rru- M Airy .News. B OXJN VOL. 24. MOUNT AIRY, N. C. WEDNESDAY. MAY 25, 1901. NO. 48. MANY PEOPLE SUFFER WITH CATARRH OF KIDNEYS. Poru-na DANGEROUS KIDNEY DISEASES CURED Pe-runa Creating a National Sensation in the Cure of Chronic Aliments of The Kidneys. Fred R. Penm-ll, Plnlt, Grand Opera IIoue, JIol Spring., Ark., write.! "Two years apo 1 oime to Hot Hprlnns to tako the bath and ho treated for bladder and kidney trouble After ajM'ndlng two month, here under the care of una of the mont prominent phy sicians and receiving little or no benefit, I iu persuaded to try I'ernna. 1 had little faith in it, but after using one (Kit tle 1 noticed marked Improvement. Three bottles entirely rurod mo. I can cheerfully recommend I'ernna to any one afflicted a I wW-Frcd 11. lYnn.ll. Thomaa M. Hicks, 1131 13th Kt., Ioui Tille, Ky., write.: Nejilettod coldn Irretjular habit and overwork brought on m-rlous kidney; mid bladder trouble. My Hood deemed r - -.' at-ft ft SfTf K" jffrr-? cms cnncaiiagNRS 53suP f a!A pfcllBlli li Jfi::lVr3 ?J '$. JMi pfl It Backache piiS;; a r v ,s0,tcn I 1 rr flrX u Va the first -;wr -vi Ca,arrhof -;iii'S:-? ui'' T'' '' the Kidneys. rIzL . iM I - - le : l, - -Slf-i I - ''' ,T. W. li)AIlP & CO., Dealers in FnrnilnrB, Use FmnlsMBg Goods, kt K AND COFFINS, GASKETS, BURIAL ROBES. UNDERTAKE. . MAIN STREET. fi V iff FORGET Uat we sell this fa mons Sfioe. Also a big line of other kinds. Ion fill always find us sEt-tusT - urn into- 1 MJm.X I A. .J" Iddkt: Ileadquarters for Shocs,StapIcDiy-Goods Ana Groceries. Yours lor JL,ow J?rice., R. D. DeYault & Co. i MAI ISA1.SM ." j r. to . .c 0 -j is Invaluable in Such Cases. Mh ii inm if i it I .I p p i rtBUMA CURES aTAWH-VKIDNEYS - " i Inflamed with poison, my stomach liocamo entirely ili-mnrnll'-d, a bud od. r emanated from my urine, and I res lined I a lek mall. The doc tor, doned me to their heart', eon lent, but 1 kept growing wor.o. Then for tune brought I'enma to my not lee and I at once Ihumi to mend. 1 kept taking It for five months Ix fure I completely cured. I feel now that I owe my life to I'ernna and w 111 never cease to bo grateful." Thomas M. Hlekn. H. I., Karle, Hmerlntendent if Ktreepi, JiiekKonvill. , Fin., w rite.: 'I nin a firm In '.iever In Ivriinu. I find that it ha been of pritctiriil benefit to a until lx-r of Ihe men em ployed In the SI reel (leaning liipart. ment in the city of Jacksonville. They are especially exposed to the Inclemency of the weather and a number whocaiiht cold, w Men later levelop J Into pneumonia, k Id ney or liver trouble, were cured through the -use of l'eruna." H. L. Karle, Superin tendent of Slrcetn. If you do not derive prompt and atis faelory result, from the nc of l'eruna w rite at ouee to lr. Ilartinnn, iMvin a MOUNT AINV, N. C. ..j Three Times the Value of Any Other. One Third Easier. One Third Faster. The only 8ewing Machine that duel not fail in any point. Rotary Motion and Ball Bearing make It the lightest running machine in the world. Agenti wanfVd In unoccu pied territory. Fiend for circular and term. Wheeler L Wilson Mfg. Co , Atlanta, Ga, Par Mlc by J. D. Jenkln., Mt. Airy. JL VZLDOUGLAS s A"" ,hnEwo;fcj "1- iT! Bunion sf.wt; i made WLD0UGLA5 makes koei3?saw3shocs ti.'Y QTHEO TWQ MlVafTljits IK THE WOW). tt, P" Pr.y Coia Cure. t.coi i.j,.; 'Jure Dijeale tonat you cat. S. L EARLE. full Hlatcmcnt of vour ca.e, and he will Ih deusel to K've J oil It i M r.ilmililo ad vice : rat in. Address It. Ilnrtinan, 'resident t The llartmau SanltitriuiiKColumlni.t. o. American Officers. Ae has alreaJjr been published in our dispatches, there' is on foot plan to secure American ollicora to serve in the Chinese army. The following on the subject is from The New Orleans Times Democrat "Seven hundred American sol. di rs will be transported to China to ofb'.er the Chinese army as one of the refuhs of i'riuce Pa Lan's visit to this country, accord inur to W. T. Ilallv, ttavcliup passenger agont of tho I iiion t acitic, fthoee company is set king the contracts to carry the men to can traneisco from diuerent points in the United States. Ac cording to the smie authority, the movement of soldiers will be com menced within two weeks. The principal recruiting station is at Yankton, S. D , ai d is in charge of lirigadier (tent-rat Edmund b. Lug lith, of Mew York. The cream of the Spanish-Amorican veterans, he claims, has been selected for the rmy of the Chinese Emperor. uominiReioned sod non-com mission t-d men have been offered cotnmis t-ions in the Chinese army, with the saluri.s paid by the United Statu government. General William i, fingnen, 01 xnaianapolis, says a eprcial to The Globe Democrat, has received a personal letter from Brie adier General English at Yankton, giving a foil exposition of tbeplan. The latter is the American member of the Chinese general staff, and it 1 ? . 1 !. .r . senuuig luviiauous 10 every cinoer of volunteers who served in the late war with Spain, asking them to ac cept commissions in the new Chin ese army." - Freak of Lightning. Last Monday afternoon, during a storm, ngntning struck the res idence of Mr. J. P. Blair, about eiKtit miles southeast of Lenoir, and stunned Mr. Dlair, bis moth er and Lis daughter. The bolt seemed to strike the dwelling and smoke bouse and a large tree all at me same time. Considerable damage was done to the buildings, both being set on fire, but the fire was easily ex tinguished during the rain. Mr. Klair was lying on a bed at ttie time ana was thrown on the floor. His mother was sitting near mo Dre place drinking a cop I oi. milk. She was knocked over and the cup of milk thrown sev eral feet away, but the milk was not spilled. Lenoir News. To be Sold in June. The Pilot Mountain furniture plant, which has been in the hands of a receiver for several months, is to be old next month. It 'n claimod that the plant ia worth .iO,XM. Whether it will bring that much is another ques tion. -a sate was aeciaeu upon at a hearing in inston iast week bo fore .Maj. J. E. Alexander, refo ree in bankruptcy. 4entinol, ScarCO Article iTOW. W. W. CORCORAN ON RE SPONSIBILITY LONG YEARS AGO RE CALLED. For half a century the name of W. W. Corcoran In Washington was a synonym of the highest honor and Integrity. The Corcoran Bank stood among financial Institutions like the Ilock of Gibraltar. lie was the friend of Daniel Webster aud idolized the great statesman, whose checks he paid and whose notes he gladly protected. lie bad a conception of responsibility that was the highest as the following story by Senator Ulackbnrn illos (rates: "After Gen. Scott had extorted from the City of Mexico a very large cash payment in liou of pillage, and this sam bad been set apart to establish the present Soldiers' Home, in a noftbern suburb of Washington, there remained from (be purchase of the origiual lite a considerable sum to be so invested ss to furnish an income to provide for the fanning expenses of the institution. The question of a safe investment was carried to Mr. Uorco ran, whose judgment on such mat teta was believed to be very sound lie locked the market over, andde cided that the State securities of Virginia were as good as anything to be bad. lney were then com manding a premium. The bond were purchased and placed in the proper cuetody. But the civil war came on, and all ooatnern Mate se entities went clattering down the scale. With the echoes of tho crash s ill ringing in their ears the trustees of the liome, discovering that they would need some additional laud, opened negotiations with Mr.Corco rsn for the purchase of a farm he owned adjoining their property. A price was agreed npon, and then Mr Corcoran made a stipulation that they would pay for bis farm in V irginia State bonds, reckoned at the value at which the trostees bad taken them for inveetiment. This made good all they bad lost on bis advice." That standard of an old-fashioned responsibility explains the venera lion the people of Washington felt tor Mr. Corcoran. Ibere was no legal or ethic tl obligation 41 pon him to make good the loss that had been sustained by bis advice. When he gave that advice it was wise. lie conld not foresee war or the resolts of war, bnt bis act was one that stands like a Monnt Mitchell in the mountains of lofty aud noble ao lions. In a day when too many mon excuse shirking responsibility npon the plea, "Well, business is business, you know," it is well to emphasize the conception of responsibility wnich was held by Mr. Corcoran, News and Observer. The South and the Negro. It all amounts to tho same thin? in the end, so far as the negro is con cerned. He is denied equality at some stage of the association with the white man ; but the Sou'h's way is the honest and direct way. It holds oot no false hope, it makes no pretense that because the negro is "educated and cultivated" he is entitled to social recognition up to a certain point, namoly, to the seat at the dining table. The South savt flatly ; We will not start on that rente at all : we will not even con sider it. As long at we intend to uphold our idea of white purity, it 1a not even to be thought of. That is honest, because it is tbe troth, and it is direct. It avoids tbe chance ol any misunderstanding of the reUtive position of tbe races. Mobile Reg ister. " Good Spirits. Good spirits don't all como from Kentucky. Tboir main source is the liver and ull the fine spirits ever mtde in tho 151 tie Grass State could not rem oly a bad livor or the hun. diod-and-ono ill effocts it produce. 1 ou can 1 nave L'ooa spirits and a bad liver at the name time. Your liver must be io fine condition if you would tec! Duoyani, nappy an. I hope ful, bright ot ere, light of step, vigorous and saccnslul in your pur suits. ou can put your liver in fine rondition by uxing Green's August Mower the greatest ot all mfldi. cinea for the livor and stomach and a certain cure for dyapepsia or indi gCKlion. It baa been a favorite bouHohold romodv for over thirtv. five veaia. Auirum Flower will make your liver hoalihy and active and thus insure yon a liberal supply of j "good spirits. Inii sice, 25c ; regq lar bottles, 75c. At I. W. West's Drug Store. The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who it afflicted with a ! chronic disease experiences great dithculty in having their case in telligently treated by tbe average physician. These diseases can only oe cured by a specialist wbo under stands tbra thoroughly. Dr. J. NAI'nn 11ktKtea.-.tr ..t Atlanta, ilm is acknowledged the most skillful and successful specialist io the Uni ted Mates. W rite bim for Lis ex pert opinion of your caec, for which h fnke po charge. Startling Disclosures. Mr. B. B. Bouldio, of Gret t.iboro, who waa in the internal revenue ser vice under Cleveland, gives warm praise to District Attorney II 0! ton for the manner of the prosecution of the whiskey fraud cases at the recent term of the United State District Court there, saying, among other things, that "this district is indeed to be congratulated npon having a man who, under the strongest kind of political pressure, never for one mometit lost tight of hit duty to the government, and bd in view only one thing, and that waa that the truth, the whole trntb, and nothing bnt the troth, should be brought out." But Mr, Bonldio continues: "The question naturally arises, 'What more Is there to be done I "Well, I will tay, if there it any tbingin the statements of prominent mon interested in these trials, the public may look for startling dit close res. Things that have been done in a corner are about to be pro claimod from the uouso tope. "JSow, after sontence had been pronounced, one of the mon oon victed, I am told, atated that if lie bad bad to go to the 'pen he would let the world know that there were prominent men implicated in these Irands. "It it also ttated here that a very prominent government tflicial, who hat fur some time known of this In famous conspiracy, threatened to let the cat oat of the bag, if the opposi tion to bit re appointment should prove so serious as to result in bis failure to got hit office for another term. "The conviction ot these men with the penalties, which are generally considered very light, considering the fact that they were convicted of nearly every crime known to the revenue lars, has barely broken tho crust ' This it startling and important, and with the pointers furnished bim, uietrict Attorney notion will no doubt proceed to probe to the bot torn this system of fraud upon the revenue, lie hat won much upon the people of the State within the past two weeks; bas nothing but added applause to expect from those of bis fellow citizens whose opinions are valuable, in uncovering all that remains concealed, and certainly has nothing to lose at Washington. Charlotte Observer. Parker the Man. For mere strength and health and tidal good nature it would be hard to imagine a more wholesome and likable man than Cord Meyer, tbe new Chairman of the Democratic State Committee. And be is a clear headed, practical, successful man of business ; working in tbe city, living in the country, equally familiar with the politics of the couuticg room and tbe politics of tbe farm ; a personality strickingly suggestive of tbe new order of things in the Democratic organization, or, rather, the old order which dissolved in tbe delirium of tbe Chicago convention six years ago. Ihe bead of tbe Democratic organization in New York State is a man of managerial rather than cio- ative abihtha. lie is of tbe sub stantial German type, and knows bow to distinguish a fact from a theory. "New York is a Democratic State this year," said Mr. Meyer yester day. "With a conservative platform Judge t arker can carry a by nearl; a hundred tboosand plurality. consider mat a conservative esti mate. "J udge Parker ia an ideal Demo crane canaiaaie. lie represents a strict adherence to the Constitution and the laws. Hit temperament and A 11. lifelong training make it impossible tor bim to be other than a lover of peace and order. Hit deep knowl edge, common tense, moral and intellectual integrity and fairnest have been demonstrated in tbe great omce which ne nonort and adorns. "But the importance of a good platform cannot be overestimated. The whole country ia looking to the Democratic party for a path of safety. We most not disappoint the people. Business men, farmers and wage-earners are anxious to soe tbe party follow a soond, conserva tive course. "My own opinion it that Judge raiser will be nominated at St. Louie. Ibe prospects for a erent Ut mocratic victory are very bright. 1 bat is the view of tbe man upon whom a great party responsibility will rest in tbe coming struggle for control 01 tbe nation a man inti mately acquainted with tbe dedi- lections aud prejudices of both city and country voters in the greatest state of tbe Union, and who under stands the personal and factional issues which have atirred opposition io the bosom of Tammany. James Creelman in New York World. A Cure For Piles. I had a bad ease of piles," says G. F. Carter, of Atlanta, Ga., "and consulted a physician who advised ma to try a box of OeWttt's Witch Haial Salve. I pur chased a box and was entirely eared. It is splendid for piles, (riving relief instantly, and I heartilv recommend it to all sanerera." DeWitt's Witch Haiel Halve is unequalled for iU healing qualities. Kczeona and other skin di etsfrs, also sores, cuts, burns and wounds of vert kind are a uicklv cured t . I 1 L - I. w. wrnt. drnireiit. ML Airv. n. a The On Day Cold Cure. Erfiott' Chocolate Ivattw ixtlninc tot ooW in th brad tad mn throat Vhil.lffB 'Skt . Baptist University. MISS CARRIE BOOKER. OF MT. AIRY, ONE OF THE GRAD UATES. Mies Carrie Booker, who lives a few miles from Mount Airy, grad uated at the Baptist Female Uni verslty at Haleigh last woek, taking high rank in her claaa. The degree of !J. A. waa conferred upon the gradoatca. At a meeting of the director! of tbe University it was voted by al most a tie vote to change the name of the Institution to "lhptist Uni versltj lor Women, dropping the word "Female." The real object wat to drop the word "University," but this waa voted down by the di rectort. rrom 1010 li 0 clock Weunes Jay morning exercises in dedication of the University were held. State Superintendent of Public Instruo tion J. Y. Joyner waa master of cer emonies and the dedicatory address was by Hev. P. 8. Honson, pastor of irei.ton temple, iJoston. Ibe ad dress presenting the property to the isaptist state Convention was by W, in. Jones and the acceptance by Hev. 1; H. Marsh, moderator ot the convention. C. W. Mitchell deliv erea an aaarees 01 recognition on the part of other Baptist schools ; Dr. u. U. Mclveron the part of all other educational institutions, and I residont IC. T. Vann closed the exercises with an address on tho Mis sion and Ideals of the University. Sayings of the Wise. ait.. ..1 St. .a ah tnat moo canst can thine own lies in to-day. Hope it tbe capital on which the world builds. What this country needs is fewer laws and more enforement thereof. A phonograph repeats everything that s told to it like some men aud women. Hope it the bright day atar that leads man from the cradle to the grave. Every man imagines he has a lot of lriends until be has occasion to use them. Change of fashion ia the tax which the industry of the poor levies on the vanity ot tbe rich. Tbe average man ia quite certain he could make a fortune if tome one would give him a start. A tart temper never mellows with age, and a sharp tongue is tbe only edged tool that grows sharper with use. One hat not done well when it u fosfiSle to do better ; one hss never earned enough when it is possible to learn more. 1 Ten Thousand Churches in the United States have used tbe Longman k Martinet Pure Paints Lvery Church will be given a lib eral quantity whenever they paint. Don't psy $1 50 a gallon for Lin seed oil (worth 60 cenif) which you do when yon buy thin paint io a can wun a paint laoci on it. 8 and 6 make 14, therefore wh i yon want fourteen gallons i.f paint. buy only eight gallons of L & M and mix six gallons of pure linseed 011 wun it. Yon need only fonr gallont of L & M. Paint, and threo gallons ol oii mixed therewith to paint a good six d house. Houses painted with theto paints never grow shabby even after 18 years, l hese celebrated paints are sold by f . L. Smith A Co., Agent m mw aaMk-aaaa- -oaaaaaiSaaaate.. Our money winning book, written by men who know, tell you all about Potash They are needed by every man who owns a 6rld and a plow, and who dr aires to get Ihe moat out of them. They arr. Sand postal card. CKUHAII KALI WUi Haw Vark-S Haaa, Allaata, "a.- C!.;!a.rcn ara kept itrone and well weak an I pony I ium folks mrm mut vtaoeoi bf Iha uaa of UuU hunoua nmaOjr FREY'S VERr.llFUCE Onrrretaall diaoe.Vra of ihe nAini. h, np-la anrrrta. oir. Iiab.) it. an. I p.-:ilra la anion. ftrrfll br mail. o. BV. S. K K IlT, Raltlaarr, M I. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo j H 5 MB. yea est. llaliliftJUtJ-! ; . J Af Cclablc Preparation for As -slmilalinfi lite Food -inlI!ogul;i -ting Ihe Stomachs mid Bowels of Promotes DiraliotvChrerfiir ness and Rcstl'onl.iin nciilar Opium, Morphine nor MuutjI. NotNaiicotic. AWt aotry itxtMnrrraai A mum IU wa d lta.y i.i 1 nmrm Apttft'H llemi'ily frirCnn.'tiprt tion, Sour Stotivu'h.Di.irrtKxvi Worms.! onviilsHiiis.h'vrrish nrss mid Loss or Sl.r.KI. Foe Simile Siilnnlure of KEW YOHK. EXACT COPy Of WAPPC"1. YOU CAN FIND n, (Both Gal Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. IiHahim m am J al m aa. h II M r OAK-RIDGE INSTITUTE 5 q4- Vf f PREPARES for the UNIVERSITIES and COL. IQt I Veil LEOI.S at well aa lor BUSINESS, lor TEACH. INO. and lor LIFE. Situated NEAR OWEITNS bORO, N. C, over 1.01)0 feet above the aea level. In view of the mountain. Largest and Hut Equipped Fitting School for Young Men aod Boya In theSouth. Rati. I 1 125. 00 to $175.00 per annum. ro ataunruL caTaioout. uDoaraa J. A. & M. H. HOLT ... Oak Rid;e, N. C. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaa aaaa.aa....aM UyfcStlll tS. Id Zh ffi !? CTttTMIfiafUWOIRil Costs Oilj 25 ceuti Or Ban tl aaati ta C TcuioaaTIla-, Jair M. im Dm. a t. Sornm-Ii ML. mi r JTa-VTs. 7 aiaanaaoa wuk rauaa.llat audlotaa, TKItHl.NA. Our Uttl. firt, (gM uilruaa aUl olA, ka. ka aat atoasMMauuaa. a.ary Nwai vaa aaawaa la ma ...e ar afaaenpuoaa rraal laatlr aoratclaaa. Har ala aaUaaW k aaal a aara Mood aa4 aoralaa tarar aaatUMd tat aara al a av. Bat (e waa aliaaal lipaliaa at, Kl BaUai a.lanalaaa a) try TK1THIW A, ad ta a if m ta Ua WMa fraal .Uui aaw lua km I ilalall kawatavan tanlaa.aWUaakaaiTUtlLlllA, Uf HtDa aaka la ali wait Taaaa. ata. W. MolTlLa. aauat aa riaatlaut Taakaaa(Ala.) lava. "i vroto to Dr. Pierce for hia advice." Tbe lady, from whose letter we anote. got what she wrote for, and is a well woman to-day as a result of following Dr. Pierce'a advice and using Dr. Pierce 1 Pavorita Prescription, the medicine which makes weak women strong and sick women well. 'Favorite Prescrii) tion etal)li.hea regularity, dries weak, ening drains, beala iullainmation and ulceration and cures female weaknem. Sick women, especially those sufli-rinu (torn distssrs of long standing, arc in- 1 by letter, held as free. All correspondence la strictly tirivate and aacmilv confiden tial. Address Dr. R. V. IVrce, Buffalo. N. Y. Inn trothrolty say that Tr Heeert Faeortte mptloa ta a wonoerftu Itteotctoe ana oe . (he ormtae raem It." arritea Mrm. Ktnma arawaer. 01 Laket'tew. Mrail.-aiia Co., Mich.. S-aVi. l waaatck four tnemtha. and tbe atettl- etne preamhed hv the doctor did aie ao atxi- PtnalW I wne to Dr. Mctv ft hia iincm He aaawrred in a wry kiti'l letter tnatrurttnf me what to do. I fcHnred hts advice and Unimy Urn a well wkbo. Ihanka ta Dr. Pterc. Dr. Pierce's l'leasant Pellets should be sed with " Favorite Pmcription wben- rcr a laxative is reji irrd. W itMU tr tit fm whtHmr jtm r- t,iti , NSIAVIS ti dt-wtTf fOf ktmvrvt, iuh- bis. arir tti 4iarwai i ixa air 1 mtrumw I fill -r : .M at! r sd ltrl a4f . 1 i 1 E &s- JkO 1 W 4 Tr tlodol Uyspep&ia Curo m s, 7. X aasT J- 1 rl I ; I I F ' -1 1 I .s tk-aj f "-'-T f I v I f t vis fm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years noTfafiD THiet stu oaMT. m rr. vanized Iron and Tin), Iron Roofing, Galvanized Iron Work, A A AW i W w :f a 1 1 mim f. valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVERITT. Corts C6o!era-Isr23tsa. UitiThoea.LrvKntery,aa4 tht Bowel Trblu al Children 4ftr Ae. AJd. Digestion, Regulate UM Cowcla, MrtnjUwas ttvt Olid and Makes TEETHING EASY. at Drajr,ist3, J. MOPFrTT. M. D. ST. LOUIS. MOl Dw Sirt Jaasoa ra a.iaaai ka I thaaM etv fa Administrator's Notice. Having qualified at administrator on the estate of ISam'l M. Ktanly, dee'd, all persuns owing the said estate are here by notified to make prompt payment and tare cost ; and all persons holding claims against the estate will present them for pajment within the time pra scribed by law or this notice will b plead io bar of their collection. J. D. SMITH, Administrator Feb. 4, 1904. of Ham'l M. Stanly, deo'd. YEARS' CXPERICNCS Tmadk Marks 'MIM1 Covhokt4c AnTrMI totrrltf ft f ttfrtrtl Hid 6Cr1ptUm IBM mjutfktv Miwiain rnr oiMn-u fnm hrtAir sva tiiTunfliin ta prohm.iw ittt CnminBotn. (tniniy fv.ttO.Jeutll!. HAHL't-Cfltt Mi rfMit ii't rrx 4l1nBi mfmtfj t -curii.ff paVtiiift. litita tskAatn tbrvtutth Muim A to Temlr fN't io. tvrfkw, wH houl oftsiPtux lo Ui Scientific American. A htTli"m(T IllwrtrtitM vtMtlv. I.tfcvsiA etr niituon of Miy ritino vurtiati. tern,!, a a reir: fo.qr nxH:tiM,9L IKm4 by ail ldM. teUXfUCo."- New Tort biaocb om.V at t BU Waahluau. D. U KILLt; t COUGH and CURE the LUNCS W1W Dr. King's flow Bisoovcii 0NSU1PTI0W Pries PUGHSand SOctll.OO OLDS Free Trial. bureet and uuicjt.et Cur for a.i THROAT and LUKO TBOUB Lid, or MONEY SACK. HtauMI vrm.v SmMt e- ' mt . S I. v at . 1. .inr lkif Fda-ata Tar HaaoU W 'Ik Va'vly Pvkfc" r rira e ' - v f t-e, rv K. t r C C a ) ft. ..t -aM as.TgM.ai CnoOIr.sjta Ccu !i Csra 1 DMm

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