TI73 MOUNT AIR7 NWS, Jravcry 2r.d, 1313. ZPAGE EionT. -rm ..,w.- BROWN'S WAREHOUSE, Winston, N. C. Winston, N: C, January 1, 1913. ' To Our Friends and Customers: For the big trade you have given us this season we are truly grateful. We have had the biggest trade in our whole history and too we have sold it for more money than anybody in the business. We think tobacco will sell for as much money after Xmas as at any time during the fall. Thanking you for this patronage and wishing you a Happy New Year, we are, Your Friends, BROWN - CARTER - SIMPSON & CO., Proprietors of Brown's Warehouse. mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt't m nun mm mmam it, mmL , "iff. MniwMnnM(rirm?rr7z- r-s - - - - - - - - - r' z , I3L I i TFUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS -HANGS 5yd nor & Sparger Insurance Agents B10UNT AIRY, -: M. C. fklPOPULfl MECHANICS r SaJe of Valuable Farm. Th undersigned heirs of Mar tin llinpr, dee'd., will on January lSth, 11. '1, at one o'clock p. m. ( jm-II to the highest bidder, on , the premises, adjoiniujr the lands of H. H. Marion, J. K Whilak. r, aiiI others, in Shoals township, Surry County, N. C. A tract of laud containing G8 acres more or less. On this land is a tfood two story dwelling, two pood tohaceo hariu, pack house and basement, and pood feed barn. Good or chard ami well. Some five or six acres in timber. Balance in old field and in cultivation. Near puddle school and churches. This w an excellent tobacco fann. Sale ot be made for partition anions the heirs. This beinftr resale the html will be startel at WU.0O. Terms made known on day of sale. For any further informa tion call on or write A. (J. Mar- The Workings of Suicidal Sentiment. News Leader. A THOROUGH TEST. ion, Shoals, N. C, Route This Dec. 14th, 1912. J. M. Ring, M. L. Itiutf, P. C. Coon, A. (J. Marion. 1. Popular Mechanics Magazine -WHITTEN T.O VOO CAW UNCIHSTAMO tT" A GREAT Continued Story of the World Progress which you may ln;;in reading ai any tin.e, a:td winch svill hold your infiTL-st lurevvr. ZZ PU1Z EACH MONTH 330 PlCHSrS 2:2 ARTICLES C? CZKZTl'L WIDEST Thr "Shop Not. -" Department CO p-iRPO J.,vri -...V W-I'.' H ! ) flo ihitil"" llMU (1) ' "Ali.ll; Mi-cliarict " ( 10 p:ii,'() trVs h'.W fO - ' ' ! i""'.r i,u ' .' ; ' '. i. i . iii..K:C. ami iiil l:.- a L-j !.. I A-.Ii your newsdealer, or vi-.-.Tw. rn rntt ..-i.v.n.s copy tcdat I'OlTXAk MECHANICS CO. I1SW. WnsMnftoa !., CMICAOO ' 11 U UUJ. Notice is bcrtby irivtn that the co-partnership heretofore ex istin;; between .lohn Ltiteh and W. R. Davis, traduntf under the i win name of Granite City Cut Ston-e ('m).rny, h.as Imji by mutual cousmt iliNolved, and no contracts or undertakn ars shall le ln-r.-after male by eith er mi rtiln-r of the firm in the firm mime, and neither party is authorized to deal, contract or incur any obli-itin in. the name of sa'.d firm. vh ili has be'ii il.w solvcd ; l; i-1 business disieontinued, This N..v. L'ltth. 1.112. Witnc-s: .! hn Lcitch. W. R. Davis. One to Convince the Most Skep tical Mount. Airv Reader. When Mi'ue was hanged , . .. a,,,, i ii n .nj ..i..n I'"' te.st o-f turn w tlx' t?t t.mit when Ilenrv Heattie wns elec- trocutrtl; when Flovd and Claude , . , Allen weVe ntencld to leath. - 1-m s K.dney 1.1s haNC the pcjde of Virginia felt that in rmtation by this commonwealth at least tJie . . Lw apaiiust murder could be! i,M.mmuVtw , ,. . enforced Mount. Airy re.si.lei.J.s should be Where Is that pride today! f'y How do the citizens, who fob !"' testimony is conurme-i- lowe.1 with keenest intercs't a i ui; fh o'" in-. deepest feeling, the efforts of . I 'tniny like this caiu.K be the let.vtive.s to tnu-k down iRnon-l. and take the- brutal and red- M" , mw (,allaw,ali Iiuik1.n1 murderers Sidna Allen St., Mt. Airy, N C svs: 1 and Wesley Ed-ward now fetd ! suffered severely for scv.T.d when tliev'see the two arch eon-(years from ncrvoiw trouble and spirators, the two crulest assas- j rht-uniaiut iuu All that time I sun of all. stand with sentences j had troi'lo from my kiLney9 to. .. iotl. nu.ro ..vire than i Tliev seeiiieMl verv weak anl I Vlll It- liLW Ol'M i. .1' " . - . W. WEST DRUG CO. We are now open iu the building formerl occu pied by the . E. Merritt Co . I. W. West Drug Co. those given to Friel Allen and Sidna ridwanUT A more Khirin, shocking and repulsive crime than the an nihilation of a whole court has never darkened the aKes of this or any other cjmmomweaLth. The first imimlse of Virginia was to reestablish the laws of th'w state at all costs ami at all hazards and this impulse wasnot bastd mi' vcak or iin.wirthy l.-sire fur viou'eaibce. It was the na- tnriil nd inevitable course for any c (imnuirity to pursue that wished to pr. -serve its life u:d usefulness. All over Virginia there are homc.s from which the faire-t membeis were swept by death durii:; the war. And no depth lit' irpii f i-ver hiTik llie "belit f 't ... - the Virginians that it wa ex- podicnt that M'Hic should perish j t'm And vet todav. with the: felt bloated. I had little strength, ami etw rK'. 1 got Doan's K tl- j ney Tills and bian namg thein. They rtdievenl me vry tiiuch ajxl as I took them, my kidneys were normal." Tlie itbove statement was giv en by Mrs. J(nes as her ex.jcri-eiK-e. with Doan's Kidney Tills, iit Dee. T.M)7. One of our re presentatives viitfl her on Mar. 12, lf)12 ami she a.hbxl : lI f?lad ly neomni(nd Doan's K inTii-y"T,iTL apain. They c-ertaiidy gave me trreat relk-f." For a!u by all dealers. Trice ;V) cents. Fter - Milburn Co.. Huffa'o, New York, oli agents for the l'nitel States. Remember the nune Dean's and lake no other C C. SMOOT X SONS COMPANY WILL BUY YOUR CHESTNUT OAK BARK and will pay you CASH for it. MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. j Thin Remedy has no miperior for! .. l .l ....!.!.. ft lj .a.'iannf : ap)il!.n; and atnH-ious munleir oi lo t eontaln.s no opium or; .Indue Massie, Commonwealth's ' other nanotie. It always Hires.; Attorney K.,tc! Sh.-riff W.db, Kr sale by All Healers. .Furor Fowler, and MUs Avers, I and with the abvdute io. t' ;':!.: ll,e bull, ts Wi le tin d bv Floyd Sidna Allen 1. 1- ... ..d N V'O U .. t ft Uiiurm I f'-wth. i - IV ! HepMra Or r to tn Youthful Coior. J ;,! I..,,!" fftU.I.,,'- II e. l mmm l UNDERTAKES"" j i iT. iilllY, U. 0. j r. . ii I -nil ll-M EMitT-Tri ;'' -A I i, . I'iT i if- i. i i hi ! Jt -4 V'-w's X i 1 '" ..,v..: i i J t I ' i ju't . s' ' t i " 1 f ' una wrings Solid CoiTifort to Old People THE J4 Sm c TIOM All winter long on the Zero daj's and the windy, blustering days the Perfection Smoke less Oil Heater gives them real solid comfort. It saves them many a cold and sickness for it easily warms fhe rooms not reached by the ordinary heat. The Perfection Heater is made with nickel trim mings (plain steel or enameled turquoise-blue drums). Ornamental. Inexpensive. Lasts for years. Easily moved from place to place. At DmmUn EvmrrmKmrm STANDARD OIL COMPANY t4 la fUw mvm? ) t fit Allen. Claud Allen, and Wesb y V. lwards, as the part 1 a preTcou-ceived and pre-de-. i ri n in i I ai d cruel conspiracy, the eoiinii' i.w ealt h. ha.s hem un -i r.ld p.. ii ' ? u: i.i S. i a All.T ; ai.d Weyh V I'.dwar.U the Ml 'hey ino.t richly deerc. Here w,. the workings of suicidal sr-,ti.llel.t. Ilefe We behold ill j all it.s trh ry ! he pract ice r f t ':i i foiviry the laws by h st rical j petitions. llnv we s'-c the pow i er t-f ni'!ie iii breakin.vf ib n 'and subvert ii.ir the very !;ims of ' civil life. I)ou!it!. tin' SIH'l'i'.v of the i Allen s mna:hi,: r. in - ivsi l' tie' precious lu-cks f S. !i;a ; a 'id W eslc l-.dw-sr add i the d in i!! Fairm Landa for Sale. About ''." aens d' land near Stewarts creek four miles fnJn Mt. Airy ndjoiniii.tr the lands of .1. W. .lohnson, Kmmett Sparser and others. CikkI for rrowii;.ir tobacco and wheat. About s aens cf pood bottom. tool ''.vcllinir and out buiMiin:s. Young orchard. Jackson Smitli, Houte 3. Mt. Airy, N. C 160 PIGS TO SELECT FROM! You want pigs and why not order them out before they are selected over. Later there will be a rush of orders and they will be picked over. We alwas ship the best we have in our pens. See? Order today. Have both Poland China and Mammoth Black. JOHN A. YOUNG & SONS, Greensboro, N. C. W. F. CAUTF.R. J. M FL'I.TON, President. Vice-Pre. GEO. D. FAWCKTT. Sec. & Treai. ai-- F!...d ; tiim-ntality '(!:( in p !a:.d A!:. ha ileS ot dediry out 1 1 . S' l.-a AH. 'i an oV, let II'- sr can do with th state ! : b. ha. : 1 1 i i ir this ir ju--t ! Ycsh what n VV i 1 1. .at spar Allell FARM FOR SALE. .".d acres of land lvinr near I'ulah ehureh with a yood dwcll iotr house on land worth .'.imi. two trood tobacco barns, two tr'"d bascincnts. Stock barn Surry County Loan and Trust Company Mount Airy, N. C. Capital $25,000.00 ptflhws a general banking buHinch and lends money on real estate. Interest paid on time deposits. srrc t;v ; worth !,1-H, with (J k"""l spills. " III le :vd. S . -at infill courts !te frii) b-serts to Ed w ard-., s 'Ml i'llellt (Jood younir orehanl, jriod of water, and other builda orooortion. Place iuar publie si h.M.l a'ul church. Apply to W. R. WOOD, ' Kound Peak, X. C. we 'S in !T' ol .iVerrior of tlrs A Useful Acccmolishment. Y ui'.L'.Nti-wn Tcb irram. A lady juirjrb-r at the Park tl:r;:t.r v:i., 1., j ii w- a dish;:.n. nioj, tw'n plates and a dattt-r a'l up in th air at the same tune. "Isn't it wonderful that she do.-ji't drop th:m?" said a we'l drtsid woman in th." otxdies'ra ciivle. " Yoi8lerful iiuleul." replied her friend. "I do wish our hir ed tfirl had a little oilier skill." An Entertainer. Tenni-sst-an. l)iir My wife is a wonderful vmwlist. Wlij, I have known her t hold her audieiu-e ff littiira ItiTir" !et out! DurtP After which slip would lay it in the cradle and rock it to sleep. LAND FOR SALE. 1 offer for -sab- Id 1 aer.s . ..f ! ,1 la.i d on the Kound Peak a:d hobsoii roal, with the follow ij-'r i.uirvoiiu'iits: One r.n d four limin house, one pood tluve un 3 n huv. two s'.o4-k lLrns, trraju-ry, two tnhaeeo banirt aiil other oist huildiai'K. Two pvn.l oivlumlrt with about 4(X) beariutr, (rM-d srbi!r. The hud is welli tres. Ivo cxxxl wells aiul oiif fenced aJnil atniit tio a-res in cul-tiva-t'infc:. All well watered aiud ph'iity of i?id timber, iv.nie f die lanl U.Llom ajnl it ir all fine for wheat, rra.- ajxl tclKie , eKjxvially toliaeeo. The fajin w m-ar a i;oxl mill, chore he and public sehod and on ttiie iLiily rural nute fnm Round Peak. I will sell in two tracts or all topetWr, to suit purchaser. This Li a pood bargain for a quick buyr. B. J. MAYES, Round Peak, N. C. 7 1 t Wi l.1 K- Young Women Read what Cardui did for Miss Myria Engler, of Faribault, Minn. She says: "Let me tell you how much good Cardui has done me. As a young girL I always had to suffer so much with all kind of pain. Sometimes, I was so weak that 1 could hart !y stand on my feet I got a bottle of Cardui, at the dru? store, and as soon as 1 bad taken a few doses, I began to feel better. Today, 1 feel as well as anyone can." TAKE Tho YomarfeTonic Art you a woman? Then you are subject to a torf number of troubles and Irregularities, peculiar to women, which, in time, oftt lead to saort serious trouble. A tonic Is needed to help you over the hard places, to relieve weakness, headache, sod other unnecessary paia, ths signs cf wsak serves and m-work. f IvU WIU M1H 11(111 S " - w . . . . L 1A II. I . U .IV. B Ail yOtf fnS IOO ww. trwwmmm.