A Hue mirk he meant that the ub crihr to thi copy f The Nws is be hind 0.1 subscription. Flease make a pay ment as soon as convenient. fltf JUOUm AIRY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY:, MAY JO, 1013. NO. IS hi pi i:i i i NO WAR UNLESS WE PICK IT The Sitiinticn Between the Unit ed States and Japan. Charlotte Observer, j Rebuking irresponsible jingoes , who can we only the two farts, that, the .Iaj;tnte standing army is .stronger than ours and that the Japanese navy Ls stronger than any ni force we now have in the Pacific, tin- NVw York World brings forwrad some facts whi"h tell a very different tale. The j total tonnage of our naval force is 7Hd,l.'"2, us coinpaiMl withj Japan's 471,!'o2. We have eight' dreadnoughts, against Japan's ! two, .24 other battleship agaiitst! Japan V Pi ami 27 cruisers againcd 2.V In striking power the Ja-j arose navy is thus far outclassed. It Is the stronger only in torpelo, craft, whose range of action is' nhort. Hut this comparison il'S not rover half tin- story of Jap an's inferiority as an opponent. : "Japan's war debt," ioints out the World, "Is already crushing. The average laborer of Jaan, ; earning 20 cents or less a day. imtst work more than one month I every year to pay hid family 'a 1 share It the $71.0)0 ,000 it casta ; to carry Japan's drift of $1,271,-1 745,000. The average American j workman, at 10 times the wage, need work but a little over half a day to pay his share of tlie $22, (M0,000 in'terr.st on the debt of j the United State. " Our for-j eign commerce uj to May 1 was $4 ,2."4 .000,000 in a year. '.Japan'', in 1!11 was $4lh,t0.0R). Japan's! five ix-r cent bonds .sell below par i Her A'- per cent. are 10 poinU below those of New York' city. No more money could be borr(nv ed upon such terms tn case ,of war, and Jpan-'s credit would In dead. "A short and certain road to financial ruin, ultimate defeat, political revolution and anarchy." concludes the World, "lies before j Japan In a war with the United States." I Of coftirse dcsjieration or an1 intolerable sense of inujry has; often driven nations, a.s, well as i individuals, to fight without a! chance for Mire. s.s. When the : 110. rs refused t surrender their ilhl'-pen 1. l:cc they did not be lieve that they could ultimately maintain thrm'lve.s against the llritivh Kiii.p:re, but tl,i han.lt'ul of Dutch farmers Were b.-nt upon 111. -ik i 11 - tli iii jm n r "'pay a pric that would stagger human it v , " ami they did Vi. 1 t ' e tie HI. 'I !l l.s Veal; na'i of -!iai,1 slight a::d C'Vlta 'l to bri, f I' Ill's. i!- ma; mal- s 1 , e 1 1 J."I- ! 'if P ! . . 11 n : . g - - 1 i ( Til HO Il r i;" thiii'.', I.sta .s t1 e I ,, , lit in h p.i-s;Vi!.- l'. or bully the 'aoam into IVil i ;l: -, ill s le'i etn r 1 i . ciiv.ln.sta Japai.es,. (.'uv.-niM:. 1! w 01, M Una be to V.v! 1 he pulal" tli III or; and it would its. -if suffer rililk rVi 11 1 1 1 ft- sill', ly by i . big than b vagng war. W. lilll-t I'eili'-lilbi I', t.'i. ! h it ! ' Japan ,se ,'ii r a pr-.u I add s. : Sit I e p.- h . lint a II - H :- t ii ' We em ba I'k Up. II Ulii .1 .1 ,in n ; our antav iiir.st I.. ..f nur own wilful and .- r-i-'.' t p'elsii.L.' We :n'.st first ha no i.th'-r decent I'lillisi', ,s. that lle coll' i li.it h'.ld up her Ii. ad a in. ng tie 1 1 . 1 '; n imy huiu'er unlivs he I'l't.-.i unr g!oe. 'I'll' I'.' i.s llo iM.-;m i- id' sileh .1 , eontillL'. K'V, thanks t.i 1h" attitude of cur !.' 'V. m. ni.-nt at Washington as d'st iiigui.siii d J r. iu Califoriiia's. There can ne--r be any mi long as our irresp.i,- Sibh- i.r delllM got'ieal jil-i.' es do Reduces Ccst of Living. News and 01servcr. The tariff bill by which the Democracy purposes to put the tar;jff on a revenue basis i.s of neees.sity a long dorumtr:t. as it ruVi'H a wide railL'e tf Nllbjects. Tlie measure passed by tli- De irnrratir majority in the House, which i.s now to be netrd on- by tVo. k-' "tiatr mak.-s great reduc tion, aril puts on the free li.st rirccvsarieH if life and many ar tirbs which arc used on the farms and by men who Itlxir. The tariff bill before the Sen ate rrdeem.s the pledges of the Democracy for a revision dwn ward and will prove a blessing in lowering1 the high rir-t of liv ing, for the reductions f the taxes on the -necessaries of life are such as to benefit the con sumer, and to relieve them of th'w burden placed on them by the Republican protective tariff, which "protected" the triis-t.s and monopolies and social interests so that they were able to sand Kig the people. On all classes of woolen goinU the Republican pro tective tariff is rilnel from an average of S2 per cent to a lc miocratic revenue tariff averag ing 3." jH-r cent. Here are some of the go.nl things provided for the people by the DemiiMraite tariff fllong thin line of reduc tion: Woolen dress goods, from W. 70 to per cent fron pe Flaniuls for underwear, from y:lJ2l to 2." ami :15 p-r cent. Woolen blnakets, fruu 72.69 to 2-i pfr tit Cotton! wlerw ear, from 60.27 to 25 percent. Stockings, hose, and half JTcse, froan 73.38 to 50 per cent. Shirts, collars and cuffs, from 64.0:$ to 25 per cent. Ready -anade wearing apparel, from 50 to 30 per cent. Handkerchiefs hiid mufflers from .r)'..27 to 30 per cent. Cotton thread, froin 31.54 to l!t.27 per cent. Gloves, from 41.15 to 31.77 per cenit. Anvils of iron and steel, from 32.11 to 15 er cut. Holts, froan. 20.50 to 15 per cent. Chains of all kiud.s, fr 111 1G.5') to 20 per cent. I'ocket knhrs, fr.iin 77. ('.s to In p.-r rent. Sei.s.s.ii-N and shear, from 51.77 to :;n jn-r c. nt. Tabic nad but'i r kn.eK, forks, from I . t,. 27 p.-r rent. Kih.s. etc, 'fn in i-iM7 to 25 j pi r cent. Tinvvar. . fn-m 15 to (.r 1 o;isi- i.r cabin, t I' irn.t urc of u o. d, 1 1 "in ;!,") to 15 per rent. e-s.L'ar, t'nin Is. .'Ill to 25 p r .1 ; t. aid to b- fr. .- in three per VETO FOR THE GOVERNOR R';dy-made woolen gixnis, 79..6 to 35 per cent. This and Other Important Chang-, es Will Be Recommended to1 the Constitutional Amendment; Commission. 1 i The ssuaVemmittt r of the State i eons'" it tit i mil amendment commif-; sion which is ron.si.b rii ir maffep' 1 pertaining to local legislation, wiw iu session in CreeiislKiro j Thursday afternoon and evening.) Th' members Af this sulM-omrnit-1 tee are W. A. Devin of Oxford,! chairman; Dr. II. Q. Alexander of , Mecklenburg. K. L. Ilavmore of! Surry, A. I). I vie ' of illocking- ham and A. M. Scabs .and K. J. Jastire of tirreiiMboro. 'fhe re i'( -fiinierulationw cf this and oth er subcummittees will be made to a full meeting of the amendment corn mission- in Raleigh in June. The committee agreed to re commend an amendment cfencern-in-iC the power of the Legislature to puss local private bilLs, nam ing sp'cially a great many such matters, following th rule in the State corustitutif n of Virgfrna. Missouri, California, etc. This is the bill presented by -State Senator Ivie. It also agreed to recommend that the Oovenor be given the veto pnver, reiuiring such to W exercised within two days after ratification of a bill and prohib iting; the Legislature from ratify-! ing a bill within two days f final adjournment. The bill to change the present term of legislators from two years to four years was unanimously di approved. The bill to give leg islators $600 for the two years of office was disapproved. Dr. Alexander offered an amendment to increase the pres ent per diroi of $4 -per day for sixty days of service to $6 This provoked much discussion and disagreement. Mast of the memlx'tN were opiosed to any proposition of increase in pay. it was j many ticiermineti to re- port this to the full committee; without prejudice. ( The Justice bill to provide for the initiative and referendum was apparently secure of recommen dation, until Uepre.seiitatie lla. niore. tli" Republican member.' objected to "snap judirmct't . " f't deference t" bis wishes the Cflll- nii'tie at 7 o'clock took a re-.-s until :')( io fui'tiicr en: s -1 r the .-,';.,s,d amendment. It was 11 i'V!i i-k b. t'.ire the siibeom -ii 1 t ce t'i::a'! adopt. 1 by a ot- of 5 t" I, t! - ;n;' at;.- ard re! prin -i.'e. K -pr s, ;i'ati llinl'i. lliaklJ-L' a tl'eliie!:.!' aira'i st it . Ali.itller .sllbr. ill'lli'tl . a : 1 1 . - j d ! 1 1 . - n I 1 o : 1 1 ! 1 1 . s , . n r. v . ' 1 ' da i ! a .. c up of 1 . ' !. ! a : 1 t 1 Sat 'on. Ten Thmtsajid Take Fearful Plunge. Long Dearh, Cal., May- 21. A big. double-decked municipal pier iu front of the city auditorium, loaibd with nearly ten thousand people avse-iubbd for the festiv ities i f Dritish Kmpire D.iy, col lapstsi to.Liy. IIun !rids cm t' of the deck were plunged down on the hvads of other hundreds on the second deck. The lower deck then col lajised and all dropped d.-wn a chute of shattered wmdwork to the t id.' washed saiuls, twenty-fiveA-et below. fy', mostly women, were kille?vV- shivered timbers or the riush oryhe falling Ixnlies of ctn panions and friends. Fifty were seriously injured, and' scores were, disabled through fright aad hys teria in the section of the audi torium which went down in the crush aiwl debris. All the victims are subjects or former subjects of (Jreat Britian and residents of Southern Cali fornia. Many of the dead are still unidentified tonight. The aceidont was before noon, when the Knvpire Day parable had oiwled. The celebration wa.s in honor of the birthday of queen Victoria. When the supports gave way, the crack and groan of breaking timbers were mingled with the shriek and cries of the victims in a mass of broken wo4 ami writhing human forms (n the sand. The police could not get through the crowd. An appeal was made to L0.1 Angeles for more police and these came in automobiles. The title was out or manv would have been drowned. GOV. B LEASE ROASTS SEC RETARY DANIELS. To The Man Who Looks Doesn't See. But V 1 . . 1 r... .t. Resents Idea cf Blind Tigers in .Ml v:. u,c D (liT it W 1 .1 t Mill t rtr.'Pi Fui fki -r South Carolina, Defies Yankee ;H(. ,.iU1 ,,t.al lIv w.tK : : Daniels 1 tnu! ! s aiul correct minor faults. jHLs.skiill is siiff ici.-Dt !y eoiii jiiitent tor the proiH.Miis o! a-riu'iiiatLs-m Ui.d iiis.pii, but lie can't pre senile Keet.lc!eS that w i i I help i, ; . t. 11.. ; ... 1 . : . .,,, e .1 -ii . i.ii.-t iniiiiii- one jo 1. n ins 1 r- tary ot the navv, that he will not ,, . . . . . .flier back than voiir e.-.s. It it Jroeeel with the .p. pose I :m- 1 .1 ' ; ,,r..v ... I.... i tidi-T than irw or retina your V.,-.. Vj-I l 1 1 ' e hr:i:!l - Wrong its 1111 brs-leil. .Nay 1 an! until the sale if 1 . .'.-. .. , . iiaof.y irom in-gnsM Money and Call3 "Small Man." Spartanburg, S. ('.. May 2'.. Deeply offended by the tioti id' Joseph us Daniels eciara- Seere- Mi'' I .... I . I . . I it. r 1 . , , , , . I Ii I'M'I. ii-i I. in. t.ir.. I- 11. ...... V, . 1 io'i i.'ii'i 1.1 in.- ill' 11 1 . ; v ; 1 , 1 1 lb i'iii;is r.s. M-1-.r, I L in-Ill IHW-. at the barracks Ls stopped. iov. Cole L. 1'iIeJLSi' hart issued a state meibt in whivh he telLs what he thinks if Mr. Daniels and says he "can stick his Yankee money in his cant." After his re-cent visit to Port Royal Mr. Darnels said lie was ' hopeful ef making the plaee what! it hiul been in its iM'st davs, when .im.stant educatii-n and j'rLstent training. A milium bl'uid. uu utilLed 'el!.s ar" waiting orders, ready for aiction, eagep fur work. You haven't grasjvd a single p-r cent, of your mental powers. You g.Ue but di not see. Your heal is a camera fitted with letiscis more wontlerfid than were ever ' .. 1 j? . 1 1 . j. .1,. . 11 gruuna oux 01 crsuii, out. m Ni. workstu-ps were running in full . ,, it , . , 1,1,, .i, , .c : 1 ... 1 .... i - 1 i'1 me lime ine snuuer is uow .'L.u.-it, r mil mi- ini.iijii iiiiiiii ttllH'Il'.i . . .. . ..... 1 . 1 . -ii i uie tight cant penetrate The "."'". i l..t i....... ;.. 1. . i..,1.i... I..,,,.. C("; . . I l 4- '1' l'.4H.- 111.- H .1 S III UltT IIWIlir-l , many ottieers arul their tanulie". ! , , lS , ., 1 .i, , ,. , , . ; out d"" alter dav vou "va-ste arul when evervtn;.ng seemed to , . , . " 1 , i- ; uughtv chances to print en.lunng f,.::. --truths juiuir. Tale cf a Stamp. s I'm -f4mp -jpoU fTf -wtirap A tAvo-ecnt'er ! I make the government A profit Of .tti2.(XM).(H.H) a year. Some velvet, eh! Don't want to brag. rut I was never Licked Kxcejt once; I'y a gentleman, too; He put me on an envelop lYrfnmed. pink, s.piare; I've been .stuck' on it Kwr .sine.' ; He dropped I. - "You will see Port Royal blos som like the ro.se," said Mr. Daniels, but added that the state liquor hnvs must be en forces I be fore he would do anything. Mr. PJease takes Mr. Daniels reference to the non-enforcement of the liquor laws as a personal insult, but says lie believes the secretary was inspired by W. E. Conales, editor if the Columbia State, a political oppi-nent of (rovcrnor Dlease. The governor adifcj that the I'nited States gov ernment has the power to stop the illegal sale of liquor if it desires. "In my opinion," says Mr. Mease, "it simply shows that I have heard & good many people sat" Somodf them North Caror' linians that Joseph us Daniels is a very small man and is not of the mental calibre to fill the p sition to which he has been ap pointed. If he had gone on a little further and looked into the matter, he would have seen that the I'nited States government has control id' its own affairs and own territory down there, and the state officials would be very ivhic tant to g, i.p.m the territory 1. .,!.,. .K . ' i-,.M. .1 !,,- tl... I.'.., I. naval pur er. ?it urn e lh- li f the liet Ml Throitirh ;i . ltllt Wr Were A mail !, rk ma.Mi wi It left my t'lee Then 1 w.-i.t on .b.'.ir.' eV . a in a ' s.lll . ni" lark box ; 1. an awful r ; a'isoi:iTci ri eral government for Vs. s. II. w wr. D; HI! am .si; is si. til d lat ami blue a l"iig s mat. 1 1 . t 1 nisi !;. n.J 1 mhiAiIi s. w 110 w . h'ai on the Meaufort tf'p. t to make it app.-ar that I wa , ib ing !n .1 n t v in the jiii-asc w it ' I t ry 1 'i. t r on Muir memorv. j Whenever you walk ()pprtun J itv start h vim full u the face and you deliberately snub her. our vision is primitive. The mi crosx pe gives ou a slight hint nf how many ways you lack jer ception. Kvery morning the workl rtvords some tllseovery which you overbwketl. Whatever has been .searched t ut by any other human In-ing could have been found by you. And the few things we do know aren't worth calculating when compar ed with the unestianated ami un attatintsl dUclosure-s destined for revitlation iu the years ahead. Tin very air is crowded with giants, S(me day to be dragged frtun their concealment and Sv't. tn rprk wondem for neiewe and commerce. Kvery city daily 'de stroy .s in its garbage plants for tuiits of oil arid pigments ami drugs and fertilizers and chem icals. Aluminum, was in clay banks the wealth of Midas wa.s burin! in coal tar, though all the ages that your fo.dish for-d'athers were breaking their necks and hearts searching for Kldoradas. Th" biggest g- Id mine in historv ie!tl.s lcxs than the p t . nt l.ilitirs of oiir own backyard. 'hanci -s ntu aday --m.m a!i c you can't 1 ou.nt th.-m you t ai.'t .i."ve a I -. : !:. ! f,-. t w ith 1 11' tramp'ng 1 n or pass.ng throiiel. in., but th.y m'ght as wi !l be on Mai s s , )' ir as you a e,' coi;ci -ri id on 't e all but 1 ;,-,.) mi itt Sea Is. i;,d '- III . Whi: I ' r - ' I' r t 1 1 irom i'1 l ad, from I l.-ft to Japan 1 r bourn-able 1- c i,t. It. 1 .,. , ! "It t. W to M to it;.2n to to l i'i a 1 Muwr's Twenty-five Years cf PikiS""'!? is Rewarded. Join. t:l , Mr, . M-,y 21 Jack 'S;i.a, a gr;i"d old pros;iectir hn I'...- tw . n! f. t i-us has biiri-ow id into the old ' ; 1 1 1 y t n Moiihiaiit in his search for ght- W'l Tl. V, .T. of 1 v, n; I !i We pi.k W 1 ' IT a . re pr. I'' a perfect 1' p M !i t 1 loe nd c r. if pn p.. . u.l Mr D i-i.-! .she a .! unit !. e a". s i ry (.. 1 n s-r.,' O ill w affairs .... ...I. in- I'lo 1 With a hair pin ; 'I'h' ii she i'' ad ins'. a ir.rl t r .s.iw ILsh 111 10 ti 1 ': ' w.-alth his at ll'i rope not revad too far. Barnum's Fat Wcnian D;cs. ''hicag... M.,y 21. Mr. Mary Piters. , ':- Mil pmnds. w ho f r 20 yi .us was . hibitid i.s a fr. ak, dit .1 at the county hos pital follow i;.g a'l operation I" 'I' tie r.-n.o ;.l . ;' a g-ow th wb'.-b i;-. ',i w cigiii d l.'o poiiods. N- bed ia tin- i i' ijt nil .is sti'i ; g enough to hold ln-r and the (..itiei.t wa.-i laid crosswis-' mi t.i beds wb.ch W , re r-ild'ore. d by chairs. . A sp- ial e.ff'n laUst bf made for the b.Hy. 1 lie late P. T. U innmi gave M-.s. Peters her firit 1 agage mt nt and for several years xhe wa an attraction in his ivide j thow. j , . r w iir ai.. pi r edit, a nd .st rai d, from 'i.'i p' r ci lit to ;'.) per relit. ''-"i: ;ii. .11 w indow' g'as. fn m In os ,, i's jii p, r cent. Wit h t hi se I'c. 1 Ul't ioli.-s IU 111.', 'ii s bill goe.s on and puts t' ta!i, '11 t !.e free i-,t many art ie'es that th" fariutr and laboring man must use. these being: Agricultural implements: pb.ws tooth ainl ili.se harrows, headers. h. irv esti is, rea'i-.s, agri. 'iilt ura! drills and planters, mowers, lior.se- i. ihi r.s, cultivators, thnshing nia eh",ts. and eotttii gins, wagons nad. carts, and all other agricul tural implements of any kind and ih'sepption, wh. th. r specifically mentioned in this act or not, whetl.ir in wliole or in parts, in eluding pair parts. T!. ;.! redueti. ns whi. h will glc elite!" a.nd t-ollifi'it to- the peojile, and besides this it. is the purpose of the Democracy to coo.t.iue in its work on the tar iff .so as to give further relief to the people, by reductions which will be justified by the revenues ni-c.-s.sary for the ennduct of the government. Democracy fctandii for a tariff for revenue only, and that is itJ arm. it ra h, a is. 1 a ft.-r a qua r' . r of a c.-ntniw of !. inlship. s iffi-rli g. sta v a! i, 11 and toil, he 1- mi the high read to fotrune. for he stri.k: the elusive ledge he 1 ad sought for nearly half a I f.-t'oii.-, and before the sun went down be hind th- western hills he had tak en out fJ.tNMi in gold, and for Olice faced the Wol'hl an inde pendent man. O'Shea. a confirmed pr. specter, .struck, this section of iiunt ( oui.t n ipiiiitcr of a century ago and, finding indications that gold existed in the old Canvoii Mountain, he made his camp and began to prospect f ir the Wealth he felt certain was there. lie toiled ill good Weather and k'td, often with scarce food enough to keep smd and Icdy together, he endured the bitter cold of the winter storms and the sweltering heat un.br sum mer .sums, dreaming in the coo!1 of tin- night of fabulous rielu s, : only to be met by discourage-; no nt during his waking hours., until time and the arduous work sill. red his hair, fadisl his ees and weakened his limbs, but, with the tenacity of purpose seldom found even iu the proqns't.r of gold, he Mink t his tsca-vh and nvw liis dream has come true. i". an. I I .si 1 tic! v le.'irt st throb ; No bea 11! i fun ! S l , she I. is-. , in 'h. M.11 !."!. go We ' 'I'h- pmk envelop. A IV l:o) li I ' I III h, r b s- '.-1 ; We call I ear her When it goes fas' vsle takes 1;;, out And kisses me. h. sity. This i.s great ! I'm glad I'm a stamt - A two -cent Yr. Hvi'ii if The One-Cent letter Postage Association Is after my scalp. (With apoh'giis to NeWt'oll New kjrk.') t1 a biisim -s ai d ci ss . f h ;s ,1 -! ! hav e . in -!lg!i ii.g to run th. ( 'a r 1 ina. ' A.s for his h ip :ig : tlow 11 th. i'e. so far ;.s I (.nil .1, I w ant h;ui to . 1 ii It rsf and that I am n for a" of his Mi'ik.-e !ie,r have par Would ii. t lo o'her ll.aU to !J d it ion of iiis g i v : 1 g it nin.-t beg for it, he can in th.- Cnit.-d Slat's a."d I believe this is t! Hu nt of the 111 pie . f tli S ' I ' K ! 1 W Is will f nd to his own n:il;.' a sue 1 . be V I tl. ! 1 1 ii'i.r inli 1 " ni'!' 'I . : 1 t . : 1 i 1 o k . pow 1 r of ,1 the flarint'. net an. I mi: of I ot w 1 ; , t r -S .iit'" he port am cn I -'ineth t a r. 1, t..r n r it in it his ; ! r g 111 'lie v , if. and o- any If the .,,'. t is that I I.r. p O t p as ui -v . e -e.ti-s state II the 1 !'e;s;ir or ears, a.s mav ). -! r ;- i subject- spec! on a y p o..s I iM-'ollle .1 pill I 1. cal Weil rtt the waste t u ic ; ;: !,tl won ii r th. . a:, hi nt t'l.' .III".'- loUl.t this kits- n. 1 ti.fil" v i- ',!. i.t sii,..!!.' a''o ; o b... w ill , tr - -i r 1 t th e oi't r. ad. 1 , a 1 n t ' s- e lo. k wi', all d ..in it- d i !n g; n.it ion. 1 aiiv i n ugh ; 1 1 is I it mu.st fa.-t. litnik in your fac to Wl.-lt Uses . k.v.k well I about mi and ate I.t v. ic ciiougn !..e , way 1 . to Weil ,,,M... V alila .i-l .0 ' 1 W . I" I" ill. s'le suit liun. ' Now, if v 011 w ill h- k at e de of law s of 'Hi! h ( 'aro vou will see that Ciiigres., iioWci" to i.ass laws an. I t 1,,,I ;W I ,1 ii I. s too, ,''.,. V o'gS : '' ui - a mo si Tl.'-le 's 1 Vel'V t il 'I t 1 ill .i..!i.d--!"' .1 ' l.lll'l!l! ..I a s.iwd s liii-d.'f.U.e t: es'.-, iii . i-ctler way loV il lie llicrea.se into the ! 1 v me ble gases. .eol, sinned t h rough g ef fuel. is! ii gar in .scrap Id t-lloes. of doing Kind it! .1. il, Choice cf Two Gccd Jobs. Kuleigh. Mav l'th. --Abxaik-br Stroiiach. who chii f of I'olici served as .'..;..i. 11. ,.1 .1 ia. ; lia.s 1 11a l e sa.'h rules and r. gu!at;..i .s as it may sec fit in the t.-mt .ry o. r which it lias control, ami Mr. I Daniels will see that if (he lawV and the enforcement 'f the laws! of South ( 'ar.'lii'a th ii"t suit him his ' grape juice ad'iun ration' j can make more liws and enforce j th.-m, as it is its duty o d ." To morn w is a fa i r v g ri.-h with re w art Is f.r all tridy II-" tlitir eves. II K tufman. 11 ! her. W ho bcrt u Fatal Accident at Ft. Moultrie. May 'J.'.rd a . I . I.-I li. .as 4 1 t K 1 was il. t. at. tl tor tl. s i.;.;ee mi tin r.s'fi.t eoni.m.ssii.ij t;o ( rnnu i t ('liar'.e.s'i.n, S. ( tinman, s. ..is receivl 4. siigges-. nine nun were k i . 1 . n-i nuic t'n. n from Secretary of the Navy or more seriously injund last Daniels that lie can have his j night when the lit, th bhi-k blew choice of a commissi. ,n its (lov r- . off a three-Inch gun at port n..r of iuaui, Cnit l Statm Paci fic Island Naval Station, at a .vilaiy of .fti..i() ur that of legal adviser to the Chief .Justice of .Samoan l.'and-i at i,o,(KHj. Jlr StiMirtt'h has these a,4oii.tjiHntn under consideration. at I 'i 'am t. Ik .11 1 ia't r. by Janie ov er- lllile M.t.v :i th- poult rie. across the la from Charleston. Privatii P.axt.r. Da!-! rarrii d it to WYmsVr ton and (T.iristian, f the co.i.st artillery, were kilL-d. they b iitg cut in two and dy in Uistantly. The nun Wt-re at night practice when the tragetly occurred. ; Mocniihiue Still Capturtd Girls. . !.id;sou ( '.unity .lourual. I ) i'ot h v M.. re and 'ward, two lit'V girls, d;v d a d-s'i'h -ry i th- :r h on s 1 h y w : r on' Is ic ar o 1 i..st r w 1 . 11 a II i'i a, 1 old 1.. inii g sh.itt. The girls went in, in t-;irrh of their dog 'Hid found eompb'e distil- b ry, covered with h ave.-, and ! . rik-li . Thcv fis)i. d it out and win-re they turned it over to the authorities. Path of tho littie girls rc'eived a reward of $10 for their di co very.

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