i 'i it 4 h MO UNI AIR Y, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1011 NO. 4 Blotting Out. "Good morning, Graham," said Air. Linn, president of the Han over Trust Company, a a pleasant-faced young man entered hi private of fire. "Thin note which I found with my morning mail nay that yon wish to see me alone for a few minute." "I do, sir." There wa.t a moment's hesita tion, then followed a full, con trite confession, given without puliation or seIfgiitification, of the other speaker. "That is why God's method of doing it w ho comforting," the second lady went on. "As you said,' continued the first, 'by His thick cloud he blots out the mountain of our sins from all eyes, ever our own.' "And the cloud itself in h thing of beauty, radiant with God's love,' added the second. "I thiank you more than I can tell,' went on the first speaker 'and I shall never forget.' I did not, forget either; I , ... - , -1 ... .. of bookkeeping, difficult detw.!wKnB m()rn hni tton, but leading later to losr WM tw miK.h ft-f ft of money flm reputation , i,,. wh , f As the ale ended Mr. Lnrn , npVf;p , knoiril " v. 4 u,, w.v. .. gwtrt jfr. I pale, lace. jwo saa nui onm eyes met the look steadily. "Of course, you understand liinn. "I wanted to that this statement nwshitates vour discharge f" . Mr. Linn cotisiuereo a mo-; merit. Something idiout the j young fellow's fare and bearing! made him hesitate to act too1 quickly. ! "This is Wednesday, and thej List of the quarter," he said, presently. "Vou must stay till; Saturday and help us out. As the Company lias suffered no hann yet, we will not prosecute will the matter, i ou your pay as usual " "0, Mr. Linn, mayn't I work this week without payt I should clean up the record nl I could myself before I asked to have it blottcl out," replied (rraham, in a low tone. There was a brief pause, then he alded humbly: "Mr. Lirm, the lady who spoke those words vn.s your mother and I want so much to thank her. May I have her address so as to write her Without tnovinig Mr. Linn said: "She hes at 121o Ton gross Avenue. Co and see her yourself; she will like that bet ter." There were several moments sil'Mice; then Mr. ' We have never tak en discharged men back " "Of course not," interrupted Prospects For Tobacco Crop For 1911. Southern Tobacco Jounwil, Win Aton. The Department of Agricul ture of the United Htat.es Gov ernment ha so perfeettnl its syHtem of crop reports, from year to year, tltfit there is now t, reasonijble degree of accuracy in the estimate of acreage arwl porfdition an given out by them periodically. lieeognizing thin fact the fol lowing figures ami estimates based on the report for th period ending .luly 1st, will doubt iess be of intercut ami val ue to the tobacco trade. Kep rts show the shortage of the Old Belt section of Virginia and North Carolina aggregate "l,".;7 acres ($ per cent) with condition f' against HO last year, so with favorable seasons tl " loss of pounds to this terri tory will be poi nds. The Another Appeal to Be Made For Stripling. Atlanta, Oa., Aug. 1. In the next we"k or o lawyers for Kd gar Stripling will make another appeal for executive leniency for their client, who w now serv ing hi lif sentence in the Georgia penitentiary for the murder of W. J. Comett, fifteen years, a few months before he made his ecap from prison and went to Danville, Vs., where he bi-came Chief of Police. It in the belief of hin lawyers tfcat Governor Smith will be more inclined to look with favor on the petition than was KLs pre decessor, Governor l5rown, who turned it down after the prison commission had parsed favorably upon the application. The fact that the prison commission had seen fit to recommend a pardon on account of Striplings good record as a citizen since his es cape will day, they believe, a strong part in anv action that TRUST GETS ITS ORDERS niMFiib ""',""" ijuvernor rinnti may tauc estimated acreage Afry ir, lU'nnl F)nrli.:itn Court Tells Tobacco Company How It Mast Dissolve. New York, Aug. 3. Tlie Unit ed State s circuit court, under whoe direction tlie American Tobacco Company will work out its dissolution, handed down this afternoon on the mandate of the Kederal Supreme Court, an order outlining conditions un der which the company may per fect plans for dissolving. A clause in the order enjoins the defendant from doing any act which may further enlarge and extend the power of the combi nation prior to its disintegration. The order wa handed down by Judges IaComb, Ward and N'oye, sfollowing a conference! held with Attorney General Wickcrsham, United State Dis trict Attorney Wise, counsel for the American Tobacco Corn pan v, the British-American To ll... i .1. . r'. -4 i Sister1 KIM J:i HMU Hie l;miel TVV,"' t complete Linn said : m t i I he so gial to, came xne eager i fl m 1 1 ,1 rn , holding aPPf'A1- ,. , , 'erect, than ever. "No," Mr. Linn replied, sb.w-, Mr Mni, .(1 ft ly. "Vou will need it later . r,.prat(M! . "We have A wave ot nor m.mmi u.x e , f,n (iH).n . ni(.ii );, firaham s face, hut lie respond-1 ()(, paf,(.f ed pleasantly: "As you wish. ! ,..,iru i,,,,, Mr. Linn," and left the room. Four weeks liter, after cross ing a crowded thoroughfare, Graham found himself unexpect edly face to face with Mr. Linn, who responded cordially to his , Jr 4-.,1f. himself more little, and never tak- Membership of House is Increas ed To 433. Washington, Aug. 3. Iicaring an initiative and referendum feature to safeguard against gerrjTOanderirifr in a number of States, the congressional reap portionment bill passed the Sen ate today. It fixe the future House membership' at 433 with two more when Arizona and New Mexico attain statehood stead of the present 391. There were not even the formality of a roll call on the final vote. Two amcindmcnts, both offered by Senator Durtoti. of Ohio, were attached to the House measure and on these a conference with the Houhc will lie hold all that stand in the way of F'rewident Taft's approval of the bill, which is to take effect March 4, 1913. The increase in the member ship of tire House will mean an added expense to the country of approximately $-100,0)0 a year. Tiie salaries of the 42 new mem- i ters win aggregate as.iD.issj. li i i-o fit 1 j i tj vn j ' . ioi ii ll ill iin i i. nr. H t Kl i. iflir ir.g a siHirrage oi .), acres (.iillin,Ni to have been committal. j J"" J"" "l rtl,llT" " '- clerk at 1 f 0 which will add with conditions (;.') against 74 J WaJI j the citv last week. hiuI 'ace'. ( ompany were submitted iiyim) t( th tfrf m:Um in Xorth and South Carolina i.s!f,f Sfrinliinr nnd the woman nni'!?;,r Stores Company ... per cent of -last year. mak-!wliose account, the killing is . 1 rcimuimry j.ians oi rue HH-;Kaph , r. a tli..r r.. i.f "w 1 annul I .1. "... 1 4 I I !4 I i 1 fl t'LTa t Wn of tllP Alliepil'.ln Til- 1 .4. ,. l!lln. n-sulting in an estimat-1 mad- two attempts to see Cov in 1 shortage of 4JM,.)(M),(XM) pounds.! Just here it is of interest to' note that Norlh Carolina mad,- a; loss in 1!U0 from 1909 of over' .'!(1.0tti.(M')O jioumfs. j IJejiorts from all over the1 country show that the worlds market will 1h praetieallv the' sarin' as Shortage Ot JlJ.IHlU.tNHJ j There is much sjieculation now j his office, since h enior Smith. Her trouble in getting an audience grew out of the fact that the Legislature is in session, and Governor Smith is very busily occupied with matters of State. The Legislature will ildj-MltTl t 11 in aoout two weeks, now ever, lawyers in the court. The three judgi-a expressed no opinion re garding them, however. After reciting the decree of the .Supreme Court, the court serves notice that it will tie up the company's shipments or an-;. and otner ineideiital exrv'n will still further increase the sum, bringing it to the amount first named. Under this decennial reappor tionment there is to Ikc no re duction, in the membership from uiv State. The average e'ongres- point a receiver as ordered oy . ' 11.. . .....,. ..i i last year, a j.ros-ctive Mu fj,lVernor Smith will be at l'" J-mut u iouh.u, mi.-u.u eo,i-. 17 fMN) rf.at(.r population ' l ' IHHI IH HI Iw.ull.N I. I. r 41... ,l..f . . 4 . I 1(111 to mil' 11 .111 ( irf J I-,", i;.."... n-iiip.i.i. lll't l I V 1 'I T II I" 11 1111 II li I 1 U . I,,., A,.(.A..A i P'an ot dissolution ace 1 t 4 isi'Jiflrged men nack to their among rotiaeco men as to now s. a new one seems to;t baeco will sell the coming sea- work better all around. Murlin I son. Tobacco fanners are of is going to take charge of our; course more interested in this branch in Jefferson nexfr Mon-1 question than buyers, as they da-, and vou mav have bis place i are more lirectlv affectcl. It not to go to December. It is und. i-stoo d that Durham has been given an Washington until! ,K'r ,u'xt- or 81xr-v ,la-vs tlu'n t from if the circuit court should j i grant huch an extension. Leave ,,. : is given counsel to apply for sional district will contain over than , at present, the average district l comprising 211,877 under tb.3 new plan. if you like." Graham gripped a chair near himhad he suddenly lofris tkiA "i n rtfrr pi.ie el' trc ii e has lwen our opinion for some time, arxl we gee no spiiaLvas- ot'.tter this vear uuia Winikd ou "CkkxI morning, Graham. Havejymj jrea,m(,(i cf that position as I for a gowl many years p.-wt. As vou found another place? "No, sir; not yet.. "Have you tried t possible, but only after years of a matter of fact, in tiie lace or service. He looked to see whetli-i two short croj, toba?co would er Mr. Linn was plaving a cruel i have sold high this year, t mnila a avstemat.ic :.1. ii.ot nnnt L. M.npo liiijl been no clLSturoance o.nfl. .t.rrinninrr with all the! mi cr.L-o u .n i.n n-itli nil ueri-ifiP the tillsiriCfiS. On aCCOUtlt of gagement. and will return to!mor" speeitic direct joiw in thus Atlanta this week to see Cover- regard and also to any part to nor Smith about the matter. I aPP'v' from time to time for re- -. i i.i t ill. wj ri i li tv i ii ir ti t n 1 n ! jstnriiuitf s iiea tn nas necn i 11 ,uaJ iL r- He sowd it l:i.st fall seed. . He sold '$42 k i yptry j.'-- tLa- "ill ",.1, it hap 4iA OI Hie J'auu JiK for his liberation. The appli cation will be bitterly fought, as was the case at the first hearing. Something About Crops in Ca tawba County. Newton KnterpX-e. Mr. James y lee havthe, "Temling the dissolution of the combination," the decree reads, "and the recreation of a new coihlition honestly in har- banking houses, and then trying ousnesw: "I meant what I said. for any honest work anywhere, jf you wish Murlin s place you may have it. Perhaps you had "What, are vou croing to do 7 "If I cam not find a place, by Saturday, I think I shall try the counttry. Farmers are so glad to get help that they are not so particular about refer ences, and five or six months of out door life will doubtless be good for me." "Do you need more money to get you there?" Graham flushed hotly as he replied: "No thank you., Mr. Tinn. I have still th?. last 's pay intact. Mr. Linn wondered at his ap pearance, for their was in his bearing nothing of the guilty culprit, or of the disheartened, unsuccessful seeker for work still less any air of bravado or concealment. "Would yon mind telling me why you confessed your wrong doing Graham! You might nev er have been found out, and you must have known that this or worse would follow." "The previous Sunday evening I was passing the Asbury church while they were singing one of the hymns I used to like, and I went up on the porch to hear better. It must nave been tne last one, for the people began to come out as soon as it ended. I moved into the deep shadow of some big pillars just as two ladies came to that part of the porch to talk." "That was a beautiful thought of yours, said one. Our human blots are always so black and dark, and never can be remov ed without leaving some trace of their blacskness and the in jury they have done. "Our biota are the results of our imperfection and weakness, but God's are the overflow of His love.' replied the other. "When we want to cancel i some llir . ll I '4. 4 .4 .' .j , - '' 1...4 ... ...... ii.. witor otlanta. WHVB, LIUl- nr u.-uaii. iu' 4, worse than before with heavy black marks or several lines. Or if we try erasures of any sort, they can not bear the test of a magnifying glass, or escape de tection in some other way,' said legislation and law suits. Jt may be that the American and Irnrwrial companies will proceed better go to his room now; he I to buy, as if nothing had happen- will be clad to explain the work: ed. In fact these combines are one else, in past month, The Looting of Lawrence, Mass Hie h mond T im -s-D is pa tch . Iiawrence is one of the largest iamr onioined from doing any act which might further extend and if he, or any quires alout this A.. II I.! 4 .nl. " It'll nun w two. IUC. Still dazed and speechless, Graham took several steps. Then, suddenly recovering himself, he said: "It must not take the place" he caught his breath, it was so hard to curt himself adrift again. " When men asked me questions I had to tell the truth people will know it will hurt the company's reputation and you, yours.' A gratified expression came over Mr. Luins face. "That w our businesH our risk," he an swered quietly. "Mr. Linn, "Graham began as soon as he could speak, his face aglow with gratitude and ear nestness, "there was one other thing your mother said that might you will understand why I did not mention it before. It was that once in a while a per son was found who had so much of God and his love in his heart that he could forgive in God's generous blotting-out way did not believe it then, but now I know I have proof that she is right." Zion's Herald. Orr Ends His Journey. New York, Aug. 5. Frank On ended here this afternoon a 1,- (XX) mile walk from Atlanta Ga., begun on June u for a wager without already buying on the markets which have opened up in the South and we are of the opin ion that matters will be so ar ranged that they will continue purchasing tobacco as usual. From reports received last week prices on opening sales were at least fifty per cent higher than they were last year. It has len stated by those who know that the quality is not so good as last- season. If these prices should continue bright tobacco wiU Hell high, and we believe that the average on the entire crop will be bette than they have leen for some years. Ul course as we indicated above a great deal depends upon conditions In this connection we would warn tobacco farmers to market their tobacco in good condition. Don't rush it to market too fast. Handle it carefully, and see that it does not damage Beaten and Shot Raleigh, Aug. 6. "With blood streaming from two deep gashes in his head and from a dozen shot wounds in his back, John Hatcher, colored, appealed to a policeman this morning to take him where he could have medi cal attention, ne said J. H Council and his son, Swaney Council, farmers near Raleigh, met him in the road and beat him up and then shot him as he ran because he had stayed out cities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Hy the last Un ited States census it had a popu lation of 85,802 last year, an in crease of more than 37 per cent durinc the last decade. It is situated within 30 miles of Bos ton, has been regared as one of. the show places or tne old uay State, distinguished for the in dustry of its inhabitants and the strength of its administra tion. A strange thing has hap pened. M. T. White, former mayor of the town, wno was compelled to resign his office not long ago, and who until re cently was one of the most re spected citizens of the commun ity, now occupies a ecu in jau, his former secretary has, plead ed guilty to an indictment lor bribery; the fire marshal, and one of the aldermen are in pns- on. cnargea wuu Bu-muig plants fnm it and V it in tomatoes, lie r.-tti'inr from o to mony with the law, all the de- nj for his tomat fendants, their agents and ser-jnaw heen sold in N vants are hereby constrained som., ; Asheville. II got his returns from the shiiments to Asheville, l' or enlarge the power of the combination by any means or de- whatsoever.' vice Counsel in the case regard the decree as enjoining the United Cigar Stores Company and the other defendants from, extend ing their business by the open ing of new stores or by con tracting for unusually large quantities of supplies during the life of the American Tobacco Company. Cocaine Evil on Increase. Greensboro. Aug. 6. Twenty- five men and women, nearly all negroes, were convicted in muni cipal court during the month of Jnlv for retailing cocaine. This statement crives some idea of the magnitude of the business that is frobie on in Greensboro and bribery ; a number of the other other towns of the South among members of the city government are under indictment for the same offenses; the town is bank rupt and the present mayor has been compelled to go to the Governor and the general court, asking for a loan of $5qp000 for ten years to enable the city to go on with its affairs. Hundreds of the city employes have been discharged; the June bills have not been paid; there ifi no mon ey in the public treasury to rieet future obligations the; testimony that has been taken shows that there has been steal ing right and left; that fn or ganized band of thieves has been robbing the city in every pos- rP f.fYi IX a ct artful money or matches, pushed a 'longer than they thought he sible way; that Um stealing has vheeibarrow before him the en-j ought to with their horse and been going on for years and tire wav and was not allowed j buggy in making a trip to Hal-1 that popular government m Daw- to ask for food or money on the j igi rip. j lie says the lamer Orr visited the city hall and i him with his gun whih left for Mayor Gaynor a letter knocked him out of the buggy things ie mistake in writing or print- j Jf' the mayor of Charlotte, N.jand , we blot it out in different V- I"1.1 U, a trantie ..i . i tnr A 1 1 .i n t u vn seven iliVS nl.l 11 , t ! a Iiea rener has failed. covered i It is a disgraceful the lower class of negroes. Here it is found that users and sell era of cocaine are an absolutely worthless class; sniffers of the drug make up at least two thirds of the criminal docket The rapidity with which the number of users is growing is also alarming and unless speedy and heroic efforts are brought to bear the drug will become greater menace to the negro race than whiskey has ever been The effects are so much more permanent than that of whiskey Tine center of trouble is the lniT stores and they are hard er to reach. It is known that several drug stores here engage i in the business of selling to ne groes and refilling prescriptions time after time, but it is hard to get evidence that will eon- tJie authorities I t,.!-' - 1 tl brea da.vuL 'a irrppi . .. . Ml thinks his tomatoe crop win jieit almut $200. He will give us " ing half-acre in a few day The ditching of Clark' has been at a most opporutne ime. in view of the severe drought that is having such ft disastrous effect on upland corn. The Clark '8 creek bottom corn is growing right through the 1 4 n4l w chvnrinry nA TiPtil of rain. Some land owners have not yet cleared up their bottoms, but it is W Cnr"' predict that about all the v tC? 1 land wili, be made read .t corn next year. Upland ..as been doing so well in corn for many years ma bottoms have not been at muh of a premium. But this year will give a great impulse to the drainage movement started in Catawba county. Orr visited the city hall and i him with his gun while the sen things; but UlUl " " " - .1 1 . L . 4- m M.-k T'l.l'lf ifi f T II A I Q 1? U-.i U: r.nalK' ' r..i in ..VOfV COmmUllltV lVflvrt Sinn 5 lIloL ill v. 4r..4.w..K w.c .4... nriri iiphi. iii ii it a iuab "it ttnto of ! vict. However, me auinormes .t. 1 1 4 4U I4. a s.int ofi keen nam ai ine ,...1, .V - - ., ...... .1 J that can be counted up-! eventually tne two or inrce unBj,.d &wav." Wiley Black Goes Back to th Chaingang. Asheville. Aug. 5 Wiley Tilaek. whose pardon was wTvok- ed by Governor Kitchkp ThiiiTS day and who was takn into cus tody yesterday, wai retained' in jail until today at 10 o'clock, when he was informed that he was to be taken to Captain Luther's cmap in the Leicester section. Black , was downheart ed at the announcement. He. felt all along that some way would be provided whereby he would escape the chaingang. But thexe was no way. The revoking of the pardon 'by the Governor end .d all controversy and Black to day went to the roads. While depressed at the outset he re ived and before leaving for the nut oti a hoM front and 1 i miiu worn aim ...... , ,11 : i.tart. PlIHlVli 'lA oui- tri i.rt . - son took the gun from the , the respectables a now If ivn. seven ilivs aU ..mn an stnick him twice 1 rabble to run its affairs. - " " - - - - - if i 1( iilUlt -" - - I of hi schwlideil time of;0ver the head with the butt of;tirst thing lor me j,a n o. t 4 days. jit before shooting him. Hateh- pi to do is to send the tnieves ' jer's wounds are serioues, but j and grafters and briars to jail. There is no suKstitute for thor-1 not considered dangerous. He' and after that to take a more outgoing, ardent and sincere: had been working for the Coun-J jeabus interest in the business . . 4 i .V,- the will te entangi.Hi in ine mesnes ... glla yor jc nr.1. a 4 1. 1 ... ' - J l ne ; oi i nr u" . A ceirt a iouml, a $20 f amestness. Dickens. icils-for a month. of government. A well known I Motnes woman hki ,........ , after suffering miserably for two ( in ear-Uwd lots at hanas days from bowel complaint, waa cur-, jj0 f jujv 24th. This is the hi ed by one dose of Charaberlain a j . pw rribd at UcC!l0lZL1)lT Reme !KanL City Hay Exchange dy. For sale by 11 dealers. t TV.,