hi f Til '1 ! r.1.fYf 'Ml . . I M fox. .Y.rxzr MOUXl AIRY, WORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1911 JVU 10 Hi Hi LEAVES DEATH IN WAKE Racing Automobile Ploughs Into Crowd of Onlookers. Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 16. Six T-rsrti.s are known to ne Ufa a ami at lMwt fourt.-u hurt, sev-1 vra.l probably fatally, as a re- suit of an aecnleut in the fifty luile automobile race at tine State fair track late this afternoon. A Knox racing car lriven by Ie (Mdfield crashed through the fernce on the tarn after leaving the stretch in front of the grand fctiuul and ploughs I fortune dis tance into the crowd, causiaig the Casualties. Oldfield was not seri ously hurt. The blowing of a tire uu Old field's tnachine was responsible for thi' accident. The tloiid: J. A. Artio'ul, Syracuse, N. Y. JaiiH-s Coin. Alexandria l'ay, X. Y. Claude llanimill, llollandv ille, N. Y. Charles liallantine .Syracuse. Kourtvn vear old boy. rnJulentified man, about 26 years old. Fayett Kunk of Farley vi!h at tache of au attraction on tl . Midway, is dvinsj at the 1'iiier geiwv hospital on the fair grounds. His skull is fractiuvd und he is otherwise injured. Kvery ambulance- in Syracuse Was rnhcd to the scene and ve hicles at the park also v ex pressed into service to aid in the relief work. Tlie woman's building was turned into an Lmergoncy hospital I lie. accident haiUH-nnl tlurutgi the 47th mile of the race. Old i .. . iV, , 1 field was a lap behind Ualph lVTalma. running even with him. Oilfield hud had a mad tire on las ear for over -7 miles but it did Hot blow out until tW race was within throe miles of the finish. tlie tTme of tlrv xoloskm. IVPalma and Vhlfield vere neek md iM'ek. Tlu'y hatl just taken the turn at a terrific sjn-ed that had the spectators almost in a frenzy. Then came a erah that was heard all over the field tl loys;l by sciH'Hins of women and child real in the sUind, the jvid l.K'k and inside of the track. Kfforts wen made by promi nent Syracusajis to Vtop tlw linnet at once. Starter Fred J. "Wagner of New York, however, lvfused to hto the race. He started another race, the last ono of the day, within five min utes after the track liad lxen cleared. The Meanest Man on Earth. Secretary WILsim of the Und id States Department of Agri culture nays that almut the mean est man he ever heard of was Hie one in a southern state whose boy asked him for tlio vjisc oi ono acre of ir round to jdant in corn ho that he might compete for a prize, and the father told the boy he did not believe in such foolishness. The l.oy persisted, however, i;ml the father finally pointed to a rough hillside, overgrown with brush and spotted with stumps and tones, .ml told him if ho. would grub that aero and move off the stones, he could have it. The. boy went to work and finally cleared it Then the old man Said. "That nere i too good for me to lose. I think I will plant It tiiysiH." The bov cried and the father finally said, "Well, if you will clear another acre be sides that 1 won't take it away from you and you may plant it und do what you please." There upon the bo3' again went to w.rk and cleared the second1 uer, He planted it to corn af ter our directions, and a a re Milt l.e made eighty-eight iiisn-;As l is. At the same time his filth-; er plant .1 and cultivated the nd-j joining acre, using uie oi.i way.; He made just eighteen. Since ' ii i. .. ..i.i r.. I...,. .. i ii'ii .or iu luiiinr iii.J ii'-en lias been converted to our way of farm-' ing. II" goes with hi boy to; tho agricultural fairs, and tcllsj "bout the eighty-eight bushels'- of torn tin y raised on un acre , ; Kayiiig, "That is what me and my b y done." j In nidi circumstances can the! l-,y be blaiud for leaving the, farm Exchange. Protest, Mr. Out June 16 Secretary of State, Mr. Knox, issued a circular letter j which was addressed "to the di- ploinatie. ami consular off we rs of j the Cntti'd States. In it he jsavs tn.lt "the department U atl- vined that there will lie held in . . . v ... the city of (h.cW CVf,J.r 1- tw'Xi, trie NMKi imceruaiiKMiai brewers' congress and an inter national barley and hop prize ex hibition." "It is the purpose of this congress to discuss agricul tural, scientific, technical, and sociological qiH'stioms eonnocted with the brewing and allied in-iiiustrih-s. The Seeretarv of Ai"'i- culture of the 1'iiited States, the I lln. .lames Wilson, lias act pt ! eil aji invitation to act as hon orary president of th is c kU',T. ss. j sur d th Tnitcd Stated lep.-irt- im-nt of Ayrieultiire will b, ivp i n viitil at t!:c inteniatiojial' liir b'v anl -hop exhibition bv a sait i able exhibit." Thi ii- you h ie it! The I'nit ed States gwvenmiciit fficially t-l.it-s and eonn-H-ts itself nu'ain with the brewing interests! j Is it not aUut tune for tho 1 Christian churches of Ann rica ft six-ak in ntot unmistakable j i terms against the p iart p'-rsli of ! 0- I their government it!i the farious liquor traffic? Wlicn th.vs' in authority de liberately allow one of the cabi net officers to be an honor.'.ry f e: t 1 " , . , .... . . w niev are simniv iunging in.uu into the face of organized Chris tianity. Are we to understand that the politicians of this country con sider that the vote and influ ence C t,lie liuor interests are s..-." end to l It is June to put an this. This is ChriKtian land There are more jeop!e emmitt-1 id to th.. oeiikc'u.W of Chi'isrt.iajfr-1 itc bore than to those of wicked- ness. The on.ly difficulty is that do not noil., on.- iiiflnoneo felt as We should. Now is the opMrtunity. I-t ihere be a united front. Ixt thos.' in authority in thw affairs of government understand that ChrLs!i::n people will not nubmit, at least with any degree of good will, t the projxed actual. They do not relish swing one of their cabinet officials honorary presi dent of a brewers' congress. Say so Write imn.i diately, if you have not already done so, to 1'residtMit Taft nnd SM'rctary of State Knox protesting against having Secretary of Agriculture Wilsotn act a.s honorary president of the Intcrnationiiil Mrewers' ('-.uign ss to be held in October. The government derives its authority from the people. Our officials are the HervanLs of the people. We are-' of the people of the Unite! .States and we pro t(st. "We, the mMph" nro ojpoj ed to nny such disgraceful part nership between our nation and the li.pior busincHs. Write I rrotiwtt Ami do now ! EpworUi Herald. it Wet" Lincoln, Within two imwitlm after the return of the open saloon in the city of Liiuviln, Nebraska, li.pior caused the death of five men in the town, thr.ve who lay down drunk, never to wake, one died from ioplexy, caused by drunik eniiicss, ami one was killed Ln a fight with a drunken man. The last victim was found dead in h'w ln-d after a protracted de bauch. An empty whiskey lit tle wim on the fl.xir near his bed. flic Neb ra.sk o State t'ni.itol said, "The man had exercised i h'w iwrs.uial liberty to the last."; in iih .loath strugirle Ins m:n. j m i.'ht have irnsiM-d the f.u-t ll,.d , "he had vn.erea.sed tn-d- d! i. . l . i -. i . i i lie u;ti Hiiepcase. irrO" J''M made the town broader nnd busier." , Iuicobi Ls reaping the w hirl wind. Already her citiens are .qiiNtuYd at the mis. ry ami law-.' h-sn. ss w hi. h iuus follow.-d the opening of the dives. The be-1 li. f is general that another year; will a''aiu we the city witiiout ' Halooiui, "W the People President. BLACK HAND CAME FAILS, C. F. Stewart of Salisbury Is Captured By Clever Euse. Salisbury, Sept. 16. A sen sation awaited the citizens of tills city this morning, when they aw. k and learned that a bkwk hand game had lie. mi attempted 1Uhl r l,,ltsr ,,m', w,in i .i I ii. ! ria.a ieeii arrestee! ami was piac- t . . u f midnight last ! ,.:.Pt,. The facts as given server representative The Ob -today by one of the men who has known of the affair from the start and by authority of the officials of the Wachovia Iioan & Trust Co. bank in Salisbury are as follows: Septemln-r I Mr. W. F. Snider c.Lshu r of the alove bank, and out: ot this city s leading and , fifth .stream, where Officers most progressive citizens. whoIjH.ke jcK.Mizii and James Kri lives in a hamlsome residence;.,.,. .....r.. stationed, lie then just across the street from the govefinmnt building, received the following note, typewritten and fold-'d in the shaie of a; diamond: "You are to s.-nd "kVk to th l'.Iack IHamonds by your son September 1. Leaving town at D i. ni. he must walk out the voa.l attr; bell. towards Faith until he is .ted by the ringing of a to a bag, he must put the iiu.n-y in u ana mt .m. i i u until readies uie uuu x or stream irom .-.uisoui, u'wi trom ausuury, iucu;tl. t ... ... . ,t hob nut - return. He will be tollowed; ilIKi i,i,.u. jl:;s whistle as a sig closely ami he must iud havcuai j,. tjK. threw his !'lash anv company. Hi must carry a,! n the direction in which I large white flag which he must the cord wont, jumped the fouce univll after he crosses Town.UH rushed down to the other C recti. I "You must not j about this to anyone. Money i must not le marked. 1 "You must follow these direc-i tions implicitly, uihui ...... w ' - - ' - jwiiJjiV linn on- "i . u . -v. . u i'c 'v.mi "t ami Tuai no one Knew 01 n, 101 vo ,Hi snut aml -vour "even his wife. The house was will not return alive. The raon- '.v m,lst .,K',llK l'u' vs m $1 in silver and and $3 greeu- j Isicks. . l" lu' ,,:uk ot tllH uoto waa written these words: "If watchers are placed on the road our men will not touch the money but will most surely oiirry out their threats." Immediately upon receiving j this note Mr. Snider turned it over to IVst master James 11. Kamsey, who informed the lW - trice Department at wasiung- . ir i ton aiul IWoffiee Detective lbilhi was sent here at once and put to Avork on the ease. Mr. Snider also informed his son but said nothing of the matter to any ther member of the family, lie paid v heed to the demand so far us ei. nplying with it went and received several more letters, ; all written on a tyiewnter and folded in the sluto of a diamond. One of these said he had greatly disappointed them and they had decided to extend the time to September 15. Yesterday at nofrn he receiv ed the following, tyjs'written ami foiled diamond shape; "We simply leave it to you whether you live or die in the next few days, whether your family ure to remain here or are going to the cemetery with you, they will certainly not go t gethcr but it is a choice with you now how wvon they will be car ried away one at a time. There are enough unexplained murders in this country every day to show you how simple a matter it i for our socioty to fully carry out their threats ami cover up ' their tracks. Met ter keep your mouth shut and have the young man to be on the minute with the goods as direct ed. September 15, leaving town at 0 p. m. and going straight out the road towards caiTiimr a white fhiL' without! any company, are the simple ivctioim he Ls to follow, ami you ; understand your Jiart witiiout fnith.r exi.l.iinin' Time's on." Tl M'i . . . i IlielV Were 11.) SllsllciMS HI Ho time and D. t.H'tive Hulht had Sh. riff McK. n.ie to eo opende w it Ii him. Last nigld about dark the sh. nlf placed nine officers along the road from Town creek to the fifth branch at regular intervals w ith pio r signals Mid authority to nrist all suspiciiwis character-, t'ooud on the road. Promptly at t o'diK-k Cushi. r. Saider left Salisbury with a largv box under his arm, suppos ed to contain the money, and a white flag. He walked to Town creek, a mile from the center of town, and issued Detective Uulla, who was the first watch, when; he unfurled the flag and then walked up the road a short dis tance to the forks of the Stokes Ferry ami (iold Hill roads, wln-re he stopped in the bushes to wIrtc Chief of ToJiee (Juse of S-ncer was stationed with Depu ty Sheriff Frank Talbot, the lat ter taking the package and fhtg from Mr. Snider and started out the (iold Hill and Faith roads, passing by Captain Frank Cau ble of the Salisbury police force and I'olicemau Arthur Thoinpsoji, also Sheriff McKenzie and 1'pu tv l!aker. He continued out to tunnel around and started back all the other officers closing in at a vile instance t-li liol t S iiLsuLIU'e oiUllhl t S'"C tliat he was Hot tollowed. When Officer Talbot with the flag and I ox arriv.nl at the hw - cr end of C. F. Stewart's resi - drlKV he .a,rd the ringing of a! this Im LI was ptaciM m; the fence palinirs about '2(H) feet from Stewart's house and in the! nief of the lot. A large OCU hung on the paiu.g un,ier - ;alin'' under- i ,u.atli the hell. lie walked up , tiu. 1(1.m caught iioui puuev 4- 41. . 1 . ... 4... 1 s - - - bo. a vw;Wcia ana mere eaugm Mt'wan Uvjtu iu ;n jfus hand, the j other officers at once closing in. Ti,.- t...i twui oi.i ho m II .UM kHl UIV C4.t . V he ito eoufedenie - - -- - - ----- ---- searched and the type-writer oiuiutit,in I'.iri.K'k , upon whKh, tl,,, SJ..M... it."..-.-! o -im 4 "iimu ii'v U'eu written, was teiztl art was brought to me ni, auvii placed in jail, the party reach ing the city after midnight. Too much praise cannot be given Sheriff McKenzie, Officer TalKkt and their assistants for the effective work in this case, and it is .safe to sav . had there 1mm confederates on hand they Would al have been captured Stewart is a young man. mar ried and has .several children, lie has been a cripple for years, almost helpless and much sym pathy is expressed for him. Stewart was this afternoon re leased on $1,000 lud until pre liminary hearing Tuesday, Cash ier Snider going on the bond. s aut he! pics condition makes it certaJu he will not at tempt to escape. Fanners Having Trouble NowIhmh, Sept. 17. Farmers all oyer this section of the State I are explaining over the fact j that although they are paying good prices, they are having a groat deal of trouble in secur ing sufficient help to pick their cotton. One farmer iufomred the writer yesterday that he had his entire, family in the fields picking the floccy staple. He said that he had been to New he rn several times and earrU-d help back to his farm with him but tht.t, although he had fed them well ami given them a comfortable place to sleep they had only stayed with him a few days. Such is the. case all over the county, if there could be a law passed compelling some of the lazy negro vagrants that hang around various places in FaiUi,lhe city, to go to work, it is Bafc j to sav that the farmers would di-;have no more trouble itbout se curing help Dcspitc the fact that they arej,i,.r for man who will he 'hd short on j.iekei-s, however, th'i farm. -rs are brirtng ki from t w o ( to three hundred bales of cot- ton each wok and disposing of it to the local li.rs for prices ranging from Jl to 11', j cents p r pound. "I have u o' M of colif iilelieu In Cliaiiitiei l.iln'a Voui;h Keiiiedy for I l.avn Usi il It '.ilh lii llelt III. r.'." UiltiM fl:H Al. I. Iliigford, I'ooleii-j uie. Ma. Tor . lu by toil dealt lb. j Congress Ambitioa Cured. Triinmw C Alton. rwf Bradford county, Pa, h;ui ajM.ouitecd th ! Prominent National Figure WiU withdraw. of h'w caaulid;w.y to I Vis Raleigh October 18. succeed Congmwnaii Kipp'aiul. Ra,(.. , u.Am)0unce. asks that a counu lsniuml m lunacv be apiKU!kd over hun if he mnV mcnt was ",il,K; ,ah' t,Mla-v that for the place again. j Gov. JikIsou Harmon, of Ohio, In a letter to the Towanda lie- one of the men upon whom De vi.Mv annoituciii4f his d'cusiou Al-;H)0nu.v j.s considering as its bn says he Ls angry with truauU b(aptr in !tl2 who urged him to be a cajididate i . ,, . . , . ' ,, and then began to "knock" him. 1,1 IkK October Is. He 13 11U wife, three daughters ami to make an address on that .lay live joai8 also had .something to at the state fairgroiuid.s. do with hit withdrawal, accord- The coming of (iovenr Har ing to the letter. N , VtmVw:l wiI1 h9 About the tune that I got .... back to terra fuina after an- th'- ,n,'ans ot ttms into action noiuienig myself," he whites, the wocalled conservative ele "aml just a.s the letters from ment of the party. There is no politicians began arrive ask- doubt that O'ovecnor llarmoa ing me to 'doiwite' for this and ... , tl ,, , t c i wdl be m thv race tor rresident that, mv -wife m-gan to plan on ; . the dmsses she would wear in w following that will have Washington. ' to be reckoned with, nor is there oi' The gills -my girl caught the same lever iund it was a (- r ) i-.'irnl i p ..veiimrr nr. .1 in c t ! tlo-n. to sit down .n,d V i.n a , Wol.th 0f t.KcLhes without even ! i(K-.... S(S. :p i ,vn livt.,...- 11 Ig. - lMMV jt all with Christia.ii trUtude, as you would s;iy, and m:ul,. U1 mv mind that, if it came in ti, -nrt 1 u-oild kv. ,e a pub ;ik. salo (d LsjH.se of my farming , imph ments hors.s and COWS, whu-h I love so well, offer the pm-esls on the alur oi patriot - usm and W a statesman, no mat- ter what it (t for new clothes hr the family Allen then tel s how hw soils . ,, , . . iwiiMt V4 .inw'nuis: aula i i4:ai' etti, drinking champigne. and!l lIKl .Mld t1w " 'conservative on making love to huvigivers dai.gh tav . , 4her Yh claims that it ters m asnuigton. and how II kS iril'lj V lL.'ct. 1 to nuntniuj j uiiim), oum iHuiituuc-ji; a teailvA.t.. -To think that )ukllt rt !!. V'.li;l, ; I. . a i to siterifu'e . " o. " ""'Sii 1 -m mi iamuv ami to forsjike tlus dear old farm made' - e . t , ... IUC KM'l asuaiUCll OI lUVSClt. 1 i;,:l-:.su?;!am rua ot cs. lonaj lever. Second Attempt Successful. Newbern, Sept. Coker, a white man ... . ..,v ammt U .. . 4- in i i- . previous campaign ne came u jear ot age, killed himself th.HjhU stato am miult; a faluuUi afternoon at the home of his (speech at GtvensUiro which will brother-in-law, Mr. Levi Jones, j long remain in the mi mis of peo- at James Citv. be whootin. ldm - self through the throat with a shotgun loaded with No. S shot. Several weeks ago Mr. Coker, who was a half-wit, attempted to end his life by cutting his throat with a ra-or. His at tempt, failure family on his however, proved to be ami since that time the has kept a movements. close This i watch after- noon went Mr. out Jones 4in the and his wife river for the purose of catching a few fish for supper and upon their re- turii they found the dead lody of Mr. Coker lying on the floor with the gun he hud committed suicide with elasod in one hand. The coroner was notified, but he did not think it neee sary to hold au inquest over the remains of the dead man. , Youth and Age Hustling. Yan Moore, an 8-year-old soil of Mr. Kriiowt Moore of Marsh vilJe township, picked l- l jmuuuIs of cotton bust. Monday and 114 xi.mls on Tuelay. The little fellow picks away over twice his own weight every da v. Ksq. I ii vr:.. i u 4" ... I.. 1: 1. township luid a mimlM-r ot hamls piUking Itwt.ier last, hwk mm lojj. they wei' not pulling as much forage as he thought they should he went into the field himself and showed them how to pull fold.. r, ami in one day pull- i.l im lil.Il.lle.s ,lour liantm to the bundle. Some luilliiiir f'd- i ...,. i il e t.l I ' i . Via, ,,id his next birthday. JlJ,r,M. Ku.juiivr. . T Not a Word of Scandal. marred tl.e mil i.f a ticiKl.l.or on j Mrs. W. I. i..iiKh. of Manvllle, j VVyo , lio aid: "ttm tohl ni. lr. ) Kins' X. lafo I'iU hail i und I.f r i( i)tiinaii' kl lii. y iioiilil.;. iiudjor 'ii.-. It rot mil, omk, inado her feel lilu. a new woman " l.asj, but sure remedy for stomach. liv.-r anil kidney trut,l. . Duly ut U 11. llci.ru iug Co. GOV. HABMON WILL COM3 little doubt that he wlil have a g'd following in North Carolina. , Governor Harmon's eon -in plat ed visit to this state follows one that was made to North Caro lina th- latter part of May by Governor Wood row Wilson, of New Jersey. Governor Wilson snke at the Fniversity of North Carolina cumn-no ment and also in. the Capitol .vpiarc at Uahigh. He was greeted bv large crowds at both places. Vnrth ( V-i is.ii.nn w n,t t.i ,. . !(,de,t,a t,K. t:i ht iVr the ' prt-uU.ncv Judications now are tliat the ' m.xt Iiational Demo- (.,..ltk. COUVl,,ltioIl wUl be a Ut.vnuous one, with the lines i i A .1 1. .. . iiirawn oeiwecn ine i.ryamies v. , i 1 guaranteed I tiLril I!ti0itse I eiturrTxyias in thiy. state, 1 , naiiv warm 1' ... . i i. :JllllIOI 4SI I tUx-Ule to get - .. .louo iuv race for President it is I ... i, ,1 ;L-..l 1,.. a visit t0 the-0Ul Nurth s,ate. ,. , . i , , It is hardly probable that i President Taft will come to North Carolina this year, as he H. Walter1 M 'ik' iv have to give his at- i......:.... i . 4i. k i i.. t.. . i it iiuiui to oilier rieius. in mo . . , ilue - of the state. Persistence Earns Reward. Ienoir, Sept. H One of the most singular incidents in the history of criminal oases in this State occurred last week in Wait- a,tauga county. On the tlth day of July. li0!). William lSaldwiti shot and killed Polhvm t;i Wilh t Miller of blowing ltock, when tin latter atteiuptisl to arrest llaldwin on a charge of selling j whiskey, lie w as arrested and given a preliminary hearing and ! Unuid over to court on a charge j of murder He was found guil ty ot murder :u (he first degree and sentenced to death. His at torneys appealed to the Supreme Court and a new hearing was granted. The sceojid trial by jury resulted in a verdict of guilty of manslaughter ami Hald win was seiiteticod to 5 years at hard labor in tho penitentiary. The ease was again appealed to the higher court and he was grantid a new trial for the second time. His ease came up last week at a term of the Wau t uiga county criminal court ami ic was civen a verdict of "not ,n.e 1IulIi( ac,(,;,iutf to t,, iw, after being triisd three times by a jury and twice in the Su preme Court of the State. Ihiltlwiu in a or man and J his attorneys fought for him per sistently and it is said the fees were small. Tlrs is one id' the: mot remarkable cases on the criminal records i.i North Caro lina. Accused of Stsahng. i K. E. t'hanih.riiiln. of Cliiiloii hol.il- a. . um-s :.i. ki-'ii An,!..i i4lvi of Hcilins - ilm 'o g fonit hann or ea)ds-tli ain fmru ort of all kiinlj- ih ditt f . om boA ' bruin. . t.irai:i an. I injuria their trror," h fc.i)s. "an u l.i i.!jng i ;.- dy it i jiial d.u.'t c-sinl." Ut.Iy 8 C at K. II lkiiuu Drui Co.

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