nn he Mount A 1T 317 IJL JUJ VY Kl. VOL. 25. MOUNT AIRY, N. C W K DX USD AY, JULY 10, 100. . XiO. it. V 1 ,' HOSPITALSECBETS. A Nursn Say, I "Pe-ru-na ll't Tonic of EfHtlcnc." -a I MRS. KATE TAYLOR. tr iVafa Taylnr, a graduatad nurne ol prominence, fvrt here perlema lth I'eruna In an open letter. Her ponltlon In aotltty and pmfcmlonal Handing combine In gh unevlal pmmlnenx to iWr ul (era men. CM If A On, II,,., 4tf Monroe rMrwt. "Aa fur aa t have olmi-rvH, I'eruna U dm finest lmilr any nun or wmnun ran tt who U weak froiii tha f r rfTi'Ha of any arrlnita lllneaa. "fcnma term In mtnra vitality. Increase bodily vlgnrand renew brnllli and Kretifith In a wnntlerfullv abort tlme."MKS. MII 1AYLOR. Aitilrraa Tha lVrnna Mmtli-lnit Co, I'oluml im, tln, If you dealra froa liters tore on I'tlfirrh. Workln. Nleht And Daj Tho buait'st and niillieat little ihirg tlmt tvcr ttt made is i'r. Kln'a New Liver Till. Thcae pills chnipo wi aUnraa iritoalrontftli, iiaik-sanors Into enerpv, brain-lal into mental power. ' liey're won ik-iful in building up the health. Only 5r? per box. Sold by C. K. (litllaway Pniggmt. 1 el. W. I5ARP & CO., Dealers ii Finiiie. Honse Fmisli GooSs, it, k, AND COFFINS, GASKETS, BURIAL ROBES. UNDERTAKERS. MAIN STREET. J. W it) l-SStSi X FORGET )U wc sell this fa mous Slice. Also a big line of other kinds. Ion fill alwajs find ns -y ik t f,. ' ?" -A-iacX Grooorios. Yours lov Low Prices, R. D. DeYault & Co. HA!9 f. - Advertising A Cemetery. In fliosa proKrewIra days, when printer's Ink ii tiaed to adrortlee frery tiling from a pin to earn bp (fine, the publlu rarely ever allows Mi ll to be inrpriaed hv any tinnsna nai to which enterprlftin men, wbo know the value of inch publicity, but printer' ink. An Atlanta cor poration, however, linn captured the hult lor the uri'tKiial In advr-rtisinjr, Tho II oil v wood Cfinnterr Corpora (ion, which controls the loading cemetery of thtit city, ie gotllng out a liafidnoinoly-printed pmnphlut to advertiae "The beautiful city of rest," a the RdrertUIng writer la pleated to term it. I he pamphlet Ii add rented to the heada ol famlllea and the argument need to Induce the reader to Invent In a lot in llol ly wood ('emetery la aimilar to the ityle used by life inauranco aoliol tore. The advantagea of being burled hi t hia particular cemetery are IorI cully and convincingly get forth, though whether it will appeal to lha average cilixnu, who, aa a rule, lan't particular aa to what hoc mra of the in rtal portion of hla auatotny alter ahullling id this coil, la a debatable tiiif at ion. The front cover page of the book let la adoniid with tbl couplet from tho pen of Bam W. tfnmll: kllow nweet to know, that when llfe'i tide Kbbi out from earth forever, Tliii iluxt, from epirit dinallied, Will he furgotten never! "Hut In aoma holy wood will Hud, Beneath noma aaered aod, A renting plaee with ita own kind 'Till called again of (tod." Brutally Tortured. A caao came to ij;ht that for pematent and unmerciful toilue hna perhana never been ruualod Joe liolobiik of Uol iieo,, (lulil, writea, ' Tor 1,5 yeaia I eiulu-od inaufl'erable pmn liom Kheumatiam and nothing relieved me llionh I tried every thinir known. I enme aeroaa Klee trie Hiltera and il'a the grealat meilieine en earth lor that Iroutlo, A lew bottle of it completely re lieved and cured Inn." Juht aaood for liiverand Kidney tnmbloa and general debility. Only 60c. Sana taction euaranteed by U. K. (ial laway Drucgiat. Wnntprf-fin fdp.T of fm ilmpw fi-ya VhlM:Tl, I .. 1 r ihctr $,t priM ulat in 111 in o nunora'i iiiTMniiittia trantMi T' - MOUNT Aiav, N. a m n I, a . o n m . Three Times the Value of Any ft uiner. Ona 1 hlrd Easier. Ooe Third Faster, t The only Hewing Michine thst doea not fail in any point. J Rotary Motion and Bll Periii(ji make it the lightefit running machine in the world, A emit wanted in unoccu pied territory. 8end for eirculara and terma. Wheeler I Wilson Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga, Per mI by J. D. jMkln. Mt. Airy. TCLDOUGLAS I. . 4 y rt .r X.i. i wosi vi';.) ! union a", b w ,aattST.iK.Xi-;vJy WADE WL.D0U6LA5 MAKES MC53AK0t3iJ SHOES rj'Hfn two K.'v'mfts invvf Sliocs,Stalcl)ry-(ifloJs T.IM 4 Imm, t.f l ife l2r. nltf fuil of i:fw hrr r7.l vsrrtt. take N1' r,ra.0 A I fi-ti rv ft. i. Cvr f'men- '-ri'H KcwrJf , r "-w VjH, 709 Peon o Drowned Fearful Loss of Life in the Atlantic Ocean. London, England, July 4 A diapatoh received by IJoyda, Irorn their algnal alalino at Ilntt of Lew la, Scotland, thla inortilng atatea that ihe had aboard aonie caat awaya of the Dnlah ateamer Norge which waa wrecked and anuk off Iloukall, New llebrldn, Tueaday laat. Thnae anrvlvora are) In all probability those who got away from the doomed itnatuor In the second boat which waa leparated from that picked Dp the trawler, Halvla and taken to Orlmaby, While the aavlng of the aecond boat load will reduce the Hat of thoae loat In the linking of the vea eel, there la little doubt felt that fullv 700 poraoni went down with theNorga. The aurvlvoraaay the paaaengnra Included nearly 200 children, The skipper of the Hal vla, which plckod up the inrvlvori In Ihe amall boat, give a vivid de scription of the acenea about the place where the Norge went down Ueiayi he had to iteam through a mass of floating dead podios. Shipping circlet agree that the disaster from the point of loea of life Is the wotat which haa occurred In the history of trana Atlantic travol. The vrsaol had 693 passen gers abroad, besides the crew which numbered abont 100. Stortci of the survivora show that the veaael struck the rock about 7 30 o'clock Tuesday morning. Capital City Newt. One hundred and ten convict are now at work grwdlng the Kal elgh and Pamlico Bound railway, and nine miles have beed graded. The total length from here to Washington will bo one bnodred and ten mile. Cland Lee llarboe said it wonld rrquito two jean to complete the road, unless mere con vicli can be aecured. lie iayi con victa are wantod, aa it ia not the desire to distnrbe the free labor situation, which now ao hard upon tbe farmers. A workman waa occupied today tn a very delicate and dangerous bit of work. The largest plate glass in any window in North Carolina, and indeed in the south, is in tho Tucker building here, literally the entire front of the drug store It waa found yesterday that in washing this glass, the moisture had gone down into tbe frame and so decayed it under the glass that it waa of no strength. I'ioce by piece the lower frame had to be cnt away and fresh material pnt in. The glass is worth a thousand dol lars, and He weight is great. It was liable at any moment to give way and to kill or injure. At theCaraleigh Cotton Mills, a mile south of Iialcigh, about one o'clock this morning, Mr. and Mrs John G. Colo fonnd their honse in flames. The mother seized her baby, and, led by her husband, got ont. Then he made a desocrate ef fort to return and save the other four children. Ilia hands were badly cut with gls, and he waa painfully burned. One boy, aged 14, sprang from an upper window and waa saved, though seriously horned. Tbe three otber children. aged 13, 10 and 4, were bnrdd in the honse. The tue was e large that many Kstloigh people thooght it waa the cotton mill at Carhleieh Mr. Cole ia head weaver at the mill Tommy Had a Remedy. A lady waa recently reading to her young son the story of a little fellow whose father was taken llr and died, after which he set himself diligently to work to aaist in sup porting himself and his mother. Whe the had finished the story, she asked: "Now, Tommy, if father were to die wouldn't yoa work to keep mammal' "Why, no," said tbe little chap. not relishing the idea of work. "What for. Ain't we got a house to live ic?" 'Oh, yea, my dear," said the mother; "bat we can't eat tbe honse yon know. 'Well, am t we got plenty of things in tbe pantrjl' continued the young hopeful. "Ut-rtainly, dear, replied tbe mother; "but thev would not last long, od what tberX' "Well, ma, said the yonng in corrigible, after thinking a moment, H won Id n't there be enough to last nntil yoa got another husband?" A Mount Airy Woman Asks "have yon a floor paint that will last two woeks I" Yes we have Devoe ; it baa a beautiful gloss and will wear two yeara if properly applied. w. Merntu Joseph in Ezvpt had thia nit for hia brethren wbo came from their father. Jacob, in Canaan dnr inir the fmin. Althnnerh hi brttbreu Lad sold him into slav ery, yet he forgave them and the inure in joeet.n prompted bis pity for thm. "Ilia bowloa did over hia breterto, and he Bought whrre he miht weep." This com p6irn for hnunanity is one of the iu. Chritt like viriof-s in "-t indi- Republican Mendacity. The attention of The New Vo k Evening Test, Independent, ia a' traded by "the old mendacity" of this atatemnnt of the platform mak rs ol the Jieptihlican convention "A Democrat la tariff has always been followed by huslntst deprrs sion; a Republican by business pros parity," and comment! on it aa follows; "This la to nfllrm that the panlos of 1873, 1984 and 1803 all tok place under Democratic tarifK The truth Is that they all took plane under Krobllcan tar III. The first and only Democratic tarlfl durii g the paat half century, tho Wilton bill of 1 8!4. waa not Introduce d until six months after the panic of 18!)3set In. The panic or im3 took place under the McKlnliy tarlfl and waa one of I's direct con sequences. The repeal of the nig' r dutlea caused a deficit in the public revenues. Thla occurred alniullano otiIv with the Sherman silver ait of 1 600, which waa paraed as a log' rolling measure to help the MeKln ley tariff through the Senate. When the panic of 181)3 took place the Knpnblican politicians did Dot aa cribe It to a Democratic tariff They said that it waa caused by a fear that there would be a Demo cratic tariff. They Ignored tbe McKinley tariff and tbe Hherman silver bill, which were existing (acts of their own devising-facta quite snfliclent to acount for the mischief and charged it alt to the election of Cleveland not to any thing that Cleveland bad done, but what tiny expected be would do. i be Wilson tariff, which came a year and a half later, repaired in part of tbe unhap py consrqnencea of the Republican deal with the ailveritoa tn lbW" The Republican party ia guilty of perhaps no worse duplicity than in attempting tosaddle on tiielJem ocrats responsibility for th&fUtnic of 1893. The mere tact thatCfive- land waa President durlo?. the period of graatoat deproasioji iMo this ao eaay matter, and. a put' at many men who had no love for the Republican party wero brought to doepise tbe Cleveland administra tion on account of tho hard times. It should be remembered in conneo tion with the tariff and bnsitieea de pression that Cleveland did not tign the Wilson tariff bill aud only allowed it to become a law because he regarded it aa better than no modification of the McKinely tariff. Another thing about which the Republicana have no right to prate is their record on the silver qoes tion. Up to tbe time of Bryan they were tbe sole promorora of the cheap money idea, and it was only because they were shrewd enough to avail themselves of the foresight of Cleveland that they did not boat the Democrats in pandering in tbe l opnlistic cry. It takes time to get history straight, bnt right generally prevails. Charlotte Uoserver. WE KNOW THEM. The woods are full of them. They are to be found in e-ery town and city, and village where there is newspaper printed. Their chief loafing place is the newspaper cilice Ihey drop in on the editor and bnsiues manager at hours seaaonable and unseasonable. They generally come in to have a grievance of their own aned thioueh the colnms of the paper. Ihey insut on in sneting the newspaper mn how io conduct the paier. They wait 'be pnpor to be mado' inoru M-'cy." "Why don i yon pnt more Ire in y ur papci?' tbey atk. And when the editor comes to sift the matter he will tind that they want him to "pitch into somebody, generally a public ( thcial about a mailer in which the public baa no interest and which concerns no one exwp themselves. And when the edi or tells tht in that it is none of hia tight; that if they want a public grievauce corrected to go in prs n to the proper authoritiea they get mad and doclare the editor haa no backbone and threaten to got np a joint stock company for the pnr pose of starting a paper which will "look after the interests ot the peo ple." If tbe editor ia foolish enough to tak up the fight of such a man, thinking he ia acting t r the good of the public he is very apt to tind that be has allowed himself to b made a tool of him and has been lett with the bag to bold, while the man who got him into iha scrape are either displaying a remarkable de gree of indiffarenca to the welfare of the "dear people "or have joined aides with the parties they wished roasted in tbe press and are critici ing the editor f r his has'y remtrke. Tbe Virginian 1'ilot wi 11 d-ecribes such a man in the following. "In good trnth the nun who al ways wanta the newspapers to take np some row with which he has nothing to do ia one of the funnies' critter that amb'esd iwn the pike. Newspapers know thia tvpe, lie ia cintionally insisting that ttv newspaper aack somebody, lit wants to bear the rat tat of col urn rules npon the slats of aome foe ot the daar public. Bat when it coma, to toeing tho scratch and putties up a fi ht himself, you will in mot cases out of ten, have to cultivate the nnberbroah ith a fine toothed comb or assault a hollow log to find bim. 15ut if a newspaper w;ll jus' pot up a scrap ha will eland arouno tth his erea protrndin l.te a eandfiJdler'a and yoa can b t that none of the fan will get by biro. ' fin and Women hf in rt"l I th ti.l mllr. rt mnt ah'.Nift nl fall lnr..li.uH Dr. II. Ill wf t ftflr. M l, I- rtftiilil ih. Ipfllrig and mH nwlul ! Mat Ton in ofr n fila'lnli fnnt ! In ill hanil., at h I. tit Inn. .1 r.thl.i'it Ana Iim tit lti r. p. Hi. Hon, Ml nil rai h l nlhira (.11 ; M,aSa I. nn frh ..rl nt a.iairliii.nllti In 'Viti liantnipnt. I't. 4.IM1I aiiitli.n P' lalhaal, all rl" lat iNtnnwl ffum l,i tl. NITHIWir. 1a...-laln pliv. Itan hrn tir-i'"a', which ti,iniiir i.rtw hn l fnn pan ii.ft f-all, wMa f,,r 1r ImhiIiI.I. an,, qnplli.ri I, atikri MttMfii l'ir lr,.ul,la. Ml .rrlhlna airll 1 urillilrinlal J. PI1 naihaoar. 4, P, 83 Inman B'l'f , T2 Bouth ttroad 8t , Atlanta, (la. Greatest Hero In The State. Wrlting.taVia Charlotte Observ erfrom Rich Mountain, his stpii mor home in Watauga county, Hon, R. 7, Llurcf Dave aver hlirli mm. pliment to lloo. W. D. turner, I is colleagues In the lata iriibernatorial race, and others and then pasaei to hia favorite aubiecf, Bpcnoof Ulack- untn. ut liiackburn be says: "I'cannot continue tha liattnm brace all our heroes. I must, how. ever, mention probably the great cat herb in tbe colnms of tbe pair! ota f the Btate. lion. E. Spencer Blackburn, iiidcod h thl nam m. co'roplishiMl tor himself, heada the list. Totally unlike Glenn, he ex cels him aa a giant would a pigniy, in me region ot pretentions. A weakling in iierfotmance. tha famu of all the other beroea corabl i would hardly produce heat and light enongh to light hia political cigar. A careful study of the of ficial life of all the foretroini? hi r. oca, while it is instructive and a gret bleising to tbe Btate, faila to disclose or give us any light what ever on tbe three powerful ides wnicu constitute tbe wonderful power of thia hero. Failing to lind an v thin? in tha Dnrfnrmann ,,i man or the groat thought of man at all analbgoua to it, I had recourse to tbe deities of mythology for a lesson. I could find onlv on. thnt represented all the virtue and vu in me universe, tins was Mer cury. His head was half white and bull black; because sometimes h i convers'with the infernal godc juno was bis nurse, and she gavn him too much milk, and it ran out of his mouth upon tho heavens and made iuO milky way. lie inven ted the letters and excolled in e!o aoonc'j. He was ffod of the rhet oricians and orators. He invented contracts, weigh:a and measure. ibee consiunttid bis virtues. ()i the other band he excelled in the art of thieving. When he was only day old he stold cattle from Kicg Admetus. When Admetna tuincd his bi.w on him. he stole his arrow and all the gods laughed. Hi stole enus girdie while be waa courting her. Rot in all the achie vements which mythoKgy attribu tes tc Mercury, he failed to discov er that a negro was better than a white man; and that a negro wh never smelt gunpowder could taki rank with aaoldier; and that aslav should be pnt on the pension roll Mercury also failed to discover thai it waa manly to slander a brothei god and execute a retraxit (aome limes called a licbill) to escape hin wrarr-; or that a ctum of one dia trict might, with modesty and pro pnety, reiireecnt the citivena of Kn ot hur district. All these things iht herot a f the past aud the gods of mythology failed to discover, ex cept, Knwsbly, assgencies of weak ota. And vet oor brro'a friend claim strength from tbuin. A stalwart Uomocrat in Watau ga connty, I am informed, sis ed tnit ne mtenaud to vote tor Mr. 1? wkburn becauae of tl.eeo three ibinkr-; that d j other public i (lie ial in N. r h Carolina had evur tlmn-rhi of ihecn before, and he loved a profound thinker. There ia, there fore, to be a heroic atruggle be tween the two political oriranixa. tions this year." How He Knew His Ducks. Juice H. Polk Monroe, of RnfT. lo, recently told tbia atory of a witness getting even with a brow beating lawyer. The witness was a farmer, who waa in court complain ing that a certain fellow had stolen some of bis ducks; "'Do Ton know that thau in yoor docks?' asked the lawyer. 'Oh, yes; I should know ihem anywhere,' and then tbe farmer went into detail describing th ducks and tellioe inst whv he would know them. "'Rnt these dncks are no differ ent from any other ducks,' said tbt 'awyer. 'I have a good many in my back yard at home just likt iliem.' "'That'a not nnlikoly.' said th farmer. 'These are not tha onh ducka I have had stolen in the pas' row weeks " Piles Upon Tcp of Piles. Tlln owm ton ol tilon of mnnla ha,r tba Pi! anU UeWiit'a Whiih llawl ta!e ram iWro. Tlmra n pianv dillamet km. Is of Filmt. but If Voo r-t th rrmnn and oricinal Witch lUxmi W nia ? bv . C leW iu f Lhii-w rura ia irtaiB. 11. A- Tilal, of ."-ummarinn, 8 : , , "l nd rnl f i jr at it ! ft'itt'aSalva nin-tl n alVnr vrrt Liu i fail!. -Soi.i i f I. W. West. Wr F--.-I- Firat Work on The Isthmus. The United Kta'ca Is going about the work of constructing the Pana ma ennui In a way charau'erie'lo of Ameilcui bii4nfa in iIpxIs. It Is tradition that tho pr'ca pH by the French when they nnd rt'Kik the diirglng of the canal waa a hu man life for every cib'o ifd "f dirt that was removed. I't their fever of haste tn spend the m-in? poured Into their c fTrs by the gnllibU mars" of tho French poo pie or to inako some showing at spending If the men In cbft'gt of Ihe DiL'Mcps enterpiisi seemed to take no account of hinntn life, and the fatalities from tho deadly fovets which inaka tha isthmtil their home were appalling. Hut we Americana am going at the thing d fT rontly. First of all thing, we propoee to pay at'ontioii 1 1 the problems of health and sni tatlort, wlih a view to making th canal a 'lie reaa mahly hnhitfyn To thia end, Dr. W. 0. G rgie, who played so Important a part in driving yellnw fever ont of Cuba, has been sent down to l'ansma and Col mi to make a tlmr-ugh a'udy of conditijns and outlluo an Amoriean campaign against the insanitary dondiiions which have givon the isthmus Ita bad name before the woild. A dvancoa of greatest Importance .liave beon in ado since tha days of .DvLesseps. The discovery that oortaln tyrn's of nioeijiiitrxi carry the yellow fever and the malaria g, juis, and the Identification of these type of morquitoes, form one of the moat Important diao'vorioa In mcd'cl scionc i which Amoricansbavo g;ven tbe wotl I. 'I ho knowledge aeqiir ed In Cuba will bo of tho higneet value b a lvng the healtli and sanitation problems on I'anama. With modern treatment of malaria and yellow fever, mdern f.ods and modem medicioo, it is belived th du.it Ii rate, even in that heretofore deadly c uitry, can be kept dwn somewhere near tho pi rml pi int Dr. Gorgas atwl b's aiita:,ts will see that the cunps fir wiiik rs are properly placed upon 'he bills, 'hat the greatest piw-oihlj pi.'Oiu i )! in tho line of sanitation aro i.tkt n, and that c "di'i'ni8 are the'iivn' favor ale p--siiii lief ro I'm wotk ulcm strec'ii n is b :forn. ' Then, vi'l not nMil then, wi:i Uncle Still h uin I ia dig.-i' g. Pains in (ho Back Are symptoms of a weak, torpid or rtagnnnt couilitinn rf the kidneya or liver, and arn a ;niing it ia extremely hazunli.ut W ajAft, so linixntant ia a healthy a"l thoae organa. Tliey are roiniiW.ly nttitule1 hy losa of energy, lark fA courage, and some limes by gloomy foreboding and de sjxmdeney. "I had 'alnt intiiy h.v, eouM not lecp and whm 1 t.riip In Ihe ninrnlns felt worm limn lli nlirtit Iwf-.in". I Ih-khii tak ing ItiMHl'a sar.;,rrllla an.1 now I ran aliH-p and cit invfriine n at'il and bl to do my wak, atinhuie my cnn entirely to Hood's TYrMiparllln." Maa. J. N. I'ltaaf, rare H. 8. ('oH-lnd, l'ik Kond, Ala. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Cure kidney and liver trouhlea, relieve tbe back, ami build up tlie hole eysU iu. A Strange People. Tho scantiest people tl at have ever come iiit i the iew of (lie Ohrii ian world aru the J-p.nefe Th war in which thiy aro n w e'ufaifi-d bi eertcd to throw lew light upon their tan. ntl chaiactti and to ditcloee a ood itiany fc s nhout them Pot know n before. They aro not afiaid to die 'hat is the iumst prominent fact. The next it that the na iunal spirit is a'rongoi than io any othor pwple. When ever in tbe present wr they have nmt reverses many i f them, t-spci-ally iht ir wonn-n, liHve c uiiinmd aii'i'i le. According to the tisti- mony, thev have no etliitMn, nor care tur any. The E nper hss hein thinking ft prtc'aimi.g Ciniatianity as the Stae rt liio W-ne be is tired f bavi e hit loplo Knitted as paaiia. Thiy are entirely willing for thia, but, as Tn Ri iu Watchmat. i Bj.-tn, a.j, "ofcoure there is no spiri-nal eltiinunt in this movMnieut." What are y.u eoin, to do i'h a Hi ple lik,. thuf Charlofe O werver. Take "jut a triite" of Ramon 'a Topic Regulator nightly, and yu will lr p't-aaed with Ihe effeet. That tiri-d, vhaut-d fee'ira; will tliaappar. there w ill be no cauatt for headaclii-a, pains in thn back or aid. When the orcana are in a healthy etat one ha no rauae tor complaint, and that ia ju-l the atate a siaieinatie use of Kamou'a Tonie i.- Rii- iaror will produce, idols foraateliy B. . llaynore. Ten Thousand Churches in i.e United S'ates 've na- d tbe L cman tfe Manim-s Pure Taints Evcrv Church will tw uiven a lib eral rjnantity whenever 'ihey palr.L I ,n't dt tl 50 a g-il' D lor Lin so- d oil (worib 6o c-ii i) which yon do hen you bny thin iint io a can wi:h a paint Ulol on i. 8 !id 6 make 14, thr. fre when ten want fonrteen gal'one of itint, bnv only eight gallons v.t L. fc ii , and mix six gallons of pure linseed il i;h it V.h need only f- r r : I of L A M Taint, and ihn-t t;a'l uieof nt mi'X d therewith Ij paint a good . a d honse. H tines pairtid wilh tbese pain's itv r yrow st-aUiy e'cn after IS veT. Tl,e cH-riicd a u'sart i.1 f F. L Fmith A- Co.. Aden's rs. - 1 M hwt r i 4-Ta m x-tmmc &tmm aw I Tho Kind You lfun Alwnya In u ho for over .'JO )-itr, ' All t'oiiiilerfi lti, Iiiilliitloiia nnd ' Jiiat-na-gtKHl" itro lind Kxperliuenta tlmt trlllo with unit ciiiliinifer tho ii'Ullli of IiilitiiU uutl Children-l'xperleiiio n;;uliiit JlxpcrliucnU What is CASTORIA Cntorli U iv lmriu1i'a sntxl Ituto for Cnator Oil, Paro fttirlc, roia nmt Sin. ililn hyrnpt. It la l'lt-HMiiit. It 4'otilitlna in llli. r Iiiiii, ,"M or pit lno imr other Nareothi aiililitnee. lla ii'(i' I 111 c mt rant ct. It tleatroya WurniH unit iil!n l i t 1 1 l-linei. It eiiri Di.n i lut n uml Wlutl Colle. It relieves Terl lilntf Ti'ouMex, riirea ( iiis(lntl Idii Hint riiiluleiiey. It iinoiitilluf - Ihe I'imxI, reuulalea tho Miiiiiin It ittnt I low el, kI'"K lieitllliy uml Intliiritl elo'p. Tim Children's l'niiuccu Tlu itlollii r'a I'rknd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Soars the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years. tmc tiTuii MNNf, w uiv raiiT. hiw 9mmm tur t " m SBwaawa mmm HJIH irsmm M 1 1 IMIM n awaaxaaajSMaiawWPPiajaaswwraiar YOU CAN FIND n..u 16 (Both Gal Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Brass, Lend, Pewter and Rubber bou?ht at Everitt's. P OAK-RIDGE-INSTITUTE 51 cf Von,. I'RrPACnS Inr tha IMVrRSITICS and COt.. I Si. I Ca.ll LLOl.S at wall aa lor hLSINLS-S lor 1 EACH. , ivi, and l,,r Lit L. situana sr:Aa; Okl l NS. BOKO, N. C, avar l.ooa tret above tha ara Uc, In virw of tht msantalna. 1 argr.t and Beat Equtpr-rd Flttiait Schoal lor Voting Mra and Byi la the.VMith. Kataa; tlJ5.(VO to S17J.00 per annum. roa acaurirwL caraioaut. avoataa J. A. & M. H. HOLT --- Oak Rid?, N. C. V .. aaaaaaa . i taulUUininiMUtaaAaJKiaa Costs Calj 3 cents tt Srcggisls, Or Ban at caata ta C. J. MOFFCTT. FLoara.-a, a. O., , im.-l vaa trtt ittad IrHh oar w ! -n fca u bvuwf, ruane tar.-rt, a. a ltr H wa BWfal t aMUtifntj trovbln, avnj lusflact hu thai ara aoaa.qe.Bl aaea taa o- af rfrtiea and anolhin arrapa, tau a bara eonM Io raaar4 It, aflar aa. arlia tbrm ahll.lm. aaonanf lb. bmiiui h ib.r. t. aaaw b.:T In th. h,?a ard ar.UJ Lba tMiluaff troublaa car, ao4 a a.ta piaaaaia ta laonaiiiiii 'Ttii: it tAar f-lae.l. liate1of hm bornd It'ff thai an aia-, miaaw to fc-, taaar kabjaalaa, BAitI uxa, d.1 ait. Men who look much oltler titan Uit-v are never aivrxar to aiwu fJil -, i Yantajre as nith the "t 1 wife who keep iter nmtTonly biHty. The arcrat of hea.th and th mnlv igw which 'oea wita bt-alth is mitirition. When the atonwen and other or Cds of digi-stion ami nuuttton are diseased thvre ia low of nutri tion, and correspond ing phvatcal weaknrm 1 t. herce'a Golden Medl.-al Irijeovery curcat t.iat-aea of the '!. ll bnl it allied Of vans, which prevent nutrition, and niak'i men hewlthy and Vig orous. 1 wa a fat mtttrrrr froas J,"apet-t fe rvrf two var ai wa a em- riirft pltv.ical wreck Wl It. . XfT T- Fna?enoarlWT. nl L v LeliVh i'o.. !' " i ! iaW-al maik wttn am atvx'utn 1 trw.1 roanv aaiWraot molK-itiea wrneb wwra nxraiamM rurm the tmoble Iwt the.. w. t- re wrm. I hi atih a watt ai .rli" i ranee tWit tt trrmii aa i! 1 Ki lwr,rr ri,' i- arv .hnlr Ic,. At iial 1 rama e- im an a !arrfinR-t of lT. rier.ea. J at rx - triel llr frrrr C-vWeii a--!-l litar-vT arwi Ita.an-t l-e'iata.' 1 mm shorn runt t-I wl the 1-r.lrt" au.1 tea fcoii'-a erf S'-cf-r-r' Njeh brx-i-. -it aie ka -t Ic, m t . - -j! hf 'Ah - I't Iv i I v.L : euro roa':,.i;Ia. - tttnt at tt - w.- f$ v.tj sm f m f " 1 I lr. tt. . bstr -" - i ' . - ' -w al f t " lial- 6 Tonlit, nod vhbhiua bct ii Inta Itornei tho klirnnfnre of nnd baa been iinulo under Ma per annul supervision alneo lla liil',ini-y. Allow no ttiio to deeelvo you in thla. Signature of SUM Si vaaized Iron and Tin), Iron Roofing, Galvanized Iron Work, III". Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds. T. M. EVERITT. Com C5:kra-lr?ai!tin3, Uiarrr,oca.LyMfltcry, 4 the Bowel Trouhka sf Children ofAnrigt. Aidi Oigeiticn. RrifuUtai tha to weU, Strtni;thas the Chi!d and Makca TtETftlSG EASY. . D aT. LOUIS. MO. T oaf faaitlr aayalal-a ta Caarlaitoa to aw TEETbl.a prawiltra jf iia Ha varta aaa aaeua Ihaatamara. bm tonnH io beam wary bBsbcia ad an r4 fr 4&nnm tsaaaaal la.l Tuaaa aaa araaati naat-j -ajcaa. f-- V"i ti i -i The fl.tv.-T ot TOBACCO mav he in jured by the use of stable and rank organic manures. Potash in the arm of sulphate provinces an improved flavor and a Rol yteld. Tohatro mint have '' 'h. lur int;r twv.k.. " l.if.,rfo I. uilqre, ti-n, tirm m,n v'u.i le minrmanon, xnil ewr I. vi,-, snwr-r i ., nbuia a tiipy tree 4 cttart ailing -a tt. s OTC MAN k'AU WOCK5 hr Yavt- aa kaaaaa lltMPvt. ar iowat, w S aa. Bp ia I as. En 7 z ? ii a oii Serf-'"i f. UlLmAl Skia Oiaaasra, ABSOLUTELY CUBED. HERMIT SALVC, 16 eft CENTS ft PC ft. t?! .BUnv-lfl I Lth i.;m a ' tal iMVr Of fT htWsa. ll)Mt - - X ah - r,i? jaan-m t- ICILLthsQOUC f a t - ri n a 4 If.- P 'TT C- f-:ei la aw a a jay viJuil or ntj n. for Cou j?uf Ccl- 6 Gracf i .v

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