AGE TWO THE MOUNT AIRY XEWB, January 23rd, 1913. a I Dr. Cullum at Tint Baptlrt. 1 1 - ,.. a Mount Airy News. J. E. JOHNSON EdiUr nd Publi.her. ML Airy, N. C, Jan. 23, 1913. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: On copy, one year, $1.00 One cwpy si month, .60 Oow copy, three month, .26 Advertiiiinjr Tilt reaaorabls trie known on application. and Fntered at the Pont OAVe of Mount Alrt. N. C. ai cvond class mvl matter Want t DEMOCRATS TOO EAGER FOR OFFICE. Au old politi'idam years ajjo mid that the riiinotTHtif jicirty could always he counted ui to act the d in ftxJ every time it had a chance. And the oapcr-im.-w that iH shown hy democrats for office reminds us (f the oil expression. Nov just KinjriMvsc the democrat ic: party vnn troiiiff out, of office the of March and our presiding had the riht to make npjxyiiitmejit-s during the remain dcr (if his term, 'What a howl we dt'iiiocrats would raise if re- Tall :'si us tried to keep iw from having even- office during ouri term, even to the very last day. lint now that the republican party has only a few more wwlis to .serve the country and then are hundreds of offices becoming vacant and nntnrally would be filled hy the present su-t :nr pr id' 'lit. and confirmed at once b the present, senate we democrat are trying to turn heaven and earth to stop the rcirnlar order and keep the repaid ica as from having what is naturally and by r it'h t theirs, lieeause we are hungry for offi e 's no fjm.d reason for trying to kcup re publicans fn m havii1'- what be longs to them in the way of pat rcnaie that is due them so lour as thedr tenn of office lasts. - It must be remembered thv. all democrats are n't after f -fice. There are thousands of de mocrats who ai ' wiHii;- to jri v fice. Of course it will made every office huiitir,jr democrat in the country mad to say it, but the w ix M and most honorable pi ;n for the democrats to follow is for them to let the republican . n atc aloii" and let it have what I'iiees arc made vacant while the pn ent udiiiinNtraticii is in pow er. Some of these davs we may biive to answer for all our ov.r anxioiiMios for office. If we w .-ye ifoin.(f out t he fourt h f March we would think it an out rage Y.i a set of republican sen ators to be ehas;j!' each other out ol the 'iU St:tes Senate h i i- ; keei- i.s )t(.in having a !i! ruiji and t'"i:.i lefc:it us i making eont'irmat ions that they niiiih r.ap the re,. ids later. It .s uiidnrn.: led a' iniworlhy o' 1h men who arc trying t take I'rom Hie republicans what is naturally theirs, an I all for the ivason that the country is literal ly full of men who arc, many of tht in, f a.'aiiKt the problem of lauding an office or boarding' with a relative. , Moimt Airy People Fair Deal The people of thia city would like to haivc a fair deal from the Southern Railway Company. Of course tlie Company contend that it is- iviinif us a fair deal, but our people think not. A p.ifldic Hpirited citizen upbrakled ye editor one day this week for not "making it hot" for the railroad and jokingly that we editors ride out a pass and heiu-e could not afford to be too Irani on the Southern. Here is about the way our people see it. The Southern Railway uiaik b!,,' money out of the lino thr come) to this point. More. Holid car load of freight K from here than fiom any point on the Southern Railway system. Double header traiiiH leave here every day and carry our products i of the nation. We have one of the nicest towns iu tlie state and a progressive citi zeiihhip. We are proud of Mir climate, our resources, our achiev meii'ts; and yet we are ashamed of the treatment that we get from the Southern Railway Com pany. When a stranger comes lure, and t.hey come every day in the year, he cifliies in an old shackling car that makes him think he i.s goin to some out i the way corner of the earth. The nhl cars 1 1ml are nut on our road are so out of dab' and ram shack led that they would not be tolerated in any other part "f Ihe world. Tlie seats are cheap and, old, the doors are han'ii.; by se reeky hinges and the closets nr.. t'iltlw Jirul lis''Ust lllL'. Tl. old wiiwb-ws arc broken and w ! not stay irj when they are rr. ed and it is hard to keep the rtHtins (viinfortable. Then' is no n a.v n why the Southern railway sJioulil not giv our p-)le and s-ction a (b'eiit passenger service. The ('ouii ary as inakinjr money out of till lii of road ami would make inn 1 more if the ;us.seitger service wi in keeping with the fndjrlit ser vicc, i.s bad business for the Sik-Tiilu m to iidont the ixilicy to- us that it has and o';r h ople ,tn discus.! d They are n ,t -ddc to build a comp"iii K line a . i vtt :t 1khs if t'c " : . ,i " . i.. ..I. ..I. .. tl - w- HCTt Dr. Cullum at Flnt Baptbt a unurcn. Two large congregation greet etl Dr. Cullum at the First R1 tist Church last Sunday. Hi cominx was of special interest from the fact that he Profc-sur of I Uli V at Wake Forest College .nut Secretary of the Hoard of Bdueation of the Baptist State Clouventiom. He is eiecially in terested in the education of yomig ministers., and travels a 04x1 deal among the Dapt:xt churches of the State raising money for that purjwwc. During tin fall session, there were JM young mean at Wake Forest pre paring to 'be ministers and mi siotfcvies. ()f those, more than SO are aided by the Hoard Hd uc at ion. Dr. Culluan preached two stronf sermons. The theme of the morniiHL' was the Call of Mos"; that of the evening was The Kingdom of Heaven. The con gregations were greatly delight ed with both Kerviees. Dr. Cullum is a striking per sonality. He is friendly, easily approached, entertaining and scholarlv. As n sjaker, he is Ibiuit and cnteitaiiiiig. He clotlus gnat truth" in simple and attniethe lanhniagc. and hohls the closest attc: tun through his .-tin iv discourse. The town is t h..- (" n,r:ratulat d o;i having had this d'..tinguish- id vis:tor; and he v.-i greatly deli'hed w'th his .:sit to Mt. Airy. While ':.( iv. l i was the gllet !)i l!ev T 11 King. Pledm 4 Ware u Hcncr Roll fcr Fcurth Mcnth. Jrade, Maggie The above is tl see it, and we p.uss or no pass. p!c way our peo give the facts If the i's!o nod F.Ik ill Time the Mount Airy Le:idt r I t;t1l- the time to post UI ( ;i e n liti(.i. in S-.irry they would not he iiiel.iH'd to be mi hind on The News f' r its ex- i i s el'i'llt the HMek oil til- offn-ers of thi-. count . There w,- i ot. i i.e wird in an thing that The s:i'.. th;.t wo'dd j:i-,:.fy The U-adei i r The 1 ii! s in a ii:g that chargeil ''. : iff with Ih ii in b 'ij-r. i.!..-.kaders. Ttlitci-u Rel'iit'r High. Tohaceo is se!!'n g higher than ;ii any time diirii g the year. The crop is practically all sold, .,t l,.!i.t then is l.t si;';,o.e I to be more than one tenth i f it J . .. In tli . loniil.i of the fa nn ei s. i (. i n i . . In eoiivcrsition with a dealer this week he cxprtsd f-ars about the crp that will In- pro duced this year. The reason t liaceo so 11 so high this year was largely due to the fact that it was best tobacco that has be 'h made lo re in many years. Now the dealer says he fears that the .ariners are planning to grow more of the weed thin they can properly care for. That will mean a low grade of tobacco and hence low prices. One farnn r that we kiKiw who raised two barns last year and had a corn crtxp will raise no corn this year and plant six bariiri. That courv is certain to bring lower prices than would prevail if the farm ers would- cultivate only what they can properly cue for aid pit it on the market in cHibt ':,,!! t i eiKinnriibd the b'er, -t price. Seasle v, Ma.y Coble, (iuy Calloway, Nellie Davis, lyuev (iriffith, JVirter (Iravcs, Mary Lou llaytws, Wil liam Hatcher, Margaret JoJuison, Theli-.a dolus, dimes, Wil lie Nonnaii, Ctidy Moore, Mary Nonnan, Wamoth Overby, M.ary IWell, liUZic l'oteat, Cluster Stewart, Fred Saunders, Flossie Stran-K-b, (Maude Tlionias, I'earl Wright, Wright, Harvi Wyrick, Vaugh Wyrick,, Wesley York. 2nd (irade FUSiieth Ashby, Lessie Ashbiin, Margie Byrd, Ft hcl Urint William Creed, Clyde DickciirHii. n.inie Dean, r raj ices i F:v. Viririnia (lallawav. lioy ter. I-Kter lLlvnes. He.sS'ie Hanser, Sam Hollingsworth, Clay Saunders, Maliel Ixwry, Mo.elle Owen, Lucy O'Neal, Carrie Rb in.ison, IMicrt Smith, Fdith Sprinkle, Annie Thacker. ;, ; . I), -- s Allred. dack Albright, C-oy Clifton, I'arkvr Matcher. H.-ter dones. Howard Jones, Willie (irccn. King, Viola l.i- i ! ,o k. Mabel McMillan, Fl:z ab, th Uothraek, Klfra Smith, II ward Sehcmaki r, Kloise Spar ger. Sth Ora le I'.'.izabeth Daldirlge Nell Folger. WilLiam Hadley, Kathcrine Merritt, Charles Smith, Rosa York. ."it i (irade Ilehn Hardie, Ad die Robeison. tith irad Harmon AtkiiMm, La-Tctia Ashby, Margaret (Jeiitry, Zeb Hollinghworth, Alice dories. Kate Mitchell, MayiW.KxL Merritt. Carrie O'Neal. Calice Sjiarger, L:iwn Smith. Lessie Smith. 7th !rad Claude Abher, Lee Hurrus, Wade Hatcher, Ouy Hill. Kliabeth Sjnith. MJi tiradeSadie Ashby, Lil lian Hry.'iu, Vivian, Kdwsrds, Mae KobiiiMin, Mallie. Thaeker, Kath eriie Willin. !Mh (ind Sosan ('Sentry, lV.'ir Hatcher. 11th Sra !--- Flsie Sjiarger. I! selo The larg n: ir i ii for third attendance Hcncr Rcll !1 of Mount month ia ii N'icw of school, t been . III,-. I 1 The Home of High Prices WINSTON, N. C, Jan. 1, 1913. We thank our many friends for the liberal patronage given us during the fall months. We sold more to bacco during this time for higher prices than ever before in the 37 years of our warehouse experience. Our sales open again Monday, Jan. 6th, and we want you to start the New Year right by selling your "first load at Piedmont. We will certainly make a hard pull for you. Your friends, M. W. NORFLEET & CO. I The Foreign Buyers have NOT gone away. The will all be on our sales during the coming moonths just as they were before Xmas. ,ir tk ri, th Good Rcsdi Meeting hi M'Mida, Feb. i iie i l inir will ei II I't house at I )o he t'ilst d.iY of tin I.I :!rd a go d li.'U in ...ii. That Febnuwv t.'im of .ii:r Siienir court and a'i.l i ery :t'.eii in the county win is nny v;i iuU res'tMl in the Mlbj. et shoin.l be til Tc. lb II. II. Ii. Varner, if L 'Xinirton. will be present Hid address the lie t'l g. It is i. .ji. I that a d fo nl.s a.-su-'uit ion cm b- f"! m.-.t that w ill ht'.p in hrii.-cin a'o;;t a j J ' 1 . u t i ! 1 1 j ! t that will result in the iiiim-ovi incut of ur lnghwavv Other counties are taking active I a in now teps along this I: lie and cur pi i shop on Me I'le are as intelligent and wide First Nate-i . .1 ... i '11 V iiwiiki- a anv in me taic. n i 1 lie -News ithr KiiIe can improve tlu-ir hihwayn then we can too. All we ntsed it to waked mi the subject and ut our shoul ders to the wheel and then the work will te done. t his m on. ii a.s I arc in this section. 1st (Jradc Car!ie Ne -dhani. Ho-ward Whittiriirbtn. Maida Fell. L'nd (Jrade -Howard Matthews Kssie Hill, Alda .lessiip. Albert .lessllji, Ma I Ill !t. Ott's '( ,' h.i.m. i :'.rd Or, ob Alice .lossup, An- Matthews. 1th Sra le Alma Wh't t ':i-t u I'.eatlice Hill, Vcrnie NeedllUU. Lillie desslli. Fiiiina U-nu tt ."ith (.rade 1 nn. tt tith (irade--.I.e. n Malt!. i "s F.stcr Whitt iugt4Mi, N'oiniie Flip- pin . 7th Orade 1J..V V 1 1 : 1 1 ; 1 1 t ' n. N, Hi K. lla in -re. Teacher. in?n mce or xoDacco. j w Now is tile time to sell the re- f mail. dci of oiir cro. Tlie mils on is rooil and pri"''" llrt' he highest they havc been at any t.i lie. We l,.e sollj for the past we. k bf;n Ib!sSVlark' t baco for :!!. whi('fVia.k('s an averaL'e c .Mi.u.t rt r mci-livu. All ot tlie t. livers a,r market aid are aii- baeeo. liriic' us voifr next load and we will put forth every ef fort to ph you with ' good pri.- s. Your friend. llavnes. I'.rown and 1 l.i !-. 0 First Sale days for January Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays Still ('.lHkjel ii'iis for tii jp! W? fri Tn 1 hoes While Ycu Wait. !o. a ted $100 Rewrd. $400. lea. t Olio !;M'ied riist-'i? ttifit ' enre tuis be, n able to cure In all it stages, atnl i h at 1 Catarrh., itall'f Cat:rrh I' In the itily j.ositive curt- no kr. nvu to ttie tiiedi, il fr tenrity ('atari h t.eit'.R a constitu tional 1 it at-e. rt'i;utrc a Tii.stltu tiona'i treatraeiit. Ila!lu Catarrh Curp U taken internally, nc'i'JK dir- tly uj oa the ti'.0"t r.nJ mucous aurfarfg of the nyHtein, thereby de BtroyinK the fouriilat'.on of the di ease, and giving the patient strenjc'.h by building un the ronstitutton and agisting nature In doinr In ork. m m' new re street in rear of 1 Hank n xt door to rfie.. run! have the .... MBT.l9l.lliK liaiUI P IU Ul'lMli I" v,. latent imiried l'leertie Stdntp The proprletor have o much faith machii e iuiA can reair your in tt curative j.oweri that they offer j i . t;t. i,.,, , une nunarea imiar ior any im sliocrt wlille Ion wait. i,. , ,. . . , , ... , a i iiuib w inrc. ovuu lur iibi vi liiful. (... i.i. Wekmai.lftp find n i LlJliI I . f . J. Cheney. A Co Open guaranl 7- Cheney. A Co. Toledo. Bold by DructiiU. 75e. I am in position to sell shoes at Less than Wholesale Price All new and up-to-date stock. A full line of Gents Fur nishings. Also full stock of ladies and Children's Shoes. John F. Foy, Post Office Building i n 1

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