(..mi : -t , , , 's,f i "v aid old, Cut the l.-i u i:i 'f iiini ;!r. 1 heard r Hgwjii mm m - leehee " So, t, in v ii uiiii r- i rcvii j cf SaJaticn. ' i I ;c uii-; b-ist, .t Im,!, 'hau ler '.i r d buck, , luidi lug, klip prii g i", ad.'ax, m rt f i i, iiaker s rout, sass..by, pooki o, hartbeest, i ii ;n l:, en r.i . -;i 1, to in v host 's dcligl. jMk'Ii v. cut on, as lit showed Die liL oil. i t ion uf big-game heads. V, paused before a pair of ivory tusks which stood nearly eight, feet high, and weighed two hundred and fifty-four pounds. The sportsman said : "Tite fellow that carried thone gave me the fright of my life, and incidentally, taught mc not to he too hasty iu my judg ments." "I encountered him in Bel gian territory, on the higlilamU wtit of the- Lunpula River. "My Hofari of ninefy odd por ter and. attendants, native, skin ners, trackers, and ho on, was made up at Victoria Falls, where an Kngli.sk ar't had got them together. ' lie d also engaged for mo a white, hunter to me the country, Rnd to help me ! in gathering ami preparing spe-j ...... j. t ' uiK-iis jor an .menrajt museum of natural history. .ii g:ue, r) t ii j mi .s iii alt 'uivi'tii ii'. Wejl'iiii he iid the booming roar .f !ioii.s at night. Thi' country h id hardly been shot, over at all. s "Here, to his ev!d''"t urpr!.se and chagrin, I I ft my tweiity- dollar-a-day white 1 ;k aft i " the c;iiiii),' wl er.'.'k i I his lii'.o. 'i he huh; th'.' Mir hi ll h.Milfd in r. e I) I came on Willi cf credible p t way up tie- seized SWUI.g hunter to jft It my clothing loosen and te'ir, while, with ani then i was iuny among the I was but half ai k w hi n I ami lifted aloft, i was in a dizzv gyration. I in-! ,' 1 a If -1 ii was I j QUALU' COUNTS C QUA11TY COt ever, to find them made up wholly of cows and t'lilvin, My J'elgian permit allow .,1 mi; to kill well-grown tuskc rs only. "Then on our firt rainy day, while I wa engaged in my tent, the big bulls I was ai'ler came almost into en inn. I had tak n I my large caJiber, big-game rifle apart and was cleaning it vvhen my black skikarcs thruu'a broad ly grinning- face into the open j ing of my tent. " 'Eluphiint, baas,' lie said. 'Ilig buck too.' "I hu.rried out. Half the blacks had left their grass -roofed slid- 4 . . A. . A .. A. 1 Urn hunter, 1'. Salamon by ! lo.h 1 'v ai -a iUW OI Maine, I ,inl not. have a chanc tn I ". i my uativo trackers and my gun i brush i f th h'.(!ier hLojie, sjrawl boy, I foli wcd the spoor of ing, but unhurt, rhiuorceros' a; id clepluuit. With- "Above me the foraged ele iu a week I got a Rood bull pi;nit waved the khaki cloth rhiiwieen w. Twice was led up' torn from by back. I heard t. to herds of elephant, only, how-; Salamon 's shout, high and shrill: difM not. f i ni not. nave a ehanei to nee until he overtook me at TWrm Hill, jli,,,! ji. tenninus of Uie :,!, to Cairo Kailway. "In am:aranee the man inn pointing. He was young, more than thirtv. lUi in inaiiTier, and. even in hunliig drssv a fo; If. en-ird n.'i ,!,.!: ..,;wk (.f uh;t, sill; li.iriIi. ,. cIim-I's. an.l liis t ! t Imv washed and ironed at every cui venreM. step, that his ii, aster mi-'ht put on fr.h clothes in the nioni.i;:. "A';:iiist. all I'!ni!ii i.r,..,.,l...,f ft ry consiMcd f a liffit sun llJ't I repeating tie ridge a quarter of a mile to the west. . i "There were not' less than a hundred elephants in sight. Tow ering high above the rest were s"era monster bulls, ihose ivory gleamed as they shuffled forward. We were out of 'ir short ring- of vision, and tlnv "My word, miuil Lie still if you're all right!" "The bidl heard, a-; the hunt er must have known that he would As he made a quick half-turn. I S. fir.il full in his t'.-uH', and hit him near the eye, Suck a roar as the beast gave I have never heard. "The animal's rage vented it self on tlm tie:irest object, the leaning tree ui front of him., lie w ized it, tore it from the bank, and shook it aloft so furiously as to fling broken limbs, twigs and dirt in showers all about him. "Thus he advanced toward 1. S.. who stood hU crouriil and n - waited for the chaiico of a shot, that would reach the brain. Was' the bull about to use that mighty! tit e as a weapon against his puny foe? Did he see the man ; at all.' Why didn't I'. S. run:! "Roused by my alarm, I leap-) ed to my feet, ami shouted at j the secmitiglv cr.'izv hunter. In- t I . - H ' . f ... v i, ,, " J, : "- ' : v : ) ; -a -f'-J.lt '. J C LOMG,- Oil shoes BI tlUf If C. E. Lundy Clothing Store Carrici the beat line of Clothing in Mount Airy for men and boys. Largest stock from $3.00 a suit to $25 for men. Same in Overcoats. Boys' Clothing Largest stock of Hoys Clothing and Overcoats. Suits in knickerbroker pants. Prices from 98c to $8,501 Underwear We have it in Men's fleece lined and ribbed. Union Suits. SHOES Same in boy also. ,le. l! hadn't i aught ur wind as et. j eoininaniU "My gun-bearer was at. hand. I ran into tic lent, broii"ht out my express-rifle and a light G'er- li -eding my fran' it: I saw Salamon under that shak roiind the bu!!'. turn lite niu..le of his Factory line of best flints for men and boys in fine and heavy shoes. Come and see. Hoiiu1 made line, best on earth for price. resi rve, t p of his I leruiaii rifle aid a ant i.;u itcd Am Hean th !ge directly ing tree. aii siioulder, rift l ui)uard, iuid fire four shots with tin- speed of automatic ae :i"ii. Tie'o !:, leaped asMe. i rifle. " H 'e OV(,r the e.'iintrv. h' set uied to kne-v ui. tiiiinir i u- i.oir ...:i . t .1 vu:,: was nsu.dlv terse and to i f ' 'ri "u the " T(bed of a stream. Then- I de- 1 " f..-...TL.. 1 a. . . . . 1 . ;r; .... 1 1 , , . . , 1 i' i miJieti vt unereept Uie lu-rl. and with all possiMe speed I man rifle that I kept in an 1 w( wer- off at th. !ir Se d. 'Ihe herd was no;v dropping! "The tree slipped from info a valley, when- the f 'iitlcr- i bull's gr:.p, his vast bodv sv 1 I 1 4 loppeii gra.s sUtxl uiiieii lnglier 'u tor a.'i instant en tottern g tha.H a man's head. They were j h'gs, tin n tlropjM d like a land fallowing an old game-path that ! slide into the mud. His flexible I Everybody gets a fair deal here. Ask my custom : s. -Next to First Nat. Bank C. E. 'LUMDY 1 i f 4 ay-' y.T"r'M -v-.'.V.tliJluklllluia. us, TIH!el I. II I asked him ' 'in lnw,.l :fl " . iiisteii,! of the reirnlati.m or lit- double-barreled gun, he aid : kj 1 . . r-rr . ' "its an and and a half ' ' IM'7 11" nr 1 1 . - I t CI t I : ,1 1 V ,l!?-!.;iril-'i' 1 ... I IV ll'i ., . i tfiVuTeir " an ii is altout tne s.niM'. i "One thinir pleased me; lang uoro'N f!nl easy as he was when things were going well, he was all life, motion and alert atteti-j tnoi m h. never we were in diffi-j full I s in ford'uig streams, for; example, and in CRIDE-TO-EE FIED ai ti i. , -W:.. rJ-il. AIM ; 'VIII" .1 n ITS 1 "1 nrrZia IjTTlillu. . i t-ang getting through mazes of trails. I iv:iv beginning to warm to him. when! an inei jei.t. ece nrred that put him j wholly in my had graet s. j "e wrre jiassing through a1 fcteauuii!' .l!ti.i-le on a srame-n.-itf. tliiiishcl, through the grass ui pursuit. "Lf 1 could reach the ford in time, I knew that one or more of th ose mammoth tuskers would my certain i i urncu antli was Yx'Mrcutmg, I did reach it in advance ef the herd. "The river channel, the banks of whifh were thinly fringed trees, was some, thirty jard.s in width. In the rainy season prob ably it held a eon.sidera.ble stream, but now there was mere ly a narrow ribbon of water winding through its hard mud flats. "With mv gnu bev, I got be- e lino me liiuo. j i is Jlcxil-Ie ERIDE-TO-EE IS DISSATIS- iruiiK nuie,i aid ut i'i a snal e-i like twist, then all was over. I ! loked about hastily to see if ' tvt, 't T iVn T v. rti, Husband Secured Through speed litnere were otlnr bulls to con 1 1 l! 1 11 - I . .. (irencneii "i1" r our naving ULscovered t ie object ol'their alarm,- the unhurt elephants h;:d all fled. "Whe s ripped i ti i I Agency. ' J I K V""""il Va.. ridavVZ-'. ii : as brc-nl as a nublie ro;nl ivln.ii I we heard log beasts crashing; and Mh.rting shrilly among the' tanJrh; of vines anxl bush. " j "I was in the lead with rnv: gun hoy, iu d P. S.. as he rather; iKe.! .,. ,. II, ; ing, uhm a h houneed into my fronted us not away 1 ,ui,kh light rifle for a . was follow ig CH bull path, ami con thirty jvaid.s i i eliaiiged bin.! t!ie top of a small tr-e that,;. P irtly iiiKientKneil hy- lv:U wa ter, ha ! b"en r eeiifly bluwn for ward, and now leaned into the ei'rinnel. I had not regained my breath when the thumping, suck ing sound ef hug' feet traveling in stiff mud, announced the ap proach of, the herd. Quietly in Earnest. Silence m.-rrks the working' of the greatest ft re s of life. Xo ear hears the sun draw up Into the sky the countless tons if wa.ter that, fall in rain. No man hears the groaning of the oak's fibers as it grows to its strength and h- i'.dit. Xoi.se is usually an after-effect, and does not often i. e. in ,. ii "-le.i IliWi'l- . i 1 1 I . Ill' ire young hujjhi oijj swain is Vty-five suitor. Tic ghteen, ami the rail i . e. ine L'ir st Suinethin'. haps seme taint in tli,' air, had stirred them. Tl'.ev came lunging owr the bank. and into the channel at a shnf ln ! Vtt'tr fn.kf pPlin riiiii-u i-itli i 11 . 1 11.11 ill'l. 1 IM . .fill. vi"v. leaw .CXlir.'ss. . : i n ..: :.. ... . , . ' ' ui" waives 01 ail si.es. ueii; m "mi" "'- Kun noy earned, ami bra.-s and tinkling cyui!ia's;j I ,ne uei. our n i xiwertui. o ' the will r .Mclcs its decision in j silence and it does nit need 1 much shouting to .Know when a ; in it is in earnest. Love gn.ws j without a sound. The mvat Fisher of Men worked quietly, as', iSMiiis usually io. as Jsaiah s:n) ntt crying nor lifting voice in the streets; vet was aimini? low tin. ..l.vt ..p the .snorting beast, when Sala mon caught me by the .shoul der, and said in my ear: "Never shoot in the midst of a herd of buffalo or elephant!" "I knew that the advice was good, but as had my first Cape hull to kill. I turned to argue the matter. To my surprise, my hunter's face was as white as iwiper. With his eyes narrowed to staring points,"' he was gazing straight past nie at the front of that; threatening bull! Then, in a twinkling, the bull turned tail, and with- all his fellows, tore away through the jungle. "That settled it with me. 'My agint was imposed on in some Mil the lead v the old ones followed with lifted cars and trunks curl ed upward to 'feel' the wind. "These hail crossed the stream when there appeared three mam-' moth hulls, coming on mov leis- j urely, although showing some un easiness.' I let them come with in thirty pact of me; then., with breath suppressed and every nerve tense with excitement, I let the biggest hull have both balls of my express-rifle, the shouldcT. "My shots, which were up his he was ! 'j doing his Father's work everv j i ,.,;,.,... ix'. i . . , umue. n " neeu lief, iieeome anxious- when our sun-crest work makes m great (noise nor has any immediate effect. If we are dead in earnest, let us do what we can and keep still. Our j great partner is a silent partner. ine iieram ami i'restivter. sw here yeistirday, armed with a picture ef Il-iinilton. If-- i"t her at the train and they w nt inf'v the shopping district, mak ing seven! purchases. Hamilton' footing the hills. Miss Adams f went to a boarding1 hons(Iau. ilton going to a barb -r she.p and spruei.ng up for the marriage. The girl an l the ni'in lee inie icqu linh-d through a matrimonial iireau. In the afternoon the girl balk ed and said she wantetvto go htMii . The police gave her quarters. Mr Hamilton, sahl was a gentleman, that the ldy could ketn the things he- had oii'dit and that he would nay her way lnnne. The police have et-miiiu'r.vatt l with the girl's par ents, and are awaiting directions as to what they desire. Chronic Grumbler. "I"1'," I H 'j H-J TW r-.,HJJ Ml I IIIMHI H III I liu I . m T -.ll .. i , H M m ' w v. s c t w s A m T-n mm i ut me j 'jr - m at maw . - , x x :H f m m i atm ill rfv a n)ir it I-.. .' 0 Lightning Kills Few. In 1906 lightning killed only 169 poj l in this whole country. One's chance of death by lightning are less than two In a million. Th rhani behind of death from lltr, kidney. r Jtom j ach trouble is vastly greater, but not iinie lilf EIt('tric Bittora b .as Rob- t,u. bi.Tl, tt,,, 1. iiurungioii, ia., , V ' ' V. ',,,vw- loctr8 gav him up ed a tearlul eonimotion. Ihe after eight months of suffering from wounded Inill gave an uneurthly ' virulent liver trouble and yeliow s (ileal; the others trumpeted iii ' :'";1I" lie was then, conipkaely alarm r,.,vs- I,.-'i I ,.u,,, M "leeme uuters. Tlieyw lur is Or. ' th. v; ten- J-!: b,,l est: an : ir.: - ' -u i:t Hi 1 pi.:.:' dry k " Th. b if :' ,'e I swiftly Collelllded. 'P S arr.iiit coward!' ' ' 'd - ,.w iii't p.Tiii.in.M.J fuiiong the fresh clenhant kra Hills, l'iw sea-level. i.f en a si'' I f i f th. 1 f e. t i "i.i h fw... j; t . th.- ao two Uoisy , alxmt across the channel, press ; ctl forward to iroteet their i young These, lifting their trunk ml their great flapping cars, joined in. a trumpet blast of de fi .POe. "I turned to my gun boy fe"V ' the 'iehter wennon. onlv to f:n1 I (lie b -.wt Ktoiiiacb. liver, nerve and jki tey leinttly nial blood purifier on ennlt duly 4)e at K. 11. Heimis 1 I'rug C o Notice. Havinr .uualificd as Adm. n it ;ves A 1 cm.! runlets that he had flung the rifb "f i of .. . iey uecij. ail jiersons noid Kum- f 1. ii' "e us was all 1 it - d l y .ro-A buffaloes, s of l,louke s w us and im os . was iiu otieii i !II- i an the i toie.t w.ili scattering' .1., n Ht'iH and tail de-, brvnii g in the late' mud liiny- .! tlownward. into the mm wl'tr-' it was now Miekni" lr.ieli ', and that h himself Avas i"ir v.n the bank w"th the ' i lerit v I this "f a monkey, with -mv t-xor. ss; irtri.lgts in his b; lt ! , - ; sons owing said At tiiis instant tht-j wtc.iud d i make imiin-di'ite seftl-menf. bull, getting sight "o wind of (This Ie(iiiber 1st, 1011. me, came lUowinir IHi-oiitri the Vf. t. Jlvev claims against said est ate hereby notified to pr-.-ient sane- (o th, nnd rs'g:n-d with 1"J months IV'. m ti-.h tli'e or notice will lie lt'ea.hil m bar of recovery A! all per- estate wil' a-e .;ior tt elephant tU-rv win-re ; same of mid-! instant 1 and standing it lid ! ed rifle. in the There 1 1 i: i 1. In the saw '. Salamon Open with level was a sudden Adm. of A. S. Key, deed. Tho chronic grumbler is despis ed by all. It Ls at the nest a foolish habit. One can gain nothing by this habit. Kefu.se to notice life's trifles and you remove at once many of your petty annoyances. For get tiie failures of the past, it will do you no good to live over the dlsagreeale scenes of life again. Xo one can nor shout" expect to be care free in the world. Every one has , frien Is and loved ones to think about. Even if they have parsed away their memory one- should revere. Lift at the worst is worth liv- ! ing. And above all renter .ner I that the faults of one's self are j too often magnified iii one's hn j agination. Wo grumble at little 'tt' ii t .i ll 1 1 1 1 i n i.rs, oi w nieii ii we snouiu i take a clearer view we would b j ash r isht d at our woeful dNp'ay temper. We arc all prone to . eXVOse lell'SelveS from lletlVe sT- ; vice in life by our ow n giuu b : lie i imaiMtit ji. It is an iniiist'oc ; ti ourAilvis and injury to our j ; friends who nt--d our services, to! tnake them us'-h ss . in this way.j : Ami last, but not least, one miLst bear iu mind that the grumbler Ls I fed on fleeting faie-it s of ill' us- 'p ag. wrongs-, and i'.lu.i-"ns. us all by good spirits and byt.v A beautiful skin not only imjiroves a woman's appearance but helps to make her feel comfortable and happy. Ita the same with a baby. Atteiwl to your fikin as closely as your health, one is deendent on the other. At. thus drug store you will find all the remedies that as sist a heautiful skin and all the lotions and powders that kep it right. Peoples' Drug Company Main Street Mount Airy, N. C. i Xo man ever fouihl true haj; j'ine.ss by runniuir after ph'asurt t-ny ioe e;isr in:s tiemat-.tl i-i so fi ty in! i tl-strui ti n and ilive for j!'.nit.i!-d not for sell". l.-fTrm,-itori Pre5. . D LACK POWDER,-. , SHOTGUN SHELLSC To get tooJ results in shotgun shooiin j, it ia necessary to have a lead Uiat maVes an ' even pattern, gives good penetrations and is reliable and uniform in every way. VVimihestcr, Blade Powder Shotgun Shells are just such a load, The next time you buy, insist upon having Uvrn. rr: if t t " THE R tL .3 9 i . r 8

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