?!i1lf i( ' -My VOL. XXX J I MOUXl AIRY, JYORTll CAROLINA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1911 XO. G I A REVIEW OF CONGRESS controversy between Mr. Under- CONGRESS COSTS wood ami William JeninTuigs Pry- Borne Notable Legislation Was Jim. Mr. Pryau was aroused he- Session Lasted Four Months and Achieved At This Session. cause of failure of the House i Cost $2,000,000. I i .. . i .. i : . ; a. i : .. Washington, Aug. LU CWiia,KUH 10 " ri,,ue m ts wnnl Wash ingtxm, Auk. 19. Though gross will adjourn before Tucs-pngrm aC me m 1. e rev.- uljounmiont of Qongrvm, day night-possibly tomorrow, " of the iron a,.id st ,el ached- ( h wag ud tod uuj and the most strenuous session I "! attacked Mr I n. er- wt IUlt,.rializ all th,lt of recent years will jklss into po-,l tins ground but the b.t-! IWuh1 iu t,lfi of The rest is a matter eheifly of effort on the part of the Demo- tllC i aa i. . 1 it. litical history. The net results t k - ... crete legislation is now dae. of the .session, in euinpari-i comm. .-. -c m ... t..r ....... o with the ambitious program ter was made an issue on the adopted at the outset, were not 'floor of the House. 1 a. l. - ........ -..... , .. 4 1 large. uuriuK ,ue KUUin,V wlui to hotter their record in the way Canadian reciprocity wW ways and means committee was f rofonUH f the Upiff brought as near reality as the at work on an iron and steel re- j T(m;(V th, ha hul executive and legislative depart-i visum plan but it remained "r, joup 10nlh1 n d Went eould advance it; state-; the Senate to act utn this ache- L,,,, ,ulj approxiniat(, v liood was assured for New .Mexi- umo. nun me acquiescence i o(X,00. Kxcent f,r the cottor .o and Arizona; campaign iub- louse leaders, the Senate f"'K-jbLll, LtJi the elaborate provlsicT )tton co ana Arizona : cuaupaiu -v , - 1,1 Wtf t tie elaborate nrovisu;n lieity legislation wa enact. d in -1 an inm and s eel Ih-.lnle of t,M, M ,,i(.h u a form satisfactory to its mt upon the ett.n bill It will be' vi (.arpv fts H nHfl ft 1(.LS,ni earned a.im-ates; proision was r.-eoneMrred in by the lions.. tj-!wip1 t( j Vtt, by 1n.s;,L.ait made for an eidargcd House of mon-.w. reganlless ct the d.-ath j T.lft) t,1( mhiU, s.otf4 it( t,, Kepn-M-Jitativt-s l.as,-d upon the it is certain to meet when it ssun (..U1 eompld.lv laid last census, and u lew other rean.es n.e ime n... - ! N-for. the public nmv. Of laws Leyns ative dyeks t Uutl. Im .ses CIU1,.t,,,, !lt.. are of gf.ri4.n)1 jm. Irive been cleared except 'or portance sMspuMiiMn 'l me eoTinn t'iiiii revii' n bill and the bill to ter- miuor importance. measibres of were passed. A i)em;eratie House, the ii" since If!.."), seiel upon this s s sion as a Vehicle to convey to mmat the country the ievs 01 the Democracy on the subject of tariff rcisioJi, but executive dis approval rendereil futile all el forts to impress those views up cin the statute books. Two tariff bills, one materially ( 'aiiiullan reciprocity. ( 'iill'''l-esii(iii:il n-iiiitMki't ijnitn o.t li.e iiMio.-al m netary! ,,.,. -rnot practices act. 's""- . , . j Abr.lil.si,,; national monetarv , ,,en the spec:,! s-sun eon-L.,.,,,,,,,,, ,, IH.Mllirii.ff fiiuil ' -M"- . ii-uv- "i- r,. port bv . amiarv 8. Modified Arion stat ehMd. ' 'I eoiirst limi, wlio were the chief guiles of the Democratic side. In the lat days of the session the iiwurgentu were deprived of their ixirtnemhip with Uie Deino eraU in ah a ring the acinate'a control. Siiuitor 1'enrone and half a dozen regular Kepublicans withheld their votes ami gave the mi aided a majority. In thia way the Demoerata, witli a ma jority of both houses, were left to pass such tariff bills as they wished, the standpatters resting secure in their knowb-dge that tht President would veto the re sulting legwlation. Universal regret was express ed by real Democratic senators today that Senator John Sharp Williams ami six others left their party when the cotton bill was up Thursday nnd voted to pro tect the sugar trust. There was not much surprise at the action of Senators Fowter and Thornton, of Louisiana, because they come from a sii'jjar growing section of the country. It is true that John Sharp's state is 'nearby, but he has been so violent in his WHITE SLAVE TRAFFICKER SENTENCED. ANKLETS COMING INTO FASHION Worst Case Ever Tried in David- J Society Women Wear Them and son County Ends With Convic-j Jev.'elers Hope the Fad Will tion and the Maximum Pen-1 Grow. alty. Lexington, Aug. II). Jmlge Daniels this afternoon sentenced New York Dispatch to Haltrmore Sun. No fs)u iari 't lovSnir n ti 1 !n Charles A. Noel, the young man Tl . , - ,. . . , . 1 1 1 . 1 e a I hat gb am of go d al jeweU wlio has Ix-en on trial for two . " J days in Davidson Superior court Just above her dapper little pump on the charge of atnluction, tl's "'' where it belongs. Her 1.") years at liard labor in the j own dainty luuids, or those of state's prison. In doing so the;lir .t..w ...... 1 iiiKU'i, ifciifi 1 l n ni 11. 1. 1 it" judge took occasion ta deliver a fine lecture to the large crow I that overfilled the courtroom, saying that it was hardly con ceivable that a creature could live in this eountrv who would contours ( f the bbuek silk stock ing, for that's the phice it was nwule for. Anklets are coming inrto fash ion. Already thev flash over th ':n,ied by the 1 i!ii "Ta t i- ways ami means committee and this body made the commiU -e ass'gn lilelits. The Jiev SVstem elilll lUlt- at tacks upon any senator members of Congress who did Hot follow the leadersliip of the party, that his friends are won- take youns :Lrls from their waxen floors of town aiul conn- homes to plunge them into lives j try ball rooms, and it won't bo of shame, corrupt the best thi'tg-s long, if one may believe pro that Cr:d has given us in order i phetie jewelers, Iwfore one can to live off their shame j get a glimise of gold a.ml jew Judge Daniels said that in all j els almut my Luly's ankle as she his ractiee he had Tener lieard ', climbs out of her automobile on a case that eontaimd such jtp-;th" al'trnot n sh ij-i:,g ti,-,.r. palling evidence, and lie eharac- Of course ( 'leopati a v.'or them. teried the crime of which N ! Who knows but that particular r c!ianu.s ws VTlstoiMl convicted as bea.st I- and ei.li.i n" iii nt of i prisoner. il'ied resolution ndmitth.g:4i,,ri;isr whv the cil;U11? it honrt. a a,nd New M.-Xico to , Willia-ns was one of the leaders nruial. i urnuig t the Judge Daniels said: "In order to rotect the homes find firesides the law requires tl, i':... t .... i. a i. jl.-isu I one n in '.l Ill.LIIl -iitony throw tlie world way at A.'tium? They still wear ank lets in th1 Ka.st. b-'nind the Ut- redueing the existing duties on e, what was known lor many tj)(, iv,, n'eiproi'itv bill d . I ..II - .... 1 . . ... 1 . . i 1 , tx ! . 1 vio i. : e woo en I'lMM IS ( I .11 M'ars as lie- C..1IU1H vi nit. ponds upon the outcome of in attacking Dcinocra.tie senators the 'tteetivcniess of -,,,..,,,,,,;,. v, '"!for a 7 er cent duty on lumber, n i i i . . ii. . ' t i ..i....... n...i il,i. ,al,. on Sneaker. The committee also : ;., .. . "l" "1" imoeraie the free list articles of maclun-. -hrccted the dcliberatn,,. ot the the stim in ( J .i i.mlc .,l l,v fiirni.-rs Democratic caucus and 1 ramed ,u m: iup appu imy ne consult rs it ail and amend.xl to include many the legislative 7, , : ' , , , , . rux .ui,.Mt,.d ..d ri-id- p , ., , , , W'"" corrupt trusts ever in existence I'rcsideiit latt. lie based bus tiis- Hie iir- LMain ,u1o;t.(i ami i.:ii fraiiichuscs to build bridges across! the irroiii.ils tl.it1 lv adhered to bv the House l.iiic Iim.i nn, s(M..ntitif-! ti! tho di'suur Avooks of the es-! .K.f . i nM,: . . ' J PRESS IS FREE IN MEXICO VIUV J !.- 1.V V'l ally "prepared revision should wait on the. different schedules had list bill, reduction of ttutirs mi brought back to this eoimtrv f rnncd ! . -.t- iul a)jareniiy ne cotusKicrs it an of hcimiM,th' r 1,n:un's l'a! right to vote for a DO per cent .are a.a urgent deficiency appro-:Jutv ou sugar 01l(, of the most ! llM'ltl.'.n l.i I V, 11.. r.....:....: ' it been scientitic-1 ti! the closing weeks of the ses-' yu- jN.t j)(MMu(1 ijh." i' iavt ami tliat tariff ; sion, included action on Canad-, is a nu,JiSupe pormitting dogs ami wait liaitil reirts; tan reciprocity, a farmers f'e other ts when taken abroad to ill! 1 I'll J A. C l-.A..- - - been made by the tariff board."! 1h, wool and cotton schedules, inrtrniitfn'i. tlw tnninriom un t.r th . , . T . i ne House, umler tlie leaMer hhij) of Kepivstnt.-itive 1'iider wood of Alabama, chairman of the ways ami means committee, ami Speaker Chirk, endeavored to pass the bills over the veto but the mvessary two-thirds-wte could iK.t be mustered. Thcs failures to overthrow President Taft's veto messages were a strong lactor in uig for a tli! I consrirunonai nine. free of duty. Newspapers Printing What They Want Nowadays New Ones Like Mushrooms. Ti JiaS Cen-I"-1 " camu ios 1K1 UO lUlie 'uiiu (iuinmi the severest penalty for th'w tiees of harem, but they are not crime." The maximum penalty so common in Europe and they was then passed. .are still rare this side of the At- N'oel received the judge's lee-. htlitie. tucr and the sentence with aj-! It was only a week or two ago parentis- little interest and his that a fair dancer appeared at attorneys, AVnl.se r aiul AValser, j Manhattan Peach with a band filed notice of appeal. of gem-memst -d gold clasping Mrs. Noel did not appear dur-! her open work stockings. She ing the trial, though she wasereated a sensation. Put s ehargtsl with the same offense as swiftly was slie whirletl hither that of her husbamL Her "where-j and tlulhcr to the lively music abouts are unknown. Noel was : of a two-step that onlookers convicted of ome of the worst could not tell whether opals or crimes ever committed in David-: emeralds or rubies had the hon son count v enticing awav from 'or of shining there. little girls, NSmtcrfef m -::t look lag to the election of , ahvad v liav I'nited States Senat'-iN by direct pri-sideiit T vote ci tne peonie. a revision oi 4-TT:.iin.i tan f i s. iv ik- i i 'u maKiiu? gool its nromiseI free-iiara lien? unrse ami ertie' e.msert iL e been killetl bvid-xm d the press and of soettdi I hindley, mere children in short I the Iiitz-0??fiT aft, or which jircia,u as a result now newspapers-dresses. They were induced bv e. a rel.S.on 01 S(lli fA ,,,,.i.f -tlil f.,f Tt,,... ! are tndiliJiiriir n-li it,..-,, ! I N'oi.l liiv icir.. trv u ti I'li-ii.. the eampaigu publicity law and aro lh(. ,11(..LSlm hy wll'i(.k want without waiting for the ! h.tte to a house in a disreputable .-.. n -. on u lur eir.ii-o inv4 : i i.,1w. ,..:. . r .i. . , . rurm.i ..1. ....,., .. : l ... I iiiwt iiiii joi ii oi me lOHlSe I ' o'uiuii oi .1 I'l esidciii. and tbe ilLSUI-L'elit DemiH-r.itie 1 An American newsoaner mi n ! reseiletl tilt coaliti' n d" the senate soue-ht lo i'i that eountrv describes news- their fathers carry out what they coticeivctl to'l'!lPcr conditions in Mexico as vTtk j.rly It the t tne Arizona. While tl; II u: se was success- plans, i ui m carrying out its few of the measures will reach be determining1 the statute books. I lie rcsolu- i . i . i .i - . i . i x ...... . i . i . : ' . icaciei-s to i ring iue session to a n-n rcirtung io popular u.tuuu rr l ,.,Wnwarxl reLskn .f the close and it is not likely that the!" Senators was amended by the ; tariff on the mvessaries of life euate ami was sent to coiiter- ti,,. i,;ii. ,..lt,i , i ,i i ... . . i ne mils ias.sel aiul alremie ve- rclatiiig ti enee, irom winch it cannot ; t(,. 1 . . i . . a i. :.....,-. mi. . . .. - tne eouon revuMtm im lusure. i emerge inu session. iue siaie- L n-l-'rwKd-LsiI'lli't tc Trust investigations, almost IohhI UU was vetoed by Presi-1 due ing custom staxes' without number, wore instituted, dent Taft because the Arizona .liuj wool..,, roods tiuriug tne session ami some 01 eonsuiwuon raunea me rreuu oi , Farmer's' free lust bill grant them notably those bearing up-! the judiciary, but a substitute J fn airPicuitupai biinlejiieuN Congress will be in session to n ceive a like message instructions of the people giv en 111 -last NoVcmlkrrti elect io.n bill re- uirv iiriv ............. 1 . M t- -iiii4ir. ror snt"wore, i loriuna.te ones who saw if a diamord ar.kl t that could ivt be worth bss than $2."),0(KJ. Seme made it $."0.000. Fifth avediue jewelei-s are be gusninAr to sit ur ami take no- crime was committed, finally in tice, for each of the new trink- 1 illy being apprehended m Dan ville, his wfie proving his un doing by buyiikg a ticket from fashion will grow. Lexington to Danville, ami she, The anklet is made in one or was followed there, where the 1 two uM-ecs. icnnlinf t,- tln r. .f. 1 part of the city, where they were next morning by He eluded the of ficers for two months after the follows : "Since the advent of Med ra a dozen new periodicals have been born, and as many more are said to be projected. Lack of advertising doubtless will force many of these youngsters into i capture of the fugitive required crenee of th ets wo:n means a fat order fer one of them. Thev 1ktw tlie on monopolies in the steel and sugar industries were prosecut ed with vgior, aiul they still are in progress, constructive ' tion to bear on Federa tion of coriora turns, is as certain to come as a these inquiries, and plans have been instituted the anti-trust laws. Charges were revived that Senator Lorimer was elected by the Illinois Legislature through the medium of bribery ami n second investigation by the Sen ate was gotten well under way. A Senate inquiry into the elec tion of Senator Stephenson of Wisconsin, was ordered. General arbitration treaties with Great Britain and France were sent to the Senate by Presi dent Taft, but they received a frigiil welcome because the upper house contended that one pro vision, of the treaties usurped its constitutional prerogatives. Presentation of the treaties strained hitherto cordial rela tion) between the foreign rela tions committee ajid the State resolution, eliminating the recall ajlj oonipensatinc feature, later was pass.il b.v j the injutsiee done .1 A . - ,t.1'..1 . ..' . on W(oI:l"eir graves, ior Hie oniv rear-on j out nine nine. .-since uie pre- apparent for their being in some ; bmuiary hearing Noel has been instances is that some one wish-i in jail unable to give bond. es a medium of public exprcss'n ni The wife, over whom hangs an fanm-iTs for them bv the e wearer. Put the prime requisite is 'that it fits jierfectly. Heeauso of the move ment of the ankle in walking, it requires a master of the jewel- Most of the new periodicals indictment eu the same charge, or's art so t, shape the cold or are small magazines, tht ma- was released from jail n her; silver band tkit it will set close- 1 :" 1 " " losses Uicv mav snff..p if tli. jontv devoted to tlie onl.li...i. 1 own recognizance owum? to her K- jn..l n tl... .,.. .n,.,.. ' h'ohi- . lu the Sfiiate, -with many of ' Canadian iN-ciinvwitv m. .-tion of satirical ven.. n.l .r,... I delicate condition. Put when ; n..rr... r,-h ,rt, 1 regula-ithc old leaders unsung, a re-(K,s into (.ffwt. ' jU lust rat M with carieatun. S -ae was calb.l for trial Fri- j The l.s exivnsive anklets are r-garded o.M kal.l.. alliance was forn. tl be-, Tlit. oHguial Flotnl n-solutum : s spared by the writers andi'Kv morning she put iu no p-!,nade with an owning, usuallv at result ot i IVM-eii u. e i;anocrats iukI Uisur- l(,iM.,;u the door of l,,;.. artists but n i- iinturnl l.i!earance and it is understotnl - tk .a,.v . already; gent hepuh leans led by Llrol- t(, Arizona ai id New Mexico, and ' most stinging-and sometime J that she is plying the traffic of Ambled with .Ii.-,,,,..,,.!. ... t.i, to revise lette t ummins and lJnstow Af-. pn.vhling for a sMcial t lectin ; vicious work is reserved fi.r- pnstitiition in other states than; precious gems aiv 'cunniivlv iter the first tew weeks ot the ; Ai-ioio. o,. tl... ;.i:..:..i n tl,o.. V...1;. ;.i..i ,.. LVorth Carolinx Mrs Kve.-lu, rt i .... .i.... session it worktsi harmoniously until the closing week, when re curred one of the most speetacii- ciasses with the big measures dc- nectetl with the old regime. J " w s;1t to live m drcenshoro, ' fere nee expamls or entnu-ts as stryed by President Tail's op- "Among the weekly j.crili-, testified that Mrs. X el told her ; the owner walks. The joints are lxsLtiion Tlie T-i.t-nH HT.O 4I...1 !it iv l.'l lliiil-n,t.i i 1...1.1: it Was an awful easv wnv te . .1 ....... I ., l. . ; t ... . . .... . II " ' - " i i n l u l 11 i ICS .1 ' "' --. ".I .lllllWMI. 11. till I i ---- .-- ...iiiii ... ill - . .ar legislative uj.sets m!iiiy,c0,1(,rpss 1)OW(l(, () th(, ilvsi.j tion resurrected. This nngazint' "' nioncy. v Whether tie- new form of femi- ' if . ... dent's will, ami iissed a new' first appeared years ago, but be-' l''u' ('as, 'Uls attracted a great ' h-ji,, , ., oration will ln'ct nie sii Ihe severaaice ot the coalition , r( s,klutim niakin Arizona's ad-,'nuse of its eartooais f Lillian-! 'I''1'! interest, aiul the court's (.,a!11,.n that 10 and c-rt eame on eonsiueratioii ot the cot-, j,,,,, to (he ,.mtiaigt,nt ! tor and other public men was ; "euteiice is believed to meet thct.oivs w ill mid them to their ivu vua. ii in.li eomnji wuiu- immiii lier 1,1m f 1... tn,,iu.,.-.l i fin s Ot llistlc Mini Hot lirxr iiioft' . ! i.iniiii.ti.111111 n l.iiv U" "'ei'i -i i. i p.... --..i n,. The daily newspapers gn .aiimnign lew petquo cxpcctcti a ; siMt-ulation. It Is quite easv to most lively evidence of thus i sentence of more than ten years, i imagine such a "comlirtUvn. In many other wa s the ses-! 'fret-tlom.' Kl TniDareial a na- It is believed that Judge Daniels . u, 3 i a ; ." " """" "" """ l";tiiei.il recall from her constitu attach ron and steel revision to tion. the cotton bill, the Democrats , jn TI ,ru"' ' 11 V'eir ,"n """iHion has lH'en a renuurkahle ojie. per which has alwavs been pn were able to paa it when regu-;The house was ar&mrM in a fTovernni,nt ,bas inserted umler MUt.uri,uu"c7 V , ' "".way in which it has never he.mlits hea,l the wonls 'Diario lmb w.u, r a.meueu u.e.nseivcs, 1pfore. The p(nvpr f ap,MkinI1(? pculiente,' ami independent it is. ock of jewelry is a matter for would have given he prisoner j still more had it been in his pow-J tr. ltn1 Speaker aju vested in a Girl Makes Long Swim. j committee on committees elected Poston, Aug. 20. Another 1,y the ' house itself. Former sturdy 17-year-old Boston girl, I f," ' T1 Department aiul as a result Presi- Alsie Akroytl, made the difficult both- in th RiTtv.f;:t dent Taft has made it plain that miles' swim from Charlestown : took a hack seat n a'rJln an issue has hcen raisel winch he will carry to the count 17- in the hope of procuring ratifica tion partm bridge to Poston light today, her of Congress, and passed out Miss Akroyd of the scores wlvo!of tn1 pnwie s eye at once. The It publishes news ami comment reganlless of how it will bt relLshtxl bv Madero and his friends, for whom it pretends 110 love. "The public also has caught the spirit of free speech ami al most all tlie papers publish col It developed during the course Log: Crushes Child. Statesville, Aug. 17. A very distressing accident occurred late yesterday afternoon in the ot the trial that Noel and bis ! n..-i, 11; $ .1 P , , . . , . . , northern section of the conntv. wife had tried to induce others besides the Giblw aaid Kindley girls to gx with them to Char lotte, Mrs. Kverhart being one, she then living in this city. Xocl testified that he was a barber by trade ami had 'worked in manrv ' ' " f.... .u 'K'w system ot nrcranu m wnen M,ngrcss reconvenes. ' j house has worked fairly seo,-' comment and in theclitorial Col- Carolina for some time to come. ri-icutm 111 me wepHiiuieui (tiji"i" 01 iimicii uie niu. rne f v I,,,,,,-. thA ,.i;t;i .,..:. ., J im t 1 IV. ill IJIUOIWHB II I V AprieiUture over the enforce-! ,s the second woman to succeed. In the senate the '"Democrats freely discussed. Mad-ro i eriti- ment of the pure food laws has iitti,, ij0Si, Pitonoff of the same and inmrgent Re been ainl bv one of manv uives- , . . tl.ri,i...."l tlm rii .. ' a age tlouig the swun hist vear. . ii'ionetl the 0I1I tigatious originating in the, " ebine tl t has t 1). mm-ratio House and acoun- AIlss Akroyd s time ' be,dv for inanv ve' when a small ly was crushed to death Ixuieath a havy log. Tlie victim was Poy Sweeney, son of Mrs. Kate Sweeney, who has been making her home with C. M. Pest, a relative. The child, with two other little Itoys, wa standing near a wagon, which was being loaded by a negro man. When one f the logs was near the top of the skids the ne gro lost control of it and it rol- . . . . . s led lul.L til tlii. ffrAi.n.l l-niil-. publicans de- eied as well as praised, and, ...... 1 ing the Sweenev chil.1-,low;, n.1 umns of comment furnished bv'a,fttes, never staying in one state readers. Most of it is signed bv but a few numths, but it appears iwnv system of organizini the ; the writers' own names. Tntbi!that he will remain in North ately Morton L. Hill of Lebanon. Ind . , i.OVer ,,lw lloat ... " B41 AIV M II H II Mil III lIIIIUHI ITV . ' wm m. ( 1 I. V' f4 power liandctl by Nelson . News which never would Joint; her suffering was terrible and ; The hrdv wn r.pen.ire.1 f.-.r Aldrich to Senator IVni-ose, of have, been rcjrtcd during the;11" boy and face were so!len burial last niel t snd wv enr- - standpat ma- thik.se who would like to see an oiiitrtilhtl that other chosen for the presidency trv-widc Issue raised over the: hours ami 12 minutes, 57 111 in quest ie.n whether' the nctiviti-s utes behiinl the reconl time made of Dr. Harvey V. Wiley, the by Samuel KUhards. Jr.. tf Ps- Pnnv1vn'nii sL. rtoti.ioiiii..iit nii 1 f , j I . . 4 i . 1 ... ... . - Vr 7 11 iwo eehS ago an,, j nun- ;n2:,.r, 0f New Hampshire, were ! under seven-column beads ami ui ,uiana but received Mlinef it ris'cceiiings n no- House un- time. Jliret' men eomm-titors rc-nt;n e, were uiuier seven-column heails ami ui i,ir.n. Kill rAtdtitad ha konnfit nn I W "lit. 4 1, .,.,.1 C.-., i,seiztt! by Senator Ijaiollette, rej-( ten point type. The capital now;! til she tried Dr. Detchon'a Helkf for j forincHv lived. A large partv the insurgents, and too. b is its 'vellow oress.' On ; Rheumatism . . . : . . 1 1 J . lief snd h . .hi tn w.IV K.,f I v "o i'"" .3 1. l.i I.. i-. .i . ... ... -. . . - " .. ucr nmni r.uc, i.i in .ur. i n- w no niarieu Willi Ml Aknvvd Senator of Virgin i .....ntl... rl,-,l. tl, ,i,..l " ana he waa able to walk about . T. , remains. lb derwood, precipitated r was ueart

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