A Mae m&rk here Btc&iui that th tub' crii-er to thi copy f The News n be hind on uhcripun. Please make a pay meat A.S Soon 04 convenient. 1 M0UN1 AIRY, NORTE CAROLINA, THURSDAY: JUNE 1013. NO. '9 Zi' 11 .1 I U! II I? I I f Gathering Gold From The Ocean's Floor MM Mf S) a Manzan-illo, Mexico, with .tT.MM), MH) ini (fiiM -ii hoard, nil in one Hundreds ( f million of dollars Worth ii" tfoM, silver, copper anl lrciiii.H stones an- l.vinK 0,1 bottom of tin- sea, rt'ail v to the liaml of t h first pt rsmi who will devLc meatus of rcvoveriiiif them. Inventors in every part of th' world are building siiUinrihe lioal.-., 1 i u i tr armor, dn'dyM'tf ap- for tlie urjnse of finding and, l)inj;uivr to the surface the. shir,. .if Cliristoper Columbus in to n near-bv harlmr for safety l''roin tin rv on, for two centuries. 'uk express .safe, waiting for tin the eoid of the Spanish con-! diver's irrapplitiK looks. The piest ( I America i.s filled with j Canadian Pacific .s.f'ii.niship " Is re ports of .sunken treasure shis j la rider" lies in 1h ft. if water bearing the riches f l'eru ami j off .Iiiii'vau, Alaska, with a la rye M xieo hiwk to Spain. , :i uo of luillion. The old wmid- A eln it of yold eontaininy over en lake freiifhter " I'ew a.liie" has was ae-id' i..tall v drop-been Is ing sixtv ear.s in a little jied oviilmard in a little harbor , s i r Jno ft. if wa'er in bike . .,.... ll A V'' 71 .l I. -..I .....V a " on ine wes; coast ii . icaragua, j .; i iiron, wirn ..mhi.immi m liynls. ; March. 1. It i.s still there, i ingots in her hold: the "San in-1 When the Xpaiu'wdi Armada wils Ptdro," in ('imiana I'av. Ven KilTlL-f.tl tpt'JUIIni The two main problems to he 1 '''" '"J ? 'w solved are these of protection h.'1'1 !;'?. it. dtuiH-lt-r. wmvt water orcssure and of tn- Ih wI,u ri aI U n" m' lt 1,u' " , c . .. ...'. .. i-nrlf K' 'l" s' "'.i"ir I iWiuumt li t-, 1 "i conins'tii n with type of inch ,, d eleetri which rn. iv lither he lowered de'itlehtly or attaeliid to the , ,.. 'Kl , off the !ntioh coa-it. in arnmr. Tests of th!.s a.p iraf u.s ! 1 .Vs, tr.sisiires of tfold and silver m far have Vcn siiee.-sf ul. An 1 ,,sf ,ulAu d at from $7".IMM).(HM) to a.aratus r'mcted on the j !IN),KM).IMN) went, to the hoMi ni same prinerple Iry another inveii- ,vith the ships. The wrvck.s of tor, has 1een grated successful- rimriv of these .Spanish talleonw y in 2i) ft. of water. t .t.- filial I'liii ft An inyenioihs ih-vice inteiuled t-o the trs'asurc ha.s heen rs-oerel. carry two men to a depth ot j At .several points on th SAID THE OFFICERS DRANK HIS LIQUOR. Buckingham County Negro, Charged With Blockading, Qivcj Uncxpccttd Testimony. vidinvr liirht in which to The latter problem is more easily olved than the former. Modern tkvclopnieiits iit electric liylitiny nake it practically certain that i,nwrful si-archli-'hts can he le- water pressure. It w ciiipssl with an th-ctrie mi tor who'll operates a screw projo!.ler and a drill. Attached, to the device, out.side ;f the sphere, arc ci'ht mA which will Vive sufficient P'rfu! electromagnets nirppliei Illumination, for salvage upera tiorus at depths as yreat as 4M' ft. Divers who have heeu down 150 ft. agree that even when the im w shininy hriifhtlv, the ocean lepthx are in seimidarkness, which increases an one tlesceiKls. Ttip other and more serious lrJilHn is that of pressure. The ordinary diver's equipment de )eiuls upin a cou-stant supply of siir pninpetl in fn-ni alK)c, and a rulioer suit with a metal helmet, air-tipht, or nearly so. to kei'p the water from rushing in the minute the pressure of air irmptl through the hose h vi'incs less than the water pres sure fivin outside. Theoretically, of course, the air pressure could ! Tnaintaintsi at a would equalize the water Vi Kiirc, hut wliat woukl become of the diver? ilen working in compressed-air caissons under a pre sivn' of 4." lb. t the. square inch sire risking their lives and 4 Jb. TueaiKS a depth of only 1(4 ft. of water. At 2'KI ft. the water jus-MU'c is a little over d-. lb! to the square inch; at ''" ft. it is over 10,s lbs. ; at :'.( ft. it is 1:'.0 lb.- -find many of the sunken reaMire ship lie at even greater ilepth.s. z few divers have descend- wujl current tnrougn a caiMc from the surface. It Ls the in v n tor's idea tha,t this apparatus can be lowered alongs'ule the hull of a steel or iron ship and, while still suspended from abuse, be manipulated into any position de sinul by means of it.s own pr jxdler ami rudder. When the crisis i.f the magnets are in con tact with the metal side of the .ship, the current is to be switch ed into the magm't coils, thus holding the -whole mechanism firmly against the ide of the wreck. The drill, operated fn in within the sphere, U then to ! brought into iay, to make a hole in th'e steel plating of the .ship, to whieh poiitoon.s, corusihting of ooint that ''' K'ht steel cylinders, are to 1m k: I.. .. I i ir:ii re: : in tiv ii is i. nn a sniiiici cnt luindwr f these pontosms at tachesl to a wreck, arul the water ami air t-xlui uted- fr their cylinders, it is cxpe"tcd that a ship of almost any size can be fLoatisl and towed to shallow water or a dr, vleck. Ainth r type of t reisure-rel; Ulg device, reeelllh patelltd. con WcUh ,;nd S"ofti.sh coiustis, every heavy storm washes ashore Spanish goJd coins and jewels. One of these galleons lies off Tobermory, and divers who have gene down, clone to it report that, they an see broken trsasure chiists with gold nring out. Treacherous cross currents, however, have kilhd ev ery diver who has attempted ac tually to reach the wreck', by twisting h'w air hoss an a-s-i-il'Ot which the new t. "jm-h of div ing apparatus would be free from Ire the harbor of Vigo, Spain, lie the wrecks of 40 ships, Home of which had just arrived from Mexico and South Amerisia laden with gold and silver bars, early in 17l2, when they were caught in the harbor by a fleet of Brit ish warships. uimI sunk in 40 ft. of water. Krcm the few that were captuivd, the British com mander took $.",( XXVHX) in gold anl it is estimated that then i.s still at. least 40,(XK).(K0 at the bottom of the bay. An Italian nobleman han ir;vle several at tempts with a diving apparatus cons:sitng f f an observation chajn ber at the lower end of a circular steel tower to recover some of lhe.se trcasuns. (ircirnshoro, .June !. The first day if the .lune term of the dis trict court of the I'nife.l States adjourned vesferdav attcmooji at- eorilier i t ,.r liziilmr lei..,l t vi i . 1 1 U :i, w itr eiLses without a .single coiiVietion. Thr inorniiitr wa.s sient in the or- euela, is r-port-d to haw had i g;n, Nation of the curt, for the 2.hH).(KMl hi gold and silver on j t.rill , t. (.i;lrifl. )(f .niu,. ooanl. While the ste.irncr LeX! f $2,000 THE LIMIT. ington" carr'ml :Mmi.(mm in coin t. the bottom of Long Island Sound. And tln- are only a few of tin known wrecks worth going after. I'robf.biy no diver will i-ver reach the wreck of th "Titanic," whih lii". two miles deep in mid AMa itic, where the water ires sure reaches the treinerndoiks force of 4..i71 lb. to the .square inch, but it is ea.sily possible that si-me of thi inventors now working on the main probleiiw invrdved will reap incalculable riches from wnclOs vet to Is diseiowrisl at (b ptl.s of a thousand feet or more il'opular Mechanics. to Gccd Read From Elkin States ville. Elkin Tribune. A.s a result of good roads iiM-ct-ing at Statcsville a sluort time ago, ami the enthu.sia.Nm and in terest expressed at thsj meeting, a force of workmen are now grad ing on the road from the cor poration line of Joiiesville, to ward Statcsville. We are proud of the fact that the time lui.s come when our people know that to have prosperity in the land they must have good roctds. A numbt-r of our citizcrLs attembsl the good roals meeting at Statetville, ami it was with -ope ration that this work has been .start ex.1. Selfish - In 17!TTt the " liTiti.sJi warsliip evertne is aware cf this fact "Ia Lutine" sailesl trim Yar-But the spirit of true progres mouth for (Vxhavcn, carrying , siveiiess will build them, and this treasure insured for nearly i.-! i.s what the ni;:ses of the n-onle are realizing toslav, ami gisd a lei e.!:nd'r. or tube running vertically through the hull of a st.-a nicf .so that it can be slid or tchv-ci j. , down to tie bottom of t!o ocean The inven- d . , .h ep as llMI ft. Mle Venturous young man went d I'm; it, in i'ugct S, mil I. but i s -cud at: O il-iii d b js 1 1 1 e a i.i I he Tun Ki.gloi sa-1 ii i i iu; could i. 1 1 1 v a fi-u - Tl:- pi '." 1 ill-' d p t hen l' I'C. Is his the t lb. u a.s haul ii i:.-'a! i I. -c. I i ii. i. a at c.,!l-s. Ii of i n g 1 i'i i s.- -I ! :a i lie : sat--r d Up ild- iSll 'ii a was 'I'l-v ad., a if t': t r ot ti work a' cons;,!- ra be d"ii'- with it , !''! o lii g from th- si i :! !ul"- t.. !h" p.,',1,! la i : 'I';a ! t " be s.il a gel ( (if i ' in. J .', .-i s !' f I . i !' iii s s a i t - p" ' -f 1" '.I t !''- dt'v r-.n-t b,-!i, , le d 't! that can - i a' r-s ih p tlii'iiigii iv th-- l.'.s. MMMI.INMI, to lie taken to (ieniiany , for a gii up i f liiiglish bankers. I Only two of h'-r crew were sav ed when she sank at the month nf the Xind'-r Zee. Tie- King of 11 'Ha; d. in 1-nil e in-. iit 'a-n whi'-h OH f,-n t!i.- wrs-ck. In 1 21 he I'd le i d. h -s claim in fa i r f t he K ,i g i.f Mngland. ho im - .rues K. Boyd to the gra.nl in rv. I'll i.s work! and the a, Im Irriist ra tion of the oath of loyalty to Leonida.s llerbin, an accepted ap plicant for liinmbership in the federal bar, was all that, was ae compil.shisl before the dinner re cess, z In the afternoon the docket wms called and the case of the g vi rnment against. John Wall, a IJockirigh.nm county negro, was the tirst that went to trial. Dis trict Attorney A. K. Holton wa.s n his seat as prosecutor and As sist. iut Attorney Coble was also present. Wall, when put on, the stand in his owji defense bv hi.s attorney, C. C. MeMirhael. of Wtrntworth, furnishisl the crowd ed court room with a hearty laugh by one statement in h'w testimony. 1 1.' was asked to describe hih connection with a still found in full operation on his place in such a manner a.s to be eotisis-t-'iil with his lea of imnceuce of the charge of making moon sh.i'e. lie proceeded to do it by sayij.g that he found the still ami without knowing who was runni'.g it or taking the trouble 'o find out he tacked a notice i:p a the place, warning the op erators to move. Asked if he lnd;wm unanimous any whisky in hi.s home nearby he declared that he did have between a pint and a quart, wlueu w.n drunk bv Mr. Ar- thev enne organ ;ze, n-i-o ,-fed . an mads are b,-:jig luiilf all ovr tin I'niti-d iStates a.s a result. Pros. p'-rity wit.ii oiit-ot town or out ! iunoeeiu-i city folks is impossible without the aid and e.euS'r.tt ioll of those li ii g in th c ities or b was. I'.iit this fact is not altogether to i i I i'-!y turned hi., ;.!' saiili-n trcsiire o(-r to d'-t S I ' . !-s Ci lll 111 It t e of .1 in An be. T fon -1 ruct i r g a nth r.u'id to T it'ie at'-r pre il i! S e n ! s.jiec aiiv sort tub.- would he 1 i : a di pi ii t-d, and it in a -! i, -.; a i' I . o! II' 111 - III siil 1 1 : 1 He ll llnl-1 ply ' I' o of l'!eibie erilsi.i d I'i it 1 f I'm ii. iv, .ir- '-: .air " i ' g e-h- ln. , i ; -a ii U I'i e thai f.ll l-each. s tl f.in do nothing i gra-ppling in J-'"t- Tiie portable irig;iially work.-d o )'.-N-iir apparat u. ha a la l i i i to i i i ing u can a l'li r i . 1 1 A' I i i in a ' 1 ;i eopp.-r .s Ii, the , 1'oss: a . r tl I'M n, a I , , -lulls t. . b. ,- . , .s'-iul o -p. rat- d is S.,id a sals im- :s.ng il . n t ma--ibmariii'' at l,o, h ha.' , To ft. W'-lgh.s .storage bat b ,1 gj l., I ll t s . irl. a s i 1 s t'.ic, , the i 'i ill't in tie- IfuH t ii , t tort to till ! I g I s In; in.ik. : i g 1 1 - .!a i ! ' s : " then i'r. in fi.ne ! fea-iir. . Th- m. i n d. di pi h of at c W h:eh ' V-rs --an 1 ha, at 1 . eJi-a i'. 1 a w a s , u; again b d S i I s I'fi'M i I'i i f g-'ld t'l.nii to -s'l a! ... . t rcii.siire had I.. . n b us ..f g-.'el and the stamps i.f ni: IlllVe to I'. - to fie the 1111 Lloyd's. ell linldi s . r t h is I"- regr !air to til".- - . i ; i" e 'i-rs day eScrv iniiiuT to i . I I. .1 ! 'I i S a ilia .1.1 Hants is Ti SS I . I, ol;U t torms Ii d t-l ill IKUl l.a I. ... s.". II M ll 11 I i I'o 1 1 g i ah ! ell ! art lal w.i-h : i le... has. IV I , h -aai I SS c e , , i, . ' I , id vsh.ii -url'aec. s abiin -rgi-d ut li s-ap fr m . . i ii r ( - -I.s lie 1,1 1 i e I i il'lllilll ill Sell! o' el' J he pll' m-.t . i.r. The enlist met ii 11 of a IcM. ..', a . 1 ..i ! al us witli walls braced against 1 I. liii'lnh us pressure t roiii ,ith iit. is cSeii h.s, d.t't'ii-iilt f:'oin an agi.iei ring point i.;' iew. . 1 . I - I'll gl.l-js lli.'Llvir- call llil'llisil ''bull's i rf.'' .sufficiently s-r..ng In resist a pl'i-ssllrc of several tolJS lo Jin- s.pMiv inch, eii.il. hug 'he dis i r to w hat h.- is doing Most ill . rest ilg of thi.s- is Ihe sii.t i f armor, eons' rue! i ! ..!' file ot ! '. e ii. -w a' inn ill inn a'he ,. Iiracn int. niidis and i.issid-d irt icii'.it ii g joints at tie- i I', i il-o , hip, lane i, ; e I 1 1, Me. I I. e-e )..;;,!, I.ellig SVii! "I - light at SI I. high p."es,il!e lle f g'"S I -. 1 he t lals of the. b.-.ks I; ' pJ.HI i al.ililic ti .1,1,,.- p',1 1 1 '. S ill, ' -. w . ; thlM'A bo tin; beat. ' I i and w hi. 1 -t r '. i .stand t he pl'i -I l.l'CO ft., U i Ay 1 1 ' To ton,, a i gi i.p. M'g hooks . I i'i i g, i g j a s .s 'rated from s it I. in, a . h pow-wful searehligl ; g '--auis of l.ght 1 ! of the M';i. With 'in il k enters hope in, '.er lilleh if lie- .s ;ie which ha.s a.! rcnls ! but to discover tl t SV n -e,-,bi at- Villi J, Mioll I 1 ion kin "!l!p- S hich f the bail . ,,f . COllst riiet ole , :,. ugii : t a 1 i'i i i g p 111 flea! cl.tin- Illii.S ,i ii " S e i is )'.,: . the this on! y itikeii been of otliel" slllikelt ie !'. nt (His t II Im! in I v N- S : a; rt-d that a -p i to tie SV li i . sir I M f s ss . : : I.s i-.g.-tln r t ii.it th. i neved wit h ci'ow bar s ears ago a number (,f bilsilii-sS lllell ol'galli.' i I ' e iia I -S.i h a ge A -c ,a ' , ''.ii:.pi -1 a ship, t lo ss ib po. el i'i, 1 .slletit-li dl'i I'ecov , r " l.a I ill! ine 's "' t TlLe mud and s;u,d dl'i dgi pa. ed through screi s SSoli!. eateh eeii a Sina! or ! up. in h- aim g i;i'f. la i.t dis Is U !'! is pas g.d - caliii. t Two K.-gli-h the Xa u ainl I.s -Ig -s :., i'ea , a re . tl.elr .! : a h. t ci.ois i made i sin a i'"il"l!ti "!,e ar to in i r ss-add ; to lie t i 1 i bad 'im., r it ssoii.it pi'I.s i: g us e,.s to w of ' e . " ,,-a I s I I I l.l " mi with . hard ..-a te . 1 I Ml S e t i til K e ijl ill. I rive' il g -!-. W ith g.H d IS.- th revenue nun, when after him. Judire Bovd iiustructed the ver dict of not guilty, which was pro-; ay anywhere ne;ir iiotniced alter the old. gray-haired defendant had put up sjnh strong es!iiiH,ii ;ls to his own I In re ss iis not sutfi- li lit (let iliitelics abollt the ('i.l- 'i, ciioii between the in-gro and the .still to pirns ide food for jury ..I'h eti' n. The oth. r c.is ti ';, , v a.s that i l hioekad ;n g brought against 1 '" m Ti pp. of Al:.n:uic" - u 1 1 1 s . For House Rent For Cabinet Members in Washington. Washingti ri. May !!;.- The pub lu' aiinouiu'ement by Vice Presi dent Marshall and several cab inet members that they didn't, intend to pay more than "',HH' ;l year rental for their homes to day brought, down a loud wail of criticism from Washiiigt.onia.ns, who declared that it would be impossible for the I)elliieratic standard bearers to .lo the right sort of entertaining in a rented hou.se of the if-J.iX'i) kind. "Aluuit. .jd.Nio a ear Ls my maximum for rental," .said Vice President Marshall. "I'm not criticising anybody, but while I'm in Washington I intend to live on my salary. I want a honu suitable to my wife and myself, and I'll find one within any means." Secretary i.f Labor Wilson, who is living at a hotel, echoed the Vice President's sentiments, and declared that .,2. (XX) would be his annual limit for house ren tal when, he set about finding a home this fall. Secretary of the Navy DariieU said that any cabinet official could find the home he wanted at a price that would not pinch h' .salary, "if he w;tMi,'t getting a home for display." "By following Jeffersonian principles and living quietly and comfortably, a cabinet officer can live within his means in the capital," the secretary declared. Secretary of State Bryan lias rented a bou.se that costs eon siderably over $2XHX) a year, but he has to do a lot of elaborate en terfain.ir.tf of diplomats. A dozen real estate dealers in iixmg the proper rental price for cabinet ministers ' horneti at from $.".( MM) to $12.IMK) a year. Fully twothinfci of the Ilepre twrrtfrtimrin Omrns" pay far less than Je2,(MMl a year for house rent, Representative Allen, of Ohio, declared todav. "I don't that." lie tilled, "and en rs vear I have to liloS e SKtlleW here else to MlVe money to liv- on. Formerly they kt p? i is here six months but nsv a s ca.r, two rs I 'lapp sv.4.s a'.so found r. 'if W e ha S e to stay li S ing e,p'-lls.-s l.'lle.s what they are a, i;. .f s. iit.it is c'.s salary i r. i; -s- n : a ; i s e ;-; ( a! .forrra. ,sa;d h- I a " . rent .'i .-ti. ii by "I ': S . " ' ' I board. lie eXci li and w ith or threi' home r h I. ei. t il I'O ' 1"' ,'d be d i - r i m Wh A Cracked Hickciy Nut. Tiie Mill . Us I ' Se (, I , h ol his ing oSVil. : ;i v "Jiiii a 11 ii !- .if th.-ir t til" t an-- IS e o 1 : !' , 1 I I.s t I S I I "t! liter g 1: at 1 S e to s. .Ml'C ill I a c',. a i i 1 1 1 1 ie. r i.sp e r t i.i cir ju-od ad-, and y in-.-'svtes 1" S ii leh li si ia i Is a 'lay a 1 1 ip an . !i t in m at a . rder to give t u ! I to pr--f-' t ha' Wi: th. p to i i 11 ' I : hu ll. o ,-r ii.r th, ii l.'.iit pm hi a wh ss lit i-r o er! that "tiny m re cot'on and 1 hop, d 'ii '! do lis If he had ion th.-!---, i n he sa. ag r s a ..I a- W ..a: n. : is lh,y liS g elide. i in ui'g man of l'ea-,,.. f . ami - be. n !-.. ! til. il . . -IS, I man rem, ii .mid ng .,; Hi', T.ca II f l.'.-pr. 'aid n'.i- As le ir I tin ht h 1 o ' ' .IIS el s tie 11. w id I m iry in W .' I g 1'es.sm a ; has i d ti, inn, , na ' I'm! t : -, hii.diii ma he g n it e pa:: i. !: ih SSi it It to r if SS oil li.l IK 1 t li ! .1! . man ;i lip olth." II, his eh ii fac! i r. I s s Exami- d up is which coin. not t uuteh w I mscn- 1 1 1 1 1 s is alrcadv w ris ks hcar.ng trea.s if which base Iieen hu.idreiLs of ,-ars. In and a eorp.s of d;s ei s is hi p ss'ork ssheiieVer the wcathi-r in its. There are hundreds of .sunken treasure ships tin t ion of ss hich is tl- t'initi is and t uoti-ands of o'h- r.s might !" found w ith .su'-t.ible mariiie exploring :i;parat u.s. iim-e-ht l'..m;i.n ri rds t.- t i b.irgi.s !ab n with golden s is in; I j. ssa !s s hi.-h sank island of Is aiit. in th th !. t. ll other loe,, loSS 11. the ii 1 'ieonragem. nt for toi , w i rking along the-.-!": d :a the know h-!ge tst -ad of g.otls. ihe tlills of the,, it heel of Jiiin, ;ire pro. id.- I witl aiuiiiijig thn-ugh stiifl'ii.g box. h ' .s,i.; k t..r so that tin s can be mariijml.it d j lad lis th. hands ot the diser inside ; .pia:,: ;s ,,f p.ltl fnm Santo ' treasures. And even Die m.tal j.et.Vi.s Im apjeir i- m'.i.,, .sank off the Island of, days, treasure ships still inn earriis it.s own sU.p.y i.t . ss.-.rt.i 1 in-i.-i at an ujJxiewn dipth . The Meam,-r "(Iold--n Jat oxygen and is !iten.bl to be , in ;i heri icane that drot the h. i ri... r of N'.-ijilets. more than two hundr-c ytiir-. before li e Christian era., and beyond a-doubt a complete exploration of the floor of the Mcdit.-i ram iui wauihl bring to Fifty Nurses Pass State nations . Ashes ii!,-. May :;n. T ('itroilna State Nur-.s' at: ei 1, !-! :!, final : a .. r : . . : ; g at y offi'-l Is i V ing year: President. .M;s ( Jreeli.shei',, ; f'sf Miss Mary Wychc. olal ice J'li .sid'-nt ii Pf hi. Win-toii- Sab-iii , M-er.-tary . Miss May Wil liams, Da .Ms. .n. The officers, with Miss K.-e.se of A-hii.lc and Mis Lowry of Wilni'iigtoii, com pose the Board of lhnetors. lip l li e h'iek Which s,Pl-Tie- of Battcrl.cni, As! x'"'-s Miss Corislaiice ! ! N'-.rth A.ssnel- a i! '.s ' W il g e Colli- llohliS. sid, lit. Will .'" II" t i.f Cnliti'ilM town and Durl . Mi Bid" the 11. At tile 111. ".it ill til the ansss er to ' "There are a 1 fanatics in my l .ii 'l allow any The i-o't.-u mil thii g th. iv." That ss a.s the I.r ssitli him, a cracked she!!. he or ti-m-rs .sigin d in s,if--fa the had not wasti.1 e , I I m . i to gis e don't . i.s a li: .'lit aim M -; r a Ciared I HH 1 ! S e e pllb .s ii- Mur- ; n -. , a r. I part e dc- Tnistce's Sale. il.pi-.! men 1 1 1 - - a T i 1 to he run , i' the SSi i.s more etio'l br. ;,'i am t i t a- .sec Bo.se .inr. ii Most Prompt and Effectual For Bad Cold. sid. .tibh- tin V Sold. s i ry - Hint the i - that , to Cure an. ,. by oil IV in I rtim of th upi n in.' i'! tlilst lAecllted -:.-.!. by Ias, wj'e, and recordi d p i ge o77 of t he f. e "t trust oi Siirrs u-A - l! to the highest bid I, r in fii-nt "f the l-'ir.s Piank, in Moiud Airs, N' Ted nary a i id 42, I l" Oi 1 1 f ' s Is lints. 1 will 1' i line 111. the .1 estate fofC.usll N'.it ional '. C, on at one l'o'lowilig de-to-w it : Pll Spanish fleet carrying light untold millions at the l-ottom of the Paeifi, When yon have a laol cohl you !lt a lellll'lv t tiilt SMil llOt ISii.VJ.UC rulief, but f:et a .roa-i t ;nnl .er main til cure, a reineily tli.-.t i.s pleas ant to take, a rillieily th it loatairi.s not hint; Itij.uiiHis h.iiiit."r!aiir8 t'ouKu loiiu-iiy meets all these re n iilreiiit'iit a It iteti, mi Ii:il,:t-'M r.tn. in ancient nurses oi Hurham and Uiimipg- r.-lic.-s the lunrs, aids expectoration in tint,,' ton for the nurses to held their opeiis the . rwionii ami rerton-a the hink. riext meeting at tless. ,,!;l-.s. '8t-' rzihy conunmn. This i- Tl,:- e I . i remciy ha a viiJ h)e ji.ile arei let, This matter was referral t , the n,. . a uiiliv. ,. ff i Kx.s iitive ..mmittte. i lou. Sold by All itealer. ltatiojis w re eXti ml .1' bv th Molidav o'clock s iil-l ,1 I A tra.-: of bind lyo' tr i.i Surry I'oi.n'y, Mount Airy Township, iol.join.ing th,- lainLs .f PI. -as. Payne, dnhn St. - ens. I'.dd Davis, a:,,! "tin rs. on t,hc '- t side of th.- P;it rick. County K 'ad. eon t. lining fourteen acres, m-.iv or S.ss, and known .a.s tie Dive Pay lu- Home Place. i The sale Ls made to t;is'" a ibbt of ,Bx), subjeet to a cresl it of 'jc.'T."), with inttri-st and cost to be addl'l. This May IM, 11.1. W. F. C'artr, Triistee.