THE KOUNT AIEY NZW3, Apsil 24th, 1913. BOND ELECTION NOTICE. Elder Township, for $20,000. Gocd Roada. North Carolina, Surry Comity. At OmimwsimwrM Metrtimg, Apr 7th, 1913. Pursuant to an Act of the General Assiinbly of North Caro Una ratified at the cKior of 1913, entitled an Act for the im provement of the Public Road of Eldora Township, Surry Coun ty, ami to authorize the issuaiu-e of bonds to pay the expends then' of, and m compliance with Haul Act, and a petition signed, by 58 voters of said township, It i hereby ordered by the lloard of (IjmmissiojierJi of Surry County, at its regular meeting1 held thia the 7th day of April A. D. 1913, it beirntf the First Monday of April in wiid year: Thiut an elec tion be held on Momlav the 12th day cf May A. I). 1913. by the voters of aakl Eldora Torwrwhirp, Surry Coimty, to determine the question whether the said town ship, of ISurry County, North Car olina, shall issue bonds in the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, with interest coupons attached, miflh bonds to bear interest from date, interest payable cmi-an-nually, the proceed of such bonU to be used for the improvement of Public, Roads of hldora Town ship and for th mainteruiree thereof. 2. That a new Registration of tlie voters U hereby ordered for aid, election, and Ja.tper D. Key is hereby appointed' Registrar fcr aaUli eUetw-n, ajid .1. C. Dunbar aii I). K. Key judges . 3. That at said election said lUrfvtioji of whether said town ship shall issue bonds shall be determined. 4. That the Registration Books ihall be open on the 12th day of April and close on the 3rd day of May at sundown. 5. That copies cf this order shall be publish d in The Mount Airy News, aaid The Weekly Leader, newspapers published in Surry County, in three or more places in. said township, and. at the court houn- dorr in Dobson, gnving notice rf the holding of said election, for thirty days prior to the holding of said elec tion. t. That returns ,of election shall be made ils in said election Act provided by said Act of The (Jeueral Assembly. Jly order M the Hoard f ( mi mi.ioMers of Surrv Countv. This April 7th, 1913. W. S. Cough, Chm. Ilrd. Corn. Sum- Co. W. A. York, Cl.-rk to Hoard. BOND ELECTION NOTICE. Rockford Township fcr $20,000. Gocd Reads. North Carolina, Surry Coimty. At Cuinjnis.sioni rs Mtvtiiig Apr. 7th, 1913. PurstiJaiJ to an Aet of the General Assenjbly of North Car olina ratiifed at the 1913 sejio, entitled an Act for the improve mel:.t f the Public Roads of Rcs-konl Towiish'p, Surry Cnun ty, aul to uuthoriyi tle issu hiih'c tit' bonds to pay the eXh'iwe tberei f( iiijul i ti compliance .f the said Act, ami a etitim s'g" d by 75 voters of said township. It i hereby ordered bv tlu Hoard! of Ctuniiis.slt.ners tf .Surry ('tun ty, at its regular uwetii g held this the 7th day of April A. D. 1913, it being the Kirst Monday in April of said year: That an election be held on Tuesday, the 13th day vt May A. D. PM3. bv the voters of Rock ford Tcwndiip. Surry (lumty, to determine the question whether the said' towji fcliip. of Surry County, North Caroluia, shall issue iiondN in the sum .f Twenty Thousand Dol lars, with int treat coujons at tached, such bonds to bear inter st frojn date payable .vfini-an-irually, the proceeds cf such bonds to he used for the improve ment of the Public Road of Roc.kufrd Township and for the maintenance thereof. 2. That a new RVgistratir n of the voters is hereby ordered for Hftid election, and Hillary Coe is hereby appointed Registrar fur sail election, and K. C. Haven- port H4id .1. T. llanctM'ki jmlirv. 3. That at aid tlretiii uiidj ipiestion of whether sviid town-! ship shall isue bonds shall be ' determined km provided. 4. That the Rcglstn.tii'ii Hooks shill Ih- ojm n on the 12th day f April and c! se on the 3rd day ' of May at liuixlown. ". That copies i f this or ler bl be puldisbfd in The Mount Airy News, tuid The Weekly le-ader, newwtpera publUhed in Surry County, in three or more plan in said RoeRfml Town-: ship, and ut the Court h use il or' in Dobson, giving notice of hold ing of said election, for thirty days prior to holding said elec tion. 6. That ret urns of election Khali be made as in said election Act provided by said Act of The General Assembly. Hy order of the Board of Ciora missioncrs of Surry County. This April 7th, 1913. W. S. (Jough, Clim. Brd. Com. Surry Co. W. A. York, Clerk to Board. BOND ELECTION NOTICE. Marrfx Township, for $25,000. Good Roads. North Carolina, Surry Oounty. Before County Coram wsioiwra April 7th. 1913. Pursuant to an Act of The General Aswimbly of North Car olina ratified at the euoa of 1913, entitled am Act for the im provement of the Public Roadn of Marsh Township, Surry County, aad to authorize the isxiiajiee of bonds to wy the cxpeiine thereof, and ia compliance with this Act, and a petition ftitrnrd by 100 voters of said Township, it i or dered by the Board of Commis sioners of Surry County, at its regular meeting held this the 7th day of April, A. D. 1913, it being the First Monday in April of said year: That ftn election be hell on Monday, tho 12th day of May, A. D. 1913, by the voters of Marsh Township, Sur ry County, to determine the question whether the said town ship, of Surry County North Carolina, shall issue bonds int the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars, with interest coupoiiB at tached, such bojids to bear in terest from date, interest ay able semi-annually, the proceeds of such boiuls to be used for the improvement of the Public Roads of Marsh Township and for the maintenance thereof. 2. That a new Rtgistratim of the voters is hereby ordered for saidj election, and J. C. Wallace is hereby appointed Registrar for said election, and W. V. Burch ami C. A. frsebastian, judges. 3. That at said election said quentxn of whether said Town ship shall issue bonds shll be determined as provided. 4. That ttie Registrtticn Books shall be open on thfc 12th day of April and cloe on the 3rd day of May at sundewn. 5. That copies cf th'n order shall be published in The Mount Airy News, Kind The Weekly leader, newspapers published in Surry County, in three or more public places in said Marsh Town ship, aiid at the Court House thor in Dolson, giving notice of said vUctu.j), for thirty days prkr to the holding cf said elec tion. 6. Th:'t returiN sf elcctio i si a'l be made as in naid election Act provided by said Act of The (Jeiii ral Assembly. By order of the Boird c-MVin-misMoners of Surrv Countv. This AprU 7th, 1913. W. S. Gough, Chm. Brd. Cimi. Surrv Co. W. A. York, Clerk to Board. BOND ELECTION NOTICE, i Sikpm Tcwrfhip, fcr $30,0C0. Gocd Reads. North Carolina, Surry County. Before County Ctuaursd'Mwr, April 7th, 1913. Pursuant to an Act of The General Assembly of North Car olina ratified at the session of 1913, entitltd ui Act for the im l)rcv(!iient of the Public Roads vf Siloajn Township, Surry County, ajid to authorize the issuance oJ' bonds to pay the expense there of, and in conipliuuee with said Act, ai:d a jH-tition signed by (ITi voters of said Township, It is lien by ordered by the Board f Coiiimissicjiers of Surry County, at it regular meeting held this April 7th, A. D. 1913. it b-irg the First Monday in April cf said year: That an eb-ctiou be held on Wednesday, the 14th day if May, A. D. 1913, by the voters of Siloam Township, ' Bur ry County, to determine the quesiton whether tlu- said Town ship cf Siloam. Surry ('otinty, North Carolina, shall issue hot ids ' the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars, with interest coupons at ta lied, such ImiihIs to l ar inter- M fn in date, interest payable emi itnniially, the proee,.ds of iich bou,U to be r.sed for the im provement of the public roads of Siloam Township juhI for the ina'utenvinee. thereof. 2. That a new registration of tl voter is hereby ortlere,! f,r aid rleetion, and G. L. Matthew is h.-reiy apKintr Refriotrvr for Siiid e,eli. ii, and ,1. 3. Stone and !.J. K. Collins jutlgea. 3. That at said election said question of whether suid town ship shall issue said JmiiuLs shall ho determined! as in said Act Provided. 4. That the Registration Books shall be open on the 12th day cf April and close on, the 3rd day of May at sundown. T. That copies of this order shall he published i The Mount Airy News, .and The Weekly lyeader, newspaper published in Surry County, in three or more public places in said Siloam Township, and at the Court House door in Dobson, giving notice of the holding of ud elec tion, for thirty days prior to the holding of said election. 6. That returns of election Jiall be made as in said election Act provided by said Act of The General Assembly. By order of th Board of Clom missiionera of Surry County. This April 7th, 1913. W. S. Gough, Chm. Brd. Cora. Surry Co. W. A. York, Clerk to Board. Enforce the Law. Greensboro Record, It takes a Philadelphia lawyer to keep up with the action of a hgislature and then he often 'ips up. The law prohibiting sinokmg cigarettes by boys under 17 years of age, passed in 1H91, rumndfd by the last legislature in a way that puts it up strong ly to the officers to enforce its provision). Jt' they see a youth tinder the rtfre named, smoking a cigarette, it ' their duty to at once investigate the source of the cigarette, and if the smoker refusts to tell where he bought tie smoke or who gave it to him. he himself is guilty of a mts di meaner. If an officer has in foi inatidi that a perse n under 17 is smekirg. cigarettes, it hi his du'y to dcy'er the source of the cigarette. The law cavers i-'mftkii'.sf txbaeeo and cigarette pa pers, and one who gives either cigarette or "the makings" to a person under 17, U as guilty as he who selLs th same. In every case the smoker is either obliged to tell who sold or who gave the smoke to him, or be punished for misdemeanor. rjM-n finding the source of the ttJuatvo or the cigarette, the of ficer shall proceed to take out a warrant for the offender arl he mi'st be punished as the law lirects. The old1 law was never en forced, but now, if a boy smokes in public, the officer cannot es cape prcceed j g as directed, for the evidence is harded to htm ir a neat package. lie doesn't hae to work it up. Speaks in Shxps. Thoma-ville, April 1. Over 1.200 workiiurnmi of the citv heard gmrd roads taJks by II. B Yariw r of I.exinnrton here tc- day, the edittr of Southern (iKd RtwuLs vwitii'g all the lo-al man ufacturing plants ard jnakirig 11 ideas fcr the tamd issue cf 300 . which the county will vote ui lit xt Tiles lay. 'Hie different slumps s1oji)(d work for the time required by the. a.Mnssts, the los tf time aiiioiirtirg r ever $4h) to the nia.'Ukfactureis. who thus display sl their in.tirest in the cause. Executor i ' Sale. By virtue of the power coiJVr nd u.jsn- its in the will of David Allell, deceased, we will sell at public auction oai the pnmises, on Saturday, April 2ith., 1913, at l o'chek, P. M. the following peal e-itate to-w it : House and lot, in Mt. Airy TownsJiip, luljoinmg the lands of .1. S. Kline, Robert Gwyn and others, (being oxposite Blizzard' Store), tqnui the lot (fllout one liaVf acre), Ls situated a nice five r'4tn cottage, swune. being the homeplace of the late David Allen. The pmpt rty is in good coji ditii, and h most desirable resi lience. Terms- of sale: one third cash, one-third in twelve months, bal ance in two years, notes for de ferred payments with npiroed security, bearing interest from. dite. This April 13, 1913. Fames Thomson. John Leitch. Kxts'utors. Toe Darby's Prophylactic Ha Id In the house and In the FtBMe. It la h gfKid for animal flenh as It U for the human Im ty. It heal sores, cuts, ratified wounds, colic, dysentery Katlu, rhf.i. mratehei. dUtemper. hot and wo.-tns. There la hardly any limit to It niefuliieaa about the home Trice fO ct. bottle. Sold by All DrugKlaU. The AutcmolU in Ncrth Caro lina. News and Observer. TJi cstwuate that there is now invest d in automobiles in North Carolina very nearly six tuitions of dollars. The firs tlaw regu lating the use ami re gint ration of I automobiles in North Carolina be- cjutno effwtive on July 1, l9r., and there are now over 7,000 au tonwbiles, with a7i averago esti mated value of $KX) each. For the first year the registra tions were 1,681 machines, which Included all ini ope ation in the State at that tinv , and all pur chased for the fir t year. In 1912 from January 1st to December 31st, approximately 2,400 ma chines were registered. Ini 1913, the office of the secretary of state, where they are registered, expect at least 4,000 regifrt ra tions. The old law required a regis tration fee of $5 to he paid to rhe secretary of State, and $1 for renewal each year thereafter. Under the new law, the registra tion fee is graded according to horsepower, being $5 for raachima of 5 horsepower or less, $7.!0 for machines of frera 26 horsTpower to 40 horsepower, and $10 for all over 40 horse-jpower. These fees are payable annually. Under the old law $3 of the $5 registration was returned to the counties for the, road fund. Under the new law, eighty per cent of all funds is returned to the counties for the road fund. The principal feature of the new law, is the. feature of iden tification that is, heretofore the State did not furnish numbers, each registered owner furnishing them for himself. There was no uniformity in these numbers, some being -painted on the ma chines, others being made of metal, etc. Under the new law, th.? seretary of state will furnish to each registertd cwner a dis play mtmher of uniform size, to be changed in style and color each year, so that the officers of the State can tell at a glance whether or not a machine is reg istered. The date of the expira tion of the lieeiKse will be stated on the plate ard it is expicted that by this meaas all owners who have heretofore hy one means of another "dodged" registration, will easily be apprehended. The. noV law requires also the registration of motor - cycles, w hich was not required under the old law. It also provides that no person under the fge of 16 years shall operate a machine. Non-resident owners are exempt from the registration provisions of the law for a period C'f fif ttr. days in each year. The present rfgistration a sr.ovnts to about 7,(K0, which should average alout $800 each, a total of $o.t'00.000. Re quests for application cards, and the !in.i.siial number of new r'g istratioi.s cfmiig in from the " R V. D's." As the registra tion law only went into effect in 1909, there an' no figures as to the amount invested before that time. WOMAN'S ILLS DISAPPEARED lake Magic after taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. North Pangor, N. V. -"An I hav I used Lydia E. Ilnk- ham i Vegetable f" r-. n nn n il with V j gleat benefit I feel J ) i my av.y vo wnw 3S ?V: anJtell youaboat it i I waa ailing from fe- rr.alo Weak now and bad headache and lifcckache nearly all thotime. lwai later every month than I I should have been and so alck that I had to go to bed. "Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound hut made me well and theae trou bles have disappeared li'.ce magic I have recomnended the Compound to many women who have used it success fully." Mrs. Jams J. STACY. R.F.D. No. 3, North Bangor, N. Y. Another Mudo Well. Ann Arbor, Mich." LyJia H Pink, ham's Vegetable ComjsmaJ has done wonders for me. For years 1 suffered terribly with hemorrhngea ar t had rains so Intense that sometimes I would faint away. I bad female weakness j so l.nd that I had to doctor ell the time end never found relief uritil I took your remedi-u to r!.nse my husband. I recommend your won. lerfal medicine ! to all Hutrerer na I trir.k It is a Messing for all women." Mrs. I F- V.'yckoff, 112 S. Aihiey EL, Ann Arbor, Mich. There need be no doubt lout the ability of this grand o!d remedy, made from the roots and herbs of our (Wlds, to renjedy woman's di ass. We possess Toluma of proof of this fact, enough to convince the most skeptical. Why don't you try It? 1 ZL TlilALS. The burdens a woman has to carry through life are many bat they ecu he lifhteoed ii she will turn to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. A soothing' and strenthenin nervine subduing nerroua excitability, prtnrratioo, hyrtena, hoi flashes and the many syreptotns which may he cauted by dictresnnl ills peculiar to women. For those " drsitfiinl-down " pains or diktres and lor the dersnfe merits and irregularities (be "i avorite Prescription " hus hsd mtty thuusaods of tettimoniuls (rom people living in every part of Americs. Another important thing to tvrry woman is that this medicine is mcde from efficient medicinal roots, without the te of alcohol, narcotics, or auy iujurioui agents, l ull tiut U ingredi. nts given on bottle-wrapper snd sworn to by Dr. K. V. Fierce who is President Kas. atoeaau. Dp Ptrcm You Should Know All About it We sell paint so we must know a good deal about it. You pay for it, therefore yoo ought to know as mm h or more .1 V . . '0 l nan we. uo you snow mere are scores of paints on tne market loaded with adulterant! t u' W. That's why we recommend (Dmitk if Ftinur Trd-ri) inVK WHITF f FA h A Il andBreermitohi'-ermirpaintrr lWy 1 1 vVV "" J It mis your paint on tlu .b. You need no VUIV Jfi M , IM 11 further ruarantre of parity when you r V 11 I ' """i Il tha Outclt Bijr rmUr on a W hit Lead "oJ ' Jf Grow IV2 Bales Cotton Where Only 1 Grew Before One to one-and-a-half and even two bales of cotton, or 60 to 90 bushels of corn per acre, require little more labor than Rmaller yields. Simply use liberally the right fertilizer or plant food to the acreage you plant, and cultivate the crop more thoroughly and tiftener. You cannot be too careful in selecting fertilizers and seeds. Your soil deserves the best plant foods which are Virginia-Carolina High-Gradc Fertilizers They are made to give Available Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia or Nitrogen, and Potash in the right combination for greatest yields. Thee fertilizers produce big crops of COTTON, CORN, IUCE, TOBACCO, FRUITS, PEANUTS and TRUCK. TetHlfo (VjmlnlaCafoljna) I. W. WEST DRUG CO. We are now open iu the building formerl) occu pied by the . E. Merritt Co . I. W. West Drug Co. Instead ofWoodSbingles orSlaie J A I f .1 ir-i Ill ' Lr wod shingles, nor have they the 3 great weight of bt rttleness of stone slate ; I besides they axe inexpensive and look better than cither. i For Sale by ...... For Salt by W. . Merritt Company. t the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. Every woman is invited to write to this Institute and receive confidential and sound medical advice, eotirely without eost from one who makes the diseases oi women his specialty. " I can rhwrfully rwtmmcM yonr nrnedlns. tpeclal1f vovr Favorite PracrlpUon,' for all fTnale disorders,' writee Jl M. M. Morrkix, of Ulnff Clty,Tenn.,IUutfl2. Dunn the pisi spvj-rj years 1 sulTerM fnm pains In the back and ovnriee. Tried msny ro.nedles bnt found only transient relief until I was persuaded by a fr1nd to try Dr. I'lerce't Favorlt I'rescrlptlon. Afu r giving this rmdy a fair trial. I fonnd that It would do put what It la ntoommeodod to dr. I uspd In all sovmii IxitUes. L cannot speak too highly bf Dr. Pierce's mmedlee for all female deranameDU." P!eoat Peere MtaUf llrur UI. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Box 1117 RICHMOND 1A TJRGINXI conmiGHT Metal Shingles The roofing that Usts as long sj the building and never needs reDairs. wrtfi't Ktim mV -i i.l rm red