r Mews. v., VOL. 21. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1904. NO. 50. AIRY Pains in the Back Are symptoms of weak, torpid or stagnant condition of the kidneys or liver, ml are warning 11 U extremely hazardous to tiegli-ct, so important Is a healthy actum of them) organs. They are cniiiinoiily utU-inJod by loan of energy, link of coiirnn", and soino Utiles, by gloomy fort-boding und du spondency. "I had pains In my bar, could not sleep nd when I irnt tip In trie morning; felt worm (linn the iilitlit l-fure. I Id-khii tnk Inn llooil'i brtrB.iirllla and now I ran sleep ami gft up holing- rested anil alile to do mjr work. I attribute my corn entirely to HimmI'i Hiirwiparlllii." Mkh. J. N. I'r,linr, car. 11. 8. Coik'IhiiiI, l'llm Kouil, Ala. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pi Us Cure kidney and liver troubles, relieve the back, and build up'tlio whole lyeUim. "For all yeara I waa a vlrilm r dye- r in ii wurai form i iuuui rat linllilit. ut milk loaat, and at nn.a.tii, i..niaih m.uld not retain ana (iii"i ih.i 11.1 Kiri b I began taking ( AW AliU's and antra tlm 1 aweiii improved, u-iin I am aa aeil aa I am waa la mi hie. Uatiu H. Muitrar, Nswars, 0. Plaaaaat, Palatable. l-..inl. Tail Oned Ho vvua. ne.ar nii-ieii. n aaaan. nr uri llir. Itto. Hie ... CURI CONSTIPATION. ... i Saaai, c.a.a,, c-1-.r iwpni. taa.. in I WBAW glut to kl Tirfiaoou lisblk WHOOPING One of the moat diHtroaln(r ai;ht4i ! to my! a child almoet choking with the) drcrlftil whoojiing-eouph. Gh-e ths child Ur.Jnhn W. BuH'eCouKh Hynip, relief will be obtained at once aud UiO nfferor will aon lie cured. COUCH SYRUP Curei Whooping-Cough quickly. tXwrsarontallanil plraaanl tolakr. Doctor rteommend it. rnce is eta. At all drug mata ECZEMA, ABSOLU Old Soret, Itohing Piles, Skin Oiseaiea, aBSMI li.n w m n m V aaovku i a.ki vuiftu. HERMIT SALVE, IB AND 00 CENTS A BOX. Sold by all PrurirUM. Takr no ot her. OWI Family R.mri)r 2 veara. DeWItt's Salve For Piles. Burns, Sores. rjpmi Candv IL CATHARTIC 4 . raaot atMN aisanteta T. W. EARP & CO., ers u FntihDL Honse AND COFFINS, GASKETS, BURIAL ROBES. UNDEKTAKERB. MAIN STBEET. . i ! ,7 i sr j iff i !! 8 u i.'"'"'".".''.',llt"""t"0"1 FORGET Ikat we sell this fa mous Shoe Also a big line of other kinds. Ion Till always find cs 7 N simplk'tV BowtI I ' I A. V 1 I I sV la 1 r'.'7: Ileadquartcrs for Slio.cs,Staplc0ry-Goo -A.ra.cX Groceries. Yours lor Low Prices, R. D. DelTanlt & Co. in HAIR BALSAM t ?" m a :.-. .;. r-r-- Pa; Tk---- 1 . V. HOT WEATHER. NERVOUS WOMEN. a................ , MlHM lll.A.M I1K (iltKV, nent Vouiik aocl.lr a mml unan of MompliU, Tenn., In a recent letter from 174 Alnliama alriM-l, nava : To m VKletr woman whote ncrvoun font I often taxed to the ulnmul rum lack of rent and Irregular mealM, I now of nothing uhkh It of to muih oeneflt aa I'eruna. I took It lew month! ago nhrn I felt my strength thing nay, and It toon made Ittell manifest In giving me new strength na neaiin. --niam.he Urev. I'eruiiii is without an e.iial'aa a nere tonic and vital invnroratiir. iuiv a h. 111.1 i.f i'eruna. If vou d not receive all tlic Ik-iii-IHk fnnn IVruna that V'pii expect)!, write Ui 1)1. Ilarlf loan, C'olumliua, 0. saves cooKstime Wanted-An Idea : Vto eaa thlts ) ilu. aiintiia Wriu JftllN WKlU'KKUl k.N a )).. faMl ait. "lilnKU.n, l i '.. r.,r thrlr I.H)j pnaa uQaff X Is -J FDrilii GobSs. k. t. " ' ' ' MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Three Times the Value of Any Other. One Third Easier. One Third Faster. The only Sewing Machine that doei not fail in any point. Uotary Motion and Ball Bearings make it the lighted running machine in the world. A Kent! wanted in unoccu pied territory. Send for circular, and term,. Wheeler I Wilson Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga, J? 2 Far aalc by J. D. Jeaklaa, Mt. Airy. ..JT; HHlinOll,liO.lil. iOli,' i t ' v f : a r - - " , yMN - . y j l.....at)LANCHE UHE,Y' l mm II AataaM V WLDOUGLAS 1 4liUoo SO oo il tUNIOM iy MADE x r.. W LX'OUGLAS ws mckusakoossiioes 1 h One Day Colrt Cure. - -iSft t- k'fT...iti al ucCa .wvspensia Uuro Digest what you mt. . 1 Editor Joo Daniels. TUDGE PURNELL'S CON- TEMPT PROCEEDINGS DON'T FRIGHTEN ANYBODY ! Editor Josepbui Danieli, of the Now, and Obeorvor, haa boon fined f 2,000 by JqJko l'lirnell in a con totnpt proceodin. If Danieli de aorvoi to be thus bumiliatod for do- fondlDg the Btate'a property, then 00 pur cent, ot the boat people in tho State are willing to go down with him. Talk abont a free pros we've got none when we como in contact with greed. Our esteemed contemporary, the Charlotte News, says : "Let the isDtie be joined, aud it is not Joeophus Daniols who will have on use to fr-grot it. The poo pie of North Carolina have been ploneors in ludepoiidouce ore this. luey were not afraid of Kfog Goorge whim ovou Jiffureou wan protesting against separation from the mother cuiintry. They are not afraid to Ubt the issue. Every decent man in tho State, every man who has any veneration for the glorious biatory of thfl btate, every man who recog nizes that an untrammuled pres is tuo bulwark of a peoples liberties, is with JosopliQS Daniels and Hgainrt Judge 1 umell to tho last ounce of his influence." Why it is that every paper and every citizen ot the btalo ts not op in arms against this A. and N. C. Railroad proceeding is qnocr, tossy the least. The State cannot afford to stand aside, contempt or no con tempt, and allow a corporation to gobblo np her property. It Raised a Yell. Vobterday afternoon two or three people walking along the railway track some distance above the coal chute saw a man smack a woman down and of coarse it raised a storm til indignation, resulting in summon ing Ollicer Neelley, wbo lives op posite the place where it occurred, and who was at supper. lie went over and ascertained the facts, brought both man and woman to the police station. Tho man gave his name as G. G. Miller, of Win eton, aud the woman said she was his wife ; that he was a machinist and she married him in Jnly of last year in Georgetown, b. G. Soon j i I a SUB I after this they came here an said it waa not long before she at cortained that he had another wife. When she npbraidod bim, be told her he had filed suit for divorce and would soon get it, which be did. Then she eays she made bim secure a lice n ee from Register of Deeds Kirkman in this place and they were rs married over again, this time on the r. Kirkman oiuciatintr. Botneume u g. Bometime alter this she says be took her to Winston to live, butsbe was unable to get along with his mother and she came back here. lie phoned her he wonld be down yesterday and she met bim at the train. Officer Pugb says be saw the couple talking and quarrelling for an hour or more around the depot ana then they walked ou towards the coal chute. She said she wantod him to take care of her and be re fused and she was following bim, as he intended to take the train at Pomona aud leave ber behind. V ituesses say that when be saw the officer coming he told bis wife to sir that tbey were playing and she fell over tbe railroad iron. While tbe woman told ber story . i : J . i - . . me man aaiu Doming, except to re mark that when be came here be found ber drnnk. The officers who saw them and Mr. Neelley wbo ar rested them, say this is not true. Chief Scott demanded a bond of $25 00 for bis appearance this after noon, but be was unable to give it and was locked op. Lie protested, but to no avail. At bis nonest an effort was made to find a friend to go on bis bond, but be could not be located. Both parties seem to be reeptct aUe. Tbe man Miller was well dressed and is a fine lookintr man. Ilis wife appears to be an educated woman and seemed overwhelmed with the affair. She was discharged and promised to appear as a witness against Miller this afternoon, but she will no doubt reconsider and not be on band. However, there are witnesses enough to convict bim any way. Yi bile both appear to be of a bet ter class of people, there is evidence that there is something rotten io Denmark. Greensboro Record. $50,000 in Cast off Coat Five f 10,000 treasury tiotee have been found in an old moth-eaten Coat purebred by Elmer Eckerson, of Bogota, N. J., at an auction sale of unclaimed baggage in a railroad station. Neither tbe trunk nor the cat it contained bore any mrkf of J identification. Jtxkeraon was about to throw tbe garment away, when Le discovered tbe treasure carefully wranrwiil in r.i imI ii t 1 ia ln..k 7er u 63 j" ,cJ "in at 0D? take vacation io Europe. What Will Russia Do ? The criminality of the men wbo, f( r their own selfish purposes, so misrepresented conditious in the Far East as to ir ilueuce the Czir to re ject the Japanese proposals mast, by this time, have impressed itself most vividly upon all intelligent ICasiians. The result of the land operations has been even more humiliating to Rus sian pride than were the naval vic tories. The superiority ot the Japan eso uavy had been so generally con ceded that even the Russians ex pectpd littlo from thoir aea force ; but tho demonstrated superiority ot me army ot the enemy bas come a crushing blow. With the fall of Port Arthur practicxllr in sight, what can Russia do f We had heard so much about the great armies which had been sent to Manchuria from Russia propor ana ot the still greater armies which would be sent, that it was natura for the rest of the world to feel that Rufsia mast eventually be victorious because of the overwhelming numerical strength of ber land force, Hut now that it has been shown that the claims of armies already mob ilizod at the scone of hostilities were grossly exaggerated, tbe world is asking wbethor the prnmiso of still greater forces can be fultillod. liiose most familiar with con ditions in Russia iUelf and in Man churia, especially with regard to the capacity ot tbe trans-bibenan rail road, scorn to be almost universally of the opinion that Russia now has beyond Lake Baikal as large a force can iw.ibly be maintained there 11 er great overshadowing problem is not tbe furnishing of men, for she baa more than a plenty of these, but in maintaining tboso at tbe front It is the problem of keeping thorn supplied with provisions for them selves and their borsos, every poood of such provisions having to be ship ped over a narrow gange 50-pound rail railroad from a distance of sev eral thonsand miles. That trans- Siberian railway has, apparently, dooo splendid service np to this time ; but making no allowance for breaks and other troubles, it is in tbe opinion of experts in absolnto im possibility for tbe constant shipment over it ot supplies for more than 200,000 men at most. Russia counted opon two other sourcis of supplies, both of which nave been closed to her. lier wise men figured it out the easiest possi ble thing tor ber army to swoop down and take tbe rich grain fields of northern Korea, and tbey also felt confident of their ability to secure from the Chioesa all the provisions tbey might need. Japan, by ber prompt action in taking Korea, shut I off one of these sources of supply, Tbe activity of the pro Japanese In- floence in China has shut off the I other source. Japan's victories have earned for her the enthusiastic good ... II 1 'LI .. J I will of ber celestial neighbor; and while tbe influences within and ithoot are strong enough to pre vent China loining with Japan as an ally, tbe Russians have found to tbeir sorrow that tbe Chinese sym pa tby for Japan has taken the prac tical form of refusing to supply the grains and other provisions so necessary. There is every reason to expect that within two weeks, or three at the outside, Japan will have cap tured Port Arthur. It may be at a frightful cost of men, bnt capture that stronghold tbey will. What next I Tbe Japanese will drive tbe Russians back to Mukden and be yond. In the meantime Vladivostok must have fallen. Russia will be nnable to drive the Japanese out, lor she bas no way in which to support the great army necessary, under the most fu voi able circumstances, to do this. Ihe talk of sending forward ber Baltic fleet is foolish. By the time that fleet could roach the Yel low sea Togo will have added Rus sia's Port Arthur ships to his naval force. Tbe Baltic fleet would be going to certain destruction. Is there anything left tor Russia to do bnt to accept tbe offers of mediation advanced by friendly powers I io do this will be a ter rible blow to ber pride and ber prestige ; but with neutral trade with northern Asia absolutely paralyzed, and with no prospect of Russia be ing able to drive Japan out of Mn eh una, tbe other nations will feel impelled to eoggeet an end to bos tilitiee, and Russia cannot bat ac cept. It will be an humiliating ex perience for tbe great Slav nation, but it seems inevitable. Atlanta Constitution. Why I Am Not an Infidel. "I once met a thoughtful schol ar, said fjitbop Whipple, "wbo told me be had read every book be could which assailed tbe religion of Jefcus Christ and be said be should have become an infidel but for three things : First, I am a man. I am going somewhere. To night I am nearer tbe grave than 1 was last night. I have read all such books can tell me. I hey shed not one solitary ray of hope or light npon tbe darkness. Tbey shall not take away tbe guide and leave me stone blind, becond, I bad a mother. I saw ber go down into tbe dark val ley where I am going, and she lean ed on tbe nnaeen arm as calmly as a child goes to sleep on its mother's breast. 1 knew tbat it was not a dream. Third, I have tbreo moth entsa daughters, luey nave no protection but ruTsc'f. I would ruber kill them tbaa leave them io this einful world if yoo blot out from it ail tbe teaciuDg of tbe gospel. Port Arthur to Fall. THE RUSSIANS CANNOT HOLD PORT ARTHUR MANY DAYS AT THE BEST. According to information received by the Associated Press from a high source, important news regarding uiu Japanese plan of campaign, which has reacbod tbe Russian au thorities since the battleof Kin Cboa. compels tbe conviction that tbe ad' vanceof Genoral Kuroki and tbe activity of his scouts northwest and souinwestoi reng-wang-uoer ire parti of a well executed feint w .a vent General Kuropatkin from' de taching a strong force to hamper General Oku'i oporatloni on the Liao Tung peninsula. Undor cover of General Kuroki's screens, it is added, part of the Japanese army landed at Tako Sban will be moved southward into the peninsula, while ivuruici anompu to make tvaropat- kin believe that be intends to force a docisivo engagement w.th bim, this imturmation would tond to prove that the primary obioct of the Japanese campaign all along bas been Port Arthur, and that once that fortress is in their hands, unless an exceedingly favorable opportuni ty offers to attack Kuronatkin. the Japancso plan is simply to make tbeir tenure secure and force the Russian commander to assume tbe offensive. Moreover, there is infor mation to the effect that the Jipan ese purpose to storm Port Arthur with tbe briefest possible delay. alter caving Drst closed tbe harbor to render tbe egress of tbe Russian ships impossibe at the last moment, thus forcing the Russians to destroy .1 ;.l . i . . . mem, wimoui bumecung ine j apan ese to tbe inevitable losses which mast occur if the Russian fnuadron gets out for a last fight before going to the bottom, lho previous ro pcatcd cllorts of tbe Japanoeo to cork tbe harbor havo been as much with tbe viow to this ultimate situation as for protecting landings. 37 Conversions at One Time. The Greensboro Patriot, in giv ing an account of a recent revival at Proximity, says : " 1 be successful revival which bad been in progress nearly two weeks at tbe Walnut btreet Methodist church, Proximity, closed Sunday night with an inspiring service at which 37 persons were brought to Christ, in all there were nearly 250 conversions and reclamations at tbe meetiog, the infl uence of which per- tfAoA Ih. An.lMkAAOTmr...:.. vaded tbe entire community, bnn day there were 7 accessions to tbe cburcb, while others will affiliate with the other denominations rep resented there. Tbe attendance at the meetings was large from the start, and toward the close hundreds were turned away nightly for lack ot accommodation. Tbe pastor. Kev. J. A. Uowles, was ably assist ed in this meeting by Rev. E. C. Glenn, of the North Carolina Con ference, and bis labors were singu larly blessed at this place as well as elsewhere. I be Proximity Meth odiet church is in a most prosperons condition and the recent revival hi created greater possibilities for all tbe churches of tbat community. The Methodist Protestant church is preparing to build between the Rev olution and White Oak mil's. Mr. Ware, secretary and treasurer ot the carpet mills, has fitted up a neat chapel and turned it over for use of religious services and Rev. Mr. iowles organized, on last Sunday, a bunday bebool with a membership of 05. Mies Moore also condocta a club for young women ou Thursday night ot each week in the aame place. A chattel will soon be erect ed near the finishing mills under tbe pastoral charge of the Walnut Street M. E. Church." Good Spirits. Good spirits don't all come from Kentucky. Thoir main source is tbe liver and all lbs fine spirits ever made in the Blue Grass btate eon Id not remedy a bad liver or tbe bun. drod-and oiio jll effects it produce. 1 ou can t have good spirits and a bad liver at tbe same lime. Your liver most bo io fine condition if you would feel buoyant, happy and hope ful, bright of eye, light of step, vigorous and saccaslul in your pur suits. You can put your liver in fine condition by uning Green's August r lower the greatest ol all medi cines for tbe liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indi gestion. It baa been a favorite household remedy for ovor thirty- five years. August Flower will make your liver heitby sod active and thus insure too a liberal supply of I "good spinis. l nsi aise, Z5c : regu lar bottles, 75c At 1. W. West's Drug Store. Tbe Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is afflicted with a chronic disease experiences great diuicuity in having their case in telligently treated by tbe average physician. These diseases can only ue cureu uy specialist wno under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. nwtnn flathaaraw nf Atlanta 41m ia acknowledged tbe most skillful and sacceaei ol ipeciaiist in the Uni ted States. Write bim for bis ex pert opinion of yonr case, for which h makes bo charge. In and Out. The ups and downs of the Atlantlo fi North Carolina Railroad, one day in tbe hands of receiver, next day out, thon back again in the maw of a receiver and once more back in the band of the State, is like Finnigin tbe Irish section master, whose car was forever gotting off the track lie waa told by the superintendent to be more careful and to koep bim informed by wire when each and every accident occurred. Very sooo finnigin sold band car ran on again, but he quickly got it back on the track and aa quickly wired the su perintendent "Off agin, on agin, gone agin, finnigin." the road has twice been in a roceiver s hands. bat is back again in the hands of the btate, at least nntil October, when Chief Justice Fuller, ot the Supreme Court of tbe United states, will settle it for good and all. Greens boro Record. Parker's Silence. A man wbo can afford to keep silent and is allowed to keep silont is an extraordinary man. Most men would have to bide in a bombproof. but Judge Parkor can sit on the stile at Esopns and doesn't have to talk, for bo baa nothing vulnerable in bis character, and no unquestion able acts, private or political, that requiro him to do any talking to ex plain something in his past. The irreproachable Parkor is tho man for whom tbe country bas boen looking. This is tbe first instance tbat ever came under our observa tion that there is nothing assailable in a candidate's life. Judge Parker can keep silence with impunity. Wilmington Star. Letter to Mayor Hadley, Mt. Airy, N. C. Dear Sir : You are interested in the prosperity of your town. You can contribute to it materially, and give it a far more prosperous look at the same time. Perhaps tbe public property needs a good coat of paint. Devoe will supply that coat with two thirds of the number ot gallons required of any other. Devoe will Lust twice as long as any othr De voe is all paint and fur measure. Devoe is the strongest pk.nt known. Devoe will take care of the proper ty, in tbe long run, for half the money rconired bv anv other. The reason is stated above : Da i . ' . voe is all paint and full-measure tbe strongest paint known. L. D. Jewell, Corry, Pa., painted bis boose 5 years ago with a mixed paint ; took 14 gallons. Last spring he repainted with Devoe ; bought 14 gallons and bad 4 left, baved $15 to $20, for painting costs two or three times as much as tbe paint lours truiy, F. W. Dkvok & Co., New York. W. E. Merritt sells our paint. Ten Thousand Churches in the United States have used the Longman it Martinez Pure Paints. h very Church will be given a lib eral quantity whenever they paint. Don t pay f 1.50 a gallon tor Lin seed oil (worth CO cents) which yon do when you buy thin paint in a can with a paint label on it. 8 and 6 make 14, therefore when yon want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight gallons of L. & M., and mix six gallons of pure linseed oil with it. You need on It fonr trallona of L. tV a., raint, and three gallons ot oil mixed therewith to paint a good i . o .. . siz'd house. Houses painted with these paints never grow shabby even after IS years. 1 bese celebrated paints are sold by f. L bmith & Co., Agents The Valdez Yukon Railroad Co.. with f 10,000,000 capital, bas born chartered at Richmond, Va. The day will come in tbe United States when a man will be a king or a poor slave. Things are drifting in tbat direction. The flavor of TOBACCO may ( in jured tv the uac ut stable and rank oijanic manures. Potash In the frm of sulphate prmJurr an improved mUvor and a jt'd yield. - iobaao must have 'ufask. hif little tutnk. T -rcro ( uttHft mn. taina much vtalar informjutoo. and rrmy !-H4Ctti grower cab bMaua tupr in t CJMrgC Uf WtUiBC SAY 1C act? han kau woeiis Th On Dvy Cotd Cur, e wa f i sis twi isf) i m mm mm- It will M ,j nurrs I'r$ VERMIFUGE IQ a asaif MfMflteitr . I saosBMM'8 u eSMftwaat I m Ml .r 4 m tor m jawi Urns K XS I L il. f tn, tAiTMMM. HI. JL iSTfllM AVeCctdble Preparation for As -slmilattng ttMcrHJ.intl(Okula bug Hie Stuuvichs and liowli of Promotes DiijcslifflvCiwrful neMarcl IVsi Contain nelilKT (h)ium.Morphine nor Muhtui. NotTMahcotic. Avyv SrV t-.Wt U rtrOlLlt J - Pi Crtm.fmU HfraalM- llaia a) wmm nmtml Aperfrcl Remedy forronlifv tion.SourSloiiuvh.DiiMTtKH-fl Worms .f onwilsionslVvvrisb ness aihI Loss or Sleei. Far Simile Sifinnlure or NEW VOHK. TP 'ji'-'"' tAACTcoPYorwAPp.r f4i! 1 81 illf 1 t INT auaoHMfH Wti MTV. TOU CAN FIND (HI slt-t-e-twaM b IIP (Both Gal Also Tin and Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Old Copper. rnnna. r; cinm Prss Tpad WLl UUUU1VCU, tltCiUil Pewter and Rubber bought atEveritt's. T M OAK - RIDGE 51 cf Vfl f PkI-p,'E4 ,or I NIvrRSITItS anS COL ' a?L I t.U I LL0I.S aa well aa lor BL'SINiiSS, m TEACH- INO, and lor UFE. SituatoJ NEAR ORIXNS. HORO, N. C, over 1.000 frrt absvc tbt aea level, la view o the awOTUiu. Lar(e and Beat Enulppeil Flttlnf Schsel lur Ysuag Mea aatf Bays la theouth. Kataai 1 123.00 to II7S.00 per annum. roa etauTirui CATaiceue, aaaataa J. A. & M. M. HOLT - - - Oak Ridye, N. C. 8 Or aull II saaAs a C. , lm.Vn. 0, 1. atOTTTTT H. aiMllaal aaadlelaa, TUTBJ.ta. y XBMrtaW Willi Tt , At., Jb11 iBMdy wm aaaaaaaaa la taa iur) m araawlpaviBa (raal laai Ir aayah-laaa. mm Bawaas alaad aad fcoralaa laaw aaattaaaS aar Say aa a aaaa. Ha. aw waaaiai.aa Saaaaawat aC . aaai para Slaod and ftoralaa laaae aaattaaaa par l.n a. a l WmlaWlearrTt.StHlNA, aj la edar mi aaaka a YSATaUaA. I. KOa aaka la mmm aataa wan Taaaa. aa tk. W. AalTSJS. mtmm aaa tmtum " vsroto to Dr. Piarco for his zidvico. The lady, from whose letter we quote, got what she wrote far, and la a well woman to-day aa a result of following I, paerew's advice and using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prcscriptum, the medicine which make wek women strong and sick women well. "J-avorite Preacnp tion " eatahhrbe regularity, dries weak ening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. Sick women, especially those suffering bom rlisrissrs of long standing, arc ia Triad to consult 1. Pierce by letter. ret. All cot wsiundenc ts held aa strictly private and sacredly confides. tiah Addreas Dr. S. V. Pierce, ButLdo, N. Y. I ma trnthfuIlT aar ttwt Da Ptrxefa Pa-verita N)ith)Iui m a wonderful mictn and aa- aaa tue prajae ffvwm it wrtua ainv r mm aw. of LaJi)-nrw. Montralaa Co.. Huh.. anas I waa aark four moalhe. ad the awdl on. iHeaLitiieq b the itoctm did ae o Final' t wrote tt) Dr Fwriv fat hla ada-wa. He aaawerad ta a wrr kind lftrr inatrartina- e what to do. I a.ttowad hta mArtct aad Uodar mm a well wooiaa. thanka to if anara." I. Pierce s Pleatarrt PetleU should be rd with " Favorite l-rcarrptiua whea- Arver a laxative is required. iW vita T ' m-t i-m nitu SB). Van I4a rtajrv Iar U t-SVaj 1 ratlilrtaT L-tJti kML PH t s lfVitsill:'M eilXiSar" ItMl BwakSlK a vtf.aA.g- W I 1 I F I I I Itodol Dycpepiaia Csiro r5MM rfl.'llrj'. ar i '111 a-i as to si'.a . i-war a ih aaiia at v p "w vi ! -m fsi'i a.A . j n 'as t i - isV. -i"f f -e m " a f mm For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years M vanized Iron and Tin), Iron Roofing, ana water ripe nu- tings of all kinds. JJJVERITT. - INSTITUTE IT II a 1 Is Tllta ?l la J. MOfFCTT. aA. D T. LOUIS. MO. SVau Slrilartlcar. S iiniti ttml aSaaaSytaafas Uuj. r-V uat lalnaaa mmuu aia.aa. aaj aaa area a anata (aMBjl Administrator's Notice. flaring qualified as administrator on the eetale of ham'l M. fctanlj, dw'd, all persons owing the said estate are hertv Lj notified to make prompt payment and save cost; and all persons holding claims against the estate will present them fur payment within tbe time prw cri!"Hi by law or this notice will be plead in bar of their collection. J. D.SMITH. AdmioiKtrator Feb. 1SXH. of Sam'l M. fctajuly, Uee'd. a TfiAoc Mams ai rarsaanawsa mw COrV4iHT AC. AnvrrB svndlnf a kt4i nd awsKTviKi'iti mm flui-itiy AVriA.n i-vr optriHn framf mttrnttm M tti.iitt-rfi t prt'haoly- tHaL;iii .i 4msrouitiav M"tMI t1tlf evir;0t!'ttal. OGi PtkUssl frcNL tlMlswH sWriT Ikji M-r-uf sajf waUUa. I'aiMiU taacstn thrtmft. fcluutt A Ou, PMavtVt $fMtai lutte, m'h.rtL rtv ta ta Scientific mtxlttx A T.r4aMmr ttrvstsra4 wwktf. ftliaati-m ttl atlV BV-tl ilLr t. , uttuai. Istrn.e U a r : t -nr .t.ntinv Ai. aoaU mt awl i bTmacb otbua. A F MU WaawiiAsfivsm. I. U KILLthc COUCH no CURE the LUNCS W,TH Dr. (ling's flow Discotcry nkici:aaa-Tina lei FCH I 0H8a Va0CDS i oeft ea FrS Trial. burast and Uuicmt C'ura f'tr a.i THK.OAT and LUl'O I&OCJa. LLS. or U0HMr BAC2L a Tattava fur Firir Cwaa. Oua-r.urt uia aaf e;e fra faaa h.m) asm ate SI t faar""- - f Ik,, 4-,6-ai atiat mt W W - r AAV ' w id Soon 1!, rriB XjWfWTr3j-' Cats Ci:le?i-.t!s!a' 1 H ' . !.'.- ilAios PiwstiotL LAkass CXPCKIENCC :

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