Ti Mount Airy NEWS. VOL. 2G. MOUNT AIKY, N. O.. WEDNESDAY. SKLTKMISKIt H, 1001. NO. m A PASTOR'S WIFE She Suffered for Years and Felt Her Case Was Hope lessCured by Pe-ru-na. MR. ANPJA n.rt.rifARTT.rwBl fluparlnlonrlrnl of tha W. ('. T. I'. Iiaaitqnartsrs, at (lalsshnr:, 111., was for tea yaara ons of th leading wornon h.r.. liar hnshanrt, when llvlrif, wn llr rrMM.nl of It.. NfUsska W l.r.a I'srveralty, si Unroln, N.h, ! wrlilon from ! Hlsty .Ttli striwt, WH Chlcagn, III., Mm. rbrf says th following In ritrd to Parana I "Hiving 1It4 T.rr otlv I If. as wlf. snd working partner of tuy snlnlstrr, tnf health failed m. ft f.w years ;. I loal m huatiand limit Ih. am It mo, and gradually I iwitihI l Iom haslth and spirit. My rt.uuM.r It eonflrrmsi Invalid, and w holh fell great niwd nf an Invigorate. "One ot my neighbor advised me to try Ptruna. A bottle was immediately secured and a great change took place In my daughter' t at m ell at In my own health. Our, appetite Improved very greatly, the dlgentlon teemed much helped, and restful tleep toon Improved ua, to that teemed like new women. would not be without Peruna for ten timet Hi cost. "Mrt. Anna It. Fleharty. What Used In harallwl fi-mal.dl.caM. If lha tniMll.il profession I. now railed pxlvla raUrrh. It has lw.n found by tp.rt.nca that catarrhal diseases of th. jwlvlo organs ara th.raiid.of moat rases of fntnala dln.Moa. Ir. Harttnan was smnng th. flrat of Ami rki'i great phyalelana to mak. I hi diarov.rv. For forty y.ara he haa liren treating diseases peculiar to women, ami long ao ha rearhed tha conclusion that ft woman .ntlr.ljr fre from ralarrhal (Tef-'lon nf these organs would not ha anhj.rt to f.mal. dlseasa. II. therefor, began using lVrutia for th... rases and found It an admirably adapted to thi'lr permanent rura that l'.runa haa now tieeoms trie moat famotia remedy for f.mal. diseases ever known. Kvery wIiit. lha women am iisIiik It ami prais ing It. l'.runa la not a palliative aim plTl It rur.a by removing the cause of femal. disease. Dr. Ilartman haa prnhalily cured mora Women of femal. ail men la than any ether living phyairlan. II. makea theee w.. CAlTf . IIWUIVM, iMMt aia . . tomm a... CARTRR 5C jKWKLLYN, AttOPneys-at-L,aw.w ar-fraattoa in tb Bute and Feanral Court, rraopt attention gtvea to all tmalnemi entruit i to tta.tr care. M. H. SPARCER. nOTARV PU8LIG. Dualneait Solicited. ornctwiTH eo. w. .aaE, mt. airv. GEO. W. SPARGKR, Attorney-at-Ivaw, MOUNT AIRY, M. 0. will praettoe tn ati. ani) Federal ''onrta. apodal attention to oollmUoo nt elalma and BranMatlni (nana. W. G. SYDNOR, MT. AIUV, N. C. STRONC LINE FIRE. LIFE A ACCIDENT C.npanlca Rcprnnt4. S. P. GRAVES. AttoVney -at-kaw, MOUNT AIHY, N. 0. In vtni. and Federal iMarra. Prompt att.niloa to mllfmrimi nf ntatma. W. R. Badgett, Attornky At La.v, Mount Airy. N (1 Krigag.a In g.n.ral praetio. ; apecial attention to collection of renta and local accounta ; loam negotiated. DENTIST. MOUNT AIRY. N. C. Office over Einreaa offico. for. merty occupied by Dr. T. J. Mitch- J When You Want a ' Flrot-Olaoo MOWING MACHINE, GRAIN DRILL, HARROW OR CULTIVATOR Or any kind of FARMING MACHINERY at RIGHT PRICES, sea JOHN A. MARTIN, M rant Airy, N. a Real Estate & Insorance tlillil! curtd or PtLVIC CAIAKKII J' -:.' f ' H ' 1 Mr. Anna 8. Ttrknriy, .urea almply by ualng and re'oMinieiid Ing l'.runa. Mra. Kath.r M. Mlln.r, iMIraff, OhW, Write.! " I aa a t.rrllil. atiffi-r.r fnun femala w.akneaa and had th. hemlnrhe 11 m 1 1 n uotialr. ! M Hot alile to do my hotiam work for myaelf and huabiml, I wrola you and deaerlhed my eotnlltloii nn near aa poa!lili. Ymi reeotnmetuli l I'i riina. I took four iMiltlea anil waa eonipletely rttred. I think IVruna a womlerful mBdleln.." Mra. Kalhcr M. Mllner. Cotireaaman Thad. M. Malum, of Chamlwraliurg, I'a., wrlteat " take pleasure In commending your Peruna at a substantial tonic and a good catarrh remedy." T. M. Mahon. If you do not rwelv. prompt and .atla faetory reaiilta from the u. of lVruna, write at onee to Ir. Ilartman, (living a full atatement of yotircaa. ami lie will m pleaxiil to glv. you hla valuable, ad vie. gratia. Addrma Dr. Ilartman, rreildent nf Tha Ilaitniao Binltarlum, Colunitiua, Ohio. Senitor Vest on the Dog:. Ai s brief dimple of tlio ciuitfion Hjrhi ulujuence of late Senator Vest it would be ftlE the dit ticult to lind a pasBHo uiore liki'lj to liva in t ho memory of (bono who rend it tlmti the followi'ii?. It w the (urunlion of l.ia fitmi im rJ drcps to the jtuy in a tuit it, vulv itis h di t;. "(relitlt'llintl l.f t' i j II v, I'm In ft frintid a n h i 1ns in tlin world itiny turn aii nt hitu pti'l In i' nio hia ftiemy. 11 it fun or lUtihtLT that he lutct r.-rirt J with lnvity c-ue may pruVt uiir'ilu'ul. Thmn: wh-i are nninet and duarcat to us, thoeo whom we trust with onr lni( ii"ut and good natnit, tuv bi'coine trui tore co iht ir fiiih. Tle money that a man has ho may love. It flits awj fr in liim perhaps whon ho tifpis it mivt. A rua:i's reputation msy be sitcr'ihVd In a rtnitni'tit of i!l coneidi.'red action. Thf pooj.le who are iironr- to fall on their kne' to do us honor when prosperity is wih ns may be the li it to tdrow the Mono of ttialioo wlit'n failure eel i! s its cloud up m our heads. "The only al'lntely urifelnsh t rn-'id IliHt H lii!ti ch.il have in tb;s t-c li - r world, ttio wjie that never il set ' t im, t ho one that nevt r provis iiiira'etnl or treaclicron, '8 tiis dog. A mail's df(? tttands by him in pnr-ptti y and in poverty, in hmlt'i K..J in bli-c u';8. lie will (li'.-p oo the c i!d v't u . 0 wi .ti i v . iiuis I ! v and , In rt! the ilm tS'i'i'V drive tit iccly, 'i o.dy h tlluV oo near Im master g side. II'! will kits the hand that has n foud to offer. He will lick the wounds and sores that came in enconnt. r with the ron:!n s. of the world, lie guards the shiH'p of bin iHiiptr maxttr us if he were p ii;c. When all o'her frie:uls J-sert tie renmina. When i iches uko wn.a a id repuuiti m tails , it-ect tie is ns coiibtKiit in his Iov t.t the skii in '- j urney though .he heaveiix. It tot iiiiu-di.ves the in isTer fort. 'i an oincist iu the ot Id, trietioh'fs atid horn .'li, ll;e faithful doif mki no h itler privih (t ihati thai ot ncitonii anyit'x him, to puird nHinu datier, to fivLt sgait st bis rtil-miea. "And when the last rcene ol all comes, and when death takes the roaster i:i its t in L r c and h body il laid away in the co d r.,u;;d, no matter it all o her fi lends purt uAJ their way, there ny h.i graveside rill the noble do be f ui d. bis bead batwcen.hie paws, bin saO, bat open iu alert waicniuiioi1 ti Ij lul and truu even in death." rOR TORPID LIV ER. A torpid ltvr deranges tha whok system, and produces SICK HEADACHE, Dvsocosia. Costivcncss, Rheu matism, SafScw Skin and Piles. There is no Sx-tter renwfv f or theae (iwimia diaeaark than t. TUTT S LIN LR Pit Lb, aa a trial vrOl arov. 1 awe No otosuuite. toy a h o(la aaat SaalaoaaaI firtfs Pills ahe cLospro nr. Apparent Movement of Japa nese to Surround Muk den Reported. Pin-Min-Ton, Sept. 20. To day's fiHwi ir dicates tliat the Jsp snesa are grsdually oloslnf lo on Mnkden, snd that no movsmetit rill be msdn (finst Tit)liri ootil the fate of Mnkden bas been deci ded. Stron parties of Jspaneie hi been reported to the northssst of Mnkden. Their objects Is sup posed tn he the laming of Ibe Kns slsn fltt k. The Ilti'flsn are said to be mani festing great sotlsily and sre irefiKthetilnjr the defensts at botb Mnkden and Tieling. Reinforce merits srs rri og from the North, tout'lher with new guns and sop (ilji'S of food and smtntifilllorj stid iiMovy rlolliiiy for the troops, ss if the rsmpsl(ii were ripeeted to con linoe well Into Ibe cold season. Tim roads sre still vi-rr heavy, and it is not n pin led the Jspanese can make vary much tiroprers with their ifiitis until a(cr the highways bsve dried out. The lad it report still locate Ibe Japinesit cetiirn at Venial, although a strottif foicu Is said lo best ran Ta I'u, a limit distance south of Mukden. AitoMer body of Jap sn to is repnrtcn near Niahnss" This tlionpfil to be s psrt nf Oku's C'lmniHritl and Is taken to Indicate Ihit genersl tiiorcmetit to stir round the town I- already under way, and that Oram Is waiting til for s c 'Mtaiiori of the heavy nil s to In ,flti the altHck in which he wi !l 1 1 ilravt t to n tlti ml is fnnb t l.'s'i Ysng. Tbe C minif battle ill in sll proMtldlitv hei'ven more h'o ilv than that of LUo Vang, be catisu I) ilh armies Intve reiufoice tnents now on thn way which will probably arrive he ford the advai.ee f ti e Japantse have begun. Scllng Eath Oih:rUp. St. I'e'ershnrg, Sept. 22, 1;30 s m There is further delay in the teceipt of decisive new from the front. The situation at Pott Ar thur remains a blank, thonwii it Is 'elt that Important developments mybeeven now occurring there. Ibe movements in the Dorih are still el a tenW'ivo and preparatory charades on b ah sides snd liave not yet crystabzed into a di finite clash of forces at.sny one point. A re sumption of the Japanese advance Is now eipected to occur any day It Is the third week since tbe fighting at !,',) Yang, and the Japanese have bad time tn transport re enfor cements from Vinkow and bring up sullieifot uo'ti trout the trout to re pi h'o their I sm s, but it is not im- probable that several dsys will in tirvene before the armies ctne to close quarters. Tho interval is be UU devoted on both sides t tetllt g the strength and di-position ot ti e opposing forces. these Japtnose probably will at tempt to capture the parses of thn Ua Mountain rang", running half way betweou the linn and Taitse rivers. Hie possetsion ot thts paasts is important for the Japanese as they will nut only enable them to march northward, but also scroen the m imeuts of their troops from hi) prjing gi.zs of Kusxun sc.mts It is fully appreciated here that the Japauexe must try for the pos session of Mukden, as otherwise it will do difficult for them to provide ihi anny with winter onaflors ,uo Vang does not afford sufficient aco 'in in dHtion, alihoutch many heuees tlure eBc.tped destruction in tbd ncent battle. Movable hns are quite utisuitalile tor the housing of Japanese, oiu to the severity of the el i limit). Tne average win ter temperatuie there is 4o liogrnes btlo z ro, n:,d thu cold is inlcusi ti l d by cm haul winds aud an al io st entire absence of snow. In piteof this, bowuver the cainpaigu will probably contmne daring tbe winter if the Japamsa tuceeid in getting into Mukden. In this con Ui trency, Gc.tral Ivnn pn'kin, for various reaj-ot:s, will not be likely t) allow the J pariee to remain in audistnrbed pssesiiion of this point, which is important, nut only from the strategic, but the political point of view. Working Overtime. Elclit li'xir laws are ignnri-il liv tlwaa lirel-'fa, little workera lr. km.'. New Life Filla. Million' ara already at wor, night aiet ilay.rurinK l ulii-wiion. Bil'ioua- nrm. t'onntipation. Mrk Haaitacha aait all stomach, Uivnrand Knwel trouhlfa. Eaay pti-aMiii, f. aiin. toly &" eti a C- K (railnwava drug at re. O A.Ft fn. th. Sipoaoiia ' A l,i I.. Opened Idp. Leonard's Photograph OaPery. Cor. Main and Franklin Str ta. iTfiTTT it i n Vftiyr mnn a r UI 111. un tin Latest and newp,t atvlr iu card mount. atit all flimhitifja frr t,i Vrars of home study, I lir Jn: fiei -lied up two mnnths in tho eali-r of Mr O. P. hr-on. In l:aleiKli 1 no-,ir snv servicea to the nulilic. with tha full confidence end at, irancsof giving per fect aati.faction to my patrona If "A Thins; of Bcaaty ia a Joy Kornver," some and gel jour pictures oiada aud ba happy eer more. 1VA5 C. MOOKK. rhotographer. Primaries In Wlllces. The Republican ptimary liftHt nrday was "spiri'tMlly irieirnd" and every fellow set rind better pleased wild himself thai be ws with snyUidy elso. The wot k of tbe convention began with H spirit ed srirumsnt as to who was the best republics. This tccorrsd when Llnville HnmgirnSi' bolng vol ed fui for chairman. Mr. (Jowha chairman c it'gressinal f -c'i'iv committee, vigortusly protested asit'Sl linmgarner's tiifht to act ss chairman beeansa hn ha in't bowed iu bnmhle tibfnisiio;i to lloii.Hpoo cer IJlatkburn. I'amgHrner repli ed thai bis republicanism was of tbe real stuff "as it was In thn begin ning, is now and ever shall be," and that bis npiibliciniani was bet ter than CowhV because Iim I ihi) rifted It longer. Thn convention decided thai Mumffirner was all rltfbt and be acted as cbaiiiii'iri. When Mr. Lyon nominal) d a lif of delegates, the question of bis r pnblicauism w is again brought for ward, but the delegates wine elec'eii snd Ins runted for A. L. (Jombs for Sheriff. Jnstas someone moved lo Sdj'iuin, JlldgO lIundniKiii' thonghi be would gel iu a word oi two and moved to"etiif rse Iv h j-i or I'lackhurn for nomination fm ingress." Ifut (Jul. John CUrk out talked the Jndge ami the hila rious convention wa ked out of It self without passing the m itlon. A new township Kx. (! in. war elected L. 1'iirtiKarner, (!'ims. Ilul land and W. U Cull. This dir lurbed the Iiiacklmni men. i rthy had elected a commiitm link ii March two committees now. Judging Irooi the appfarnticn id things, tin re were several "ile" fountains around. It reports are true, "ila" (lowed freely at a number of precinct)'. At Millers Ctetk, tire or s i lights oc curred snd one man, liill Ma'tisoti, wss seriously carved in the luck At Mulberry a man was killed. Il is all traceable to the use of liquor lo buy voles a custom thai should torevor be frowned upon aud ab illslnd. Aud still the re publican pitrty by platform and by practice is upholding litis demota liztng and degrading method of de bauching thu people, and are Hght ing and neglecting to on lore what temperance laws now i x "How long, ol I how Chronicle. bi)K!"-Wilki(l)oro Our Philipine Bargain. It lias boon dfiiidoil that tlio American military foivo in thn l'liilipuies nniy sufoly bo ivdurcl from four to tltffft leimoiili ol cavalry nml from ttinc to sovon roKiinonts of infantry. That is to Kay, we can ft along with a bout ten thousand men in tin; is lands, not counting, of course, tho native Philipine scouts ami constabulary, amounting to n bout as many more, nor liio artil lery, signal corps or engineers. As tho maintenance of the army costs something over $l,H.N)a year per man, tbis represents an annual outlay of more than t lO.OuO.'k) u ear. That is moro than double the entire value of all our exports to mo l nuipines; so unit ir every cent we retteived for the goods wo sold to tho Filipinos were clear profit the cost of the mili tary irarrisoii alone wool. I still eat up two dollars for every one wo got irom me isianu market. And that is onlv one itom nf ti. expense of colonial government in toe i iiuipines. l lie lleet we keep up there probably costs more than the army. As a matter of fact the profit on the goods wo sell nrolmhlv does not exceed 10 per cent, of their value, which makes the ra tio of military and naval expense to commercial benefit something like forty to one. New York World. JAPS MUST HAVE MUKDE2T. Need It as Winter Quarter. What may hsppntiittg in the far EHt, thre ia lima definite in fortnation from any quntiT, Tlie ainii sintue vicinity ot Mukden appear to be limiting their activities at present to feelinir the posi.ions of their adversaries. Ii issnpp .eed to be the plan of the Japptneae to possess thernsolvpa if the pa-ses ot thx Da Mountain ranga tiefore mak ing a cbreet ooova on Mukden. 8iratejic and Vesei.t c rsidira'ioiis seem to make it vaseutial that Gen eral Kurort kin m-iltes etand there ai d ptevent the town from beine md the winter l.eadq mr'.-is of t o Jpanet;c, whil . u, iM(.k ,t adequate faeilit es elsewhere for the Housing of tr. ps during a rig on os Msnc, urian wiu er uike it neeessan that the J,panes- htnd ali th. ir energies to ihe oip'u e of that town. More Riots. Pi.tnrluuc-a nf s nker, am n,it i rnr'y a grave an in(1ivi.iiil ,;iw.r,lr f ,1. xyatcm. (Lorwork, loin of slrp, net-Ton. temioii will ltr f..llim-,rt by iittr ciia(i), nnlee a r!iill rviueily innnxliaicly employed. Therv'a Bitliiiis to rtiei.nt to c-.r diAor'len of rli l.iver Kirtecr ait Kleclric Hiti.r. Ii a oolrtul toiiie, a id eriVctiTa lerin. ant Ihe trenuat all Kmtln 111.1..! b. f .r . .. i . . .... . n i..,w n e VITll". 1- Si.nrli NVmm.'wn rhetinia'iaio and Neu ralgia oi ep! Xla'aria smi. Only .V and aattafatiiiiii ruamntefd by K, (Val- lcay. A S iK-rlDf Tnnufht. ' Jloro is H bit of I'l'esideot lloimovfdt'a leltrr ff iK-cept'irice wiiii b th'servea the serloua con sidoratioii of the American pe pie: "We believe that tho progress wo have made may Ixj taken tia a meiiaurn of thoprogro-ts wo shall continue to make if the jMtople airain intrust the overrnni-nt of the nation to our bund. Wo do not. stand still." No, wo do not stand still. If V hut bas boon done is the mens' tire of what is to li dorm hereaf tor, then thn army, which costs three times as much as It did when thn Republican party ro gained power, will cost three timesiismue.h after eight more years of Republican rule as it tinea today. From --'), 1"W,?I II in the fiscal vetir H'd7 arid (7U,07(, i!i i'i in I'.io.'i the army will demand (tjpi.iHKi.tsli) in 1!)1.'J. Tho cost of the navy, which has also tripled, will triple again. Kigbt Kejiub licaii vein s have rais- d it from t:i;:,tai;i,L'.'t f tof.iv !:, no. Kight more yours of the same sort will bring'it uii almost U fM),lW,W) As we (lo nut stand still, tho In riff will be revised again up ward. The coinpiost of the I'hilipines may be followed by the forcible aniii'xali'iii of a slice of China. The proclamation of a dictator ship over the Western Hemis phere may be, Mini of course will be, since the peerless leader de s pises fonls unless they are hacked by deeds, succeeded by tln actual exeroisoof thoauthor ity ho assumed. Wn shall lie landing troops from tbe Straits of Magellan to the Kio ( i ramie to tn ft i ti tn i ii order and enforce tbe payment of debts to foreign spec ulators in ri-oty "securities." If we could stand still the Peo ple might he willing to condone the oast. Hut, as Mr. Koosevelt truthfully observes, wo cannot. If wo vote for him ,wo not only indorse what ho has already done, but wo commission him to go on in tho same direction, to an extent measured by tho prog toss he has already made. New York World. Some Funeral Remarks. In his funeral retnaiki on a late br otuer of the told, Brother Dickey .a!: "Lly i!o blessiu' er Providence be lef money 'null ter berry him, en I he.nr tell d it t ar'll bu a margin our tor he'p his sullorin' widder tor git a black dress ter m iurti fir iim in, 't wel ahe g t( m trrle I ag'in. lie died happy, en tievtr wtu yt e.!tu 1 in bis life k sj bo Iwrjh .z able r. r on rua de lyncbin' cominiltei!" "VTHnt to heaven iu a b'a.J of rfh ry." is tho way an obittiarv r--sdt. Any montion cf a "blsne" in onr Ji jmrturo trotn tlii world give one that n'icotnf jrtable feelinij. To Itemnve Wolea. To remove imles thoroughly mtf thirty itriilna of tartar emetic finely powdered, one and one-half drama of noap, planter with one half drum of Venice turpentine. Spread tlie inlxturs upon nil mlhewlva plawler. apply firmly to the aurfm-e of the mole and removs when auppunitlon nets In. To remove urease m.irfca from books sponi-e tlie snlleil leaf with lienzlne unit thi'ii put It lietween two sheets of hlnttliik' paper nml p.isa a hot flatlron ijulckly over It. If women wore frailty of no folllea prentcr than pprxomil tienutlfjing we should have n hue eonHltninent of im pels rinht hei-e on onrth.-t'hlcaKo llee ord Heral.;. He.-itity without grace la the hook v. Itl ut the halt. PcBiity without ax- p -es-.tun tires. Kmerson. Anuiionla will rcmova white stains from furniture. f ;;in Diseases, tone Psins, Itc'tuna, Aching Back, Blood Poison. Etifn a. fllOVK IT, KKMICDY M.ST l ltl.K. Thr srh ve ptcisirrt h'.w hsil Rntank 1i4 Halm tH drt.Clcsirlnt Ih. kln, hellnK all s.rsr sid eruption. mvlnc th hlvd pun nd rich. V;rh.rr-nnli)en.r in H'tunsr B'nryJ Halm ( H B H ni vf -nj it f-s.. ! t lin'e p-D.-iJ Jrp. ' mnv vuHerer ho wilt wrii u. We h ttirej Mh H B B. tiMiiv utisl. tlMHxjn,H ms?n anj vfwwp. wti tuftfei f-n-tt al '-MiTM of ImiMifV rnvj, fV' w' known rmrjv. .! twi, anj pa talnta ha4 fai?J. How to tU vn haTS) blood Hlaraa. If vti hnf iht irii-tsl rtmpr svr ?rip(to" on any part ol th hoJv.rhymatc s-'hr n4 p t-na, tn rwnoi imnt. iiiar r ii . v voUrn jfi.-nj, m wlln anJ rlinpim ihr km; hM tvi )mm rtJ try, hm tfhfsanl nurnvo-ie-tti.v'ahhy w.i'-Kow p-ttn'hsw nirw m ioitl' r thrYMi.rnfuia ,roppr-mMrp.. spirK h.iiron evefTowx fAiitna mit.lvwi. i Ntm t. rich no fwktn. ut.-cr wfsk kiJfx-vtrrtliot firtnVtf: yru irm'VtffU'n you surfer fnn ptiw In tttsr Mnmj Cict thf soUon out ftf yoar ayatf m nv t.k f ltM.i.ti, P wl fti'm (n. R. R. It K a pufei vit( iNe rait'!. iUoi!jrt"v t?stJ in ht-p-(.i( flOsl P'n atv rw 'tv rw'l' oi T nm urr m vie o ir srts' frsi'nite t Hrtanw K vj Ham H H it ) ltn all luy. vrr ai .v i rj pin, e Jtv .wrt ngs. mtk Hint! p-;f iJ r h. -taprtlsiv t l-.inf-ng :tt en' wtv ii't a i 'tn. uy ffsf! J-wn, Canctr Cord R.fr;to P'aM H m i yrr nsr n( l KinJ.. Nrtvi'ai n s-av'tti.-. Kk rg Srv Tumtw. un t' i k -Us t'ti Jin--f h) . nJ r; w S-k W yLt ( in. et ftff'iN i!v. I? vrnt Pls a psivfft i;rf!r.t. W "1. Seh. Sm-T". Ntrtsr j, -omn ;tit l .tftt'Sff. rn '" .? oi i . '.letsj r .Wnf H' Htrrf Ki wfHHB l yvnr.'rtt. j ,'ti.if,-, lot vwrssru'. Fwt rf Mr-V wriif H' oJ Bn'w Cft., Aln1 ia "Vs nfv vtf ?'tthls. an t ip ijir vs mttSaii Jvt.- O :tV'Mf ( Itf rt! ;n '1 tSf t ai i t' 4 i 6 t whatvAw s trt h1 t4i-4 as4 nt h aHi snir ta na a ta eflm. m at f aM Csirtl mmry will tH f,sjnsJr4. KimnniaiiYaiii takaa IOUey aasj BUaadar KigM VaT 7 sJOPaYVJUNGtl rtv EVLM SEE A CORK WALK f If Vox llarrn'l. IbU Slorr Will l.el Ina lnlv the Seeret. I t a and Iota of our hovt and Klrla fcnro aeti a lirili-h to, a hre fly. alone feme, ami even n lmnl walk, tnil we are pretty aun- H at few of ymi hare ever seen a eork walk rttlll, mi der rertnln rlreuniinii e, a mra can walk, ami thla la tie way to dries' alxiiit ftiat liniio'lnl Serlni'le ret aa lam a cork na ymi ran ft ml and stWk stile j aide In one end a Tttl rokx WAl.aist. pair nf flat liitiih-il unlla. Then (.'( twil forks and Inaert them, one pi em h Slita, near the other end of tha rork, ft shown III the picture. Now get a strip of wood four or five feet lotiK and about two Inelies v I . I o ami make an Inclined plane of It lo plllns I looks or liotea under oy end l'lacfl the rork mi this. stsndliiK It on Ita nail i-ks, with one fork hiinuliof down on either aide nf the atrip of wood. HI art thn fork awliiKltiK from Side to aide, anil you will see the cork walk jerkily down the hoard, taking ridiculous, stiff li-KKed little steps on Its nnll lefts. AN ODD GAME. It la riared With a I'earll an4 Paper and Makaa Ua Think. Thla pencil snd paper game eau he played ly any nutnhei- of players. (Jive to each player a cnnl with the nlphn het written dlstlnrtly n cross thu top. A paragraph of twenty four word- he glunliiaT wltt! the various li ttera of the slihaliet In their retulnr orler la to he written. Ths worda iniiHt or course luuke at least tha seinlilnticc of sense At ttie end of an allotted time each one ahnuld I'ftd Ills p:irarrfipli. If n prise Is he nheti the rnrda should be pinned up and Ih" work voted on hv all. Iler lire a few sample composi Hons: "A hoy eau do everything for kccm Ile Is Just, kind, lo inu, merciful. Never ouK'it poor, iiecr, rik'hti'oiiH sisters to Use vlcloiistiesa Willi eixea' ymiliK re braa." "Zeus jelle.1; XeiM'i with V'u or utll Ised troops. Ko. It.nnans, ipieil party or natlou.il inisuinlcrstandins. I.o, kill, Justly. In honor iireet friends. Enemies do consider had ahsoltitely." Tho author of the following, helnir unahle to think of n wonl hclnnlng wllh X, used X's to express number: "ZntiMiater yoked XXX white vnl turea tnnter thirty stone rollers, yueer purjde oWla nightly made lamentation. Kingly )ay hints In hlh glee fought svery daring cavalier hack SKaln." Blr4 atreet Cleaner. In many of tlw ll.iltlan coast towns tbe only depart:. icnt of stre"! cleanlnK that thTe Is consists of pelicans that roost on rocks In the hay and fly heav ily Into town each uioi-nlnK to shovel tip the refuse Into their - M-hca. AlthotiKh tho til: latlon of the small repuhllc does care enough about cleanliness to provide means for sweeping the street a, still the people are glad enough to hate the pelicans do IL So there Is a heavy penalty for shooting nt one of the Mrda. As a result they are perfectly fear less and will flap Into a street and wad dle along right In the crowd. They ar rive from the sea with their ponches empty and wrinkled nnrt go along with their hug bills close to the ground like road Bcrapera. Gradually the pouch fills with all klnda of rubbish - and there la always enough snd to spare In the Haitian townsv-and at last It la dis tended and full of knobs and corners, like a badly stuffed carpetbag. Theo the pelican rises heavily and Iliy" sway to bis rooat. citMln "II" la China. The C'hlneaa know no end of riddles, both epoken and written, and they have all kinds of pur.iles. They have a funny way of chooalng who shall be "It" In a game. One of them holds her hand out with the open palm downward, then all the others stand ronnd with tbe tip of their first finger touching her palm. Then after relating a few worda she suddenly closea her flnpra and trtea to catch theirs. Sometimes ahe falls to catch one, and tben It haa to b dona again, bttt if ahe does manage to Imprison on finger tbe owner of that finger baa t be "It" Caaatafsal Hist wry. Th eel satd to the htmn, 'I don't aa-r with ym " "1 ha your rflon," aui4 tha bird. "But I rather think ou do." Tha hamn then rut In his Mil. And, though th eal replied That he did not oar o honor It Ha atlll want right tnslda. A Power For Good. The pills that are potent in their a' tion and pleasant in effect are I'e M itt's Little early Riaers W. K. Phil pet, of Albany, ba. says: T)urliig s bilious attack I took one. Proail as it was it did me more good than calomel. blu mill or sny other pill I effer tool and at the same time the effeci, was pleasant Little Farly Risers are cer tainly an ideal pill." lold by I. W Weau CASOniA. Baantk lt4 Sr h' ' 3'5 ffMim sjsj iwiipisj -mwwr amt.'t -a" nsf am'vw m if its' mmuamm mam issi-sawissi mm m.m n ssMt M -. i i il A. s'sfs. mm m -sr aaiaaifr st ai . , sji a4 aj-. - rl a, a. , aj - a, s, v TaHSiSay P aa ' ' ' ' - ' i v , ' fgaa ' ' Tlisi Kind You Ifavr Always IVittK1it, nml Mlilrli bu bom lit nan for over U iurs, Ti.ia lornn tlie tlgnatnrt) caf - hidI Im been mini a n rider bl per G; y ""pert lstrti since IU Itifaacf. vK tu4, si llo oiio todwi-lve yon Iu this. All Counterfeits, Iiiiilulioin ami ".Jnat--;or are btit j;sperlmeiita tliut trlllo with simI i-iiilnii(rer tl besvlth ot Jiifiwifs mid Clillilrei-I'.xpertenee) nuliist i:sprUuBat What is CASTORIA Cust.irla. Is h liormli'sa sntistltuto fur Caatir OH, Pase Rorle, Ilropa and Ho! lilntf Syrups, It la l'leant. It cotifiilii neither (iplmii, Jlorphliie) lior other NareotlO uihslnnee. lis ii(fo U lis n.ir.iiitec. It ileatrojs 'WoriiiS) . finil nllu.va l'eterlrhni's. It euros Irliu r lin n ami "WIimI (Jolle. It ri-lletea Tct-f lillitX Troubles, iiirca t'onstljiutlou nml riiiliih tii . It iissln.il id s the l ooil, reifiitntea the HtomiK'h nml ioveN, ultlut; Ix-altliy iiml mi turul sleep The ( lillilrtn'a I'anut :ii-'i ho .Mollier'a I'rh iid. , GENUINE- CASTORIA ALWAY8 I Ecars tho mr r T M - r s it ry The Kind You Have Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years. tut Atstvoua e-NsiNv f f t f sttf t. ;m VOM flrW. TOU CAN FIND Oil s up li Also Tin and Ornamental Old Copper, Ikass, Lead, Pewter and Rubber bought at Kventt'a. There arc Great; VIM'S TURTLE CH, LINIMENT IS 0KB CF THESE : Ill size of Bottle for 25c. 0 10 2nd. In virtues for healing Rheu A j; matism, Sciatica, Headache, Colds, ' ti Sorethroat; Pneumonia, Cuts, In ! sects, wounds, etc. 1 n 1 1 i rP ! yi d. in the nihil I . 1! ing or scar. T;ik' no nubstiti.to. 10 07.. ltt ;o for '2'o. Tntdo .-uj j.li.-d I.. UIC;1AKDS0N MU'C, CO., Wl.olcMi'.o '.'.tnufacturinp Druggists, (.Ircensboro, N. C . VALUABLE PEDPECTY FOi SALE ! I liavo llie following pnipi rty tiieh I am ami. u M liisj n-f i,f : M l" I" An undeveloped water power within .'fa tr.i); cf Ararat depot, at which 3 JO tiurse-jHUver eould b reaM)iiB'..'.y .K el ;'d. oi: x 1.1 a it 1. 11 r it n. 2iW acres on txth sides of Kiat St.osl ere. k, kmmi. ss t!.e Kvan Pavis' p)ac. It ):as torn 40 aeres of Rood bottom on it, l er. Tin' uplsnds are Rood for tnua.vo, w la'st. ciru ana (jrasaes. moi ti nil it f.4in. rt acres fin Cstifornis Hill in Littls yoimtsin. lix ir.iVs frm Mount Airy nl.mh is toiii.ersrt.irallv situated for fruit tarn:. I ! e 1 alf tte land is lvel lateau, tuir.r 2 fits) feet atnive sea level, 'ttujres r MJlt t ree piftnien on tueri ini;tis iu lOl. nmini eerr isii w w.r. I he iand is now in original foren. This place W ould 11 terest ar jf no Laving aa I. lea ol a lumra orcnaru. Also on account of failing neaitti sua ".aMiii t oru in n.t oir'UiBiernce i f my busiiifss matters. 1 would leie fer ore r mi re year tb Granite City ' iila litimted in SH. Airy. July 2.,1!0. Do You Want a Home? If you do I have two good farms that I will sell cheap so cheap that you will be surprised at the price. I offer the places at the price I do because I do not need the land. One place is 7 miles above Mount Airy, has 98 acres. 25 acres good bottom, two dxellices, two tobacco barns, good orchard, close to school and church. The oth;r place join j this and has 100 acres, '30 acres bottom land and good dwellirg, tensct house, plenty of timber, free school is taught ca place. Will take SSoo.oo tor first camrd place and $850.00 for the second if bought at once and give lor time on most of the money. J. W. Signature of Spin, a (Both Galvanized Iron and Tin), Iron Roofing, Galvanized Iron Work. Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Copper and Rivets, Steam ind Water Pipe Fit tings of all kinds T. TVERITT. Tliinqs. barnvara it is erreat lor Lameness, stiffness, colic, sores, and heals wounds without matter- toei!.-r vi;!i n.'l k:ni.s if wood and tim- tl;e tialanoe Western and Nortbern J0Hy L. WORTH. Greenwood, xnUNT AX2Y, N. C.

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