TA AT Airy A EWS. NT i t Vf) O VOL. 25. MOUNT AIRY, N. 0.. WEDNESDAY, JULY , 1001. MR. GEO. A. HUGHES SAYS: 1 if: yj I &1 ill: Te-ru-na Is the Medicine for W, Jf ? . Mr. n. a. Hup!...., Ma. il,f Vgy if MtU'V Ave., Inillunapoli., nl.,wrlt.t I 'y L J fy ' "AW "Peruna has done me more ! j I tf footf anything I have j f fpy Jf ; ever taken. I am forty five years old now, and feci as 1 i good as I did at 20. I was L-.Y.. ....... i very thin and run down, but Iwvwvwwvwvawvvvv Peruna acted Just right In my case. I am a carpenter and some I times need a tonic Peruna Is the medicine for a poor man."" Oeo. A. Hughes. j A Canfrcaaman twi Pem-na In tils I family. Hon. Thou. J. Henderson, Momlwr of rontn-M from Illinois, ami I,lMitnant In the Vnion Army for eight roar, wrlts from the lxmon building, Wah I up ton, 1. C, as follow.: 'Peruna hat been uted In my fami ly with the very beat remit and I take pleasure In recommending your valuable remedy to my Mends at a tonic and an effective cure lor catarrh. " "'Thot. J. Henderson, Catarrh axume different plianex in different ncasons of the year. In lin early summer ayatrmic catarrh Ik most pro a U ut. That tired, all worn out feel- A Mount Airy Woman Asks lavfTo'iTa fio.f paint that will last two weeks i 1 es wc uave j evov : it Las a beautiful Rloe and will wear two years if properly applied. W. E. Merritt. ,T. "W. EARP & CO., Dealers ii Firilre, Hons Fmisti GooSs, it, it, AND COFFINS, GASKETS, BURIAL ROBES. UNDEKTAtERS. MAIN STREET. ft V . u " . ...... ... FORGET Ihat we sell this fa mous Shoe. Also a big line of other kinds. Ten will always find us THAN ?! ' m., . . !i n m ii . i . i i o n e i o 'io 'i o o o i mo fl?ft -A.io.cl Groceries. Yours lor Low Prices, R. D. DeYault & Co. PARK!: S HAIR f ALfeAM " mts A . ay ) k-Hf "I I ILL ASC00O AS I DID AT 20." Many Suffer With Catarrh and Don't Know It. The Phase of Catarrh Most Prevalent In Summer Is a Run Down, Worn Out Con dition Known as Systemic Catarrh. ine in nine rr out of tm iiueto eatarrhal condition of the mucous mem liranon. 1'ertina cloanm-a the mucous membrane, ami cure, tho rutarrh wherever located. There an- no remedies for catarrh Ju.t a. pood a. 1'cruna. Aor.pt no aulwti tlttiK. f j on do not derive prompt and satis factory ri-fullH from tho ui of I'cruna, write at onec to Ir. Marlman, givine a full statement of your raw, ami he will lx plrtwl to give you hi. valuable atl viee irratia. Acliln s. 1 r. Ilartnian, l'n -iili nt of Tho llartmaii Sani iiiriuin, (uIuiuLim, Ohio, Wanted-An Idea : !rtc-t T ur fdifta: tfW mr l,Hn Whn tn think ItilUaf U IUtiLr W nu JoilV fcU'Khbl h .t . Patent Alt "'T niy t.nnK y.-a .i,iih. tnm w filot..n. h 41. f .r ihlr tl.tn riM ..' Uut .f t.t.r. tf1 li t.n innt nrt To Car t'onatlpiatluQ Korevrr. Tke Cwn irBti Candv v aUnarut JOo or tt l fl fl. ffll trt cif. 1riirt.i- refund tnnn MOUNT AIRV, N. C. Three Times the Value of Any . Other. One Third Easier. One Third Paster. The only Sowing Machine thnt does not fail in an; point. Rotary Motion and Ball Bearing) make it the lightest running machine in the world. Aepnta wanted in unoccu pied territory. Bend for circular! and terms. Wheeler I Wilson Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga, Per aalc by J. D. Jwkln., Mt. Airy. I it WLDOUGLAS 1$4qp , words' jii union jnufiwtt . V t & MADE rV.LDOUGLAS MAKES M0R3o-cAND3'-SH0ES ANY OTHER TwQ XaritftfJIigas IK W WOBID., n'( Tta-tM. Mptl itf KaiaA )uur life iway. To fi.iti t.'ia xa nt1 fonrvpr ttt lif. i !if W'in.Scr v, ,.tiv;T. i..av n uk.'i, nt';c bao I I j ) 11 Iff' "0 A LEAP YEAR ELOPE MENT. charlotte otmcrvar. One of tbe moot interesting and protticat romBnc that ever took place in the Old North State wm culminated tout niifh at Onffnoy, 8. C, when AIi" (ilndya K.izntioth l!entH)w, of Wilkeboro, ana Mr. Herman Cavities Millf, of IUleigh, were marriod that ia, if they were married. The couple ipent ndjro tr half-hour in Charlotte last night and did not luetitHte to tell an Ol)aer?or reporter the entiro tory, from tho timo Cupid began to play with their hearts. lloth of tho young pooplo belong to the heat fatniliii in the State. Mitw Ilt-nbow, a deciduly pretty girl of nineteen fiinunort, ii the oldest daughter of Mr. I.. S. Uonbow, who ia a well known citizou of Wilkog boro. Mr. Mills is a son of Mr. Walter Mills, of IUloitfh, president of the Carolina Trust Company. lie is only 20 years old and his parents objected to his marriage be cause of his youth. The parents ot Mies l'onbow did not obi eel to the match, and knew that tbe elope ojent would occur. It is the old story. The young people met at Cinilford College, near Greensboro, where both finish ed school last year, and it was a case of love at Ii ret sight, lbe Tear at school was a happy one. Minerva retired in d if order and Cupid, the conqueror, kept almost undisputed charge of the neld. Text books were not entirely thrown aside, but Shakespeare was pre ferred before trigonometry and liomcr's llaid before the oratious of Cicero. Ixng e'er tho college term expir ed the couple decided that co educa tional colleges are a success and that they would never be partod. After school was out the parents were approached. As mentioned above, there was no objection on the part of Mr. and Mrs. Lenbow, but the parents ot tbe young man said that he was too young. Tbe young man thought not. Two weeks ago be went to wukesboro and lived at the hotel there until yesterday morning, when the trip to bouth Carolina was begun. Tbe young lady had few prc- paratiocs to make. She had several gowns which had been made for her graduation at college a few weeks previous, and only one more was added to tbe list. This was a very becoming drees of silver gray peau de sole silk, with hat and gloves to match, which were the costume of the bride elect last night. The young woman is a handsome bra nette, with the dash and nerve of tho wtli bred mountain lass. Mr. Mills is handsome also, and has determined, thnugh pleasing, features. Mr. Mills and Miss Ben bow left Wilkesboro yesterday morning, ar riving at Taylorsvillo in the after noon. At Statesville telegraa 8 were sent to Hock 11 ill, S. C, msk ing arrangements for the wedding aud engaging a suite of rooms at the hotel. Tbe couple arrived bere on tbe Statesville train too late for No. 29, upon which they were to have cone to ltock Hill. Undaunt ed, they tried to engage a private conveyance to take them to Hock Hill through tbe country. ISo car riage that wonld take tbe trip could be found. The only recourse was to io to some other South Carolina town on the Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line or remain in Charlotte until this morning and then go to Hock Hill. Tbe couple decided upon tbe former course, aud boarded No. 35, which was ready to pull out of the Southern yajds. They said that they would go to Gatfney and be married with in twenty minutes a t r tbe train arrived there. And all who saw them wished them God-speed. It is a rather interesting coinci dence tbat Miss Nellie Uonbow, the 16 yer old sister of Miss Dbl- bow, eloped with Mr. J. 1 aim age I'rivette, also of Wilkesboro, about ten months ago, and spent awhile in the Queen City en route to Kick 11 ill, where tbe kn t was tied, lbe objection then was on the part of the girl s parents. Mies lienbow laughingly remark ed last night that she had one other tister, who is now aged 15, but that she had not yet fully decided to elope. Mr. and Mrs. Mills will spend this evening in Charlotte en route to Haleigh, where they will make tbeir borne. Brutally Tortured. A case came to light that for persistent and unmerciful lortue lias pot liana nev. been equaled. Joe Golobick of Colusa, Calif, writes, ' r or 15 years I endured insufferable pain lrora KbeumatiBm aod nothing rt lieved nis tbongb I tried every thing known. I came across Eloe r C Bitters and it's the greatest nitdicine en earth tor that troulle. A tew bottles of it completely re bered and cured me." JcHaegood f.r Liver and Kidney troubles and gDixsrs! duli'tity. Only &0c. Hatia laUico cusrani'ic-d by C, f (lul- An lii iws in 1111 llltVlVUtll ounce Clow ill Tito . Police his Chain-Gang Sentences Invalid United States District Judge Emory Speor, of the western divi fion of tho southern district of Georgia, to day rendered an opin ion of far-reaching importance, in volving tho authority of municipal courts alt over the country to sen tence violators of municipal ordin ances to Ircal chain gangs. Tbe case came before Judge Spor on a writ of habeas corpns applied for by Henry Jamison, a negro, for re- losne from the custody of E. A. Wimbisb, suponndent of the llibb county, Ga , chain gang. Judge Spocr in a lengthy opinion decided lhat tbe suyerintenddnt was with out authority to hold the prisoner and directed his immediate release. Iu parsing on the case Jndge Spoor called attention to the fact that the commitment from the re cordor's court was "a sentence and nothing more," and that there "wa no finding of guilt or innocence by tho recorder." The question in volvod, "said Judgo Speor, "ia whether the recorder of Macon, can, without any sort ot criminal plead ing and without the intervention of a jury, convict a citizen twice for violation of a municipal ordinance and sentence him to seven months at bard labor on the public chain gang, the punishment to be sudor ed in a branch of the penitentiary." Continuing, he said: "Can it be maintained in tbe light of the con stitution that one man, nndor any form of procedure, devised or to be devised, by local legislation, can consign men, women and children to a chsin-gang for such trivial of fences hs are within tbe jurisdic tion of a police magistrate?'' Judge Speer severely scored the chain- gang methods and said; "Indeed, if may be with entire accuracy de clared that tbe voluminous and ex hauetive prepcration of the city attorney and the subsequent exam ination by the court has evoked no shred of authority, either Amer ican or hnglisb, where a sentence by a police magistrate to a public chain gang, with tho ignominious accessories of fetters, tbe et.npos, lash and of the degradation of con vict lifs, haa beon sustained or even palliated. Under the American system the chain-gang haa no place in the jurisdiction and procedure of police courts where trial by jury is not a right of tbe accused." He declared the sentence of the recorder void for want of due pro cess of law and because one man cannot judge infamy. "Likethouc andsot the oppressed and down trodden," he said, "through all the centuries since that glorious day in the history of tbe hurxan liberty when the great charter made for ever imperishable tbe principle tbat 'no free man be taken or imprisoned but by tbe lawful judgment of bis peers or by the law of tbe land,' he applies for the great writ of right, the writ of habeas corpus; he hum bly seeks the portals ot the courts whose j idges are sworn to know no difference between the rich aud the ptor, where justice ever boiids tbe listening ear to catch tbe plaint of the humble aud tbe lowly. "If," ho said further, "ihe prayer petitioned must be denied, theu the statute authorizing tbe United States Courts and the judges there of to issue the writ of habeas cor pus to pro'ect tbe rights of the citi zens guaranteed by the national constitution, have at last been suc cessfully nullified." Judge Speer declared tbat the argument bad been advanced by a road commissioner that while a sentence to the chain gang would forever ruin a white man previously respectable, it bad do such effect on a respectable negro. He held that such considerations do not appeal to a court charged with tbe equal enforcement oi the law, and he did not believe they met the approba tion of the beet people of the South ern States, nor .were they condu cive to the welfare of the South or hopeful for its future. Judge Speer concludes with an argument made by bim 20 years ago and which be re affirms. In thu he said tbat "though the color line expert may declare, this is no color line case, it is a negro to day; it will be a wtnte man, are a while child and a white woman, to morrow. In tl e court the law is equal and for all." Nifht Was Her Terror. "1 would cought nearly all nigbt long," writes Mr. ("has. Applegate. of Alexandria, lnd., "and cculd hardly gel any sleep. I had eon sumption so bud that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and pit Mood, but, when all other medi einrn failed, threo tl. 00 bottles of Dr. Kite's New DiBCovery wholly cared me and 1 gained 58 lbs." It's absolutely guaranteed lo cur Coughs, Cold, LaGrtppe, Brem en tin and all lhroat and J.nng Troubles. Trice 5fto wnd 11.00. Triul bottlo free at C. E. GalUway t'rug Store, c; ju whit r cu TRIES TO WHIP THE PREACHER. WELL KNOWN DEVINB IN STREET FIGHT. Albany, (1 .., June 27. Chief f Police H. N. Westbrook this after noon assaulted Dr. L n G. Brongli ton, of Atlanta, with a rawhide whip The atta k was made in a Hroad street barber shop. The en counter cansr-d wild i xsitement. i The trouble started yosterdsy afternoon whew Dr. Bronghton, who is lender of a series of meet Ings at the Anditorinm, stated in the presence of a large congrega tion that rottenness pervaded the city government of Albany. He .pec'fJctlly charged that Chief of I'olice H N. Westbrook had been taken from a house of questionable resort in a state of intoxication. IL promised to produce allidavits to snstain his charge if they were de sired. Chief Westbrook denied thu charges. His friends confident ly stated that bo would personally resent what they deemed an onpard onable insult and their confidence proved to he well founded. The ball opened this afternoon when State Fonator-elrct Cruger Westbrook, a sou of the chief of fil ice, made a personal attack oi W. Jordan, who haa been taking prominent part in the revival meetings and who, is was alleged, bad furnished Dr. Hrougbton with the information which bad been used in the sensational charges made. This afternoon just before six o'clock Dr. Bronghton went into a Broad street barber shop, accotn ptnied by several of his friends In a few minima he was followed by Chief Wstbroek. Dr. Brongh ton was in a barber's chair. Chief Westbro-)k made several inquires as to which of the several gentle men who were being shaved was the Atlanta divine. As soon as he identified Dr. Broughton the chief produced a heavy rawhide whip and struck him three or four times, but owing to the interference of a dozen persons the blows did not take full effect There were sever al side fights precipitated in the ex citement. It is charged by a num ber of persons who were present tbat Dr. Broughton bad a pistol and threatened to us-e it. He assum ed the defensive with a heavy iron cuspidore, held tightly in one hand, tbe other band being thrust deep into one of bis coat pockets. Chief Westbrook used some unprintable language in denouncing Dr. Brongh ton, who did not reply. Tbe chief said: "I will heat yoa to a frizzle if I have to follow yon to Atlanta." The affair haa created intense excitement and further sensational developments are predicted. No Pity Shown. "For years fate was after me con. tinuously" write F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala. "I had a terribie cae of Tiles cauning 24 tumors. When all failed Bucklc'n's Arnica Sulve cured me. Kqually good for Burn and all acbes and pains. Only 25c at V. E. (iallawaya Drug Storo. Sam Jones Doesn't Want It Citoosa Springs, Ga, June 28. Hev Sam Jones, when asked today C DC ri;HU IliC IMcIjUoU Ot DltOKJll fur thu p etiduutial nomination on tbe niti.ii. nl Trohibiiioo ticket sid: "I ain't got uo time for a little job lik tbat. I can sit on the front end of my own shebang and d j my own driving and I like that butter than crawling n p bet lud some o her teliow. Working- Night And Day The busiest and mightiest little thir.g thiit evt-r was made i lr. K'n'i New Liver Tiila. Thee pills change weakness into strength, IistleasneMt into energy, braii.-lal into mental power. They're won deiful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by C. K. Gallaway DruggUt. Newton Man Falls Into a Well. Newton, June 23. A large well is beit g dug to furnish a water anpply for the Clyde Cotton Mill. It is now a little over forty feet deep, and in order tbat tbe work may go on it ia necessary to keep tbe water pumped out. Last uigbt Mr. Sid Setzfr was looking after tbe pump, and about 12 o'clock be took a lantern and attempted to look to see it water was rising, when a plauk broke and be fell to tbe bottom of tbe well. He was not rescue d uutil this morning, when he was onable to walk. During the night water rose in the well s vera! ltet, but Senr managed to gel on some timber above the water. L W. West ask tbe readers of this paper who ar suffering with indignation or djpaia to rail on them at at one and get a bottle ot Kudol Iy.epia Curo. It you anew the value ot thia remedy aa we snow it, you would not auffer an other day. kodol Pyapepaia Cur M a thorough digestant and tiMue-buildini tonie aa well. It ia endorsed poraonar Iv by bund reds oi people wboni It tia cured of indigestion, dy.pepaia, palpi tation of the bean and aUmiai'D trou bles generally iypepaia Cure diReata hat you eat.' It is pleaaant.palatatile and strengthening One Kinijte Ccurh Cera Fw Cowyhi Ce'lt to Crvi'p Blackburn Would Take Stump. 8l'sburi-, J,i 1( 2S ?I m. E' Spencer BUt-kSurr, fie U)puh!icn iiomii eo for Cingros in tliis, the l igth, congressional district, was iu Salisbury tody. Mr. Blackburn was in g d humor and wai ts the Democrats to put op a man who will nioeit him on the stump. lie declared that he will challenge his opponent to a j -int discission. This move will be a delight to tl e Democrats who have horeto'ore hf d ti nb'e io getting ISUckburu on t e tamp. Congressman Klut'z rau him t int two years ago, and spent much of his time in trying to ar range a second meeting with the good looking young fellow. Bl.ck bum i I fiht the Watts law ha-d. The pill that will, will All the bill, Without a grip, To clean. the liver, without a quiver, Take one one at niaht DeWitt's Little Karly Kiser are small, eaay to take.easy and gentle in effect, yet they are io certain in remit, that no one who u.et them ia di. appointed. For quick relief trout biliim.neag sick headache, torpid liver, jaundk'ri, d . tines, and all trouble, an. ing from an inactive, sluggiih liver, Karly Kisera are unequalled. Hold by 1. W. wrest. druggist, Mt. Airy, N.O. Coleman Mills Sold. Concord, Jone 28 -The Colt man Mill propir'y wait sold to day under mortgage, snd was bid in by Cap. I. M. Odoll for 110,000. ac'ing; for Mr. D ike, of Durham, who h Id the mo tgige fir $2D,(XK). The I - cetion and the building are good, as is ale i tie ergine and boiler, tin other machinery boing of little, if any, value. Far and near this mill had attracted the attention of many and had been cb-sely wa'chel by s line who were interesttd ii the practical resnl's fnm neg'o cvner ship and control. Tne sale of tbe mill under fort closnre, maikes the experiment of nero mill workers as a fail ore. T : it iluj negro Colo man, who during his lite, dtjv.ird his time and er.eriir and saenfi -ed bis prrnmal fortiin- to i's upbtnlJ ing, only ettiiihis;z"s 'he Umen'able fail urn f ifi'f en'erj r's . Weak Hearts are raus' d by indirection. If you eat a little too much, ur if jou are auhj-ct to attacks of inli,(etori, die .tomai'li expands sell!, and puff, up aui ! the heart. Thi. crowds the heart and shortens the breath. Rapid heart bents and heart diseaae is the tlnal re sult. Kodol Dy.nep.ia Cure dige.ts what you eat, take, the strain off the heart, cures indige.tion, dy.pep.ia, sour stomach, and contribute, nourish ment, strength and health to tvery organ of I ti body. Hold by I. W. West. drug-ei.t.Mt. Airy, N. O. Itching Skin Distress by day and nilit That's the complaint of those who are so unfortunate a. to be afflicted with Eczema or Suit I.'heum and out want application, do not cure. Thev can't. The source of the trouble i in the blood make thnt pun- un.l tin. stal ing, burning, lU lnn,; ekiu diM-uM- a ill diuppear. -I wa. taken with an Itrtilnr on my arm. tiM-h pf"'-! v. ry dm.tvr.-e..ie. Concluded It an alt rte uoi an! ImMii'M a bottle ol H.nxl NiiriiMirlli. In ! ! after I Iwtaii taking it 1 f. It l-ll.r ant It wa. not long- l I ie I rure.t. Mtrr never h'1 any hm fli-M-t-e .hk. Xlaa. ItA K. U ', mr I'miit, Mil. Hood's SarsaparUla and Pills rid the blood of all iuipunUos tni cure all eruption. id hrdchm Fr s x yrars 9 v ! f't mt 4f Bi'im tit it ! fi'iit i ' ni Hxil'i'if Will Ml I 'fa tsl-lHl at lid tl tlM..- a,l f?i,4-t! VOUil aot rsi' ftrtsi 1 i m ftTtt tit i I Mrn h I -strata taking i KSt A I. T- ant d'h-H i-s- 1 iV4 a'sait;.!, tUHM.itSMl UKlll I SMi u li I Ar O (OOF hf vriii U NiMHt Nftati O h,M lliiiwn WM. w ..! H. M W CUSfl CONSTIPATION. ... Iwt. Ml au-l U-6A (mm w i ata i imm tutu. at A A ai . A ai. rn.tM tot a1 .-ng Take "just a mite" of Ramon'. Tonic Regulator malitly. '"' .";1 "'H te pViM-J with the rflect. that tired, elliauated feeling will i!i.atear. there ill lie no rauae for hemlxMo , pains In t he back or aide. When t he organs are in a healthy slate one haa no caue lor complaint, and that ia Ju.t the ttate a systematic ue of Kainon'a Titiic kegn lar will produne. 'lb ct. Kor.mleh) H. K llaymore Ten Thousand Cburcbes in the United KtHtea hva u-d ttie ('gmati ik Martini i l'ure Tai' ts E'ery Chun Ii will lit- given a lib era' quantity whenever Ihey paint. D ii 't py f I .'ill a gallon for Lin to d iil (worth (10 centi) which yon d i " ben yon buy thin iiut in a ran i b 4 a nt latail oil it. K d ti make 14 thr. fniw when ii .ot fourteen g -lOona nf ftatnt. b only eight gal.-t' t L A' M . i il " ix six gallons . l 1 1; e linseed ..i I - i'h it. V ii need only f ur gallons of L v M Tain), and ihreegallonaed oil hi x d there itb t i paiut a goxtd aid hotiae. IJ usi-t pfiint' d with tlicee pain's lev r -row t' sb'iy ev-n after IS y.ra. These ci MirateJ pa:ii'g sre iv!J F- L A UJ At 1 L CATMAHTlC u 'A AScCclablePrcpnratitmrorAs- j similntitii lite FooJ nntl Hcttla - j bug lbe 5toinnilB and Ikmvls of Promotes Dis;c3lifHi.Chivrrul ncss and IVst Contains npitla r j Opium. Morphine iiorMincr.il ' OT NAHCOTIC. ,-A W -At . tvtmtw! -It' Mm.Ui Ititm .inj Aperfecl lli'incdy forfonslip.1 tiiut. Sour StonwKh.DiairhiHM Worms .()onvtiliotis. feverish ness find Loss of Slefi. Fac Simile Siv'nnlure of XF.W YOHK. i u . ir.Y,.( Mfe f.Lj..i mm r. mm w mm. m m m ... w . txAcrcoprorwBAPprq. J h B J ii Tr t'tta m craN. New to Crrw. I ',. - " 1 '" : .i '..yy,,1. -. YOU CAN FIND Mw (Both Gal Also Tin and Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Rr?I. w-iT' Copper and Rivets, Steam Brass, Lead, rr , . ; . , Pewter and and Water Pipe Fit- Rubber bought atEveritfs. T M r OAK RIDGE-INSTITUTE C I cf . I'fCPARCS fur the IMVrRSlTinS and COU 'IM I t-tll I tdl.S a well a. lor til SINLSS, fur TI.ACH. 1 - 1MI. anj lor Lil t:. Situated NKAK tiltlir.NS- HOKO, N. C. aver 1,000 feet above the sea level, In vim ol the m,un'ln. Large.! aad Be. I Equipped Mttlntt School for Young Men and Hoi.. In theSiMith. KatM: ills. 00 Io $173.00 per annum. roa ar.uriruL c.T.ioaut. aoo.caa J. A. & M. M. HOLT - - - Oak Rid?e, N. C. C DR. MOT FTTT '1 1 nil i Cur Crtolstra.lnfaintum. DlarrttOAa. Dvnlrv and th Bowal Troublaa ol Ch'tdren A "V 4fff. A da Dilatation. Pult tn Bowels. &trn2thns th Ch id and MAH.S TCCTHItVO CASY. Curaa Eruptions and Sore, Colic. Hive and Thrush. Remove end prevent Worm. TKETMINA Counteract and Overcomes the Effect of the lummtf'i heat upon Teething ChMdren. and costs only 25 cents at Orucjlats, er nasi nf te C J. MO"r KTT, M. D4 6t Louis. Me. SHAKE CKfmRMSfia It not a fwipuidr LMTuji.ition. V'-t women ahtink Iroui the flight of a au:iLe an 1 would taint at tilt touch of o;ie. lint thee unit women run jrie.d.r n-',: than Vw m.il-r cliaruier. liow n:ai y women allow eaae to fasten m them and slowly tn cnuli out their atrentjth. Womanly lis eaucMi should never be allowed to un dermine the health; Female weakness, brannir down pain, in flammation, ulcer ation, backache, headache, nerv ousness, and oth -r womantr ai l- tnenta, curable by an e d i c i n e, are promptly and per manently cured br the uae of Ir. Puree's favorite I'rerfription. 1 1 makes weak women strong an 1 sick women well. "I deem it my !ntv toeirirr- niy l-ef hrt- - Spit eratioj ie --mi f tr li.nn ,: UiL l.ie lit a-' antler rc-vi irn e ! r-.l'rfii.K li?e ! I'f-.ti'! J wolr. Mi. o-ar Brown, ol CsM-Ul' iiivi . C"t . N C. " Ft r i .u y.r. I .uSrreH wi: h t. tr. , .e I WfaktM-". h(-ljlthe. tirurlai iu vavi ia:t. i of ti.- .verm, .ntl ilkr l.fcinC fe'UT t.f In Tl' rte . F:.i'tinle t-Tr-TIJ-llim IhTre of l.l. 1 'l. .l.in Medtral IflnrT 'jne rul f ' r j anl IV!k-t. ' l.'rtioa l .tultri. i.t:-i t.ie u a of 'AnliM-vtK and Ueatltif Mi)puKo4ie,' I am cureil If you are led to the purchase of "Favorite I'rewriptio i " because of. its remarVaMe currt of other women, do not accfjit a :iltitnte. The reonle's Common S-ne Meili :J AdiflT, a lioot contauin-g K IS1- s given away. Sevl 21 t ;u cent .taini.s the eipetiac of ntui ri; nt.'r. t.n- the Um.'t in naoer coerii. tr tl s4anu-i. f. t.'ie Torn! h-juntl in !''H A-i iirv. Ih. K. V. tierce, t:.if !-.. S Y. t.i.W wlm T" wWMMe f ' f,!" tLV a.rrku:nwl.-n.,v. .i,.t .tnl f ? ... ii.. r- ( tr W. iit t-' t-t,.i..., lt fear pMif&M L m r- rt it, I... .ti KT-rr t a m ii i t i mm) wwa (fa H (?.! ' lj r t mm i Tor Infant? nntl Children. i i The Kind You Have Always Bought T J.1. Signaturo Ju iV In Use For Over Thirty Years ii Spoil, vanized Iron and Tin), Iron Hoofing, tin2:s of all kinds EVERITT. 4 11 tU 'Vo.n a lack of cxasii ia tin' 1 ;!. Potash pro il'.ici s s: . : and rjuality. V.'e havi vat u b 1 t bJs vt-lilt. : e. plain mo. . f jliy l!,c f. I . r : ' n ! Mm f . V-ft: t -t 1 ,K - ' ECZEMA, OUf Sore. Itching Piles, Siua Diseases, , ABSOLUTELY CURED. HERMIT SALVE, iiiooeiicc.Tit ioi. Sold Vy all ti'tir-i.-i. 1 .1 ke no t her. J I aru It VriKri ! rrj,r. J . 11 i firtnm m a a -1 wnm.a ia Ow I" ' ,. "t. - HI. -.- : ai ' 1 1 r, Mi,tl V, bi.f ia I. u 1 . .1 , 1. ti ..- - a ! - .1. si h .... Ai1..,!. ' . et atH , IM ,.1 ,r rilbi,. 1 -vwuui. 1 mo CMir-; the LUUt j i k s I a a itiif , O J em ri j Muii Uiki. a wl 1 I lr- irrfV'! KrT'-' rViea j frC.1 I t- : -S fetjl ft i 1 t. f ! UK H i f 1 Jw rf I w 7Tr-V- k..U WORKS. .t h Mwl or t 11 ... ral H. --xartiMiaMaaMawaM s