PAGE SIX THE MOUNT AIRY NEWS, January 23rd, 1913. Li - -- liIMM" Ml MMM 1 hi I l Will I I li 3s 'f' t the WITH A w Y A Irv! 0 Stop leaving money in your house, where thieves, rats and fire may- sweep it away forever any day or night, and where you risk your life as well as your savings by hiding cash in chests, tin cans, and holes in the ground. Money placed in our bank is safe behind our steel doors. And while it is safe, it works for you while you wake and while you sleep, and grows larger every day. We accept any amount from $1.00 up, and compound the interest every 3 months, paying you interest from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. - You can get your money back any time you want it, if left with us. Come to see us whether you deposit or not, and let us make your acquanitance, and show you wrhat a good safe bank we have. rrr in 1 L E BANK OF MOUNT AIRY ) . W. J. Byerly, Pres. G. C. Welch, VPres. J. A. Hadley, V-Pres. ' F. P. Sparger, Cashier. B. M. Nichols, Teller. RESOURCES S440.000.oo 0 ItAi 'in! i 'tfiiHMwr(iJi i'" m ii in I i'i ii ill i J ii .'i i linimii l-n 1 Valuable Property for Sale. I Bold Escape by Prisoner. There is a probability of the Winston .Journal, 22ml. n;. ...;.. i 1... i ...S-.IH U .11l'l,lK)UIAt I III SUUtle IM - i.-g sold If thi' right price van b obtained. Parties desiring t. purcha.s; same may suluait bids in writing to the undersigned committee. Said bids to he suh jirt to tlit' approval or rejection of next ' (Quarterly conference. Tliis is a valuable pure of pro perty on corner of Main it nL Ash by Sts. The reason fnp sale would lie to locate tlx- preacher more conveniently to his work. For further particular see, E. li. 15 row n, K. .1. Miller. James Helton. Committee. DR. J. MEIGS FLIPPIN Olllr. ivvnr Gwyn' PriiK Star Office Hour: S to 9 A. M.; 2 to 4 arc1 to V. V. and hy anjH'ietTien. Lckvn tilli t Gwvn Drug Co. or at, l?lt Main St. Prone 12 fm " '-it i - n mi' i);iiiim "W r r - , I A dull ilav in court citdod with a thrill late yesterday afternoon, when the only prisoner held on a charge worth mentioning made a d;ih for freedom and gained it. Under the very none of judge, solicitor, deputy and hundreds of law ahid'ubg citiiies. Morris l'ayne made liLs escape ami his whereuUMits are as yet unknown. The only mark he loft behind to show that he had heeii there was a nogro woman jerkin.g up her skii-t which the fugitive stepped oJ as he fled and pulled from its accustomed place. Morris l'ayne is a young, yel low negro. Just liofore adjourn ment he had heard the jury re turn a verdict of guilty in the ease wherein he was charged with snatching a purse fr'.-m .1. T. Tut t If. a fanner. V y court win in the nikUt of trviiiL' a cas,., 1,ut the crowd thought thai!1,11 wi-ll. adionrninciit was al..,ut to ! Iil'v'lvi''1 ,lli,t "V' '" ''' taken and had n as one I IM 'v',,1'lt '"' pla' d t, Resoluticn of Respect. Whereas, it lias Al mighty !od in his wLstlom to re move from our midst our t.eouied luid bcloviil sister, lOtta May Doss, who departed this life .1 a nitary 1st, l!l!l, and while we how in huniMe suliiuus,siiii to the will of our Heavenly Father, yet we feel the tender cords of on hearts touched with grief in the loss of our honored si.ster, there fore, he it, ItcKoiVdi, hy Lopelaiul lliap-! tcr, No. 22. Order of the Kas-j tern Star, that in the death of; Sister Doss, our Chapter has : htt a faithful member. Iut we j realize that our b-ss Is her eter nal gain. Kesolvcd further, that we extend to the family our deepest sympathy ill their be- j reavoinont, knowiiug a chair has btcu made vacant by the de.par-j ture of a loving dan-gliter, an at' fivtimiate sister iukI a gentle christian character and we com-; nii nd them to Him who ibi,th ' Grand Lcde of Mascns Install New Officers. Ualclgh, .Ian. 10. The North Carolina, (irar.d Lodg'e f Masons installed officers today ami ad journed the aJiuual communica tion in progress tho past three days. The hardest contest bef Eatiiyr Doir Meat in Germany. a iii.vj.dt.-h fr Mm J- ARE you going to build the catinig of iltvg1 meat through-1 out t he (Jcrnian Km para us rapkl-1 Tu hav iom tdeaa of the boutt Ton want ta tiullil 1.1 ma mil ihm ly increasing. AlUiougli this jn- J0fether. nmk. your plan." Vrtt. up crease is due in a great measure r0ur peclflcatlont. etc. Working to the higli cost of living it seems ! p.aci aav iuor than cost, bealde tluit in Saxonv the poorest peo- i h'Ttng what you set before joit 1 iv bund. the Crand L.-Lge was the matter j 'ma.u's most faithful friend."! of adopting a new code, a special j This state leads all others inj committee having presented one j o'rmany in this respect. At J that hail been prepared during C'hcinnitz there are numerous ! the iwust year. This was discu-s- restaurants where only dog meat! cd at great loiigth and action i sol(l t is indicated as dog j finaliv taken deferring action un-1 Ill,-at 011 tM'' H"'n- In this sec- til the next annual meeting. i 10,11 al tll,'rt' '-s superstition In the meantime, the propovd I ' "d the fat of the dog has some- cod, is to hi. printed and sent to""r t W1'J' plumoiiary tu- 1 icrcuiois: on Oil r go. Judge Cook ord.-red them '1 lll'"'- 11 ."I'X t tli 1 . 1 N 1 u a f. 1 r Ml. rieiKl ai l publication. ( ' ':uiilit tee wait and all stood. Then i! was fou Dm I that no other witii''. would be out on ill t lie cav h . .1 liMr no a:,l t ie nhiL'c onci-n ie sheriff to adjourn . court. 'This State Must Depcsit f in Boundary Suit. .Morris l aviie, comi n-ted jeiny, stood with the l't-.s I liar. As th.- di put v f .nl $7,200 in WE LO THE MOST DIFFI CULT REPAIRING If you should have an acci dent to your time in 1 s, matter how badly they are dam aged, bring them to us. We will null! them goid as new. We ffer you EXPERT WATCHMAKER'S SERVICE. t watch tinker's prices. If you have biaeks-mithing to do or hie cleg to repair don't bring tio-m to us. We make a spec ialty of Watch repairing. Watch es cleaned aind warranted far one year. J. W. KNIGHT, Mount Airy, N. C. Me made for tin- doors, b k. d for 'a he an. '.'Hie. 11,. l,ad fie.! I ir-th,, led his crowd 1 depi.ty : ! he was, with tlol u The clerk of the Sliprt ( 'out t of the I'nit. d Stales Iiotii".'. Attorney-! Iri.en.l l that it will lie nee, -sar i I s tt crowd, mixed with the hundreds of n. u'l'oe.s in the court re 111 llli.l escaped, either ll!l!int ieed or nil let rayed. tl was l'ai:e who a fc.v weeks lor ti,.. Slate nf Nirth Carolina to d -ovit 7,2(Nt for preparing an I printing the rteord in the i North Carolina tl.e Stat. of T miessee in the boundary line dispute involving the bel li of several thousand ..11 tl.e IoiP.m.s tor discussion in ; the lodg,' me.-tiMgs, and the dele ; gates ti the la xt ( 1 rami Lolge are X)Mcted to be instructed as 1 to how they slmll vote. The of ficers 1 'l.scted and instalhd are: Crand Master, Dr. F. M. Win- i 1 bestir, Charlotte; deputy grand ' master; senior graml warden. 1 : 1 1.. 1. ...... 1 i 1 K I . I1M.IWH( ., II II IISII'M I I j junior grain I warden, A. 1!. An drews, dr., Ifaleigh; grind treas urer, L.-o 1). Heart, Ualeigh s c relai, .lnhn C. Dr.-wry, lialcigli. Tile appointive 1 fficciw nam d ily 'Jr.uid Master W'iiu-lu sler and i nst .1 1 11 ii 1,1 1 he same time w r : grand lecturer. U. S. Ii 1 wards, !'ilia ; v nior grand deacon. l)r. C. . I'ridireii. ixinstou; junior "I'.ile.l d.aeon, (Jmrge S. N'ofl'ie t. Vi,:st .in Sal. 111 ; grand II. A . ( J Ltd., , ( Mil. toll ; grand I 'ill -. . f . . Ik II I ' I ., .1. i . iiraswcii, v 11 i.uwis y w. 11. ,r: iss. 0R.KING S ftV DISCOVXKV WUI Surely Slop Tha( Cough. Dwight H. Cook ARCH ITECT DR. J. E. BANNER Dentist Office in ew building next dor be low Peet office. In ortlir te avoid de lay, eut ef town peoole should, when poeeible, rhene or write before coming. Office phone 116. Residence phone 143. Ill SI . i a ! i tiikirg inventory and fund many lots of odds and ends d' all diffi rent kind of m-'i'ehand'ise such as Dress (bi. ds, y .Siio.s, men's and bos' ( lothing, Ladies .skirts and wai-t i i a an to nriki uiaiiv otlnr articles too immi'nuis to mention in ne n's ii- . 1 11 1 i 1 .irn.sini g goo is ,ui 01 winch we are in ne n s I 1 anxious l a 'pi ck .sw ei p o a.'. OLVeo' ed Mr. Tut! ,. 11 .tn. ol several tnol's.m.l acres 0 bacro faliiier 1 r.mi Stoke, jiavilv I ' 1 "d on the Western bound, in -aine ami in oisi-r to do We h;Hr n arked oil all these L'o.HS at. 'Teatist !'e- 11. tie) s niii have evT Inaid of. We are also offering' 1 . ...... ..,. 1 . t 1 . .... ... 1 .1 1 . . i ., ; r,-an, tih r 11. II. f Z 1 ' " ' 11 11,1 "t"' ' ,MW " IM"" I trad i.-y. IM. iel, ; grand historian hj 1"alll '''"anee ui s ine and not carry ovvr from one Marshall Del.aneev H.'.ywo., IJal l.j i-as..ii to am tin r ns We hae no to do so. We 1 1 ;,stai;t jranl seer.t:ir , r in. an what we. state mi. it von ha. v.. anv neiw t all ,.n W. Wi!s,,M. Kale :;i;.:,d -'. uar..s, I,'. ('. Cautu. 11, ,tJ Wilin.nLTt.iii anl W. (J. Kogei-s, '""J w. 'i. from Brown's warehouse under 1 tit.- of the two Statt The Says Missitnaiie8 Caused Revo- f lution in China. Cliioai.'o, .Ian. 21. Secretary Arthur l'-nwn, of the I'rcsbvter- thc pretention that he would hellj'1' " p''iulinir for a b ug time him, Tuttlc, a of booe. Itj1""1 ari,s'' oV('1' original survey was night and wh.-n Mr. T little I ) '"'ri u!i:it is Iiow tc State of took out his purse to nav for Tennessee was takn from the the suj.OM'd booze Payne' grab- j North Carolina colony, it being i;m board of foreign missions ad bed the pune atid lit out. Later , "'""teiidi d that the survey was dressing tin convention of lYes ho was arrested ly the police and I (rre-t. Seiuitor Overman bvterian mini.siers, tlcelared that bound to court by .Judge Hast i nas matter in hand ail has foreign missionaries were rc iug.s. j asked that the imoint be redue- j oiHoble for tlip revolution iii d, the junior Senator contend-, Jiina w hu h letl to the fonmlmg ing that a State sjiould ixt be i of thj repijdic. comjielbsl to make a cash dojositj Mr. Hrown ail Dr. Sun Yat of so larg' a vn. I'n.-ss Mr. 1 Sen tohl him m figured on. briinf 'Jvcrman call have the amount ing a)out the revolt because he r-duccd an immediate dejKsit of had the benefit of mwuionary tT.'Ji) will be uece&sary. trainiiifj. L The New Home of The Newi. The new home of The News 0fkf ia xkav on Moore frit ret f0 yanls East of Uie F'irst National I'.ieik. . j ne an 11. 11 we .si.ui- iin i 11 iuie hi i incrc j. j . our and care to saVr iuoiii- oiue here before you j., .1.:.... ;.. ... i;.,.. mi) .1 iiiiin; in iiiai line. Indosl we feel grateful aui extend many thanks to imr hundreds of custoiio is w h have patronizd us during the a tyear S-r its 1 en our record breaking business e,ir sin-e having establislied lore which goes to prove that our values are greater than ever. Don't fail to visit, RAIFFS "The Original Leaders of Cut Price" Opposite It. C. Poore (Jro. Store, ML Airy, N. C. 0 ii Y J

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