1 1 lllent.ni l!s hill as-.rts 1 Wit tlf Keystone- Company, directly and indirectly, ui'iired hi the manu facture and sale tlmmrliot-.t the United Sfat.-s ard in foreign count -hs of practically evry gTad of watch oas -s and watch movt nicrtM ami that, it so con trolled the trade and commerce in watch oases a to enable it. to l)ractica)!y . titk-n. ,i all oomp"- The h!!l further sa.s: "The d i'er.l.Iit., e;: leaven d to and did indue jobbi rs to cease hardline any other lin-s of (Toads than those made hy the . Keystone ( loan juiiiy and its sub sidiaries, ref i;s( d to sell to .job 's bers watch movements and as to the . Howard inf a incut, they fixed and niaiiitained selling prices fo'r both jobbers and re tains and kept a black-list of all dealers, who s dd said move ment at less than the established prico and refused to sc 11 move ments as well as any of their watch cases to jobbers wl'io con tinned to sell to retailers whoso names appeared on said list." The hill charters the company villi deception in putting on- the market certain inferior grade watch cases, labeled to suit the purehi't eii- with long-term gnar autrc,;. iiv order to cuitpd oth t lnanufaetnreis to ecinpetc with falselv labeled eases. Trustee's Sale. As Trustee, under a deed of trust executed by D. . Parker and. wife to secure a deht of about $300 to the estate cf W. J. Watson, deceased, I will sell to th ft highest bidder for cash in front of the First National Hank in the town of Mt. Airv, X. C. wi Wedn.fcday tlx- 2ith day cf January, at one o'chek 1'. M. 1912, tlie fallowing de scribed real estate, to wit: a lot of land lying in Mt. Airy town ship, a Ij.finii tr the lam's cf S. I tuna n r.nd the lands of the heirs cf W. J. WaUa :i, ato! oth ers, eont lining aho"t t 1-2 acres. This. l)eev1ii!ier lit, 1011 J. M. Hill, Trustee. .V'uo:i jo i !nu a .:1 Pet ' t.e . ' I h '.. ; (,.-- l:--r:i,i It Mil oen tlx. you u;. nil riht and will r . rj ;f rnf t u U :;ey toward pne i ;i: ::.!. . Y!i r . y i :t ;.' i 0ta'u or oil, r u ;r o- - .nt neiv h" givtn h . : ::!!; in a 1 X l-i-to ua l-.'t. i'.o'.dby all iJj-irs. smallpox m town until Vis wi:is kcrs curl up like a lean man with the wi?;d colic, jnt 1 if the newspaper man rntw a. three-line item to the same effect his ad v.-iii-city' will land on him and make 1 1 iiii rovinble a crush d fruit, salad. If the printer op -ns his head about the presence of slot nri.chi.ncs, penny ante and li-h N-in-the-wa!!. every candi date he supports at the primary tJ-etieji will have rbuut a rjucli t-how of iiominatii n as a oiu'-legged man in a hurdle l-.ee. The farmer can. ;;;, on his porch and hmihast the board of super visors from supper to break fa.st, uid if the newspapt r man j ir.s a loard ff the fence in that di rection, his appeal for the county printing will be about a.s effec tive as a live broil with tobasco S411ICC. "The fanner can express his cpir.HMi cf the new Methodist preacher im a finu and hud voice, on the four corners, and if the printer ventuns to express tJie view that the preacher ought to be chasing a currycomb over n milk cow in;oVad of filling a large roc in with thi.'i czone and in'i.infoi matu ii, he will lose sub scribers to fast that he won't have, the circulation of a eold sb rage egg. The fanner dr.. s not lwire to impress a chaste kis.s on th. ui-.ist nose of hi.s foivni'in in order to keep hini from get ting drunk on press day, neith er 1oks he have to get seme body to go on his note when the 'devil' carelessly feeds a pair of pipe tongs through the cylinder press or the rats chew the lining off a fov s t of roll ers. There Ls no law which eom p.ls him to fill four coluiur.M of space 'vitli a clogged think-tank ami a stickful of brain-food. "If the editor takes two suc cesivo days c ff i:i fishing, his patnrs call him a 1 o.iiVr and take their job work to the oth 'r office. Jf he works until he is bowed over like a fat man with era nips pe pie say he Is fi o bl'jgy to hire extra help, ff he eu.trihiihs i?2.( to the V. C.-T. ('. arid wcriiS a boihd sinit on Jsuuday, tit banks cad in Irs no!, s with a in like a ciwi-r g ( raa-, f.,H Iff m a and if ' ;.Vs tti ! c lp f .' the Woi.i ail's H-dief Corp inp' r Ce IS fO'Vl.Je.i ;i U ; i . Ui ! avoid.'. 1 a-i if d.r had the , Mvts. '1 i f a; r . - ) i. 'V-i - .t ,U tit.. 'i-il rj-.., ' a sdf-f.-eding urinuii- sp'-eadt r. We v.ili live h n.';.er, cr at a'ty rate it will set nv h.it..'cr, as th.' nrirri d iit.sn said, at d if tli w.o ! com- s t. worst, we can live on rutabagas ami n ek 'salt. v,ki-h we ha. e no doubt. i an impru-i :m i t over our e;r-ie,!iarv , ' i - -1 . Tin :i 'lke.V to the St.ii' wiJI !.: tli pa. v. id an 1 ' S -h !;' t he -.rrand u :.l ifr '-i of di;:-"'." fli.re Art Seme Tchphcr.c Girls Who Will Net I til. UoMeli, Dec. -0.--N t even for siieh allurements as a Christ mas present cf cash and promise of a junsiou will the young wo men tmplovid by the hx-.d telephone- e,iiipany reveal their ages. Kts'etitly thei direetois.' f the com pany voted to give the switch board operators' a cash present at Christmas, the amount varying to age. It was announced that this ( liristmas gift would eventu ally d 'V( lop into a pension. One of the young secretaries, a man, had the task of tabulat ing the girls by ages. He be ban his work among the lo() young women cmploved in the main fi'icc. Afti r a few hours of fruitless questioning he, n port ed to the direeh rsi that the t :!: was a liopnh ss one, as not one of the operatois would ans wer his question as to date of her birth. The, scheme has, there fore, been abandoned fcr the present. i DON'T SAY YOU'RE OLD You Only Feel Old Digestive orRana aro weak don't asBlmllate food bh they tised to. Other organs act moro slowly and less ctfecuiall. Ilood is th'.n a--A rluirjrtsh. Henewal of Btron;,!'.i doca rnt cq'if! the wear and tear of your u'-Htera. That's what makes you feel old. Nothing In the v ovU vi!l tono tip and lnvi?"-i :( i (;.-- v-orJc. hack-pi!d-Insr orn'TP, r-: ':' . -;. ll-..ed and cre ate strength ro ' : VIr.ol. Vinol Is unt a . oi rrstrum, fi'rr.-j-.ly the ineil'rtn .! rV-cn's cf tTei rods' livf-rs, v.-!": t!o vk.-.3 naa-at-lnq; o!l cMuv"-! :, nnJ tor.ic Iron aM fd. Tr.v a bottlo of Vfnol with t i ujuera'amliric; t!iat your' taoney wi'l Le rf urned If it lie not tr.a'io vti rt..,, f(sr.j -on r anj ivo Jvtl PEOPLL3 DRUG COriPAIIY. -M .-.ii.t Ariy, N. C e , la a reeoVetV. 1!M1. ' ' Uo'liiursworth. i' o.. i: ii v . i , Sadiii 11. deed, Trust . ..; i v :;:;:- i f h I K ed . f e:it:d to 1... I I wife .M'i!l.i IV.. I ,o :V i".invi ing .u i iy lici t in ai ' r te i' i d to se 'lire a ! bt i f Five udred Hollars due and payable h L. Suew, of Sorry Coanty, C. due and pavabV 1 ."()., N'ov- In c uh r 1st. 11)11. and ijo'O, due and payable N.v mbcr 1st, 1!H2 and whereas d -tanit lias Ii -en made in the payment of 1"0, due November 1st, l'Jll, which ac cording to the terms of said deed of trust makes the whole amount i 11 v .... 1.. uue ami payanie .oi inner it, l!)ll, and upi-n npplicath n of th.e holder of the notes, l will sell for cash to the bight st bal der in front of The lhink f Mount Airv in the town of -Mt. Airv, N. J. on the Tth, day of l.inuary l!M2 at 2 p. m., the fal lowing real estate, tt wit: I'etfiiining At a black oak i: Wot. side of Dohsoii road W. W. LovilTs & S. Iiobertsru's corner . thence Kast time chains and 75 links to a maple in lovil's line; Thence South 12 degrees East , M'VCll a!!t I ....1. . Tli,. ii. i chains to a white e South decrrecs West three chaini'tt a stake at I forks of Koad; Then South six idegrns West one chain; Then I J I ' in South 20 degrees Vust three chairs; Then South 12 degrees West five chains; Then South eight degrees Kast one chain and Co links to I stone on West side of said Koad; Then West five V.' chains to Austin Snow's line; Then South .'0 degrees , West 'about four and Vi chains to a stake and corner f mill tract; Thou North 71) degr ts West 12 jchaiis to branch; Then up said j branch as it, nirandeis to a maple j S. KobertMUt'si corner; thru near ! North 0(5 d-gres Ka-t with a iii ir I the ;!hir ked lire 15 an 1 1 ehaii.s te ln-ijiniiing, containitig in all t hi ve and j aens tuop or h s. T!:is is all of and the same tract of land conveved to Fnd L iv.- bv 1J. Ij. Snow and hi-. K. !:. Sm.w. !d to satisfy sail debt, in- : t' r- -t :-:nl cost, of sale. iTl.'s I.AJi!r 20th. 1911. . ; pleaded in bar o : This Dee. lVth I It. V.. ihou V. ('rouse, Kx. of I f! 'org- If. ('rouse. X. (). r. tree, Atty. for Kxecutor. ! i Adniinltratcrs Nctlce. j IIe leg qnalit" d as Admin's-: tr't.u- of Ii. J!. A,.!.; . .! P v;s having claims against I the t ;:.! f se.id . ; -as. d a; e ! r; jiiistvd to presi t the yn-1 Wifhut tw elve me'.ths; othcrv.ise j this notice will be pleaded in I bar of a recovery. ! T. Ii. Avhbv. a liar, of estate f ' K. Ii. Ad Lv. decl. j ! Tliis Die. IDtli, 1D11. NOTICE! I Sale cf a Large and Valuable ; Tract cf Lands! j liy virtue of an order of the ( Superior Court of Surry Coiin- ty, made at November Term, ; 1!)11, in the case of I. M. Cox and W. A. .Martin, adminlstra ; tors of C. 1. Cox, deceased, against C. V. S. Hoyden, adminis 1 tratrix of N. A. lioydi ti, appoint ing the iindersigm d Commis : shiners for the purpose, we will sell on the premises, on the loth day i f .January, li12, the follow ing real estate, to-vit : i First, tin- fullowiiig tract of ! land, laid off to .V. A. I'.oydeti as h'u homestiad, ami describe d as follows: lieginning at the .mouth if a branch that runs ; down on the Kast side of the (dwelling house, and runs up said branch as it uieamh fs 40 chains to a stake; then South to the Yadkin river; then down said river to the beginning, sup posed to contain one hundred ; acres. Second, Any lands lying in I Surry County of which N. A. : Hoyden died seized, sail land de scribed in two deeds of trust, executed by X. A. Iioyih n to W. V. Carter, trustee, tunl one re- : corded in Kegister's office of Surry County UKt March. lHO.l, the other 1st' day of April 1)". Terms of sale, ojie half cash, the reiaa:ivtler,ort a credit of six , month. 'The purchaser will be put in possession of said land. Iitid sold in lots or as a whole, f Tins December lhh, 1011. V. U ii-'M" a'i'i T. W. Koiger, C..!l,:ill-so lie! S. "MA - CIV iHAS. W ?;!(b0 PrattaJLtmitcJ t.) Opt'OMite ( Knl foni llo'el Over far s, Kluia I r;;jf CcKput-y lj . i-.lmrn, N. 0 OfHc- i hi.-u- '.VI 1 I! . ,l. nc 1315 l.l n ;','.r,-.'i DR. J. E. BANNER Dentist Of!iee in new Uoliikitf Ti.t iloor tie low l'o.-.t oitice. In outer t(- avoid de lay, out of town pen pie idiivulil, when possible, plione or write beti.re com. njf. Otiice pnotie 115. Keaidctiee phone 113. j R. R. FOLGER, D. D. S. j I DENTAL SURGEON j Mount Airy, North Carolina I OSlc on Mala StrMt, nxt donr South of I'irat NdiuBkl Bunk J. W. EARP & COMPANY Undertakers end mbalmers x l We carry a full lire of Coffins, -. .i... i ..i..... . ......... p. T asill-13, uunai 1UL.I.-P, nii"ici b.uul. 4 : I Furniture liop.ti'-ocl 1 Upholstering Neatly Done ! Pictures framed to Ordor j .We one door south of First f National Lank Residence Phone 82 --" DR. J. MEIGS FLIPPIN Off cm vrer Gwjrn'i Drug Stuif Office H'Mirs: 8 to 9 A. M.; 2 to 4 arc 7 to 9 P. M. and by appointment. Leave calls at Gwvn ')rv Co. or at residence, l'23tain St. I hoi e 12. Jf f r " " "" 1 F. ' f i r