PAGE TWO. THE MOUNT AIEY NEWS. May 30th, 1912. Mount Airy News. i. E. JOHNSON KdiUr and Publisher. MtTAiry, N. C May 30th, 1912. SUCSCRIITION RATES: On copy, one year, $l.ufl Oat copy, nix month, .f0 Om copy, three months, .25 Adverting rates reasopabta and made known on application. Entered at the Pout Office of Mount Airy, N. C. as second clam mail matter EOAD BUILDING BLOCKED. It is with rtfrrt't that we write ahout the road troubles that have developed in this township. A year ago the jx-ople voted a wnall tax by which the roads are to bo worked and a Commwsion ww appointed to ee that the work is proporlydonc. ThoCom mwnion has provided team, plowa, etc., with which to work all the road) in the township, and apart fron the general work they have pla7ined to have three road properly loon ted and graded. This must be done before a good road can. ever be maintained at n reasonable rout, for the road beds, as they nre now located, can never be properly drained or worked by machinery. The road lending from this town into the heart of the coun ty by wny of White Plains was ,,'onside'red lry far the most im portant road leading into town, for several reasons. It is pos sibly traveled more than any other road and over it conies the largest quantity of tobacco to the local market. Ami then it was located along brajiehfs and in such places that in rainy weather it becaime the worst road by far that is in the county. Kor these reasons it was the opinion of the Commission that thi$ road needed their ntt-ntion first. A force of men was put to work on it after a competent surveyor had been employed to properly locate the roadway. And now the work is to stop. It ha.s develojK'd that the people along the road arc wanting as much as a thousand doolars dam age for the right of way where the road has been changed to cut into their lands. rl he road fitfraPTaT St?w arts town, and then the work will b3 discontinued and the grading of the West field road commenced. As we we it this is an unfor tunate state of affairs. There Is L .1,..., .. i. .1 4Va n n1 4 ; S iv great wuuuiui iwi n. iunn i-.- this town from that direction. The people in the southern and central portion of the county want the road and need it. The various roads converge in and about White Plains from differed secitons and from White Plains to this town the traffic Is ko heavy that, the road soon be comes impassible, in the winter and during rainy weather. The road must have special attention to be used, and it must be grad ed and the road way changed be fore it can ever be made a reas onahly good road. Hut now the work must stop. As we understand it the Commis sion takes a stand something like this: They were put in charge of the road work with funds barely sufficient to keep thel roads in nei.ssahlp omiilitinn nndl ' u they have har Uv sufficient funds to do the- work that is in demand without spending a cuit for dam age. The people who live along other juiblie roads that, need to be graded and worked are willing to give the right of way and wel come the building of a good road through their farms. The Com mission takes the stand that it is their duty to build roads where the people want them and use the money at the present time to make roads rather than pay daimages to land owners. It would be asking very much to sav to a farmer that he should give all the road way through his farm in every in stance. It is a two sided ques tion, and we do- not understand that the Commission is demand ing a free right of way, but they are not now in position to spend money for right of way. If the people along the roads want a good road by their home it is up to thum to be generous and con skier the good that is to come to them from the building of the rad." They toll how fio fanner ftkcd five hundred dollars for dainats at a certain point on n man to be asked to give good laud to I he public, but then you axk any man who owns land a short distance, from a road and ho will toll you that lie would ho glad to give the right of way through bin farm if he could only g't a good road. The value of a good road w so great to a fanner that most men consider that any farmer can afford to donate the land that he may g t the benefit of the road. It, is to be hoped that the peo ple of the township will be as generous an they can. and not get n ji confusion about thw work, for it is certainly badly needed and the farmers along tho roads will rweive an great benefit as any class of people to say nothing about wluit it will mean to the general public. nvnn rnmv nut' itrTTMrfO ! STAND. Disturb rtnee at School Closing. Of course there are thorn here who would prefer that wo ay not one word about the distur bance ut the exercise at the en tertainment at the Graded school building last night. Only for the fact that the disturbance was such that it was necessary to call in the police and that the teachers are humiliated we would not meutioni it, for it m no credit to our town. We said a year ago that the only hope for that school was to turn out the outlaws who are in attendance. Just so long1 uh a few boys and girls are allowed to attend who are not subject to the laws of parents at home or to the laws at school just so long will these disturbances continue. in State Democratic Convention Raleigh June 6th. An official call has been issued by Chairman A. II. Kller, of the State Democratic executive com mittee, calling a State convention of the Democraitc party to meet in KaJeigh on Thursday, .June Gth, at noon, "to nominate of fiers, to declare a party platform, to elect delegates to the Nation al Democratic convention, and to take such other action as may be deemed' advisable. One dele gate from each county for every one hundred and fifty Dimilo cratic votes, and one delegate and one alternate for a fraction over Wyentv. f xve Democratic vot dast therein for the Democrat candidate for governor at the I ist preceding gubernatorial election shall be chosen in accordance with the plan of organization." Dorics Having Seen Claude Al len Shoot in Court Room He Also Defends Himself. Wytheville, May 'J7th. P.yrd Marion, who is like the defen dant, charged with complicity in tho shooting up of the Carroll county court, was a winters to day for the defense in the trial of Claude Allen. Marion denied that he saw Claude Allen fire a shot in the court room, but ad mitted string the defendant with a revolver in hb hand. He deni ed that he took any part in the Hillsville, tragedy. The Commonwealth rested its ease this morning after examin ing one witness, Detective Lucas, who arrested Claude Allen. Itaipid progress was then made with witnesses for the defense, fourteen, having Wen put on the stand when court adjourned for the day. Tewtianony of five wit nesses given at the trial of Floyd Allen, father of Claude, who wa ctmvk'tcd of first degreo murder, was read; into the record, it be ing a.s to the good reputation on joyed by tin younger memlers of the Allen elan previous to the present trouble. Other evidence introduced by the defense today was to impeach witnesses for the Commonwealth. A summary of the evidence for the State against Claude Allen for shooting and killing Julge Thorton L. Massie, and for con spiring, aiding and abetting with other Aliens and kinsmen of his, in shooting and killing the judge ajid officers of Carroll county court : Shows that on March 14th, 1912, Claude Allen was in the court room, whom the jury ren dered its verdict convicting his father, Floyd Allen, of felony, as charged and fixed his penalty at one year in the State pmitontiary that ho was standing in the north east corner of the court room with bis uncle Sidna, Allen, when the jury filed into tho court room Had a whispered conversation with his father, it was known that th.' jury had agreed; retun: d to his position b the side of Sidna Alien, and that when. Floyd AUen jumped up pistol and fired the "irst shot, and that shot at the judge of the i court of Carroll county, which hot entered the right arm ff 'the judge, passing through into j his body. That he advanced, ' with Sidna. Allen, who again fired i on the jm'K'O officers and jurors 'and did kill Judge Ma.ssie, Cum I monwealth's Attorney Fester. School Commencement. Last Sunday morning Ke v. M A. Harbor of Christ's church W eifrVi nri'ivhcd nil cXeclli lit S I' " . ... .... t i .... i 1 mon to a packed audience m theiMiorm veni, .mror r ier ami school auditorium, the sermon ; Hettie Avers, wounding Cl-rk was of a very huh older nod j Goad, .luror Kane, a bystander, highly appreciated, by those v. ho j ami shot a b 4; of hair from the heard it. Splendid music was temple ol anotiur juror; rciieai rendered hy the bt local talent. Last night incmlors of the huh! school gave a Kplendid program, j with a fow members fr m tin j Gth, 7th, 8th, Oth and 10th grades, j To-night the graduating class will entertain tho public and on ' Friday night Mr. K. D. W. Con-, nor of KaleLgh will deliver a liter-' ary address in the absence ofj lion. .1. Bryan Grimes who is kept. at home by illness in his family. ed to the court green and to the street, firing back at court, house. Secured his horse mid took flight; was arrested on the 2sth of March by Detective Lucas, who took frcin his person two pitols of 3 calibre, with a box of cartridges and $H!I) in mon ey. "Arc All The Beys Ready?" northeast corner of the court room, with both bands aiming a p'utoIand fire, but could not tes tify at whom he was firing, as ho Wiw ondeavoring to gi t out. Mr, Tipton, also testified that while going out he saw Wesley Howards near tho corner of tho bar, reloading his pistol, this youtlij'ul outlaw wa.s scon again ni the court green reloading. The evidence when the State rested its case was oven stronger than it wiw against Floyd Allen at this juncture. The Defense PuU Up Byrd Marion. Hyrd Marion wiw tho star wit ness. He testified he lived in Carroll about three mil en from Floyd Allen. Saul he was "no kin to them." Itelatod how he wiw summoned to Ilillsville as a witness for Floyd Allen, but did not go until Tuesday and was in the court room Wednesday evenv ing. He was stopping with Mr. Hurnott, who lives alwut thirty yards beyond the. Hlankenship stablo. Was at the store on the North side of the court lions" when the shooting began, was sitting at stove. The jury came Ln and tho verdict wiw announced heard the judge say "take charge of the prisoner." Then the trouble commenced. Soni" one ran against him and knocked him down. He got out a.s the shooting was going1 on down the stairs and on to the hotel and out to a lot where. Green Ilobin-' son, Sidna Towe and others were. Remained there until shooting wa over. Went out on street to a platform war the post office, walked out the street towrads Hurnott 's home and saw Floyd Al len lying on the ground, help put him on a little bed and carry Continued to Page three. TOR V 1 1 Hard wsye, Furniture Fencing, Paints, Farm Implement Building Materil Lime, Cement, Roofing, eo. (Jo to W. E. Merrftt Co. SAMPLE The biggest line of Women and Children's Sample, Oxfords Men, ever opened up in the ity. Now is the time to iret a Dair of Oxfordslcss than wholesale cost. 75 pair of CROSSET OXFORDS for men in this lot. This is a treat for you. The price stamped on the bottom so you can't go wrong. S. M. HALE. j biii- J. W. KNIGHT OPJOMfflffsi . andNfWUER Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry and Eye Glasses Everything in Optical Goods and Repairing A ucn duty iu uiubc utptiAuuif-v, yuw WE WRITE All Forms Insurance and BJbnds Represent Fifteen Companies. All business entrusted to us receives our prompt ail attention and is appreciated. careful Granite City Realty and Trust Company Phone 12S. Insurance Agency m MOUNT AVRY, N. C. Notice. We will sell to the highest bidder, -'for cash, or one half cash and balance in six months with approved security for defer red payinei on Saturdayhm"9th, 1912, at two o cloe P. M., at Planters Wareh()UlS: in Mt. Airy, N. C, the folhfvKg i)ersona! pronertv, to-wit One (Jniser TlJreshinV Machine complete one Giiiser Engine and Hoiler. The propcrtyf has been run about three seisons only and i in good shape ThU May 16th, 1912. C.E. Helton and J. M. Parker, Surviving Partners, and Admr. of J. A. Satterfield. How't Thl? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for anjr case of Catarrh that j cannot be cured by Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all buaines transactions and financially able to carry out any obliatioiia made by his firm. National Ltank of Commerce, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Core is taken in- 7-1.1 o.l l"'-.iiniiwwii r,.fii..l ! ternally. actine directly upon the to build the road at that point ; fc,,J tnd , . . , . i system. Testimonials pent ami anojjicr man gave tne rigni : ,.ri(.,. 7:, ,.,s Kr 1,,. by of way and the man who wanted i nniccists. d.i-mag-s w ould now be glad to I Take Hall's Family Pills for con trive the bnd fre... ttpatlon. Of course it looks hard to a That he was seen tho evening" before in the court room ap proach his father, take him by th hand, feel his pulse and say, !"Tliey are beating regularly, i when his father replied to him. '"Are all the boys ready!" i That he stayed with his broth ! er Victor at Hall's Hotel the ! 1 night before tho shooting and that Victor left on a table a 38 Colt's revolver which he took and concealed on his person the next morning and hurried to the court room. That he was wen with the Aliens and Edwardses at the fot t of Veps that load to the court room on the morning of the tragedy, about 30 minutes before the shooting, when Wesley Ed wards distributed cartridges a mong them and all wont to court room together. He admitted when on, witness stand having drawn a pistol and firing at Goad, because he Hall's Catarrh thought (load was gouig to trtiooi his father. Judg-e Bolcn Corroborated. The evidence of .Tudre JWlen, ai( eye wiUuss, who saw Claude Allen fire the first hot, which took effect in. the right side of Judge Massie, has leen cor roborated by other wintesses. Walter 1). Tipton, the a-ssociate the,0OlUlM.i with Judge P.olen. who fr-e. : .1 .r.v.i;r. Vi. .l V. st Ilillsville on March Hth. also tes tified that after tho first shot fin-d be saw Claude Allen on bojwh about 6 or f? fei-t fn-m 1. 7i: sft f. L SMITH HARDWARE CO. ires cm FOR 1 r aciunery vGeiserThreshing Machines and iSteam and Gasoline ,ngines. Sold on time or for cash See fore yi Our Stock of Hardware is Complete See us for Nissen Wapons, Buggies, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Chatta nooga Plows and all kinds of Fencing. First class Buggies and Wagons sold on time. hot;I2 tue ,,1 F. L Smith Hardware Co. t! ir Li - - - - - - -