Ft) i)! WHAT THK BLUI MARK MEANS A blue mark here thin week mean that you owe a much as one I dollar (or your paper, and that you arc requested to mak a payment a toon aa you can. VOL. XXX MOUJfT AIRY, WORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1010 XO. 31. il I I I 6"1 J. . A. v . aW. A. TEN NEW COMMANDMENTS. J mI Ra4 ThU Lal ! Pramiaaa WMeh Ma twn to Keep. EVEITIODY DAHCES IH HI5IST1ATI0K TAFT AD- fresUeat Sets Tbe Pace and lest Follow Some lecent "Functions." WHT HGLT02I IS HOT WOEHTWG. "Holton's l.'corr Duf Up By a Jour nal Reporter. Winston Salem Journal If you had all the money that record. Samuels is the reven ue officer who was tried for defraud ing the government His opera tions were around Wilkesboro. It was he who assaulted Editor R. A. Deal of the Chronicle be- a - m rti. Washington, Feb. 7. -The Taft A WVIIWll III VU1 V V-v aaaj ' - . . i f ' a o nor n, Jaaranstrationisa dancmg onelnistrict Attornev A. E. Hoi ton Land promised to be good. He 1 waa Ptent-y illustrated ha3 forced fr om vj0ators 0f the ; cause the paper intimated that he .? j tu. : i Saturday night when Mr. Taft w-P;n,,Q i.- ni thlTnirpHSfafpalhad been accepting bribes. A .-aiKiieu inc lununiiix : wur , ,. , . , " , ,,,, , , ,w,,a ,? fV, mJner I and Speaker Cannon listened to rrovernmjnt in the 'twelve vears ! number of Wilkes county people aad which .notary public: of his wife's making. I and Speaker Cannon listened to government in the 'twelve years ! were filed with a the strains of 'The Merry Wid-; that he held (ffice youj u 4iu o-w.t,.ut " Wouia have exactly WH.itf. ! h o u t-a l n 1 . . I am thy love, thy wife; thou " ? 8 e r.3imasi" If you could add to your natural :shalt have no other love but me. ""cock rang one ot .ineiw, Hfe all the years that have been partners of the Crowmnsnield n to v;oat0r9 whom Mr. dieart any stenographer, or anyldancein honor of Miss ?th.el ! Ho! ton has prosecuted, you would j to see what Judge Boyd had for j Chief of Police Chrienstbury at iiwsevcu, anu ocuirwij kichiu-i tfl ; nn vp;ir and i "ini. uaMs ueiaiue u iii uiai ii mc idjucshiu persuna interesieu. were in thi3 mess. Though Sam uels was- never sentenced, he was brought to trial in Greens Say Preacher Was Assaafen. Charlotte Feb. 12. Was it by a jealous rival who sought to make vacant the pulpit which he had hoped and still hoped to fill that Rev. William McDonald, colored, pastor of the First Bap tist church of Waxhaw. was shot Sunday night while he knelt in public prayer in his tabernacle? Through the efforts of Police man McKnight of the Charlotte THE WHITE DEATH. boro. He became paralyzed and; police force, who was sent down wa3 never able to make the trip as an expert criminologist by SJmaU Samtary Prsatf Will Prevent the Spread at Hm Croat Deelreyer. The great medium for the spread of the disease is the con sumptive's spit. When th? con sumptive coughs or sneezes, he fills the air before him with par ticles of moisture almost too small to be seen, which are filled with germs. When he spits upon the floor or the walk, millions of germs are deposited and are ready to find their way upon the . nwoc i i-iii a i iu kjv-i vwij v. " not j3 rr a n , t m i -in van a n mill. is a i u un.diuc ou in Litat & vwucob vi uci sxjus HiLeicaidti. if k a k. ,j . i a. i - i 'jiner jove pirate. ... ino j-" ... . ; . , . . uuvnraw auu mm uius into Thou shalt not promise to love . p.ujf i,a..u.Kci tnree months for penitentiary unw stfryuu.m u4lutu, cuiwreu. wna it ; the mouths and into tha lungs. jne in vain i aancing to me strains ot ur:enu. prisoners. And all this has oc-1 ine tweve montns mac was im- j seems oears or is amoiuous to , atomach and intestine3 of child- Remember thou come hnme!mU:iic at the Turk,sh gorges ;curred since 1898 when he got posed upon him. When he failed j bear the title of "Reverend" j ren who piay upon the floor or the Sabbath. Six days may- alL Only two weeks before into the jcb to i improve Judge Boyd suspend- was locked up .Tuesday and made ! waUc. The careless consumptive st thou wander, but not at ; Secretary of the Navy Meyer The,e fineg and imprisorlrnents; ed judgment. Davis was abl-sto to give $o00 bond for appearing handkerchief, the pocket in aight; nor the seventh, which is eave ar) "hibition of watz.ng;were . -n the M I leave town next day. He has! at a preliminary hearing which ; which he carries his handker the day of thy wife. i " lcfe s,katel while General Bell. at Greensboro A,h vU . since died. was to have occurred yesterday ehief the bedding-, and especial- Honor thy mother-in-law, that 1 v . f ldU Ult u,e ai : Char!otte,Statesvilleand Wilkes ! J- v 'L lldy' ar "in" ' , ' ' V - ly the pilloAr Cover and the to' ;C ouuwiuj nmre; v.. wv, uiau,t vi el used by him. are apt to be as cross examining j It appears from public talk that . laden with crprm of thee fellows who c uh up ! f1'"- "e regained u. a Or.vns- Crawford himself desired to get ; When a member of the family the ru nosP,iai uni" a misiriaiiine juo wmcn icuonaiu naa . ha3 consumption an d the spit is -thy days may be long in the ,n bt waltzer in . the court havjn ; officer . becam Jand of love. ! Washington. So the password m mL 5oiae!Mr. Holton w; Thou shalt not carry a Key btch Since the Southern relief ball. Thou shalt not return to thy j President danced with ftappy name at 3 o'clock in the; l ltritc "u,,, ,,c "a3 uctu morning. The doors will be bolt- i dancin at every opportunity. l if thou doest. At tlhe Congressional reception Thou shalt not grumble at thy j at the whlte house- whe" of , the guests were jrone. the presi- Thou shalt not object to button-' nt ;,anced vi,th Mis,s Mabtel ing my rowns nay, even if they , JJJman. and last n.ght at the ie 500-button dresses D?ew reception to the state Thou shalt not covet the sweet i ltors h e Resident looked .t va. vl J Baaaawv&w aw th r.g green wereamng mo.-t j)verfu! men in the state. w is ordered before he improved landed. He has preached in the ; not rarpfullv an.1 an.i a number of those who ent-' 7 K. , ! T-7 V "u,uu" U1 lV uui ! stroyed, the house is apt to be- ered the federal prison in Allan- on talks about these cases he; failed to secure the good willofjcome infected anJ members of ta ;ts the result of Mr. Helton's activities did not enter until ev-.a' lon iiugns. mere was a big scare tne uencons. icuonaia was ! the family take the disease revenue ottn-ers tnose , Drougnt in irom boutn Carolina i ivi,,.,,; ,.,m,M C' J J. , i. mi a.1 l?a. a.l. t ii i'. s. ixiviit t'l with ii- ! iiti li r ikjiuil i nrrn v . it 1 1 j: ery rtsour.'e known to bnilitnt' . ' : ; ,wui, anaomer parsons move attune s had been exhausted. t0 P" u ! X , Tx "a , "L - I into the house- 3me f them are Soma of the cases, which are not J ' jou had all the money Crawford last week which u faid i verv aptt0 take thy disea38 un. included in the foreg ,in- ho v- ! collected m fines a"d a!1 thei to cta,n threat3 hat d're 'thinfJ I less the house is thoroughly ever, have been in the courts 1' t0 v0. vou j wou d happen unless ; McDonald ; cieaned and disinfected, particu- from the day the present district " 'ulu ijjr kuCI.;.,. "'"caa t 'arly the floors and walls. Mrs. Frederick L. Douglas, of!Widow" Uz' the u"st 'attorney got his appointment. !y a bng as Methuselah enjoyed ; Crawford threaten McDonald be-, Dirt, dampness and darkness Maonn P.a recently attracted irom UP iew io maie wcrei ..,..,....,. i nen u you nau ine exper-f iore me snooung. it is saia are thrW of the mnst a(.HvJ , , j u.. u. vrie iuu inustsiutju jru ieK4 i' : it (i j l l a r .. " attention by the unusual features ."'" l . aT ' 4 1 , ttles ever wal in the state : Jt,'.e.:m .'tUKC aiIU uppur": . . ,"lwturui ,uwltre lies of the tuberculosis germ. On ... nnmr 111. iti.t rn r i 'i riii ri it rr urn i: ' - - .unir ... VUlHl are three of the most active al- . .1 : X a connu Dial contract existing r . " , 7 . , or the oonntrv for that matter witn .miss rauiuing. me niece oi; , ; Senator Depew. ! " , ;.,,' r, ,V ' existence, The reception quickly turned "TV ' r u ! When you hear folks talking . i l. n . i aim ii t.. iilivci sun u iBiicvmtr. t want an automobile; she agreed ; a uance unuer u e ..pp, . ,hwi: itnnuenceoi me -president, ana " 7- - . . -? i,,, ru between her and her husband She promised to live within her ihjisband's allowance, and not to ifiea toohserve human nsfiirp i that McDonald would rpver Li . .1 i . . ineotner nana, sunsnine. n.ire lt i . 1 . L aI .1 ' I you wouiu nor nave to eice out an i prfavti anuuier sermon mere. McDonald in fact declares that Tizi.re?, ghjisading to soon everybody that could, was ; dancing. President Taft en joyed it so much that after re maining a wall flower while he. got his breath again, he took a Kwo novels a week; she gave Sir word to pursue serious study under her husband's direction; jsh-e consented not to gad and shop about every day in the week; not to play bridge more than three times in seven days; not to imitate actresses in ettireor manner, and not to threaten toof Athe vi.siti"R o home to man a more than once a month. j first time each They appealed. got ten years. A seem 1 trial about. HEED THE WARNING. resulted in seven years for Breeze and two for Dickerson, Many Maunl Airy Paopla Hava Dona Sa. second turn at the sport and:ho taken his medicinr.. when the kidneys are sick they danced another wait? with Missi I5m'se K,ot.two. yLear at th re igive unmistakable warnings that McArthur. the daugh ter of one cent tna,.l" Asheville and the j should not be ignored By ex- air and cleanliness are its great- est'enpmies. It is hicrh'v rlnaim- he saw the fate of Crawford at : ye for reason that you keep 1 ci ft!1;- clii lii.il" Oltlcer McKnight soon had the ' constantly remove from it dust suspected negro located and and dirt. Ever)' roomfchould have landed him behind bars. It .3 j a thorough spring and fall house said that the people in the com- j cleaning each vear. Rooms j about "Holton's record." vou 'the window just before he fjred Already clever musicians are '"""e circuit court oi appeals in ""f'f ";"" 5 the president ; WJIRI.hn-.dln MV. . ! "ZVte saved. Sick kidneys I .l.JL JrJll Li , k ;!! i, I Newspaper readers are familar j ex pel a dark, ill-smelling urine, w...,, -fs , . . t. .... rtr o v CnK ntrU fill nf "hup L'.l 11 at ' ' cm hmpnf of Rockingham county, charged and painful in passage Slug with connection in the specula-1 rjTV'Sfe!? tion of MOU.lHX) in eovernment U;,,.. on., ReidHville Feh. 11. -Several Vru.A . V. c...-. AMnh pountv. found a turkev .."" :, ' ...V " . " , nai m iwi. opnn-nngs ana xretiuenuy rneumacisra .... ------ - i iarmers inrougnout mis section hlg Profit From One Turkey Egp. j for the president, but also being Asbeboro Courier. j danced by him. Master Howard Parrish, son t Nipht-RldersTn Rocklnfham. of William Parrish, of Cox, Ran- g in the woods last spring. ; n,vp rV(H nnil lftsf. ' n " ! tw KMbmK( rlPtu -- r vi a ia uri.sun. uul iiu was iour i . v w - - w. munity are rather afraid of Craw ford and gave Mi. McDonald a free hand in the matter of arrest- which have been occupied by consumptives frequently become infected with the germs. Such ing him. not being desirous to. rooms should never be used with share the glory, The injured man wa3 not hurt, one of the bullets striking his watch. This probabiy saved his life, as otherwise the ball might have penetrated his stomach. Boone Memorial Exercises on April 30. to he HeU out having b-M?n previously disin fected. Remember that the most active agent for spreading tu berculosis is the spit of the con sumptive. If this is thoroughly burned or destroyed at onoe there is little danger of infection. If the body is weakened by which he carried home and put jcar(,3 threatenini, dmi3 of vio-I ' irLinir under a setting hen When the ,ence similar to the outraire of j . J. hen came off with her brood of chicks he gave the turkey egg, with other eggs, to another hen. At the end of the week, which made the fourth week, the tur- the night-riders in Kentucky unless they pool their tobacco in I the dry prizeries and stop the practice of disposing of the pro duct on the warehouse floors. toy was hatched. The hen left j The warnings have been issued i her nest and raised the turkey. ! Mng Uh, gevera, day , an(j The boy sold the turkey for $2.20 dr(irts to ascertain the author-' aiiKl with the money bought a ; shj have A number of : t l Lexington. Feb. 9. -The com-! overworK-or D' aissipation. or memorative exercises to be held I by excesses of any kind, the in- hv the Daniel Boone Memorial ! dividual 13 more apt to contract i.m. . i. a.. i .:. .i it l . i there. The case I s 77; 1 '" Association are set for April o0. " ne eV v.v.v.. iiiv nnrl nil the hlrwwl rf uric K u: t i j u i .. .a reeditferent times ! f vm. r f May I, a hundred and fortyone being in the su, I of the above symtoms you can! years ago, Uoone started for 'T perfnS "vmg Pror preme court of the United States, use no better remedy. ; Kentucky to explore that country, uie Nvnen miectea inniuentiyget T..M. Anglo was convicted in the , Mount Airy people recommend ;and it is deemed fitting that this'over tfJe, d,scase 80 Quickly and . Donn klfinev Pills. . . .. , t ...... .ri-i resim:v thaf lK.i; A n.t man same case, receiving a year s ; , i . " ;"ia v i ceieoration oe aoout mat aate. ; v ' . . . . .. . .. t . .! 1, lUfltltaiH, IHillll t .... , . jail sentence. lie got out a year ; t Mt Airv N C savs- "I i governor Kitcnen. senator uver gue one cf these and a half ago. suffered for some time from a ! man, Congressman Page and pijr. tie latteneu tne pig and !d it yesterday to Mr. Frank Dei k for $19.20 cash. Mr. Par rish had no turkeys and it was thought that the egg was from a wild turkey. Burglar To Die In Chair. ( Kewbern. Feb. 12. Jesse Whitehead, colored, charged with i burglarizing a number of houses months, and in whose house about oririnatecl by some practical 4S0O worth of loot was found a ker or by so Jrank and that a0b -o, .,! n,ta ' the issuance of the warnings is ICW uaj out vi 0.0 tiuo ui iwi iivv'n . found guilty of burglary in the i first degree,- and sentenced by ' Judge Peebles to be electrocuted on weii-KnowniarrrersiounaiacKeu,,iri u- ,i,;ronf ,.uaM ; tua up on the Fides of their barns R,n ard a fine of $-w ) or thrte circulars of a threatening nature. morUl- ; in jail and a fine and while others received individual .ost a,r..ii:i,t;ng to S25.0O-J He postcards. None of the farmers, stlKii(i (f-. t.r ,he mattc-r and de so far as we have been able 1UW on :,e short serltence antl aertau., are mcuneu io iaKe me l)Ug t;ful It is said . that Arey kill Vttin .vunj U'KI IHVJ 'a'-' iiv. JiyfJJ I know that they have had it. People who are addicted to the use of alcohol in any form are more likely to get tuberculosis than others. From a bulletin, a ir . i: .. ii t ...i. ui-miiwihi , , i , .. i i . ,. iv.ir f ri i hps l nnimi iw and caused me much annoyance. ; sectioi., ana oia time nasKet pic- Vf 1MT ' When I was advised to try lean's !nic will be enjoyed, a barbecue f ropoluan Life Insurance Kidney Pills. 1 procured a box at a id lishfrv. There will be (lis- Lom.uny of Isevv ork. the Ashcratt Diw Co notUw I). L. Arev, a Salisbury liquor dull pain across the small of my ; Judge Pritchard are among not man. pleaded guilt v of defraud- ,lokj due t0 '-rdered kidneys. al !e sp..ai-erg invited. The dav ing the government and S" will be made a holiday for this .... , . . ;KmtM im (jcia.-itKu unu uiniaiuiai, . . ., . . . anticivate that anything serious will result. The general opinion is that the whole affair was either not the result of any organized plot. count ed Kh -: -a.!. and tlie iJV t M livr rnhin now fin- i... e , ' " S'ltisfactory. The pm in my ; a'' " . ,. ' Nrlh Carolina. Surry County. b:ckdisanneared. and mv kid- curios oeionging 10 uie i.oor.e . t.. i-atu-raon. fcW. r.vs were strengthened. I am period. The association's cabin ving in the R nvan fc'!ad to add my name to the list and grounds are 12 ot miles You art' hwby saio iiiinle tv J. l.. When he was turn- V.1 , ) f! , ... mis. lie was unven in a car- Wnr siile hv all ile;ilfr.4. Priee riage drawn by four horses and 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., a reception was tendered him lhxu s Kidney Salisbury and the same from Lex ington. notitiinl that at a 1 onncii tax colloc- Airy. on May flm . tor ffr the town of Mt. ;!. 1;" ut the court houe door at I toi son. I Ix-canu' tho purchaser of the fol- An Httai k of the trriii is ofti-n follow- liufl'alo, New York, Hole agents el tv a persistent c(;ukii, whi-h to many That was four years ago. The supreme court of the Uni ted States recently upheld the lower court in the case of the The promoters of the dry pri- Nick Williams Whiskey Company for the United States. Remember the name- and take no other. ' provi-8 a irrut annoyance, . I irt-in'c win's 'ouh Kt-mrdy has been Oiamuer- exien- gMKl sucet'.ss lor lowie.i; (it-HrribcHi rial estate in saul County and State towit: A lot of land on the enst side of church Btrrct in the town of Mt. Airy, u (joining the iard of A G. Ilowniiin, John Nicholmui an-.! othe'ii. 1 rat the tax a.-sos.n-U airninst tne Nolle. Having qualified as ' Kxecutor of the estate of M. G. Harhour, Ue;., this i.t sivflv used hn i with ' the relief and cure of this cough. M:iny said lot was in the name ot" W. E. I'at- CS.S4.S have been cured after all other terson and that the time forrvdemptior. remedies ta 1 faile i. Sold by (Jwyn ' of said land will expire May 3, 1910. Drugstore. This Feb. 10, 1J1U. II. Schaf.r. 0 ..vw. 1 . . tfi estate 01 ai. vj. Mainour, ic?., mis v. Anril 29. Whitehead waai zenes nave always protested a- i -m whith a rtne of $5 ,000 was im- to notify all persons having claims a " . , ' a. . a: a.. J.J C . a . .. : 1 1. caught by the clever work lZZuTl aST The cost will bring the ; Z or thecity police, and at first ad- i V10lence or unlawtul methoU to amount up t0 $14 000 which this . before the 1st day of Feb. inn. or this i l-i. il .:. i ai . mitted his guilt to the officers, I V" a,n,S, aim ine but afterwards denied it. Thel(fcer8 nd. all connected with court assigned counsel to him ithe socmt.on declaim any con but the evidence was very strong noctlon whatever with the warn aainst him. He will be the first j ,ngs lssucJ '"this section, from this county to be electro- j uGripi iainthr; perv.de the en- CUted Under the new law. 1 tire sysU-m, LaUripp coughs that rack and strain, are quickly cured by rol- company will have to pay. ELECTRIC OUTERS THK BEST POB BIUOl'SN'KNl ANDalCNEtS. ey'a Honey and Tar. Is mildly laxa tive, safe and certain in result. Sold by all dmg-g iats. notice will be plead in bar of their re roverv. All iK-nuinn indebtod to said In Voint of interest the Samuels estate will please make immediate and Davis cases perhaps hold the ; nf "b. 1, 1910. j 3 Harlur, Exec. Hara Caugha, StuHy Coida, Do you know thai croup can be pre venteIT Give Chamberlain's Cough uain in chest ami aore lunirs. are gvmi) toms that quickly develop into a dan- j Kemedy aa soon as the child becomes ferous i'.'i-iess if the cold is not cured. ' horse or even after the croupy cough olty's Honey and Tar stops the cough ( appears and it will prevent the attack, heals and eaes the congested parts, j It is also a certain cure for croup and and brirgs quick relief. Sold by all i ha never been known to fail Sold by druggists j Gwyn Druff Store. FOR 5ALE Extra fine Guernsey bull 18 months old. Dam gave 5 gallons 5 per ct. butter fat milk per day. Finest breeding the Island has sent out. Price $125. JOHN A. YOUNG. Greensboro Nurseries, Grensboro,lST. C.