0 Wit ' 0L. XXXI I irnn v f r r x jmdtd si a -on r t tl j t rr tt n c n zf v TTtrx" -) t A0. 16- ? SENATOR SIMMONS OPENS DEBATE. Reccomts Failure cf Various Re- Mi Atr.tirro tr, Enact Platform Pledges Fcr Downward Re vision of the Tar iff. Washington, .fiily Ph Tin- tar iff debate Ih-imii hi tlii- Senate today when t'hairman Shuiiioiis of the finance committee began hi.s explanation of the hill. He reviiWftl what he teimetl the failure i f the republican to n.lei.in their pledges to revise the tariff downward. The demoeratie party inherited thin IUTV, lie .Haul, Wlieii n came mi", power. I "Iii the national campaign ofj lltFJ." said (liairmau Simmons, j "th- republican arty nominated j Mr. Taft for president and the! u.Mi.crai.c p;ut noo.ui.u.-. . i . . ., Mr Umi.. in inai ea upa.vn tarut ami ttie reeorit or tne rwo part h.s as exeniplified by their auti 'ii. in eoiiirre with rrt'erenve to the seheihile Iii!!.. and of President Tit ft in his veto of thorn, bee.ame the paramount is sue. Out of the 5:51 votts in the flectoral cileire President Taft reeoivt'il onlv eiu'ht, ami -Mr. "Wilson rts-rived 4'55. The publican party in tin si'ttate supeiMhd bv a ih'miu'ratie re was tna- ji-rity of six, while the cratic, majoritv in the lh'JIH house vas increased from OS t 116. "The bill now presented to the senate, it is confidently believed, 'is a f tir interpretation cf the will of the p.'tiple and is an hon est compliance with the pledrs i f the ili'inoeratic party with re spect to the revision of the tariff. "Tlii conditions under which the sehtxlult bills f 1!U1 and 1912 were drawn and submitted to congress were radically dif ferent in many respects from tluse which now obtain. Thtv Hchetkdt bills, wen .sulimitted a individual pieces of leff'uslation aiad only as a part f a f? neral i system ol cusotms taxatn n. iMureover. at that time, on ac count of constitutional limita tions upon the power of con press with respect to taxing in comes, revenue from this source, except, from iuconieK on corpor ations, was not available. The extension t f the power of em- irress with resect to taxing m-; vonies, as well a tlie en!-.rgement oi tne scojm. or ,ne j.roposiy re- vision, has matte rt pt-wdde un - tier thus lull to nuiKe iuriiier re thk'thms in the rates in the pres i i i ii . l i .1 c4i-i f'ltt. tlttin j f,n:ili1.t nllitel: "'",." " , . , l lie ci I ii. 1 1 1 ions uiiuei ttinni uirv- Hc.hedule bill were frametl and presenttsl. "I wish tosav that ameiKlment offeretl bv the commit ten are not irtiussl in a spirit of d agreement with the house or to it. theory of tariff revision. On the contrary, they are offered with a view of further carrying out and jx-rfceting the principl. k ; i a revenue piiuciiig i.ariu uij tn tin bas'w of ciimpctitivti rates eiiuneiaU'd by the hoii.se wa and nieans etniiinittee as a just and fair interpretiat ion in the light of existing coiulitirns t f tin- plat- form ldcdes of the dellioc rat h .iotv oooo tMriff , ... . , .., ... ... llkc tilt- lumse, we Have sought tt find a basis of action which would untax the neet.s w.tries of life as far a consistent with the revtnue fieeds of the go eminent, whitdi would lay the heavitst burdens upon the lux urn s of the rich and which would imp. e upon those things which e re neither prime necessities or luxuries and which were proper .siil'J. els "i f tariff taxation, a rav sul'iieii ,t! colli! et it i e to Id r i 1 1 in s n. - l of ,-oh th. Ipliltl got , to r 1 1 no meet nt i n other ir ouV Dies ll on.- hand ;n t ; J 1 1 1 1 i . e mi pet ;t ".; t sible " .Sei ator S: v a r foils el. ai at h-iigth. Ul the hollse age adttlllie which the lf'.os per ee on the inak u all ti lis .-ma i '-i 1 1 ;. the s-i da' lui titl selleilll e fi- d ill! HV ,. !it to' f 'J ii.at. "2 per ee! foil nc Iron ore, h'- said, w.as jtlaeetl oo the fn-- list ill the house bill to aid in l; '. ,. i ,.: , ! ,,.-.-i-s of iron Hiir steH and for r;ke r -as-1 OIIS the st liiite coin 111 ,t ? ee free- list.sl ferro-'n:u'g;ini se aiid p:c - """'oi. Of the wimi Kcheduli in which t unmittee retained! raw wool on tin free 11 t arid cut j fates on mauufacturt s, S.jnitor! j ""iv. s-iid: "For more tl in a third of aj century the wjolens hat uncharged. liny r 1 1 wot.i aim remained practic allv Tlrat the-..' duticH I are not onl v cX.c i ssi ve. ' fetrsibl.e is generally ft. II b V the adt oeati s ; Charges that the hill f lirly with the fanner S'liunons deel a red to be Senator j Avithout ; ; foundation. He enumerated. mant j things j 1 1 1 on the free list cs- pec rally fop the farmer.' benefit. j 1 hi' HleiMile Si'etion of the bill the senate (Senator Simmons was not framed j Neither Servhi jwor (!rei has j uii on the thei ry that the ehiefjpaid any attftio ti Ilu.-sia's pro j i bject of iut inennii tax was to'o-,al that they tva-v hotilitie. jsi'pjily deficit in reveime, "hut j They apear determined to lie jit is based unu the theory that j dfoth-ite pear., witii Pulj;aria tnuly Insiertv should Immp its jirst I on thr fu-ld, without itt. rveik- i.hare f f'-depid as well as state it:lxatM.n andi that, therein th. limit of this l.ax should be flXtsl j with a view to reiuirinir the ! wealth ot the country as refb et- eil tit the incomes 'if the- we'-to-do contribute eiiitably f tlioM' j crXjiensets." I 1 35 NegTo Priscners Are Burned tn TlcotS Jackson, Miss., July 22. Trap- iH'vl Itv tuiiues in tin. seeoinl storv td" an anti'iuated convict e.ii-i' the. f'u-st fluor f vh'n'h was avd to store hay, :." nerro prisoner. wers bunud to death at the Oakley convict farm 2" miles from lu re bite last uijjht. While the flames r;kiii lh de - strosed tn. only stairway leatl- ii:T to the second flin.r, the pris- oners' frantically tore at the luiivv Iwiirv tli.t j.v,.rr,l tli i n - thyws, but to no avail. Their screams brought guard's and other prism, attaches, but the flam en drove back iueiulers of the res cue party and the negroes Mho ona by on fell back into the flame and ieri;Aid. hverythmg was in the- fire . j-av or. Ihc bunding was con- jistructcd H years ago of IiuiiUt i taken from a discarded jeniten j tiary ; there was iw fire f ihtintf i apparatus at the farm, and the tirst lioor was tuhsl witJi ut 1'laniniiibK' material. Farmers living nearby hurricI (to the jail to help, the fire i fighters, but they werv of no jls-I irf f, lllrn(Si t.M);from Iiill !mv,. tla.. town ..n'OoO. j, Tht, ,.)nviots alf work-1 j rlu, 0)tt()n fieKU wf the of P.LrlgariiUi .st.ldiers, led bv 1(s u. j- mi , .., i,.....i ;:,..;,.;,.. ....." the "ea'e" at night. Among thei n were some desperate crim-; . . una. serving orur sentences. I The Oakley farm Ls one of the ; niost important in tlie State, the State Prison Hospital being lo- catetl there. 4 I Un tire starttsl umler the staw. ( 'olond Yanktdf. who with other way on the first fhn.r. The orir- j former ofifcers of th Hulgar'un iujuLs not yet been determined, 'tinny were very active in Mace Tile prisoners were ordered tojdonia in l!0:. tl.eir bunks at J o'clock a. usual j Kveu the foreign consulate in m.nI alter t hat t.n.e there was no I s.,vs W V U(i, according vlljrht in uie pan oi me itniiii-i,,, illlir theV ocelkuiisl 11 cin OS 1 i tur In!. . . ' ' 1 Miicers nt cnargc. 11 was run i initil more than two hours after wrad tint tlie v were aroused bv Mlllo... un. I liiou ,.ui i,f t ... 1 . . . tra.,e,lv u!(.s fi,Jt . , , ' , ." i i. , ....cK.sim ,e. le.epnone tins inturn-, Ullf. Sergi-ant John Dood.s, in chargt t.f tin- fann, sail today it was1 his opinion that the fire wasj eaiisvd by spontaneous combusion in a lol't of hay and other farm j products under a stairway. It w,is the burning' of this st.iirway 'hat preV'-liteil the e-eape of tliel prisoners. Twenty i n i nut s be fore the fire W.I.S discovered a watchman had made bis rounds .ind announced all well.' Coroner J. W. I'.. .il, aft-T an impiest. IK'UIieed the following terd'et: " We the jurt , find that the I'li.soners eanie to their d.--ith an un I "idal'h- iieeideid. S, H rd. hospital sergeant in eh it i ui- .i. hv '..S l 'Ml I t eXolier.'itt Judge Adams as a Fanner. ( I I', r !),, , , , eW s. r.Xsludi-.- Spetteer H. Ad.lills. who ,. .,! s a k'o'h! part of li's Who t .Uii. to tanning, ii iiro; essiiiif in W Mell ad.sju wlicat he t, thn h is proven hims. lf an; IV IjI I tUli-hed Ins iuir wi'h r s-u't that were d- elared by the t'ln sheiN to be unusually g.nni 1'n.m 11 acri.s .lu'L'e Adam raistsj ass.:'., 'oishi !s of wheat, an a tenure of :(.! i bushels to the acre. END OF WAR ONLY BY MUTUAL EXHAUSTION. i That is the Way Sir Edward View tt.p Sitr.airn in the Balkans. lonJon, Julv 14. That, the hut. iide- Balkan war will end hy a protess admitted, j of mutual exhaust ion seem the if pro-ionh Iiom- Sir Hdtvrad rey, the i British '..,,' 'n secretary, in able dea.lt uiirlto hold out. Jji a .statement in the house of cum moiis tonight h" said that moiv words were not likelv to affect t.he situation. ami it would he moot difficult, for flu. KuiMnnym- oouer t, fi-s.rt to force to iuipoM" peaec. jth.it by any thinl party, and. wi ess i L':ir ;i nroves ;i nien.-i no it' , . . . is Ulievid that an advance will' be nuuEe niton. Sofia to enforc acin'iitanci of the Sit i-Ireks trims. Serious fiiditiiiLr f,,r t!ie time beinj,' is susjwiuhd. but the ad- vanre ot tile Iurkish . nunian troops continues mid I,u - w'th-i ut PPoMtron P.-b-rni e report S '. " I sa s the Servmi'.s on Sundav j capturt d an important position i eiiiht miles west ot Kusteiidd. j Accordiiiir to the Atlin-ns cor - j respond .a t tf the DaiJy Tele- V'raph (ireeee and Servia sijjned a s'civt treaty lat Mav, binding ; ! tl'. in to prosecute a war, then j ! forest cii, with Puhraria until the; iJSuUrars ae.iuie-.ced in tlie t. - r - J r'ttorial arrHtiifeiiuuit laul down'0"1 taking into aeci ui.t the .s.-m1. j in tlm treaty. Py tlnse arrange-' Should market conditions beeome j merits the eastern boundari-s of : unfavorable in the mean time ' i I rwi-a. winihl h,. -1 t . I , , I t.Jwe w i 1 snn,i)l v wait nil iher vear. the Mestan river, eousiderablv to! east cf Dratma. and Servia would tiave an access to sea at tvi points. the Aegean .... fivnlng cf . Seres Confirmed. Salcniki, July 14, The sacking and burning of the town of ServsU'd abiiif the irosi'cts for the by the defeated Pulgtirian army "seng" farm, held up a small j most of the noise. Wavitiig I'nit and the accompany img outrages ' package and saitl : j ei States flairs .the storming on wmuu n and atrtK-ities tn men! "Sec this package? It contain I Iu;'.v wouptd down on the cart were fully confirmed tiiay in ajluit a thmisand stutl. and yet it i stand of Millard Price, a dispatch from a well known j is worth f'5. A pound of this ! Socialist orator, at the inrtersec (ireek corresiMindent. ssd is worth from $15 to $20. j'0'1 of Fourth avenue and West The retreatiiiL- HnkMrian sol- It is more than Provable that i ld!1"1' boulevjird. the busiest niglit diers, he telegrapherl, opeiul a twnuoiiade with four field guns Friday. At the same time iKtndsi first iil!aging the store. anl lioitv s ami then dreJiching them with petroleum and setting them a li jri 1 1 until tlie greater part of III town was blazing. Th.. li..ru w..r.. .....minliJ .... ..v. ....... by the notorious revolutionary fi. .r-,,,,,,-,,!...,, a, .a. . 11 '. 1 ro-i iiingarian consular otlicrsi were plundered and burned, Vice) Consul (icorge C. Zlatko being ! I .-If I .1 , . ... 11,111 II.I.IV .1. ,'111. ii';u - .scuenuy n.ns.m.sl. he . ., ' . .... , I' :i I r ... I oi I ii i ii.. tit'iviio,i., pw I . i r L Italian consume also was sacked, ! I nt the consu l.oiiL'ht off the in-. i cendarii. , I t. in ii rii. The lialik of Athens, the ori ental bank the palace i f the metropolitan, the givat sv n.i JToguc, all the schools, the to bacco wart-nouses of the Ameri can, Austrian .and Cernian coni piinit. and the hospitals were luirimd after thev had been pil laged. The Am riciin T baceo coin p;in alolie suffered to the i t nt "f 1 ."Hi) oi )i l. MiUi people Were e i'l .t". lii 1 1 , liileke. !,..- t!,. to pleci s or blirlletl iljife I 1 I . 1 I ic m.iiieniu i tt.iganan.s. wno colnm.tted ilnTi dilile Oiitlilee.s oil woiitt ii of all ii'es, many of W i;.'li d.'s! fl'i 111 t lie effects. I he eirlnlit It ll 1 f those who es e;ip' d is lamentable. Kb-h lu'-r-chants aie dt irg t f hungi r, while wii teh d mothirs are trt ine- to 1 11 1 1 cotering and tood t,,r t he r inihi d and start ing children The situation is desperate as all the pharmacies, were b irmd down and there is il total 1,-c-k 'of medicin.s for the. sick and kind wiml.tge.s tor the lnpfretl. The (Ireek authorities in Sal onika ;irc rusliing fo..l stuffs, ciothiifg and medicin.'. to thn stricken town. , , ., , , , .f , ...,., M10 lM(.0 (ee!ii,ed Gensing Farmer M ay Sell at Fancy Price. MaJIls Gc Out to "Clean. Up P.ri-tol... Ten,,., JllI' ..J'J f'1.n" the Town" cf Seattle. s un, wliu-li irows wild in tin' j soft, balmy soil found in thei S.-attle, Wah., duly lth. A in-untains if K;it Tenin ..,: purty of Pnit'd Stites mariius Southwest. Virifinwi ai d' portion l and sailors from tlo- P'tvi- fleet, id Kentucky, is'hein euHivatel ; most of tile sail, rs wear'un; the n w an 1 Is finer and larger than name lantls tf the cruisers 'ol iu its native slat'. joradi an-1 Caitfornia, staitid Kiu'ht eai-s i)jro .1. W. Perry, : tonight to "cLean up the t'vn" of Hurnsidc, Cuiulierhiiid county, J iw they expn.-.sed itl by attack Kentucky, convened the idea Socialists and Industrial that he could siieeeW'ulIy ciilti-i Workers 1' tln lieN;m;utcrs. vate it, and he caluculafed that' Three enlted men i f the I "nit - it woum makr It nrii a rum m ill would uiitkr Ii'mii a r'u lt ni in. So he heLMI by ldalltil'lf an aen of jriiisejii? each far. Now he has Severn acres in cultivation. P'rry'.s land are iut covered wilh oaks, as are tlie )jinsen landts in the nunintaui., so he jdaee 1 a coverirv" of oak. laths on a fnunrwork. over he entire aert aire in a wav to rive the ef- t . v k i . : "". n.h of ana. ,s"1,'aI" Tllls eovernik'. throutrh which the sutdijjht filters, very , much as it filters throuirh the k'iai.t I'.'iks in th-r forest, the en is 'phwit.-!. It Hake iriiwittr alioirt sevtn years to l"velop m - i i r i - I'r",m '" planum- and tin ; taniecrs have the wild "sentr lr":r" w,'u 'tntpnl. It ls sanl 4.1. .. ! I l . i "i.u t in i i i .Mancnuna rivei;""" -u- una .i imrntii iivmrc d -(dined in jinxluctivenesi? merii'au, iru'S 'i-i- is worth from i' To -ll I)l'r pound. "It I een a Km:, hard pull t jftt thuijrs Miapcd up. says Pt rry, "but I am con.fidi nt it will pay big in the end. 1 expect this one aer now about ready, to : 'nir 1..IKN) or $2n.n(0, With- Meanwhile our erojn will U grow- 'T1tT the more valuable, a. the root. will be larger ami heavier. It will probiddy be the better for us to postpone the niarkctin aid allow the roots to iirretasc m size i . . . A Louisville dealer, when ak- ! man Perry will reaKe nearer I "flO.Ot Mil for his tne acre than .fJt. - Points on Prominent People. Albert S. Puirlesn, the post master general, carries an um brella so constantly in both fair and cloudy weather that, if he hould leave it at home some morning, he'd catch cold. There are in the Wilson cab inet six men who votisl against William Jennings llnun for the presidency in 1S. Ollie James, I'nitrd States Sen ator fnui Kentucky, i reputed to have the biggest appetite known to political history. He weighs in at about three hundred. Senator "Hilly" Hughes, of -ev Jersey, began life working!.. ..4 .1 ll 4 V . I .. I li ;t i o I .1 e r so o .sew . " - '- - .cw .icr- .v.. ., iec i resilient .viai-siutll ls tne man w lio tuice tleeluieil an mvi- jtation to a statj . . 4 . . 1- . I ii;iiirt Til !twTittriiii.ii.tr iwt ill sv his wife was not invited. He. I said he made it it rule never I" go anywhere unless hi wife i could aeconipanv him. i I Mr. Kedfield, the secretarv Of! co'iuui rce. on tht things lives up ti ven- face of lis name. lb" ' h:is ;i n d lili skin ai.tl a field of; red whiskers. Jam s Hamilton Lewis N'ew Seifator from Illinois. the lias the the most diivalric bcitrinir. Hn.st etiS. the Jiinkest wh'sker, most perfect h'.irnii iiv he ami the twecn h ms-k ites, cuffs but ' !'s. iind eo!ni!eio!i ever known th- Sera',, chamb.-r.- Th- p. hir Miijiiine. 'U ,, li Early Genius. Proud sir. '.hiit l'ath.-r: boy - f I t. wil toll e a mine t oudi r 1' Kri nd , wearily; : "Wh.it won- derfnl thing has he done in wf Rheumatism QuicWIy Curd. Proud 'Father: "WJiy, the "My Klttier'a hnt.aiui liJ an attack other .1.1 v he ate all the" preset- I "f rheumiitlHta In his arm." vt rites a . :, .1 ,...,.,. I , i , e!l kliio.ii resi.telit of Newtotl. la. VeS Hi the p.llltrv. 1 overheard . ,.,, ii , ... , ,,, , luiii say. as he Mii.-and the cat .;ialn' l.lnlinent M'h he ti lie.l to face with the stuff. 'I'm sorrv , ! Ms ftrm ami en th next linuiilii; the Tom. to tlo this. but. 1 can't 1, 1lie okl toik.S Nils' ect J'eiinv Pictorial. in-. SALIOR BOYS RIOT. I Stat s army were ofabhed !at t;ht when a number of soldiers. ;wid sailors who participated in the uiiiitary and naval Potlach parade were attacked by a crowd of men at.tet.dip.tr a street meet irjr of Indusfrila Workers of the WorM. The soldiers were only nliirht ly woundi'd. A st'oi.d party rf men fn m the Pacific reserve flett attack ed thr bi Industrial Workers' head!iuartt'r. on Washinjjtui St. j tonight in the southern part f the city The foutents of the I buildinir were dnti;tred into j fetreet and a bon fin- made the of I.tlem. .v jmomm ifiimn m iniy men : f .1. . ! 4. 1 : 1 . .1 a rid,"1 cutters to arrest all the men , asliore. Secretary Daniels Near. Secretary of the Naw Dan- n js was t.f.inn:.jf tn Wtst Virginia, the inira! Reynolds, at tlu- cruisep guest tif Ad- the time the riolirg began. The mob refotnu d in tin nc rt li j jmi! of hte c:ty after it had i ' " d:sper.M-d mul w. nt back to !(; Socialists lieatliiarters on i 1' ' fth avenue and sacked the j phn-t. destroying the furniture and a large quantity id' SK-ialist l.terature. About a dozen sailors, all y )ung, were in th first party that got under way. They were aided b-y- tK3verl membf rn of lh WHsliinjrtmi naval militia arwl by a hunnlred civilians, who madf i -""-1'r of the city. The cart was ' O'Oktn to splinters in a moment ami the tug stook! of .Six-ilais pa pers and magazines were torn, tossed into the Ktreet and jumj- ed upon. They then proceeded to the Social: htstdnuarter iiearHy, smashed in the plate-glass front and nailed American flags on the front of the building. W&tU Succeeds Brown as Rev enue Collector. State.sville, July H.--The of fice of collector of internal re venue was todav transferred from (ieorge. II. Itrowu, the retiring eolleetor, to Alston D. Watts, the now ct dire top, Revenue Agent Hhawhan making the transfer for the government, Mr. Watts took o;lth of off!,.,. .1 ll lt1iflllJtll I . i , n.i iitTTII,ltl l.i. Till.,' I. III. I... II. j new collectors first, busintts was . ..v. . ii.'i.ui I'lo-iie. in to issue colllinisfsiolis to tile tle putics who will be retairntl tem porarily in the office and to three new men Democrats. The new men are .lames W. Wil.s' n, of Morganton, who will take the place of M. A. ehandlcy, resign- t tl X. h. Crauford, of Wiiuston- Salem, wii,. succeeds II. K. Nis- sen, and J. H. Aiken who will SUCCecd J' of Hickory, is.ph li.indt as tl: six n d. puty in and other coiiiities. Win men now in the service d T t lie e i si ! V ii e. Cut a w ba ' can le nil the to are un-'thor t ;s ii'pem 1 Li ng that of the atiorut v gellr i r;d under tin' lion that th- , depilti'S eXpin lll'is-iol, of th. collimissioos of 1- t.iiln d and tl, .i!e t ' m j orn i . v ice eXainina! ii Taft 'tl! ''I . s w i'h e. ll h a Imiuistrii : i s . f al! the ..::.; ct. r. The all tin- old force e Ii. -tt oln.s its We'I p. Sloi'iU' fit il set US to establish a pe!s.'l,.s for the .t el iieeS. ligibl, rtieumaiifm whu mc " For thronlc iioiKi our rbvunitttiKiu y-'i t i!l fiiiJ nothins U'ttcr than riiamberlaln'i UninifPl. Sold br All Dsalef. 'Pinntd in Wreck He Begged to , be Slain. D-vitur, Ala.. July lf.-Ca ight under an overtiirned lm-i -motive in th - Louisville a'nd Nah ville !ards here la.st night. 1 1 u.-.! ri (i. Fleming, a iKJ-year-tdd en gineer ;lt ln.-e .weddin.g dale was set Within the Week, killed h'.lll.self by cutting his throat (with hi oeket knife to bring relief from tin agony he wa suffering. With his b gs crushed and steam fairly cooking his body, the siung man la gged fellow workiiu u to kill him. The men refused, though tiny could riot rescue him from .the wrock. i 'For h il' sake," th.. oiing man cried, "put me out of thi living hell ; kill me." ; P'cinath the tangled mass of machinery the man's white far : W.L si en by the crowd. Then, with h.ilf paralyztd hands, he managttl to grope toward a XM-ket of his coat. Out of it he brought a jH-nknife. II,- opened a blade of it with his t-cth. "Will," he si, ldied, "if none erf ye u men have the nerve, I'll do it myself." Without ln-sitation he drew th iii ... . f ol.'ule across h;s threat. lie made b-in Wound that severed the "jugVi'ar vein, and that instant the suffering man e.vaped his agony. John Swnith, a fireman, who was a witness to Flfiniix'- ter rible and dramatic death, stid: "It wa tix awful to look at. Ai d we couldn't tlo a thing for Firming1 ui.e of the best liked men among us. We b st no time gettii:r the wr eker dowti here and trying to lift the eivgine. but the wrecker wasn t enough to lift siu-h a big b inotive. And all we coulsl do to stanL then- and see him ft-r and heur him beg us to him. He was in snch fwi:; Jain it ststF.ed almost right tvt-it soiBMJXhly shoaikl do as be asK- ttl. Put, of eomrse, none cf us could t.ring ourselves to do that. Anil final! v the bov got out his own knife. We were all too sick and weak with watching- hirn for any ort' u to think of taking the knife away from him. We just shxvl there staring while he cut his throat." McKinky Likeness Must Go. PtKst master General Burleson hius d"c!aiusl to rescind hi order substituting a vignette of Tlina Jefferson for that of William Mc Kinley on postal earths. Tlie Postmaster Cteiieral made krxtwn Ki attitutle in a letter to .Sen ator Burton of Ohio. The mat ter was brought to Mr. Burltwon'a attention by Senator Burtcin, who n-i ived a protest from the Me Kinley Club of Canton, (hio, against this substitution of Jef ferson'. ortrait fo McKinley's. In hU rcplv Mr. Burl-son savs: . "In answer to your letter of the l."th inst. I have to say that the change in the vignette form ing the stamp on one of the postal cards was authorized hv pursuance of a loug e.st.ibliNheil eu-tom of altering the do.sitrn of stamps from tme to tsrue for tin purpose of affording a var iety which it h.us been feund the public desires. It became neces sary to prejvire i new supiply of printing plates for postal cards, whieh createtl a favorable oppor tunity to make changes in the designs. "Inasmuch as the prineipb ad vocated by Jefferson hive heel! j rec ntlv elidoix . bv the Arnepi- pie it the t ,.,-. d i'.rtlctte apo-. I f t i-iate :tu- itC f the IV iraT t'.n of tmh-.-.rd. It nee oil the n vv -si s W ith'Oit s;. o- t h it action was taken without purpose of rt fleet's! v upon ho' or. d in-ni"n f the !a n MlKiideV." this a n v th.e '!t.-l iChig-geis Killed the Ycur.fr Tur- key?. 1 a') .-t'li P.-eord. 1 d V t ! eV r lo tr of ' bug jkilling'tiirkevs! Mr. J.o.;, (irif I fin i f !iis toA. n.sliip t -IK us that ' .1::: t!n i.:ist fevf t , . 1 s he lots lost lt young turkevs from rtsl bug bites, his org.ilal flock of 4 b.Hng retbo '-.l t 20. Th bites of the nil hut develop info sort. and the ois.,n of th insect infeels the voiug turkey and kill it.