n- VOL. 25. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1001. NO. 1. s r r Mount Airy News, Pains in the Back Are symptom of weak, torpid r Stagnant Condition (( tlie kidneys or liver, and are a warning it Is extremely hatardotu to neglect, to Important is a heulthy notion of thetai organs. Thy ar commonly ntfended by Ions I energy, liu-k of cotinije, sown times by gloomy forvbodiiiK and do poadency. I "l had pains in my bacit, could not -leep and when I up In Ilia nmrnlne; felt worse than llm nlvlit before. I hecnn Ink . In lloml'i Harauirllln end now I can Bleep and net tu drlliiK reaied and ahln to (do my work. I atlrllnite hit enre, entirely So Hood'e HnraaparllUi." Maa. J. N. 1'iHk, care Jl 3. t.'opeland, 1'lku HuuJ, Ala. Hood's Sarsaparilta and Pills Corn kldnny ami liver troubles, relieve tho back, aud build up the whole system. DYSPEPSIA " rr ad years I aeae a eletlm ere) ye. r.pala In IL aural form 1 tutilil mi ut.iliine nt milk toaat. and at tiniea my atoMm h aouiS not ratain aud diiffM evrti ttiL IasI Rlarro I Brian keklix ( AM AKI-.I'H end aim-e U i-ti i bava etaa'lllji Impi-med. until 1 am aa wall ai I ear waa tu mi ilr.." Kaviu U Mmtrar. Ntwark. 0. Hat flutin, f..int. Tut. flood TV 0eud. Jl.er Ninken Weaken ut bin I0r. tJt.H ... CURE CONSTIPATIO.:. ... .Htaf hw UM. ItlNp, iMlit, Imm 111 I U'BAb f utlkk Itwaoee ll.biL WHOOPING On of the inoxt dtt rowing aip;hUi is) to a child almoat choking with the dreadful whcHijilnjr-ooiiKli. Clivo the child Dr.John W. Hull's CouRhSyrnp, . relief will be obtained at once and the sufferer will soon le cured. COUCH SYRUP Cures Whooping-Cough quickly. Doaea are email and pleaaant to take. Doctor recommend iU Price is eta, At all druniata Vm'I Tebae-e Kelt eed Raiiik. loir I Iff 1m), To quit tobacco easily and forever, he uiai? " nette. lull of life, nerve and vivor, lake No To liae. the wnatler worker, that niak wtak nica Btron(. All dniKVlata, UK or ,1. Cure guaran teed booklet and nmnifl fre AiMrena tMrllog Hamedr t o -'-w Votk JIOTICK. J Wkjrr every man atnl auinan In the T'nit. fttat'. tnterelr! in tbe Ofnutn and Wuiskf babita ao bnve ene of mr tnnkt on th.av 0.. .. A'Mrk. H. M. (Vnolley, Atlanta, t K.i vri. ami ona will he anl voti fr . 7 :; ' ,J. "W. EAEP & CO., Mm in Fnroitflre, House FErilki Goods, k, k, AHD COFFINS, GASKETS, BURIAL ROBES. UNDlaTAkERS. MAIN STREET. i. i s-- y FORGET Itat we sell tbis fa ecus Shoe. Also a big t line of oilier kinds. !oo fill alwajs Sod ns .1 ... .UELSn.! Headquarters for SIiocs,StaiIcDiy-Goods -A.ri.c3. Grocorios. Youw ioi Low Prices, R. D. DeYault & Co. PAftKtha MAIR BALSAM 4 ft .. -i r- . i l'.,r 1 7. "NERVOUS AND IRRITABL Pe-ru-na is Invaluable to Ai Women. iT 'vr'l Mlaa IVlla Harrington, :m Nt-cutid ave. ntip, Ilr trull, Mic-li wrlti-ai "Wraknuea lm II lleil many inonllia of my lifu with MifTcniitf. Tlirouuh rariv li'ani'H I cniiKlit a ai viTt-c-iil lwoyara a'n w lilrli Bellini in ralarrii and rerlutiii ly Inturfentl unit the regular fond Ion. of the ImkIv, ami ni:ito mo uervona am UrilaMe, I t-uaa UklUK I'- rutia and found In It a fuilliful IipI mt, a It rn rii'lml toy IiI.hhI ami lnviuorald the whole r yxlem. 1 have no intu now and am nl n a Wfll." Kemnlo wenkneaa l (.onenilly d pcnilelil upon i atrrli of Ihe julvlo or pa n 4, I'eruna enr'-a ealarrli whrver located. Addreii Ir, Hurt mini, l'reel.lent of I'liO Jlitrunuii hahilm mill, Columtiiu, Olilu, fur freo litcralk'ru. r ft 7 r 1 1 1 Old Sorts, Itching Pilrt, LULLnlAf Skin Diaeusea. ABSOLUTELY CURED. 3 HERMIT SALVE. 26N080CINTa aox. Sold br all Pntinr;t. Tak.nooiher. tl.l FjIiiiSv kmrttv 2vftara. Wantsd-An Idea S Prt t Yotjr (daaij thr mr brlac 7 i jutltb. Writ JOHN WfcMjKMil.kN Ju-nl AH.. hmy. WntitnartAan, I) '.,t r iholr prinm vtTm VM1 lUl nf two hundrMl tnnibtns wakriuaat -H.t..i aj. mm MOUNT AIRY, N. C. T Three Times the Value of Any Other. One Third Easier. One Third Faster. Tim only Hewing Machine that doea not tail in any point. Rotary Motion and Ball Hearin(i make it the lighten running machinti in the world. Agrnti wanted in unoccu pied territory. Hand for circulars and terms. Wheeler I Wilson Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga, Par eal by J. 0. Jeaklaa, Mt. Airy. III ! M t! IT' t T tl ; '.ill I VZLDOUGLAS EiOSS 'a UhM ii My 00 - . . ' V. .if UNION Btft'l ' MADE Th Ona Day Colrl Curs. P . ' . v t. 'I ,, .1 tiermnil .Dwe I ' -...I ( .,,, lel Kodcl Dyspepsia Cura Cigta hat yu ret. Port Ariliar in ; ; y SliafC. Much Gayety and no Suf fering. Indimiapolin, lnd., June 21. The News today recoivod from ill anocial war cirrepoudeiit, Hector LV. II,.. . ir .....i :.. r unur, wnu tsittciuu u uuuiutn in to I'ort Arthur, where bo was iui prisoned five dura before hejWni ordcrnd from the furtrestt, a special cdbloraui, dated Che Ftc, June 218, in which rullor gives hi ex porlonoos as follows: "After boinif rowod across iroio the Mis tit so leluiids in an open boat by two Chiimtiion, I landed at Ijti la Wny, Tho by Is nor Tort Ar- tlmr and is separated from it by I range of hills. The bay was ocenpi ed by' a Huttian flotilla of four torpedo boats, two destroyers and two cruisers. I Undod fct dnybrenk on the morning l Juuo 10ih with out detection. With the full coin in of the day 1 could boo that every hill top near the shore whs alive with soldiers, busily enirAged in strengthening the already strong ortilicttions, which occnpiod every poiot of vantHgo. It looked at fir.t as thongh it would bo impossible ta pars inroiign me linos aim uiaae inyi way over the hills toward I'ort Ar-.' thur, but by keeping down in tb narrow valley, which were free of soldiers, I gradually made my way nto tho interior of the peninsula. n this way, after a day and night of ( flort, I succeed in reaching l ort Arthur, ihebiztrd of my poet tion bicame so obvious that tbe same day Saturday, Juno 11th I set out on ray return to iuiea 1'ay presently came in sight of a Urge body of Kueeiao n.fantry when I took refuge in a Chinese village, where 1 touud a hiding place until danger was over. 1 had not proceeded far from this villago when I came upon a small party of fanners. In order to avoid them, I made a dash up a hill, only to run into another regiment engag ed in digging entrenchments. In stantly 1 was surrounded. There was no ponbuitv of etcape. The officer in command detailed a guard to take me to Pigeon Bay. There was searched. 1 waa stripped to the skin and all my garments were objected to the closest scrutiny, My money was taken, and all the papers in my poEsession were min utely examined. Thereupon I was blindfolded and marched to Tort Arthnr. Tbe route taken was over the military road, which has been ricently constructed. In spite ot the bandage over my eyes I was able to note that the road is of ad- mirablo construction, along which troops and artillery couh -oveeasi ly and rapidly. "l ort Arthur was full of life and gayety, juite out of keeping with the glories of distress that had reach ed Che Foo. Indeed, "nothing of this Burt was observed. There seern ed to be an abundance ot supplies. And fresh supplies were cominiz from Chinese sources. Tbe Japa nese blockade has not been effective. he harbor cl trance has been freed of obstructions, the I Jttleships have been repainted and fortifications were constantly being made strong er. 1 he garrison is larger than utside information has ltd me to believe. The troops are in excel lent condition and the general ealth conditions of the city are good. There seemed to be no fear that the city was likely soon to fall. "Ihe night I was marched into 'ort Arthur, under guard, tbe city was unusually lively, aa the iflicers were giving a ball. Three ollicers were detailed to examine me and they made thorough work ot it. Alter 1 was examined 1 was lodged n prison. The prison was directly pposite Golden ilill. from the window of my cell, I had a good lew of the inner bay, and could see distinctly the repaired battle ships lying at anchor. In the same prison were confined 100 Japanese who bad been captor ed from the blockading expedition. Several of these had become insane. myself, was kept on Uuaian lack bread aud water for two days. While I was in tl.o prisou 1 was su1 j cled to seven ditiurent exaniiri lions. Ihe thing that evidently used the greatest suspicion waa the passport that had been issued to me at Tokio. it is pretty evi- ent that the Kossian ollicers more than half suspected that 1 was a apuncse spy. I demanded tbe opportunity of string General Stowsol, tbe com mandant at lort Arthur, I hat 1 might lay my case directly bofore him. At last, after tire days in prirton, my plea was allowed and I was taken before the commander in chief. 1 made a straightforward statement of my purpose ot seeking to penetrate the Kossian lines and gave a detailed account of my trip. At leari be was convinced of my good faith. He said: 'YjuAmer leans must be crtry "As the result of tbia hearing of my General btoeeael decided that I WAS to be allowed to leave rt Arthur on condition tbat 1 proiiiiee uevrr to retcru. The prom- was promptly forthcoming Thereupon, 1 waa again blind- folded and taken back nnJor guard by the direct ronte to Louisa lUj, Arrivod there, I was 'eqhoaWlj d point the eiict spot at whioh 1 aiad my landing! i Immediately sentry was plscod at that point. "I was Bent away then in a junk with a boat qL Chimee., .Tbeso wore ins (Iran ot enure vitiligo who wcra btinil girted because tne viiiHgtsind E yd some Jap anese. The jnnkM" escorted out si'de of the haW by Hussian tor pedo boats,uu7"cn WM make its wifylotte as best it con Id across the gulf. I was without food for GO hours, but tioaily reached horo, little tho worse for my ten days experiences, "On the whole, If say '"St. that. whilo I wss in tbe v.Ji of the Russians I whs kindly treated. On tho night of June 13th the Japa nese made another attack on I'ort ArtbBr, both by land bd by sea. I saw distinctly the firing from my cell window. When the aflair was over the Ituwian drifters ret timed laughing to their quarters, report itig that the enemy bad been easily repulsed. "Tlio talk il that General Kfcro palktn is likely soon to take charge in porson at ror Arthur." A Costly Mistake. - 11 1 under are sometimes very ex pensive Occasionally life ilaolf is thopneo ol a mintako, but you II novor bo wrong if you tako Dr. King's New Lilo I'ilU for Dyspepsia, Dir.cineaa, Headache-, l.ivoror liowol troublos. They - arc irentle yet thorough. 25c, at C. K. Callaway's Drug Storo, Big Klondike Gold Output. -r- v Tacoma, Wish., Jone 21 Daw son advice. say that millions in gold en treasnre are now flwir-if)io the Klondike me'ro;oli from ilie various creeks. Trade has bright ened very perccptWj'. The trad ing cunpaniea whirHaye fnrnised supplieB to miners through the win ter have their collecars scattered thronghout the creeks and are busy renpin their golden harvest. The gold is not brooght to Daw son in the primitive and picturerqne style which prevailed when men had to carry it on tlioir backs in re lays and come down the creeks in strings on fixed stages in front of banks or trading posts, and carried across tho sidewalk in strong boxes. Credit Manager Lindsey, oi the Northern Commercial Co., s4be clean-np of the summer wilf-to as great and perhaps larger than last year's. Kx. , FAIR PLAY WANTED. Mr. Racket's Friends Want Jnstice and Nothing More. nitilthhetf by roqueat. Personal abuse and falso repre sentationsof private or public char acter are not legitimate material for uo in decent campaigns, for nom inations or for elections. Mr, liackett, of Wilkes, is a candidate for the congressional nomination on the Democratic ticket in thia dis trict. lie aud his friends are mak ing a clean, honorable contest Neither he nor bis friends have, so far as we ctn learn, stooped to cant a swgw unkind word or do an act not pet'ectly in accord with the strictest rules that govern tbe con duct ot honorabla gentlemen. He and bis friends are in tbe contest to win by honorable means and without the injury of any one. It is regretted, however that tbe over 4Rillis friends of one of the otnW'candiddtes are forgotting the rules tbat govern gentlemen and are stooping to rnudslinging, mis representing the personal character and habits of Mr. liackett, his po kiiton on public questions and bis popularity in his Lome country. II is personal character will com pare honorably with any of the other houorable candidates in Ibis contest. With a popular home candidate against him, and a native born can didate against him who now liyr in Caldwell, Mr. liackett was pfrc tically ntianimotisly endorsed' t, the people of Wilkes, thus giving tbe lie to reports circulated else where that Lading . democrats in Wilkes are against him., It ia not necessary to dignify the false reports by specific mention. It is beneath fair minded gentle men t j make such charges when truth does not back them. We regret that it is ncccsary to say this much. True manhood and true democracy never mbke it ne- ceaary to be compelled to counter act such false be od. liackttt's friend will continue to nuke a clean, honorable contest. If they should fail, tbey will honor ably tail, and will, aa ever hereto fore, be found pulliug for the nom inee with tbat irue democratic Dal that character!.' Mr. liackett aud his friends Wilksboro Chronicle. The Value of Expert Treatment. Everyone who is afflicted witb chronic disease experiences great difficulty in Laving their case in telligently treated by tbe average physician. Theae diseases can only be cured by a specialist who under stands them thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta, (ta.. ia acknowlodced the nott skillful and saercfeful specialist in the Uni ted Fta'ts. Write him for bis ex- nsrt opinion of your cae, for which is nutkea no citargo. Sam Jones Crows Wise. He LearnJThat Dispensaries Are Worse Than 4 Saloons. . Bam J otios writos to The Atlanta Journal from Carteraville, as fol lows: I have spent three days of this week in South Carolina, and I have, been thinking considerably over what I saw and heard on tbis trip as well as on other tours through South Carolina. I spent last Mon day night in Charleston. Our train on tbe Coast Line was late. We got to Charleston about 9 o'clock. I inquired at the hotel for a decent restaurant. I was referred to one in a block of the hotel. I went in, orderod my supper. At the table next to me wore fonr young men, not eating but drinking. They were full when I got in; they were fuller when I got out. When I got back to tbe botol I remarked that there seemed to be more to drink than to eat at the restaurant they referred me to. That brought on more talk, and the dispensary, witb all its characteristics, wss discussed. A gentleman standing high in tbe financial and political life of South Carolina proposed to me tbat be woe Id show me something if I woulrOo witOrhim, and I accepted his f 'Tlin,iid,within two block! be otkkAwr-me into six fall-Hedged Cbr)ton blind Ocen. U aid here were 300 of them there. Some of them were raided by tbe State and city constabulary fre qnently. Others were immnnt; they oever had boon raided. There are fourteen State dis pen sariea in Charleston. I suppose they only do a small per cunt of the business in liquor. The dispensaries must close at ti o'clock in the even ing, and open at C o'clock in tbe morning, but the blind tigers do business after tbe hours of tho dis pensary, and they do business until tbe wee small hours of the morn ing. The names and places of those Ttlind tigers are as well known in Charleston as the clothing stores of George Mnee and Eiseman, or tbe dry goods stores ot Chamberlin Johnson & Keoly in Atlanta. Tbe dispensaries in the smaller towns do a larger business, and perhaps the only liquor basinets of any of them worth speaking o'; but tbey do bust- , nets, selling bust beads from six teen cents a half pint bottle to $2 a quart The state is the wholesale dealer and furnishes all the dispen saries, and the state's profit is made tu their profits as they Bell to tbe county and dispensaries. For in stance, etch dispensary pays tbe state dispensary twelve cents a bot tle for that jKip-ikull, which the town disponeary sells for 15 cents, and it has the stamp of tbo state chemist on it, reading "nothing chemically impure in thia liquor." I do not know why tbey do not stamp on theb ottle, "Nothing mor ally impure cither." The one would go as far with me as tbe other. I once favored tbe dispensary ss a choice between the saloon and the dispensary, for the following rea sons: First, I thought tbe dispen sary woold put the bar-room crowd and the liquor interests out of pcli tics, and we all know what a potent factor they make. Secondly, that the license feature, by which the cotTdrs of tbe town and State are enriched would be done away witb; and thirdly, because I believe lees liquor would be drunk. But the South Carolina dispensaries denun strate tbat liquor is in politics worse in South Carolina thao any State in the Union. And secondly, that the taxpayers are getting more money out of it. And, thirdly, that there is more liquor dtunk out of the diepedaariea of South Carolina per capita in my candid judgement, than out of tbe full fbdged bar rooms in other States. It will take South Carolina a hundred years to recover from the effects of the dis pensary; for dispensary liquor not only debauchee the poor devila that drink it, but tbe dispensary will de baucb the whole State in its politics and morals. 1 am as much against the open saloon as I ever waa. 1 am aa much against the dispensary as 1 am againet tbe saloon, and for the same reasons. And I keep saying that if whia key is a good thing, then turn it loose, and 1 t it fl w ankle deep, and bang a dipper on the limb of every tree and give the world all the good there ia in it. If it is a bad thing, tben dowo with and oat with the whole bueineas in extensj. Greenwood, S. C , baa never bad a dispensary. For first class citizen abip, intelligence, morality and de cency she. stands without a peer in that SUte. Clinton, & C , 1 be lieve, is another of tbe same stripe. Lot whenever you find a dispen aary yon win nna a aec-aucnea sen timent, and a growing greed on toe part of tbe taxpayers to push its kuaineas, and tu increase it profits. Tbe best elements of Sooth V'' olina are against the dispensary, the worst elements ot boulh Carslina are against the dispensary, and besc o classes together do not nute a majority in that State. It is ail an omaloua state of tLinin if the lUst and worst elements of society be to gethor sgainst anything. I do not remombcr tbat I hao met a single minister in South Car olina, or devout Christian man who wasn't sgaitiat the dispensary; and the worst featnre of the dispensary system is, it has fastened itself like a leech, aud has come to stay I had rather undertake to vote the salooi s out of Mscon, Atlanta or Savannah than to undertake to vote tbe dis pensary out of Athens or Home. I nave tint only got to fight the liqu or, but I have to light the profits of liquor that come to each taxpayer ot tbe county, and when yon tonc'i tbe average fellow's pocket, you have hit a vital stop. If auy town in Georgia or otht r State contemplates inaugurating a dispensary, let them send a com mittee of three honest men to Charleston or Columbia, and take in also some of the smaller towr s, and see the thing as it is. That committee wiil come back aud ro- fort unfavorably. Keep your si oons until you can vote them tu, but don't ever compromise by swap ping your saloons for the dispen sary. A saloon ia the smallpox, a dii--pensary is the measles. 1, for on , bad rather have tbe smallpe x and get well than have tho meashs, for ever. I am frequently asked which would you choose, saloons, or dis pensary or blind tigers? 1 reply, why don't you ask me which I had rather have smallpox, yellow fever or measleti I5y the grace of God, I don't want either one of the time in mine, and am not going to have them if I can help it. Take "Jut a mite" of Ramon's Tonic Regulator nightly, and you will be pleaaed with the effect. Tbat tired. ji'Aauated feeling will disappear, there will be no cause for headaches, pains in the back or side. When the organs are in a healthy state one has no cauae for complaint, and that is just the atate a systematic use cf Ramon's Tonic Regu lator will produce. 2Scti. For sale by B. K. Hay more. For a Typographical Map. Congressman E. V. Webb, of this district was over from hi home at Shelby for the meeting of tho State I'.ar Association Moiids night and yesterday morning. While there bo told an Observti Reporter that the work of survey ing Mecklenburg county for a ty pographical map would be startiJ within a few weeks. This snrve) will be made at the expense of thi national and State government, and will08t each f 5,000 a total of 110.000. A typographical map is the per fection of map-making- The map of Mecklenbnrg will show the reti dence of every person in the c on ty, every creek, branch and spring and every road will have all distatj ces exact. A Mount Airy Woman Asks "have you a floor paint that will W two weeks ?" Yes we have Devoe ; it has a beautiful gloss and wil wear two years if properly appliud. W. E. M.rritt. Ten Thousand Churches in the United States have o") Jo Longman As Martinez Pure Pi . Every Church will be given a H eral quantity whenever they pai a. Don't pay $1 50 agalloc lor I.'n seed oil (worth CO cents) which yon do when yon bay thin paint in a cai with a paint label oo it. 8 and 6 make 14, therefore when yon want fourteen gallons of pxint buy only eight gallons of I. & M and mix six gallons of pu-o linnet ' oil with it. You need only four gallons of L & M. Paint, and three gallons of oil mixed therewith to paint a good siz"d bouse. Houses painted witb these pain'i never trow ebabbv even after IS years. These celebrated paints sre sold oy r. L bmitn v Uo., Agents The map will be almost invalna ble, not only to the tiO.OOO people living in tbisconntv. bnt will be rt - v a great deal of valuo in advertis ing the resources of tbe county and seeming new citizens. Mr. Webb said work on tbe snr vey would beein by September t and the map will probably be com ple.ed by Christmas. A gcolog -cal survey will be made in. ounce tion with the survey for the ma , and it is possible tbat this may be worth many thousand dollars Charlotte Observer June 22 atari... h i1 laiU) u.r Our mone wlnninf hooka, written by men who know, tell you all about Potash Thcr are needed hy r-ry man who owna a brd and a plow, and who dmrea to fet the nwat out of thetn. 1V ar 9nd enrtal rd. crank SHI warn, a Mew Y-a nmnmm atma, Aikaaaa. el a, im ft. Ta Care t'ttmmltpmtlmn V r. Take taria ai t Uil 6c art If C to U aaal be ewiw, aUacaww rataad aaaa W: !ik-J ..iJmir mm CM Tlio Kind Yoti II ivo Always Douht, nntl which lias been In iiho for over ,')0 year, lia-t borne tho tdirnntnre of ? "1 Im lx't'ii iimdo under hi pcr- fc X "ffifl" fount Hipcrvlxloii alneo Itn Infancy, WLtVv -UCA.4,i. Allow no one lodwivo you In thia. All Counterfeit, Imitations nml " Jiist-a-(fool" are; but Kjpcrlint'iiti that trillc with nntl ii(1:iiikt tho health of Jiiiunta nntl Chlltlren Experience naiust Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnxtoriu I iKtriuleH-iibf-titiite for Cutor Oil, Pare goric, Drops itixl s.Totaybi' SvriipH. It Is PleuxunU It contain neillii r Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotirt sailiKlaiice. lis stye is its j.'iiar,t:i(ec. It destroy Vornm mill allays I'cvei'isliiies", It cures Diarrhii'it and Wind C'olic. It rt lleve 1 eclhin Trouhles, cures Constlpatioll mill Flatulency. It itssiiiiilateH the I nod, reifiilnte tho Kliinmi li iiml 1 towels, ihiii-,' liealtliy ami natural tslecp. The Children'. ranaceit Tito Iotlnr I'rleiul. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS TJcarj rbo The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tmc ccotaubi eoMMsiv, tr TfiICT. ntw timi erw. YOTJ CAN FIND II (Both Gal Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Tewter and Rubber bought at Everitt's. F OAK - RIDGE CI 1 Cf Yfl f iPABliS for the tMVi:BSITU;S and COU f I I Ctll Li:ni.!vai d-ril a tor HI SINKS, lor TfiACH- IS(1, Mid- ItOkO, N. C. ever 1. 000 frrt alKc the aca level, in view ol the mount. Ins. I arifrst and Rett f:qalprrd f ittlnit Schoul lor ount Men and R.i) In the .South. Katee: SlS. 00 tu $17.1.00 per annum. roa atauTirwL J. A. & M. H. HOLT ft Brf.MOrFSTT'S Vi1 rxl? itrAtTCETMINfl :ai Ckw u crm 1 no Costs OJj 25 ces!t eflSai-'Cibor aiall II eeaa a C. Tvi-iaa . J. a. in. -rim. 0. 1. Wmrrr-Ur ttj eiei.o-. a f..r .it.: .ut Bt.-lD, Tl'kru. 14. awibl.Mth,.a. I .rr nmrif area nUulri Ik It" .lu. - ltw aHJktr i-Usnln4 to try Tt. 1 H 1 N A. i l Mbauwsl to mmsj e of pr. klo. at. 4 tt.:m!.f f.-arauit'.. I, 4MtaJ it BtB) SftWllLaVlMJA. lt "B wrzio to Dr. Pie re 2 for his 8ffv&GQ." Tie lady, .'ro-.a aliok letter W riioie, pot hat l:c wrote lor, and ia a eil tvomnii to-day na a rr-,ult ol iulluwri Ir. I'irrre'a ailvii-eaml uaitiif ir. I'ler. i t lavfjrite l'rt-t-r:ption, liie tiir'iu-ine wli'i Ij uia'oa wia women atroo um.I aiek women well. " l-'avot:te I n t. r p tion efttal!r !iea reulHrily, ilnck tw.,k Ciiiiy druint, healt tiin.iriuimtioii und uii'er tiott unit ctirt-k female wukiirM,. Sifk wi'ineii, e--jiccil!y l!ir'M: aiitl-Ttn froui dtaraai-a of long aU::dnig, are tu- it. to rotiHilt Ir. Pierce by trttf, All ?orreT'!W.eiice U hrM m i rwif Tirivat ami mcmMy contnlrn t .1. A.drctt Dr. R. V. I'wrce. 1-uO-lo. la V. - I mn fmtli'u-lr Mithal Ir reW P.wte I'te-rrt- turn i a wtaodtrful rmi ur-nf n d de f im the r.r:t:r jits-ii (t wrilfft Mn. I r-msi t t mm t , 4 I V, r- M" iar i!(rt.toim to., e!kh 1. jh i -i-ai ' w k lmt i m ', I ti. B" tl Ol? ir'r.ll t-.rr ptrrr i v 1h rt'jrtrtrw ditl j Ht puJ 1 uiany 1 - rtAe l f r l'irr. f hl n-lve. He fsn-warri-vl ti v. rT iu l Httf inetnu r'Hrsr nr 1 .4 f i t (..il.rwrH hi iwlvL mn, loAy m wril winian, tDk. U IT I'trtrc " Ir. riorrp'i ric-aMfit rcUt thouM owd with " Iavontp I'rrrij tiou u tu si eve r a laxative i ri ju:-x.l. VTTjrrSZ???--! SiT.'i.'er.'e.'u.r.; 'iriii ;. f . V ' . ? M '" -"'1 ...H. -n-j . -r-T.' f if ' '-tJ' . I S 1 . a-. -J ' j ..J,.. , i " M- " ' - T 4 ! i r' . t, . - -,.-- Ctj::; taL,a,i;ia--a aM.a. l a-'-i ;:' i - Z&aC3 J -, I i A -3 Lfuu Signature of lill vanized Iron and Tin), Iron Roofing, Galvanized Iron Work, 111 HIP, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steara and Water Pipe Fi?' f tings of all kind h T. JjV3jRITT. - INSTITUTE '1 Vh in n. tuatrd M AR OH I NS. cataLOGui. AODaraa Oak Kidzc, N. C Carss CicIcra-InfanToai. l'iarrSoca,lvttatcry,aa4 the r ;.',! treuhica Aidi tlcitioa, Rcjntaut the Beweb, Strcnjthcat the C '14 and Makes TrtTH:Mi: ricv ffiVVSIRalilO ffi wc IR& at Dmgfista, J. MOFFKTT, M. O. ST. LOUIS, MO. S airl Jertee at nl eemaaae Itial I (kaeta ele. r oaf U111. r'V ) uilr"a Mibi U, aa. ka4 a,a e prm..)pU.)a Iroai laai lf Bki.iclaaa. kl fet.nM.llM, Uwri . aliaMI a.aatr4 ai, f Uerw M fraal etktT- l.lVt f W tJOltf Wli Ac'in'iiistrator's Notice. I i in in r ("! t; i' adminiatrafor -il ! i e i tui i- '.I .-, ii M M Manly, dee'd, a. I ),, i , , i . ii i !, r. i e t ate are lieu i noi.ti -d t" inake prompt paymtoa anil no, f-o-t ; ai d al! p rona hold' t n k a- nt- i i .1 Ihe .-Male a, ill pree '1. em fi,r pa; meiit tail Ion the lime .inlied hy law or ttitk notii'enill ph ad i.i hnr of tin ir et lleetion I i I It. oduiiniatralor I', h. -J, 13 I i f l-tm': M. Mar.iy, ilet'.l. vwiAM4. 60 YEARS' t' aiDrnirar.it ' 1 DltGN CorvniaHTS sic Anworia) staynrllnf ikf rU atrial rtVTir'"ii m ("ti. nr aw rtt.'ii our odnt'tn frssa riftl-ar mm iriVStiM t'kt) ifJ pf'haih f fHsttrm ' f I'ttiifttl tt ti.'M-triM-e-,fi,ifkt,IlBkl. HHUSMt tmlmmul liid rrn. (Mtlt-ai earmx-y for s urthf pafaiitai I! iitei tjUfn tltrootrN Nutm At ( o. rt J"-mU static, wtth,kulebrai, u lb Scicntinc Jfmcrlcan. 4 hun.lavirf!; 1lln4ntM wiaj rvit -it ru:tt"i "f f I tl )-irial. T --rTr.a t MUNN & Co. ir it nttiti, ti, iti brail ncarafaii, New Yc.a I' if fur 'it t f. ! a t-.x. 4 " I ! ''- i a" rft r ' rt Pri.-e in; . : f 1- il. jr-e-t n-.t i.ut'i i-trn lr ail 7i'Ro.ir n- i ivy Ttoua- I .:. or kon i-.Mar E5f BACK. ' 1 - ..... ! , ..... .-..1 f .t ll.TC ..I.. ' , f t -VJft f.kuaa) evaafi. aav.aWti.IPt4 BUMkaeaH j One KlrmU Couh Car j f COVSHe, Coldt nd CrWft, l I, Tkll r a.

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