THE MOUNT AIRY NEWS, January 23rd, 1913. f ACS E2YEX Mount Airy News. Hi. Airy, N. 0., Jan. 23, 1913. 5chcdul at Train LMTinc MOUNT AIRY Arririnic No! Tim I No Time 8.45am fASSENGEB I131A 8.1fym lS8D'l.30pm; MixiD W A 12.60pm t0U 7.eomJ rKRiOHT JllAI ISOpm Hort Nevs items 3 an II K 1W.p nf C harOttH. 'formerly pastor of Central M. K. hurch in thin city has ao'tpt-l the place of superintendent t the Children's Home in Winston Salem, Siit. Hayes having re signed because of failing health. hVv. ainl Mrs. A. C. D. Noel left the first of the week for Wysocking, Hyde county where He v. Noe "will take charge of a church. 4 'Mr. Jim Barker of thus city will go to Roanoke Va. the last of the week, where on Sunday, at eight o'clock, he will be raar , ried to Mis Maude Rule of that place. After their bridal trip they will reside in th'w city., 'At a devotional and business meeting of the Woman's Home Mission society of Central M. K. church Monday afternoon a pledge was made for the coming year .amounting to $4S.75. Only alxntt half the members were present," and the amount pledged does not include 10 cents- per month dues nor contributions for loeal charities. Min. Mary Klizaheth doings died at the home of her son .J. A. ('. doings Monday evening aged seventy five years. The funeral was conducted at the htflne Tuesday afternoon by Rev. V. II. Willis and tlu remains were carried to Oak (J rove for interment. Mr. EHU Martin left yesterday at noom for Permaeola Florida where he haa accepted a position. Mrs. E. II. Koehtitzky ami lit tle daughter Louisa are visiting relatives in Greensboro. Mrs. Dick Roberts has return ed from a visit to relatives in High Point. Mr. John Bondurant left Mon day for a bnsinesa trip to Ar rington Va. Mr. C'ullen MerrKtt returned Sunday night from Chicago when he visited the furniture exposit ion. -CA Mr. Frank Saunders of High I'oint spent Sunday with relatives in this city. Miss Kat Stone left Monday for her home at King after & winding a few day with her aunt Mrs. A. (J. Bowman in this citv. Mrs. William, KemMe of tol Tenn. is the guest of John E. Banner on south street. Mr. .Jesse McKinncy of Mountain was a business visitor in this city yesterday. Editor T. M. Oorgc, of The Elkin Times, spent Sunday in the city the guest of Dr. C. L. B ; ncr. ,t,y A Yoiuicr Man Dead. f ii (o late r UJ why you ti cation t " Vnlt already m elorie with4rn 1 UJ Deputy. k BrLs Mrs. Main Pilot , Tin tanjv contracted for bv new loOKX) gallon water this city some months ago was sliipjx-d from Macon, (Ja. last Monday. As soon a-s it arrive it will lie erected and is supposed to give a much better water service, es pecially in case of fire. t Mrs. Emma Shugart after Sendiiig several davs with re latives iik this city left last Sun -TTivy -morning ro vuu in ivoch ford for a -4'ow days. The old lady is fortunate. Her bees a housed away in snug winter quar ter and she knows tln' have At the residence of his brother Mr. .lap Cook in this city, Mr. lc (Vk di'-U yi!erda inoru ii g of consumption having Imm-ii in bad health more than a ye , .Mr. Cok was about thirty ye:1: f ag and leaves three broth and three sisters to mourn his death Ili.s wife and child died before Mr. Cook's health failed. The Junior Order will aceoin 11 ny the remains to Ararat .t noon Unlay, where interment wdl be made at New Hope cemcten. Rev. T. II. King1 of this city will officiate at the funeral and accoeiisiny th" remains to th' ii last resting place. BUSINESS BUILDERS Tomorrow may be you to irmure. That ahould put in an, api day, if you have protected your lov a benefit certificate ternal M.vNfic Circle,,, Ivan (. M Special Strpretme Buy a horsj or a pair of mules from SamNqid Harvey Hennis-. Every animjujtimy sell w guar anteed to In? u reprtf nted. 1'riee the lowest. For best material and work- i.:.. .. . .. i ' ',. . ...i. .. .. cbi'tru' shw kh-on. What Is ln"inf done by tin-! governinent in EnffLand in tn,tfMTi way of old e, Liekmw auHtj other form.s of Tutrrniu'c is dom-fQ even ik'iut in tniruiHry o.'TjTl the Fraternal Mj1' CTrW 1 43 Sjn-c ud Sirpreflie Deputy- Buy your (Jrweries from W. II. Dix, in new building above the dry- bridge. New line, out a lid out. ' f stnekf-53 u nis ie-fOT LUNDY'S LUNDY'S f It vou neel anv kii e Sam and Harvey 1 fore you buy. They ha lot (f voting stock for select from. Any !mh1s in Hales Store de livered frts' by Parcels Post. Send him a mail order or phone. S. M. Hale. Cilig for PJen S Boys Freh ."to-k op-iud up bv of (IriM'eries j'.i't W. II. Dix mar ry liridg". Puo'v orders ueiiv red promptly. Phone No. -i. Buv (ierm Proof Slates at pK-nty of stores to last I In in tin j til the warm spring days j forth the folwers. I'ntil then slie can sit H.v the fire and en joy life with her friends and when the time begins to dr'.' she can amuse herself with one of the latest novels the same as a young person. Ye editor s j h it t. Sunday in the town of Rock ford and was the guest of Mr. John (. Burrus, while there. Mr. Burrus, one of the best known citizens of the county, is enjoying the. best health in years. For some time lie has been troiJbled with rheum atism and general bad health, but his condition is wonderfully im proved and he looks and talks like a young man. The Methodist ix'oplc in that town are building them a new house of wot.shi'p. For many years they not in the Baptist ehuivh, but now they are oou to have a nice house of their own The new building is a few yar.U north of the old com t hous" m ! in a splendid location. While there we spent a few hours with Mr. W. Ii. llohfield. The old .gentli is in splendid li-alth for a man in the seventh--, aid takes as much interest in the af fairs of life as he did twenty years ago. New Picture Show. tr. A. (J. Burgess of Thomas ville has lea.sed the building on Maiustivet r ecntly known as Moore's Book store and will eiuip the building with the' lat est e'luijineiit for an up-to-date moving picture show. Mr. liurgess placcii !iu or der for an electric piano and three hundred and fifty opera chairs, lie will have a new fioi.t ard an elevittd f'oor plae ed in the buil lii g, unl will run a picture slow without vaud 'ville shows. j j Crutchfidd Etutt 1 News. MUs Kizie Bray, reiitimd to Altivista, Va., last Thursday af ter spending a week with home folks and friends near Crutch field and at Ileon. Mi.-s Bray ha.s been condiiethg a niillinei store at Altivista for . the last two or three years. Mr. HayiwtMul Barker, of Crutchfield, is in a critical eoii li'icn, from injuries received in a 'iill from a railway tntssel near Crutchfield, last Saturday. Mr. Bilker was employed as a sec tion loud ami while doing s- ine vork on a truss,! fell, lauding - n hi- head sine fifteen or twenty feet below, which came near dislocating his neck. Mr. Iliiitoii Stcadnuin. of Booit n illi Vadkiu Co. i u v ) 1 his block Earp's, you get with each slate. a peiiei1 irec lii;ifh',n' to uiday. He -1 1 i i g ' t s fi r week. Mr. e-r;e.ce Mr. B. Fairview is cutting S. W. (i Steadma n a lot of irner tliis i an ex- Try W. H. Dix for your next bill of (iroceries. Phone 21(5. North 'Main Street. I have several small farms for sale, sec me at once. J. O. Hatcher, Route .". Mt. Airy, N. C. No use to quit your work, send S. M. Hale a mail order for what you -want ami he will deliver it free anuvherc within f0 miles of Mt. Airy. S. M. Hale. Slates are cheaper than tab lets ,you will find a large sujv ply (if both at Earp's, prices reasonable. Writing paper m l.'iney tibx-rs a Earp's. Shoetf repaired while you wait at J. 'A. Vaiighan's electric shoe shop. Why not give your soil or daughter who is in college a leather writing padf Earp has a few. Jaiwincse Toilet Tissue paper has one tlo.usand sheets to emh roll, 1(1(5 per roll or 3 rolls fr L' h: at Earj's. Wan?ol Orders for fine fros-pi-oof cabbage plants, all vari tkes, if 1.23 jH-r HHH), eh;a.per in birgcr lots. S;itksf action; (Juaran teed. F. S. ('iUUlOll, Meggetfs, S. C. If you netsl butter crocks, spit toons, pitchers and other stone ware see Earp's line. Remember that yon can buy a pair of Shoes a Dress Pattern Suit of Clothes or anything else nil my Store by mail order or by Phone and I will deliver it Free by Parcels Post any where within 30 Mih-s of Mt. Airy, and (iiiarantee the price to be the same as if yoi was in the Store ..ur.-elf. ' S. M. Bale. Do you need new dishes or glassware if so see Earp's line before Inning. Overcoats and Separate Pants, Shoes, Shirts, Underwear, Collars and Ties We have the nicest and most up-to-date stock in this coun try and are selling them at prices that will move them all be fore the spring stock arrives. When you need Clothing of any kind come to Lundy's Clothing Store. When you buy at Lundy;s you know ycu are getting th: best there is or the money in this city. Do not forget the place for there is no better. We have on display now the very latest in samples for Spring Tailor made goods. Come and have your measure taken. s Your Friend, C. E. LUNfDY CLOTHING STORE " HEAD - TO - FOOT OUTFITTER ft Your Watch will keep Fine Stcck for Sale. Mejvsrs Sam and Harvey Ileii n is are just buck in the city from Southwest Virginia where they went to buy a droe of horses and mules. TIm-v boiiffhUi only oun'r stock and are expect ing to sell them on this market. They'are able to sell Mock at as reasonable a price as they have been in years. 4. W. Williams has pur ; i, i1 :n u . d I i :: - .1 1 1 Ilolvfidd nlace a mile or o southeast of Fairview. Ho field time if repaired by Knight. I he ji t office w as opened at this j Optometrist and Jeweler. Mount place during the residence of Airy. Al r. 1 lol I n !.l some ea i-s a-eo. 'Jr. Eannst Ibtc- ;md his s'in-j f-i- Mi-s Cora, of Crutchfield, ! are attemlin 1,'ocl. I' id ll.U seloiol il'.lill. this sesoll. Roe.!- ford is eiijo i;t a e-,rt school in ..I ler the excellent ill alia irollle lit I eci"s of o',ll; t a 'h. is. Gnuir.e Scttrwood Honey. N e are in jos.tion to Mipply a limited j i i.i n t it y of ?rictly fn-st ipiahty Soiirwo'd IIoio-v in 'Jo lb. tins. We will not be able to jfet any more until latter pirt the coming summer. Place your order promptly. The West Hill Co. timekeeping qualities. If yours fails to keep pood time carry it to Knvht. t Mt. Airy, and g it r eb Fir.;t class ei'trra vinp done at Kn'-ht Jewelry Store North Main Street. P i jJe would not be prema turely Krinlibd if they 'lid not frown and squint in their effort to kce properly. (ilasses are more effective and . I infinitely more b-'coiuln,,'. Let :s fit you at onc. J. W. K'nyl .t, Mt. Airy, X. C j in hi ct: cr ir it. W3nijr ca aa3rc rca1 az--coaa- fJ72i"t .tir- s--T IJOHWY ON IE SfOTl Chronic Constipation Cured. "Flv yean bko I had tlie worat rasa of rhroolc comtipatleD I ever knew of and Chamberlain's Tablets cured me," writes 8. F. Kiah. Brooklyn, Mich. For aaJa bj All Ilars. COAL! CoihI varit tiis of domestic coal for stove niwl t;rate. Have j"u trouble with your pipe! Then use anthracite, the clean coal, no smoke no ot. Onler your coal kef ore it be gins to raiiv 'and riiov. Kvcry body wants it then and nobo wants to haul it H rttAy to Pv the Driter. J. D. MDflCK. Dm, 2tL, 1912. i i .... i ena our ieM'fB I a e n;i t to IrSI I atV bam ! 1 rV-t t;l heir t-r. vliS f lH1'l Vou can't mort Lriifi' a Frat nal . policy ami im-Ciot he t i,-ked lor d. I.t. XI I r- l"i-', it tile best Mliev ones and deM'iidii: lle-Vcr be eUalltd b Line Life Insurance cent experience, p this. - If yci want a good Jfon? or a juair of inubs me vey Heniiis" stock. on N)rUi Main street- the barn call ai tusijiaa in the op.'pa fc The last of each year the Wholesale Jobber ha.s short lots of Merchandise left not enoujrh fc to jfive Drummers Sample of or list, in the ir Catalogue so they buiH-h th-s different bts A A . .1 1 I! .... t . i .. l i l l . ! I trr a lojretner anu mahe a i rice oik naai or mree iounns xne oriirtnai price, i ncy are n w up 10 date but snnall lots bo the morninij,' after Xmas while other People were celebrating I was on my way to Paltimore and was Johnny on the Spot and hntuht about $:(00 worth of the Kicltst bargains 1 er s'rucli 1 h.ivj been in the (roods Bu-siness and they are now on display in my Store. I was particular fortunate in the purchase of 841 yds. of Woolen G'hkIs in short lenths running from 1U to 7 yds. each different patterns. These are fine goods and the reason, they are short b nths are the jbler only cuts bolts of fine g o Is. There Is nothing worth wholesale less than ;'0c per yd. up to 1 per yd, we will throw this entire lot out for Ji'e for the cheapest to 7"te for the best. Tlu-y cons int. of Mohairs, Pan amas, .Serges and Iiroadeloth, I Lr Bargains in Linens F fulanli, Poplins, Pongees, (J.ilatea.s, Percales, Iialia Lin iw. Long Cloth, Kmbroidery Cloth, Bleaching1 a.nd Phiich Cambric. Also one Big Lot of Odds and ends of Sample KinbroUb rit n, w rth up to 1.2." s r yd. for about 1 a! f prcie. Also 1 big lot of Silk Mescaline all colors for 4'e per yd. Also ,rH H yds. of 1; black Sat i lie for 7 '-. jnr .id. Also 'JO I)iz. Bnisiere Corset Covers for only lOe each. We have oH-ued up a regular K'-mnant table where every day in the year you will find some rare Bargains. ' Clothing Clothing Jnist opened up a ifl'Ooo j,toc of ready to wear Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. These soils are First '!a in every Kcsjs'ct but short lots ml enough to Catalogue and 1 bo ight the in for alx'iit 7-"c on the dollar and they are the greatest Bargains in Clothing ever brought to this. City. All pockets on tit is dothiug are the l'artell Pocktts uh'-h positively prevent sagging. Tnwisi rs cut full and put tugetuer substantially. Now Listen! We will s ll ou a good first Suit f Blue Si rge an Ciuarantte if the Sun Fads it. we will refund you the money paitl for it or give you another Suit and we will sxll them to you for h-ss tnoney than you can biiy the same suit else where. ' Ilrinenvber my Sring Line of (Jen ral Merehailise will be Larger, Better and the price Lower, SHOES SHOES livery pair of Battle Axe or Crowett we sll must be all leather or we give another pair fir reftuid the money. S. M. HALE, Mt. Airy J