PAGE 1 TPE MOUNT AIRY NEWS. February 1, 1912. Mount Ytry ews J B. JOHNSON Kdit- srid PuMmhei Mt. Airy, N. C, Feb. 1, 1912. SUBSCRIPTION kATES: On copy, on year, On copy six months, - .6 Om copy, three months., ,2P Advertising rated reasonable and Bude known on application. Entered at the Port Office of Mount Air, N. C. aecond clast nail matter The fight over the post office in. thi.1 town is yet on and no one is able to predict when the finish will come. The friend of All the nioKt! interested, parlies an confident and lxth Mr. Marshall and Mr. .Joyce have on a ninile that won't nib ;ff. They are alio to show a pood front, to 6ay the lea-st. Some of the know ing ones tell how Mr. Marshall has been held up in the Senate and that he will never be eon finned, but that Mr. S;nn linm Will be tit' lueky man unless John Manner is able to land the jcb and 1 -ave every single Ke publieaii stnu.ded high and dry. It is in the wind that Mr. Mar shall e iii iieer be eonfinne.l and that an even liirdcr t'i'.rlit woul I . .;.. 1 1 mi Mr. I'riiu. Some Jiri th problem differ,'-, t. pll'-l!;'.: ;i Wi!! ! li c r. f i final solution cf the moiM;y, and AS OTHERS SEE IT. Tin Klkin Times of last week has the following: "The Mt. Airy News list weel printed a picture showing the loiiditiou of the streets - in Mt. Airy when it rains. Why don't the News inaugur .ite a movement in favor of ibulishing the city government. If it caJi serve the people no useful purjK)He why continue to incur the expense of maintaining itt Why continue to tax the people when the jwople are un ible to Kct ordinary conveni ences? We've understood; that Mt. Airy has a pretty heavy town tax if the money is not spent c-n the street what be comes of itt People are getting tired payir.jf tax when, they get nothing in return, but the pleas ure (t) of wading through mud over their shoe tops." It is unpleasant to have to show up ones town in a way Lhat causes unfavorable comment. It is iui.plea.saut to talk about seme of the conditions that the people here are facing and have faced for a generation. Hut un less the subject is agitated when ever will conditions ehangel We have one of the nicest towns in the state, everything considered, but a set of ward politician have decreed that there is never any money with which to im prove our streets. We spend i.i'i r. s !!. ! to faetic ns party in ' r.'d f r ;!.! '.' iVt Th- pail VP til' ;;-. s;: u :. !,' pot il- Mr. .I..lm I" 'e.'icg is p !. t th it ,t -tu.-iv t;.i n ;;s lias 1 m th" i:i many p;uN of the Sontii .V r. T ' ft v.:s lna.le pivi- a lot of it, in vari- tliat thejous wiivs, but not a f'ot f if the lie-j street has ever been made that this ( 'oiinty ; is a credit to our town. An i the gril of v.h. n will the se'itim -i.t and bet ter j.idnii nt of oar p.- pi as s a t itsi It ai d !i mrjid slat.' i t' affairs. Of a ! tt r aii til th, K-v. If. , I) tvis list rislict t. .Viis ia the ., :ti travtliug ni'-ti a. this :-. the w. ist i.s to the , s; n it ia ikes en the str. n u'. i- who com,-. I, ! f .j- a basi ii'Si visit. Il locks awful - to a' iia..i wlu; has bi en in the habit of living and seeing c mditions the folk down at Ua.h i-h last i such as arc in most other tow ns Sunday when he made a prohi bition speeeli before the anti a.iloou league and produced bot tles -f liipior and names and dates as to when and where he got it. He had been in Kaleigh only a day or two and had no trouble to get a supply at once. Now tb of fkwr are demanding luses to do this and tell them if t!vy want facts they are able There arc numerous beautiful residences here that are built ! ritflit in front of a mud bole f u ll street. There are large ;:i:d costly business houses here where' thousands of del! ars w rl h of i business is done yearly and thej atrcet in front of the building isj almost imvsibb. . larpo jai t off ,. , J. cnouli to: justily them in sueing the town ' viiiy i i for damages f r not impi A . . ' t ., 1 . me street ui i,.int o! tiieii ;r erty. It Ls u i to u t( i ike SOLICITOR AF1.SR, IAVT ". to ijct them without ccming to ban. The truth is that liquor is Kohl iu every city in the eoun-! change from this rh iul. i.s ft try of anv size, and there is I of affairs. v-ry. little sentiment in favor of sti ppi: g it so long as it is sold in a way that old Hill Jones is not able to jJr t a drink. It is a ease df r,i. tiding the morals of the ether fellow. Tlie prohibition sentiment of tins state is more of a business ni '.v than a. moral issue after all. If liquor did not interfere with l.i-iioss ami the interests of business men we doubt serious ly if there would be a prohibi ti. m law on the books. It all xiuts to the fact that the vie- Wantr. Anti-Sale iv Lc: :vc crirtencUrt to Give his dence. Kdeigb. Jan. "0. for the writ of alt which was exp. -ted at V :ifi ti be II vi sing thim ISs ,0,1 c- lit for 1'avi.s of i:t i-Saoon by the IUleigh poll Superintendent. K. the North Carolina League to give his evidence as to whiskey selling, which lie s n-1 tory for prohibition is not half : sat ionally exploited in the Audi-' won. The fight is really just torium Sunday afterm ui iii c.n begun. iueetion with the anti-saloon; league State convention. Xulici-j If a newspaper man did his t r H- Norris of this, the; duty he would publish the newbs'x,b, ju.licial district, has writ-; alciiit small pox the same as he 'ibout other troubles. Hut it i.s a s'ttl-.l fact that it is ten Mr. Davis a btter.i nsistini' i lint he furnish him the evidence along with the eight bottles of suicidal ft r a pip rt italk niu.-li whiskey the superintend nt h idi about this disias.'. It is n t i frather d from blind tigeis, this here at Mcunt Air- lr.:t 1' is In b'tter to be used as corroborative j Jie eoiiiitiy i.e.-.r by, aal wliti. ;vidcnce. .Mr. .Norm advises -Mr. Uavis It gets here we are supposed to keep it. a secret. The only sife thing to do is to have the juice put in your arm and thus avoid one of the worst dis-iisis that humanity is heir to. Hut many folks who need a guardian will refuse to do this and thus m danger their own lives ami the Uvea of those about them. The Bridge at Elkin. What is every man's business is often neglected. Ye editor has been crossing the old wood en bridge ncrosh the Yadkin riv er for almost forty ears. Fif teen yearn airo Surry and Yad kin counties appropriated the money with which t buy the brhk'e an I make it tree to the gem ia put lie. that he sent Township Constable I). H. Hyimm to hiin yesterday for the evidence and Hynum htui repotted that Davis refused c funiisli the evidence. The So licitor further tells Mr. Davis in the letter made public, that he is writing this request for the evi dence in justice to himself and Constable Hynum and without re gard to whatever the Hal-igh authorities may see fit to do with reference to the cav. f Superintendent Davis is now off on a western Carolina lec ture trip with National Lecturer Wool lev. . . i i H lial been lo"ks like it badly. :, ter this e 1 Large Turner Removed. j Mrs. Ida (Sentry, of bar Cap, Cp t" that time ''s in the city the patient f Dr. Letter From the Wejt. Lind, Wash. Jan. 25, 1912. Kditor Mount Airy News: As I am a sulwribi r to the Mount Airy News and have been rea IL-ig letters fr m d ff -r-nt parts of N. C. I decided I would write you. I have been in Washington ibout four years and like pretty well by thw tim I worked for wages over three years, but rout ed a runeh last imntmer lhat has 720 aerwi. I have twelve head f horses to farm with. I will have four hundred aens in wheat this year and three hundred and twenty acres to plow. The far mers here only put the land in crop every year, it is no dry lwre in summer they could not raiee very much if they put i crop on, the land every year. There is one good thing about thw country, we don't have to use fertilizer. The fanners don't even haul their manure to the fields but scatter it over the roada and it jvteks down and makes them fine. They a'sn put quite a lot of straw on them. I have traveb'd the road here when the would be nearly hub deep, that is in the fall when there is lots of wheat br ing hauled, ami they haul pretty big loads too, from seventy five to two hundred and five bushels at a load, that is with Mght louses, and the most, of them work ek'ht, .seme work twelve, and some have to Iwud fifteen mihs aid make siv trips per W eek. I am eleven miles j from a shipping point. Well I read the l;,l Ki.b; iO''. s I. t ter a f -n ' a r i : The News , J'a'el r,' " ' he was speaking abo:;t the men d 'u-; i lr- milk ie-j in t h VY- s , W.ll that Is a fae riuU. I could not u i I U w In n I b ft N. C. but I .so; II !o ! !ii 1 to will 1! ! I g'- in Wash i net i n. 1 baej tunml the handle to a washinj mi'-hine also, although tin wo rn -ii f. Iks 'Would have to t -II me when the clothes were clean, j This s'ems to be a pretty j good community for bichelo's.l I know cf about eight here right j close. Some cf them have be -n j baching fift en vears.. Thev t II ; me one of them is worth fifty or sixty thousand dollars. I am baching but don't think I wjuld , J I lur that nnuJ .t Well how would you boys baVk 'here like to get up in the morn ing at 4 o eh ek, get, , wash the dishes. feel, curry, I 'an the ban:, ha r e'iri.t '.,! s es ai d he in the field by i; 'chick? That is wh;t th- Ml s- , j tile f It llli I . ih ll'Tc Wa,'- s are -,h 1 hei , n ! fa ; m. from $:.") ci) to IiV0( ( . : ai u:th until bars e t. II ir. si va'i s i un fi m 2. ."il to .fs ni p"r day, that i:.e!i:d(.s boa id aU . Harvest lasts i'n in twenty t , fifty days ail is quite difi'-r' .it here to what it is in th- Mast.' The most of t h m In re use a e '1,,' ii.c karvt t r. It is a m t i';:e made t cut the wheat and thn-h i.ll at the seme time, l'hiie are different s'c uia--hin, s, id m twelve to t Wellty f ' t ci.t. They usually w;-rk thirty two or thirty three hors s ; t a in n bine, that is to the t wen j ty fc q cut. They drive them with only two lines, of course1 the others are tied back to the I ev: i,o; s with buck ropes. I , wrs working on one machine; win n twenty-six horses broke lo e from the machine.' That 1 wa.s the greatest run-away with: I ever saw. They tore the harness up pretty badly ami! crippled si m. of the horses. We j took the ones that could go an.) ! g t a few more, hocked up and 1 went on. ! The farmers here do most all 1 of their work with riding ma- J chincry, they even have a cart tied to a harrow to ride when ' harrowing or else have a saddle: hors to ride. The farms here j are usually pretty good size. I j have plowed around one land; that contained eight hundred i r Yoa will get lore Honey for Your Tobacco in Winston Than Anywhere Else It is Selling High at PIEDMONT For the week ending Jan. 27 we sold 271,973 pounds for $32,609.36. Average $12.00 per Hundred Get some ready right away and bring it to Piedmont and you shall have good prices for it. Your friends, H. W. NORFLEET & CO. first Sole Pays: January: Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. February: Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Sale Days change f r?t Monday in each month. v . but didn't make -ry many "!(' u ;i d ! . Tlie in .t l' tie ill here ue thnc b.itti'n gMor pb ws and vv( rk eitrht hor' tn tltetii. use twenty lrnr drilU md woik six horses to them. The v-hiwls in Washington are f;:r alii-cl i f s-!innis in . althm gh I am surry t mi.v it. They d n't have many schol-; ars to tin- s'du : I. from three to j twenty, and have In in six m nine months school each year. It ! takes a (rood scholar to jcivs the' examinations here, teacher get l from ifoO to $S." i.t inMitli. The young folks have been'ir u'litc a few metier sinee i lsiinas. ve nun a nine siiow f ., r- "til J"" J i Si m -ii V- t Some special bargains i n Mammoth Black male pigs. The Great Southern Hog. Address, JOHN A. YOUNG & SONS, Greensboro, N. C. (ITin unoi out two weeks ago, about! eiu'ht inches, but the liiot of it HtmHt44m4H4mm4-Hm iias liirlUd How. W have had i V. K. CARTP:!l. J. M. FULTON. GEO. D. FAWCETT. Vico-Pren. Sec. & Treaa. T .1 !" II. O I A ;:b .;t tw.h-.- I low this J . icier, nut mat is mil l W inytt n. Yours tn ""I l K. Hint. Here i a message of hope ami i ooj li. er fron Mrs ('. J. Martin. 4 t .'looi.c Mill, 'a , who is tlie mother t c I eighteen cliihireii. Mrs. Martin Ai'.H . i.ieil of stomai ti trouble ami J rons. iiation In- (')tanihi Tl".in's Tal 4 ! is alter five yars of surf.-riim ami Inti re.t paid on time deposits. !c A i froiiimeluls these tahlels U) the J Sohl by all ile.ilets. Surry County Loan and Trust Company Mount Airy, N. C. Cr pita I $25,000.00 t-lirrii a general banking business ond lends money on rea! o.tata. -r. :b Erf ii rF. & i r2 ES E'rB BiiW SSSS233ESSSSSrEEt3S Brown s Ware a d . ii d a toll bridue. It " - s lav lor wh la-t Monday, is ii-i-diog repairs itd by Dr. K. M. IIo!liu-!- uiio i to link ;. iwortn, r in 'M ircni tier shi a hug.- tumor. The tumor wcitr'ted (b..i:t three p'uirds mm 1 1. t1 ' -j '-.I in otii-riti 11 wo-.M g:e r--b. ;'. She Is ?a iftr v;ti: t..-r f i' 1, 111 ' i ,!:.. I',' ;:.!: .V. I . I ' II .1 I re IOo' le t ts "iik a t - prepared to M ),-.,) eon s t a i'i -i t!..- i . Beware of Ointment for Catarrah that Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the senao of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter Ins It through the raucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescription from reput able physicians, as the damage t!n-y will do Is ten fold to the ko 1 you eau posfcilily derive from them. Hall's ("atarrnh Cure, manufactured ty V. J. Otenney & Co . Toledo, O , cn tains no mercury and is takin in Urnally acting diretCy uin the h.'tod anil mucous K'.irt.o-t-s of tho K-s!-m. In H.'.Ii's ; ''t ( mo be f nre ton pet i?1." ;. -. ui"e. 1 is tfeken ttuerm.lly a" l n.a i- in To- tcuo. Ohio, by K. J. Ch. ii.'S t o Hi LEADS LOOK AT THE FIGURES 3,701,642 lbs. for $369,738.85 avg. $9.98 7,398,408 lbs, for 699,628.08 avg. 9.45 1 1,100,050 lbs for $1,069,366.93 This is no claim; these fi;urks were secured from books of Board of Trade. ;J Browns sold : All other nouses sold Total, : 1 ft fr R & 5 m ' S Brown's beat other houses 53 cents on every hundred sold out of this crop. 42 77, Hi . i. .-II : l. : 1 TU:., la nrta bic'c c-lU d 1 "i To sell it for more money you must sell it higher. This is not one day's sale BI J but every dav's sale out of this crop up to Xmas. To sell at Brown's means t moncv to vou. Don't be milled but sell at Brown s. l our Iriends, ,rJ I 4 i. . 1 1 BROWN, CARTER, SIMPSON & CO., Props. ir. i . i!ivs fur Jcn:r r : Kvery Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. m m I - 'I r ; I, . el ! V - l.f. . .- flee ;! !;...-..-.-: rl I'atiii'y I' Ii r t - ' t ' 4 ' IV't 4'. Tu At .

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