A 11 io mark lie means that the tub crirer to tiii copy of The N"wi i be- tiind oa iuljcripiion. I 'lease make & pay meat as ouucuu-venieui. (Em lllftMttt XXXII I MOVm AIRY, JV0RTI1 CAROLINA, THURSDAY; JU.YK 12,. 1913. JVO.oO WHAT CAN BE DONE. The Leg-islatur Caji Do Several Things to the Railroad That Are Neither Unjust Ncr Un reasonable. Iw tnri.'i g f n in ii conference with !v. 'nng " i'r' ght r it in.-tt-i-, Mr. K. .1. .Hut tee, in Jin intt rv.v '.villi the (Jreerusiboro Nt'V. s, ' 1 : "'Jin- Legislature, ii it U call ed to deal with Mm- railnnd pro- ins whU-h have come to the front on account of tin.' ris-ent li.s4Mis.sjc n and public interest, will he chartsl by the roads with being ii'ijiLt ihihI retaliatory in whatever w dorp- or undertaken. Jf the people accept this view it Cv i 1 1 be unfortunate. "An aeeurute statiimrnt of the situation w that the railroads Jiave cultivated and encouraged the idea that, any logislatu n ad verse to them is unjust. and pro veeda frtni prejudice. The people in the State have been s'-mevvhat indifferent to the di tails (if gov ernment and have not advisod themselves aiifficicntly a.s to where the truth and the right of controversies are. This Is no less true of the questions arising out of the e.ffort.s to nvgulate ulic .service corporations, than other public questions. 1 trust the idea will not jrcvail that tlie Mate can do nothing but engage in. unjust retaliation agairiht the railroads. If the General Assem bly is convened in extra session There are t4o many things that it can do that are just in and of thtiinsclve.s that will bring si me me a urea of re 1 iff, to make it aiec.essoiry to engage in retaliation Huut cannot be justified on its own merits. 1 am sure thaft a license tax on the railroads that will put intto the treasury of .til 8tate a large amount of muey can., be' ju.stiiied on the ground that their earnings1 in this State are very large in comparison, wuth their earnings ,elsewhere ami in excess of what is jiist. , Legally thin tax can be levied, morally it omght to be. "The State of North Carolina has. been making a contribution f mans' lives in order to relieve tlfc railroads of the expense of iilVlirfhing grade crossings in the antert si, of public 4-onvchii nee and safety would not be unju.st re taliation. "Our jut ra-State rati are so high tli.'it in many cases they act ;is barriers to. trade between dif ferent tiol.s d" the St:i1... . I'oint.s in tlie west.M ii part 4.f tlh ttate al'e forced ' 'v' in'ra-St-ite rate.x to trade w i i i 'ir.'ii,i.i oii.t ratlier than with pn'st-. in central aid ea-ti-rn Mi-etioi. nf 1he State, aii. I the ciN-ni cities are forced to trade nu'side of the .State ratter than with iiet!vr points in the State mi aeeount of' "Ou.r seaport points are at a disinlvantage when compared wit e seaport cit i s. ami otln r j mt s i r tr 1 1 1 s a whieli do business in in North C.i ro! iiw. "If lb-- rates are l-.uei-' d fri m North Carolina .seaport to inter ior Kli!;ts, as tlleV sjli'llld be. : iid intrastate ra'es are ridsne,) ),, a point which will Hut 4'oi,fisva1r tile railia ad nronertv, there will be no u 1 1 1 st 1'eta iat ion t liefi b; relief Will b done, and 1 1 more seciinil t'i.'in under II V 0'opoSII ion t.h. railroails ba e in n (,r suggested. "I am n it jtuidertakiiig to en umerate all tlie thir.gs the lb-!!-cral Assembly can do. but am 1r, ing to call attention to tin dii;g. r if lhe niblie falling into the error of a.s.sii'iii ii: g thai an i f fort b legislate eoiieelTii) g the i aili ads vvi iild lia e in it any eli uieiit of injustice." Eig Shipment cf Liqxicr is Seized. Oriental, .lune 7. Thiitv-f.Ve b h n f r an thir! i.f wi.i-kiv, twelve ipuirt.s to tie 4','tse, W.is eaptun-d le-re la-t night by Si, riff A. II. Stephens. Uy ti." m ;a .st aecid. nt it w a.- ilisCoVilld jll.st as it W.'LS to be taken to .M ir.head City. The Norfolk Soii'-ern ag. ut refused to n -eogni" SI . --iff Steph. n.s' au thority wht-n he ib-man. led tin shijHiient aid the latti r was forc ed to break op. n the car, under the .search and seizure law. The gas boat, with the oc cupants, f-senped down the .sound. Tlie kliiment is now in the cus tody of local officers. The Value of Planting Ctw Peas. Hy C. K. Hudson, Ualeigh, N C. Again we desire to remind fannMN f tlie import nice of :i..m n; I N il 11 I I II IT I I I 11 il I KM I If , I' II I i I - i 1 , , ' i v.i,e Here to cow pen. 1 hev are; .i!,i.Li,le f..r the f.illowim' n-a- sr. is Ti.ev are a fairly good human il'.' l. ! They ere one of the most nil- t.-itions I'oi il.s for hti-c'k. tia n wit ii'i k ,ih fr, " . L f,.)4! .... T' to "T-" I" r acre. Cnwpiii hay is easily worth $20 per ton. The yield varies frm one to three torus jer acre. If lift on the land and turnl under, the vim are wroth from ..'H to 1".00 jM-r acre as fertili- 7.T. The roots anul stubble are wortl frcru 2.K to o) per acre as fer tilizer. The vines, root, and stubble furuLnh humus (vegetAblt matter) something nearly all RoiLs are de ficient in. This humus helj to make the land eniltivate easily. Itr'ab so'bs nnl hoids niotsturn that will aid a crop to continue its growth during a drought, 1 1 1 mi ils furnishes the condition rieee.vNiiry for the existence of beneficial baeteria tht enable plants to get nitrogen from the air. The shade of pea-vines helps in the formation of valuable ni trates in the soil. I'ea-vine rooU are good sub soib rs. They go to eon-nderable depths, (ipening up the earth so air an! water can jnake a deep soil. Cowpean fit in well in nearly all systenw of rotationn of crops, 'fhey are well adaipted t grow ing aniong eorai ami after small gniin harvested in the spring. Teas get stmie .of their ivtroJ gen frewnthe air, free of," cost to, the fanner, so that very, it tie nitrogtMi Oiminonia) is tuirHll fr their ted ihzat ion except f or ,poy Noil. XitiW'iMi in eonimereial Tl soil. Niti'i-u in commercial Ti5" (t u sugar prmluet.s had spent ; tilizi-i c(t.syciit 20c H'r pounI"s4rtii-thiiig les than $HH),000"; p'il' k ; lert.ihz-r for peas use 2'0 Mllii of n eimml.'te hr.'ilid : Y-9 I a nar Jl.E r lo iw per cent pllo- I ' .'i1 C i.l 1 -ei I'rill. Minimi il. a to'T per et hi potash. This ni.'n Oif- inade bv mix in-r tov-etlier ') His. cotton Seed meal. 2-"0 lh.S. ;n id pho.v,h;'ie ai d I'Ki 'lis. l.a: n;t. V. erv firmer .should arrange at "ih'M.i i!aut al'Kj'ilan'ly f tiiis iuip"itant crop. Plant -(nm- ii poor land for tunijor uiubr; I ai, t some fur ba p:a.. .some , ho.-s .or gra.'.imr l-r lnrv. t :i!.d ,.rh, r ek : a;; I !. a'l n?-ar L . - . , ..... . , . I s I'oiiii, n-riiue aim cultivate a tew not H-res for si ed peas si will hji vi- t o buy at h iirai prices lleXt Sea.sjill. ; i Nearly eVerv thing said above . about eoWpeas is also true, of soy ; beans. The beans i e ! in he'ng! a I'rttle more valua'..- ;S stoek ; I i il. a It t It r adapt r.ni'.'bt's make s (in and d io k -me itlv stai 'i . T i I' a Hi i us,,.i!,y I !'L' i I" a ii'.s t . f i,'l . Train Craslud Into Heme. lb a:. 1 Va.. .Illlle t Mrs. .1. are re- w. ns, and In peril d to ha v !.:;!.. Ii !.l la light. 1 !i eli n't r Sea'di d tb nd fireman of a. Norfolk aid Wi M.-rn 'fivi'-rhl t ra ;u k i'ied a nd the Ow i t li. me deiuolishi tl early toilay w hen the tiain was wreektd near Cleve land. Va. Members i f the traui i'i w Jll!" ig 1 . . .1- a rt I report i io h.lVe beell 1 wo train. 4'iigim-s w re dra w- .'II. .1 both b ft the ' . leiii.n, ,t i i.w i ,i t , i uiba iikiin nt . t-ra.-shing into the . i n hoiis... anil overturning. It is slid that the wreck w a.s can.- ii bv ti e breaking of a truck on t of tb leading engine, 'g'nt cars am- reported I n ib-raib-d and burn- lib , fi ll. Mrs. O.vt iis and he-r 17-vear-old ill 1 !o ir beds. W i re daughter, who W'-ri "1 tl 11 tf!ei p d-ath bv .s'eam. I'.ngiiner (Jil- b-spie mid Fin-man Stewart wer cauiri.i un.ier one 4H ine engnn-M . .1. , and criushed to death. The engi- lon r and fireman of the seeoinl engine innped, but suffered nriv ; bable fatal injuries. i Wfflirg tc Spend $800,000 to Retain Tariff cn Sugar. Washingtcn, June 10. Former, Covernor Carter nrwl Sidney lal-l b.u, two if the men conducting the Ilawiian producers' fight in i .i- 1 , . , ashingti.il to retain the duty; ,,n "'"T. tld the S-nate I(l't.y hb invf'gating cemrnitt.e t.xlav: about a lur.drel thousand dollarn; have lieell .sipciit in this fight. Thvy denied that there is any t-ingible c mbination Utween the ....... p. nltl.a Mates ami llawmm pro- ' dueers with a coniwiioii fuml dir eetisl to influencing b-gisaltion. Tlu session at times gnw warm and Senator Overman was forced to rapy for order. Governor Carter teat if he nisMveil no ninuneration ex cept h'w expt:n-s. 1'allou Ra'wl tu got $12,000 a year arl $:l,(Ki0 for expenses. Tlie former. (Jovernor told of effort to olitain hearings and Raid that Senator's Swanson, Lwls and Williams r;i1 they were rut in sympathy with re sugar, but iniBst vote for the par ty meaiiure. (Jovernor Carter, said that he came to Washiikgton "to give infonnation about sugar"; that be liad Wen sent by the Hon olulu chamber of commerce and was serving without remunera tion. Harry Irwin, he said, had been gent by the Hilo hoard of trmle. "Mr. Ibillou" had been NCit by the Hawaiian sugar planters' aissociation. He saiil he had prepared a brief, talked with cnato)!! are tr'((! to see the lV-.'sii'u nt lit' ti ''.( d that he nniiitairii'd cff.cis from which n2wipaper "irtvet rients and iihitin'wgV!itid . W t committee in New York represent mg Ipjaiian sugar factories. VirtI-rVttstifiel that the do ".Tj in tln-ir liu'lit. . . i . ... v J" i . .: 1 ... Jviuhuui 11 w r ii i juiiii out -ii",ii' j hi- w.;!!d 4-oiisidcr it we!! .spent, ! if We eou'd save the $s2,t N H l.( K Ml ; ill i-st i d, " s.l.d lie. "We propose !to'jJ;cj s.'iii.' niu- lure to con i tinue ji:- J'li.'hilNlong :-t the '. I'iuht f flV!'p('t i ll exists." "Ill o,ir aet ivu Iiave ' 'i IS vU.e-'. i-: 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 behalf led an.(.ol Wol'kil t tae i-oii.siiiiii r . asKe II member of "We e .l- tin- Ci'lllUllttee. ii r that We I'epn nt tiie- coii.siinn r a.s well a.s the jnlueer. " Carter testified that Sid Ibilloii, w ho had In ( n freipieiitly nieiitiomd by Senators a.s one if tin- anti-free sugar men. was paid ii salarv f $12,000 a year to stay in Washington and look after Ilawiian e mMiercial inti-retst.s. Carter, in response to ipiestioii by Senator Cummins, said he bad acfi d i le!,ly in ail he had done regarding the sugar Roosevelt Recovers Six frcm Editcr. Cents MaiUi tte, Mich., May oKt. - o, Theodore IJooSeVe't today Won l,; l';l .suit against (i.-urge A. NeWett. who eharged the Col oin-1 with drunkenness, and waiv ol damages al't.-r the d.-f. ndant h.ad uttered a retraction. The jury awarded the nominal dam- ag..s ot MX celitS proVIibsl HI iidi e.is,. by the laws of Michigan I'.ae.h party to the .suit will hai t" p:u hLs iwn expenses. Mg jurv ul-'i.tnn:gaii iu'rut t d t! f i bring in a verdict for tin- plaintiff, which they ilid wit out havijig their Scat. "It is fair to the plaintiff t siaie mat 1 nave been una Lie to i-'l- A . iin.i in any secimn 4i tae conn try any individual w itness who is ! willing to .state that he h.- per-, smiiall y sei-n M.r. Roosevelt drink j to excess.' j UNDISCOVERED LANDS. One-Eighth cf the Globe is Still Awaiting- Scientific Exploration f I'lill. , ...i,.!,,,;.. P.,1,1,,. l.,.h,..r IVrha s one of tb nii?vt in- tereNtiiig and least known coiin- , t r'n s i ii t he f ace of t he g'die, a nd i.e "hieh has so far j.n-tt v kim- Hv det,,,l e.v.Haf .on, U - neeren'(i iiuio;ijr me iiiiuaiayai Mountain. ' Authorities say that it is pre siiled ever entirely I'llllllll IM ' Ill'MI, .s-i-onsihle forsueh rude e nec.arv even in a who are r? JiiiWH as art Jawle- illstrict, manage the af fairs of State, and live in a lux ury of inverted Monnonui (by e fill f W .VrA. ir.i fit, If ..I tit' f llllK'llu d 1".. n -h 4"ti. " ' I ili iiiiiiiiupii tn .i i! i ii i'. ;iii ine nuiifii ta.ihs aiMi menial lalwirs are assigixsl to the hill men, and "mere man" iw of small account beside the Ilinuda vaTi amazoiM. On a rough estimate it is de- tJared that 7,000.000 square miles, or one-tenth of the total land ur- fu-e of the world, are awiatmg to be di.si-over.-d. Some 200.000 of this lU in the Arctic regions of th e North, but among the frozen tracts that form "Antarctic" in the .South, where Scott ami his galiaiit followers were penetrat ing, nearly .'1.000,000 square miles are relegated to the sole use of the whale, jxngnin. aiul ther ani inaln ami birils of the frozen zone. In Arabia it seem that there is a tnwrt of land unexplored which is hearly five t ines as largei as Great Hritain. Trobably there is no more resolute w-aMte to be fournl in the entire 1oIk than tliat which is called the "dwelling of the void." Not a single river is estimatei! to fhw throughout it entire 400,000 k. miles. N Although the famous IE Por ntio, rem, which st the Csix teeJith Centviry ablaze, has never heetu .luiuki rthudr - the - tmmtry might fittingly be calbtl Kb Dor ado, fom tlieisch minerals jnd priceless stoneswhich emanate fVinn "tlii.Pfl (4t r'l 11 if a t, t , ......,.. ,WTiUi.)nJly Jfa-ul4 yfrom ; the mouutas and'bring siulre-' i. . i e .. . i. ... I . i. . ..' till tragments w ith thein, luit th-vv refuse to act as guides to those who would aeeoinpahy them k-lek. It ls eiin lis to realie tnat vat Jai"ts of the 1'iritUh lim- pil'e hae 1;4 i I1 heell seell by l it i.-1 v alv.-s or the et ot am wlnte ma a l Iv.'U' tartir ot Aiisfia1!;! i.s stiiT unex pfired, nia'ui Jy in the vvi-.-t. wh."rV the popula- 1 ion. v I iau s i nly on- p-roii in i i r.v 2i vuare uiib s. New Cuina has haffbd coiud-b--(s expeditions. thoiiLrh many juv trvmg t" fight their way in land from the coast. NOTICE. Kxtrein.-ly lw fares t- (Jettv burg, I'a.. and re! inn via Sou thern Kailvvav acei-unt .'!.h An niversary Battle of ( ie'. t V sbai'g and lb-nnioii of the l'.hie and the Ci-.iv. .Inly 1 I, 1!U:;. Tickets for this oCca.sioU Will be on .sale .lime 2s. 2'i, and !!0 and .1 uly l.st. vv it h final ret urn hunt .lulv Kill, prior to uiidi.'glt v Kih. prior to un.h.'gl.t ot led- vhieil ilate return tl'fji must In completed. Following round trip ratts will nppi.v troni stations lianuil: North Wilktsboro. lM.lo Mount Airy. 11. Co Wins!, ,n Sab in, 10.0." ireen-b,.ro, ld.Oo Fares from all other points on .same blLsis. Sji.-ial train vs ill be opre.'ited fn.iii Charlotte Sunday, .lune 2:1th leaving about 'J p- m. via Wash ington, arriving (!ett-burg Ji buti t. noi ii . I line .'Kith. This tra il uill e.,ns.i-t f h..l,t dav coaches and l'lillai.in .sleeping ca-s. and p.i.s.si ne,.i , f-( iii bran, h 1 in s car. use rt"ru!ar ti-iin. connecting with .spn-hd tram at jinn-th n jt:n". 1 J -. i vatu.i..s should be ni:t.!e in avlvaii.-e. Stoj. ,,- "s will 1m- allowed at WaMiingti n a iv I Haltinn re ai d also at all poiut.s mi Southern Ka-ilwav .where there are Ac-nts oil either I'liinc or return trin nr !lllthi wit)t;n f;nili ;mit ,(f t'u-ket. For further information api'lv t or, any Agent Southern Kailvvav, K. II. DeHutts. " Division ra.-M-nger Agt. o;i riot te, N. t. ; j Greensboro Wcman Win Anti ! Suffrage Essay Prize cf $100. Wa.shingt.on, June 8. That Mis Julia I). Ifenrv, of Cleveland. ()., and Mr. Metfu l-'i.brer T of Oreeusboro. kn..w l,..t..r r,.:n! ons why the ballot should not be given to women than anv other .women in the Tinted State it i . i. - . , ; , ' 1 " ,'"L " IM ' ms ,,(Udui - t - by the National As.swiation 4 jpiMwwsi v, woman Mill rage ami which iMidisl June 1. Their know II i , ., . ! VtXi, ' & ',riz, I , , . More man i.mnt eavsayn were snlimitte4l to explain why the, l'.augus aiul Hayes were r-harg-fran-hUe should not be granted jed with coiipin.ey to injure l" fiiiifii, iiuii i to women, ami tiiey were jiwlgeii . , ... .. . . . ''V thus distunniiMiisl committee , of wotueri writers: Mrs. (Jeorge Kiggs (Kate Douglas Wiggin,) Miss Ida Tarbi-11 and Miss Jean ette (JihU-r. Orit lirie if .ff..r.1 f((r thf. )(wt(..iv writtfn hv a citv woinHn WMlt t( Juiia 1 HMirv, 0f CU-velarul, O. The other $100 prize wius for the .lillv fom th,, n,,,mtp.. (i:-f i ,mdtl,iv u-n kv. -X tn Mr.' Mctta Kolger Townsi-nd, whose pxstoffce aildresH is ( Jreenshoro. One of the rule.s of the contest was that every essay had to be told in 500 words or less. J loth the prize winners were well with in the limit. In announcing the results of the competition the Washington headquarters of tlie National As sociation Opposed to Woman Suf frage gave out extracts from the prize-winning essays. In speaking of why the ballot should not be given to the gen tler sex Mrs. Tivwnseml said: "I believe that the best ele ment of our honieket'pers and mothers would be slower to use the ballet than would the riff raff of soeriety, "1 fear especially the vote of the red light district. , v The greatest, prohltvna of state areiot so important as the War ing of children to form a right citizenship. iu.V ..: t i. . e . 4 4i...t America's birth rate is falling .teiiUly. and rap'ully, we ohler ' ... ' 41 .. ...:ii e..:t :..'....::... : 1 in uw ei nit- iact ukii wonnen will tail m i,it not i.sm it - we throw in our daughter's way the temptation that must coin" i wi'h po' it ieal life. It IS lleXt to llllp'-s:t'le to re- tract- .steps ot such nn portan ('. auii wi ought, to wat.-h keenly this tendency to extend the .suf frage. "There is no indications that .woman suffrage is s;ie.-e.ful. 'New Zea!.l has d-featid pru h.bi'ii n bv"..i.(i(NI. " Norway's' divorce rate has ipiii.t upb-d" rf 'a f"W eir.s. Col orolo, with b--r 'ears of woman . sutfrage. defeats pfoh.li tion, wlii'e Wnt Virginia i-arrn-s :t iv eiioriifus ia.i-'nty. "4" niijeise a niove'ii.-nt which Weakens the lilodestv i.f Woilleli. I protest against tin- .sp.-enacula r bv which the suffragette methods ealls asvert attention to ln-i-self. and I that sio- fails lameiitahh in pat riid i-in wln n sex agjf'n.st SeX." .1. arrav s Tubercular Boarders. -sh.ilh-, .lune Cth.--At a .storuiy vs'u n of the Hoard id' Health, which was called for the purpose 4 f granting license to boarding hou.s, s which entertain glies's ,ut ieini with tuber. "CUOsS..s 1 leeRs, s wi-re gra n houses, while si.X oil to nine r.s w i re giv- ell licelis-S for .six months with tlie undeita.!.. iliir that tic lie. n- m n will not be n-m-vved. Th. granting i f tin se licens.- don. un.l r a II- W ordinani which n,'ike.-s iw ! u! tor anv p.-rs.n to 4-nti-rtain v ith tub.-rcu'. boardt rs siiffer'.ng iosi.s vv it hoiit a pe." m.t Ir-.m the Hoard of Health. The itrdinanee wa.s ji.is, l in order that the board might have the poWi-r t refuse lieen-eS to jn-rsoi.s running boardijrg hou.s. -s in s.s-tii ns i f the city made up private n-idenet s and at h.u.s. s not proj rlv built for the b.st care of tubercular patients. Ov.-r "'idl t.i-s.hw Uere nt P.t night's meeting and main ,.f the, 'tppii..itim were granttd over1 strong prot.-.sts mad- bv eitU4-j;s who didn't want hoanlLni? h,.ns, earing for tubercular jkatients na their nidences. Convicted cf Assaulting- Informant. Hre.rrshoro, June 7th. In the I'nited States court yesterday afterm on the jury retun:il with a verdict. f guilty as to both defendants in th- caxe of the government against Keki- I'.au- isk'iu.i'il Kul.ert Ilav..s, two white ; "'' T W likes -ounty. Th- i "'"" I'"' r,;f"r in j u"" o.ii m im- rei'iiuiro court and was brought, here from ' .North WUkelmro wher- the ! trial rewulteil in a mistria.1. Th . i J"r-V '"" itl !irwl tl'" i cnurt have nt vet been i ( 'hnries Shately he-ause he had g ;se with deputy marshals and pointed these two men out for arrest It is .shown that a few uight.s afNr Snatley hnl pilotl t'ne officers tc arn-st Uaugus, h w.n eaileil tc the diMir about 1 o'clock in the mo -iKjiir, ami when lie opened it two shots from shot guns were fin-d. :l,e loads enter ing tu d ior r.nd tlie lacing ar:c aNo u.Minding Sh.ii-ey. Th-r was ( . lk ;i-- tending to .show th't the cs which eall ed Sl.fifle-y out were those of the two no n who were the defen dants while there was other evi dence tending to show they were present and diil the friing. The def Mtlant.s attempted to show an alibi. The jury wa. out hardly longer than a couple of hours hefope brii'ging in the verdict. At Wilkeshoro the jury remainel out all night ami reported next morn ing nine for conviction ami three for n'uit?al. A jury yesterday afternoon also returned a verdict of guilty as to Cleorge Kich. Kich is frora Montgomery county athl is charg ed with illicit distilling. The ilefense stoutly contended that the prosecution did not prove the blockade stills discovered belong ed to Rich. Sentence will fce passed later. Vanderbilt's Jersey Cow Ha3 l WfTi WrrlH CharnTwrjishin. . . - - - - 1 r Aslieville Citizen. C-orge W. VandeHiilt's regis ti red .lr-ey cow. Kola's Kath-i-rim- No. 2ll,k27o. hi-, just hr-.k-i-n tie- world s J.-rsey record for bir.t, )' an-l milk pnnluction n a 12'.' di.v's t.M. The ti-st was started .lai.uaiy 21 a; d '"::d.-d Ma 2'k ineliidiig the s'ar'ing and ' j'p'ng da; ind in lids .lersi-y broke for butter 1 butt, r for tin..- t'-e V the r.eord for milk fat an ! for estimat. a! perh d. and ao for one day in a!! p.u'l Tlie icu- r-v-or. j The former record was Indd by li'M-ctta D., No. in,7i- and Was m .'I b- at St. Louis i-i 1'H1. During the tet of the Winder bi!; ,l,-i"se .she gave a total i'l'o diieti.in t.f Cusf, jminids if milk, containing 27.2." ounds of but ! r fat. ,'e-cord'i g lo tin- Habcoek te.st. The i stimab , butter for th'.s p rii'l was :;7.t'l joiiinls. The average milk product '.i.n per lav was ."id. 71 jMumds and the average bnrti r p r day 2. si lbs. During tin; fir-t in-uith, t.h- Vaildclbilt. CeVV prodll"ed lol.eii. 1 f miik, of t'o.-'.'. of blitiel-. The , eol.d in n product d l.o''l pounds of l.s.'.l i , n ! s th .she ilk. 4ii" X pounis f but'er. '1 he third month .sin- product-! Idlo oO poumf.s ot nii.k, or ; j,unds t i month 1. or 7221 butti-r, and. the f. oUl" )- II pounds ot Is i f but, r. J"- This !' ! be;.-, 4 l "f f-'ir.-r ra D. for the p- i- d by 21 i-.u ..Is . f miik, bv 7.0: lbs ' l bi;M,.r f,-r and by 7.'! p-iu::d i't"l' ut'i-r. The iv cord a'.v be.it.s ' la oil .S Ii Cn nl tor one iliy by s.l .") p. U!:'s 4 f .1 .si l-cinds of butt- r. !k :!:.! bv Th's gives the m.i. r! . t Tcr- 'y the ,Ier-.y elrtmj th".. w orld for' butt, r : the t.-v were cc-n-lu- .01- i. i id milk, as ed aecrd- II..S. 111- to 4-t t a-ial ret' a Cure for Stomach Disorder. ' Iiorilr of the stomach may t ' ol.ledl by the ue of Chambrlafn a Tablets. Many very remarkable tun j fcave beea effected by theo ubtti Stld by All DAaltrs.

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