nn Airy -Mews. nn I. VOL. 25. MOUNT AIIiY, N. O,. WEDNESDAY, SHITE Ml EH 2U 1001. NO. la MOUN Superintendent Public Works If l.eltitiiu, h jr., Hii 1 1 'Pe-runa It on rxcrllriit Mi-iUcIiic." 5 T - ,:i -' if . - v J.' II. Illpplcgate, Nupt. of Pllhlh Wnrk,lH Mi. t Dlh HI, l.ejilngttR, KJ wrllm: ""I find lint IVrtina on excellent tnollclna foe catarrhal anVr lluna tint .11 Hi ai lending lu run ii in pt Inn, bronchial trotil.h-.or stomach Iroiihlc, It also ad. a. preventative ml keep Uik pyli'iii In healthy eon til 1 1. mi Kn that It easily throw, off ills ear--. It I. tn rm'rlli'iil' tonic and lif l appetiser unit a lar-i. miin Im r lf I liitt-o W h" III. l' I I II ll-ill.' II iillk Very Mgh'y of l' ciiniHv ! rn, I urn satisfied ilnil my i.j.lnl.xi .f II Is it.rri" I, nut I'.i.t U l il Hi "f high praise." J. II. Il.pph -gt. I'i rim U Un' leiiK'ily fur calm i Ii. Ah run I i-v.-ylly kn..ns lhal I y him-tj ml llt.maii.la know II by rkpcrifin'". Catarrh In IIk various forms i rr.p.dlr tc.miiig a Ii a 1 1 m it I rur'. Alt mi- loul I. .I n imbly l-cii it . a.. Iy lr. lUr'nisn, This niiii.tv lit. l-rn thoroughly ! -I' ll tin! lu,- l'i' p i-l r-.rl jr year, lYruna run rntaitli In nil hme and tar"-. Tl i re Is it. i remedy Imat can Is- ullllntr,t. If you do iml thi lvi )ri.n il .ml ll fvlory rrnlin fm:n (In- n-i .f IVnin.-t, wrllc utoin'o ! ir. liiirlni.tn, fun-.; n full i-t.tii'itii nl ff yi'iir -f ' , i n I I w ill lie il'Md lt Kivi" Vmii In vltial ln nI vlo cr.tU. Aililnw Dr. Il.rlnmn, l'rrlili'iti of Tit. Ilarluiaii SaiilUriiiin, CulumLiui, 0 W. F. CHT - 4. R. lEWtllTN, mmmr urn . ttottm ... CAKTKK Ot juKWKLLYN, Attorneys-at-IiBW. prmeuet IB URtjDl rlrrutoun. Fmnpt .Hodiioo (ITnB to all btuiLM. eti triuti 4 1 Utolr care. M. H. SPARCER, noTAY paaT-iG. litinlitenn HolloHeil. or.ict with ixa. w. iitiati, mr. mt. GKO. V. SPAKCKK. Attoney-at-l-nw, MOUNT AIRY. N C. Mf-4 wi'l priv-tiw in m 1 riprtt 'Vert. W. G. SYDXOH, MT. A IKY, N. C. RfalEslakilDMfUBtt. STRONG LINE FIRE. LIFE ft ACCiOtNT CM panics Keprcstntcd. S. P. GliAYKS. Attorney-at-Law, MOUNT AIHY, N. C IB ti p4 Firal ronfA HO' BUMtU.SB ! rolKX-lk.o Of CUIDi.. W. R. Badgett, Attorxky At Law, Mount Airy. X. C EripapPB in general irarti'; ifciBtt attention to collection of renin and local account. ; loant negotiated. sy zi When You Want a First-Class MOWING MACHINE, GRAIN DRILL, HARROW OR CULTIVATOR Or any kind of FARMING MACHINERY at K1GIIT PRICES, seo john l mm, Mount Airy, N. C. Opened "Hp. Leonard ' Photograph OaPery. Cor. Main and Franklin Krwta. UEHAB! Kfi? PIGTDBESL Ittekt t ! neve--t jle. in CirJ nioutiU.l i! all li.ihi - k After to veart of Imn.e .tuily, i h.e ju.t fim-li-fii op I u Biottt a. in .e pai lerf of Mr C. . lVhar4'0, lit II. le t-h 1 mo i-fter n J tviocb to the ej lit iff. nil Ii the tail eonfijeitne and ufnr- of nf -r-t.-'t .t c-ii iti to m; iair.tr. If "A Tiiltg c Keetet i. .lor t-.ireT-r" Itttt t.f: J Jittl i- . r,v it.- ' t . J ins tia. ner more 1VASC ruvlo.rt.i'i'e'. 11 l -v. M Getting Kid Of Trouble. Tlit'tu U it liit of it ihaih thiit wn lciii Mcil tunny yi'ur n;c- Tin: uuilior of it wo i! i not know, but tlirtt iu.uli'j-5 nut. Tl.ii littl" V(Mv) litis Im'i'ii calliul to mi ml inr.ny tiniK.s siin ii wo Iciiniod it, nut fur miy Im uu ty f rhyllun or for any romantic scnliniciit, but on iK i'otitit of its siniili, jiluin, cotninoii st'ns( jilillosojiliy. 'l'lio hlaiix.ii ri-ails: "I'or Mi ry evil iiikIit II n. I'hiTM rrini'iiy or there i mum If tlmre be mip nerk it bikI liml it If IIhtk l)B none. Ihi'U livi-r inll.d Pnpan philosopliy. wo lmv? hfiinl it nillfil. Hut m it jiatfiin jiliiloHopliy or otlicrwisf, il Is coiniinm 8i'ti-i! at li'iist. I 'or ev ery ovil, ftirkni'!!, troubli', sor row, or wlniti'ViT it. inay I"', tlii'i'i) is u renii'dy for it or thcro isn't. LoiU tin- troublo st raiiit in tlio l.nr, looU at it from all sidfs, and disi'ovcr if Uhto ii i rcint'ily. If tln-ro a roiunily, tln'ii do not. ilo to taik or t'-oni-plain or worry or jrrioM', but jro afti-r that rcini'dy and si-cun; it. Thrn if tin1 riMiii'ily in found tho Iroubln 1m vniiihi'(l, nnd you hilVi'li't udtlivl to it loll;; d.iy.s and IlilltlK llf tlM'll'N WOl'I'Vill'. If limkitl at front ovt-ry ptissi bio staitrlpniiil, yuii can st-o no rctinnly for your dittn uliy, or at least you can m-o no remedy that is by any posiMo means avail.i i!i'. then nevermind tlntroub ', Turn away from il, ignore it fwr-i't it. It will only main' in it ti'rs wiii'mi to k'-t p Ihiiiliinif a bout it, worry in' over M- l.ukin alxiut il. 1'ako thin bit of philosophy and apply it to every dilheuliy, every perplexity, every worry, eery trouble. I'm e ymir prob em, whatever it is, dissect it, ook it over from every view- itoiut p il a thiiioii'h diagno sis, ami if there is no ivim-dy, or Horn! that is willnn your reach, then drop tho whoU) matter. Don't spend another moment thinking about it. It will only waste your vitality and make you miserable. Hut if. in the 'tin-, luiml, after a careful d .ik'iir .;, ou tlndtli.it there is u remedy, thai by a cer tain course of ui lion or by spir al effort un yii .r part you can secure tl remedy, llici. ieavi-no stone unturned to bliliir that i.eily to bear on the trouble. Undaunted and determined af ter the remedy, lion't talk: and scold at. 1 mi-' or whine, out with ieerful mem and tixed resolve. secure !! , fel'i-'ilv II. at w .il cure the iroiiii!.'. What's the u.." an;, h tw of wor V:iH' aim.:', ai: vibii.'.'.' Worry . iT 1' :,iii'.' betu-r. I'.s' ! I i't .1 Li s. : botly and 'tis you and Ih the ti'oub Il aiv. Vj u . ;t U - t it is 1 i t i mfui to li mind. Worry weai unlits you to copi' w 1 Il uses up the one! ''y llmt should be spent in makiii things better. 1 c reiiotliiii: and fear won't jiiwetit any disaster. Oft- lilitncs we briny; ukjii us thi; very tliii.iT Wt o ar. Never ciiiiib a bill until you fTi-l to it. We remember, as a child, in ridiny; through th-; uuntry we had a dn ad ofhiir i hiil. How often we nw far a bead. if i:s, on the ruad, i fr:ri dable hill. Jli.w hiel. at.d roui.-!; and steep it 1 feir.'d it. Ih d, -uid I. i.v hard it wo c.v b fur ttie hnre to carry us uji .! a lull. v e were suru in- win;, i i and fall and maybe upset tl. rrine, and so, Wiiil the yrea' est appiehei 'ii, we would a 1 1 proach t dr. ll'.ie.l Mil. Ha We We pc as w i!.d the hill iV I'.attor, and rea liow surjirised came nearer to cediny;, "Towiny; ly no bid at all when we re tho point that seemed so lie hi and crayry and dangerous. .So it is wi:li many of life's per plexities. lluwii.ii.kiy theyluoM ujt before u, what a black pa I they spread around us. Uu' when we ''et close uiitothenj they have vanish.-! I t-iitirely. .- spoil so mJcli of lifv in foreboding. Wo Jet fear and !ip tin- beautiful moments that are cuis and soil them by dreading th.t moiiiL-t.ts of t!io future with which we have nothing to di. Wo ride over the nice, level country, forget tiny; it beauty, unmindful ol its delight, dread iug tho hill that never comes. Foolish, very foolish, wasting our mental and phyical vitality. Making ourseleves wri u hed nd everybixly about us miserable be cause of our fear habit and worry habit. For ail these troubling things apply this bit of philosophy "if Wjero bo a feme 'y M-ek it and lind it. if there !.e none then i;ev er mind it." Look straight at the thiag that is bothering you, -t - VittU As,if r.i 'A V.i.'. l purse I a hc-v;-XLncts i.:kL-sa I.-.-l ; jr. T'-e UVCR I tic vl , r. j t.-.-. CP.J v. u v .i t lie ro"t '-' c -1: ' '."ll-, ijUi.l.', s 1 - c a-' ' i .i of Crtve Xifr.a lu c:,i i . . ...... . t . s O i . ' f -.4. - : tH kiljM c.iuislnif vim to lie awiiko at nl-ht. take it apirtbit by bit, Hnalv it. look it nil over. I'er haps by that timo it will dlsa iieiir of Its own luToni. Hui loo for tho remedy and wasto no timo In applying it. If thcro is no remedy, then nrin your com moti sensoand will lKjwor to bear Turn uway from tho troubling thiiiK; and busy yourself wit othei thoulits, uiako now plans nnd l'u straight t wiib cotiti dem o that everything will eotno riht anyhow, and that it Is only foolish to worry ubout anything wlirtUmnvwr, Pi. V. Bathing in Japan. There is in Japan no citr-liardly b ImiiiKt that ti km not It public Im 1jh. S i n h of there tiho.'. aro titu rvtil fur tlio wealthy, but In lleirt ot Mil-nil I) 1 1 11 hull tMo ret i Kt it' iii crii'v prcv his. Alun ana wt im n wlri havu Pjii.'tit the day it tun ri'imr to the ruth hnrmo. A flight (.niolllit of dof.irctico to Wt'itirii i.leni Inia riciiltcd in I lie a.-piiratii k' of 'ho xi'H. From tho ftrci-t a rnntn 1 kn a lon hall in on toti'd Tim vi.itur Mtiis in uid liadrt tlmt I hit htlliintf i nil boinif dot i- Nt t!in forth r und ol thi iihII The i" i i (ire fciiir.ttt 1 hr a inrti liiiiint'ie an of tt.u ovitIichJ hhiiwi rit, hut b t1. m hi and w ituun ;ir viail.lu t t tho illi-ti'luii iif vUilor, ctoriior tlie men imt Itiu weineti Ti Ht nt i li 'Tvniinii. Tlioy chatter and U'ii:h lik') olid Kon, p nd imui twenty tun, ii lit utidi-r t!m dripiiinrf tin'iT, tlii ti !re-A tli.'ii F Ivoi to if mr, i-le.ii iinJ aIiu'ih im -, for tie; u el.ll o a 1j . Uriiri'S. l.lltl hot v at. r u provijjd thi'e mi'ilio putt . c 1 1 wntur ia fur mure in dt in .r tl ,-J hi !iim! 1'hvsica Trttiiiirf, by 11. l.vi.i lit c.ck a - A Story of "Old Hickory." The f ill i Ttiiif ory. q'l ited from the W.iii' in;!, a lVt, III uat ra'ca one ol the boa' c:d;iof Andrew .IncksotiV c'lirHO.tcr. Whci Jrtcks.iti wu I'ro.ident M.j t tiibbon, a N'iw Jerny man 1'it-tuiibter at Iticluno.. I, Va A d.Uvvioti from lliohnii. 1 Whi; i-d on J.u'ki n to demin l tli j p ift mut'cr'n plaeo. "li-n't Mi''r (titibon an .IJ ml' ilier of the Iievolu'iotif" atkoJ Jack', hi. "Wtll, yi-B." "Any ihiree a'ninct bin tlliciiil oil rctti I "No o. Hut he stuini'S up and tloAtl tlio b'il-tl'e lichuj 'liJ uhui iug Veil atid yoi.r hdmiuibtratittti." "I i(.- la;" tHi.l Jack-mi iiri;ji!y. ''Ye ; mid b. fides lit) it an old tn.- Kd hIU;." Wi.cn im delictu m LhI with didi ; J.ckt. oj eju; prjin,itiy for ineauti'.ur of tiio I' ,-et otjo j l)e- , ariiuoi.t. Mi. ainlitor, ii!iirt ot an t tli.:i..l i M j r (i.hti to, poaMnatitor tl U i-liiliy .c f "A iiiiOt-l in' mutter, Mr. i'rot-i d n:.'' "A-.y clmres titiiiet hie i tlicial I ite ; t ; 'N no whatever, e'r. Ilia ac oouiiie re gcrupuluufly corr.cr, and alway ii'i.d red ell timo" Tiio tu xt dny the delegation call ot a.H'n. ' li.'i. lr men," mid Jack. en, ")CU lai.l'c.i J'ift-tdiy 11. at lu rharje : C H ii.t-t 1' etll.Hrt T (i.'b tie lli .-ill c'lKre'i r or c iiidu.-t. Ttiid i. 1 1" 'i -1 hy t!ia m; u n t i 1 1 r i ffiaor ' i' -.: I'.'taaiuy. 15.it y-ju J-ll.iii t.'ie let that h villitiea me and "i' ' "1 i' 1,1 f ;J j-oiiri-s. For an i n weii d have niu lurn adrift i d -1 i It-i-a fi t- d.r'y man the .un tint Ld tiio hrli'iii hope at " y I'.anf, and left b. ritit leg tli- re. "Saoli a iiiau, gentleman, haa .'tVMt tlu ri 'lit to eu'irtHiu his yini'i' h id aj'o.k t.'iem, and to itiu o m? im) n.uja Hg lie p'.-a en." "Swear The Lie Yourself." Wilket-b: p Cliroiiicle. Lee iJam iy, of it s' en, v. 5 u :t h. f re jn.stii-i.B taity, Crycei and iloni i'i 1-isl i tk charged with buru nig pi-i ie l-rat.u'a hoone. After !ieri': the b'att S ov ido: ce, 11. UJ iy wap fcCij'iilcd. A.e"rding to l!ij cvkV- c, warra'ita tor tl HtHtnecf etipts !id been orti iut throe or i nit time; nod w ru used to acara ttJoiiey out of Uamhy and (hm ta kiti.. I" bi l"t ,i a loi'hty woj s..t- if itl.i.a Tiicre v..re e :a-u ".m-.-o'i u' i: ieo iu ;i.t trial ewitirir.! v v heu Aril.ur I'araob't i:e lei-keJ horiis with lawyer (i eitif tot ill lour. It . a ImI- ii'o, ii. Tne vvii.-iih i a r on cV-.J" f. i t tfry j'l letlen k Jt to hio-ory Iretti ' ' .i ln ! upiu JiiTo nn i luy-rti;e u V j t rua iii z a t.. t-.-n 1,1 iti(-. i tn.-g fpie-t iu-fc. 4 ll ; -.,HI.:ll I O vcfll .i ;ie fir' -.-, thial "lact r i s Sae l f I he a'and a'e i m;e)riVi;y , x c B en t': "IL-Iera (..u Js. eeariu .lie '.J'r Utl'fl r d (I'Ufjil Uo.ke 'i t iW or lio lie; It you aarif f'. ft , Tun (Wt-ttI It V U'etll." a le A tower For GdoJ. Tlie i iiU tliat are p it-lit in t! ir acii in and (.! unit in t up. tare lv 'v .ii' l.iale eriy l.iM-r W.H 'lul ,..t...f A,l(.:U . . iiorajj; a Ml.te s rttti'k i to-kti.se :-u at. at it .i it d d ti p mre p'.-l torn calm: t-l, t, ii- tii. or any it iter t I 1 -.er took ai d m 11. v (nn Iitp Uic eJcvt a as.i.t I I'.lie K.r'y Kia-r Br cer t.iti j u itl "ml iill." rolii ty 1, W. 'A et. ronxA, ..: tc.- The Frosty Days, t. Hi them hackliut f'T Hie eliimney: Hoon'll I'oiiit. Hit- fr iFly .lay, Ami jo j'II henr llm coltl wind alii.tln AI'd you'll it'e tin. Urn blurt! Chunk the) red ooalu, lutnt tha Kiddle, Kit nil fnr the daniiin' it, Fetuh lli Imiijo and tint llddle. And iliauk Uod you'rn livin' yet! NEXT FIGHT AT PORT ARTHUR. The Oreat Armies Now at Rest. Thero hm boon n renewal o flhtin aincj tho rotrait of the Iturnian army under (h)ti'ril Kur -paikin to Muklon. Ootid. ii ti. there botli within tlio Jrtpain ao ami the HuAUtl lini'B imliuitu that month may eUpdo baforo tlio Krul' aruiica in cuutral Manchuria agiin ODtor upju a gonuril engiomutit.. At St. I'otorabur tlioexp.ictatioii it that tlio next cotill e'. of in ttneii will occur at I'ort Arthur, whore thoro haa boon a roepito from luavy lihtiuir for several wetka. Tin pirit of the U'lFWtijTi troop at Muk den wtiic'i waa greatly deprcaDs.! and borJerol upon iiit.ic following the revorao at hia l ang haa boun reatored, Hud buaiucr-a in the citv ir reported, to Im rnroveririg Tin. Japtne.u aro raid to lt' o'llfi'tiehiug eii the laiti.0 river, and t ti bridjf. "Ver that icrt'.iu whioli the Km amiia wrecked ai thoy retreated Irom h'ao 1 mg, baa been rebuilt. Race Issue In San Fran cisco. Tho increased number of Jpa ncae children in S-m Frat.c'rco liar brougtit up I li a ipiention of tin i- ai tendance at white iC'ra) n, aid tin C ty alttrncy haa rendered an opiu ion in winch he duc!a04 that the 'Jho Japinctte children now attend iut! the various public acbio'a iiiUfI go to the Chinct-e public school il Uiey want tr.;0 educilioa. I ho at t irt ey takei? tlie bro.d r.tnad tha tlio Japat.edu ate M o -li ins am; that therefore the children have in right to attetid tlm eehoola provided b,r the children . f hito parentage. He holds ii iwi'v, r, thit if tho J ii ane.e apply t .r ma mc w:ia ir krrr.dci tl.Ktato 11. 't provided i't the C nuero school, thoy must be ad mitted to tho leglll.tr eCle-jiti. The ro ult will pr.ib.idy he t.'iu er.lirge mei.t of the t hiuiro j uhiu' F-cftb-il, wtiich ir no- tetr'.'ing eid v Pio pri- in try tnu lower L'r.i i in tr -r. u n. A i..!c'i fr uj 3 .in 1 la .vieuo Th New York Mm, from which the a- bove f tcta are i-ccjred, eaya that in rlacntiMl Jt.anece aic sure t ,ipoa! from this dcciei in, m tht) ay th.y a,o not ilotigt.l'.an. ManyoltacmareA.tieric.ic t zen- ho pav ux-i. i.u-f wot tl.ert- I. .,.L-.. ..... il..i, ... !,. .1...:. .u-.o .i.D uk'.i loo.. cll'drea sdmittcd to t .e public rC'iooiS With the White tlllldren rill, tjfilis up tlu race iuo in a j o f...... .. I ...-... I " k'ti'i'"--.- ..... r ..... .... I.: . . mo .mei tuai, oioaoi, reaK.i.g, iuc i whi:e race has a reeling acan.et any ! other popio who aro 'Ml : color" f ai.y u ii,i wntttvt-r. itiat mt; , ilea is natural and abfo.u'ej hxed iu the minds by the above t.-i-oded ;r it C der:f, w.'iicli als i shows that the i ep!e ol t-an Fra; cisco are in re pai Ocular b ut rncitil mi'ters it. hd we "I ttie 8. urn, who have g. t ii. (lie tjan.e of btltlg the tit-t-1 d lous in thi.t rc?(-ct. D wn hire it is only ti e Atiictn who is dtiii- iy dcbtired IroiU b'tetidll g the Wtiitt tCtioe g, and so tttr is tin. Jaj hii.se ire coucei m d, one or more ot th tu can be lound at tin st of the hading ll.g-s ol luo SeUtu. Uhaibtt. ( ) leer ver. Marked For Slaughter. Tljoiuaitville. G.. iSt pt. 15 tvtrai a yi ago doner Hone, a J I ( ending nurcajut hero, rccoived an aiioi:)in..Ui le ter advicitiar him ll a to had been ilia!ked Im aiau 'bur hy a "l'tjloro D.v Club" The writer proltt-itw. lo laj a :r end if Mr Hi rue, ahodtir.d tuave him Tie letter wu followed a m eaiiy hour tbix niorniag by itie fir itig of llori e a et.tri). Tim. w.s lie with kerosene and wis the wi rk of it '-eudiaties. Kirlv risers saw the tire auJ t-x'mL'Uieht d It W.t 1 kin 111 1 168. The tet'er c'ues of peo le coun aoiia a u.ar meeting, ihis tu held at noon t .day. More m-arots thai; whiles were nr-.emt. S. A. i .dd-tib.-rrv. miy ir of this ci'y. ni.d R. W. li anc , LrTaidii!g elder f the cioi.-d Met!, d st c:.urcb. puke. Ti,-- meeting g' . lie d to ciear the to sphere and it is now fH..-ught at to troublo a :h follow. Th egrocs seem to bear x'ou8 to av.id treuble. Tbey huve submitted the biN.ks at,d bylaws of all 1 dge to tho ir.sp c ion ot the whiles. A Poiater. "Ef ever yau gi'a ioter c U. t,'" id Ihe oi l colori i i-hihs--pber. don't fix fer j cw ; d.-s te.l de jCgs Out t -n ert is de family limit, ea take dat, ea be thatikfu !'' Workinf Overtime. Kii:bl Itour Imws an. icnor J r thmt tiree. little mocker. ir. Kme'a New ife ril!. kl.tti.'a. ar a'remdv at '.:k. jLt ati ilav, i ani. ..d.-estit tt. la i'i-u- Dew, (loitiilli.i. M k llaadabt BB 1 ml! M. St.' ... I.i- . T I". ) !' .'-: .teti'r.CT. KI aant, aafe. tun. Ui. ly i tia a C- t- aliv,w 4raji st-r. A Murderers Vow.' r'tatitiif that binmaa of n vow mad.i to hi dyinir in tfar that he dcfiied to surrender, Klward Da' if t t.'vro who fi'cniioJ in ID it) from the State's Prison lias been arreatid by the police in I'niladulphia to brought back lo Uileigb. Havia kilUd a negro named John Julius n in Wilmington in 185J3; vHn c nvio od arid seutet.c d to 'otig term. He OfCtp -d after hciiiy miin moaed for ttvo years and not h ng h-a U'on heard of him till li if tr .f' I ti I'hila lololna. i be Pad It lt lii 4 K cord has tha followii hunt 'he matt r: "A vow mad i to his aged mother on hi r death bed was yisurday luuihuJ by L I ward UiviH,a negro and tan keeping of i hit prom i inoina to the man the 'pending n' neirly forty years bohin l pri'ot ivi". Davis is a prisoner in tin Central Police Slati'io. The pi is oner eiy. that iu l'JS he uiurdi rei J h.i Juhiison, colored, at Wiliniie g: .i, N C. Ilea Iut tho victim tivi ti'iioa, and eacti I ullet ttKk i Ih'cl Che luin hit 1 tliri'H'ent'd to taki l)ivi' life, and this alone savid. I). via from tlm if .llt.wi. llj w,u convicto 1 and suii'.univd to servi forty jiT.ii. iu the p -nitu'itiary nl Ktleign ' "Divis was given work in the prison tiolJ . , and lo years ago es capi J. A lew days later be reach ed the borne ot l.iii mother, whom ..ti found d iilkf Ha told her of lea crime and the eepe from prit tn. J Hit before s'io died she got tvr S in to pr ni,i.Jo tlmt after In I katli he w-jull mrronder bituolf ro the authorities and go to LUluigh and aorve his sen ut.ee. ',Tnu nun drilled ah tit tli country, going from place to plac A few months ago ho arrived it Brooklyn, where begotintoaqiar r J and 6ta'j!cd a in m. lie tl.d It this city and secured employment at thoTac iiiy filtration p.anf I, weeks h go the Proek'yn pallCO eu to the local autbnri ies to arret Davis. Detective lijrd finalli located .nn in Tr.c my ai.d took him to the Cti Hail. "Lut ui. t die piiaoiicr sen toid ir. m li..- cell to Uap'ain Tail (Mat lie l.ud e .methitig inijuiria at i. eiy. Lin thoa u af jJ jd ttie ftor. of ibe murder a:. i li s escpe from pii.ton, and ti iaiiy he b tke down ct.iiipS.'tL-ly and told of h',w l.u (i.o.i.i.-. to his d.tii'g mother had lt-c1 him in make ih.- cmfesii m. C o iitiu Tnto his ni'titi I, tr c p'H t ttithentiis a. Un tig i :ttd ix u- :i i-tlic-r to rvsci : er i IjJj tt uke tlie pias ,4.c." Luik." A Surplus of Docters. Crmmyid "vat u i vi:h doctors i'a. re aro '."JJoe) c.r tin in or one to every Ri t'couie. This makes it , , , x-ws. f )e dact(,rj to i u,,. a decent living. The German i..t,.iri., ,i.-H, ,sf . larira . . . . . ; , t. M1J,. ;ulJ ;iie leiB pij tur lljtd . hfe very ftnall. And i .. : i.. ,ir,1:,l. ;u ' f(). Vi lk r. j. i nikl.t tint in iir in fortv.Rir n-r , . ,lf kll J .c-or, h,ve a tXltU , t:,1i( n,v Twcntv-v-Pi. ,.,-,.,. IJ;v0Hn incsi l e .tu,, , ,D hu-idred do'.his a:.d Lu;ijfej j Thirteen . , hlVn ... u.li:CrUi(1 ,;.V per ne 10 r ive ii!-r c-n l'. htvj n taxable on e at a'l. This eta's of alTiirs hai citissd th doe", rs in G-rmany to look e't..'wh.'re for a tiaidl ot pr.c it-e. Th y have ostat,;sh"d a bureaa of infi riTiii'ii'ii at Hamburg tn find ,,1.....;! ;ur inedcd pr.ctiuori ri in otln r c nnttirs. All the G r miti i-e. -u's hive been aked torcn d r apt iFtance by reporting any lb Ids open for d .ctors that they u.aj run p cress. I. till in the face of this large num 'ft oi d'-.-tors and the low rate of -'Co. ue the Gerimu institutions are li .el with inedicil stuln's. 'A'.i v ,uld think that this conditioo of .!ii:rsi'i Germany would d s .? iir.ii- young men from entering .1. in die .1 schools. Put so fr it u a- e.t a '' n Oootors e-tiigrante y i.l n find cn 'I A Jle' li'l t diti li s r.:;'!;i bettor. F. I America il i, . m i' s suBering from d " '1 of I etoiS. Then another thing that adds to the doctor's troubles is that the peo ple aie bcomieg more enlightened c tc ' rdug the cre of the body. 5..i.a:iou and hygieue are largely taking the place of drug medication Health magazines and hjgicui: publications are to be found in al most every home. Even the daily neepipcis re giving a great deal of attcmion to Oygienic sul j'Jcta. The pup!e are becoming mote and ci .ro enl gjteiied in rtga d t." the value of proper diet, exjr.ise, Sath ing, frerh air, and so on. A treat deal of sickness is prevented by hy gicic measures. Drus are relied u,-oa much lefs than f ormiriy, sn-1 c iiuinuii eon?e cure of the body and ia'.i; aal living make the doctor's se.-iiiv-a much has n.edL-d. A d 'Cor iu any community it a go. 1 tni-.g. Nj doubt the doctor wi 1 aitys be ne-'ded. but we be ii. ve the time is c-nomg wbeu the J. i-inr's servic? will be l-se and lens u. demand mud the number of men o.titiT the medical profeasiou n. u: bvc me proportionately small . r. E. P. Oncr..isiutoCcun!iCuro F Couyha, CvWa and Crvpt. .,t , . 4 " ' p"- - ' MRS. TRONA EUNICE WAIT. S V.inperaiteiF W nmait Mlwba Vm mum. tln. T.aler, Tu tm a tirofeloriii win. tn"t'-r arid et a alronu Bilvoenl.t hiiiI followeT of (li Blrleteat teniier:int'i- trltiPll.-a, tn fake lne Into tli. iniMith nil liny ltni Sml tin J lifter (y nml jet nin-ly swal low It, IIiIn Im Id. pnriitlox w ti It li Mrs, ("miin Knnlie Walt t ('iillfortila liua (iri.nted ateadllr for a perto.1 of tvu jrpHrs. Mm. Walt, wlio la one of four fninous ftrofeaaloiiul win fn M era In tli world. wna orlgtntilly a newafmper wmnan Slut altppe.1 Into tli. work of rrltlrHlly to.th'irf Ut win. wlilrb mIi. lind always before held In abhorrence, If not emi tenipt, quit, by af.t.Uiit. Vlallliig aenf Mtut. rRo Ermra warr. vlttprnrda, etie wna asked fina to write a book about wlno and wlna irnkliiK. l'leit.llnn her entire icnoran.ee of the .iitij.tt an a K-iimoii for the r fui:.l nlil.-li Bhe did not wtnh to deem untrKi'ionn. "lie wna Kiirrirlea t.y an opportunity to upend kIx montl.B In the vlniyiinla .tudyliiK Un- niHtter and nt terins ho lidenutcseous tlmt "he hen- ItHttsI to persli-t in bi-r refuanl. By the time the jmtI.'I of Mtmly hnd ex plr.tl nml the h.H.k bud U-en written B.'ie ais a re 't -Kiiiz.-il authority upon ln.s .:nl wine tin von. The work of proression.il wine tastinif .-nine Rrsd ually to l.er ufter that. As to the effect the persistent nnd loiik' cot.tii:i:tsl wiiii- tn-tlns lins upon tier he.ilth, she (Its-hitos that It li.'iB roiie. for the Fiiinpli- rens'in that slie l.anlly ever na Mown the wine. "How ill- thin pi-nliar .in.ine.3 of mine nffect my temp.-rnn.-e princi ple?" he repented when this question waa propounded to her. "Why, not nt all. I seldom awnllow the wine, as I bve aalil. I Bin o strict a tx-llever In the temperance principles that I never take even tea or coffee, and In the rare caoci In which I feel In duty bound to allow a little wine to .lip down my throat It Is Jiint a a doctor nilt:ht sample a drus merely in order to te able to make an Intelllcent Juilff ment concerning it." Boston Globe. G.tkrr P.m. If you are misunderstood look with in yourself and ascertain whether your outward appearance and expresolon are true to your Inner self or detdre. It mr-y le your own fault that your manner and expression misrepresent your purpose. If you cannot dream aa well as the company you are In, do cot allow your clotheg to Biippretta your In ner pride and dignity. It la then when tt Is most natural to fee! the sttngi of Ben.lt ivenesa and emti-irras.snient, es pecially when your aoul feels and known you would have it .'ihcrwlme. Klnpiichd clrcuiiistnnceii have a pow erful effect upon the proud und neual Uie tt' oil ami body that would bara only the perfect aud beautiful If It could. I-et me urj.-e yoo at nuch timea to ih.'tri.- your mind lo lutropectiia aud to K'tTher all the mornl force w I Lu lu yourself, as If to till yirur whula body with a divine dltrntiy, which you poMM-Mi If you wtll.but use It. I'o thla with a il.-ti-rintiiiitkon tliat you can aud uiiiiit be r.-o-iilKed. even thouch out ward a 1'iwn ranees are nKaliist you aud Biirepre.-iit your worthy desire. Force your Indlvldtiallty thntush thrn b!y aa If you mere lilllnc a hag full to the brim, and you will at that In stant feel a power take MeRi.ion of yon and a courage that immediately 11 InmluoteB Itaelf to all lu your presence, Tou will fel yoiinu-lf tan ling more erect, more firm, and your rl Belf and pnrp'ime will emanate from you Just as the light shine throut-li the glob of a lamp. Tou cmu light your life fluids and turn tl.eni on or off, Juat a. yoa can the light of the lamp.-Household. Sarlam BtriFa. 'Jenule, I wiah you would new a but ton on my ret, pli-use, and there la a rip In my eoat mli-ve, I.ki. that needs mending," said Job a West as he laid tlie garments In que!, ..n over a chair preparatory for retiring for the nh-bt. " Very well," an.wered XIra. West la L tired role. "I will have to go down- fairs after needle and thread. " "I am aorry to trouble you so; bet, lay dear, I should think you would !;eep such things up here, wheu yoo know bow often tbey are needed," mul l Mr. West, which was Indeed very wise remark. Just try, tired m-ttlien. tlie plan of keeping a few iieedlem and a pu.l ea. li of S.lui-k and wb!!e tbreud iu fa. h room, aud I hen leach ynir boys u well aa girls to -w t.a 1 se or luiet liig buttons and mew up kuu.11 reins In their clothe. Instead of funning t. tired neither every time. Of court" the m-evkly mentling will till fail to "mother." but If vim plan la tried It will save many fc'-p a0,1 Sioch valuat le t ine for the busy bourne wife, besklcm leaching the children tr be neat and tidy, a habit wbira. if learned while young, will I of great beoefll to them mhen 1'iey grow up act tertit,pa tara fcoiu aud ctii'dreo oX tliair ewa L'sawkeeper, ,v,s '"''fc . s t ffVif'fSs:wAu a-, AM't'rliihle Pre paration Tor As -similatiii( Itic KikkJ atMl Hog ul;i ting the Stoinmhs iuulljVweb ef Tromoios Difto.iliotvClavrrul nessandlk'Sl Contdiiiti neitla-r tijmim. Morphine nor Muaral. OT NAJtCOTIC. Sry aflW Or SMI TL IfTOUUt Hil. IW- Apetfi-rl Hi-mcdsr forfonf liiwv j lion, Sour Stotn.irri,I)iaiiliiH'a iV'oritw.t.onviilsKms.fVvvrish iicss and Loss or SlJCEl'. Far Simile SiCnnturc of WBine LXACT COPY OF WPAPPCR. I YOU CAN FIND sHi lltlailiHai .Mel d m M a Lm m (Both Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Brass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Evenifs. I V OAK'RWzl 5 1st Year K: :-4Hi I.l:?;. s a ' ISO, ii.id ..r I.M-i:. s.lajtrd NliAk e kl NS- ISOKO, N. C, ovrr I.IKIO lt hIh.ii It-; Itti!. In v k w ol the an.-ii"lala. 1.4ri;eKt And IWst Kulrptil M"lnjj SchiMtl for Vuung Mca ana !.. In tltc5oaih. fc.Ut: Slii.O' i.-'J.dO per untiunt. ro rirci. J. A. & M. 11. MULT I: at o . e i.'sxxosxi "' ?; ,':, :--''.? FALDABLE P20PEBTT FOH SALE ! 1 have the following property ahich I am air.' MILL Ml i: Ad undeveloped water power within '4 of a it; JOO borse-power could I reajtonabj d vel. :e !. o.m: vai.i able i 200 acres on both aide of Flat f-hoal t reek, k-i-i ia.Bomt.tO acres of good hot Com on it, togrth r ler. The uplands are good for tobacco, a heat, corn and grassea. .moixtiii riti iT rAiin. P3 acres on California Hill in T.ittls Mountain, t'x mile from Mount Airy .i.ich i topogr. ;it i-a!ly situated fora fr ait f.rru. Ore half the laid is a lerel iatemu, some 2 A) 'eet alwve sea level, the ba.r, -e Western and Northern ea staurea Fruit trees planted on such lands in lhi county never fad to bear, i'he land is now in ordinal forest. This place Weuiit merest anyone baring an dea of a future or -hard. Also on account of falling hea'ith and wanttng to ;'' in the ciretinareireni-a f try bu.ine.s matters, 1 wouid leaie for ti e or nt :e jtara the Uratute City di.i. tituated milt. Airy. July 27, ism. a. fawtrrr, O. U Utd, Presiiert. First Vi Trt. FIRST JAT!GHALn.K::k of ill, Im. tf OICPOKATlUb. :pum.t. $C... Tal I -. DIRllCTOHb. 11. .! tt I I : lh:t tsrk soiirit. t i-fr Ti t utal 1 re -et i. r t. . i. '....tft V ii ir- . 1 1 .' . i.r L t. .f t r J' .r ! - ' . v . 1 1 u a -r mi i,ri !!. t . . (-1: t'.tti i J lrtf I C'irj i: .. ForTnf.intg arir! CMIiWri. i TEio I'iryr! Vnii .Umn Always Bought i i T) it, - Signatoo JO In Use For Over Fhirty Years riGTiiibi)!jfi in v u - ; hi Tm rrttaon rrtwasNV. sst vonsi rTV. I I. J V. W af. w IIP 91 uPllll, Galvanized Iroa and Tin), Iron Roofing, Galvanized Iron Work, Valley and Shingls Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam and Water Fipo Fit tings of all kinds T. At. JUVICKITT. i: l V t - l f .so 5 1 I 3 ur i n LMV! Rs:;u:a ai.a cot.. ,Tt It I'lMM-.s5, lr TI ACtl- .cnuc. .on.ces Oak Ridge, N. C. tai Threa TIaie3 the Value of Any Cther. - t One Third Easier. One Third Faster. Tlie only fewing Machine tiiut does not fail in any poin. llotary M ;on r 1 Ball Rearing. ntaLsittbe lit'ate.t r inniio? machine in the world. A z-r-.t wanted in urioceo-p:-u t.-rritcrj. ! Kend for eir -ulari and term.. is i : V.'hc L it.iiill : Co, i Ar'ar.ta, Gs .lc by J. D. Jtfikln. -1t. Airy. .....:t; - a.tftiHi -s.--aT us to dipoe of : of rarat depot, at which in- - as tbe Ktbb Paris' pla.'a. It - ih all kiniii of wood and tim- JOHX L. WORTH. a u I an Oe O Fctt. fnfFH.i.o Ti- i -. l ret4. 'frrhri t. ieftcta-f Fi..t.,-a ar - 1 ar ! 'ta'"' r ir n ' .meet I r. ei ,t4 t i I t ; i . ' T 4 r 1 jf i tt i.i.. ihrr - .it.e it ' r t a : ' T'r T sr.? t