" The Mount Airy News.' MOUNT AIHY, N. 0.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1001. NO. 17. VOL. 24. j HOW TWO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ESCAPED SPRING CATARRH BY USE OF PERUNA. Nothing Robs Ono of Strength Like Spring Catarrh Spring Fever is Spring Catarrh. : Tiiixxxxriixxxixxixxx;iiiiixxxxixxx: " F . J.K M K i O-H ad I , '. -. . s-v -u h -s ..-.::.- -a- L j . . : ' ) m c-- . -.. - . - u i ... M Mm, I,ooiu Dolehnn. M t J " Mm. I-fom Dolehnn. tllXXIIIIIXIIIIIXXXIIXXIIII MIm Hrlfin MMltnmi, & (lrnd At MIlwaukpK, Win., wrlti'.i "Thrr III tiothhiK like I'rrun for tint tired fi'idliitr, w Ii l h glvin yon no mliltloti for work or 'ly. Aftrr a ro lonifd lllno"", ftlxmt year ko I fi-lt unthl to rrciiln my Iwaltli, but four Imtllm of lYrunn inmlii S wondi rful rlianp. mul r lor'd tu- to jiprfi-cl lic'ilth. As long you V.ii )oiir IiIimhI In good romlltlon you rn all rlplit, and 1'crunt m'dini to Mil Urn Ti'iiin with puro, h-U th fill MimmI. 1 thoroughly pnilornv It." MUa lli'lcn Whltmnn. How tfl Crt Rlroni Nervr. Flmt, rrpnlr thn Injury already done'M to your nnrvi'.. The way t do till I to j do exactly M did Mr. Hal. I'. Ix nUm, Chief Department I'uMI' lt v and 1'ionio- , tlon of National Kxpurt i'xponltlon. H Hewrltcn: "Toward the latter part of AuRiuit I found mynelf In a vcryi n...n. t.n-rl..a M a. .iwl I 4 I.m Itf I.. 11 1 1.1 u inuli'n U VUUI 111.11. ... J ...llill phyalclan aald I had nervoua prora tion and rocommended a aoa voyapc. I gradually ftrew Wor. A kind fiii inl whom I had known In Ohio recom mended Peruna. Though akcptlcal, I finally yielded to hi. advice. A tier usinn ono Ik. ills I waa much improvi il and with thn llflh t t 1 1 came complete ta-ox ry. I am in crfi-ct health today and ovia everything to IVruna." Hal. I. Hen ton. 4 SoilnJ Tonic. Almoat everyl'iKly m i .is n ton lc in the rT. W. EARP & CO., Dealers ii Fnriire, Use Fcrili Goofls, te, ic., AND COFFINS, GASKETS, BURIAL ROBZS. UNDERTAKERS. MAIN STREET. ! I, , FORGET 1 bat ie sell this fa mous Shoe. Also a big line of other kinds. Yon fill always find us I I " r l: TViF If ". anianiinniiiiiii,iiiiininii innlfl u u ii i .11. lleadquartei s tor.Shocs,8ta -Vii-cl Groceries. Yours lor Low Prices, R. D. De Vault & Co. Mr. Ix-onn iMehan, In letter from (lie CommiTi'lal Iliil'l, Mlimcnill, Minn., wrlli'm Tim I'ciru MeillnliH' Co., ('nlunilitm, fililn, (liTillrrncn I "For two month my physician niprrlmnnli'il Willi iiib trying (o fiirn a hard mill vi Jii" h ttll-i In my loiiiai'li( canning In II :wm in n I lot) (ml catarrh. I l!n II liuiilii lip my Inlii'l ho vu dimply utiuMn In'tp ni", ninl riMiling noimi nf Hid fluttering tcMlinonlal aa to tho valtm of l'niinn In micli ?, I thought I woiiM try It. "II u nix wwlii ln foro I could cut n mi ni without niiplenaant enVcta, tint I liv now lii't n wil fur Ma MKiitlm, and I k'v' "11 llio cnillt to IVruns." Mm. l,ciiin IM. Ii.ui. ixxiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiixiiiiixiiiiiixx SC. Miss Helen XXXXXTXTXXXTXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTXXXiJ sprliiR. SometlilnR to brace the nerve.-, I Invigorate the train, and cN :ino thel Mood. That Peruna will do thlx la he-' yond all iiuestlon. Kvervone who la. I tried It lina hail thn anino i xin rlen.-e a Mr. I1. V. Tlinlierlnke, of I.ynchlmrp, Va., v ho, In a recent letter, niado ue of . the folliwini( w ordx: " I alwaye take a doe of peruna after luixiuera liouri, a it U a Krl at thing for the iicnc. Tin-re in in i lietter Kpring tonie, and I have Ufe.1 ai,.in4 all of them." Mr. 1. Y. Tiii'l-er'shc. ! MOUNT AIRY. N. C. n.to nH'x-''o'ee' ' Three Times the Value of Any Other. ! h One Third Easier. One Third Faster. The only Sewing Machine that dope not fail in any point. Rotary Motion and Ball Bearinge make it the lightest running machine in the world. A (rents wanted in unoccu pied territory. Pend for circulars and terms. Wheeler k Wilson Mfg. Co , Atlanta, Ga. For Ml by;j. D. JrRklna, Mt. Airy. Xi.lIHoio.iK O0 . O IB lilt TCLBOUGLAS filfiOZiS vIiaXOO 35? -"v W0Bin. V lA .' ' UNION MADE 1 1 W.L.DOUGLAS WAKES M03?5AKD3SrlCES .THAN AVY0Tr1TW0 H!!"F4CT't!8S l VI WOfliD. i y Cr..fi C Digis wiwl you eat. .j ar-v' iX - ft 'A i- V M M X 'J' M Wliltmnn. Catarrh In Sprint The (-priiig la the 'xwt ti ..e to treat catarrh. Nature nnewi lo raelf every pring. The pyatem la rejuvenateil ,y upriilg weather. Thla render, ineill clncn in.iie elTeeilTc. A ahort coiirno of Peruna, a-lted hy the halmy air of ppring, will cure old, atubliorn caseg of catarrh that have rcn'sted treatment for yearn, l'very ImhI v nhouid have a copy of I)r, llartman'a latent Ixxik on catarrh. Addreti. The Peruna Medicine tu, luinljin, Ohio. Manners. Every day the editor of this magazine receives hundreds of loiters on questions of etiquette. People have worked themselves into a state of worry over ques tions of no more importance than whether a man shall or shall not wear a gray tie at a morning weddinp, or whether a girl may ask a man to come and see her if she likes him. Let us never undertake the value of detail, nor mistake the reason for rules of behavior. Rules make social intercourse easier, but many rules which are excellent and unnecessary in a complicated society such as Washington or Newport aro ab surd if applied in smaller towns or country places, where life is simple and rules may be few. Ilecause certain methods are in vogue at a court reception, it does not mean that these methods need be followed by a housewife who gives a party to her village neighbors. Perhaps everybody would be more comfortable with simpler ways. And so in most other matters of etiquette. What might be good for one place could be bad in another if it seemed forced and exotic Man ners should adjust themselves nicely to every society. You must, in a certain sense, be your own law ; you must act from wi.hin ; you cannot lead a book and become a lady. It is a curious fact that an at tempt to behave projierly fre quently interferes with behavior. To act simply and naturally is of more importance than to get every deUiil correct It is better to shake hands at the wrong time (according to the book) if you do it heartily and honestly, than to pause and stare and show that you are in doubt as to what to do. Never despise rules that are helpful ; do not go out of your way to transgress acceptable ones ; but on the other hand, do not make laws of those laid down by other people for other condi tions. Be natural and use com mon sense. Woman's Home Companion. Wentz' Body Found. The body of E. L. Wenti, the millionaire who disappeared eome time lact October, was found lset we-k ner Bijt Stone Gap, Va., in a frightfully decomposed condition, lie whs foully dealt with. Ilelit'ivt e of the de ad maD csme from Philadelphia and took charge of the remain. A dispatch from Austin, Texas, says Austin and all central Texns was washed by a cloud burst on Tuesday afternoon, the rain pour ing down in one unceasing tor reut 'or several hours. The prin cipal streets; of Austin were wrecked by the flood of water and great damage was done to the crops in the tield. A number of bridges are gone and railroad traffic is hamierod. II D for ' H. TAKE YOUR BED WITH YOU TO ST. LOUIS. TOM CARTER'S WARNING. Former Senator Tom Carter, the chairman of t ho national commiiwion of the Lotilniiitu Purchane Exp il tion, h mimed i great howl to go np In 6f. Louiii. lie Inn entered hi itronff protest nuaiimt the tendency toward enter tion on tl:a part of some of the ho tel keeper! of the exposition city. Ha la a tinted m p eificallj charging that f 10 a (lay nai been exacuu 07 time landlord! for a ingle room, without media, dtuplto tho fact that there liao. ai Tut, hi en no .train upon the clty'i hotel resource! Such talk from Senator Carter ii calculated to make him exceeding ly oniHiiMilHr In St. IjuIi hotel cir cles, but if his cxpoe of condition! serve as a warning to them and re stilts In hilngini; price! down to 1 sensible htsis, he will have done not only the exposition, but the hotel keepers themselves the greatest pes- title sorrire. If the St. Imis hotel keepers, either ai Individuals or In any com bination, are going to charge exor bhant prices to exposition visitors, the outside attendance will be very materially affected. We do not know how It may be In the territory within euslur reach of St. Louis, but it is a fact that In olhor parts of the country there ex sti no very large amount of enthusiasti) over this St. Louis exposition ; and thematiRgcri of tho sflitir will Gnd Ihemeckes sorely disappointed in thoir attend ance nticipttiotis it t tie idea be. cotnos prevalent that visitors to St. Louis run tho rink of being robbed by tho hotel keepers or anybody elf. The people of the country at lrge have a right to expect from Presi dent Francis and bis associates tan gible Ktinrantoes of fair treatment if they go to St. Louis. The govern ment of the United States has been more liberal in its aid to this expo sition than it ever has been to any similar enterprise. The govern ment's appropriation! have been made largely on the theory that such an exposition, properly conducted, would be a powerful influence for the education of the masses. But tho maeea are not going to go to St. Louis if thev are to be charged flO a head for tho privilege of sleeping one nikht in s me hotel keeper's bed. And the mantes have rights which should be heeded. As we see it, Senator Carter has doue nothing more than his plain duty in exposing this kind of extor tion. The warning onght to be suf ficient to arouee the exposition efli- cials to the danger which threatens their i.iterpr.ae. It it does this, it will, as we have said, prove a real service, not only to the peple who contemplate vbiting St. Louis, but to the exposition ltselt. Atlanta Constitution. Fatal Difficulty. Io Wayne county bont two weeks sgo C. W. Smith, a farmer, got into a row with two of his tenants C. II. Williams aod hii son, Luther Williams about a guano distributor. The Williamses, it is said, were asfanlting Smith when the Utter 's young eon brought him his gun and be fired on the Williamei s. Luther V llliams was only slightly wounded but the old man was so seriously wounded that his lee had to be amputated aod he died last Thursday from the effect! of his wounds. Smith had mean time been bound to court in a bond of $500 tor an assault with a deadly weapon, but it is assumed that he will be rearrested on the charge of murder. -Do It To Day." Tho lime worn injunction, "Never put off 'til to morrow what you can do to-day," is now generally pre sent i'd in ihb fot ni : "l)o it to day !" That is the teri-o advice wo want to give you about that hacking cough or demoraliiing cold with which you bave been struggling forneveral days, perbups weeks. Take some reliablo remedy fur it to pay and let that remody bo Dr. D'wheo'a German Syrup, which bas been in ufe lor over thirty hve years. A fewdososofit will undoubtedly re lieve your couL'h or cold, and its continued use tor a few days will cure you completely. No matter how deep-seated your cough, even it dread consumption bas attacked your lungs, German Syrup will Hurely effect a cure as it bas done before in thousands ot apparently hopeless cases ot lung trouble. rew trial bottles, 25c; regular sice, 75c. I. W . est, Druggist. The Value of Expert Treatment Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic disease experiences great difficulty in having their cas in telligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stands them tb'-routhly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, Ga., is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist in the Uni ted States. rite him for Lis ex Eort opinion of your case, for which o nifti es do charge. Ncwipapcr Loyalty. If all the jtoople of tho country wero as loyal to every Interest that arfocta them as the newspa pers are to their towni, counties and htati, there would be a won derful difference in things. The tiewHpiipcrn of North Carolina, and of other States as well, daily and weekly, city or country pa tiers, show more genulno loyalty to tho communities, towns and cities In which they labor than any other Institutions or enter prises that have- to do with the public interest. When did one ever read anything In a local or Shite paper that r Hoc ted on the locality or thn fstato except in tho luirjKiso and hoK) of doing good ? Sometimes papers huvo to print news that is unpleasant but the editors and managers bear more of such unpleiisnnt ness than any ono olso. Kvery worthy enterprlso Is oncouragl by tho paper or pajx-rs of tho town or city, and in many cases the jmjiers tako tho lead In pro moting good enterprlso even when there is no dilTereiito to the paper, in matters of dollars and cents, whether such enter prise succeeds or not. If as many persons would say good things for a local paper, for In stance, as tho pnHr says for tho people in tho town and commu nity they would Uiko more inter est in reading and supporting the paier themselves. 1 nere is no question about the fact that newspapers are moro loyal to towns and communities than towns and communities are to papers. There aro many ways in which the public could tie helpful to paters- without cost or sacrifice, and in view of tho loyalty of paors to their com munities they ought to do it. Above all, every man in the com munity ought to keep his ac counts square with his newspa per. Died In Abject Poverty. A dispatch from Leadville, C !., says the vieciseitudee of life are sel dom more marked tlmn in the case of Mrs. Charles II. Tanner, whore burial, after simple services in the Church of the Ascension, took place in Leadville a few days ago. Sirs. Tanner, born in Milau in 1840, was the daughter of Sig. Gi.il- lardi. Her mother waadirectlv do scended from the Duchess of Lux embourg, a sister of the Duchets of Kent, who was the mother of the late Victoria of England. Thus seemingly Mrs. Tanner whs a e m in thrice removed from King Edward VII. When fourteen yean old she mar ried Baron di Gsllotti, of Naples, who in the following year was ex iled for political reasons. He came to America with his wife whon they were reduced to dire straits, until putting all disinclination aside, the Baroness, who had a beautiful voice, went on the operatic stage. She toured the country with the leading Italian opera companies in the eirly Sixties. They were living in Denver in 1S74 when she came home one after noon from an operatic matinee and found her husband lying dead in their rooms. Daring her absence he had received a letter from the King, cancelling the verdict that had been set against his case in banishing him from the Country, and giving him permission to return home. The shock of joy had been too much for him. Atter his death the Baronets travelled, continuing to make her living by s'.ugiog. finally she be. came tired of singing, and in the Utter part of 17'.) she married Mr. Charles II. Tanner, who waa then an attorney in Denver, and where they have resided ever since. Ihe husband, Mr. Tanner, is also an old mau, and in the past tew years baa been unable to furnish his wife witb any of the luxuries which she had in her early days. The couple seemed satisfied, however, and lived alone in a little cabin on Tenth street, with a few friends surrounding them. The fact is that during the last year or two there have been time when tbey bave scarcely had tbe necessities of life, bat they lived on happily together until death ended the career of the Baroness. It is announced that Dr. Pegrarn and Harper Hayes have purchased the Golden water falls on Roaring river, one-half mile above the town bearing that name, in Wilkes coun ty. 1 hey will erect a dam ot stone across tbe river 25 feet high and will erect a large power plant tor the purpose of manufacturing cotton goods, knitting mills, etc. The wa ter power is said to be a very valu able one and a company will be organized to promote iU A Core For Piles. "I had a bad ease of piles," says G. F. Carter, of Atlanta, Ga., "and consulted a physician who advised mt to try a box of DeWitt's Witch Haiel Salve. I pur chased a box and was entirely cured. It is splendid for piles, giving relief instantly, and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers." DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled for its healing qualities. Eczema and other skin dis eases, also sores, cuts, burns and wounds of every kind are quickly eured by it. Hold by I. w. wt. druggist. Mt Airy. . U. Pl Yakara f BMka Trr 111 am?. To qntt tohao sitr and forfvrr to vaf o-llt, lull o( Itfa. Mm anil ior. take No-Te-Hc. tbe wontW wurlrrr. that makr weak ana strong. All tfrorrhits. or St. Curernaru- a Rootlet ana aampl frw. Addrvaa SMrUac Ka4 0 . 'mx-mm- -h Vfw Yet. flic ml Orp mns. CONCERT TOUR OF THE CHAPTER STARTS ON ITS ANNUAL ROUND. On Monday of this week the sing ing ctni of the Oxford Orphan Asy lum started upon a toor of tbe east ern section of North Carolina. Concerts will be given in various towm snd cities, usually upon Invi tation and under auspices of the lo Oil Masonic Lodges. Aftur an Interval of several weeks spent at Oxford tho children will begin, about the middle of July, a tour of the westorn p it t ol the State. Ten girls, six boys and s Udy snd gentleman oomp o the prty. The clursctjr of these concerts is known. Tho puro, bright humor ous program well rendiired by the boys and girls makes in unusually attractive entertainment worth, in itself, fur more than the adinlsaioii fee charged. Tbe causa iu tho in terest of which tho concerts are givon is deservedly claiming more and more of the love snd support of 1 ur people. As listed in the past, the purpose of these tours la to afford pleasure and b iiillt lo our people, to in pre upon t1 mn even more strongly the prime imp irtance of child saving, child-training effort, to secure their even hesi tier support for tbe orphan cause and to raiso funds to aid in the maintenance of the Oxford Or phan Asylum. This institution is now caring for '250 of the homelesi hoys and gir s of the State. Its benefits are not restricted to the children of Masons Sinco its establishment in 1872 nearly two thousand three hundred hoys and girls have been tinder its protection, care and training. The children's concerts grow in favor and our good people are read iur to aid the cause each yexr. Lift )enr tho tours were more successful in every respect Lhan evor before. May they ho even more successful and valuable this year. We bespeak for them the very heartiest support of all our people. Diegtacod and humiliated, the in signia of rank cut from their nni forms, two members of the cadet corps at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, at Blacksburg, Va , have been driven forth by their fellows and branded as men with whom gen tlemen should no longer sssocia'e. The otl'ense imputed to them is that while in a state of intoxication they 0 tiered insults to young women The I'udent body took the men in hand without awaiting tbe sction ol tho faculty and drove them from the school in disgrace, ihe only con sideration shown them was the sup pretsion of their names. Ten Thousand Churches in the I'nitcd States have used the Longman k Martinci Pure Paints Every Church will be given a lib eral quantity whenever they paint. Don't pay $ 1 50 a galh n for Lin seed oil (worth 60 cents) which you do when you buy thin paint in a can with a paint label on it. 8 and 6 make 11, therefore when you want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight gallons of L. & M , and mix six gallons of pare linseed oil with it. You need only four gallons of L. it M.. Paint, and three gallons ot oil mixed therewith to paint a good six d house. Houses painted with these paints never crow shabby even after 18 years. These celebrated paints are sold by F. I Smith A Co., Agents r A Golden Rule of Agriculture: B (rood to yourland and your crop will be food. Plenty of Potash In thcfertiliKTapellsqu laqtiality I har- 1. 1 .(- ' . and quanlilr in the h v-al. Write ni and we will arnd yon, free, bv next mail, our money winnftig books. aria mm wows. 5"",'' ' liL Mlaala,0a.-USaaSl. Care tmj am Oar a. 1 HMaart ww'- vtaraM rt. Ii it talk h rwers VERMIFUGE M'.U-. ,1 Mil I- -'4 ft4" IM aw IW- j ft Lst. ran, lumen, aa. Vsnted-En Idsa r fMRa? taltrkff Ui Tmi 'T ma t'Plh4 na. aniaa. I -w n-- - iw. IS &i?)W A i The Kind Yon Il.tvn Ahv.i)s 11hikM, aikI which tins been in iiio for over W) j-:im, 1ms borne tbn slirnntiire of nnd luu been nitule under Ills K-r-fir a XJj?fJ' t super lnln since II Infiiiier. i"fA Allow no one tod wive you In thin. All Counterfeit, Imitation nnd Jut-n-iroMl, are bub r.erlnieiitH that trllln uilti mid eiiilnii"er t lie tienltb of lufuuta nnd Clilldrcii-rtiierleiii ii-nlii.t I'.iperliiM-iia. What is CASTORIA Cfuelorhi In n liurmleK substitute for Cmtor OIL I'nre gorlr, Jrop 11111I N'mllilnu: h.ron. It N I'leiiMiint. It conlahiM neither Opium, .Miiiiini' nor oilier Nun'otlc) KuliHliiiire. lis ncc N It nn,ir :nii e. II deatrnj Worma unit iillnya reveil-.linex. II tun IX.ir r li'i'A hikI Wlml C-'ollc. It relieve Teelliiit TronWIi 1 im I iinl lnitloll nnd l'latuleiic. II iihsliuil.iti Ho' I I. rmulule tlm HtomiK h mul JloueN, kiiz In ntt liy 11ml imtiiral sleep. TI10 i lilldreti'a I'annccii-'riio Mot In r' I rleml. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bcrtro tbe Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. CfiTau eoMssaf. Tf aitiaa ajtuifT, Rt tMI afT. YOU CAN FIND UriP and Hi, (Both Gal Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt'8. r OAK-RIDGE-INSTITUTE f IM I Ci.ll I.IOI.S ai well a lor Bl'SIStSS, l"f TEACH. I.V1, and lor LI! I:. SiluairJ NKAR ORELNS. RORO, N. C, over l.0(n fret ahnve the ra level. In view nf Ihe mountain.. I.argeit and Beat Eiuipnrd Fitting School lor oung .Men and Uoya In the5outh. Rateai $123.00 to f 173.00 per annum. roa acauTiruL cataiocuc. ADoacaa J. A. & M. H. MOLT --. Oak Ridjre. N. C. t?J.?10FF mmmmm kasCJ..! Arw?Si rtlTKINO Aihr J bit .iMn.cc vttt rov.iMiirat lliM, tkkrui.sa. tnbl.MtkJ.). t'trf r.mlr ra uteuM la UK .He, ml pneripi.on. from Ua.ij phrtlriM. um amai mm.vm M MM M7 mn bloo4 ul boralu Imi rauuil liil at a Un Bae tt. u MMtra ah (MM eWati4tlryTKKTBlI'a.ana taa fetkmann mum, mm4 ituua IUI ii " vrolQ to Dr. PiorcQ for his advice" Tbe la?y, from whose letter we quote, got what she wrote for, and is a well woman today as a reiult of following Dr. Tierce's advice and using Dr. I'leiee a Favorite rreacripiion, the medicine which makes weak women strong and eick women well. "Favorite rrescrira tion" establiphea regularity, dries weak ening drama, beala inlbiinmalion and ulceration and cures female weaknesa. Sick women, especially thOK auflering from diseases of long standing, are in- Jf v ! 4"i "! vi' m ited to consult Dr. Pierce by tetter, free. All correffpotwietice U beUi tu ttrictly private and twcredly dHiiulen tUl. Atidress Dr. fL V. llerce, BuSttloi, N. Y. I cmn trnlliSnr myfrM T Pft-W Fw-porfte Prr. riptKm w a wondcrjul irr-.lK inr and dt- j rrt-r the? rrrc rw wriirt Mnfc h mm : 9poi'rfr, f-i trmtnm . Mkh B jSK. I wtk thit rsonir-a urd I h- tnr-1- Cirur nrrrij rn the rtmlni djj mc o gcxA , PinsliV I wrote Us rt. Fierce 1 ndvfc-r. Ii j nawpTT'l in kin. M'rr instnactin n,' ! vhtt to k. t f.-lksr1 hi am'i to-tihy : mm ft wrll vtnan thanks to Ir Pirrce, Dr. rMTre's ririuant Pellets should be ; 9cd wiih " Favorite I'rescriplicaU 'acn- j ever ft laxftttre is reqv.ired. ! Tfta ttk VwlMls T V 9' i';r"- " V-aK-r arMi:na. w-iiai hr-l V f I ' rvsati lt-m d f,; i.l s- i ' t Tvt-li-r9a mttf att- f .111 ' ' " Uif, parirtaal t rw-af: Ilk J 1 attorn m favtiiu,d -aaarf 1 1 I lLaJ' i Mak TW j I I J X ; r- " 1 J a paR1 , t - r mm r J lodol yyi.pcpja Curt) VrsMi -as4 fS Signature of vanized Iron and Tin), Iron Roofing, Galvanized Iron Work, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. ZTT3 TTTl CurM C'cJen -InfastBa, Uian h cti.L'vwnlery, aaaf the Bowel Troubles af CJiildren of inr in: lUyULlininrvn.(W.iAM4 tn Bowel. MrtnttraMS Costj 6i!j 25 cm tt Dnnista, Or audi tl Mala C J. MOFFETT. M. D. BT. LOUIS, MO. ' fCWCiRi On uiu. r'.n. !u ulrtn .ooun old, iu li m TliTHJa a,, ia. I'r.'. u imi ml akk. Ia, W. auvaa. .1:m at fmniw TbM(lk.l Sna r M M Ui mi n" u aa4 a AJminlstrator's Notic. Ilavii-.g qualified aa administrator on tlie wtaie nf Sam'l M. htanly, dee'd, all fifrcoiift owing tli said eatate are her iy notititd t make prompt payment and favi coat; and all persons holding ciaiiiis aainbt the et.lat will prevent thfm far paymMit w ithin the time pr .'nb"d by law or this notice will ba plead in bar of their collection. .1. IX SMITH, Administrator Feb. 4, 1904. of Ham'l M. btanly, dee'd. rr ll Teni a 1 w aa IcHiw mt d y- rrpnia in r.i li-uc i . uiu el anihtu in irnlK lc K.t. -ii" ni ui. r's ,'...mi"h aut rrlsm a i -irt .1 eirl. lliut .a M"(B I Cl-nn tr-V I if I AS, AKr 'i S fci,.1 Kmc llift I ln .-e -rwii,- In p oi;, uut'.I 1 am aa wel. as I tear nai in my life h a v in II l.'i BmT. Newark O CAKDV CATHARTIC ' -M 4v "mf s P 3o4. evir Si. -n ftk.-n. or 4rii HA- tt Htm. ... CUR" CCN8TPATIOl. ... t.rii..t l i-4t I !- M. I.iilii irt. M t til f -a tfi f.- 1 " -"' .' K a" r wmmrmTmTZs2mk7neMrx.i n 1 1 ' ansa aiiaw KILLtheGOUCN ""Dr. ling's lew Discovery OKSUaJPTIOH Pries FCR I (.' KSanS BGc! 00 PLCS f re Inai ri.-ft trli uii a t Cr lr aui THROAT anrt LUKO TBOC LI S. or KOK1.T BACK. J Tq-ihm- r--e fit- t--w. ...... - e--f, . t am. t w faeweia law .... .-!- enfe fn..'fli'w ic M. L'tCC r draefM""-"" teat bm hwm kuH mi.

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