A Hue mark her meana that the ub eriber to this cr v of The Nw is h -hiswl on mlmcrijitw n. Please make a pay ment as .ouacin-venient. IfllfffiHlltllif" VOL. XXXIII MOVm AIRY, WORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. JANUARYS. 101 20. 20 WHO Will GET THE NEXT $10.00 NEWS CONTEST CAUS ES EXCITEMENT Next Count Jan. 16 and the Last Before the Final Count About the Middle of February. The New Voting contest goe!the in err-bints' priz ami they merrily on, and interest in. the j are all worth working tK. outcome, i growing more intense tvH(. coupons mav be eol- tvery Liy, ewpci-iaHy since the lected from anv and all mr- arfivaJ ot the f K)0 ptano wliw-h i exhibition at The Mount Airy News office. There will le two jnore counts the next w on Jan. 16 ainl tiiat will he for $10 in gold, the money to go to ' the contestant who mikes the greatest gain iit votes from the i time of the fast fount. Dec. 21, to Jan. 16. Previr vote will not count for the gold, hut simply toward the piano, aiwl that be wig the case, every contestant lias an eqiuil nhow, a the one who makes tlLe greatest gain wift- be tli one who will be awarded the gold. We diire to call attention of tha contestants to this fact: The bonus votes, other than for the merchant ' coujwms, will be re duced after the next count. This befinif the vi.se the contestant sliould get in every vote possible between this time aiwl Jan. Id as the. boniu. votes wUl not be s largo there;tfter. What yon want to kliow is, how yoti can win the gold ami tlie piano, t(M). Get new sub- aenbers: get old subscribers to .my im anj rej-j-w: trade w.ncwal.4, w-ill be given tinier l the mereluint who are offering prize; follow the rules and get in every vote you can. Try hard and win this last special prize we offer, and you will be im a giwxl position .to mahe the high vote on the piano count about Feb. 15, which will be the last count, the result which will detennine who gets the piano. Th e following bonus offi-r will continue and remain inehmged njp to Jan. 1I, so take advantage of this splendid ojMrt unity secure vofis, as this will be m s itivtly tiic l.irgit Imimih we hall gl't on liny timis at any wen, year t iine. rip-1 early n w give 1 0, KM') i total of For V t 1 l I ! subv'riplit i . v i w i CXt.M V(.tt s 1 t.-i'll vot.h inak i! cor every seven renewa f SU.!- followinir is the risiilt the 2nd count showing the gnu.-t(tals: 1-t. ('ount. 2nd. Count. Total. iliK Ola Ward ;U.27.") 7.".27." Ki'ir.'-d Miss Annie .Miller, 7,77" (i.L'ihi (17,!i7o MUs Mallie Tli u ker l:t7' .Vt.s7." 7:!.7."n Mists JohniVie Ma Robi rts, 12, -(XI ."', siiO (',.". noil. SI is. Maul Sparger,. . .. o0,:$'0 V2.'MHi 7:!,2oO Misi Mary .lolnisoii I,l'2 :!7,rni) 12,12."i Slists (iertrude R,-ree s(N) 2."i.Hmi 2t),(;HI Miss Nellie Ilamore.. .. -Jimi L':!.(hiii 2.'.4(( Miss Nina York -17") bi.72' 1 l.L'(0 Mis Annie Fulg.-r .',() l:!,t;2" l::,i;7." Sli Irene Hunker 11,400 ll.liK) Miss Lilla 1 lemiiiings. . .. 2." H,42." N. l.'o SIis.s Katbcruie Willis,.. .. 2" 1.4(H) 1, ;."() Mis Nannie Watsoii.. .. 1.42.) "dil) l,!i2o Mi.s Isabt He Saunders, .. ."() oik) 5.V) Mis fJnu-e lliuilley. . .. 2o oOO ,"2." SIlsh Sluwiie Shiuall COO COO Nominating- Blank Popular Vote Contest I hereby nominate or Address As a lady worthy to become a candidate in your Popular Voting Contest. I present tlus name with the distinct un derstanding and agreement that the editor diall not divulge my name. This do ixt obligate me in any way whatever. Signed. AddreM. iriptioiiH, HXKj extra votes, mak ing a total il ll,.r00 votea For every nevm back auhacriip tintw, 6,000 extra votc making a total of 8,800 vote. For every bunch of forty (40) mepchanta pompons, that are brought to the office of the Pub lisher and coiiritwl, an additjonr al bonus of 1,000 votes will ben' owed, making a total of 2.0W vote Do not forget the prize the merchant an- giving. It not t" rt 1 1 1 1 ; t ei, ugh to secure the leuio. kiii may receive oi: ! chant who are in the contest. The names of the merchant who are giving handsome prizes and helping to mak thw content a big success- arc as follow: F. M. Poorc, Earp's .r and 10 et. Store. W. E. Merritt Co. F. L- Smith Hardware Co. C. E. Lurnlv, W. IV HivmmTP. T'eonhs Drug Co. II- II. Leonard, Frank Howard, K.nnember the next priz" cf $10 in gold goes to the orie who makes the greatest gain in lum ber of votca. Remember that nine of leavling merehant are interest' d in thi eoute.st, ami give twenty five vote coupon wrth every dol lar's cash purchase. Remember to have your friends trade with merchant giving coupon. Their' nil'vcrtwememn ;i;(Vir in th'iH Issue in wnne-.tion with our offer. No coiIjkmw on subscription ac count, whether back, new or re- plication is made for them at the time the money is paid. The present stai:dirg i a fol lows: Train Load of Horses. FayettevilJe, De,-. 2S. The firt folid train load of lrr' and mules ever shiird to the South is biJb-d to reach this city at. r aooiii .i.mnary l. llns coii.sgn-, merit i hi ing fo:w ardt d i'r m j the Ve1 by ( H.-vill ( f Fay- j e.t.tevill.-, aiid w ill const it Uti t ' traiji of Id caix, containing' $110,-; mmi wui-th of hor!'fbli. ! Mr. iViil!. who U in the W.-st I jbuyintr the animals, tulay drmv a draft in bank, r here for $n l. lot ) in jKiMiicnt for part f the hip:nn:t."a!l of w 1 ; h w ill be I paid for in full befon- it is htail- : C! I'.il.il. 1 111 IS sail) to he tin ;b;go, - .l sliij.iin Jit of live stock tliat li.i ever lieeli Si I t to a.!i' lie i):t Ul the Si.utl 1 suggest the name of ME. WILSON VISIT3 VIRGINIA. President-Elect Warmly Greeted in Hi Native State The Trip To Staunton. Asoeiatd Pre Dispatch. Virginia welcomed home Fri day rright Gov. Woodrow Wilaon, the eighth of her nat ive ns to be chosen Pres'inlent of the l,'nit ed State. From the moment the Presi dent eb-t. erovsed the State line at Alexandria, in the afternoon, after he had a ten-minute glim pse mf the; nrttional capital, until ! o'clock Friday night, when he reached the little parsonage here where he wa born of! year ago, th reception giv-n him was one 19 1 1 or great enthusiasm, now v. ue- monsfrative anfl sp-i-t.wular dis play. Es-orteL by troops of cav alry, militia companies and a torchlight procession in which praetxeally the whole town par- treiefctd, the Governor and Mr. Wilson motorcl through the street of Staunton to the home ot Hca-. Dr. A. .V r raser. pasf. r of the Presbyterian church, where b"v. .1 se.h U Wilson, father of the President-elect, live I in lSofi. Witli Mr. WILson, tlie Pri-detit-elfct. aused for a minute on the illuminated portieo of the linHiwe aiL greeteil Doc.tor Eraser. A the Uund striK-k tip "Dixie," the (Joverikor turned and waved his. hat to the cnwl and a sporir tan-o4i shout of welcome echoed in the winter air. "It' fine to bar-k again," exclaimed tlie President-elect as he Mepied indoors. Suffering still from tlie effect of his cold, he retired imine! iately to the room in which h--Wa boru. Outsnde the crowdji surgcl the .treet. which were alive with color and flags and electrical ilis ilav. From far mul wide, native T.1l.1-;.;.T.C'cnrr.-TrTyr:.r? U1.UUJ in wi iiw um"iv nam. tunic ii greet their fellow townsman. Ex ccjit for an informal visit a year ago, Sir . Wilson had not been here since lie wa.s three years old. Staunton1 was not alone in cele brating the arrival in Virginia of the distinguished visitor. Ilon firii blazed the way, fireworks .shot arrows the skits and red liglits threw a festive blare at a'l t at ions along- he route, though the train glided by most of them without stopping. Mrs. Wil.v n sto il with her hiifdiard on the rear jJatfonn of the train, and iiojxisl tie demonstration too. "This Ls the real l'resideiit-ebi-t." said Mr. Wilson, as Jie i illt ISlueetl her to the crow d ." J WrX. indria. A great cheer came I from the crowd. Senator Clau1 i A. Sw '.in.si.ii of Virginia, le-pr -j scuta t es Charles ('. Carlin a; j William A. Jones of the St.i gi t aboard at Alexandria. ! Mr. Wils.-u W.s.i unable to speak l at any of the stops i u r u!e, h s i ph ieiau hav ing forbade unne -i-j jsar exMire. Seiiat r Swai - i ! son explained this to the crowd! ai ('uSp -ppep ai.tl ( i i i r.'.or Wd- j -on ra'. -i .l hi.s hat in .n-kn w 'slgiinil.t f their cheers. "1'ut yoiir hat on," cautioned an ag , ed 'irg:ijia:i on tin- fringe i f tin-' crowd. "Thank ou very much," lar.. : ' e ! 1 1,,. ( j'overnor, as he took : ;t; '.e,- ,: (! l.-i.n, d f. I'Vard i:. I ste;; I to shake hands W il II the ie.l-i.'Wil. " l.w does it l'.tl to lie' (iii-J in Viig.'iia ai.d "Li t im I touch the tips of oiir fiii'gers,"! "Hello Woodrow " and a set. s ; of salutatii-l ,s Wen- 1 : r t 1 at; .the President -clevt, as he b-aneil ' I fri in tli" lat finin of the train1 jaird endeavored to greet as nian.v of the crowd individually as he' i could. : The (ioveriior did not r -spoli. 1! to any of the many cries for speech. Tlie 4-roW'ds were good ' : natnred aiul did not iuslst. "Ij must iy they are very generous1 in taking the thirg as they do.' ; l... .: i .. v..: i i M,n .. w: , i' -.111. I I f ,14 llOIIUti Illllllll-IMI o if; Liam 1-. .Mc,( Vnnb., who Mood b -sub- him on the platform. It was at MannHsa. that the I first of the series of bonfires aloiti? flip roiitfk riiilf a come. The Governor neer.-d . . Mother Cray's Sweet Children. Powders for Relieve Peveritbnesa, Bad Stom ach. Teething Disorders, move and rrjrulate the Dowels and are a pleasant remedr for Worms. Used by Mothers for 22 years They ner er fail. At all Druggists. 25c. Sam ple Free. Address, A. S. Olmsted. Le Uoy. N. Y. from hi stateroom at the fire along the way. "I this the Fourth of . I uly T" he queriI asj cannon roared ami ak yrc-.ke? ; l " .i: i my oi urf-worKS cjuim ai iwr- dotrtv-ille, hit the biggest crrwd! Eint UP for Suc Ywr"- of all prmsed aronml the trin( rndiampoliR, Ind., Dec. .r0. at Charlottesville, where Gorcrnr Imprisonment in th Fwleral ami Mrs. Mann ami a delegation! pemterjtiary at Fort Leaven from flu; hrnoml joined the party, j worth, Kansas, today, ww im Mr. WiLsim again reiu-heil (Iron ts-d am punishment umoni thirty- inU the crowd and nlmok. harwlt ATTORNEY GENERAL ETT'S REPORT. BICK- Something- Uncanny in the Ebb and Flow of Crime Statistics of Criminal Cass. Rale-gh, 1i-. 1I "There sonielhi! g dovr-rVn. urwantiy a - bout the stability of crime,'' d' - (lar;s At torn ev tJeneral T. W. Biekett in ins biei.aiitil rep.rt t' Governor K'.tchin atnl the Lncm ing (Jetiera! AsTmbly. "ItM-'ins to be jm rj't tufitcd with as much rec-ilaritv a tic tbb and flow ct tie; tides. For examx!e, the total hiirvl t r ( f reported to the Attoriif-v f irt.t val for the four war endlrg July, 1, lfMM was 4U'.4U arut for the four years endirg duly 1, 1912 40, r07, a diffeKtif" ( f only Ul c ttses for the entire State in the two period.. ' ' The report shews that of the cases in the tiiM. pt'riKd 27,4x7 were conviction aril of the last period 27,2fJ6, tlie mimWr of crime and i..inbei of convictk-us fcr the twe prpKls U-ing pr;uv tlclly-tbe same. Mr. I:(:ktt's report shows 1ft, crinimil fi.-sts in the Stite during the past two years, a de crease ( cases over the previous two years. Only l.V Gl!) casts were actually tried, oth-r poin-r f f through nol pros) aiul otherwise. There were o4TJ7i.nl ..,yyr..wy; V,,S.il l I I' l" i.,"wo v . t -io.- aim ot ipiirta-s. The rt-jxirt declares that the costliest and most cruel defect in the machinery of the courts :' the aleiM1!- of any rovsiou for imuiergei:ey judges, so that neith er marriage, birth, death nor sfektie(s uin sieur in the jatmuy of a judge without demerdizm p.bli- biisriitT-s. He recotnmends that the ( onistitutioii be aune tided to allow the (ieiu ral Asscanbly to provide tor uninergeticy juoige At I In- Attorney te'iieiaJ recm- ine'.ai.s cJiangis so that tlie Staff nni me iieii iHi i nf m a cr.mi-t i.l t . i ,v,l trial shall le allowed the sasn. number ot' cli.i 1 1 or ei-s :l cb.-in : of venire instead of change of vnue, that solicitors be allowed to chai g.- any m :i.bi-r of hla ';oi,n on a .-ij.gle bill .f iiulivt Illent ill eases Im IoW the grade of ony; the enactment, of a "blue v " law ; that the iii'ierifa:.,- tax law b ed, makln delth with subs: thoroughly overhaul- ( ; t his tax pa v able at .1 the rate graduated ai.tial iicn ;:.ses aft r an estate la at ii : i giv en va iue ; In.! I tru-t ina King w. all offiei-s or profit i 'Uloli flig"lble fi ol" pos.tiolih of whoe. duties re 1.1 I f e ri f li .M iH- SoIe t::ble o the diieationa c id pul-lii he-Jth w i rl; the Stat C.-.-etlMi an ol'i'i- I an -M dun-nt f allow oi to 1 at the same t a i i' any ed,; :: .' r sMiilta ry hi ar-! rney Gr'nritil dcetaiv T hi purp : to iif 1 mbniv .Ug il.s I'el-i charitable The At: in h;;s r.-. J.llt- bilU meii-lati'ins md nai them t. ! leg!at,ivf coaiui't; aj)iisjr a Ova man Imprcves. SiilLxburv. l), e. 2th- Mi.s. I..-.-S Oveniiau bi't Washu.gton yestt-r-i day inornmg and last night, having arrived here , come for tic pu.poM- . n eios ug me ovennm . , , j , . . l.l reiiiriL I, , '; ' a,pitol again as v-.n a j-isJde to Nvitl. SenatiKr Overman unti he is tudy revive (xl. She will , ja-npany Mr. Ovc mum when he , goes 10 iase uic moji-us rest to take tlie inon'h's j wlueh hw jihysieianH have advis I eil tliat be tajie as skiii as he is j able f leave Wash isigt n. Th wiu probably he either Hot Spriivgs or Atlantic Git v. In prings or Atlantic Utv. In the bnci aJuem-e of Mrs. Overman from Washington the Senator's laughters, Mrs. K. C. Gregorj' and Miss ICatheryn Overman, will be with their father, having left yesterday morning for the Tapi tol. Seivator Overman L Ktill impron-inp and is reardul a. 1-ing- out ojf danger. rt ... 33 DYNAMITERS CO TO THE PENITENTIARY. Preaderit Frank M. Ryan Re- three of the la.lwir tuiion official cernietel f,f havimg enixaged in the destri:etif,ri cf pn-rty by iv najmite over an area ext'fliding fnm I'osfon to I AritT'dc. Frank M. Rvan, pre'wlent of ; the International A"Uitk n of I I'ridge and Structural Iron j Workers, the srtrike ff which was is' given a. tin- motive for pn mot- ing the ilyrmmte plot., wa xerir lterved to seven years' irnprisorir Tnent. the heaviest, punishment levied. ff the thirty-eight men con victed as conspirators, eight others, all affiliated with Ryan, were given prison term of wix years. Two men were giveB four year, twelve men three years, fonir men two years, ".x men one year and one day, arl six men, including Fhvard Calrk of Cin cinnati, who confessed and plead ed guilty at the begirmirg cf tlie triaK were allowed their liberty on suspended sentences. The length of the seutenceH f the convictcil men, outside of Ryan, follows: Six years, Olaf A. Tveitrnoe of San Frajieisco, sc retary of tlie California Ruildir-g Tnules Council; IlerWrt S. Hock ui of ImdianaMdis, former sec retary -of the iron workers' unio John T. Butler of Buffalo, vice president of the iron workers; Eugene A. Clancy of San Fran disco; J. E. Muiwey of Salt Lake City, Utah; Philip A. Cooley of New Orleans, Frank C. Webb of Vio-lr tlinil -I Vauhif of lioston Four. years John II. Harry of St. Iouis, Peter J. Smith of Cleveland. Three years Charles N. Hewn of Minneapolis, Heiirj- W. Leig loitner of Deiirer, Ernest G. W. lWev of Indi in;iolLs. . Edward Smythe of Peoria III.-, William E. Reildiiig of Milwaukee, Murrav L Pennell of Springfield, 111.. Paul i. .Morrm ot M. liouis; W niiani j MuCain of Kansas Citv, Mo.; ! Michael J. Ilanuon of Seranton. jl'a.; George P. " .N'ajer" An - 1 dej-M!i of Cb-vi land, Wilfor I l'e-rt Drown if Kansas Cilv. M ., and Michael J. Cunnano, I'hila.bl I'u'a- Two cars - I-'rai k .1. Higgins of I'osfon. William K. Painter of Omaha, Krul Siirnnan of Indian aM.Hs, Richard J. Houlihan i f Chicago. ():ie ear and one dav Willum I'.arnhanit of Cincinnati, ('has. Wrtchtmci.fcr of Detroit .Wil- liaMi Slnipf of Chicago. Janus E. Rty of Peoria, 111.; Edward E. Phillips of Syracuse. N. V., End Mooncy of Diiluth, Minn. Suso, iiibsl sentences Patrick I'. Far !! . f N'. Vork. James I '01. Hey 1 f Chicago, Jl!ll"S Vll"b- liii of Chicago. Hiram R. !T"e of AJuneic, Ind.. form-r organi-r of til- l-'rank Mdwae f.-x 1 for th earjtenff rs' union Detnit ; , I. Murphy of D.-trolt. and ; 1 'lark of ( 'iro-imi.it i, eon -dynamiter, who testified government. 1 Will Appeal. teps towards ;vppeals on be half of all prisoners to the Cult-; -l States Circuit Court f Ap- i peals have alnady b--n taken . Chester H. Krnm, vvith other coin, sel. appean-d before Judge I . 1 ! f,,r n!i! writg of 'Prror. Th: fir,,i;tl. ,.,,. i,.. .1 . H cissi 11 ;IT ilk ai- 10 irrin'n l ui.t 'V vioin I - 'llioi I " II , pending appeal all will lie taken to prison. What ,-,. s .ia, tpain Ul t.arry t,. oarvil.t.,1 m,.n to Furt Ij(,lV'. ,.,,..-,,,.,1, will P...1..rl f:.-. sha pAml .mdt refused to .lt ir,. !.... in,ir,,,t...l to keep secret the lime of de parture and the route of the train. It Is understood that if fort will be made to have the train leave tomorrow. Susjx-iuled sentciie(H were giv en to men who Judge Anderson said he believed might establis 1 j their innocence if given iroi-r ilefense. McUnig&l Not Sentenced. Ortie McManigaJ, coofesml dy namiter and chief witness for thejyour ahocs. All Drut-tiiU. 2c gA'en;ui fit, wa not sentenced tol ay. lie will he returned to tlie ruoily of th Lo Angple author Ltie. On the way to the jail after the sentence -many prijorwri sjing. centiniunf after they wen lock ed tip. Other were downcast. Fedepd Judge Anb-rson. real a prepared statement in which he sji'hI some of the men had bcf-n guilty of murder, ev'uburtly referring to the detructii the L(t Arugelc Times, killinr twenty-one men. He sail h--could nt sentence them for mur der .a ?hf men were not charge,', with that at the present trial. SHOOTING AFFRAY STIRS CARROLL. Jchn RigTiey Shocts and Serious ly Wounds Calvin Exstcr Both Men From Fancy Gap. Hillsville, Va., Dee. 2ft New reached here tinlay of an af fray which oeeured l It rist.m.i.s d.iy at Fancy Gap, near the hrsrne of the AJleiw, in which John RLgney sht and darkg.-roiwly vvoiymb-d Calvin Ea.ster. A slxinir match was beiriir held near Fatjey Gap, on the Elk Spur nal. Rigney arkl East-r fell out over the question of whieh was the best marli.sTn.'tn. They had agreed to fight a fair fight W'ith their fists and agreed that ssine of the Inns thuld seateh tlom. They were in tlie a-t of s-nnhing Rigney, wlnti he pulled hi pistl and shot Easter, the entering' aiad pa.s.i!g through the fleshy part of tlie left arm and going into the lxlv" Iwtween tlie s-oril arid thinl rib, just over the heart. Tlk Irtdlet has iVft heeni located as yet. Eastc-T L in a critical i"omiitioa aid may die. Deputy Sheriff Dud EdwanL out to capture liiy in vain to make his escam. Mr. 1- I wards fourwl Rigney in the mountains a few miles from the seene of the shoot irg iunmt 10 (t'ehx-k Christmas night, aul brought him lure today and l.u;di-1 h th in jail. It serins that the Fancy Gup d;sfrict is drermin-l to bear the ripiitat:'ii ( f being the dark iiJid murdi-rourf battle ground ;f Carroll emintv, as half of all the : nnmlers commirtnl in ('aiToll hive U en in this little munta.'.u , d '.strict , or fi ni'tiit! d by iio-n who hall frm tha ts.-efi-.n. ' It will b- r---in mb.-n d !a Carroll 1 eb that a few years ago, Rig- near F.mev G.1.0, one Dav- in-y, an uncle if tie ' ivv ui jail, killed "I'.'.g Anly" P.e.im-r. by .sjilittilg Ins heai. ,:-le opi 11 with an ax, for which crime blgiu v .s.-rv. d several years; in th- lie.'.iVut iarv. ( arrol has i in1 iiiur lefer in now, w In sc s.i-i.ihl fiial eoin it the next term of court.. ,tii-iv nn-y inivvma.n wni ne tried for tin- murder f Lee D: g-g:i..-. at II in- s lii i l In Use, e.i th- oit!i day ,f -tun ', liU:'.. Ii was triid at the Sepfindnr term of court, th-- jury not agrciu.g, six stajidlng for first d"Ti.e and six for .v-oii. 1 degree murder. til 1 1 -tit Rapid Wcrk. D' troit Free Press. Res.dci ts in nval cith s, ami Drown, Were bragging abou tthe excellences .f resM'ft iv e hojiKS. "Tii?"'- our fire brigade, ' tones hard their f said Joins after im hour's ln-atitl dis ctis?',itn. "Do voii know, the other day a fin- broke out in our town, and within three minutes : the eii'gui.- camc'alorjj. but i' wa I going so fast tluU the driver i couldn't pull up till he w as a ii 1 'lii I I I 1 - I'lUllllie; IIUU.1 Drown smdid fashion. J "My dear fellow, that's noth ' ing." he said. "One day two j nun were workiiig on a churek i steep., in my city and suddenly j one of thetn slijxd. A terrible (death would hive been his, mly j fortunately a tix-tJktor hal the j ptVM'ive of miinl to call the fire I thi-j- cmne just in tune to catch ' hi:a in a blanket." Do Not Have Sore Feet. An Allen's Foot Ease jowder In th foot fath gives In tnt relief to Chilblains an4 all foot aches. Then for lasting comfort, shake Aliens