7. 11CK H'f I ill' ln r i 41... . ...,.,.t. ... I. ,.1.1 ! trot' with (!;( l;..iinl and clutcheu the rope df lliv struggling kit with the -it lief! The Iik' w.rs an especially tall oui', liiL- r than the nearby houctps, in f siot. and as the tranches were not obligingly sit uated the bov concluded to wait until lie was discovered. While he fcj 5iit tlic afternoon in the cold, all kinds of rumors were mulling his home. One was to the effect that ttcorge was seen flying over the Sehuykill in tow of the kite, while others were that he was going in the direc tion of Chestnut hill. His relatives and hoy compan ions scoured the hill and woods nntil near nightfall, and finally James iSroguu ,n neighbor, who was making a tdiort cut over the hills, heard his cry for help and rescued him from the tree by means of spliced ladders. Thy boy was blue from cold and his hands and body were cut anil bruised. lie was taken home and Dr. R. IV Lenta was called iu to attend him. Notica of Stockholders Meeting. The regular annual meeting of the shareholders of The Surry fiuHP.ty Loan and Trust Company will be held at ten o'clock Wed nesday morning January IS, l'Jil Geo. I). Fawcett, See. f Stockholders Meeting A'ular animal meeting of m icholdcis of The First mnk of Mount Airv rrfl be h-dd at ten o'cloek Tues- elay nioniwg ..annnrv 10, 1!)11. T. O. Fawcett, Cashier. Judga Walker Dead. Rochester, Minn., Dec. 2D. vuue new n aitier, oi cnatia- i(iTiu T'fin iifw? at nnAn 4 rsl a St. Mary'i hospital. The ""588 taken south by hia son, V o 1 L- s T ATS im(i 4 !.is mac iii ffyo a fence !v Alter success) nil v notrotli-tinir the course oi Martin was blown far to the south of the field, where he narrowly escaped disaster several times among the high wires and trees. By skill ful maneuvering of his machine he finally tacked back to the course and the crash came as he was trying to make a landing. Two or three thousand men and women were within a few feet of him when he dashed into tlie wire fence just in front of the grandstand. Latham was in front of the judges' box when Martin brought his machine? to earth. Latham saw the danger and rushing out, caught hold of the i midline and desperately tried to turn it nway from the fence, but miscalculated its speed and was dashed to the ground. The run ning gear of the machine, which weighs IMM) pounds, missed Lath am's face only by a few inches, and Martin and his biplane sped into the fence with force enough to break the iron posts upon which the wire was stretched Martin was hurled over the fence but was unhurt. Hospitab For Insane A3k $190, 000 Incease. Kaloifli, Dec. 20. The annual report of the state board of char ities recommends to the general assembly that the appropriation for the maintenance of the three state hospitals for the insane lie increased from $." b",(KH) to 685, Od;), ami insists that there should be additional room provided at the Raleigh hospital and at the (Jold.sboro hospital for negroes. The board wants a .",()) re ceiving building provided where special oases can be received, and specially treated by experts. The board recommends a pa role board to relieve the gover nor of the pardon burden. nt.-i mm cum mi V YiAto a fence hv V 20-ini e- livestock, two branches of farm ing of particular importance iu W A ... ... I . I 1 . 1 "I'su'rn .orin e aroima, nut ne ! J1" aI1 .igriculturli.d. ir. Mason is to work in c -operation with the North Caro lina Cn ..;i'ssii.!ier vi Airrictltun ami the I'nited States Agricultur al Department, and with all other agencies iu advancing the farm . A a i ... .i ui ... iu.v. important leature ot las wor feature of his work; will be co-operation with Mr. M. A. Hayes, Agent of Land and In dustrial Department of the Southern Railway, with head quarters at Ilarrisburg, I'a., who is devoting special attention toj soliciting farm settlers for West ern North Carolina. Mr. Mason will visit all such new settlers and advise them as to the lines along which they can work to the best advantage in their new homes. Two and a Half Million are IIuii gy in China. Washington, Dec. 2!. An af fecting picture of the ravages of the famine in China is afforded by a report to the state depart ment by the American consul at Nanking, enclosing extracts from the Shanghai newspapers. The consul says that the famine is even more severe than that of three years ago, since it affects a larger territory (seven counties in the northern part of the prov ince Anbui Kiangu(, and a greater population, in this case numbering 2,500,000 persons. The famine is owing' to serious floods last summer, which utterly destroyed the autumn crops. The roads are filled with refugees who, in many cases in their des peration, are robbing and plun dering the villages where food stuffs and medley are to be found Death in Roaring Fire. may not result from tho work of firebugs, but often severe burns nre caused that make a quick neel for Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the quickest surest cure for burns, wounds, bruis es, bolls, soroa.' It subdues Inflama Uon. It kills pain. It soothes and beals. Drives off skin eruptions, ul cers or piles. Only tic at E. II !$? $S? 0$ iS sSx Rhtvmat.aui it a spivie hloo. ! oi inv circuiA'ioa irom an excess oi in the M(m! Strega. Th: utatie imtmtitv c areault f oMtatipatioN. vrtfik kid'itva, av.u g.n-.uiiancM, men' s vsu-ei x :i ol uire.J Jtvanty or of lang u ir.it;. n, nut c... a a tllrett effect oa th ttiannati va i:iou,b--t of t!w? bidy. w!i cli i-rcrer-.U the proper romoral of thj wikte pr-.k:i.ts. Tiiu rei'asj re main in tke itomnch anJ 1mjv.-!s, and souri;: fi.rins nric acid, wliich the Llood quickly al sor-iis. Rheumatism is usually run f-yte l in ta.- j.iH.i anil muscles. It i here iU s'aar'K-st twinges of p...n nr? (vlt. al stifftnin? of Hjaiuants anJ U-udjns first c-'iii-nfjce. The paiu of Rheumatism U caused by the contact f th eivory nerTCA with the gritty, acrid formation wMdi urio acid c safe's to accuruulat in the corpuscles of ening of uiuscles and joints is nsu.illv gr-'bial. C-intantly the blood riepoiita the uric acid into tlic j.-iuts, an 1 sluv'v the mtural fl iids are dried Dp and destroyed. Then K lieu in itism foc-coaies c!n ine anJ serious. Rheuma RHEUMATISM TORTY YEARS. I a(r wllb lnat for long- tluaa, unit pUmtr l f It to u frleuU r. d7 k to I J ma tntry S.S.S. I did , mad loon four.i It wMki'.plB u, I hd rlMimt. tl;n far mora tha furly y-iui, hlr eeatraet4 it in tb nrir y, bat . 8. 8 eurt mo auai.U uu 1 wall, and haa bad is roturn cf taatroubla. I think ti.S.S. baa nu aqaal for eartaf rhaumatiam. 7HC8. POTTS. Ill Mala t., Jahiinton City., Pa. throbbing muscles and painful joints, and filtcs out of the circulation the irritating matter which causes every painful symptom of the disease. When th1 blocd has been purified and enriched by S.S.S , it nourishes the different members that have been weakened an 1 st.it because of imperfect blood. Book on Rheumatism and any medical advice free to all wlio write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Wilmington Orders Compulsory, elay at the prosor.t time there are Vaccination. I12G case8 of smallpox iu Wiiminp "Wilmington, Jan. 2. At a;ton ifc "'e confiaea noarly alto- meetirig of the hoard of alder-1 nu n held this afte rr.ooii, e-oiiipiil-' f,ir t,lpre ,ia1 t loath sory vaccination was onh roil for from tlie ili'asc. The au dio city of Wilmm-rton and City ' tlioritif.s found that it was a rare Superintendent of Health Acker-. tllin fur a ,u'Kr' to he vaccinat um., was instructed to employ allK ompelleii to do ho nZltiX?Zl$X assistance needed to carry out decided that the only way to pre the orders of the hoard. An ap-!Vl',lt disease from spreading propriatiem of $10,fMX) was made! wa order compulsory vaccina- to employ special officers to guard houses where there is small! Ih)x. A guard will be placed at i the frotit and hack of each r.'fd- dence and day and night guards! will be kept on duty. The su- mm firniR-nutn--:.. u s mrin- tine aci nrevrn'i U:i" le-j t v..i..y 11 1 1. ill .l lil V.oiH- , !! TV 'V. :.i rv'i; .a: il'. v.nr r.i-t b tin - IK.:h! a'..-ut tlic j int: The still- tism iss'iiiK-ti:..i! iaheiitcd, (or like all bl 1 diseases it cart be transmitted to ofi'sprmg. This explains why some pe: - :i are aHlicted with the disease, an 1 si;!ler it i pains, ho have otherwise I. cm perfectly hejlthv. H i'.H. cures !1 lit Muiatism and cures it permanently. It goes into the circu latiuti, and removes the uric acid puriCcs the blood, and iu this way ileftroys te cause. S. S. S. change? the blood from a sour, acid-steepetl stream to a rich, healthy fluid, which Quiets the excited nerves, eases the gather to 1 1 e negro sections. So tion. f""" f i PACKER'S HAIR BALSAM j 1 -i -;V7 Notice. P,y virtue f an onicr cf the S perior Couri of .Surry County aa Coi nilssiom r an! Adin. of Jojin Matthew a C.v d. I will pll at publ auction oa tin- jiremisea on SaturJ.i the 4th i!ay of February 1911 at or o'clock j. :a. the following real e t;'.te to v. .t lyijig in Sur.-y County C. 1st. tract adjoining M. L. Matthew T. F. KeeveB L. K. and C. C. Ma thews l-eini; the homo place of sai John T. Matthews deed, ctmtainir acres more or less. 2nd trait adjoining the nbov tra t C. H. Mooney a. J. Atkinso L. K. and C. C. Mattho vs and othei containing 70 acres more or less. The above land will be sold sul Joct to the widows dower and th homojtcad right of the minor bein Terms of sale 1-2 cash 1-4 in si months ami the remainder in 1 months, said land will bo sold fc assetts to pay debts. This December 30th 1910. C. C. Matthews, Comr. and Admr. Demand CREMO for your mil! cow. Accept no substitute. Yot will make serious mistake i: you do. Your retail Merchnn will supply you. Administrators Notice. Having qualified as Adrnlnistrato on the estate of W. D. Hay more, dec notice is hereby given to all partiei owinR the estate to make lmmedlati payment to save cost, and all per .-oiis holding claims against the es tate to present them properly prOTei In the time prescribed by law oi this notice will be plead in bar o their collection. This Jan. 3. 1911. V. It. Haymore, Adm. W. D. llaymoro, dee MECHANICS "WrUtra Ss Yea Caa UnderstsBi U" 300 Pictures Every 400 Articles .1 250 Pages Month mnv hirtion. A mK'itz-re lfr Bikri, l.-'r. Larver. T- hr. 1. KajTncm. Piuibm Mm. Mv- ufarturert. M e hnics. Mac IJO i- jJrr evesy mtmth. IntfMi rery(vlr. Wh you are ra you undrnuaml why. Ai , t mn wbo rrjuds it. Your nrrirair will ahow yii one, or writ Ui pubitjkra lur a tree uitipw ctvr. Tbc "Shop Notes" Dept. ?" ,e2; 1 eafy way tu do thing-How to maka repair, sad artK-ka lor boma and ahop, nc. "mtvr Mffbinlrs' " - - to mane tnav fumirurv. virrlraa, boat, sasuwa, rare, an4 aii tha Uunsa a bey iutaa. St JO Ptr far. tmgit tetim IS aM ASK YOUR NEWSUAXX Ot W rrri nap iirriin-tr mr!Tf -

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