A blue mark here means tht the tub tcriber to this copy of The News is be hind on subscription. I'lcase make a pay-tni-nt a soon as con Yctiient. C3 JItftf,V2 Aim, MWII1 CAROLIA, rifUR1I.1 Y. FEBHUJllV I, HH3 'pitched officer into POOL OF STILL SLOP Delputies Kirkpatrick and Eas lcy Have Unusual and Un pleasant Experience. , ' Greensboro News 20th. lVptitn.ll4'ctors S. Kirk patrick anu'wniM Kaslcy return ed vest i idav Yrcm a raid in Uiickiinrham co.ty and h ( rd ing to Mr. Kirkpatrick Lis broth tr officer had a "nasty," if uot a humorous ami rather perdous M-i' !(( ia attf iii,itii g t I in(l a "mooohinc" sum (f Iioeking- hum. i Th. officers Weld out fl'OUl Ib-idsville in the i-arly morn'msr, having informa-h u tl.d two Volll g fellows W i I'-' Ml til ing full hi: i -it iJ-'Mit six ini'es fn n town. Their names were given as Kviek-r-r I'd King ?i t t 1 lr ni informa t i i ii in hand the officers knew that to h.eate th iii meruit the h s1n.etieii of a !!: illic't plant. 1 i v vari mis ihteurs mil tricks klloW 11 el'IV to I Hi ! Sims rai !ers they reachtil the locality mid Mr. Kirkjvit rick said the vcrv air 1"hl him that they were (lose to a blockade plant. ' It Was like being eh sc to' a man who h is just hroke a Lottie .in his hint pocket," said Mr. Kirk patrick. and then he described in detail how he and Mr. Mas lev worked up to a point when; they could lok upon the .,iaV of Messrs. IJucker and King. ; At Mr. Kirkpatrick s sugges , tioii he concealed himself in a ravine lea Img fn in the still and Bisley agreed to make a detour: and conic upon the p;Tators from the npHisite direction, the object being to flush the two Jh 'ii, if th y would flush, in thei direction (. Mr. Kirkpatrick. Mr. Kaslev can ifd out a part of his. m&us-rt, L' t Jo h' -.siT.-Wf diiu'i. wv v!'""1 i.i rf n i.j-u ...' rin the two blockadcrs did not flush, Kaslry calm- up, hi thou) with a loud command to s s rrvii ih r, thinking that they v. .ed i bnak anil run dincth into the l.e( phil lied hy his s i;. ri r i f ficcr. lli.vti ad of this ( lie o the In 'ii, a sleeky i ! r ;' I'-'l-v,, took issue and hy a s h -udi i dive fc. i.' d the olTie. r h;. the 1 --. lilted him and w.th tossed him into V ! l' ' '' I Ho.v Ion WiaWt , ; z - : i- : - ' t-. tts' ; ' I - ' ARRESTED $2,000. FOR THEFT OF Hctt L. Southern Confesses to Syitematic Rotbcry Frcm Spach Eros. Wiiiitn Jounud. rfHm. A door led from South eni'n nartrneiitA to tln stare, hut this door was harred on the side next to the store. South ern had nrrantred to r move the i iron liar, then to open the door, j enter the shop, ni d r thr-uh j -he store into the office, where T Charged with the laroeney of the safe was. The safe was ncv more than $-.( m) from Sjaeh i er locked, and the nnii took a P.rothers, wag n inaiiuf u tons, small iiiiimii t i f money each roller mills and store proprietors night, occasionally going over of South.side, aj.d confusing that the $'() mark. '(): Southern. ie has conducted a svstemitie rohhery of the office safe for a period covcrirg several uio'itlm. Ii. -r- -- - 1 - - ' - - .r - J'- 4 114 1 Up. I. h" IV hv the and aduiitte.' At ' o'cl I1O0I1 he Was tiee of the 1 in Sonthsid"' in-. ... ,,! .;. s -n! on to ia Southi rn. unt d yes- a hi lo.v r -p ted cm- of th' e m p i uy f ( m tln-th- f'S V.'ef" lead.', is j dl. H" was : g s is i '';on alt' n o i. a!" i.t Sh.'iff Ceorge V. daih r .1. d. Adams, i 1 's1 !i le d eh S"- iI'Uvii Ji.'.vrt te.dav - e uhi-h ;e. w in the eo':i art'i sti d lip-Mi s' r yes' i da v o'ch ck hy Yh nt and ny W r in a! WHS 'nes-np- 1 MP the l.rihl- I'hern was Ihicf. I. t! i-f. J i-st- V,' Ti s:iei ill 'i i ! o. ii-t. H'eal-s Dcwn arc! o f a ti 1 hrok. I, is ::r.i't. !, es' -rd.-iy jtft-'r- i illi d h f l'e .lils- , .1. 1'. Cli u-h s : i d g'v n a liear ' d ir '.It; :r d w as '. to r.wait the for- a! in Mi-' s:rerior A Showing of How the Ladies Cross the Streets in Mount Airy i en It Kains. AfV.its. Wiuji eonfn nted with the oharg1? hy th' Shei-'ff and the iailrr in the office f.f Spudi I'-rothen .vest' rday Soutlieni at first laugh" ! ara hut wh"i the had lakeii Tie d miss.-d i the c -a-i- d i; n'oniiiig at d fr p. a i i oi s i.i. i !., h 1 door ol the l.fi'ie-- ii ti in:' in anv manner, S fir.st saspeet'-d. A itip Let Fi.r ti c S i a ! rap v. cm ! i r S:n I strips of pi per cd a I'oss the di. i the i i in 's n m t ' I a a stick v. .is laid ;: 'a i , Th ihoir could without, t' ai ii g tie p. r alld Iil" II,'.' the : V.'h ti th" pro,' i id t" the st.,re ..: d ter a in. rnii g t 11 ti i ii and tii" st 'eh kiaehiil down. A!s,i hi i n taken fruiu ti. era ( ad gone to his v.ork in the fact' ry. Sieoiff F! nt wis noti fied and, aec mj-aoi. d hy Jail v Al.un.s, weal to Soiths.de and nude the arrest. Southern Was a Gccd Hand. The whole affair cam.-1 as a trrcat surprise to Spach Uros., r-. g 1; .in iv and l.e ('oor. OM. led i f pa- r lrn- e.' yes- s were 1 Ii -en -"() had S ..th- Nctcd Speakers to be at Lay men's Cnventicn. The various committees ap pointed in connection with the Laymen's Missionary Movcni-'iit convention, which is to he held here next month, are now mak ing preparations lor I no meeting, j , , iias ,luS(.(i m. Tc Save the Chcbtnut. An Unusual Suit. Philadelphia, .Ian. IK I' 'cans? j Aslu-ville, dan. 'JoAn intcr- d" the spread of the chestnut tree Might, Governor Teller lias called a couventi' n of the Stat, s 1 af llirnshurg on 1-Vhruary 'JO, i to tons'hler the fungus disease This will he one of the most iiatwruuit Airbus r.'ji t'i.ts lhli It will he h.hl 1 Hons of dull if worth ft dam- in v iiiaion -tt: ii iiiaM.v years. i, r,',. . i, .. . i.ii.i.t - I I' I I l 111 lil l' M ..Ii.l I ! t f- 111 A fit aupeareit to tike the matter as a food joke.' Put when Sin r'ff Kiyiit r-nrirk- ed to him that h" "had the who had reposed great eonfid 'nee l Mills" aJid related hri fly a pur- in Soutlieni. The man had heen tioii of the circumstantial evi- working as an appan-i. tly f.nth- (l nee against hun the man hroke ful emtIovee of the company for csting and unusual case was down and confessed. years. He is a in in a-Uuit 113 heard today in superior court in, Finds Pait jf'the Mcney. 'years oil and does not look like vvhiel, f,-v )i M Thomson of Therciiixin he ciniod the offi- a "crook." He always did his Mushni'll hrought suit for ages in the bum 01 ijil.CHM) against the llac i.f her lit! i tnr: t'tTM lit; iViimt VidTii V 1 p ',-l . . ' . . ' . All 1 If 1 ! - adjoins the office and is in the, Ml aiut. ins ua.iy wage was sime huildino' "with the Ktnre ! $l0. ;i:cv . .i dale iioinnanv . e .. ...i. t .t ir ; wo kjwti? ------ , I'm i ia . ,iui' jri.-ijor. 1 1 r . pj--... . ... . . e lingular. ihieh work faithfully i;;.vl was a eapi- tnuis- r;!t. titiil .sh p. Wit! floundering In l: tdop the 1 o ia. n partiiro, r from the SUM 1 I i I o i I 1' ih d - i'h tie- officer U in th" u t: ir ! ing j i-t the other w ay sjnit wh iv Mr. Kirk patrick had phuiie d hiiiiM If. With Mr. Kashy ia suli a pre dicament the first duty of Depu ty Kirkpatriek va plain, and it Was with gnat, effort lie man aged to fis.li him from his un pleasant position. 'He was the. most God forsaken looking oh-' ject I ever saw when I fished 1 1 j in out,' declared Mr. Kirbpat-, rick, "and it took two hours Washing and scraping with .sticks ': to get him in shape to face his wife and family." Mr. Kasleyj admits that he pulled his gun and shot when the Mockader Prahlx'd him, hut lie is equally , frank in admitting that hei doimft know whether the bullet i went into the air or into the j ground. He only knows tluit it : desired effect. Before leaving the officers thopjK'd up the still and they ex-j piH-t to play a return engagement j with the hope of landing their j toen during the. coming week.. The evidence against the oin'ra-', tors is jxadtive and Easley hopes , to laugli last when Rueker and ; King sit before Judge Boyd and receive pasKjxirts to Atlanta. i .-r-.i-v 1 I, ' : . . -. r. i i. ...i. i- i (.' . 7.. . .. . . " - 1 - ' ' . ....... . .. 1 . .. . . ( . . rl . . : . . . I . I I I- ' I I I I I I I 1 , I' I V. II I 1 -T l..l-ll"lin fl hill' C I ' . I ... . ..... .... I fll'I '. I . 1 I I I I i t T 1' til and l.th. i,vH.iu.-e I'iii.i uiteis tin.t the eon-. the ii'gativos wen- made. ; -.'.iihack. In an flo-r pa it f f S "ithrin ins sp.-; t t al! x i e, J.CU- Vi,n.;,n ha. ,..,11,, in ,,,; 'lie- eomplamt ivcd.-s that tlie th- !... m nhi.nt a g-i!-. i, , f pen- a Pp-:) to ! : s , n !tl Vriu.h ' '"u,'i"'! s'ii..-.; tin- oth-r Stat.s nt vet'l'HiMos had an infant aKuit l ;. , ,.. 1S f;, -.,,?. -l .... a 1- has I--n liv:rg p - Jliss,,.:,n Moveme, t. and Mr. .,,.,,,, ,,v tl;,. hl lu j,,';,, ta1S i,l in th- , r P-i' i; that a:'" d th.-t a 1 of t'.'s ni"!!-"-- ml - st !- . . h,- ";'' line of advance, ,-ax he aiMiis-.tliey i,-. go. .d li.at t!..' c! i!d , I. ... n (,'-.-, fr. ei f. ( .- 1',.'u-' -v"' 1 ' ' ed to action and 'he read,- to ! was let liK.h to he and had .(iV in the .s, f d.-s. wMh win, are ai ti.-' loa I . i this gnat J; vt j)u, il( y.;, . th; r ' ,(,r. ahoat twelve ph-.i --raphic n- ga- ti, - -;,i,.;! ,.f th- p-nnies. "I"',m ' a:'' v.nl-ly (1 . .fives maie: that tl.-se were -iv- v!.M, he had I- en stealii.- all 'I I'll i ' Oi'llll i ii ...i .... ... il .. II .... . . i . I ..!.. ia. .,! . r.ii'isv ivaina s proia.-iu, in" l" l,M n. '...'.- .m-.n - ... .,r.. ,! 1 v eommis.si'. n stat-s. "is law or l''r d . v elupm -nt ,,t;-r th" child ., arh'th r , ..; ; ,.f tie n-oiu 1,1 "' s, ujjj ,. jj,,. pi-idilem if had di d .Oel te e-ieipi. h.-l a snail p ei.it aeeuint honk ...... i , . . ......... t . 1 1 ... t .. i . , . . r i i .-' - - - i.i i 1 1 o u i i a i.. i -i i ie in , ii mi , 1 1 o iui i ' y , - i-r: ii r i v n i . s. the pla.iititt Ie i.ev, s tlir:t tla-v 'in:, h ; cnta';.--! in it ia:- d . I . . .. I 1 "M . I . . . . i were iom or u I ! o i u. i ;.e Me- rn'.-. . ; ; so iirinl'!l '1. 'ia'ci! it tciulaiit company c'Uiten.l il ti.al ,, ti.e iiioia v he hid ev r stol- Garolii.a, South it iie.-r received th" negatives. , n trrm th e,.m! mv. Th ... . . 'ei . : i i .n i . . . .,'.-, . . .Mis- ne join iin.u-iiMi ine p..i mill illil'HIIiIS Were i i i T . f . 1 alaiost !$HK). -daily since the first week in , Jh,. At tl - i - i . l' t! e u, . k a m oh . a hne drawn ''I'eoti d a. uiiu.it i. oi-. o.l also ii Maim,', Vennont, Xew H inij shire, M ass.'ii h i,m t ts. Khode laiii, i onncct icnt, .si w l or!. New .lej-s'-y, Deleware. Marvhini Virginia, N.ith i arolina, iieorgic, Alahama, sissiipi, Teiniissie, Kentucky, West Virginia. Ohio, pidiana and Michigan." lieu !- l v will V hll'L'e Wiii.ston-Sah in dates. Not only will the hy in. ni'ii ; s i f all ih in Win.stoii -Salem. proiiiiiient wi.rUii-s Iroiu ii'ljoin in.g towns. The con y t-iit ion , is La'er-ih lM.iiiin.itioiial and a ehlilchi .s in lie e.ty are e . ; .. r ating in making the convention a great, success. ICamercn Hotel at Denton De- Preliiniiiarv meetings will ho held on Sunday, Fehruary 11th, ; stroyed. when seven or eight, prominent J I-xington, .Ian. 2."). Karl Var workers in the movement from i m r, of Denton, arrived in the out of tow n will occupy the pul city this morning with the story pits of the leading churches of , of the burning of Cameron hotel the various denominations in the at Denton early yesterday moni-t-'iiv. , iu, ,. sa-ui that the hlaze start- There will he a general mass ed from the hotel office and is meeting on one day of the eon- believed to have come from a veiition; an overflow meeting live coal rolling out of the fire will he 1.1,1; and special meet-; place. AVheii discovered the fire ings will be held in. churches and was beyond control and the in other buildings in order to building was doomed. Tlu? da enable everyone in the city to1 mage exceeds $3,000 and is only get in touch with this great ; ipartly covered bv insurance. The movement. The convention will be held in one of the larger churches. The Laymen's Missionary Move ment, inaugurated several years ago, has reached wide propor tions. Messrs. Whit and Doughty are splendid - speakers ami the p-ope of Winston-Salem are anticipating their ad- hotel was owned bv the finn of Jones, Shaw and Cameron and was run by a Mrs. Iiew'is, for merly of Ashboro. It was a good houo and popular with the trade. At the time of the fire there were jwrhajin a dozen gucst.s in the hotel. Several of these had i very narrow escape from death idCDes at E:cl.tv-Six: Undo Onl total was Forty. Baltimore. .Ian. The ehuM'-i fl ,1 ..-II nieni oi j nomas .lames .Mei nil, f,(j -s j(V bG yeai-s old, to Kastoii, Md., ; ,0,. JHmu'. wneie in? marriiii .miss Henna ;on these Koberts, -10 years old, of tliat . following ih, s,. l.l:.l, d.-.w l.'i . .1 IS ..... v.... n . and. under this a new week eom- ! uieiieed. Some das no items eliM'-, Were entered. Southern explain- lle nd hi-h i'. s h.e na. i a -: i a t t am . .nil 1-- ia I'K- i i , ii ii i on nis a n i im i-k. iie- tii " a win !- pa e t-i this it.-m ai n . i a ; 1 i-. 1 ins I.I tla.t lie l.a.l S'l.o-n Tll.'ll m- ;at tine il.iv I. ;. re l til'.stl.ias to iil.e ii good til. oil the ll'-Xt we.-);. H- admit:, d that with i i i part i-i tlie stol n ni-'i -v I. n ol I- . .I.t a bam 1 f beer. It is Ilotahl" that f'T tlie six i la s i-l l lie In w ear, 1 S. th.-re is imt an it. m of stolen m i.ev marked on the book. It w as th'.UL'ht that th;s pr b .My resiiliid from a .-w Year reso lution on the part of Southern. But it was found later that the man was not at work during city, kite in September , ha justff(.r amounts were taken, presum U-en learned. Mr. Me ,,11 s eight aI)iy t() nmko for ,ost tiul children, 21 giMJidchildrcn and b..,ij oo r..u i threat irrn 11 . Ie li 1 1. 1 reii u-ir lint - . . o vv--. .. ..... much surprised over the marri age, as it. whh anticipated. (Jcorge W. Mctiill, 44 yeai-s old, the youngest child, said this mora- saving tliat lie liad mat wcck. e or was not in town Will Not Affect Company. 1. -11." !-.,( ... . . iiavs. Hilt immediate V Snie i '.ros to n tretneii. ins )ii.sines.s and the thefts will not ing that he hail heard from his father and that he is now en joying married life once again at the home of his bride, on (lokLsborougl, street, Kaston. Six Years Sentence For Steal ing Engine. The weekly totals show that the thefts have covered a period of :V,i weeks. The largest amount stolen during the single week was $213 and the smallest $24. When a grand total was made it ! was wen that according to his own set of books Southern had stolen $2,471. Until Wednesday of this week no one suspected Soutlieni of being the thief although the com pany had been missing money from the wife for several months. affect their operations in the least. Indeed they had no idea that over $400 had been taken, all told. NO REASON FOR DOUBT Houor Roll of Antiocb School For Month Ending Jan. 26th.' , Second grdd.'. IIusli .loluusonj ohri Mi ("n ary. - 'j'lljrd grade. b'armond Allred, ' ' r : (. i o n- ' j nun ki.uh.-- j..iiie lounger, it-,',tv lounger, Benton Seal. "i Sixth grade. Margie Johnson, l-'raak JoIulh. a, Anna A!!r d. Mary Seal, Job dresses with a marked degree of .Mr. Oniioiul, a traveling nales pleas.uv. Winston Jounu h man from Ashlorn, and several Worehester. Mass.. Jan. 24. Six years in the reformatory is:AnJ bad the man skipped with the price paid by Ualph I. Jar-i'hc theft of $G3 which he ad dine, seventeen years old, for a half hour's use of a New York, New Haven and Hartford rail- ,.tl,..i-o in.ii I f..,,. .,..l i Piiai locomotive wliicti In Imp. ' ''111 Wlieil lie 'ii.ii5 j i. in 1 1 iiuiu a nciunu j - - - - ........ .... ' . , L-iif f.w.1 tiiivAM ' rowinl without nrinissinn nn tliMraP St't for i ' -1 ? i nivi'Mi i . m nuiii nil t - - I " " i Almost Loit Hii Life. S. A still, of MitHon, Mich., will injuries. Mr. Ormoiid was very j uigbt of January 3. inner forget his terrible cxiourc to badlv hurt and liuiv lie. His eon-' teiiee was imiiosed ii merciless Fioriu. it pave llio a ditmn ilreaitfu) eo!J," he w riles, "that , . .......... ... ""t . .,.--l n.-,-i,T i.tiil 111 1II .Hl-?ll. ! . .I'4l 0 w.a . ..a i ..... tn. .,.,,.(.,. i .Morgan, a nrominent eitien of to si-aiw:g ine neicl.l.or me Keverai Uoes mits he made Tuesday nigth of thus week, without a doubt he never would have been suspected. walked into the him Wednesday A of jUiee Al.reil. K. vf gr:id. Ben ti;l Aah. Ii i i i'r; !e- l'ov C'iiiei) A II r ilA Ti in I. ist. N. S. Draui ii and Ma East, t-.-aehers. x iS 'II. rv B. Ir. Kin'.s New IMtietncry wliiili broiu-t.t fieiit riti.f. The i'o 'or Mel I u.i-. cti Hie i : ni i-,eii-liioiu.i. i in icitiriee with tie Ii.m umi. ? till ho Kilt Uu lioMUs oii.j ' I-! i i.eii me " !. o: ly ti.ih i i ; h reli: !! ne- t . J; e for roe -!- i i or iiiy it 'o ' - ! tro ibt. i'ri. .'.ec an.l $l 'i". Trial iinlt!,. 1 . e. Cu irunu-ej ly K. It. It. ' ! . . 1 I ! I'O 1 1 1'ellloll, the leg III. II 1 1st . th.r b;i The seu-.,n!'t Hn1 took, as lie declares, bv Ju.Il'i' ' $4..ri) he left such strong evi- . . i . . i vest, rday afternoon was Hall in the superior court here , ,l( 1 1,1 'ull t . v.",....T.l.. n ' after .T.irslilii lind t did ini'dtv that his uu jo "i anil , . jtwi ---- - - i - - - r- " . , . locouu tie. ! i"i'oweii. received a bad cut on Ja:d;iie had been drinking on Hew He Manag-cd It A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee. We guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from constipation, or, in every ease where we fail, we will supply the medicine fre. K.'xali Orderlies are a gentle, effective, dependable, and safe bowel regulator, strengthener, and funic. They aim to re establLsh nature's functions in a quiet, easy way. They do not cause; inconvenience, griping, or nausea. They are so pleasant to take and work so easily tliat they may be taken by any one at anv time. Thev thoroughly tone up the whMe svsU-m to bis guilt beh'iid him! healthy activity, arrest and confession K. x'all Onhrlits are unsnrpis- sa'de and ideal for the i"se of cil hddnn, old folk. ai d ib ite All of their sa g.t'-'e. the .1 I . n 1 i l traveliii'' ii -it il Ms escapade, lie ieeausi 0 eases and hoard, d a locomotive in S"nth p. s- d in him by Spach Bros. 1 'i .ie ,s-1 r and ojerat. d the t-n- NoiitluTii w..s so situated that it ! giiie to Webster at u sp. ed vary- w.is a comparatively easy thing 1 find ctiim-'ing from thirty to eighty mi'es f r him to rob the safe when . ttent. ! sd an I., nr. lb' ran the t !.';i,e in- - r he eh. His keeping to a pi vs n.'er tr.i.ii at i ..:. r n- .:i w as the s.,me budding ' i l i.i Sort.. c e.tl. tti.. ..... ni .1 ..ff'i in. - ill... .ill I'or u i r.iiii o i v i !. Iifn I.ia'n.eiit tx i I -, i1 ;.ii,t'. i - I... and nun reston s tl.e ti.-.itt!iy rondltl' ii l-'tl'.'S f"f s.ue l.y. utl dealer. of the confidence re- , persons. We can net too highly i -. . 'i.i u i ll thim to all if. r.-rs f.-. !. ; ny f .r r. of c .',-t'- tioti . :.d it.s attendant evils. Three si, s. 10,' , 2. ".., aid r.O.-. l.- r i in ,i iai o. ill a i Ul.l ! Il . ... ' II . .1 lil '.sin, aisiiig blight lnjurns will jt-j twii.'y persons. j i !...i ..! .?. !; a.lj.'inir-tr the n'ore- , I and I o-ir t. i ti.is eoiii; e 1 lie lii-xna Jrug Co. i ,;y l..o re. i- at Tie t

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