PACZ tWO. THE JIOUITT AIST July 11th, 1912. Mount Airy News, J. E. JOHNSON EdiUr and Publisher. ML Airy, N. C., July 11th, 1912. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: On copy, one year, " - 1.00 Om copy, six months, .50 Om copy, three month, - .25 Advertisine? rate reasonable and ssavde known on application. Entered at the Post Office of sfovat Airy, K. C aa second clau mail matter JERRY WILLABIT KILLED. Shot to Death by Miss Mianie Humphries' in Suburbs of this City. , There is a young woman, net dver twenty yean of age. in the city prison and with her U her little year old child. There w al so a new-made1 grave three tuiles west of town and widow and Nthree little children who must earn their living in the future. And here U the story: Last Friday night .Jerry Wil Jard, of thin city, starte! to hts home three miles west of the city where his wife and three rhikiren live with her father, Mr. RoIt. .Creed. Willard worked here in the city as an electric ian and plumber in the employ of Mr. Charley Hodge. It was h c.ustom to go home and spend the night with hus family two or three times a week. Last Friday he started lata to spend the night with his family and carried two dogs with him. The dogs refus ed to follow and he returned and got a gun and thus induced the dogs to follow him, and in this way his friends account for his Ix'ing out late. About elev n o' clock the alarm was given that a man was killed a mile west of town and when the officers ar rivel on the scene the body of "Willard "was cold in death just across the road from the home. of Minnie Humphries. He came to his death by a pistolshot wound the ball entering his back and lodging in his heart. The Hump hries woman was arrested and tokl a story something like this: She said. Willard was trying to raise IlCr Wlimo ailU MIC MIIH V. . . 1 I .1.- ..U. 4 is that he was playinir a french Siarp in front of her door and she shot him for disturbing her. VhN facts in the case fail to bear out her story. The room she occupied hud been a little store built close up to the pub lic road. Willard must have stop ped in front of the building and was in the act of leaning against the window and the tobacco and cigarette paper on the ground would lead one to believe that lie was making a cigarette. The ball that kileld him entered his back ami the one who fired it wa.s inside the house, for the bul let passed through the cross piece between the pjlass and pnrt of the putty that held the glass in position was forced into his clothing. He must have been right near the winuow ami the facts lead one to believe that he was leaning against the window. After receiving the death wound lie walked a4hyrt distance across the road and fell dead. A cor oner's inquetit was held Saturdu and the post mortem examina tion made by Dr. Ed Hollings woith. The wonnau is in the city pris on and her trial will be had this afternoon. Attoreny J. II. Fol ger appears for her. "Willard 's remains were Uid to rest in the family burying ground near his wife' home last Sunday afternoon and a large numlier of people atjendiil the services which were conducted by Elder William "Atkiimon. It U the opinion of some tluit the ball that killed Willard wa fired by some man who happen ed to be Rt the woman's home, and that for a money considera tion or for friendship, she assum ed the blame and told ttat she killed him, thinking that the lav won! J protect her because it was at her home he met his death j Catarrh Cure Is the only 'positive Willard was a splendid work-cure now known to the medical fra ami provided well for hit ' fnrlty. Catarrh be Inn a constltu- id.nil.v. Ills friemls are of the !!"nal ?'" ,re,U,w ",..a c;:nNtlUt' . . , i tlonal treatment. Hall s Catarrh opinion tluit he was at her house 'oure is token Intenmlly. n. fln for no ill purpose, but happened directly upon the lilool rnd iiiucoiih to sfoji a. moment as lie was pais- surfaces of the system, (hereby de iug. possiblv speaking with some "yin the foundation of tl. ills .,, , i i. . if. i ,i I eami, nnil giving the patient sirenrtli ! in- MM-H. 1111 OI11M II 1 HI. I-r li- h;nl a nice wile ami clul- i i .11, .i mi ii 1, mi iii 1 1 i ii i ( oiihts Mir Iynenti-ry Is always n.-rlous and of ten a Ini;t;i'nus i!im-;;i, hut it ( ..u lo ruri-d. t'lianilMrUifrs Colli', Cholera HtiA Jiiarrhiwa H.-melv li,m fnr'-l t o-t-v ' ! . n "i M:i-'t : ::! a support, and then he was a good workman and had served the people of this city faithfully for years. No doubt a term in the peni tentiary await the woman un less she is able to change her mind and tell the truth, about the killing, if she has not already told it. . Iffiv- Johnsta Talks of Crop Con- yy dak. Farm Demonstrator has juBt re turned from a trip from the southern and western part of the county and reports crops a fuie condition. Wherever there was a cover crop of crimson clover or rye turned under this spring he found that the corn crop was as much as 40 per cent better than where there was no cover crop. Thi, should be an inducement for every farmer to prepare h land this fall and sow it- in crimson Clover or rye for next year's corn crop and he will thus increase his yield. He says' it would be still better, where they can do so, to put the land in peas now. and turn the peas tinder for rye or (lover this fall. People all over the state are waking up to the fact that land will give a greatf yield when it is cultivated in this way, and he urges all to try it' where they have not alreadv. Organ Recital. By Claude Robeson, Mus. li. Head of Organ Department, Greensboro Female College, Greensboro, N. C. Miss Minnie Haynes, Assistant. Central M. K. Church, South, Mount Airy, N. ( Friday evening. July 12. 1012 Program. "Prelude and Kugue," Uach. Selection by the Choir. "Suite Ciothique," liocllmann.' 1. Introduction Choral. 2. Menuet (iothique. 3. Priere a Notrc-Dame. 4. Taeoata. "Ava Maria." Abt. Mitvi Minnie Haynes. Selection bythe Choir. "Love Song" Day in Venice, Xevin. v ninm 1 .uuiut, nvinuuniiu. Canon" It Minor, Schumann "Angels Serenade," Iiraga Mi. Minni? Havnes. "Ip the Twilight," ' Harker. "A Springtime, Sketch," Heebe, l'rof, K'obesoii is a graduate an post-graduate f tl'e School of Music, (iji'i i 1 oi '- Kemale Col 1'ge, hIso n ) ujiil (.. the cele brated Wilhdn. Mil!l.s-hu!te, of Chi'-agf,. No admission will be charged, hut a collection is desired, to meet the ex)j ns. s of the re a 1 and to assist in the purcluisn of new carpi- f r the church. Deith cf Lex R. Pclndtxtcr. Mr. Lee It. l'oindexter lieI at the home of his son-in-law's five miles south of Dobson, Friday night July 0th 11112, after an illness, of about 2 mouths with something like dropsy. His death was not unexpected. He was born in Yadkin county July .'list, 1841, age, 6H years, 11 month. The remains were laid to rest at the family grave yard near his home Saturday at '- o' clock V. M. in the presence of many sorrowing friends and rela tives. Kev. A. J. Williams eol dueling- the funeral services. He was a confederate soldier, an in dustrious hard vorking and be loved citizen TVJhe Teachers of Burry Ca y will be at Doliwm Thursday and Friday, July 11th and 12th, for the examination of all teach ers who desire certificates to teach in the public schools of Surry Conintv. W. "M. Cundiff. 100 Rswsrd, 100. Tbe readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that scl- ence lias Ix'ei. able to cure In all Its ta?A AnA that I Cftluprh fJll'A .. I. ,,11.41.,.. ,1... ... I, .!.. ...I I aKsUtinK nature in doinp its work. ti . .... -I ... t . . "i" i'-'i i nan- nt miiii n iuhu in it (iirativii iowcrH that they offer one Hundred I-llars for any It trills fi in ,.fi.t rif1it . .f ! tctinnifiliiU V. 3. Clo-tiey, K Co, Toledo, ). 8'!d tiy lrio'Kintn. 7.r.r, T-t-r I'-iV'.i I-' .-;-."- ,r -r,ri-" Miia Bramcck Passed Away. The angel of death, visited the ham of Mr. and Mrs. 1. C. Uran nock, in thin city at seven fif teen last Friday morning and claimed their daughter M'ws Chi oo Leon a Hrannock. For one an4 one half years Miss Lhloe has been a great sutterer, having- a complication of diseases, She waa carried to the hospital in Greensboro last February and while there developed a case of appendicitis and had to have an operation, fron which she recov ered, but her lungs were affected and nothing could restore her to health, realizing this, she asked to be allowed to come home to spend the closing days of life with loved ones,' she had been home about a month when the end came. She was only twenty years, of age and was a bright, beautiful young woman, patient and sweet through all her suffering and while her loved ones are in deep sorrow because of her death, yet the memory of her beautiful life will ever be a benediction to them. She leaves a father ami moth er four brothet and five sisters. Th' funeral wa.s conducted frcn the home last Saturday morning at eleven o clock by her pastor Kev. T. H. King of the liaptist church and the remains tenderly laid to rset in Oakdale cemetery. - lanaers msniuws. eas. . W All A Notices have been posted over the county for the holdkig tf Farmers' Institutes under the direction of Mr. T. H. l'arker, who has held them for the past several year. Institutes will be held at the followiug placei Franklin School house, Jul) 27. Tilot Mountain, July 2l. West field, July oO. y Elkin, Aug. .". In, speaJviiity of the work of the Institutes Mr. Parker in a letter to Tlu' News says: I will thank you if you will cal1 attention of your readers to the Fanners' Institutes in your coun ty Hiid urge them to attend. We are wanting our institutes, this summer, to be the best attended of anv we have had, and tohave them -so it will be necessary for iunn w n nui J. mil ...! everv person who desires to see nut" u irriim 1 1 11 rnl silwl limne-OIl-the- farm condition improved. North Carolina ,as von know, is on the! nivgraie in agriculture ns well as other liiws. It Ls a state of won derful possibilities and we want to do all that we can to develope it as rapidly as possible. 1 knew of no better way than by im proving our agricultural ar.d rmnl conditions generajly. l'teci;il attention is called to; the Women's Institute feature of! these nuetiigs and we urge the1 women living on the farm to at tend them. I regard the women's1 institutes of more importance limn the institutes held for men. want the women to realize their 'importance, and also to realize the important position they hold in the economy, of farm life. Their lim- of work are of far more importance than making!. corn or cotton, or anv line of agricultural endeavor. Their work is the building of the hoane and tin rearing of the family. We want them equipped for this very important worrk Ah an inducement to git them to come out we are offering a premium of $1.00 for the beat loaJ of bread baked and exhibited b.v any woman or girl living on the farm. Town women can not com pete for this prize. Wo want to eneourage the country women. The following conditions are to bn observed: The exhibitor may use any kind of yeast she prefers, but salt rising bread will not be Kvveu a premium. Not that it is not good bread, but we want to get our women in the habit of making bread easier than by the salt rising process. That process w too slow, laborious and un certain. SO Special Sale, Choice of any ware in Miow Onlv a limitiiT iiumb Here is Relief for Wcmon I, I . . '.111 i l-L. II - ... tv;i.. . rin. it , i l ; i i i r or I i l ti- truiil'li-. try Mutlier J i ray's Aro- malic a pleasant herb rem- j ... t. - ............. . . . I L. ..... I et fur woiiirii's ills iiinl a treat ?. st in ivnl.ifi r. At 1 ruirgiTs r by mail .Mlc., s.iniiile Krev. A 1- th V I-bVv in? ps h n.n Bat., Jul 13th. pWof enamel vniovv!u m-nis. er fvj hand. X Alleged Slayer of Sheriff Webb csx Stand. Wytheville, Vs., July 9. Friel Allen, the 19-year-old member of the Allen clan that shot up the Hiltavile court house, and a neph ew of Sidna Aline who is yet at j large, testified today in the trial of Claude Allen, the alleged mur derer of Sheriff L. F. Webb. He swore he saw Clerk Dexter Goad shoot and" was then knocked dawn by the terror stricken crowd. When he arose he said he saw Commonwealth's Attorney Foster with a pistol and heard him exclaim "I will shoot you," speakintr to Friel. The witness sakl he then drew his own weap on and fired twice at Foster af ter the latter had shot at him. The witness, together with Floyd Allen, who is now under sentence of death as the murderer of Fos ter, Skins, Edwards and Victor Allen who are yet to be tried, were brought here today from the Roanoke jail to testify for the defense. ISesidcs Friel Allen, Victor Al len was also examined though nothing new was brought out. He shows the effects of his long confinement and was taken sick on the witness stand today, ! though applications of ice soon restored him Court was in session only one hour this morning, due to the absence of witness. Indian Ki led ty TcS. Near Rochel'M ,!! . an Indian went to nloi on ruilrtvad track and was killed b.v tha taut tiiess. He paid for Lis curvl-'rrttert with hli lite. Often Its ttat nay when peope sec lc t coigns anj colda. Don't risk our life vl'tn prompt use of Dr. King's New Discovery will cure them and to prevent a dangerous thorat or lun trouble. "It completely cured me. in a short time, of a terrible couRh that followed a severe attack of Urlp." writes J. K. Watts. Floyd tirta, Te.. "and I regalued 15 pounds in weight that I had lost." Quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. 60 ct. and $1.00. Trial bottle free at E. H. Ilennts Drug Co. Clean Homc-Madc Molasses always finds a ready sale. Our GIANT No. 12 Is the best Cane Mill on the market We make it. Wo also make Clear Wheels, . ler IrueiJr Flanges, Stove Ks.tiuP8' h'ettles, Tm "eigms, .Ji. A large line or. vasungs aiwa)- iii stcK'k. ueneral repair wora a specialty. MOUNT AIRY IRON WORKS. J. D. Minick Mount Airy, N. 0. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and IIIUU5U IU1 VUIICC Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to de grees. Special Course for teach ers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the Wtut.t Hull .si..wwt.tii ltLrmtt- . ,,,,,, (.Rtal(llM1 ! and other information, address, JULIUS I. F0UST, Pre. Gt-eeusboro, N. 0. "I was Crippled, could hardly walk and had to Crawl own stairs tans n my hands snd knaca, 4f ioctof to!4 snc I kad an scute Mtavca: of aaflsmrnalsyw rkeumatiMn. I was in lh kocaitai for weeks, kuc was scarcely abk M walk whsa I IWt k. I road stout Dr. MiW lUrrbx kught VottU snd bcsa t gsi bsttcr irora lb start, and for the past six months I kavs had scsroelf any paia and am able to wslk M well s ever." J.H, Sanhiu, P. O. box I, Kockawsy, X. I. Few medicrnes are ei any benefit for rheumatism, but Mr. Sanders tell i plainly what Dr. Miles' Re storatlVs Nervine did for it. Ons ounce of salicylate of sods added to one bottle of Nervine laakcs an ex client remedy for rheuauti&m, tlhich is now known to be s nerv ous disease snd tht-rrSre subject to the influence of a medicine that acts through the nerves, r. Dr. Mile.:' !,cr.:ne Sufirrer fft rh- i seldom fail to fin J i. i.i ti of Dr. M.W Nervine, with salic)lste . ' ' Of tO ill. Bo4 under a guarantee thet assures ; the return cf rnce Cf 1rzt bot.le i t. " - - THE SECRET OF LONp LIFE. Do eot Mp the sprint's (A liie by 4lect of the hum asechaaisns, by tBowiaJ tho seeuasulatioe) of poiaoaaja the) system. Aa iraiurio of Nature's method of restoring wuti of tissue end impoverishment of th Mood mn4 wrvooa streaftb ia to take aa iterative flyeerie estract (without elouhol) of Goldco Seal a ad Orefaei frape root. Blood root, Stono and Mandrake root with Cherry bark. Over 40 yeara a Jo Dr. Pierca gav to the pubiie this remedy, which bo called Dr. Pierce's Guldea Medical Diacovery.' I la found it would help tha blood ia takinf up the proper ele ments from food, help the liver into activity, thereby throwing out tho poiaooa iron tho blood end vitalizing the whole system aa well aa allaying and toothing a ooogh. No one over takes cold unleae eoaatipated, or exhausted, and having what wo atssvDoBJt, ZIM" ' irri 'uat"aVi' a v rt-rirf i: ... e; ia" t IT Haa stoce 1894 (rhren Thorough Instruction under poaidvelj Christian InfluencM at tha lowest poaaible cost." RESULT: It Is to-day with fta faculty of 82, a boardlM Mtroaae of 358 1U student body of 412, aod it plaat worth $140,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA I15S pays all charsea for tbe year. lnchxBng table board, room, lights, steam. beat, laundry medical attention, physical culture, and tuition In al vubjects esoept music and elocutioa For catalogue and application blank address, REV. THOMAS ROSSER REEVES, B. A., Principal, BLACKSTONE, VA. The Best Advertisement this store ever had has been the goods we have sold. "Ws always believed that small profits would make a hig business. Our new Spring Merchandise exhibits in a marked degree what values can be offered when the dealer is looking to his future and considers first of all the customer's satisfaction. SPRING SUITS Our new spring Sits will win vonrtradeif 'SJiX J"es i.ia w iook, mw vanea are UTrtnoueu iiiiunlerately they are pricel you will have to see them. To get a better un derstanding of how well they wear, how well they fit, how well they retain their shape you will have to buy them. When you have done this you are among the best and most satisfied dressers in town or country. Yours for honest merchandise aiul fair dealings, BARKER -SMITH CO. .The Home of Good Clothes. On. the Corner S (J. D. Jenkin'a Old Stand) We are headquarters for Sewing Machines, Ham mocks, Croquett sets, Hase Hall and Tennis goods. We carry a full line of of fice supplies snd Stationery. We sell the well known New Home Sewing Ma chine at a low price. We also keep on hand a few good sewing machines that we rent to reliable persona on reasonable terms. Let ui know your wants. Yours to please, J. W. CREED. W. F. CARTER, President. J. M. FULTON, Vice-Pres. Surry County Loan and Trust Company Mount Airy, N. C. Capital $25,000.00 tnDcH-s a general bunking business and lends money on real estate. Interest paid on time dejiumts. call mal-outritioo, which is attended with impoverished blood and exhauatioa of nerve fcrce. Tho " Discovery" ia aa alU round tonio which restores tone to the blood, nerves and heart by imitating Nature's methods of restoring wasto of tissue, and feeding tho nerves, heart and lungs on rick red blood. "I suffers from pain ends sir rtfht shoulder blade also a very severe eous-b,'' wntea Una. W. Dow. oi New Brookland. S. C ss tr. k. V. PWcs, Buffalo, N. Y. "Had (our dtffsesnt docsndsVsaid mm i any rood. Some said 1 bad sonsumptfaNt. ecaara said I weuld U tokwtuessrtuca. I was bedridden, aoabui to sit an for six asooetis -and wsa nushmc but a live skeleton. Ton adviaad me to take Dr. Pierce s Isoldes Madical Discovery and D. Pteroe'e F'niT-nt PsUasa. When I had token one bottle of the ' Diecoeei , I eould at ae for a hour at a time, and when 1 had taken three bottiee I eould do my eookinc and tend to the children. I kwk fourteen till lee to all and was then la good health. My weifht la bow 167 aeunda. W . J J. D. Smith Old Stand Book Store GEO. D. FAWCETT, Sec. A Treaa.