THE MOUNT AIBY NEWS, May 8th, 1913. BOND ELECTION NOTICE. Eldcra Township, for $20,000. Oocd Reads. North Carolina, Surry County. At (V tn in Umotwm M'HLnjf, Apr 7th. lull Pursuant to art Aft of the (JMiraI Avtciiihly of North ('ar lina riitifi-l at the -ssion of Vfl'.l, -fititlcl an A-t for the iin provfriicnt of the Public Jlo.wl of KMora Township, Surry (boun ty, mu to authorize the Issuance of bcitwU to pay the expf-rwi thon of, arid m curnplianfn? with flaw! At, ami a petition Higned by 58 voters of jwhI township, It w Iwrtby orlnl by the Ii arl of itMiuniWoKTH (f Surry County, at it. nifu'ar wt'tmtf held tliui the 7th day of April A. I). 1913, it beii the First Monday of April in wiid year: That an elec tion be held on Morula y the 12th day of May A. I). 19 lit. by tlie rotem of Kaid Eldora Tawiwhkp, Surry County, to letennin the question whether the said town ship, of (Surry County, North Car olina, Khali Issue bond in the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, with interest coupon attached, borvls to bear interest from Lite, interest livable mi-an- nnallv. the nrwdi of such bond to be used for the improvemeait of; KondH of Kldora Town- hip and for the maintenance thereof. 2. That a new Itcffistr&tion of1 the voters w hereby ordered for said election, and .las-jx-r D. Key w hereby appointed Registrar for ail election, aiul .1. C. Dunbar ai;l I). K. Key judp . 3. That at said election Aaid qihwtion of whether said town ship shall issue IhwkIh shall be determined. 4. That the Registration Hooks hall be oeii on the 12tli day of April and oloe on the 3rd day of May at sundown. 5. That copieK bl thU order shall lie published in The Mount Airy News, ajid The Weekly Leader, newwjs'ipers published in Surry County, in three or more place in said township, anl at the court liouw dor r in Dobson, jrivinp1 not in- of the holding of said election, for thirty diys prior to the holding of said elec tron. 6. That returns of election shall tie 3 in sauT election Act' provided bv sato Art of The General A&sembly. By order ff the Board of ('inn misfvioHers of Surrv Count v. This April 7th, 1913. W. S. (Sough, Ohm. Brd. Com. Sum- Co. W. A. Ycrk, Clerk to Board. BOND ELECTION NOTICE. Rockford Township for $20,000. Good Reads. North Carolina, Surry Oounty. At Commissioners Slwtntg Apr. 7th, 1913. Pursue u an A-t of the General Assembly of North Car olina ratiifed at the 1913 sci;oji, entitled an Act f r the improve ment of the Public RoaLs of Roekord Township, Surry Oun ty, arxl to authorize the Issu ance of bonds to pay the expense thereof, and in compliance of the said Aet. and a petitiai Agr.ed by 73 voters of saul townshi), It ia hereby ordered by the Board of Commissioners of tsurry Coun ty, at its regular meeting held this the 7th day of April A. D. 1913, it being the First Monday in April of said year: That ail election be held on Tucstlay, the 33th day of May A. I). 1913. by the voters cf Roekford Township, Surry (-ounty, to determine the question whether the said town ship, of Surry Oounty, North Carolina, shall Issue bonds in the sum cf Twenty Thousand Dol lars, with interest coupons at tached, such bomls to bear inter est from date payable seani-aii-mially, the proceeds of such boruLs to h used for thft improve ment of the Public RoaLs cf Roekorf'rd Towrwhiji and for the maiirtcjiajn'e thereof. 2. That a new1 Registration of' voters is hereby ordered for "aid election, and Hillarv Coe Ls li.m..lvi- n.. 4 .1 O . ! aid eltMtion, and E. C. Daven-j quesiton whether tlie said Towiv port ajid ,1. T. Ilancocki judges, j ship e,f Siloam, Surry County, 3. That at said election said' North Carolina, shall issue IhhuLs question of whether wihl twn-1 mi the sum of Thirty Thousand hip shall issue bonls shall be determuuvl im provided. 4. That the Registration Books shall U ojw n on the 1 2th. day of April and eh we on the 3rd day of May at apixlown. o. That coxies of this order shall be publish in The Mount j Airy News, and The Weekly IcAder, newspaper publLJied in Snrrj- County, la three or mr place in said Rockford Town- tMn ami mt lL i'anrt hrtiiOM lirknr in Ibwn, jrivintr not in1 of hold ii.fT of ail el.-i-tioti, f-r thirty daj prior to holding sai l ! tion. 6. That return of eb-etion !aM be made a.- in naid i b-etion Aet prov'ub-d by naid Act of The ijeneral Assembly. Pv ord r f the Poard oftmi- niiMtioneM of Surrv (Joiinty Thlrt April 7th, 1913. W. S. (JoHjrh, Chm Urd. Onn. .Surry W. A. York, Clerk to Hoard. Co. BOND ELECTION NOTICE. Manh Tcwnehip, for $25,000. Good Roads. North Carolina, Surry County. P.efore Oiunty inmikmT April 7th. 1913. Pursuant U nn Act of The General AsRunbly of North Car olina ratified at the jwion of 1913, entitled an Art for the im provement of the Public lloal of Marfch Township, Surry County, and to authorize the Lwianee of lxnds to pay the expenso tliereof, and in compliance with this Aet, and a petition aigncd by 1M) voters of said Township, it itt or dered bv the Board of Commis- ioners of Surrv Comity, at it-- regular meetiiip held this the 7th day of April, A. D. 1913, it being the First Monday in April of .said year: That an election be held on Momlav. the 12th day U May, A. D. 1913, by the voters of Marsh Township, Sur ry County, to determine the question whether the said town ship, of Surry County North Carolina, shall issue bonda im the sum of Tweaity-Five Thousand Dollars, with interest coupon at tached, such bonds to bear in terest from date, interest pay able semi-annually, the proceeds of such bonds to be lUe-d for the improvement of the Public Roads of Marsh Township and for the maintenance thereof. 2. That a new Itegist rat i of the voters is hereby ordered for s:iit election, and J. C. Wallace is hereby appointed Registrar f t r said election, and W. V. Burch and C. A. Sebastian julges. 3. That at sa'ul election said qttetition of whether sail Town ship shall issue bonds jdiall be determined as provided. ""l.'That ttfe RegLst fnt-Ion Books shall be open on the 12tJi day of April rd cloe en, tne 3rd day of M.iy at sundown. 5. That copies of this order shall be publishi-d in The Mount Airy News, :uid The Weekly Ijeader, newsjapers published in Surry County, in three or more public places in said MarsJi Town ship, aiid at the Court House dixir in Dob.son, giving notice of sa'ul election, for thirty days prior to the hold'u g of saul elec tion. 6. Thn-t returns of elei-tiwi h) all be made as in said election Aet provUlel by said Act of The General Assembly. By order of the Board t.-f (J6m inissiorieis of Surrv Count v. This April 7th. 1913. W. S. Gough, Chin. Brd. CVm. Sum- Co. W. A. York. Clerk to Board. BOND ELECTION NOTICE. Sikam TownEbip, for $30,000. Good Reads. North Carolina, Surry County. Before Countv Comiu:Kskners, April 7th, 1913.' Piusi ant to an Aet of The General Assembly of North ('ar wlina ratified at the session of 1913, entitled uii Act for tlie im proviTwent of the Public Roads of Siloam Township, Snrry County, and. to authorize the issuance of bonds to pay the expense, there of, and in compliance with aid Act, and a petition signed by 65 voters d said Township, It Is hereby ordered by the Board otf Commissioners c-f .Surry County, at its regular m'tijig held thui April 7th, A. 1). 1913, it being the First Monday ini April cf said year: That an election be held on Wednesday, the 14th day of May, A. I). 1913. by the Voters of Siloam Township, Sur- ! I',, 4n .1 ,t : i..i Dollars, with interest coupoiiH at tached, such bond to liear inter est fiem Lite, interest payable semi-annually, the proceeds of such bond to be u'd for the im provement of the public roads of Siloam Township ainl for the i mavntenanee thereof 2. That a new registration i tl voters Is hereby ordered for said! election, and i. L. Matthair it hereby appointed Refistra:,i for said election, aud J. J. Ictcn and J. K. Co!!:ih i i lu". That at .;! i bctif n sii'lj OlleVtion f whether Mid towTl- I Ahip nha!l i-ni na'wl hotnln h!.a!l ' b. deti-nnii- d a in .said A't!f Provided. 4. That t:" Keruitriti'.ri l'ok; dhall on the 12th day of (tour.; man about year o.d. A pri! ar.d close on the 3rd day .'e!i.-ver--l an address hi th court of May at JHindtWii. (house lat Tuesday .night ird a . That copies of this order j Iarg crrx heard it. Mr. Clem shall be published in The Mount utr inov il to Monrfe recently Airy News, and The Weekly ! from Aiw,n county .and if he I-;fler, newspaper publLsl ed in Surry County, in three or more public pla'-et in said Siloarn TowrLibi, anl at the. Court House door in Ddon, giving notiee of the holding of aid elec tion, for thirty layi jrior to the holdiisg of said election. 6. Th.ut return of election slia'l be made ai in waid election Act provided by m'A Aet of The General Assembly. By order of the Board of CW miioner f Surrv C'Oiinty. This April 7th, 1913. W. S. Gough, Chm. Brd. Cnn. Surry W. A. York, Clerk to Board. Co. Would Collect Government Rev enues From Liqucr. i Wa.shiigt n Dispatch. Nearly the entire expeiLse of miming the government may be met from th ineimie tax and the taxes on whwkey and bwr if a bill introduced by Repn-ntative Vaughn of Texas is adopted by CongrfKK. The Texas Statesman d'e.lares that at. least 1HOX0.(MK) in annual profits that now go to the brewers and distiller can rasily be turned into the United States treasury. The plan Ls to place the in ternal revenue tax on malt and spirituous liquors at exactly the same figures as the tariff duties on these articles. That Avould produce a condition whereby for eign .liquois could come into competition with the products of Atio ricau distilleries and. brewer ies in ejual basi. The jresent t ix rate en whiskey is $1.10 per gallons; the unjorted duty;is 2.G0 a protictit n i f l.'O jmt gallon to th-. disti!ler:i.s. aceonlii it to Mr. Vaughn calculations. He would put Uh internal rt'veuuc tax at Ji2 per gallon to that the pro- tee JVC (litlernitial in favor of the American wiind .out. d !st il 1 e ri e.s wo u'd : wijhi .out. tie figures that more foreign 1'Kiuors would be imjiorted anl b's distilled in th-s conntry with .the. rs-sult of reducing the lvpior making in dustry cf the Cnited State-s. Big Schccl Strik. Pittsburg, April 22nd. The .strike i f srluol children against S. L. Herter. a.s ipcrintendent of ihv e'ty's public school sys tem, sjiread rapidly tMU)- anl resultMt in one death. A little girl WTtr run down by a street c;t ai:i.! killed during one of the demoiistratu rs. Beginning ye--eiday when hun dred j of children nunained away from j':,1iik)1 .s a rftest against Hieter, who la1 Friday was ac quittid by a jury of two serioiw ehargi nrtf erred by a female domestic mplo.vnl at his Inane, the strike gpirrd great pnipor tions ((day. In all parts of the city thct;-vds of school chil dren paraded tie- .streets, tii'in up truffle at a n::m.ber of biwr poinN. Pclici res ve.s were cjii'. l Hit t niriir.t.nin ' ei r. Late m the tS'.tn ( on when tli d" mon.stnitiors f he children l! . I ei asi'd t'.ie I'Mt.'mrg Hcn-'l if IMuoatkt- 'h id a meeting a uli:li :i e'-nuuittie ot iven pram Hi-nt liion was : il.e:' to investi gate the various tvf, (d cJiarges ot .; d.ty .igainst Superint.,. denl II (r ( I all di seription. s'm;e .if thcn iiiflani;i atory, are in evidence rj,; ever the city. At a numbi r of p3int? during the day H. cter was j anged a:ud burn ed in -ffigy. Bus '.cess Must be Good. Asheville, May 5. The City of Aslkeville has' pureha.sed. a new patrol waigon, hainp bought a 40-horsepowfr machine for use in carrying prisoner to the city jail. A j30-horseHwer patrol wh.s ur-elia-sed si me time ago, but ex perience has shewn that! it Is not strong enough for the use of the department when the business. of the department is good. The old wagon has been sohl ami the new one. is expected to reach Asheville within the verv near future. Rheumatism Quickly Cured. My nlnter'j hiiglmnd had an attaek vt rheumatism in hi arm." write a wen mown reioueni 01 newura, ia. ! nave him a bottle of Chamber lain' Liniment which he applied to hi arm and on the next morn Inn fhe rheumatism was cone." For chronic muscular rheumattam jroa will find nothing better than Ghamberiaia'a Uniment. Sold If All Dealer. Hew Cltnumtr Oct in tt Lime light axA Get a Hearing at Heme. Ewjiiin-r. I Mr. (: Le II. C'.-'.niik4r, a had her fro-m his home among the hill -f Amton arrd "put .out word'" that he would speak on a certain night in the court bonne, not.ovtr half a doz- en t-j1. would have turiud oi.t to hear him. But (Vvrirntr i.a siirewd young man and they who have examined, him iwty there is nothing wrong with .his think worka. The young man knew that folks do not. full over them jelvf to hear an (Arwurv your.g man talk and. that tlie average man ,'u anxioi to see the man who is in the limelight, and he preeeb-l irrthe limelight, lie went up to Washington, went ti the Senate chamber in th eapitol and while that hall was peeked at th opening of the prewnt Congress he to d up anl procdaimed .tiiat he was the herald of the Prince cf Pea e and that he miiAt be heard. They put ban out of. the Herrite cham ber quicker than it tak to tell but the name of George (1e tu rner went from one er.4 of the country to another and. n'w when lie telLs the folks that he will deliver the message that he intended to deliver in the Senate ohamlier he gets a crowd. Thev would not hear him .in Washing ton. They heard him in Monroe. Tlie address Mr. Clemmer delivers is. along tnopal lines anl is a very good one, but there are a num ber of 20-year-old boys over the country who can deliver just as good an a Id n as perhaps a hot ter .'one than Mr. Cb miner de liverf, but they einio t gather together a crowl like he does. Clemmer. has a pretty good know ledge of hr.rnan nature. 1I is using that knowledge. HeAvant exi to get in the limleiht en.l he got in. Liquor Men to Meet. LoulsviLle, Ky., .May 4. Cp waixls rf a thousand wholesale liquor dealers from all sections of the country are expectod in Louls'vllh; on Tuesday when the National Wholesale Liquor Deal ers' Association assemble for a three-day session. Much cf the business of the conwntion will relate to trade subjects, though the members will cons'ub r the Webb bill, whieh pa-l C ngres over President Taft's vet.. a.s well us the system of regulation the dealers expect to see put ln which members of the a.s.-rtK'iittion endorse. HUSBAND NAILED RUBBER ON GATES Wife so Weak and Nervous Could Not Stand Least Noise How Cured. Munford, Ala. "I waa to weak and nervous while passing through the Change of Life that I could hardly live. My husband had to nail rubber on all the gates for I ' Juld not stand ir to have a Ct-to s!a-n. "I a!ohid bacL acho and a fullness in my stomach. I noticed that Lydia E. Pinkham'sege table Compound was advertised for such cases and I sent and C?ot a bottle. It did me so much good that I kept on taking it and found It to be all you claim. I recommend your Compound to all women afflicted as I was.-Mrs. F. T. Mi'LLENDORE, Mun ford, Alabama. An Honest Dependable Medicine) is Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. A'ltoot and Herb medicine orig inated nearly forty years ago by Lydia E. Pinkham of Lynn, Mass., for con trolling female ilia. Its wonderful success in this line has made it the safest and mo6t dependable medicine of the age for women and no woman suffering from female ills does herself justice who does not give it a trial. If you hare the slightest tlonht that "Lydia K.lMnklium's Vegeta ble Compound will help you.writc to Lydia K.lMnkhaniMe.MetneCo. (confidential) LynnMaafor ad vice. Your letter will leopened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. PARKER'S 1 HAIR BALSAM .1 rn m liwiiii few. I Mm FMtls) te rwata avr taJliskfL HOT FLASHES. A oidtii in middle e erffea compUie ol hot Ikmi. Thej are at f l.ft when tUir drl.cale otitmtm needs a triaie J blpta-lkwt4 i Ir. Pieree's Favorite Frescriptioa can thtm. May oi saffer I'om girlhood to wcoianhooii and Irom motherhood to old sic wita dizinn or headacle. A woman tAfa btcoaxt sleepiciM. nervo. down," irritable and feel tired lr'n mornin( to nifht. Aim pin we womanly syttem at (request intcrraJs, it rr nWfiW Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. WTW jrqq tmt nina mrth tut, u-ihng t mt .l mj erm.;rm. 1 kr no Mt wnrhcrf n mtwn Uwn, m mt thrl tl.i ?1 U" " !- Mr as on,, for tv-l koom I e " '"'t- VnmrT,;,,.., tfylmrf Ir. Vmr- , brrimrt- -l. I frrr h4 iy hminn I Vnk ynr vwiirmm. I wtl .rprwcrl iurw mri 1 Uix-nn.i at-aa tiwmyt hvnrry. M hmt a tyjcncn. TW nn. who u wttJi nt ami ttw riwIirtM u -). t U braiM I eat mg tn rnrwtr mtu hwr h4 m n-rll trrmbW Mnrm. r.ha intml. tn rarnmnwMvi it In a.i Krr JTann pm'jn'ji KmrMf m LSi. I hava Kait amral aatva rnmm ta rr.nd a imi It hm i rrailwiaa. I am to rarnnMaH it tn all who 'r aaJ vast baiix. U mar ant tmtarmuixm I will U gii ta g:rm tt." or.i jiy au. xrit;ooinH Wnrll'i tlmrm M.Alr.t 1 n . BUTTALO, K. T. "Clincher" Paint j We know a paint which hold lo tne wood like a driven nail. Seasoned lumber is porous. Tl.c pores are tl.e crrrtj sap cells. White lead piint, which dries on the wood in the form r( a s !iJ, elastic film, fastens into thec pores, and the ho!e coat cf paint ia actually riveted like annor-pht- tj the surface it decorates and protects. LEWIS WHITE LEAD (Dutch Hoy Trade-Mark) and PUKE LINSEED OIL make the paint that spreads into a solid buy. I: Ltcor.ts a pa.rt cf tl.s wood itself an outer layer that preserves the life of the lumber. We scl! it as well as other painting req uisites. Come in and Lave a talk with us about painting. W. E. MERE ITT COMPANY. Feed Your Cotton What It Needs And feed it properly. That's the only way to get big yields and large profits. Apply Virginia-Carolina High-Grade Fertilizers liberally before planting. Also make, during cultivation, second and third applications of V.-C. Fertilizers, and you can be sure of results if your farming methods have been proier. Our 1913 FARMERS' YEAR BOOK or almanac tolls you how to get more than a bale to the acre. It's free. Tert .ChemfccJ I. W. WEST DRUG CO. We are now open iu the building former.) occu pied by the.E. MerrittCo. I. W. West Drug Co. Laid R.l(5hT Ovor Wood Shin ties Nm Dirt. N Bother la a very aKott lima any Wuilding raa kava ita tt. trap covering lurnl into a modem r-ftf. ttorm-pmu, ligUmnf-prmf roof at a very modem coat a roof that will Uat aa lof aa lK biltiiB and avr scad repajra. Tor E2t fey W. S. lljrrttt Ce&pmj. lSt ta(e tuca oaty eedtewaif ickacbe( " broke ad acne w- mm KaaUaoraOanA s Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Box 1117 RICHMOND - VIRGINIA IB mm fa-Jii li INwiiif aaf