"7 Ik WHAT THI BLUE MARK MEANS A hlue mark here this week means that you owe m much aa one 'lollnr for your paper, and that you are requested to make a payment as aoon as you can. FOX. A'XT MOUNT AIRY, WORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1900 NO. 21. M. J. REYNOLD!. Rod Btiek Bryan Wntta el Sinks., Patriate: and Ills "Tobaoo King Greensboro, Nov. 22. Up to a f( w weeks ago I had never be?n to Danbury, the county seat of Stokes. My rambles had taken ne to almost every famous place from Manteo to Turtletown, and I longed to visit the home of J. S i )t Taylor and the Danbury II-porter. Last Friday accom l nied by one John, a grinning colored driver, I journed to the c iy by the river Dan, and found a ;nost hospitable village. As Mr. Taylor was out of the city I ti: i not tarry long. From Wal iitit Cove to Danbury it is eleven ) les, over a road that seems to up hill going and coming. By t .e way are many interesting t ings, among them a recently ft ai.doned saJoon, the beautiful ':-l home of Co!. J. M. Covington mi an ami. iateJ ;rist nill. estimate of the crop spread I throughout the district. His old ! neighbors hung on hi words, I "Dick Reynolds observes. thin!; and calculates," said one of older men ia the party. "He has out-stripped us all by using his head as well as his hands." Dick Reynolds is a great cap tain of industry! What manner of a man is he? Thousands of people ask that question. R. J. Reynolds is a giant among giants. He towers among the big men of the age That day as we tugged over the hills of Stokes, I could not bring myself to the relization that three decades before the chief of chewing tobacco manufacturers wended his way down that moun tain road to help make an insig nificant village a great and pros not like to lose time but he has spare moments for all sorts and conditions of men." This man's opinion of Mr. Reynolds seems to be correct. Lively Tim Exaeeted at Oemtnfl "Leng treelen" el Cenaraaa. the President's message on ac count of the great importance of the many questions it will have to deal with. No presidential message in years, it is safe to say, will have been listened to Metlee. By virtu of an order of th Superior Court, mad by the Clerk in th spec ial proceeding entitled W. A. Jack. Admr. of J. W. Jarlrxin Am'A V I u Jackson and others heirs at law, there in appointing mecommmiasionerforthe DurrxHW. I will ti k.-k... der, on the premises on the 16th day of December. 1909, at 2 o'clock. P. M.. the following real estate, lying and be- Washington, D. C, Dec. 4. Ccngress will assemble Monday for the "Inner apatinn " ubi'k - o .., " Mr. Reynolds does not work probably will run well into the all the time. He finds time to summer. Senators and ReDres-! u,;m n.-. enjoy his farm V to ride in h a entatives who have arrival in -j i- . . .. .. ii ji I . V-,. ; j 7-- ,-'.- .uu interest, in tne Course n roiiowin real estate, lying and be- automobile and hunt quail. Fine town express a determination to ' 0f his recent tour of the country ' ln in Mid "" of Surr " Mount horses appeal to him and he ( take up the work of the session j Mr. Taft outlined in his various tSSt likes well trained bird dogs. j vigorously at the beginning with addresses the views he holds con- "M',wn: ;0f., the hone nf having it uroll AA I. 1st Tract: A strip of land 200 feet a. . a n T n i l ; cerninjj ine great public ques- by about 3,v f-et deep, on Hamburg ed in building up the R. J. R. i vanced before the holidays. The tions of the day and which i r""d- the lands of Frank u7- tobacco business are Messrs. Wil. House is already onranlzeTl hv ... . . . enPort-.and Scott In"- IU- XT -j f.,.. r, u . "'.corporate in niS .i .tract: n the Avewille road nam ii. arm tv alter uevnoius. : -,iC cici;ulm ui opeaxer ana oin-1 mna brothers of R. J.. the one Hnincr1 cers at the extra session, and th ti. t:jx . . y i tre.Mueni win propose the buying and the other the , appointment of committees, so ' to Congress important legislation manufacturing, "Does R. J. like tobacco?" I asked of a mutual friend. Better than anybody else. I believe that he loves it. On his desk, in his office, he keens a icii w.:s a! . .-vv.ih I . trie!. 1 i one pat tv i..ia couur.umty. perous city, and to accumulate goodly supply of a variety of tor himself a monster fortune. , plugs and it is worth a triD to there will be no excuse for that body not getting down to busi ness at once. The appropriation bills are to upon at least ten subjects. Each uC u.e r.gnt oiway ac to be dealt with are: Supervi uvtu tr, us oi t .e capnoi ana sion of the issue of stocks and pressed through with all possible ; bonds by interstate corporations adjoining the Unda of riJ Forkner, the late A. ii. Short and V.M. Brower con taining 15 acres more or less. Sold to make assets to pay the debts of the es tate of said J. W. Jackson, and the cost of administration is a matter whirh will nrnvno ! . Termsof le: "e half cash and . ' ' I balance in six months. Bond and ap- OlSCUSSIon and arouse Opposition proved security for deferred payment, in Conirress. The r-Mpf ci.hi.t. 1 ThlB Member 12. lm ' ' umvjvvv ii r . T 1 - mi i a l ham Commissioner. I members of that party of wago wondered if there wen them anyReynoldses and Peelses. There are trreat nossi- bilities ;n the Southern moun- i there the Sluices and j j i'.i::r..'r.: o:i their y lo (.: fi-ni WiiHuxi-Salem. , reDreaentincr a Vir-! nera I wondered if there were r amnn? 1 i:uu.llVU It II i r t v.'.go:is, iv turning -iiojue. In Vy- e. iversatiuii with an intelligent y ing fellow I got the following i .formation: The ten wagons li d hauled down about 15.000 p unJs of tobacco for which the owners received about $1,500; t e average acre is yielding a bout 500 pounds this season, and the producers are in good cir cumstances, and contented. "I am glad, " declared the man, L ;:tjwt cotton is high. That means . itiuch tobacco next year. , If cot ton farmers grow tobacco we get lower prices." Patrick's famous son. "Do most of Patrick county growers sell their tobacco in Winston-Salem?" I enquired. "Yes, that is the home of Pat rick's most famous son, and we are proud of him," was the ready . aiuwiiKi immune. " auu ii, ia worm a trip to j me appropriations com- j readjustment of the duties and the southern MOUNTAINEER, j Winston-Salem to see him take a mittee of the house have been at I powers of the interstate Com- HamthyUnttramin. The above is the name of a German chemical, which is one of the many val- Asl 1W,I Ka r.M Chew. I have Spn Vii.n fnnMa a Work for mow than o aah I' . ". 1 "KrtnU , tol7 ' Kld - UUv4j.( - " ...v.. --- ...... c "vtn., iin'reetommi.SSIon; expansion Of ,vm"v- "exameinvienetetramine is faces, the clear eyes, and at the! Iece ' tobacco as he wtuld do hen t he appropriations bills) thn dntipq of the n,,,, t r. ! rec'5n'"'d by medical text b.Kks and broad shoulders of the younger , a favorite horse. He holds it in i have been disposed of, Congress! motions: creation of a hp h. 1 ant.septic for the u'rme.Ta'ke v Tlev'. nnp hnnrl oni inlj if tt-UU will Turn if j ufantmn ! . , . . i Kidjiev IVrmilv iij u.m vm n.t -.. mm uiw u iirjre , rt'iiU in the I'narlmpnl r.f Ihl.- a nthr " intotln ;r,.k ; . . . " "-"' ny irreKuianues a.n-l avo;(l h serious Mr. and Mr3. Reynolds did a ! tant measures. There will be handsome thing by their preach-1 plenty to engage attention. er to deal with violations of law by imla,)y- SoM by n DruKit3. interstate carriers; establishment of a so-called "railroad court." f'mui" i j nunmuii. oi a so-caiieu raiiroau court 1 Truiee sai. r some months ago. They gave Every important committee of amendment of the Sherman an'ti- I By virtue of the power contain lm an automobile. In making i the House has a calendar full of i trut act- creation of a do t-i!,a "f trUHt fcX,:uU u be order they requested that all '; bills, introduced in the extra1 v)n h'.nt- i,u .k.m:. . 1 1. KFl" ind. lfr- resPnse. For a moment I did not get the import of the remark, but finally it dawned on me that Richard J. Reynolds, the plug tobacco King of the world, had first seen the light in Patrick. Thi3 changed the tridofmy mind from Danbury to Mr. Rey nolds. ' What a country!" I said to myself. thirty odd years ago, acoun- tair.eer. North Caralina can point to Vance, the statesman, and Virginia and North Carolina Reynolds, the master financier. For a number of years I have known Mr. Reynolds, not inti mately, but pleasantly. He is tall, angular and powerful of frame, keen witted, and gentle mannered, industrious. He does not work bthe clock, but the task. Application and method have resulted in the splendid or ganization that has brought him fame and gold. R. J. has always delighted in honest, arduous toil. The min utest detail concerns him, and no work is considered drudgery and those employed by him are taught to feel as he does. His most successful and most faith ful men are taken into the com pany and thereby encouraged to ' do their best. "What would you consider the gre- xit elements in his make-up, wh.i considering Mr. Reynolds' success?" asked one friend of the tobacco man of another. 'Why, I should ray, his ability the order Ihey requested that all extra savings bink; ship subsidies; a-1 th 'day d in me on th of September. 1907. and re- t vw, iiiA j u4llli Jill. U.l.lll t-." m extras bz sent along, and I was , session, and a flood of new meas-! mendment of the nroL-edurp ro : Corded in lxyjk 33 Ppe 170 ot the told, that these cost as much as ! ures cooked up by ambitions j yarding the granting of injunc? .LWhSffl the machine itself. members during the rectss, is ; tions, and the corservati n rf ': cJash' ,? the J'"18. Monday, ssith I have not seen Mr. Revnold ! expected at the outset. I ' . "1 r .f.3 01 ' ?! lumber, iw. at 2 ,-ck-k, in two years. This story will ! ZHere are some of the things take him unawares; if he knew j Congress will find ready to hand it wa3 going to appear his mod- to work on; es'y would protest. But, seeing! Sweeping changes in the rail the country from which he came, j way laws, x gitlng" added power and knowing the life-story of the ; to the' interstate Commerce Corn man, I was inspired to write as mission. 1 la,vec.d ne An amendment to the Sherman The Southland h a great land ; antitrust act exempting labor and no son of it should seek a unions from npnaitiaa l I f..M4,a tut wvui thome elsewhere Mr. J. P. Ca!d-: bi nation. natural resources. In addition to these it is probable that cur rency reform will be recommend- ... ..lk.- iL!.. . cu, ,Wi 3 borneining 10 De im- NortR ed?e of Penn Street, mediately undertaken,, but to.be1 Mount Airy, runs 'ort V" Tl w XT v igmmcg. the RlnnpfarvV 6 hmiccinn ! Tn Mtidfif i completed. M., the following d-Bcriled real tsute. 10 wu: A lot of latid, lviriK in the Town of ! Mount Airy, and bounded as follow?; jjetrinning on a staK. settle the in Nui'h l to duo To satirifv a debt of lifM OO lander O'neaJ. This November 18th, 1909. W. F. Carter, Trustee. Mr Danvill rol. ! A Thrilling Rtseu ; How Bert R. Lean, of Cheny. Wash. j was saved from a friirhtful death is a i .... - , . . . L : 1 1 . i i T Veil, editor of the Observer, has; Subvention, for the upbuilding hTrZ;Hon tdZSXel JobSchr.n i32 South St.. Dan- always said to those about him: of the merchants marinP ami v. ' ,unS trouble that baffled an expert doc-! L. writes: "For over eighteen "Stav kpr. amrt,. .1L....: - .7-. torhere. Then I paid $10 to $15 a vis- ' , was a sunerer irom k, ney , H...V.,K JUU1 uvu tcnaiuo oi me ocean mail service. t to a lunj: specialist in Spokane, who people, and use your talents to ; Authorization to railroads to ; lid "ot htip me- Then 1 Went t0 c'' improve this country." When I pool under strict supervision of j uSMfiWw ftih one Sees men Of the Reynolds i the Intprstatp rmmo. I completely cured me and now I am as ! type he feels his nridp riJ ;0ci : we M ever." For Lun Trouble, Ilron- , lpe ne tetlS niS pnae THO, ,miSS10n. ,chitis. Couirhs andeoLI A.ihm. My tour to Danbury was not Legislation regulating the boy-' 8n1 yh,K,i""J "K" u supreme, so? in vain. I saw one more deliirht- cott and issuance of injunctions : Si by1 aSA uStfiT' Crnn ful section of the Old Noithl acainst labor oro-nniratii-ino ' i inTprnai waterway lmprove- Walnut Cove, at the intersec-1 ments, according to the policy tion of the Norfolk & Western j outlined by the President in his and the Southern railways, is a 1 recent addresses in the South to see through a business projK-' promising town. Lawrence Mc- j and West. sition and select men." was the ! igf rmenuVd VTl t0 e the reply. He goes right to the about are orosnpron nnH rirrt lent tax on oleomargarine. Nolle. Durin? the whnl time was treated by several doctors and tried several different kidney pills. Sev en weeks atfo I commenced taking Foley's Kidney Fills, and am feeling better every day and will be jflad to tell anyone interested just what Foley's Kidney Fills did for me." Sold by all I'ruKKists. Commissioner's Sale. North Carolina Snrrv (iiimln By virtue of a deed of trust eXecu-' !y irtu of the power conferred ted to me by llud Mitchell and wife upon me by an order of the Clerk of the M illie Mitchell, to secure a debt of six Superior Court of Surry County, ap hundred dollars, due J. A. Satterfield, i proved by the Jud'e resident of the r't'islerel in the oIMi-m of tK If..,..,.,. .., Kleventh Jiiclu-il Dmtri. t in th m.t. 't of lieeds of Surry Connty, in l5oik No. trr of Msry Alice Holder, net frieinl heart of anything, present your case You may in glowing urosneroua nnn nm. H i t r 'rising. ol th Pin Sohoel. K. C. H. Rldg Pubho An investigation of the suurar ; trust scandal will be proposed, ! and may or may not be under- taken. trv-bred lad. without anv but the most meagre education, started ! co' ts but he will eliminate ail j ,Um out from his father's home to ! extra curves and flourishes and piddle tobacco, from a one-horse present for your inspection the The school in district 8, is pro- 1'ne foregoing are some of the wagon; tudav, his wealth imted to he between $15,000 aiid $30,000,000 Strange tut true! and stranger ! still, he is popular at horn soman. No nnp over n iiieuu T? COUTteotlS and (VltKl, nMtn l,.,f J. Reynolds! The farmers of ! liick to detect a fraud and firm H liiiue Wl. I will H.-II for ru;h t.. th. highest bidder, on the premises, in Mount Airy, N. (, on WtMnesday, the Kith day o( Decemlwr, at2o lot k 1'. !., the following real estate, lyintf and bemtr in the town of Mount Airy, on Mill Sirect and boundinl ss follows, town. Hetfinninjr at the I.etha Tucker cor ner, on Mill Street. hmiI erly with said Mill Street liM) feet and of Clernmie Sams and others, I will sell on the premises, near Mt. Airy, on Sat urday, the i 1th dav of Ueeember, at Z o'clock, F. M., the following de-Bcnln-d real estate, ti wit: A tract of land in M nint Airy Town shin, adjoining the lands of Mrs. E. F. Ho!! i..ivsoith a;-..! clln-r.:, r.nJ U-Liultd as follows: Meginning o,i t!ie S iuth .;'.!. of tho Olil Hollow Itoad. Mini fh.. V W ram. er of the Dunnt'an (now Mrs. Hanner) Patrick lova him! The citizens in dismissing him of Winston-Salem, his adopted ; A roidTK man in akk vihs home, admire and laud him. lore than 5.000 men and women c'raw weekly wages from lis bulging coffers. "We knew that tobacco would brings giMid price, this fall," aid the Patrick farmer to me, "after R. J. passed through our county in his automobile." "How could you toll from that?" I asked. "Why; sj.nebody heard him say that he could work all the leaf that would be made in Pat rick and Stoke! That was his way of saying that the tobacco crop was going to be small." JlThenews of Mr. Reynolds' j i . , uuu 4rtH nrnsDPt of enrol in f lu mmiiIh. uer ot tne total. Prof. J. II. Allen, dountv jS ipt , 1 wilt a new house which ! v.'.is mu li needed at this place "In dealing w ith h wd iw , jnng the n Pht,.tu,i i in., u; I house licis also been xorwaru to a liv- h n- sinh Friction Leiwetn Veukir Can non and the iiiiU. ..'!Uo i- ex pected to develop as soon the gavel falls. The insurgents are 1 v tiu' l- n! by sa d il n.t 1 the com' 'i. N'vt:.-! past summer. The .i. i - ... ,. . . . I have s-ei hinv i s oeen '"rnishea rampart ana determined for trou- hnl.l tin. ,1,. nf I,;, . ; ' "u V1 USK- . "raiea b! unon Hie note seciir- i ..I'trusi, tiiAi' : f.V.'5.isi, '. s.i'e. -; 1-', lllu". J. H. Folger. Trustee. lie, while Mr. Cannon, luikrine- from hh recent speeches in the West, has no idea of sido-step- Womcii Who Arc EnvkJ. - cioi 1 or nidi'kiHiaril anil n e.c ; vite a messenger boy to pas i .it i trum. all costino- almni S1 ahead of him. Om lv u-lill,. I I $30.00 of the amount nni.l hv tb.' , wus paying him a business visit j :ou?ty oard and the remainder P'nff- In Senate things hI-o I a friend of his boyhood days call'. ! Thi?- rnS -f i-lhe 8?ho?1' ' wiH U live,y if Present signs ed on him and the greeting was 1 IhZ " a'S me hbnTy ltt the! count for anything. Senator i most cordial. Tlie modioli Tho ttnhr ir n v t... tumnur.s of Ijwa is in town I back from the West, collarlns ' 811,1 tne pupils are beautifying land travel stained, called the ' tht scl;oul trround by taking up Tl wise aitrac'.ive women who are love. Iy in face, form Mid U-mpr are the envy of niMiiv, who mijht tie like them. A weak sickly woman will be nervous and irritutahle. Constipation or Kidney jioiduns hhow in pimples, bloUhos, t,km eruptions and a wretchecf complexion. r or all such. Electric ISitteis work .ait wifi !'. tl. I'.eltim's nnd t!..- ol,l liunivgnn Itm to i.antt-d rock, tin ncu Not ' h .'J d.'j:rt.-es. Ka?-' l."j feet to the Invrming. .uve and r;t a perpetual right-of-wuy to On road ai now estab lished. Terms of sale: one-'.hird cn.th, one third in six months, balance in twelve months. Tliis November )tb, 10 r.i. W. F. Carter. Commissioner. mm CoulJ Not Be Fetter. No one has iwr mstK- ment, lotion or bul-n to primed for battle, and La Fol- Htro,,' m'rV'8' inixht e,yt' . - . . ' smooth, velvety bkin. lov lette Ot Wisconsin. BriStow of ion. Many charming wor turn was greeted as 'Torn, was very much impressed by incident. , siump. removing rocus, etc. Kansas and other insurgent in i m ,,,.u :v.- . u.. l - ! . . " ...u... is biiuw ii uv me waders areico on the irround -i a I JJ sprained ankle will usually disable "ie injured person for three or four weeks. This is due to lack of proper i treatment. When Chamberlain's Lini ment ia applied a cure may bo affected in three or four days. This liniment is one of the best and most remarkable preparations ' in use. Sold bv Gwyn JUi ug Jitore. multi-millionaire 'Dick' and t " , ...; leauers are'tca on the around I patrons ol the school th s year. ; 00l, " ro,a i. TniM-hiMreiisM in M,M;, ready for thef ay. On all sides. ; seem to appreciate all that is be- th?refore the outlook is bright "R. J., with all of his prestige c" T,h? day. s dawning! for some 'scrappy" times in and wealth, is as plain nd"astw thecominK M xi .st as a CDuntrv L.n- A ..v. IVHk lr .:.Lu. t. vt..... ' uer aim spring f - - ' j . n 9 ra lij i lit ivws. a salve, oint- , .... " 7 ...v.vin ,, ii, .nilf. V Willi u.ml..is. Iney regulate stomach, l.iv- liuckkn's Arnica Salvo. Its the i ne er ami muik'js. purity the M Rl; jf've perfect healer of cuts, corns, burn:. nrim eyes, pure breath Iy comjilt-X-; wornt:i owe Lmtr health anu U auty to them. 5tlc at Ash-; craft Druj Co, brui.es. sores, scalds, boil. L.!e r ,-r. zenia, salt rheum. For boro coU! sores, chapped hands its supreme. In faliable for piles. Only 2jc. at Ashcraft Drug Co. and its manv Dec. 4, 1900. readers. A Subscriber. Much interest is manifested in This ia Wenli RmmkfrisR, body can get to him. II .! The greatest danger from influenza is of its resulting in pneumonia. This ', ran bsnhvit.. lilli.m,,ri..ni . ... iii piufiiu. as mis couri CWh Reme-Tv . a X.. ' I WD or "' I be promptly cured by the use of Cham- fluent.. but coint;;;; .;' v::?Lin, .: ?py i ."'-c a .houu not Many peniona find themselves affect ; ed with a jwrsistent cough after an at- lacs oi innuenta. AS this coUifh can MAMMOTH BLACK PIGS A pair of this famous breed of hogs will lay the founda tion for a nice income as the Digs se'l readilv for cash at big prices. One that I sold dressed 978 lbs. JOHN A. YOUNG. Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro,"N. C.

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