vr The A TR Y 10XJN EWS. MOUNT AIRY N. C, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 6 UK)1. NO. 15 VOL. 25. v jbAm, , It Si THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME Arts Never Without Poruna in the Houso for Catarrhal Diseases. WD. WATSON', ClnrlK, Fresno Count v, Cnl., writes i "mI bless jiii fur whnl ji'ti have flona fur tun, The rln-u Mini i-m baa nil d Isappcared, .ml to-day .11 exi-tnltn, Mlow well )iii look!' I Hutu and I owe It nil to lr. I artimm for his fjfMHl advice to ims To-day Iliid tne as (nn frum pain I ever w r. rainy season Imn mt In here, 1 n t I lie (-hunt;" linsn't n fT'-' t'.l ini' a II used (, I m Very lhalil. fill that 1 have, found nut Hint J nil can n Mil will help tin- suffering niii'M Hint will follow ymir advice. Several have a-Led ini' whut rnr-d inc, mnl I tell tin ia. Tin y p I the medicine then. H e keep I'ertma In the hoime. My daughter has t o Minx, and they keep hi and to Hhtml, and t!iey take the mulLlne every day. "My wife wa troubled wiih a pain In h' T sldo fur years. Now he Is takliej Jour luoilli'liu' and I' real smart. I v i!l do nil I run for ymi nr.. I for Ihiw Mho heed y.iur inh In ," Mr. Jim. O. All.ln-o'i, I nW''li'iiili iii'i, M').. Itox wrlu Yoiir remedies i' ir.M that ymi claim for tlii'iii, tul t-vcil mori'. t'.ilavli -n:i-nol i xlut xv)hti I'l Tiinn N l.ihnn a' nnl fi' to d.rerlionn. lVnma i-oin-ili'ti'ly i i:iy wlf-a:i l I of cniarrli.il troulil'-.-i i li ii;v-(ivo yi'.vrK klii:.:'!. l!i l- y r..iu' 'j n n. tr.ivi Kn-; n;...i I i.i i n v n'.L inu m'.v - ; mi- i f I'.-ii. i-i " W. P, CARTI . n. LEWELLYN, Attorneys-at-Law. r"Prwnioe In tli Wr and F'1crnl f'onrt I-romrt attrnMun given to all tmntr.nM unlrusl BtoUiflr eare. M. H. SPARCER, nOTAHV PUatlG. HusIiicm Holiciteil. OfPICt WITH OC0. w. gPr.ER, MT. iV. . GEO. W. SrAltGKR. Attorncy-at-Law, MOUNT AIET, H. 0. Will pr.'t!i-( In mi af"! FiKrl f'onrt. BpM-lal mwnl'on to C'lltviK'U m i-.lnlm. aim rotUMntr Irwci. W. O. SYIJNOR, MT. A IKY, N. C. V 1 I" 1 STRONG LINE FIRE. LIFE & ACCIDENT Compante Kprccnud. 3. P. GRAVES, AUorny-al-Iinw, MOUNT A1BY, N. 0. avrranriciti. In ana Flfral Coarfa. rramvi artinitoB to oolierttoo of i-wim. W. R. Badgett, Jttorxey At Law, Mount Airy, N. fj Er.Rapea in general practice; t.pecial altention to collection of renti and local account' ; loan, negotiated. PKNTIST. MOUNT AIRY. - N. C. Officii over Ft tirmii officH. for. nierl? ocounied hi Dr. T. J. Milch- ell. " .J - j ij y i. '1'J li IJ 1 ' I ! When You Want a First-Class . MOWING MACHINE, GRAIN DRILL, HARROW OR CULTIVATOR Or any kind of FARMING MACHINERY at RIGHT PRIC13S, see JOHN A. MiETIN, Mi'in t Airy, N. C. slate & Insnrancc nfy' - w ... -f s :-1 ' w y y y i -jni ll m mam Mr, All. Si-liw.udt, pitnUirn, MItiw. w rli.-H : 7 ft.no been troubled with rlieuma thm nnJ tulerrh lort cnV'(le )cm . Omltl nut tlccp day or night. After havlnf wed I'enina I can hleep and nothing txnhert nw non-. If I ever am affected lih any kind of tkknesn I'crun he the medUlne I thai! tine. My ton wax cured of iatnrrh nt the larynx by l'eruna,"Mr. Alia Schwandt. Why Old People arc tr.pccAMy l.l.Mc to Sy&tcnilc C.il.irili. Win n i. 'il t;i' i-oiili n on, i-iilui tIihI ilin i'Mn'4 I'oiiiii nV i, fyi.(''inli' r.'itiirrli 1. ill :ti-.-t iiiiivi-rnnl In old ) !". Tli!" v n' 'i I fi w !iy I'l-niti.t !oi Ik ooiii. H'i 1 !l. 1 ii l ! In old i o.;.', l'.T!l.:a N llndr Mfi'uu:ird. I'ituiih U t!ic o:i'y ri i:nuv Ji'l (1 vld that tui-r1. tln it i':ni'i ox:!!'!')'. Nin li m i n.iinot Iw tri'nl.'d liw-nllyt notloni; In;', nn -TiH'tivi .yKtoinlo ri-m-lily rould run- tlii-m. Tl.ln ! ix'tly hnl IVr-Liii Ik. Ifyoii do not ro--ivi firornjit and ! l.fiM-tory ri'Milln from t!i i.i- of l'cruiu. writi-r.l o-u-o ti I'r. llnrtni:iii, civin-; u full Kl.iti'ini'iit of your rnnniid In- wi'l I ii ilinscd to ( :.ey '.i Ik., v.'ilunld" d vlrc pral !h. Ai lil r'K I'r. Ilnr'- 'nn, l'ri ...df-n'. n' Tin- Ilarlmnn San.t.i. . inn. Colnmlnu, ' - Pill Pleasure. If ynu ever took PnWitt'i Little Karly Ki.en for bilioiuhPM or consti pation tou know what pill plea.urn in. Thp.ii famoua little pi lid cleanne tlin lirer and rid the nj-Btem of all liilf without producping unpleasant effec-U. The y do not Kr'f,f". ickn or weaken, tint plcamntlv K'ive ton and Hrength to f ho tii"-ui- and ort;nii of tin atom-ai-ti, liver and bowleg, hold by I. W, Went. In order to make tho work of cotton stoulcrs ditlirult, No. Cur. makes it unlawful to sell cotton at nicrlit. Good for Children. The plei'san'. to take and harmleaa One Minute Couch t'ure ivea inatant relief jn all cafes of Cough, Croup and l.a'irippe because it doe. not pna im mediately into the itnmneh, but take. t ffect right at the aeat of the trouble. It drawn out the ir.flammation, hea and aoothes and cures permanently by by enabling tt.e luncs to contribute pure life-giving and life-rust aining ox v gen to the blood and tiKsuca. Hold by 1. V. West. A Distinguished Bed Room. The house in Portland, Me., where Longfellow was horn is now a tenement in the poorer part of the city, mostly inhabited by Irish. A wrresiionrtent writes us that a few years ajjo a teacher in Portland was giving a lesson on the life of the pot. At the end of the hour she bej:an to question tlie class. "Where was Longfellow born? she asked. A small bo? waved his hand vigorously.. When the teacher called on him his answer did not seem to astonish the rest of the class, but it was a cold shock to her. "In Patsy Magee's bod room," he said. Can You Eat? J.B.Taylor a prominent merchant of Cbriesnian,Tex sayi: "I eould not eat because of a weak Ftomach. 1 lost all tt rength and ran down in weight All that money could do was done, but all hope of rei-orery vanithed Hearing of some wood-rful cure, effected by u.e of Ko'lol Dyapepsia Cure, I con cluded to try it. The first bottle bene fitted trie, and after taking four bottles 1 am fully restored to my usual strength, weight and health Kodol liyape-psia Cure digests what you eat and cures. Hold by 1. W. West. The admissions at the World" Fair last week numbered 770,41 and for lit days 1 1 ,7Hl,,m4s. O M W O D that word ! refers to Dr.Tutt" s Ltver Til's and .YSEAttS HEALTH. Arc i . ntli in.V Tr-'u' iti w'iih fi.uiCiithin? i k . ...'.vJvf t 'l-!!,. il -' !. .i " i tii-.sc sytr.ptnios and many others ""roil rvToodL . c rs. TcAo No Substitute 3C INCIDENT OF CIVIL WAR Wounded Confederate Savea Life of Stricken Union Soldier. Dtitroit Free Trcn. MihiP 1. Cook, of Flint, Mich., went to the front during the rehol iion in the Twentieth Ohio battery am! had an rxpttrlunce tt the battlo of ChickftinanR which be will ever reinnubi-r. lie yi: "On tie first day of the fivlit our battorjr w clmrgod time ftt r limp, but wo rv)ul(id the coufod t'Mtea eitch time until loat mid aftcrroon. A nw rogiment wai then broti(ht up tonctM support for tho buttery, and at the very iiret cliargo thej flt d in wild disorder. We were left itark alone on open ground, uud though we gave them doublo clmrgo of caniator, the con fodurato lines swept right Dp to onr guns and over us. I wag ahot in tbe arm and leg, and waa loft lying on the ground with score of oth ers when the gnnt were drawn ofl "As soon as I could look aronnd mo I found that the man on my right, who whs wounded in the hand, shoulder and thigh, was a confederate, lie was a tnumherof ilit Ninth Alatmma infantry one of tho clmri' g regimen's and hi name whs A. H. Curter. There were other (uderal and confederate wotmdeJ around us, and the ground was covered with dead men and horses. I dnttu'd Ca'tm's wunnds and he dicsid mine, and with tho roar of battle around us wo became the heat of friend. None of tho wounoVd whs removed that night, ami early ruxt day tho ghouls bo gan to appear. I saw a number of con fed i ratis robbing the dead and wounded and by and by a number of IIoi d's Ti xie ranger approached ne. I bad on a pair of new boots of fancy make, and as he came np ordered tne to poll them off. I re plied that I waa wounded and could not do it. He remarked that be would have they t ff in a jiffy, and he seized my foot and drew the hoot oil in a right manner. Tbe other leg was the wounded one, and as ho grabbed by font I cried out with pain. I was then brac.d np -gaitibt a bank of earth in a bitting petition, and the wound had become vt-iy priutul. Carter reproved tho ranger tor his want of teeliti', and with n on b he dropped my foot and picked up a mnakot with a biyon?t attached. "I believe he meant to kill me, but as he thrnet at me the bayonet pacsed through my right hip and entered tho earth pinuing me fast. Tbe merciless ranger than picked up my foot, braced one ot his feet against my body and pulled off the boot. Eveiything turned dark to ine althungh I did not loee con'ci onsneis. Ho was eoing away with the boots under his arm when Carter reached over and posai d bimeelf of a revolver from a cavalryman's holster, and taking caretul aim acri at my leg', i e tout a bullet in 'o tbe ranger's back and dropped him dead in bis tracks. I expect i d we would both be murdered for thiii, bnt tbe follows own comrades er.me np and sgrced that it served him r'ght. They raited me np, leaned the bayonet of all dirt, and then palled it as ctrefully aa pos sible. ' Just below U6 was a bit of swamp and Carter, myself and several oth era managed to crawl down to it There, was a bod of soft, wet mnck into which we burrowed clear up to onr china, and we were there Knot her twenty four honrs before 'lie federals came to take us off the fi ild. Tne mud bath was Doubtless the mi ana of saving our lives, as it kept the flies away, stopped the load of blood, and acted as a dreu iiig. When they came to wash me i il in the hcFpital thefbeh about my wounds ae as white as chicken meat, and the soreness had nearly all disappeared. Carter was taken to tbe same hospital, but 1 never saw dim afterwards. Hut for him I wtuld have been murdered by '.he rancor, and it waa he who re venged me. lie may yet be living, and if so 1 would give more to re ceive wmd from him than I wonld to be appointed a member of the prcuiilont' caniuet." Wilkes Officials in Trouble. Wilkcshnro Chronicle. lltjvtnoe fliccr Smith had a little unpleasant rxpnrienci jui-t before day Monday morning. lie and Boyd bad tracked 2 wagons from Jennings s'ore near the Irdcl line to what is called east Cairo, near Wilkebro. They paseed M a ha fly s wagon and track" 1 tbe other to Tcm Jarvis', and found him in his wagon with 3 kc?a of liqn r. lie was arretted and Smith tm k charge of him and Boyd went U lo Jr. after the other wagon. Jarvis gave the alarm alter Boyd left and his whole family came to his rescue and grabbed Smith, who drew his rietol and fired once but niised. They got bis pisto. and Jarvis skipped. Smith ran to the too of the bi'l to call Beyd and hsj they returned 'be liquor Lad b.-en carried iff. They brongbt tbe team And waon to the livery ttabie. Makes A Clean Sweep. There' nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the Salves you erer heard of, Hueklen' Arnica 8alve i. the et. tt sweep away and eure Bum, res. Prnisen, Outs, lloil. Uleera, Hkin Er ptmns and Pile. It's only 26c, and guaranteed logire sau. faction by O. E. tiallavay Pruggict. Enormous Losses Claimed. Chefoo, Sept. il. - Kiissiiins residiiiKhero claim to have no ceivod Information that tho Jap aneso. losses in tho last nsmiult on Port Arthur which began September 1U wero seven thous and. A Chinese who loft tho fortress on Hejiletnbor I'll says that Iho HuHsian losses wero between Six) and 0(H). This Chinaman says that tht; Japanoso wero unablo to remain In tho throo supplementary forln which they captured and that they retired ut four o'clock on the afternoon of September 2(i, after enduring several days of tremendous tiring from tho inner forts, Ho adds that the Russians at tempted to bury the dead on both sides at night because the do comiKwinK bodies seriously men aced the health of tho garrison. The Russians allege that it is the deliberate policy of tho Japanese to undermine tho health of the Russian troops by moans of the odors from the decomposing bod lea and that for this reason they fire on tho burial parties. Tho Chinese who was a mem ber of a burial party says that tho Japnnoso tired when ho and other Chineso attempted to bury the dead. He adds that when tho wind carries the odors to ward tho Japanoso tho latter re tire. Chineso say that the most so vero attacks were mado on the supplementary forts of the Iu and Anshu mountain forts. The Russians had undermined the ground and Roveral hundred Japanoso were blown up on Sep tember 2!J. RerU received from tho Miaotao Islands men tion a terriftic report which shook tho houses there on that date. Tho Russian ships, says tho report, took no part in tho bat tle. From thirty to fifty shells fell daily in the Chineso new town. Ono shell tore tho rudder from a torrwdo boat destroyer. Tho Russians aro now building a now fort on Liato promontory bearing on the island side. Its construction indicates that five largo guns will form the nucleus of the battery. They Quote From His Book. Biltmore, N. C, September 2 The following c irre'pondor.co be tween President R mat volt's eecro tary and the Xorth Caroli-ia sta'o republican chairman, Killing, o Ashville, N. O, and tho rpiot-'tiun trom the president's "ife ot I! t'i tor," are felf explanatory: "Asliovilb-, N. (!., S.-p'omb'T 'J'JV 1004 Hon. Wiiii-.m huh. S cr, tary to tie President, Vnbhingtni-, D.'C: lion. R. P. Glenn, the d-in ocratic candidate for governor, stated in his speech yesti rd iv thit the president a lid the cmfeh rti soldier woie an-irchiste and that strains of Coarse btti'alify nn through the ann'htrn pe p'c, or words to that efloet. Ie ihe pres ideal correctly qnoted? Ana ver THOMAS S. ROLLINS," "Chairman State Republican Ex ecntive Comtnitteo." White Ilonfe, Washington, I) C, September 22, l'.04 Hon Thomas Rollins: My Dear Sir Yonr telegram of yesterday ha been received. The statements you refer to are alwolntely fsle. WILLIAM LOKIs, JR," "Stcrotary to the President." By reference to page 1G1 of Mr. Rjosovelt's "Life of Benton," cony righted bv Mr. Roosevelt in ISS'l, you will find Mr. Roosevelt uses the following expreesion; "Slavery waa chiefly responsible for the streak of coarse aud brutal barbarism which ran through tbe southern character." No Black Face in Their School. Chicago, September m. Be cause of a mistaken belief that tho assistant kindergarten teach er engagea tor service in their school was a negress, fifty boys stationed themselves as pickets around the McAllister public school today and prevents! pu pils from entering. None of the pickets is more than 13 years of age. Outside a crowd of 00 toys and girls hooted and yellod at tho teachers looking from tho win dows of the school building. Every infant 'striker' wore a badge to show that he or she be longed to a union. Some of the badges were most ly scraps of paper with the word 'Union scrawled across it. The others wore union buttons which their fathers had worn. Many of the strikers carried clubs. They threatened vioiem-ea- gainst any child daring to enter the school yard. One of Many. H. A. Tisdale, of Bummerton, 8. C suffered for twenty year with the Pile, Bp.cialist were employed and many remedies used but relief ai d permanent good was found only in the use of DeWitt' witch Hazel Sake. This it only one of the many, niiny cure that have been effected by this wonderful remedy. In buying Witch Hael Halve it is only necessary to see that you get the genuine lleWitt , made by C. E UeWut A Co. in Chi cago, and a cure ia certain Hewitt's Witch Harel Halve cures all kind of pil-. euta, burns, braise, ecreme, tet ter, ringworm, skin dOeases. etc. Hold by 1. W. Weat. FoimKnmTuis take KMatri 4 BlaaUtar RlgM A Virginia Preacher With a Record. Th" M rgif-t ill (". r -t IcV avr'S that in !i"V. K'T 'li-r, a trJiv i f Ih-rninndii, Tucker c umty, i-i)a a Mthndist irei' 'i'.r who I" in ela?i by him -elf. There' nit an.ithur li Wn him In the I J n ; ' 1 tat", In Ids own special lino. He will ti'it ridu a horse, althnngh his circnit take him over P'linn ef ih rongb' st mrnjntiilr.s In Tucker a'd Trston cnutitlos. In a ten niHe race thnrn Is nut n horse in Tuckor county that can beat him, Rome trine Birn bo prnichod at tbe Dtin iaon rchnol bonso on Loc'bri ri! jr, noar the Veston linn. Vhn he stepped down from tho pulpit it vanted j it pno Irmr nf t!io tim he waa driest (Juirt'o, ni"' mile distant. Ho took the road without hesitation, and s'ruek ar Indian trot wbic'i bn never brohc durin f t Lo noio miles At the end of the luiir be w in his pnlpi' t Sf, ("i)ri;o readi'ig the oponiB hymn of tint rvim and show.-d nA more siftis of fati.iMthan if he had been resting in a hamm ick tho procccditig hour Deep GoU Mines. The deepest gold mine is still to be credited to Hcndigc, in Vic toria, Australia, although the time is coining when the K.ind, South Africa, will chiim the ret ord. For the present the Victo ria quart, mine, at ilendige. has probed deeper into the earth than any other digging after gold; work is now going on in this mino nt '.,'X) feet, awin. -having boon sunk ..'o feet below the lowest leel, nt :,7.) feet. Among its neighbors the Victoria quartz mine has ilio Now ('hum railway, with work prw eedniir at 3, Hr(5 ft ot, and the New Chum Consolidated, .Vsd f''t. Tli eglobrated "l",0"mine, the prop fftiy of Oeorge Lansell, and long tho deepest gold mine in tin world, is being exploited nt il,.'.''' feet, although the shaft itsell is "(X) feet deejier. L- ,'y Folks. In most ci .li.od (oiiiori la ziness is looked ujHiti as a vice. If a man does not w.j-k .n-it'-er shall he e::t is the rule ia si.. U nations. Hut in tropical lands, where nature is very kind, food can almost always be had furl!,. mere gathering. This will i-x-i!nin wiiy the I'rantis of il.e kVest. African j'ohl coast will not work. A penny a !;.y will en able a Fanti to look like a tight iryrcock. 'Why, therefore, shovih: lo. ui.-frT.ss .litil.x-.-li:' If 4.0 W .Ill's any little extra, s.ih as tobacco iur strong drink, it is oven then 'hardly necessary that he should work for it, for is there not his wife. He Ix-lieves in a fair divis ion of labor the wife earns the living, ami he consumes it. A hundred Pant is w ill do hiss than a dozen English navies, aud do it badly w ithout a white overse er. Under a l-'ant i overseer they soon begin to shirk the work and lie basking in the sun, and by and by the overseer joins them, livery burden is carried on the head. Set (hem to carrying stones from a heap and they will carry theiu one by one on their heads, walking to and fro, no matter what the distance. A con tractor for some buildings at Ca jo Coast castle introduced wheel barrows. Tho 1'antis rose to the occasion. They carried tho bar rows on their heads! Tried on Broughton Charges. Alany, (J a., Sept. -7. The trial of Chief of Police We.xt brook on the sensational charges first preferred by Rev. 1 rough ton of Atlanta in a sermon here three months ago and following which the preacher was cow hided by the chief, was concluded late this afternoon. Of the seven specific charges preferred, tho chief is found guilt- of two viz., drinking while on duty and in uniform, i.xit'ng bar rooms while on duly und loitering in such places. The commission imposed a line of $-i for each of these offences and exhonerated hitu on all other charges. Of the charge of as sault on the minister the com missioners said: "We find Chief West brook guilty of this charge, but in our opinion tho peculiar circumstan ces justified him as a man in pur suing the course he did." The verdict is regarded by Westbrook's friends as an exhon eration, as lie was not found guily of either of the most seri ous charges. A feature of the trial was development of the fact that Dr. Hroughton did not have affidavits to sustain his charges as he claimed to have at the time ho made his pulpit at tack. A Great SinsaMan. There was a big ns-ion in hees vilie, lnd. when V.. il. brown of that pla"". who wa eip-i-td to din, bad his h.'e sated by Ut. Ki.ig' few i'ts eovTy for on-oimp'idii. 1 le wriles : "l eiidured irutIrKble agonie from Asthoia but your N Inscovery gave me immediate r-ii'-f si d eoon thereafter elfeeied a complete cure Himilar cures of Consumpti n, Pneu monia, Hrnncliili and irip are num erous it's the peerless remedy for all throat and luni; trouble. Price Soc, and 11 O-l (Msraitel by C. K. (taiiaway lrupc;it. Trial bottle frei. In'riivtticr (li. Oel. If one lo I . I'.. I f i t. ii goixt way to dimvlw I'. O' I-1 1 H t place a bow o'l Hi" In o;i of "lij j'O mid tie. In (In- ;. of i i s it U voiy lu.rd to keep i In I, '.v in ,i.-u , nn l. I cxUcn, un tying It eii-y t i n i'im sliuc l-t reiiior. ed ruuiiiIi'H Hi.- i',l.liiiii-i. 1 Ida iliHU ulty limy be overin ne l y luiiktlR li pur lill.'l sills iibiuit tc: If mi li li lot(. a qimrter of nil lli' ti iipnrl, III the ci olef of the tongue of ouch tie. Inm-rt a rib Ihiii and lonke n boiv, lin king It on tho underside 'It"' tie lunjr then be liieed or lllihiei'd wllliiiiit d'siurl'lng the bow. ltd riirefnl not to hive the bow too large, ns that fault would only offset the object of hilling li physical defect tiy culling attention to 1 lie wearer' link of g'xid tiiHto In Directing an ex aggeration of style. Knrserr Wlnilowa. Comet venlllnhon should be had from the tup of Hi" window either liy mean of a wheel Introduced Into tho upper window pane or by the cun alrni tlon of n ir. iihoiii, say el Inchi-a or mm i deep, wlib-li shnll extend iiilln aetima the window mid hh-li may be let down from the top, linking II V ahnped oiieliln, an I not oi't-iu'l from the bottom like an IliMlt' l V. The hitler would iKii.t a c'ir;i-iit of ntr Upon the Leads of the o ''Up .-lit C tt." former would lunke nn Injun nn draft Impossible. 1l,c hIiiIo.h. where the MHiltloti of tlee ti.'iv In- aele-tt, aliould tie nt h' .l I en f- el from the fliHir. Where oer ' - aliould b pruvlditl with liiiri or n'i"ii- whe let tlo or screeui II ' veer's. tir nf fti 1fmh. To keep the luouili t ,iied and frm from Injurious neld and tuid t.ites rinse si vers I times a dny Willi a inoiilliful or two rf Ivik'ng sola ills solvil 111 water. Tills should not be a strong solmlon. A te.i--!-.. -nful dla eohe.1 In a pint of water I !h" crr'i't propoition. 'llils limy In- k'-pt In a eloM-d ics'l mi l used at (K-castou n HU'rea. A cm-i'i' ntioiia ii of this i t celleiit cure will imt only li--p t'i" tiH-ih from iIih'.-ij !j: j; so rip, Toy, but will tend to harden ttie gun n ami pre vent Irritation around defectlre teeth. ParUInn Motherp. "I'nrUlsn iiiolhci-a tike their children about "1th them to n fr.r greater ex tent than d'.t IjilII-Ii parents imtll (pilte rivenll." said ml ohserv.int wo man, "mnl the result seem to be wholly siiiur.ii 'ry. The little girls grow up as pei feet li' ie women of the world and are iml till I n nn un known sea when tl.ej ne "i ut.' Thus '.ley i n not l .-oe t ) w. ' one or two m-."s His in learning how to enjoy ti.em Si !e and hold their own in the f.iah h i :,.le awlin." Ihln W omen, and Im.i.y l.nti. s shrntld avoid end cry s.d-y f-sta. Ttu-y t '. i ' . ' 'iiftd of olive 'v e i 'i , "-. I M'd ehotild sip a iM-rf :i "f i -t Milk nt night. A ten plckl f.h. O-i t" L.i, t' raw 1 1 real. a a wine before I'leiuy c.f !s. f'Ot.-.toe.'4. cf hli-cp. no forjjiiikig f.i- br 1 : , r.ty ; tr. t II, -. I i-r Kfllln. I ot.ee h d 1 'I""' I a nt.-e .-bite por ce!r ia lii.. 1 l.-;::e badly thnt It a-i..e.l niai'i. nn.t after wnshlim It wss n t away. Two v. s later I in vest if:, ted t'.i! fo-md that nil the tin in-1 layer e . -i-.e "Tin w.shlii with out tl.e least lii-'h-aii.v. Sin.v then I ret all grai:i:e as w .-'l as p 'rcelain ware when bnmel, w .:h gil results. Exihan.ee. An Irnnlna Itlnt. When iioii x.v'ry to Iron n rough dry irnmient at or: .- try this method: r-nnpen, r"Il tii.!it. wrnp In a cloth and then in p.:per and put Into the oven whlic ':.- ir his i:re heating. Va Mpor-.itiou i ill eau-ie It Uy be thor oughly da i:-r i I c ! In time, but care must be tal.eo tii ,i I' e ovn is not hot enoutb to b-iru the v; 'iis. I-'r I'lrm l'l-ih. !t Is a form I'.to remoi'i'-s are t'e si men arc more liK, and try those no h prep-ire. If om-'s may t'C na- li foliUii t-iwel iii:i':i':'. til: t til lwt !, iVitl.il ' r.-r-.i tbes nut h-rder t is ti.ii.ty It .!! with a id wn'er. Not Sure Shi ll.il S-.-cn II ra. A would be cXq'.is' : ', in a tram car, seeing a j o'.o, j holy whom bethought to li - ii. -s.'J wi'h his personal charb.-., cross. -d over ar.d tiwjk a s'-al i-'sid..- i:.-r and s tid: "Haven't I i:u-t vod s ...oewhure before?" To which she re:.. . ia :. voice heard by '.he i-r p..-gei-s: "I'm led sure, b it 1 ; you tire the lnail uh i c! . .ir v, i::dows. " The passeng -r-i ht'.r.'io-! -the young man hurt ic-i.y W, tL. car. Robbed The C-rav;. K alartlliift incicl.'iit, i trrat-'d by .lolui l Uiver of I'ii'. iH'lelphis. a roii.iws : "1 was in an aw ful rotnim -n. My skia waa almost yellow, eyes -n l aigue c mtej, pain Coiitii usiy tit back a-id ,d- s. no appetite, grow in.' weaker oay by Oiy, Three physic. n had given me tip. 'Ihen I wi. ndvi -' to use l-.lect-io Bitters ; to i ;:ret jjy. the i'.-st e.-'ttle Iiis'b' a ib - J-d impr vc mei.t. I continued th -ir us (or three we.-ks. and cm now awe 1 mnn. 1 know th"j rohhed tii grsv of a other vi tini" .No one shotilii fa 1 to try them, Only 5te , guara.ntet (i, at O. K. Ciala waya drug store. Mr. Cleveland's last literary cfTort had r.o politics n't it, bein aitogether about fishing. A Thoc.htful Man. M. V. Austin of Wi-.i;-h-ster la-! kiewwhat t d t i-.l th" hourof tiee.i 1 ' : v, i'e ha;I aae.ii an unu-ual e i-t ,..:iiiv'!u:a! liver trouble, phys"-ia-. could not help her. lie tbougtit of a d tried Or. Kmu'a New Lite i'.ils and b got rebel at on,.,. :,d was anally cured "i.iy Ke, atC. l-:,ti)iawa;if drugstore. " T. -A. - -- ROYAL akiRg Powder Menkes Cleek.rk Bread With Royal Raking Powder there is no mixing with the hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. Full instructions in the " Royal Raker and Pastry Cook book, for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address. ' novAi assixa enwctirVu wua iam sr., niw Yuan. YOU CAN FIND Guttv id u'piti, (Both Galvanized Iron and Tin), Also Tin and Iron Roofing, Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work. Valley and Shingle Tin, Sheet Old copper, Copper and Rivets,' Steam Pewter and and Water Pipe Fit- Rubber bought tings of all kinds. at Everitt's. T M J3VERITT. There arc Great 'Things. VICK'S TURTLE OIL LINIMENT IS ONE OF THESE: ! 1st. In size of Bottle for 25c. 0 10 2nd. In virtues for healing Rheu- A raatism, Sciatica, Headache, Colds, ' , Sorethroat, Pneumonia, Cuts, In 1 sects, wounds, etc. H I) P I rP 3l (- In tlie barnyard it is great for r j ' Lameness, stiffness, colic, sores, lUUJ i ii . ancj iieals vounds without matter i: ingcr scar. Take 'o ..;:..: lo o.. bottle for 25c. '.Vac'.e s- by L. J:IC1IA1:DS0N DRIT. CO., "Whoi'.sa le 3anufacturing Druggists, Greensboro, N. C- v.... iM.buaMri; FALUiELE FEOPEBTY FOR SALE ! I have the following property wh'ch I am anxicu to dispote of : "til I. MTE. An uridrveiop -d '. r puwer within '4 ,,i a mil? of Ars-st t t-pot, at which 3.M horsc-powt r c-iuid be reasonably developed. om: hu'able r. n. C Id acres nn both sides of Flat S cal crek, known as the ETan Davi' plaea. H Las s-.one-bi acre of rih i! Lotto ,11 it, toeether bh all kind of wood and tim ber. The uplands are K'K'd fr to .acco. wheat, e in and grasea. Mot T I'H IT hit". i ' res on rl''orr:a lliil in ' ntle V.i pil-.. six miles from Vonnt Airy which ia tupojrri.pt it-ally eituated ter s Oi.e half tbe land is a level pia'.eau, onie LhotKi feet above sea !- ..the tifclsn :e V, estern and Northern el "iMir-s' t ri.it trees planti d ot n.eh lands in thik county never fail to bear. i'h- laud is now in trijrini-.l fort t. This place would interest anyone bavinjj an id- a of a tut ore orchard. A,f i on accrue t I faninR 1't-alth and war.tme to draw in the cireumferenc , ; ) business niters 1 w (uihi b ase for one or more year the Urtnite City "libi iti.att-d i Vt. Airy. J.ily 27, 1504. Do You Want a Home? II you do I have two good firms that I will sell cheap - -o cheap that you will be surprised at the price. I effer the places at the pric I do Ue cause I do not need the land. One place is 7 miles sbv ITov-.t Airy, has ?8 acres. 25 acres good bottom, two uwv:.l vo t-oacco barns, ood orchard, close to school ar! church. The other place joins this aad Jus 100 acres, 30 acres bottom land and Rood dwelling, tenant house, plenty of timber, free school is taught on p'. -.:.?. Will take SSoo.oo tor first named place and $850.00 for the second if bought at ones of the money. J. W. J. H. Pbatbik. Treiid-nt. J. M. KriToK, Vn-e IVesidert. Sunr fair m and fat teasv, MOXJ2STT AERY, 2S3 C. AurncairB oiJin, c25.ocd.oo. JMXtECTOKr. J n 8m;t,h K. H.tiVrpnf), W F. Carter. Tho Fawc-li 3. Tt. Pratber, J. M. Fut r. n. A. tt. Trotter, tseo. li, faweeu, TV. W . lurke, W. li. tydnr nd A. . Riin-'Ml. ... ',r I'oe a av-nera! ' t-yr.t ':, m and lend none en rwal eta. Inter- I -i paid on I m "pif, , J0HT L. WORTH. r.nd gi 2 long time on mos Graen-rood, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Gao. D Fawcr-rr. See'y and Trn '4 4 4 t