THE MOUNT AIRY NEWS, January 2nd, 1913 PACE TWO Mount Airy News, J. E. JOHNSON Edit-f snd Publisher. Mt. Airy, N. C, Jan. 2nd, Charley Miller Killed by Accident. A Reunion. Forty-one years apo Dr. John 5. ll. Wnltz heated m the town SUBSCRIPTION RATES One copy, on. year. - - $1.0 w,-w m Oh cpy, six months. Ob copy, three months, ' Hurley Mdjerthe f )(,ksim, sm' Witv for thel 1313. county, met h death Monday of f me wjw , jtn w.k ;f7";; lYnn.- aid Virginia. It wa ;Tlie tfm that. .ms,;d In .1.... f , ,M.ha,f of t, t ' l It t 1 1 e 1 II iii iturun i l i m l. i " f Mi Johnson, who wiw huntiiip with .. 25, . . -m. 1 .i I wt Hi 1 nun. Advertising rates reasopabls ftndj1(m4 ae n t,lu afternoon mad. known on application. Entered at the Post Office of Moant Airy, N. C. as second class mail matter 1912-13. Th pvid year 1912 i now be hind us and" a new yar has davneiL And what of th rist. W do.rtrt. if in. modern times th people otf thin nevtioni have en joyed a more pnjitioun year than the one that has jiisst gone. . ooa. f......... .... T?...m. IV bVM were, cousin and ,rt.i- in th.. Ufl." preat They ha.! start,. ; home late in th afternoon a,nd f px. were m-ar th lio.we ne, ine the (Tim m the hand, of your ,Jtt,0, shL1(h in wKi(.h hft was son wan ai-n ally .hast W0UIulf.(, f(it hv a she. what ea,,s,d vt to po .otf at the time ami the way rt did will I" , . . . Riupsbury an, t tether ,bly never b. knmvn t "llhw livnl namM on ,.f the. donhU'-bftrrel kim- , raerlem that alyy.,' T) were;ght rbilr,ft ,K)rn ready to go oft unle the af,ty , fjun John FftI eavji h on. i r . v ir t v;i. I The Kv were not more than , , ()ar!ie Clale It., artlhij 11 feet apart and th. e charge ; . ,. .'. TVlu1 ten feet aaart from the Win ntenil mm u.e .'.u;-.... ,w.lf. . prrtrtidr milieu in Miller s bmvel.H making a f"lr"';Mt. Airy, N. C. The .-oml ia?s 11 1 ru 1 1 1 r- r inniiii h.iiii niniiri . ... . . .. Th i.soTi iBor. fiivnmahli. an.1 ! . , . ' .v,. i married Mr. reo. Key anl lives tlie prKvti thje p-fple reeeivI for ant.Kre c(f the woumi was such , r . - , 1 1 It 1 u 14 1 t 'Liwyer n OnKtonia, the fourth manniCactuml h hM f .nn that . lufl eotild be entertain-. Mr W s amier ftrKi pro,!. wem generally morejd for h m-overj-. He linger- thj? f,fth than Hutinftw-torv. The piiple m 1 for . , f ; "ixtJi in parh' an1 ... , 'about eleven 0 elook that n:riit. . , . . , , a whol,. Jiav b-n pnr-rons. n,Li,. it;m... tt.. nn ns,ul.: th -venth w teachaj school at ---.f I ... 1 n I I n sm i-vrnna 1 t . 11. I iL'iUl llt in jn;. arui in io:rj ur. oaz y n hahe who dii in iafamrj'. The atxl hAj(py. RiiwhwH have fallea! jy pnmiMn(? vtmr man. iiere anu uire aim muv l' " " ' Wv marrietl to Mii Jenni,. iMaa.- r ones hitve nussl to n-wand nn.l haxl he lived he wrmld have 0 fh (H..!lsion of I but siw'Jn w Hfe. jViikI whjit thk new year? A wise oii( saini, there m a destiny ii , . ,'4lst annivers-'irv of hw reHulence eo.mtrv-. No intimation luus been . , , , - . triven that aJi'v Maaiu us att-u-n-: . . , ., . . :d to hLs ('(WKin becatis" the that shajH-s our ends rotiph h-'W i;im was in his haruls at tb tLine th. in as we mav. a.n 1 while tht-re i' w;is lLseli.irl, it w;im an accident Kiieh n.s haijp-n ei stiuitlv and always for r-as may le a inuil .f trutli in the li . ... ..l.i.v I 'i ill r. u tn l i f ,- -7 lliri t- L.- iii'iii iiua i'" hi .f tor "-rsoiitil etiort. liite au tli' new year will le to most of at the Zioi Mi-thodist XL: aiul gran. old hom, on Chri.stjnas Dav 1!)12 V to have a family reunion and walk amonjr the old fiuuiliar seiTics cl' ehildh'.)i.'d. Kveryone . . i i- was prormt a;:wi iicVrr In' ai'i'oun., il i ii. ., , ,, , one brother sister Mrs. fill i iy ' i in in""!"1"! i .1 . , . , , -ii ....... i .: i .. ' ' " 1 " '",4 I lie reniani.s nf i" i"-'- ... , .... .,.! A . .1 ,,,1, ii 111! I "..''1 m ir 'll -i lit ftntt c; livi in. tViitn. At tirj n.lmlr .. . i . w I.. I.... ' . I'. ........ .. tli. i"" . -narrnii JU-t'iiieiiTs, jusi w nat oihu.m i i N""ii !"' . we ,n;ike it. "To thine owns-!f I:'-e eo.u-our t !r: w:,. i . . , att,-i'd'd the liu-l s;ul nt:s at-. , , Ike true .and' it must tollow as1 ... . . ,1., o tne in o... .. - -he old-r eli. Mr. it w.thout whom j :l wll.ell til'' il.;'l!t..l i : , i u..,4'. . i i . i ill i iiiniin hi iiii:"ii i.iiiiiu ii.iiiii i r then In- t:iNe to ai v man. h, l.:.n: v u;v li.-i.l. , , ' , . ! ' . hav Im-cii t-ianplete. : ." , - i i 1 li no thre riiit the day. thou e.i.n.t not aft. rnoon .-ill went to din- This dinner was prepared; l 11 II. 1. . . ! I M id I i.m k niainiiM i i ; oi. Lcwgap News. As the l;,.-t l" the . '.I yiar are drawimr to a elose at:d tli.- d.iw i'; . !' the in w ear i eVt II I'oW "!l ti e t"-( !:i 'd. e.'.' '. !i i. r ! i ; -I ;n a!lv t urn to i.ur !.-! fit - s of Hi"', tat , IV : ? WI.Ht w' Wll.'Lt 'He nor Roll fci Silcam Academy (!, .,s ;. ,, .,,,., Xli(. ,,,., m ' TVT il. t1 ,1 - T1 , , on i ...I ;i , I'H.liUl UUUil.i;, J.. -v. T,'I IF III 'T" . Ill'-Il pi.UT .MIL , ie::r . Iiieir e i n 1 1 u l:ec on eer i-:ir t r r- 111 ! - . I . i,rv the ai-tit may pa'i.t it in L-r.i i.i .h ts. is. I ev.-r day affairs ;,, i j;rai,.. he h lida.vj, iavs, d !T ,1,., ,1 ir. , In 1st (ira .---.!ma Ka.l, 1,'h Is. IIu '! R.-eee, i r i t i V, -d'e U LrlitlT. will :..!.- ., .1 ..I ... '.. . . .... i. I 'Jilli I l, ilini 'H .Liu : 1 1 i. . f" ji- J ;j, .iiP ' nee. (Jurn -r .IVel. Mr. .John Anufiel.! and ' 1 ttle n t i t . i it,. il:ir-.'!,'i r !'.:.;'. tli I r- "n r a n.i . Va. , -.Mi 1 l.'v-ae !. r w ho is ill Verv feeble h.-alth. M. Ar-'.'ir -I r of s .. . Wi. i,. a,, -i ;,:p t;.'.. .1 I y his si.i'i r .Miss l'lerthii i f N v, Yoi k U't ed their vistn- Mrs. V. A. lv.k'ar. "'!;. i hrm v. !n a '.".id. a to.,'; K I- . r-.-t i :-u d ll. ... f. tl... I 'i,l 'an', Or.i'l eN'. m:: Ti'.-y Si; p. is . lati ,i Tav lor. I! 1 ! Kubv .loin's, Mi'in'e i run M lie e i s will a;:d the ii.-;;.r ;r it tle!e ; well in will.! a r in:'-.! Mi; 1 1 to tin- ,u;: i.t tlat fi'ls ) t-v. rv ' n o i-t w1' -n t'' I'm ?-;. ; 4 Are i.n'?;iJ I. rjirr aav Imt ri-suu ft i Iii."; r-.ste;s if the in-St loved;'" ,r..l :pwa Cr; ! irth. t t! J It Was to Tils rh'.effi !i ai d . -j ernnd-ehildr.'!! e.-me. I'.at th.' j. a , j' i I la t "... r. II. m ! Nl . 1 lar Matfie Snow. .M !;.' Mcrh.".. !.:i Ta. l..r. nlv.. l J.1- ". :., . f !-!:-a''' t!i..t l;'rd Kads. i, vi ii. f d a'in.ri- a eiat. r .f ;,!h '(ii-a'e W'a !e Ap; s. i, w-nJo, r tre-s. tlii.s " lln.'h Atki'.s' :i. I'.essie .lones. Car win n- s.-r;. w a::. I y ha-" ln-eii i . . i . i . . . i i o I!'.:e nil i!" i . 1 ina- i ' ( en in Si : I ' .r e ' K. i, se. i I .ll. III :;t 1 I . t 111 ( r " a." I", .'!.! ;.:.!! ;r I. w - f Mt. A'i v M'-s i:;l-. i L w. A'I hat e i' ' ii i n- i N.i i : 1 l.n I r !; i 1 iN'ieS. oii iiiail" 7;i. K . A:'.;i. Wl.itakrr: vh ;:..,!. ! ! .: . .! n-.i lb: Mar-,- M M n A ! - 1;.l th . mp :h whieh it run.-, .it ' i is p:.'!e' "! 'I '. I ' '. n ' s s 1 -1 1 :n.-n i.a h- '!'. lb w it throbs .r ! !. v '.! is said 11. o.i? i i !.s ,i; ; . t'e' ' 0!'' AUCTION SALE. ma : m . T : M ;tn t . tl; ..r ! id- 1'u sda". .I;.!,!:al ' i.i!:;. ,,t 111 '. A. M . on my I' rai I ive mii 'S in rth . t M' not i : Air. on Iev ill "s ( 'le. k. I will i ff.'r f .r ."ii ? !!.- !.;v' . !'i t I 1 ." i. ,-.!.( I l! '!.-..!!!.. I', ill v, ii.'' Ho IT" I"? : We. k to a.- -, i t a l. isitioii w ith 1 1,,.. f,-v -..r .,1,1 l,a Wei.'hl "l";i',',U'' n' the U. .1. I'eiWin Mll.sie Co. i. lltMl; 7 - i a I- old lllil'e Wiii.'lit to Ii..!. M I-,,. . ( ; 1 1 .".il; head' ..f oa.-i-f eat t'e and Kob. H Slmlar. mir m-w )epi;t. ; , nillk w ; A h t of f...lder, Sheriff. ke.-js ll,.- f. sfive bh'e!- -1 si, Ui'k.N. .s? raw and ha. ; 'J twi a,, rs ; ?!;. run. He if i t anothii i,,,,,. w;i4foi.s; 1 ,, Inns.' w:i.oi, ''"! J' I' 'hi- u" ' way IP. .1 h.ii.-nr-s. About l''" leishel '-' ' ' ' h ' " 1' the I'.l.le Kiilee. ,",.,,, ;,. .l-o I..V.V s. Ill' llieat ii n i. thud: I till III, Tie- ti. i -H'e V that ,; e !-. ir I i I e m I if! is I- fat ad 1 ? 1 "t a ;;s n t it t 0 a vi a 1. W Ve.i! s a if" Wlifll f" .tin r was ' e. '1 d aw.-v.'f: li t I" 'I' d ' t , : d i.i ll.' tt'e ,'' I 1 Wl! th ame 1 1 ; i a ' 1 , v, 1 1 i a n. u t li s i. ne !::., w i t th- void i. or - uh I thy i.nd r-'ai d the t! .f hts f th. Ilea i t I. r. Y ei. I. n-' .;. : d w I o hen' his Cad : . I- ?! ea.s!..t ami !..;! ! !.. f th the ).::; t-" i ! s . ' r i w. the i i , t;v that 1 1 IV ! I . ' 1 ii., I t i i ,i i i i i ?c : r i iu man siioiii,.-n u a bind. :i - h ay that at times I land in S. 'll'i' if all h. eo aid and 1 1 i :e If i n! i! "'(' silllewlnre. If they . 1 , !1 "t W'ii . 1 ' ) j , ;, Iii hert to ir, t tin ir " "'!' t h , . ;.,,. better not .s- 1 1 In in up. No mat-' Tenii.s: Cash f r under s.Y Dev. I ter hnv l,'ii the raviiie nor Im'a ! .4;.- . thud .h wii. balai. :t dark the lnd'unf plaee. I ) i-u' 1 t; months .wi'h s.-.-m - . Shular .s ,.. h,-.v m.,,:, to , . ,WIHe ' b. was r-a h t- , spair. J. rt. liftllW, 4 Ml Wivtelui in;; u t ! ; 1 1 I am, ... Mt.A'r.N.C. with ih .;'. -'!.. f -r a Ivim! tf. , aid w.'h lis .'.at;. . ! '.'i.i 'f t'niu Deafness C.nnot Be Cured. ' " '',;i' ' M 7 ,,"1'ih ri t he la '.' he lull Je Slieli sa.'t'l l.v 1 1 u r r,!l, :,t wnn :iS Itiev rnnnot ... ...... . . ' . ".. ' ' , . ., . 11. n-S ai .l l-IM.'.l Ii.MimM so Ill'l 'h hind i,s h t u.s idl mal.e a year.- i s .. ut h n t hat y I'roin in,', wi I a ve "ss 1' mIui 1 tiMt,e..ji - Paedlmoinit The Home of High Prices The Foreign Buyers have NOT gone away. The will all he on our sales during the coming moonths just as they were before Xmas. First Sale days for January Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays n WINSTON, N. C., Jan. 1, 1913. We thank our many friends for the liberal patronage given us during the fall months. We sold more to bacco during this time for higher prices than ever before in the 37 years of our warehouse experience. Our sales open again Monday, Jan. 6th, and we want you to start the New Year right by selling your first m load at Piedmont. We will certainly make a hard pull for you. Your friends, M. W. NORFLEET & CO. ri i M i 1 51 , mi i.i ?, find Ih' ni. f , VMi-s kit' i II - , v. !;,, ', s I, . P a, hii ;f I'ear Ararat was mair-,1 d ii air the In I Mays to Mr. R.Ji -rt Kin if ef tha t;ilaee. Ni ha v 1 1 .f the o l mi' I" lie N. - . 1. . I I J ... 1 i.nrlufi nf ha l ew ear There Ls only ., ivny 10 ear b:'t the vrnitltinle lias Mink ., i p v ;; fii.f?, uvA thai in by coi'Mitu- into tie heart i I .-iiy (lie i f tion.ii roiniiies. iieanif-s is ouiwu j. eh ii.iren n I h t will live as a,; ... . 1 nndlHl,n t.f .ji tT.ll. i 1 i ..,,1 . -.!, ., t , .,., ,. i),.,., v .. ' ' " """" " """" ' in. ii .;,:ie at to his name Wln-u l;.-" "'V ' n - a.' A .: py ' vi, tl,iB tuhc l.s Inflameil yoa have e ri . ..r 'he nvn. prosiM, nmv , ar to all. .M a niml.Hr.K k.miihI or lmierf.-ei hear- Kaler on when th" ehi.!r, n le- ' in;, and when It in entirely (!os.,l. : pan to leave it was ini'-sary for XT .. ,01,., I-afriess Is Ihn r.-Fiilt. anl unless it.e (..iiinfort and happiness ' that Notice Cf Stockholders Meeting, inflammation ;m be tHken out and s,.(I11(j , lV(. j,,.!,,,,, lt,. fnid nl , . . .. linn i.iiie ifM"ii-.i to o -i ii". ini.i . . , . . i i le K.'u-.inir ni.'etij.p of the (1.Uoii ,,,,,.., wU1 ,. r for..a.k.:r . d t.-r d.vnie puM m shaivhiM I"s t-i tht J-'irst X.ith ll ever; iilne rases out of ten are ctia h !e a woman who ha.s m,.,-. hou.s' Tuemlav iuorninp .Jan. 11 . l:l;k f. i. Faweett, a'J al r.aiik of Mount Airy, N. C., vd y Catarrh, wlil. li la nothing but! than made the h me happy aifatii for the election of an Inflamed 'condition of the mucous HIUj u ,,,m u n -t as t.h 'ir will Ih- hekl at the H.uikuiif u"'i , .. 1 beloved stepmother. Mav this " C f-"' - . .1 .1 I A .. i nnv rn. ,,f DaiifneK lfu.ii.ed by I oe Tile M, reillllull on earill T arrhl that ratilio the cured by lust shoul.l it lie. we I.miK into Uislner. HalTs Catarrh Cure Send for clrcu-: ,Jml future iut, hope for it preat- lar. free. rcuniot, when lovinp frieiiiLs'T re'ie would not be pun no more. ( . I.. turely wriiAled il tUy did not Mothr Cr'y'uttt Powder' fori frown and snnt in their (-ffort . n ii . i-.J filasR are mre effective and r(,Kulate the I.owc-ls and sro Krt-Wiere 1 vm pet TourlT Where Ht 0U Them. infiniUly more bfcninp. L t pleanan remedy f.r Worms. L'scd i h.!, old man? us fit you it one J. W. Knijrhl, Mt. Airy, N. C by Mothers for 12 Th.y Bey er fall. At all Drucglsts. :.-. Ban pi. Fre. Address. A. 8. Olmsted. U Koy. N. V. Hnw At cafe getkrally. Ilit inns' or twiee I't be.iu bwlcy eiKnph to exJianpe at rfruroh. ish Shoes ! i Shoes ! Cushion Sole - Calf Skin EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED If vou want good shoes in latest styles, keep your feet dry and warm try Cushion Sole, Calf Skin Shoes. Also in Gun Metal. Kangaroo and Patent Colt. CALL and sec these. C. E. Lundy Clothing Store j HEAD -TO -FOOT OUTFITTER ft

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