charge was gone lie searched (he train from engine to rear Pullman, but nothing could be aeen of the stranger. Whon the train reached Charlotte Cant. Small took tho man's baggage from the train and handed it over to the tationmaster, thinking that later tho man might call for it. About 9 o'clock a telegram from Spencor stated that the body of an unfortunate man had been found beside the railroad track, six miles north ot bpencer. Charlotte News North Carolina Got $630,000 The Washington correspondon of the Raleigh Poet says : Look ng back over the record of Con grees, there was little legislation af lecting North Carolina in a loca sense, iheonly two measures ot importance that could be pushed through the grist mill were liepre sentative bmall bill appropriating $590,000 for the llatteras Light House and the provision in the riv er and harbor bill appropriating $40,00u for improvement of the lower Cape Fear. Like all other Democratic States, JNorth Carolina got little. The delegation, individ nally and collectively, worked with as much zeal, aggressiveness and in tolligence as any other in the Union but they bad to buck np against a partisan majority. V ith a Demo cratic House, which politicians look forward to in the fifty-ninth Con grtse, the State will not only get the local measures it wishes, but the Ap palHchian tonst reserve and the Small inland waterway will be au thorized. ibey are in the wrong section of the country to attract the favorable attention ot a Republican administration. That Preacher is Right. Rev. R. T. Dtvis, assistant pas tor of the Tabernacle Ihptist church at Raleigh, made a sensational at tack on the Raleigh dispensary, be cause of tbe connection of church members with its management. "May we never rest in con science, said he, "antil we get every man who professes Christ out of the dispensary or out of the church." He said he was convinced that the connection of the churches with the management of the dispensary has robbed them of 50 to 75 percent of their saving power. He insisted that persons other than church members should be employ ed and prohibition substituted as soon as possible. Good Spirits. Good spirit don't all come from Kentucky. Their main source is the liver and all the fino smrits ever made in tbe til no Grans State could not remedy a bad liver or the bun- drod-and-one ill eftoela it produces. You can't have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time. Your liver muHl be in fine condition if you would feel buoyant, happy and hope ful, bright of eye, light of step, igorous and succbsIu! in your pur suits. 1 ou can put your liver in fine condition by using Green's August Mower the greatest ot all medt- cinoa for tbe liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indi gestion. It has been favorite household remedy for over tbirty fi ve yeara. August Flower will make your liver healthy and active and bua insure yoa a liberal supply of good spirit. Anal sire, 2ao ; reeu- lar botilea, 75c. At I. W. West'a Drug Store. The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who ia afflicted with a chronic disease experiences great ifiiculty in-having. their casein- telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who nnder- etanJs them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga., ia acknowledged tbe most akiilful ,fd aucceaeful specialist in the Uni ted States. Write him for bis ex pert opinion of your case, for which be makes no charge. Be Second Coiim A ROCHESTER BAND IS GETTING READY FOR THE MILLEN NIUM ! Firm In tho conviction that with in a year or ao Christ will again visit tho world, a band calling itself th Society of Christian Prethron hai recently takon np its abode in Roch ester, there to work and watch and pray I jt tho millennium. Thore are seventy-two person in the band, comprising thlnty one families. The Christian brethren have been working in the south and west for several rear, although not very much has boon known about them in the east. Tbe originator and leader of th Christian Brethren faith iCapt. L. T. Nichols, who was born In Indian in 1844. lis rr.akot no pretence to dirino Inipiratij. He I tall and slender, and ha a kindly face, with a surprisingly high forehead. The brethren have not stated their campaign in Rochester yet, They are waiting for the tpring. Thon they will begin work. They proposo to go np and down the ca nal, from one end of the State to the other, and tound the warning to the people. New York city will be visited, although Capt. Nichols seem to be a little timid about ad vancing'on wicked Gotham after the hippodrome performance of Elijah Uowie. Carpenters, masons, bricklayer and other tradesmen are included in the band, and they will erect the building needed for their accorrmo dation. Tbat the brethren have money it shown by the fact that they paid $7,500 for the land and assumed a ft, 500 mortgage. The society is not organized on the communistic principle. It is said that there is nothing in com mon among them except idea and religious work. Each man has his own porperty and his own bank account, earns hit own living and is obliged to rel IV. upon himself for a livelihoo Etch fainilf has a room entirely tif itaelf, and as far aa possible each family baa a cook stove and a com plete housekeeping establishment of us own. The society has strict rules con cerning tbe manner in which it members shall live. They may not use in any form tea, coffee, lard potk. pie. cake, tobacco or liquor, Some of these thing are forbidden because they are considered nn healthful, others because they are luxuries and other because they are sintnl. Tbey kill their own boef and mat ton and dr&s it, because they say that then they know It is clean They never buy meat at a market. lhe exact date ot tbe beginning of the millennium is put at 1941 They eay that it will take Christ forty years to subdue tbe rebellious and wicked kingdom of tbe earth so that according to their calcula tions the Lord ia now apparently over due. But Capt. Nichols has discovered that in reality the world is now liv ing in 1S97 and that the present calendar is seven year ahead of the true date, lie therefore says tbat the millennium will begin in 194S by the present calendar, although 194S will in reality be only the year 1941. Capt. Nichols establishes the date of the millennium by the Bible. In tbe first place, the words of the Bible, "A day with the Lord is as a thousand years, are pointed out. The next reference is made to the commandment, "Six days shalt thon labor, and the seventh, etc Tbe millennium, argue the Chris tian Brethren, is to come with the first Sunday on God a calendar after His creation of man. The problem, then, is to figure out the exact time tbat ha elapsed since the creation of man to the present day. Capt. Tuchols has taken the ac count of "Abraham begat Isaac" straight down through the whole narrative. He baa figured out tbe time that has elapsed from the state ment made of the duration of the lives of these men. New York Sun. A dividend of about 2 per cent. has been declared by J. P. Morgan & Company as managers of tbe syndicate which took over tbe $35, 000,000 of Atlantic Coast Line 4 per cent, collateral trnst bonds issued to acquire control ot tbe Louisville & N ash ville railroad from J. W. Gate and his associate. Tbe syndicate was to have expired last December, but extended to May, 1905. A Cure For Piles. "I had a bad ease of piles." says 6. F. Carter, of Atlanta, Ora., "and consulted phvaieian who advised ma to try a box ot DeWitt'a Witch Harel Halve. I pur chased a box and was entirely eared. It is splendid for pile, fivtng rener instantly, and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers." DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled for its healing qualities. Eczema and other skin dis ease, also aorea, cuts, burns and ouoda of every kind ae quickly cured by it. Paid by l. W. West.d'TiW.t. - Airy. J. k1 tkm ami Imi Ii iwij. To suit totecoo euilr aad rorr. a m bmic. rail af ltf, arm uit Tttar. IMl No l o- Uw wtader w,.raT. taac mmkr weak ai iron. AU draff iMa. SUc or Si. Cimnwia- Book lat aa aaw.nl frrm. MfM SMrlixc BaawOf Oa u,.ca m In kork. Bride of a Week Elopes. A Turnpike, N. 0., dispatch ssj ; Turnpike is all agog over an elope ment and an attompt at lulcido. which followed the unsoccissful affair. Delia Hartley, a bride of one week, 17, and pretty, is tho woman io the case, but she waa caught by hor ador ing husband before she met lhe man of her second choice at Canton, where the wa traveling io company with another man sent to meet her and esaort hor to Wiluiot, where ho was waiting, Mr. Warren I now lying at the home of her mother, Iowly rt c vor ing from the poison taken in her attempt at filicide. The tory back of the elopement again proves that old, but true spy ing of "married in haute, repent at leisure." (Jut in thi cao Mr. Warren did not take many dtyi to repent. She left here prciumably for Can ton, on a shopping tour, the husband furnishing the money, which she later applied In buying railroad ticket to meet her gay Lothario. He is Charles Welch, who had on two previou occasion purchased marriage license to wed Mid Hurt ley. On both occasion he failed to arrive at the Bartley home, and twice hor marriage wa postponed. Piqued beyond control, the met and married Kennedy Warren, two week after (bo met him, which was Immediately following the last til appointment. They had travel d the turbulent sea of matrimony one short week when Welch heard f the marriage. Hi love wa re kindled at recollection of former day, and he wa tore he loved the girl, or rather madam, by that time. To prove thi ho tent word that he wa at Wilmot, and (till in the notion of making her his wife. She, too, thought she (till loved bim, and she made up ber mind to go to him. Sho failed, but ia not forgiving to lhe adoring husband, who rescued her from the plunge downward. She will not see him, yet he insis on sending her little delicacies each day, and inquire after her con dition, as loving as ever. iuere win probably oe other chapter. Gave Him Smallpox. Suit ha been instituted at Dor ham by J. W. Coble against Dr. N M. Johnson, county health officer. J. W. Allen, chairman of the board of county commissioners, and the board of commissioners for $5,000, Coble was sent to the pest house by Ur. Johnson. Lie remained there with smallpox patient but came away without breaking out with the disease. A few day later he broke out with the eruption and was again tent to the pest houso. He claims that he contracted the disease by be ing forced to stay with patients, and wacta damages from the ennntv. IvmgfirTo" wlTrr-OfaA.'sjib erjjjftw 8weotairtrther s. Ten Thousand Churches in the United States have used the Longman As Martinez Pure Paints Every Churcn will be given a lib eral quantity whenever they paint. Don t pay $1 50 a gaWon lor Lin seed oil (worth 60 cents) which you do when you buy thin paint in a can with a paint label on it. it a n t i . i s ana o mime it, tneretore wneu you want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight gallons of L. it M and mix six gallon of pure linseed oil with it. You need only four gallons of L & id. Paint, and three gallons ot oi mixed therewith to paint a good 6izd bouse. Houses painted with these paints never grow shabby even after 1S years. 1 bese celebrated paints are sold by f . L Smith & Co., Agents Corn 1 must have a sufficient supply of fi Potash u in order to develop into a crop. 11 No amount of Thofphoric fj Acid or Nitrogen can compen- sate for a lack of pota.-h in r i- rr 1 lemiizrrs I r erain and all other crops. We thaH b gd to avnd Ire to any farmer onrlitiiehook whxjt contains vain- U in for tio a boot aoil ctalitarv. OERHAN KALI WORW. T VhA.II W - aw .Children Ml ba rm (Mwlaat attaftttn from K tbwr Thvfr want arr nuasM, but tttat Frey' 's Vermifuge - HPt nf tHstta Kra th at I anl ardarrw-l uwr . M at now taitra4 at, aVtt bi aati . CAS. rRtV. ttmof. Ma, ! aifatar la aa ararr aoi el Iks aaaalaa Laxauve Drooio-Quu&oe AM'ficl.ihle IVrpaMlumfor A similalmfi rticroodntnlllei'til;! ling the Sluiuiiilis and IV wis of Tromolcs I)ii;p!liM.Crvcrfur-: ness and Nest .Contains neiilar (ipuim. Morphine norMuttraL i u l FiA.il jt i it;. W. SmJ- Apnfrrl hVineilv rirfou;irw llon.Sotir Slom.tr h, I Inrrlnxvi i Worms,! onvttlsions.kwnsh tu'ssflntlLoHHor Sl-M I". j rrti'Siivilo Siiiiuthir of N'KW YUHK. a- r. exact copy or wapci. Mr. M - I 1 30 TOTJ CAN FIND n (Both Gal Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. r OAK-RIDGE-INSTITUTE 5 ct Vnnr PkKPASES lor the I NIVresiTIKS and COL. J- I Li:ni S wrll at lor HISINES5. for TEACH. ISO. nj (r Lirn. SituatcO NLAK OKtliNS. BOKO, N. C. over 1 ,000 fcrt above th tea level, la view of the mountalai. Largnt and Belt Equipped fitting School tor ountf Meo and Boya la theVuth. Rate i $123.00 to $175.00 per annum. roa acAUTirui cTiOcut. ADoacta J. A. & M. H. HOLT - Oak Ridge, N. C. V aalUUiningJIintinalaaa Costs Calj 25 (xm Or avail Ii c ftuua Aj, JairSLISia Da. a J. ottttt-M? aweiMrWMVUk roweuailMI itli-la. T&STH1N ewsnmum (.rr nmmij wm okul la mm uaaaa la Mat paia a4od aad aurmlaf law aoaUaaaa lar Sava M a Ha. Mm Ufa vaa alaiaal aaaaatoaa aS ad aarmlaa lane aoattaaad lav .... a. a ajaa. a. tor. TttTaiN aod taaaraeaataiawaaaa-fi i, aad aiaata talaC A, la. "i wrcta to Br. Pisreo for his advico." Tbe lady, from whoae letter we quote, got what she wrote for, and ia a wrll woman to-day aa a result of following Tr. Pierce's advice and using Dr. Pierce a Favorite Preacnption, the medicine which -kca weak women strong and sick a well. "Favorite Prescrip tion evl "isbes regularity, dries weak ening drains, neala Inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. Sick women, especially those suffering from diseases oi long standing, are io- fted to coriatilt Dr. Pierce by Vtter, free. All corpe-mdence is held M atrictlT rrnTit a.nd Mrrdlv cnnfulrii. tuO. Addiem Dr. L V. lWc BuflJa. N. Y. T ca tmthfttl.T aarthat Tn rWiw'a Favorite ifacp ji un ta a aroodrrful ttricine and d- irae nrawe rivnt - wriira arra. J- mrna Afanomrt. of lvkrrwrw. Mofttnslm Co.. Mich. Boa a. I wnm m k (Vmr month and the aw-U- rin rrrac rHy-d hv Ihr .Uwlnrv did me ao ftxl Pin a 11 v I wrait t' rr Pirrcw fr h admire. He aafrrrtM in a v--y kind Irtter tnatrtfnif m what to do, I to)lrr1 hm m-u and to4ay aja a arell woman Uiaiika to In. Pianrn Ir. rirrr?8 rifasant re!lrt shcm.d he Vaed with " Favorite IVesrntxion mbe-B- cver a laxative ia required. anta rhjHr fm e-Trttin tre a Uiirtaf ttiftami hariiL. pa-i Ma arBa & a.;4. r- a.a- -T 1 wr Irw oa a.-.-r- -a -1 t-n- T-a- n at wfl..fsi,t-iif aw rr '- e avMi'i -,.. ---w : Hooci uyipep&ia Uurc aimartia w t saav. "-"JaTI 5 I ia-lltt y al ill L " . - 1I,'II . wrm a-a.iinuvi. aaw a i m w tsw w kava v.m atraf aat-a ta rarw. asvrl femtl aakaV 3 aa aa aaaaaaBat ( am. . MaatBV W aajs-Wav. V 77 M For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought T ii .Dears mo t Signature XA,y of Use For Over Thirty Years TMt ct Tut (mniv, trw vtM m. III" 10 111 I, vanized Iron and Tin), Iron Roofing, Galvanized Iron Work, valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVERITT. trra JTnCum Ciolei-Infirtsa. l) irrKoa.Dvf Bterv. ths Bowel TrwaUaa a Clldraaf4,lf. Aids Dlrotion, KcJalaSa tht BWtla, Sbtnfthsaa) tha ChlM anal Makes TEETHING EASY, i it DnjjisH J. mopfctt. as. a, ar. louisl aaoc 1 BW a If i tm wa s.aaaai mmt I ibmtU re real A. 0 Uole rut. M Itirusa MIU ale. kaa anah atar at prMcttyuaa tae faaiilr rtriuk Urn note aaaa la 4rtaI ml Moiraa, Mliar aa4 tmwm Taaxaa-(AJaJ a.aa. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator oa the estate of ham'l M. 8tan)y, dae'd, all frti y iprsons owing the said estate are here- led to make prompt raiment and save cost : and all persons holding claims against the estate will present them for payment within the time pre scribed by law or this notice will be plead in bar of their collection. J. D.FMITH, Administrator Feb. 4, 1904. of Sam'l M. rjtanly, dee'd. "For nix fmmrm I was m vlrttiai f 4jv ropaia lit tt- 'i it form i tisUKl nal noibinf ut umk Utat. atd at tiuia m atmch oui4 box rt-iain and dttr-M f tn Urtak Lait Mar bf(.n tawiiii' AS AKtTs and amor th- I tavi- ai-awliit irtiprotr, UUlli i WB a li a I Tr wa a. mf lit:" VAtiU B. Urftrwr. Newtrk O. Plaaaanl l(atala, rmi Taate Certl Qona. Ma.er fti.-aea. H aU.a or Gria HK, Jbctfaw ... CUPE CONSTIPATION. . awrftag a.w. a...,. eai.... aaa. Saa f anv Ml 1' fi Tfl 5 I K-.M anrl em-rta-a ft an swar r.U-IU-0rf (..u w t at a. Tuumbd liaua. KILLthiCOUCM and CURE the LUNCS Dr. f linn' WITH Ikn Discovery onstapnoaj rVtes Ol'CNS a OLDS roc aji.oo FrM lnl. btirat and iuica.tt C rat for lui THROAT ar-i LTJKO XHOCB LES, or tfOKCT SACK. Ta, He nflf f a STSaa Voarr StaarMa HI Ci wwmm CAXOY CATHARTIC raaaMlaaaaaa ra. wmm aa ftc aac UCCC tad. Tfti .-.- I a4

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