THE MOUNT AIRY NEWS, April 24th, 1913. PAGE FIVE ABSOLUTELY Hie only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Makes delicious home-baked foods o! maximum quality at minimum cost. Makes home baking pleasant and profitable Wills; Breakable and able. Samuel Hemlrix had a son a fact ho almowt regretted, for he seemed thoroughly bad and the father had expended much of his property in keeping the boy out of jail. Naturally enough, fiimuel desired, that ai his death hw wufe and daughter should re Unbreak-j before the po-wer to mak a will in granted. Married women were formerly denied the right to will their property, but modern, statutes quite generally give thm that privilege Of course, an insane person, lacking the required men tal qualification, cannot make n will, nor can infants under age, in most. Sti.t. ceive all the ronainine property j The first great requisite Yf a and the son none.i So he wrote I wi Li that it ..ii.n k. the following': This docs not mean tliat it nfd When- 1 die it w my will that ( be written in longhand, though all my property be equally divid-, tliat w the ancst definable of all ed between my wife, Ivrther, and ways when the maker is prewar my daughter, Sarali "(Signed) Samuel Hendrix." Samuel had heard that wit nen are necessary to a will, so he, called in his wife, Esther, and daughiter, ISarah, and had them watch him while hei wrote his aignature and then algn their names below his. The result was that neither the wife nor the daughter timid take any property under the will, for it i a gen eral rule of law that no one who witnesses a will may tatke any benefit or receive anythirg from that will. Had Samuel llendrix possessed a bit more information of the Law he would have called others as witnesses and his wish en could have been enforced. Thw illutrtratt'S but one of the many pitfalls into which one may fall in tlie very imjyvtant tasii' otf drafting his will. The preparation of a will is usually a tank for an attorney, and a good one, but there are cases of emergency when a lawyer's ser vices are not reaxldJy obtainable. If thw ftate is ranall and not seat- to be made of it is simple, dirciet clearly understood it requires no grtu knowledge to draft an ef fective will. In any event some information of the laws gowrn ing the disposition of p're-perty on deiatJi w interesting, as well decidedlv ust-ful. ing hw own will. Typewritten wills anl printof will, with the blaikka filled in, are common, and wills hare been held valid when prepared in many unusual ways on strange sitftrtitutes for paper or parchment. The- prudent at torney, iu prejarirvg a will, la waya sees to it that the entire in strimient in fastened together. Thus if the wiH consists of sev rael tV'rtewritten or nrint.wl i.i.tu I-..- -.... the last of which alone is signed. A will U ever a fascinating in strument. The preparation cf it is a serioiw matter and into it the maker put.s his deliberate and weJl-ronaideml thought. Thus it goes for toward revealing1 the real spirit of the maker. The words of the wili are the words a man desire to leave when he has paswd beyond; they display his true, attitude twarl friend's anl relatives. , Doath is the great inevitaiblc. Tax dodder are' famous, but death doners have thp.s far achieved no notoriety. The will us made Ln appreciation, of the inevitable enl and takes cffWt upon decease. It is thus that one may be assured that his wish es in regard to the disposition of his property will be regarded af ter death. The p.wer to in-ike a will has not always been recog nized by law. The will is stated to be of lloinan origin, but, be that as it may, the power to will is now firmly established aj:d re cognized by law. To roaJc a will require men tal capacity. We often hear of instruments drawn as wills which are set aside by the court be eaits tho maker was lacking in intellect. Tlie mental capacity thAt is reqmred to make a will may be enumerated as follow: 1. Ability to undftretaind thf na ture of a will and that the maker is cmraged in making his Mrill. 2. Ability to know and keep in mind the various items or Ins property. 3. Ability to know ami keep in mind tlie mun bers of the family and others en titbd tc the maker's bounty. In general, ijiv irsoji of full a?e possessing th mental eap.vcity described alxive, and not iub jct to some iqMf ial legal dis ability, may make a valid and biruling will. In the majoritf of the State the full age of 21 Jiars in repaired of Wb nih another tj'ptwnttcn page might be1 substituted for an unsignetl one and the wholo character of the instrument alUred. So, if the entire will cannot be written onj a single shwt of paper, the various pages should bo so at tached that' they cannot be sep arated without "detection. The 'pages are usually stapled or past- 'u togemer ar tne top ano a eord Is run thruigh them, tied and sealed. It is wise for the maker of the will, the testator as he iw called, to iliitiiil each age in smvh Further, the will must be sign ed by the maker and witmsstd in the manner required by the statutes (f the State iu which it is made. Nevada is the only State which nuiics a seal. The u-mal arid methrd of sign vrr is for the maker to write as; his n;.ine iu full at the bottom of I L .'Ii .i uie win. vnere tlie maker can- ho expressly re-okes the earlier one, or pen a revocation, either of which instruments must be xignul and witne.sst.d ha a wttl. Or he may take the will anl bv tearing it up, burnirg it, or drawing' lines through it, with the intention of revoking it. cause it to lose all effect as a will. In Iowa tills act must he done in the hwiu' of witness es and in all cases it is best t do so. On the death of the maker, thoe interested in tlie will us ually secure th Herivees of an attorney in having it prcl)atI and the estate administered. Of ooiirse, the person name! Ln the will as exetutor may himself plnoe it before the probatet, or Hniiliar court, but he usually fuuls it simpler to have a lawyer arrange matters. If no exee.utor iuut bien nana tl by the maker in his will, an administrator is ap- Iointcd by the court. It us the duty of executor or administrator to care for the tlewased's pro perty and see tliat it is distribut ed according to the term of the will under the. direction of the court. Of course, the will ami proof of tlx 'maker's death must first be laced bfore the court and the val'ulity of the will established. In determining- the meaning of a will, the court is always guid ed by the cardinal principle that the intention cf the maker of the will is to be determined as ac curately as possible from tlie in strument and effect given there to. The task! of the person inaik irr a will is to realize its im portance, weigli all the possihil-l itks refully and state them clearly. The task' of the lawyer' is to warn the maker cf the , various contingencies that may j arise in tlie maker's peculiar cir- sit ion of his property and to see that all of the necessary formal ities have Wen complied with. A will i not a thing to be made h.'ustily, or without infonnrtticn. Coiwii!er thoroughly and then act oarefullv. Spcaicer Man Takej Frif dman Curt. Sjenecr, April l.. One of the first North (.'aroliniais to take the treatment under Dr. F. F. Friedmann for tuberculosis Ls II. F. Wilhemi, of Spencer. lie left U.4uy for Providence, R. I , where he has a definite apjxint mtflit made by wire to take tlie treatrnentby Dr. Friedmann. Mr. Willi elm recently returmsl from New Mexico, where he went for his health. lie has made a close study of the Dr. Friedmann meth od and has great confidence, in his ability to cure. I if u "ini n niv-' -xi Trustee's Sale. Hy virtue of the authcrity con ferred upon me iu a Deed f Trust, executed cn the 27th, (Ipv of August, 1J()0, by W. B. Nor man and wife and recorded in Jkiok 22, Page 97 of the m-ord if Deeds of Trust of Surry Coun ty, I will sell to the hkrheirt. bid der for cash un front of the First National Hanik. Mt. Airv. V (' oniSaturday the 24th day of May VJl.i, at one o'clock P. M. the fol lowing real if ate . to-wri t : A tract: of land in the town of Dobson, N. (T, ajid lsmndisl as ioikws: On the north by (burt Hous4 siriuare. on the Kn.sf l'v .1 ('. rKp r, on the South by I -t iormerly owned by ( . II. Ilaynes. and an alley, on the West bv Martha Norman and Street known as lot No. 4.1 as renre- s rtid by the plot of tlie town CI I()ffl. Sale inale to satNfv deM of two hundred dollars, with inter est and costs to be added. This April 21st, 191. 'J. W. F. Carter, Trustee. fi f Yon can ve yonmlf loci by limning1 aguinrt damage done by Cycloaei and Wlndi-etcrma. Tit raiei ar very low and your mind will be made eary with a policy la etfher cf the following Companies: Livcrpccl & London & Globe Ins. Co. cf England. Springfield Fire & Marine Insurarre Ct., cf Mass. Goanectiout Fire Insurance Co. cf Hartford. Granite City Realty S Trust Co. P. L. HAWKS Manager. MOUNT AIRY, - - North Carolina. The New Home of The News. The ww home of The News Office is now ow Moore Street 50 rards Knst of the First National Dank. Notice of Dissolution of Partner ship. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore exist ing between the undersigned trading as J. W. Prather Cloth ing (Vropany lwus been dissolved! ami that Jesse F. Prather suc ceeds to the ownership of said business and becomes the sole owner thereof. This Dec. 6th, 1912. Mrs. Julia F. Prather, Mrs. C. D. Jarvis, Ohas. D. Prather, Mrs. T. K. Oale, I. F. Prather. 1 ' t write, bin "mark" is suffi cient. Wills have bten he! valid -when signed with initials, or parts cf flu- iwune. or by a stamp, j out Mien methods are dangerous. If a person Ls for any reason in no.ible of writing he may au lfi: ititltr to sit'ii his namie V Vim. N t only miKt a will be fLgn !. but it must also be witness el. -ind that in the strictest form. i-MMiie States rtijuire but two wit-PyseS-. others three, but it i nl. ways best to have three witness es. As was pointed out in the cav (f Nrtmue! Hendrix, the wit iiessi s must be persons who have no interest in the will, and it in ust )' seen to that neither they nor their near near relatives un to receive anything under the will. The manner in which a careful attorney completes the necessary loinalities, having written the will itself and secured the wit nesses is somewhat as follows: All the persons maker and wit nessedmust b- rn the. wim. nn and all un siv f, each other. The maker dec. V the will to be his and wri'fl'his signature, with all the witnesses watching him. Then ea-h of the wiiiwss es in turn siens his name, the en tire party still remaining together While a will is usually dated, this is not neieessary. No registration is nuire.l. The original will Is fibnl in a safe place, usually by the maker among papers, and a ejy put in another place. usually by nhe maker among his jKtH'rs, and a copy put in anoth er p!:ue. The copy Ls not a will, but is uwful in proving the con tents of tlie will if the instru ment should be destroyed or al tered. Haviir made a will and wisii uig to change k, the maker has two general courses open. He may write another will, Ln wkwh pleasure r 7". for smokers of nil m si FIRST NATIONAL BANK I AIRY The Oldest and Largest Bank in Surry County Has Been Established for Twenty Years and Has Half a Million Dollars variable for c.e Accommodation of its Customers Geo. D. Fawcett, President C. L. Hanks, Vice-President A. Q. Trotter Vice-President. T. G. Fawcett, Cashier. L 1 Here is a smoke with the real, genuine to bacco taste that beats . all artificial tastes. Kvery grain of it is pure, clean tobacco. Tucked into a pipe, or rolled into a cigarette, it makes a delightful smoke. If jou bare not moked Duke'e Nflxture, nide by Litt'tt & Mftn t, N. C., try it now. In ddition to one and a half ouncrt of fine Virginia nd North Carolina leaf, with each 5c aark of Duke'l Muture you now get a book of cigarette papera free and A Free Present Coupon Theae roupona are good for bundreda of valuable preaeuta. There are abating aeU, jewelry, cut glaaa, bate balla, tennia racqueta, talking machine!, furniture, cam eraa, and doaena of other articlea aurUble for every member of the family each of them well worth aaruiff the coupons for. Aa a apecial offer, dttr ing March and April only, we will send our new illustrated cata logue of these presents r r w n t txtUL,. Just aend ua your name and addreaa on a tosta. iwM mil A l.ri frm HORSE s-tt?Ji.x 7s iwsurys na. TWIST, mi from FOUR pick nvQ cut, ritol MOPiT C IGARETTES. CI IX Premium Dept. Our Metal Bodsteads are a marrel of neat designs and rich trimmings. In the past few years this gtyle of bed has super seded the solid wood to some ex tent, and while the latter will never b oeut of style, yet many like the metal kind for several good reasons. We carry A Big Una of these from the modest enam eled one at $2.50 to the solid i brass at $25.00 and wo solicit W. E. Merrltt Co. JOHN I. WOUZ, II. D. Ptiyaiaian and Surgaon All eajla promitly attend ', I ed, day or night. ! I Office over S. M. Hales ;; Store. Hione No. 205. it ft i .... frpeciai attention given T t to oinee practu-e luelays and Saturday a iPv,M I - i m ii MMaBBWw ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD Tau bara aoma ideaa of tha bavmm rou want to build. Let ma put Ua togather, maka your plana, writ up your apaciflcationa, etc. Worajast p.ana aara mora than cost, beaUaa. baring what you set before yean PUlld. Dwlght H. Cook ARCHITECT ST. LOUIS, Ma I rl A ;WE DO THE MOST DITTI CULT REP AIRING 1 . If you should have an aoci I dejit to v-our time pieces, no matter h ow badly they are dam j ageil, briig them to us. We w ill j make theni good as new. We ; effer you 1 EXPERT WATCHMAKER'S SERVICE. j at wateh tinker's prices. If you ihave LlaeksHiithing to do or j bicycles to repair don't iriug aiean to us. We m&ae a spec ialty of Wateh repairing. Watch es r leaned and warranted for one year. J. W. KNIGHT, Motat Airr, H. 0. Shoes While Yon Wait. I ain now located in my nt' shop on Moore street in rear p First National Baikk aext door t The News office and have 0 latest improved Klecrtic SoLpp machine aid ean repair ymit-. shoea while you wait. Open day and night. I have also bought a lot home tanned calf akin leather from D. M. Smith ef Dolion aaU am prepared to take orders shoes. Workmanship and materia J guaranteed. J. Z. Vaughn. Phone 201 Notice. Having qualified as Admioi trator of .Ihn Fleminjr, dtcrj Hi, I hereby notify all pcrsijk- holding claims gaint the. etto to present tlie wanie to me payment within one yar frftja the date of th'u notice, or tlve- ' ame will be plul.d in !ar .sf" reovfry thereon. All j. -ris inlfted to tid estate ar te- i quested to con.e forwartl aiaal mitke HnineJiafi' settlement. Tliw Manii tl, Wl l. C. E. Flftau'uitr, A(Tot. John Fleming, doc cl. Folger & Folder, Attys. . CXKI,(TS ftWDlSCOTir IVU! Sirelr $t Xhii Cessfw

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