AT"" WOUN AlKY nn -r v L h JLLJ 1.. MOUNT AIIiY, N. U. WEDNESDAY. AlHJUST 21, IU01. NO. ih VOL. 25 MEN OF PROMINErJCE t Pe ru na for Culrrti. Te ru na Cures Cat an h U licr- ever located- r. T. rtTZMTBICK, M. c. , Hull. T. Y. l'lUpntrl. k, t'niiuri'Hunan from ki'tiirkjrttriU'tfrmii Ilio National lintel, Wi..hlii:(oii,I. c'., i f.,lnvm "Al tlio nollcitnllon of a frleml I lined jrvur lVrtiita mill enu el f 1 1 1 1 y rmmi- hwllii ymir remedy to Blnollii HUrtiTlng . Willi eaUrali or w ho n-iilnK'"d t"Hln." -K Y. Kltr.irli k. IVruna U 1 1,. r. inml v f .r mUrrli. AI niiHii cvcryUxly knnnn Hint liy hereMiy ml OiiiiinaiuU know It hi jH-rli-iK-n. Wtiatran tint-urn I lu t ! kIiiiiIiik in a wee or tv..).y tmitm lYiimu, If allow id to l I'ifhio Plirmiii', niiiy r 'inlrp months f fulihful treatment. You h$l better take Dtrtina now lor by and by y 011 may he obliged tn lake II noma lima in order to fvt well. Sow the w arm, dry eather will alst lityotiriure. 'u art not Habit to iauh frcih ioJ tin, delay ) nurture. Iliinilreilaof mm of dlmiliy n nr I ,r..iul ren.e fr..m nil over the I l Siiil.'i itilnrnn I'erillia. No oilier remetly ri'elvn meh run muring tmlinxiiila!, Hi-ml f..r fret, hook nf l. ! Instil l.l) . My oh Ho nut reeelve inei-il m "I at In Ivtory restilu fprtn tin' ii e of I'. imin, Write l elire to )r. Iliirtliiali, ; v i Ii a full tOuti-im ul of yoiiri n ii a 1 1 I he will I' 'li nfl lo pi vp y oil Mm h!ii.iM. ml fli'P Vrnti-i. ivlif H IT. l'irtniaii, freshl flit J tnrlmr : ."iMilMrsimi. ' Ml- O. r Turning the Tables. A Kentucky lawyer was slaml in? on tho steps of the Covin";, ton iiostotlice the otlier day, when an old colored man canio up and, touching his hat, nsked: "Kin you tell nu, is (lis de plaro where dey sells jK)stai:o stamps?" "Yes, sir; this is tho plaro,'' re plied the lawyer seeing a ehanee for a little quiet fun; "but what do yon want with postage stamps uncle?"' "To mail a letter, suh. of course."-. "Well, then, you needn't both er ahuut stsmps; you don't have to put any on this week.'' "1 don.t?" "No, sir." "Why- fur not?"' "Well, you see, the conglom eration of the hyjioU'nuse has differentiated the parallelogram no much that the consanguinity don.t emulate the ordinary effer venscence, and so the govern ment lias decided to send letters free." The old man took off his hat, dubiously, shook his head and then with a long breath remark ed: "Well, boss, all thut uiay be true, and I don.t say it ain't; but just sposen dat de ecksentsicity of de aggregation transubstanti ates de ignomininusness of de ' puppendiceller and sublimits de puspieuity of de consequences don.t you qualifieates dat de gov ernment would confiscate dat dare letter? IJguess I'd jest bet ter put some-stamps on any how , fprluck." And then the old man passed solemnly down the street. Commissioner's Sale. By virtue of the power conferred by .n order Dide by the clerk oft haHn perior Court of Hurry tfounty in the pec i ul proceeding pendi'iiR tiefore h m wherein S. 1'. I rinliuti Adininintrator of I. D. Kichardfon i plaintitT and Ke Hina Kioliarilnon et al are defendant!, I wilj tell to the liiheft bidder on the premises on the 10ih day of September 1804 at one o'clock I'.M. the following real entate to wit: A piece or parcel of land lying in fiuvy ounty adjoining the landi ofC. C. Inman nd the heiri of Margaret Kiermrdnon et 1 contain ing nine tenth f an cre. -Trrmi of tale made known on day of ale Thitthe loth day of August, 1004. H 1'. Christian, Connniiiioner. A Btllrm or PURE I.rWEK.D OIL Bilxad 1 SukM S giJlon ef rt Tntr tor Tjjxt rf 7'mr pitrrl 1'IT. TATt ir1t PrAt Snn rJ'i M srmm-I i i K'K, V jt V t HI K. X lXnntM" V tint, fl'sjr lm yrun O-,-V, Jf U U' CtMS fFNFB l jr pkAt,u4 la 'T 7' Csifs. K:j;tes. l.liAMHAli J AIXrCO.,St-Ial,M. CAPITAL PAID IN S200.000. lA IP ICLD AND UUARANTECO BY C. K JALLtPAY,' I nist. Mt. Aiff, N. 0 CInajt nhst vtj eat. Ghost Story from India. Tndou Olobo. Tim InUist chost i'xirv ia re corded in The Frlerd of.Lu-mah and It Is attested by Bervora! eye witnesses, who saw the ghost, not during the night, a Is usual ly tho case, but in broad day light. It happoned in the Mon yinzu quarter of I'akokku a few days ago. In that Quarter of trie town live a married couplo, the husband's name is Maung Yun and his wlfo May Neain. They had a littlo son two years old, who, nfter a sirious illness died Tho baby was buried in the com etery outside the town, his era die serv ing as a coffin. Tim father was very much de jected at the loss of his little one and, unable to repress his grief, went to tho cemetery two days after tho burial. It was about 8 o'clock in the morning. At the entrance of every Huruiese bur ial place there is a z.ayat, or reRt house, wherein people gather and chat and smoke or tako shel ter from the sun or rain when ever they accompany a funeral. On entering tho graveyard Maung Yun was not a littlo sur prised to see his son, or at least some one looking exactly like Ids son, playing In the r.synt, near the cradle. I!o was at first horror struck, but p .temal affect- on getting tho upper nann, he approached the baby, and to en tice him nave him one pice. The boy took the com readily and offered not the least resist ance when the father took him In his Ri ms and carried him away. Maung Yun could make nothing out of it but that tho child had been buried alive and that some body attracted soon after by the sounds coming from the grave had dug him out and placed him in tho r.ayat. Full of joy, he car ried his treasure home. At the entrance of the town, and about a call's distance from his house, he met a neighbor, Ma Sein Pwin, who. wondering at what he saw, screamed out: "Is that you, Ko Yun, carrying homo your little sun!" As soon as the child heard tho voice lie began moving about in his fath ers arms. Mali Sein Twin and another woman came to take it, and a short struggle ensued be tween them and the boy, and Maung Yun suddenly lost his senses and fell heavily to the ground. The two women made a dash for the little one, but lo! no where was ho to be found; he had d'sapjxmred completely, le.v.'ing bo trace behind. The unfortunate man was car ried home by some kindly neigh bors, but he was a long lime in recovering his senses. The child was a ghost, and the man had been carrying nothing but an ap parition from the other world. That it appeared real enough the two women are ready to swoar, since they not only saw, but touched it. It was no smoke or vaior, but seemed to be flesh and bone. As soon as Maung Y'un was well enough to explain how it all happened, a hurried visit w as made to the cemetery in the hope of perhaps seeing tho boy in the zayat. Hut they were dis appointd; neither "child or cradle was there, and the grave was ex actly as it had been left on the burial day, not in the least dis turbed. Mysterious Circumstance. One wat pale and fallow and the oth er fresh and roy. Whence the differ ence? She ho ii blushing with health linen I r. Kine'i New Life fills to main tain it. hy gently arouiing the lazy organs they compel good digestion and hend off constipai ion. Try them. On ly 2 at (J. Oallaway't, Druggut. Author of 1,000 Novels Dead Chicago, Aas. 17. Ool. Prentisa IngrahHtn, of Chicago, said to be the author of more than 1,000 novtlg, it dead at Ueauvoir, Mi , aged sixty years. C n. Ingrahsm was born at Natclus, ienn , son of Iwev. Joseph II. Ineraham, who was the author of "A I'rincs of the House of D. vid." The yi ung man terved ia the Confederate army as a colonel, and after the war began -writing tories, which were published in various weekly papers and id book form. For years be turned oat a novel every few week. II is beet known Dock is "Land of Legendary lore." Wood's Seeds. Crimson Cloyer Sown at the last working of the Corn or Cotton Crop, can be plowed under the following April or May in time to plant corn or other crops the same season. Crimwm Clover prevents winter leaching of the noil, ie equal in fer tilizing value to a good application of stable manure anil will wonder fully increase the yield and oual ity of corn or other crop which follow it. It hImi make rplendld winter and spring grazing, fine early green teed, or a good bay crop. Kven if the crop in cut on, the action of the rootn and stubble improve the land to a narked de gree. W'rtte for prlc and apxlat atr tmimt tejltag tbmtt MMB( mc. T.W.WeQd&Scnt, tnism, rCHROMD, ViffglttlA. ' 'aMfi OwcHrtWt P Ctltjr, nmAf tvHJt Aara: it. lan ii bm firm tu1 -'!-li NW lr f mii pleat ing, kaita frrooB rqun. Ur .the. Hi i v, fslU 4r46utm4 Oattiay ' Two Burned at Stake. Btitesboro, 0, An. 16 -.After empowering tin milltls sna reu in? the telrgnph (dlice so that help con'd not be summoned from out side, an srmed mob bnrnrd 1'anl Reed and Will Cato, negroes con viclcd of murder, at the itake tbii afternoon. They had been sentenced to hang hy law on Boptember 9, hut the hit ternest aronaed by their crime the murder of Henry IIodgTi, a wblto mm, hit wife and three children hr nght about the triumph of Judge LTnch. There re.tblrteon other negrnn under arrest for complicity In the crime, an dit ii feared that most of the men will be killed by the mob. About two thousand men witnessed the affilr. There were cans of ker osene on every hand. For a long time the crowd took counsel wbotn er to born or hang Ihe men. Twice a rope was pot aronnd their neck and the rope was itirted for a limb of a tree, hqt the crowd would not have It. Some of the party were tg'lnst the burning. The charge of the militia ws something tqnal to the storming of a f rt. The militia could have Mnd themselves hy frultlfM shoot pg Into tho crowd, bnt there was nooccsjlon for more slsnghtfrthtn the feirfnl that bad already happenid. The soldUrs ire In no wsy to blame, and what was done for the but of all concerned. To lilvo fired into the mob would have precipitated a fearful riot, as every white man was armed INot a gnn was drawn on the militia. The crowd simply forced themselves to thickly on Ihe hundred men who were sca'ter d into little rrpsds that it wai impossible to resist them. Tbe report of additional minus coming into the city is responsible for the riot. When conrt idinrncd there wai no perceptible demonstration. Tbe men were gathered on the ontside s nsnal Jndge Daily wst discharg ing the grand jury with words of thanks when a loud volhy ot cheers iuteriop'ed hian. lie rnshrd to tbe window, bnt some one said: "All i quiet." Then the charge was renamed. The jary hsd been dis missed and the judge was discussing with his solici'or general when the men crowded iuto the court house hall below. The jndge went immediately to the steps and Urged them to dis- purse, rive attempts to chargo the crowd were made, hut without avail. The m.n wonld not lieti n to any leader. Subs qoeutly the mob retired for conauliation and a few men were selected. It wti discovered that the guns taken from the soldiers were not loaded, which was a very wise pre caution, for a wretkWs shot would have been tbe cause for the most terrible bloodshed imaginable The few men who were charged by the mob were not injured. The mob was delighted that thesoldiree wire not prepared to shoot into them and put op their own guns in re torn. "Let's fiht even," said a leader, and the pistols were pot up. Then ths mob charged. A few men bad their hands cat by bayonets, but no one was hnrt serionsly. When tbe final ral y was made at tbe jtil, tha men disarmed tbe mili tary and in a .minute there was a cheer of success. A long line of men poshed down tbe court house stairs and with a chain half hitched Cato was drag ged down the s'eps between severs, men A rope was put around Reed's neck aoc" was carried by four men for b. a mile and then allowed to wai. On the rad be was made to give testimony and it is siid gave out a number of names. Tbe victims were taken two miles from the city and a chain thrown around a stump, piles of wood were placed around their feet and mat ches applied. As the blaz9 s'arted np it u said tbe men writhed and struggled. Rsed did not ntter a word after the fire was applied, but before the prch was lighted he ye'led: "Please, please." Uato shrieked like a maniac when the torch , struck him. 8mi ting fhmes licked around tbe men and before they hardly resl Hd it they were in tbe death agony. A pause was made on the rosd side aod at this time some one off -r ed a prayer for the men. Cato did not otter a word. IVore the torch was applied Gt'o begged thai he be bang, but It ed said: "Lt htm die like me. snd his wish was obejed. Tbe death of the men, it is said, cme in almost a minute, so well were they eatnrtted with kerosene. At 3 o'clock the men were both charred massts. The"" ru Jitary it still on guard and aRJs perfectly quiet. There is aome talk of others wbo were in tbe aQor being lynch ed, but this will hardly occur, as the people are evidently satiehed. V hen Keed ai d UaU wera taken out of jail tbey were fi'st takt-n two miles lo the woods where they kuelt and confessed. They described the crime for ten minutes. According lo Reed the following nrgroes were accomplice in the mUrder: Will Kainey, 1'ieroe 1'ioderick, loiu Neal, Big John Hall, Rev. Gaiuts, Rev. Gilding and Handy Bell. This will Interest Mothers. HoUwr tlrmvli wet Powiler for ciilMna, rure K verisltr.PMS, Had hfnuim'ti. tmmnM-r mm -et Trouhtea, Tr-'h'ne rl"(ir, ciii lrnlil l P"Wt'la ami i-imv Worm. Thy n..r fH. 'Her tciiituoiitsla. At ll ltfiKTStna. tc Hmi Kkkk. Addrpan Alloa WILKES COURT LAST WEEK. Some of the Most Important Cases. Will Witherspoon, col., for killing (lordon Witherspoon, col The killine occurred at a log ping shack up In Elk township. (lordon was cooking aupper; trie other hoys were picking tho tan lo and having n big timo. Will c,ame in pretty full and got out his pistol and without any cnuso snapped twico at tjoruon, tuo pistol firing ftt the Peconu snap, kill ncr (lordon. There was s compromise verdict of murder in the second degree, and Will was sent to tho penitentiary for 10 years. The negro Neal Redman was sentenci'il to thn penitentiary for three years for killing the little Sawyer negro hoy. iiioKining was on tho Hli of July, nf Red hinns door. He denied killing the boy, up till court, but In his evidence then he ailnuited mo killlnp. saving that ho was fool ing with a pistol Inside tho door and knew nothing or the ooy Do ing outside till the pistol fired accldently and the boy screamed the hall penetrated Ills heart and he died almost instantly. Hoi I ten jo was given the limit of the law, five years in the pen itontiary, for incest. He would have got more had the law allow od it. In tho case against Clint Trip- lett fur assault with intent to commit rape, the jury found only a simple assault, and .inpiett pets HO days on the roads the limit of law. It was the same way with the case against the negro loy Cora Denny. There was another interesting case, that showed a wholejot of dirt in it tho case against Spenee Crane, Arthur I'arsons and others Jor the false arrest of Iaq Hainbv. Crnno and Parsons get 7 months each on the roads. they could easily have stood more, the others were turned looso on payment of cost. The evidence indicated that those fel lows were engaged in a process of extracting money from Lee Hamby with a so caned warrant in which he was charged with burning Crane's house. Chron icle. Foodstuffs as Contraband. St IVtoriborg, Ang. 17 The United States ai d (Jreat ltntian have formally raised the q n stion ot foods'oiM as contraband of war, except when directly proved tbst they are destined f'T belligerents armies or navies. While acting on parallel lines, the Uni'ed States and Great Bdtiin are prcceedirg iude pendently. Tt;e Amencm c0 was prrarte5 Hr. ngh A mbhMHdor Mc Cormirk, a: i 1 Hows tho lines of the A mi rip in declaration at the iurie of the Spwiieh war. It is in the f mii of a pro'est against the confa" dtion of fl)oron' board tbe Arabia. The general Amcrietri contention regarding cal, ea(i h', etc., as set forth in Secretary .U V nnte of June 10, are also p'v.wd before the Rossinn govi r: mem. Great Britain followed by rnlsing not only tBe cpiestion of fu -de ufTs aa contraband, br.t the legality of eir king the neutral ship . The comrnonicition takes ix cp tion to the Rutsun doctrine that fo idstuff are c ntrabsnd, tnki.s a pjsition igainst the right of RtitMia to sink nntrsl nierchantment, and demand! com 061181100 i'i the ras ot the Knight C maiander. With regard to foods 'uffj consigned to ao enemy s port, the communicHton maintains that proof that they are intended for belliBercnts' military or naval forc e in necewnrv iu order that they beconaidered contrabind. It lllus'ra'es in this contention tbe cat-e of the fl ur on board the Ara hia, which was consigned to a lriiith firm iu 1 . k ihama and whish was declared c intrahand by the Vladivcstock pr' court Great Driuin cjntends that the Ru'sian doctrine is rq'iivalent to a declaration that all foodstuffs con signed to an enemy's port are un conditionally contraband. The Uritub note argues the ques'ion at length against tbe right to sink ueu tral s 'lips, as being contrary to in ternational law and usage. , Although the note is couched in friendly terms, it presents the posi tions of the Uaited States and Grest Britaio clear!; and cmphaticilly. A Summer Cold. A summer eold ia not only annoying hut if not relie ved Pneumonia will he the probable reauk 'by 'Kail. One Min ute Cough Cure clears the phlegm, draws out the intlamation, heal, soothrs and strengthens the lungs and bronchial tubes, tine Minute Couch Cure is an ideal remedy for the child ren 't ia pl'asant to nis taste and perfcctfully harmlena. A eertain cure for Croup, Cough and Cold Hold by I. VY. West. Ask for Allen's Foot Ease, a Powder. To hnk Into ymir slifxn. it r tlie fr-e". l4kK walk:;;;; cuy. tU:t- eru, Hupvss. lBi.riwniE nip. vfolW.n and sweating fff Al all llnii,iaU a Mum. ?e. l"B'I Bi-rt pt aiT KUln-lllulr. Kjirrple FKEK. AililrtH. All. n h. OlUMtO, L( !((,. Y. Oil A Kount Airy Woman Asks "have you a fl ir paint that will laet two wee-ks ?'' Yes we have Dtvoe ; it has a beautiful glos ard will wear two years if properly applied. W. K. Mt rriiu A Scaboard-Coast-Llne Deal Tho Norfolk Virgiar .rilyt !; eii'enaiiy: "Thu 1 urnor hss attained the dig nity of a definite report that the Seaboard Is abeut lo i sm into the ha' ds ' f the same group i f Hnan clers that control Ihe Const Lire, which means the same group that aio control the bqtitlicrn. "According lo Ihe New York difpttchua, the only hitch lo the stle of Iho Seaboard in the Coast Line people was over the price of tne sti ck, and the indications are that the option will b renewed snd an understanding reached as a result of w'l.ich the South will have a fall grown raiUsv trust. "This will he hsd news for the people of the Stairs tranvorsed hy the three great lines that have done s much, utider competitive condi Hons, to build up the South. With sll the Smith's great rsilrosds con trolled b prac'lcilly the same peo pl, coui( utitivi condition will not, of coumo, be , maintained, aud tri bute will be levied upon Southern development and prosperity practc ally at the v. ill of the railwsy trust." It would ho nothing short of a ca'ainity for the three great railway systems of the South to nss nndur one management, though the ten dency has t r some time been In this direotion. The Southern and the Coast 1,'no are now practically ore. If the oiubination absorlis tho Seaboard, competition will le dtstrovud in the South and we shall have a railroad trust wi'b all that this impliis. It is clear from New lork and I'altiinore dispatihe, vague as these are, that somotbing is impending in Seaboard circlet. One story is that tho Gonlj Uarriman interest has its eye on Jhe prop-rty, and If this moans an independent manage ment it is to be hopsd that, in the event of a change, it will get the Soabnrd . Kx. Fruits As Medicines. Fruits are divided by tho fam ous French Dr. Dupoury into five lasses: 1. Acid. 2. Sweet. :i. As- trigent. 4. Oily. ". Mealy. In the Url be counts ( berries, strawberries, raspberi ies, goose berries, in-aches, apples, lemons, orange., and regards tin-in as of great hygienic value. Chi llies he prohibits to those fleeted with neuralgia of the stomach. Strawberries and raspberries he recommends to the bilious and gouty, and denies thou, to thoso T-K-ted with diabetes. Of tho sweet fruits he partic ularly values plums, especially for the gouty anl rheumatic. GraiHjs ho awards the first place, nnd thinks them tho euro par excellence for the anaemic, dyspeptic, consumptive, gouty and bilious. ltananas are recommended for the typhoid patient, lemons and Tomatoes a cooling. Lemonade is the best drink in fevers. The juice of half a lemon in a teacupfull of strong black coffee, without sugar, often cures a sick headache. Tho apple is one of the best of fruits. Raked or stewed, it gen erally suits the most delicate person . Green figs are an excellent food and are laxitive. Prunes supply the highest nerve or brain food; dried tigs contain heat, nerve and muscle food; hence are good for both cold and warm weather. The srnall-seeded fruits, such as blackberries, raspberries, currants an i strawberries, are a mong the best foods and medi cines. Their sugar is nutritious their acid is cooling and purify ing. Sweet, ripe fruit in prime con dition only -is called a perfect food. Chicago Tribune. Clinton Postoffice Robbed. " Clinton, An 15. 17. Tbe pos'oflice here was robSud early this ruoro ing. The dour of the safe was blown tt' with nitro-glyccriue a-id about HT) in postage stamps and $40 in money taken. The rot bury was evidently the work of professional burglars. It occurred about 2 o'clock a. m., aud wa not dice ivered until I'oetniastir Djin eron came down to miike up his mail for the out going morning train. Tbe ex illusion was not heard by any one ex fpt the operator, a y ung man, iu the telephone ex change, locifed on the ecoi,d fl ior of the same building, lie said tbe rep rt sounded liku t bnt of a pitol. There is no c!ne to the robbsrs aud it is uot known i 1 whtf direction, they went. The Pon'olfue Depart ment wae promptly advised by wira of the robbery and has the matter iu bund. Ao etl rt to rjb this 1 flies was mu Id l" winter, but failed becue of timely discovery and a general alarm, resulyng in a turn out of armed citir.'us. Deft'itt Is the Name. When you go to buy Witch TIsze! Halve look for the name XtWITC on every boa. The pur, unadulterated Witch Hal is used in making Di Witt's V-'iij Harel a!ve, which ia the bent salve in the world for etita, burns, bruin's, boila, er?ema and pitee. The popularity of I'eWitt's With Itari flvetdue to it 4 mitj ("irea, h caus ed numerous worthless eonnterfeits to t placed on the market. Tl. genuine beam tbe nam" K, V. UeWitt A Co., Chicago, bold by I. W. Wel. De When Hie late Ilmry M, Stan ley first ai rived at New Orleans as a cabin boy on a sailing ship from Liverpool, and before he bad made the ac juai'itance of . the Stanley whose name he afterward was lo as sume, he wis forced lo various shifts to earn a living. Among other positions for which he applied was that of cilice boy in one of the morning newspaper of fins. His bright appearance Im pressed the mm In chtrge, who engftcrad him and told LI in that he could begin his dntb s In half hour it then being nearly 0 o'clock in the evetjng, and that his honn of work would last to some time after midnight. As tint boy started out the man noticed thai he was bare ooted. "Kiin hottiH ai d get your shoes and stockings." stld the man. "I haven't got my, answered the boy. "Can I you got somi ? ' "I don't know, sir, I'll try," "Corno hack at 0 with shoes and s'lckings, and its all right. If you don't wo can't take ton," answered the man, tunin g away, while the future explorer went out with a harder problem bt fore him than llnding Livingstone. He rut down en tho strps outside and after some mlnntrs thought went lick into the anteroom again and laced tlieboy w ho was in charge during the day, who had overheard the cotivetfiatiou. "See bore," said Ihe applicant, "have you got another pair of shoes and stocking !"' ".No." "When do y u go off dut;?'' "Six o'cl. ck " "Same lime I go on. Now I'll tell yon what I'll do I'll give yon half a dollar for the nse of your shoe and stockings each night for a week. I'il leave cm under the dor-k for you every morning when I go away so yon can wear them dur irg the dsy." oil, answered the boy slow ly, "I'll do it if you'll write me an order on the cashier for the hslf." The order ws duly written, and iho foture Sir Henry put on tbe shecs and stockings and entered up on hi hrst j mrnalifclic duties -ISow I crk Inbui.e. Negro Kills White Youth. Margaretts, S. C, Aug IB. Allen l'orter Heathington was shot and killed this morning by a negro named Sam llroWn, in tho Toogoodoo neighborhood, Colleton county. Young Heathington wa. re monstrating with Hrown about some work w hen the negro a shot him in tho head with pistol. Tho killing has caused intense exeitinenl, the whole country is being scoured by posses and the negro's capture is Yiourly expect ed. Bloodhounds were secured from Charleston and are on the trail. When informed of tho affair Gov. Hey wood at once tele graphed the sheriff of Colleton county offering him troops and anything ho desired to prevent a lynching. The Govenor also telegraphed prominent citizens of the county asking their co operation to prevent any vio lence loing done to the negro. Engineer Killed in Collision. Thoinasvillo, Ga., Aug. 20. At 11 o'clock Friday night two freight trains on the Atlantic Coast Line met in & head on col lision at Elba Junction, Alabama The trains were a local east bound and a through train. The wreck was caused by disregard of orders by the local's engineer, John McLauglin, of Thomasville. He ran by the meeting point. The engines were locked togeth er and McLaughlin was instant ly killed. Tho fireman was in jured and two brakemen were bruised. A Case Earilj Disposed Of. Supposing your apology is not satisfactory?" said the grund vizier. "Send 'em another," answered tho sultan of Turkey. "We have all kinds constantly in stock and it's no trouble to show goods Washington Star. D n't brig bee inn yon happers to bo a little lotkf,"' tid l.'inlo E ben. "If de hen ouldn't cackle 10 1 nil about de egg she dors la'd, de white folks wouldn't berol'b'oto r b da nes'."- W a liotou Star. &o 2 crso - ft may be from ovrnvcrk, but the chances arc Hs troTi an In active nvrp -With a we!l ccrnljcted UVCK one can do mount ains of labor without fatigue. It adds shuo4red percent to onesearV, 'capacity. ft can be lut hi healthful actio?) by, and ooly by rvrn, . , ej w fj fl Stanley' Journalistic ginning. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. V c 0 i 1 l - i 1 I . . , . .4 ANi'Cr Inhle IV c paMiion r if As -slmihiting Kic I'licd.uHl Kelt 11I t bug die btniualu (Ual liOMI-lf of I'romok- l)igr.Oicx..CUvrfil-1 ncss and Id'st i oiihilin nclila-r Irjatiin.Morpluiic twi Muaral. Not Nakcutic, - ' 1 nnN Urn Him W - fyfW ajMP Apeifrcl llemeily fiirronllpA lion. Sour SloiiuMh.Di-irrlaN'a U'orins.l onvtiKmns.lcwrili nrs mid I,mh or SLKFI. farSmiiW Sitfnnlur of NKW Ml UK. Lxact f oer or wAfpr. I i , 1 ! 1 11 1 YOU CAN FIND Huli aw!h 1 P utuiiuuu Also Tin and Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, Valley and Shinglo Tin, Sheet Old Copper, Pnnnor orl PirrAfo CfAorw Brass Lead vui'iJVJ "vwi Pewter and and Water Pipe Fit- Rubber bought tintrs of all kinds atEveritt's. M r OAK-RIDGE-INSTITUTE 5 c4- Vfr-fAHC5 'or the rNIVHRSITIEB anS COL- 151 I 1 I r 01 S well lor BUSINESS, lor TEACH .. ... IMi. anil lor tlFE. Fltiiatetf NEAR OREENS- IIORO, N. C. ever 1.000 Itrt mbnt the ire level. In view erf the nentiiu. Largeet and Beit EqutrpcS Fttln 5k h 00 1 lor Voting Mea 4 Boys la the South. Rat: U5.0f tc S I7S.0 per annam. rOK COUTirUL MTUOOUI, D0l " J. A. & M. H. HOLT ... Oak Ridge. N. C. ti ' W FEEI Get is Ecx IS l,'-,'!e ? ! Vi-iw . I'lJros .. Otr " fiitstratcl 1 fC. sT51 ror lnf.infa and" ChH.rfn. The Kind You Have Always Dough! r i.t. lay iuiu .nv of Use For Over Thirty Years N'MHKalkusasiiui.BM m mi uiiu uuuuir i : -i r Bears tho Uce Or.t d t y iiii 1,111 11 m r TV. Mlilllliili! uuuui I (Both Galvanized Iron aod Tin), Iron Roofing, KVERITT. Three Times the Value of Any Other. One Third Easier. One Third Faster. The only Pewing Machinn thnt does not fail in any point. Rotary Motion and Ball Bearincii mak it thn lightMt running niai'hine In the world. Aeeiitu wimted iu tinocco jiieii territory. F.-nd for eireulms and terms. V.Lceler k Wilson Wig. Co, Atlanta, (ia. Fur .lt hy J. D. Jenkins. Mt. Airy. -wes--ff" 4-m " O o-o- o at-i. 0:1 To-Esy. nil i! n 6, Gr;:r.:bcro, II. C. inr your l!lintratpd Hand Tmk r'o. 9) .,

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