THE MOUNT AERY NEWS, 1101 TIT AISY, K.C. 4v"f- I.W. WEST DaiiG CO. Main Street. Moiaut Airy, N. o'. fHHfHWHH GOVERNMENT FILE3 SUIT AGAINST WATCH CASE TRUST Alleges That the Keystones Watch Case Company is Unlawful Combination in Restraint of Trade. Philadelphia," Dec. 20. The Fed eral government lato this after noon filed in the United Stat. circuit court; a suit against the Keystxi Watch Case Company, declaring it an unlawful combi nation in violation of the Sher man anti-trust law ami asking1 that it bo restrained from carry ing on an alleged monopoly in the manufacture and sale of watch cases. The government declare that the company now manufacturers; and sella 80 per cent of all watch ease manufac tured and Hold in the United State ami that it w ill.? "intent nd purpose of the- defendants that the company shall monojxy lise the remainder of the trade and commerce." The watch industry movement in the United States is divided into two parts, watch ease and watch movement. Of all the watch eases manufactured and Bold, more than '.)0 per cent are filled cases. After reciting that tlni organization was an alleged coijil)iuati( ii Avh:'n-hy various watch eonccrns are acquired, the goverr.nunt. charges that in li04 Tiie Ivystone Company entered into, a cmtniet. with the Klgin National. Watch Company, w here by the K'st.,iu' Company was put in exclusive charge of the en tire xport trade f the Klgin company except the trnde with ami in, wj tj. k,.v Rt),V. ,i:. ,.rI1,...t wi(I) ,,., " alt ham Wf,.l, i by t ... f,. ' ;s ni'iiie s ues ? reu w-nt of ihe I.ttt in all the -euntnes with carrl WJilcli V.lrvat eas.-s is; EDITOR, a v&m itixa, wevcr Mupcier Than When He' Yapping tn Ir"tvT vnir -j r- II. h. Ha nu, of. the Manches ter 1'reKK, Liht year before the Upper Iowa Editorial AsHoc'wtion, establiidud1 his reputation as a humorist thus: 4 I am here to say that tin man who own eighty acres of Iowa land and who has1 brains enough to till it, makes the lot of country newspaper men look like the hist sad remnant of-a Dutch; hunch. Thei farmer has the best of it all around. He is its independent as1 the American Ex press Company. He.doesn t have to write a soulful obituary over the remains of some peak-head ed bloke who caved his wife's ribs in with a grub stake and kept on display an exhibit of cut plug profanity that would mako tho efforts of a steamboat mate sound like a meeting of the Epwvrth Leguae. He does'nt have to go into raptures over the, beauty of an op:.-faced bride with a cast of counter anee that would Mow out the gas. and he can say what he dum pleases alRHit a candidate for (.Congress, something no news paper man ever dared to do un less he had just lost the post office. -The- farmer isn't requir ed to lie until bus back teeth fall out, alHut the sterling man hood of . a groom with ears like a cauliflower plant, and the brain ower of a shoat. He doea'nt have to run a piano contest for the most beautiful young lady in the community, make evcry Nxly sore alout the winner, and then print a seventy-five cent half tone of the beauty that looks like a tintype of grandma at the age of thirteen. There us nithing- in 'the fanner's curri culum that .hliges him to mint the local soprano as a 1; I'll v n sentl songster, when in' fa t s has a voire that would m;;! c ,i guinea hen weep. IK- isn't e.dl I upon to paii.t the Airtm s of a prominent citizen who earned his moin-y bv colleetii," m .t s with a draw shave am would have an attack of who j :i f dure if suddenly seprated fun WITH THE j cry man in the face and tell him to go wlirrc there n no premium on coal KiacK, ana ;i ine primer bi fonun a man who tries to U-nt luni oui oi ionr years Hunscrip- year s Cm n that he is s crooked that lie couldn't g to sleep in a roundhouse he is liable to be re duced to the consistency of a cornstarch pud ling. "In view of these facts, why is the profession overcrowded! There are several reasons. One iss that man is a Vain bird and i m-ver happier than when .he is yapping in linotype, slugs. Manv a man would, rather dispense fourteen! columns of crooked rhe toric and reformed! Kjelling once a week and live on otisified liver ami iced tea, than shave the warts off r calf head and hold a pail for a sucking1 calf, even though be can fill up on green corn and side pork until h wheezes like an accordion with thef asthma. There are others, in cluding a fair sprinkling of iack- leg lawyers and ham-strung school, teachers, who have imbib ed the notion that the editor's life w softer than the head of a two-ply sport. These ruh in with a $90 outfit and a wind pressure that would blister the lining out of a steel ranire and fill long fdt want with the grace and alandon of a harc lipjxxl hired girl at a beautv show. Nothing ever drives these startling out of the prof-ssion except sudden death or the slier itf Then there are thoso mis guided ambitiou.4 politicians who believe that the easiest way to clasp ji fat office to your biwom Ls to beeonie the editor (;f a newspaper. These usually fade away like a goat, on a string be.-iii di: f, carrying thrnrgh life a look of hojK-less sorrow and ... 1 . A 1 .1 noon,) i iiar woiini wring 1 1 1 tears from a porcelain egg. "If the nowspeper man knew th:- joys and ind.'pendeiiet (f the fanner's life, he would kick hLm.-lt:' up to a peak until he looked like n rat -tail, d fib for c-jitinTii g to mik.' himself ,l,-? dour ni-.t ( f the st il I'-m ekt .1 iiid nngedly eoinin unity. Centle m- UHiKi. ii. with the Line i-i lar Ct tluiii animated converse t- with I1' 1 I jan. 1 suoserioi-r with 1 lla.yi 1 ' f I i i!viii:i m h nu and t . Hii Wife Cost Him 25 Cents; She j Got Him for 2 Cent Etaap." Atlanta, Dee. 'JO. Tla Ad Men's Club erred sadly Wednes day when they did not entertain' m their usual stl Mr. and "Mrs. J. M. Humbne, of Dodd, Tex., who Sent a few hours in Atlanta. For the Texas couple aro shining examples of the hap py result, of modern advertising. They were married Tuesday in Clarkson, N C, and their mar riage was tho culminrtion of a romance that began when Hum bree, finding htmstdf sad and lonsome, decide) to call upon advertising as an ally to secure him a wife. Accordhigly, he in serted the following advertise ment in the August nmnber of a married weekly: "(Jirls A good husband, who dfM not smoke, drink, chew or fcas bal hal)it of any nature, is at your diswsal if temperate as he. Thos who lo not eo-ine up to the requirements of thw al need not reply. J. M. Humbree, I)xld, Texas." On August 7 an answer was received to his a hcrt iscmeiit from Miss Polly White, ;f Clark- son. .N. C, ami after ctirtMiii Of letters and lihotoLTHt.) h lri.i i it . . imuinree rxviinl.Hl the tniin t !dd and journey e to the N'ortli : - Carolina town to claim bi ,u. vertlsing gotten wife. Thev were married Wiln slav att the liride's home, and after several hours spent in Atlanta, an' on their tflf I.. ll, . I. .1. 1 1 ". in 1 in- iiusoand k Home Texas. m Administrators Notice. Having qualified as Administrator j on tho .-Mate of K. T. V.'aM. r. dee. I iiuiu-u i uerey i;ncn to an iiarties owinj tlio etate to make immedi ate miyment to save cost, juni nil persons htiUliri; clain-.H ng.Utist tho e.stato to present tln in proj.erly pro ven in tho timo pn-se:ib.-d l,y l.iw or thi.t liotlre will by plead In bar Cf their ro'Ue.tloa. This lMh day of Oct. lot 1. C. L. U'aller. Adm. K. T. Waller, Hoc. Administrate r's Notice Having uu.ilifi ;eu 1 as a-linm.-Asliby, ,1 trator of 1 11 tvaseti, an . . . I V ' 11,' Silence!; The InMinct of mo.Jcf.ef (o cverf woman i then ret hiavlrsnce to tli cure tt womii:'y d!e. Womea shrink from the pc-rvmiul questioun vl th iocal piiyw.-i..n whicU cern inJclicnte. The tliou: !t rl examination i borrcnt o then, anj to t.'iry eniiuro i.$ silence ConJition of diseana wluch surely progresses fruin bad to worse. ; il ItiM been Dr. Pierce' prlvlIeo t cure a rtt many womea who hare found a rtf'r lor modesty la hi offer FUZE consults Von by letter. Till comaponoenee I held ma ascredty confidential, ilddresm Dr. X. 1'. Pierce, Buffalo, X. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription restores end regulates thu womanly (unctions, abolishes pain and builds up and puts the finishing touch o( health on every weak woman ho fives it fair (rial. It Makes Weak Women Strong. Sick Women Well, You can't afford to accept irerrt nostrum as substitute lor this Doovalcoholie medicine or known composition. Notice cf Sale of Eeal Estate. Uy virtue of the power of Kile contuincd in the last will and testament of George II. Crouse, leeeasi-tl, I will expose to public Rale to the highest bidder upon your pecirictlons, etc. Worklrg tho terms net forth below, onlla" ,ave. m0re lhan cort. UiUm w- i, !, ... ioi) . j having wnat you get tfor yott etliusIay, .January .51, lulJ, at'yjj Uie hour or oik; o cloek p. m., at the late res'ub lice of the eaid j (leorge 11. Crtnise, deeeast d, in j St,.L..a (Lilintv V l' n trn,.f nf i l...... i... t. ..1 r! 1 in.- niii .iiMiiri- 11. it. run- taming about 1(H) acres, adjoin-' ing the lands of (i. W. Hunt, K. i S. Culler, A. h. .I11eks.u1, N. T. IVtlitt, Levi Watson ami others,! being on the waters of Craxsv ' CV'-ek, Surry County, N C. 1 (Land situate mainly, if not en-i tirely in Stokes county, N. C.) j This is a very valuable tnu t of j land and will be first sold in 'ots, and then as a whole in or- der to as rtain in which way it j the most moncv. I will br ill ' Tonus of sale: One, third! cash, on.- third in twelve months, and the other third in eight-en! months, with bond and opprov-1 i-'i .v't'iiniy ior me ueiermi nav- 1 ' e .1 1 t menfs, Itearirg tercst from d.iy six per cent in-' of sale, and title ! withh-dd rntil th- iur l;a" m n cy is p-il in full. j A s.irv.' y of s-dd land will be J made hefeV the dav of sale, and' a pi ir 01. s;'' the day of will 1k shown on 1 iile, snow iiiir the .metes arul b nds of the whole ii!''-"io as cut up Hract, !r ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD Tou have aome Ideaa of the home you want to bul'd. Lt me put them i tOKether. make our t)lani. wrtu ud Dwight M. Cook ARCH ITECT J T. HINE3 I .YS U It A X 6 E Mount Airy, N. C. Represents 6 of the largest and best lire Insurance Comanie. Agta. So. Life & Trust Co., Greensboro. E. C. BIVENS Attorney-p.t-Law Olfiee in the Mc Cargo buiiilif.g. E. li. HAHM r Ml. rtSRY: f I ie uiy-1 n''.'ui,-i' ire minim. ' not hits er roa inotwv. ';..? il.:,; of a byii tracts. t 'Wider cm stand i ,i i i on i... 6, ' T llie , i,,. . , - J