0 A Hue mark here means that the sub scriber to this copy of The Nw! i be ll kml on subscription. Please make a pay ment as s mjii as ci n Tenient. 'A X Vt ffflMflf XXXIII Ballots Are Dropping Fast Big Vote is Being Cast in The News Popu lar Contest !2." ' But a short time nuer,r.. cTuof liuote The ine ixi vuiut v . o , New. popular voting con-w i .W mtnt in niiult OU tne wurii . ervening of Jan. 16, the vote will show some surprise pains. A haul fight is being made, by the koxlera to get the coveted po sition at the head of the long list, aaul ballots are falling in large numbers daily, each mail bringing onveolpes filled with ha.lh.tM ami subscription, while the merchants' coupons are pour iv 11 th time. rum the efforts being put th leaders there is apt to be an entire change m their powitioivs, aiKl jiwt who will g .Hffioult to say. vutw Ai lilk-atiMW are that the vote will be very close. Those down on w r,w an lso making efforts to batter their standing ainl are huKtluig1 here, there and every where to gct votes. The bonus offers have put new life inrto tiie contest and the jotmg wmnan who makes the greatest gain will receive the ten dollar gold piece offered in A upecial prize. There are many residents of i A5rv wlin havB not vet sul- j".. - - . . Tlio ev "ami wlio yriU' waitinir for s.mne lnend to iiik them. Candidates cam gtt to amy smDscnpiions uy au their frieiuls aiul aKiuaintanKHs to hvip them iu tlie contest, Seven new yearly 8iilseritptior8, paid u)p, will give contestants 14, nm rtt, miit will make them 1 mdt nil UV ivh ( , a a . 4. v . ill 'A $4410 inirijrht. niaiwi n worth the timo and energy in trying to win. aiMl as no more than one caiMlklate can be the winner of the capital prize there is still a chance to win one of the hand some prizes, which the mercihan't.s will donate. A little caniti work will land tlie big prize for somebody. To those erson who luive lwt siibseribed to The News wo will give a gentle hint. Do it now. There certainly is ono candklate in the list in whom you are more or less interested and who would appreciate the tho help )ou would give her by sending your subscriptions1 to this offkee and !usJv.ing that tlie. votes bo credited to her. As to the value of The News as a nonvs pa(jcr, there are hundreds of readers who will tell you all nJiout it and' will say more for it The following is tho result of tiie 2nd count showing the granxl totak: 1st. Ctnunt. 2n,l. Count. Total. Wins Ola Ward 34.275 7.p,27" m.Xrt Miss Annie Miller, 7,775 M,'2M (i7,!75 Mum Mallie Tluicker 1:1,875 5'.H7.r 7:t,7:.l) M'iss Johnnie Mae Roberts, 12.2(H) 52.MH) 6.'i,IMH). MiM Maud Sparger :i0,:l.r0 42,!HH) 7H.250 Mis.s Mary Jolm.son 4. 625 :t7,r0l) 42,125 Aliss flertrude Reece MM) 25.SCM) jr..lUHl Miss Nellie llavmore. . .. 400 2:$.00) 2:1,400 Mks Nina York, 475 1U.725 ll.L'oo Miss Annie Folger 50 1:1,625 1:1,675 Miss Irene Bunker 11,400 11,400 Mi.s Idla llemmiugs. . .. 2.5 8,125 8,450 Miss KatherLnc WiU'w 250 1,40 l,r,50 Miss Naimie Watson.. .. 1,425 fiOO 1,;'25 Miss Isabelle SaiHwlers,. ., 50 500 550 Miss draco Hundley.. .. 25 500 525 MLvrt Minnie Shhiall", 6(H) 600 Nominating' Blank Popular Vote contest I hereby ttojninate or AtidreM a lady worthy to become a candidate in vour l'ooular At w mm Voting Contest. I present this najue witli the distinct un derstamling and agreement that Uc id.tor J. ail not divulge tny name. Thia dtx it obligate me in any way whatever. Signed. . MOUJfl AMI, JVUKltl .I V than the publishers would, l- cause the latter are r-auy ioo modest. rr.,Mnti, eounons . counting votes, can be pnwuml with even- cash purchase amounting to one dollar . nw ikiuwii iuav be collect- i ... . ...l ul! merchants cu inn iv , , .v,.. n the eontest. inf ... . ... , giviu haiuhwoe prize., a: help- ,nl(u this, contest a big - F. M. Poore, Earp's 5 and 10 ct. Store. W. E. Merritt Co. W. V. Burke, C. E. Lundy, V. B. Haynwore, Teoplea Drug Co. R. II. Leoiuird, Frank. Howard, When making purchases at any f iU -.1 ..t.b- fnw ta Nfil- rMMM ami send thn to this of- f;no l.upinc tf Tuune of the candidate for which you want to vote them. The News makes the following ltt)ims offers to the various can- dinlateH in tlie contest For everv seven yearly new ...Vcrmi 'mi . ui will iriTe lOAKX) . " . ... . extra votfs. milking a toiai w 14.2iXi votfh. For everv w-ven renewal sub- -rivtHMiB. 8,(XX1 extra vote's, mak- tng a total f UeHXJ voxea For even- sevi back aaWrip- tions 6,000 extra votes making a total of 8.800 votes. a mi . f ,JOx For every biu-h of forty (40) men-ham- .fowpow. that arc bought to the oli ce ue ir,- Usher aiikl courted, n auiiuoi i i nnn v,ta w a ai iiuiiua v'i ,v... total of 2.0(H) V ' V - votes. Tliese ooupons may be col lected from any and all mer- To the candidate making the greatest gain in her vote be tween Dccentbcr 21 and .lanuarv 1C in srubscrijrtiona of every kind, meri'hants coujxuis nnl votes cut fronu The News including the Ivonus votes, will be awaixled a special rize of $10 in gold. The ballot box will close for the third count oik .lanuarv 1; at -six o'clock p. m. Keiuieiinber to have your friends trade with merchants giving coiujmuw. Their advertisements apix-ar in this is.siin in connec tion with our offer. Notice. Tlie annual stockholders' meet ing if The Bank of Mount. Airy Ls hcnOtty called to meet in the kffU'e of said Bank on January 24th, l!l:i at. ten o'clock a. in. A full meeting is earnestly le sirel. Frank V. Sparger. Dec. lDth, 11)12. Cashier. .11)12 suggest the name of Addrew. , nionrru TURKISH-BALKAN WAR MAY BI RESUMED AT ANY TIME Europe Will Witness Horron of Winter Campaign, London, Jan. 14 Unless, unfor- ..vuntj JuMiI.l cihantre. the rni t?.a - - - current uf affairs the Turk"iah- ,, .u.. ov will ami iiainan warwuur , lti- week w(Il witlu the. horror . of a winfter caautaagn Tht allies have firmly mad their minds to take up arm Th. Turks last week Uireatening to leave Lit dou anl let mattere take whatev er eimrse they might. Now the Bihlkan delegates are coiiviiweil the Turks are merely drifting without a fixed policy, aiwl they hv lfe Lied to etl the seem- ingly fruitless debates and wire TlllllilMP Dill 1 bturui the battles r - I-,-" 11.. u.- whem thev left off more tlian a month fcgo. The (Ottoman govenuuent failed to convene the grand council U- d;i- anl aiMwirently has no in tent ion of meeting the ultimatum i.,ii,'l.riiiiur Adi .aiionle. 1 he a :. . "... cs: m, x0 1M,t believe in tne eiuc..e of tlie note whwh the powers will present to (.on&tantmoplc he- e;uise it w coiuliel m too nnui xerms aiwi imn iits to sulmiit to the fate of war and aJ.am on Adrumop e for fear o em plications in other parts ci tiie empire at a time when Tur- J or , . Bu Th(? ,nkment know that - .,R1WH " .." aware that tne powers will it" unable to agree mejwures. frlie presentation the pow the note, it the opening of a new chapter in A I 1 1 ' I ' i ne airuuiy wearisome diplomatic parleying ami the shifting of the discuHMou from a debate be tween the belligerents to one be tween Turkey and the powers, Tlie Balkan kingdoms, more over, are auxiouH to obtain re lief from the heavy burdens of keepiiug their annie.s on a war footing indefinitely. Wishing, however, to observe all the diplo matic eourtesieti they have given the lowers a reasonable time to agree on the note, frame it and present it. to Turkey. But this once done, if Turkey fail to yield, they are determined to act. 'Ilieir governments havo agreed to call another sitting of the con ference through Sir Edward (Jrey r lieehad Pasha, who according to the rotation followed would be the next presiding officer. They will then simply announce their decision definitely to break the negotatious and aiso thank England for the hospitality ex tended and the conditions of fair ph tot iy under which the li.seussiens k place. liiiiMinliately afterwards Sofia Belgrade and Cettinje will de nounce the armistice, and the Servian, Bulgarian and Monten egrin commanders will notify Ihe Turkish he;uhiiartcrs that hostil ities will he ivmiiiimI within 'Mi hours. Tl. ..II! . I I I io allies sav it is easv to I pl't diet the course of events. Af ter they have stormed Tchatulj.i, they prophesy, Turkey will he ready to cede A Irianoplc, just as if the Italians landed in Trip' li she offered to male-' eoiu'cs.i..-s which previously she had streiiM oiisli refused, ami as after tin '. ietories of the Balkan stales s!n coiisenteil to grant n -ft rm t'ex ' i a I vainly akcd f"i- :U years After tln-ir second ri"it to itriiiN, the Balkan delegates a-seit, their peace terms will he differ ent frt'in those Turkey is n w li etii g. They declare that garia will not be hatlM'ied I.u! I Si1 u Hit. U al'ront it r line from R !! o Mi.liiL litut will draw it just tlie gates tif ( loiustant ilHijile m i ain Mo y HiigL'est a war imb m- ity of $200,000,1)00 or noire. The diplomats consider the iut- tk for Turkey- as of tig- gloom M 1 lot eiiaraicter. Kiamil Pasha' ii i r sigiijitiou as graml vizier may ie the next development. That i 7V m i Hi would be likely t be followed ) by anarchy. Tlie eoimfry al- H read;- is hard prevl for money j!nnd the condition ami iipirit of hmhmmm4 1 the army are matters of doubt. T ITU USD A 1. JA.VUAR MAKES BIG SAVING. Four Large Manufacturers Agree to Give Farmers Benefit of Price Through OrgaaiizaJioii. Charlotte Observer. I . . r Th executive oommittee of the North Carolina, rarmera ... ion will pend thr and to-nor- held Columbia. S. C r,.w ia IU e trh in conference MithP.111 D 111 Z .m ... n. the officials of the WaKe V.oun- UnvU ami other branches ox the State divWon in the ceiral portwm of the State regarding contracts for fertiliers to le ourehiLsed through the North Carolina organization. A similar meeting new -lT-L" Greenville. Pitt l ounty, tor w irt'uvu of th State anl similar conference will be hekt at ra- -- . l teg,, points throughout the cof ton and tobacco belt. A meeting will be held hi Charlotte mthe eotirse f a few days. Dr. 11. IJ. Alexamler pnkleut of th State divwion, left yesteixlay for Kal- eigh to attend a meeting or t ie State committee tonight a no m prent at the eonfemices today . r iv,j,M..w I ai.i. i" Ccnference in Richmond. The North Carolina Farmers Cnion is making great atr m T in iiipiH'iion oi eeumMiin . i. ......1 .. .1 ministration by the throughout the State. The se curing of cheap fertilizer is only one of its aims but the prognss nehieved in this dirtvtion is a fair estimate if what m awo being done in others. Last week there was held in Richmond. Va , a conference, with four of tlie r - . , . largent fertilizer manufacturing nmcer is doing busims, in North . .. . " ... . (..aroluxi ami at tnu coiuereuee terms were reachl regarding . .!i: the price to he paii ur ieruu-rs : ' 1 .i .....4.. r 1 Union. p-esulcJit Alexander au ol the exeeiaivp committee- were pn-sent at this conference ami signed the eon tract on, belialf of the State or ganization. No statement as to price was given out but Doctor Alexander isaul that it was the most favoruMe that the associ ation had ever received. It is estimated that at least 1(H),(HH) tons of fertilizer will he sold through the agency of the State organization ami that the farm ers of the State will save be tween $150,000 ami if.'UMt.lHHl by reason of this very advantageous contract. Cheap Fertilizer. "Two years ago," Doctor Alexander, "tin declared i:g ler- tilier manufacturers would hard ly tniitt with the organization whereas today, they not only met us half way, but agreed to give a better figure on fertilizers than they ever gave ns before. I il fact there was a charge made by the manufacturers against the I'nion by implication that it had great ly roduccd the prices of fertilizers and that the returns a ton to day are iiiuoh les', than they were years ago. There Is no de nying that the price of fertilizer today Ls lower than it, has been in some time and iniieh of this in the State has been achievttd through the agei.ry of the State orgai.izatit.it. I cannot tell y ,i the contract prief- offend i s but it is a very sat isfnetory iuic and ftiich as will save the farmers t l' North Carolina an immense sum iu the course of a year, "These prices apply to all gi-adus of ready-made as Well as the fertil izi r materials. It is tne de-ire of the Cnion to induce all iiieiuh-Ts to ha tlnir fertilizers and mix l.helil t hi lllsi I v t The fertilizer company retain?, the ngl.t to re ject contracts for cause.'' While in Ual, ighl D.H-t..r Ah X aiubr will visit the le-gislature to see that certain sjieei.d nniu urtjs leh'ieatt tl by the State Cnion are given eonsideration. The organization has gone on riH-ord favoring a nix-months sehool term, a legalized primary law, reform in the tax ny.tr tin of the State ho that those able to bear the burdens will be m ade Mother Cray's Swttt Puvdr for Chlldrtn. hellton Kcvi.rl.lnif-.H, lud Hlimi ch, Tueitiliig Dmordt-rs, umva ad neu!Mt U. Itowtls mid urn plnsnt r'indjr for Worms. t'fd bjr Mothers for 22 y4r. Th nc- r full. At all Urucgtita, l. Ham Kr Adilreaa, A U Hoy, N. T. A. OluiaUil, - ' " W13. to do so, the Torre iw law aJkl other siinilar maasures. Doct r Alexarmler will remain in Kaleigh un.til the Uwt of the weke when he wiM return home and then go hslr tn Raleivh next week. ts,. n. Winter poikferenee of v i 1'ninn ari 1 tne i.atiouai taiiiicio 'uvu cto ihi. Miuipnt or Liii? ariwi Krwv V " . . llt the uth V.t;ouaJ Com r.t tluluLr w;m at - , . Gov. Craig says -never Will Return to Asheville. I,oake Craw will tK-ver agam . offiw. " i . . ................ v.u.h o'ipiiiiii to a sunnm"" .....v.. - at the air- ' -J Asileville w-tafioii Saturdav night, KtW . Uwi - " f"-Mii, w . . v,t (Jodbye." . abroad." marked "that aim . of t ... .. i. ... ..iv.rw.ptv here. 1 ttlll Ilw"rR preparations not to return to this city after my term a or of V " v l..1T.rd.I r.Vllt'l lilt" fcv . . mv I )i,mi for over 2 ' :, vears anni u i here tliat my Uinirs nae oeeu done, mv cliildren have been born and mv frienldiii have been formed. I will leave here with vour grace ami 1 hope that while "in .f.t'we 1 may reeeiw vour sup- ,w..-t 1 will vearn for your friiMwUliln and at the completion rf mv term I will return to you ami join you agam I .Mver l..v,.,. 1. . eindidate lor ot- . . ... fu-e agtun .""J'1' 1... i,nv nnvilnL'P to SlielKl 111 lN t - ....... .w . ,n-u lion.. uwl to do mv last woik 1 u'.itirn North Carolina. I n'! - - - n t . next annual lianmtc-t of this or gviiiization during tho early part f 1!M4, for it is my intention to Mpeml my Christmas ami New Year's hnltdavs in this city." Another Side to the Liquor Shipments. Monroe Enquirer. We art told that Richmond and other cities in Virginia are getthg thousands ujniii tip of thousands of dollam of North Cartdina's mniiey for lnpior which is .shii,ped t North Caro liim citizens. That is a true bill. We are further told that it would he best for North Carolina to al low li nor to be made and hold here at home than it Ls to have .such; vast sums of money sent out of the State for it. That .-nnds like a good argument, but. let's see. About six WeeLs ago a traveling salesman, win we home is in l.ieliintuid, Va., was in the Eutuirer office selling a bill of paper, and while he was doing that, a colored man under the in fluence of liiiior came in and xa.kd that be "got his" and tlmt iioi only the colored folks but white folks, do, were making Rich no .ml rich by sending their on -hey then- for litiior. Then the salt smaii spoke and said: "I have been traveling iu North Carolina siiw-c the firM day of last August. I have been a.eris the State ea.st and Wi -r U'li'th an I south; have been in most .f the towns and 1 have not had a man to ask un- for a diime tn buy a drink and I have intletd the II kscliee of bums, i 1 1 1 1 1" -soaki tl and dow n and out 1 1 the street of the toWlis ill this State. I Wellt lu iilc three weeks a .' a.st Satunl.iv anl I Went onlv three or four blocks after e:lV'llig the ieMil alul tluniig that walk three litpmr soaked bums, vUiite nun, who were simply U w u and -out, a.skel me for it dime Around the six or seven barrooms that I passed in Ihaf (short walk I saw more tlrimktjM in n than I have men in North Carolina since laM August. Yc.s. they are sending the money ur State for liquor aiid it may Im making tne f our folks ru-h, but I'll tell you, old man, it i-s tuakii'g many of our people pmir. ' Do Not Hava Sort Faat. Ad Allan's foot Kane powder la th ftt fath ilva loatant relief to Chilblains and all foot achea. Then fn. I..11nd c.illi f . ..-I .hall. 1 lUn .... . V. .. . ...Ml W , r'oot Ka, tti aiillt.tlc todr, ID i - ...... . 1. Y 1 6. JVO. 'S MERCHANT HELD FOR HIGH COURT. EIMn Man Must Answer to Jury on the Charge ox surmng Store. Elkiik letter to The New. The trial of D. (1. Wagoner before I. A. Eldridge, Justice of the peaee on a warrant charging Wagoner with starting the fire which destroyed so much prop erty in Elk'iri on D-c. 17th eiled h WeduH'.sday night List at 10 1. M. The State put on a nnauber of wiUitsBis sliowiisg thai the fire started at the he;id .f tho stair way whkh hsl fnflii the base uietit to the storeroom, that the stove was located about 12 fe-t from the hea.l of thu stairway and under the stove wa a lai-ge pkwe of sheet iron, mat me iir was dwi'oven-d by the youiug ma wlio were sleeping over the sotre room aikl that this was about 12 o'cloc.k. Several witness' testi f'ud thttt Wagcr.er was seen in h'w ivtore sliorlty after 11 o'clock and one witness stated that he visstxl Wagoner on the street a- 1-buj thalf past 11 o'chn-k. It was also shown that about 1- o'ckitk on the night of Dec 'in ter l:?th the voung men who were sleeping over the store dis covered that there was a dense smoke in that part ot the build ing whioh they vupiiil and that this smoke came from the store underneath. Mr. Wagoner ad mitted that between four ami five o 'chick on the morning of December the 14th he left the room where he was sleeping, which was about two hundred yards from the store, ami went to. the Iwisenient of h'w storeroom and then returiwxl to his room. On behalf of the defendant a number f witnesses were ex ainineJUvuuong them being John Wl I HHP .ii i m me nuNiness. jir. mueomn stattxl among other things that only one inventory had ever been taken since the business wa started in 1910 and that this inventory- was taken in .July PHI. Mr. Wagoner went on the st.u d in his own Inhatf ami denied tha he was in any way responsible, for the fire, lie also stated that although there was a safe in tin store that all the hooks belong ing; to the firm was destroyed by the fire as he- had failed to place them iik the. nafe the night of the fire, it was also stated that the only inventory ever taken, by the firm including all their in-vo'u-es were burned up. There Were statements ni idt) lv" several witnesses a.s t the Value of the toek of gootlswhic.il was burnetl ami these est filiates rangtsl from $2500 to ijcltiOO ami it was also in evidence that there was $PMH1 insurance on thus stoek aid that one policy fur two thousand was taken out on November the 2:trd, PH2. Im mediately after the clone of the testimony- the opening ai-gunieut was made for the State by .1. F. Ileiidrtu followed by District Attorney lloltou ami D, M. Hence for the defentlint Hi'd closed by W. F. Carter f. r the State. Mr. Eldridge announc d h;.s tleeisioll holding the 1 t" 1 1 I, Hit in a justified bond of $5000 for his apearanee at the next term Surry Supt rior 'oiirt. Tin- bond was immediately given, with Mr. John D. Iloleomb who is a Brut h-cr-in law of Mr. Wagon r, its surctv. Every Second Girl Marries Bifittoji (ilobe. I'ractiealh one out of every i.w o gri's s! Utly U ge sl,'hse lit I 1 1 v II WellsleV marries. The colh lll.llllier tt clillt I II bom t' f.il III thirt V- !er Wollseley stuib-htst m-vui veaix is little iu le-s than one for eai-h marriage. Statistics just g.tthtnl f r the first time after a year or tvo of diligent .s-arvhing the country over prove thetse figures To ct m pb-te tin ta.sJi it was nen-xsary lo eiary the impiiry into num erous foreign laud. Since it wan foiiiidul, in 175, by the late Henry Fowb- Dur ant, !l,7'.l wtnneii have Mudied in Wclltli-y etJbge, Mlthoiiyh oidy lalitwit half this number rmain tl tt rN- e degree a bach elor o art. Of the 'J,7!fl, H.CM have married and they I ave bad 4.O0I ehildrm 2,013 ' sons ami 1,!')1 daughters.

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