0 rru 0L. XXXIV "United States Inspector is Shot By Mexicans. i.m Tnu. .lulv 2Gth. (Wlcs K ' Dixon, of Sun Diego. l '..t,. :....n;rr!itUkll ill- .sp.stor, wh given "Ley Fuoga bv Mexican Federal soldiers to-j .tv II.. was idiot in the lai".k .'i .r... 1 M ilia.) n , ; i hivon was in Juarez on ofMcialled to all the einpol yes busin ass, ifiv-.sitrntii!r a wnne l kImvc ejise. when In was arretted hv a band of Federals who start til marching-him away from the eitv in the dirertioji of the foot li ills where many executions have ow urred. Dixon .started to rim !Uid after gettiiV a Mock away was fired on and hit in the back. Dixons father liviv Liu Whraton, Texas. Dixon mad' a statement this morning in Jaures to the Ameri can officials that he believed th" Mexicans were marching him out o shoot him when lie ran. lie sayw the Mexican soldiers were drunk. Dixon was sent ly a superior to Juarez to see a nogro in con nection with a white slave case iii.t lii'ii-.ir urolxsl here, lie says he believes the negro bought' drinks for tin? soldiers and imlnc td them to arrest him. "I told the soldiers I would go with them to the commandant's office," Dixon said this afternoon, "but instead of taking me in that air etiou they .started with me toward the outskirts of the town. A I had, on a suit of kliaki, I thought they had mistaken me f ir a Tinted IStatos soldier act ing as a spy, so I ran ami they slu t me alter I had got about a hloek a way from them. Dr. II. J. Tappen, of the Im migration service in El Paso, went to Juan ai.u treated Dix oi:. He found Dixon was shot in the small tho nek, tli'j bull oca nis cnmMciilv through h". hody and ettnir.sr n't through hU stomach. It d:l not strike the spine . F, W. Berkshire, iiK'rvisiig inspector -if the United Btates immigration hen ice m the Mex kun bonier, at oiwe -went to Juarez, aocomi anied by (larenoe Oath'.v, an ir.fpi'ftor, to look af ter Dixon Both were arrested and detained Pt the military bar racks for a short time, but later were, rclnised. They took up the matter with Miguel Dinbohl, Ln ppeetor of Mexican consulates in El Paso, with a viiew of having Dixon removed to El Paso. Immigration iwn claimed a mulatto lieutenant in the Federal army in Juarez, , a friend of the Ti.irra uniler invest Hratmn. was anstrumeatal in causing the ar rest ami the shooting. Ordinarily Lnitde .States lin m'iirratioii men are Dcrmittetl to work in Juarez uinler an agree me nt with Juarez officials. Governor Refuses Pardon, Asheville, July 26. At a hear inig held here this morning, o(Jv enior IviH'kc Craig refused to grant a parxloji to Leon Wells, a former inemiber of tlie (icueral A-mbly and ch-tor at large for North Carolina when G rover Cleveland was elected president who was convicted at a recent session of the Swakn county court of larceny. It was charged that; to keip the nuds exclusively forjj, woumls and his feet and logs Wells, who was moving from Mur( driving, and the bulk of the ,.,. uns 0f broken cords ail )m" to Brywin City, in receiving j summer guiw's, including prne-! musidc.s. Koons will obtain re his household, gmids shipiM-d iiylticallv all the cottagers of North ! v'ards of over $100 for the c.q- the Southerik received a box ot ; ,Nlt and Seal Harbor were up clothing which did not belong tojpovd ot the admission of autos. Kim and he and his wife knpt it- i Both Wells and his wife were. found guilty of lareeney and the man was sentenced to srve two ! years in the penitentiary. An ap-j eal was t;Ue'n to the Suprome! (J.nu-t ami the ju.bmeiit. of the lower court was nffiniusl. Mrs. Wells left the State, forfeiting her bond, but her husband fd;iy-d here. At the lo-arii g today, it was eoiderd.d bv lawyers fi r the defendaJit tl.-it CU.il tv of the M'S. Wells vr-s 1 noiitrn Wells refund to take of it, claimiiur that h tll'S v II w as be gui ilt v as his Wife II taken to Iv.'ile' -rh Wislnodav, When Your Feet Ache From Corn. Ilii'''n-i, sv.ro or ration Spot. Ulititer. Ne- r i'ihi FiUinis Slioi'fi. Alien'n FfX't P-iiM-. Hie antieie tic powder to ho slinken into tti nho,., Five InRtant relief Sold everywhere. "Tic. Imii't accept imy B-ihtitUiile For Free Rumple midribs, Allen S Olmted, I-eUoy. N. Y , MOUJfl AIRY, WORTH CAROLINA, Government Employes Must Pay Dtbts. Washington Disiu.ch, 22nd CUrk in t Hovrrnmtnt d t ,.i K m elit s either IC.Ui". l'.'IV their j(i,.i,t, rJ.n'ii'Ki :'" flu; latest department to ,jia-:i.. this order is the join olll- 11 ' Ii mi tjiit-iit and an order sign-V" tKlav.U i r: " r ti i mat v . . . . . . an.1 iMillrt-torM will be denied iu- im. i .- ... o !,.. tnni tss to employes' during olTiee hours aJ;d adRs: "P. ut while the department Avill not penuit itself to U' used as aj eolleetion ageney it will not con sider us a fit employe any one who neglects to make pay- It was denied at the depart- i merit that there was an epideinte j id bad debts among the employes there and tlic statement avULs that the order, an old ne, merely was ealbd to the attention of the clerks. Similar rwulations are in force in the d.-partmentH of State Agriculture, Navy, Interior and Commerce but they are not considered ho drastic in effect as the interpretation of the order issued today by Secretary (5ar rison. Mr. Tillman Now Gets Plenty Fried Chicken. Washington. July 22. When Senator Tillman i g'f South Caro lina, who m on a diet by order -f his physician, declare! some what peevishly that "the art of frvinir chicken was unknown in Washimgotn," he had noti recldoiied with the housewives of j the District cf Columbia, many of theim southerners ai.d jeah us of their ability to cook chicken in any fashion. As a result of the assertion indignant housewives and a few score admirers of the South Carolina statiman have lieeu inuiii'lating him with chick- eu. Thev C'ne by parcel post and hy messeugera until wch day the senator b committet- room takles on the appearance of a piemie grouinl. At first Seiuator Tillumn sought to return the gifts, but virtually non had the name of the donor on it, although many contained notcH defying the s.iator to de cry the fowls or the cooking. As a result the committee waste luiisket Is continually filled with chicken bonen anl committee c.lerkN and senate attendants, iui- tiressl to aul in keeping up with the incoming supply, an Hearing a state of rebellion. Town Votes to Bar Autos. Bar Harbor, Me., July 28. By a vote, of 'J2 to 8 the town of (Mount Desert at the special town meiting decided to keep in force for another year at least, the re strictions prohibiting the use of liutimiobiles m that tmvn. 'Hio tiAvn was giveji an op- port unity of choosing for itself at the last sv-sien of the liegis- lature whether it would contimu its exclusion policy or Lilt Ine Jiiin, and during the lafct week or two a lively and at times bitter amipaitrn has been waged. For- imcr President Eliot, vf Harvard, has lce the leader of the fight Firedmann Patient Dies. Topvlicld, Mass. July 22. Al-' f.ud Wan-in.r former' United S'et.s asNtant attoniey gi oei-rtl and former judge of the New Mexico Supreme G urt, the' !toit jir.iiiiineiit jiaiient t receive Dr. l-'i'i'-.ii-ieh UriediiKin's "cure" t. t'lberellb sie, list i ! s I u-ht. to lie ti W.I H Vi el'. d Tl:e il r.nii:;1 e rotv the ejinti i.MKI m;! nt, from dash ll Sliver , "t- to l'ro idt lice where Dr. Ki'ieilmiia was then ,.i!ding hi Mr. W. II. S'uumons, of Hank-.s-oii N'.-w En-irland clinic, was' ville towitship, was the victim of seiis.it inj.al. ' m April 10. with in two hours of hi. l'ni idencc. Judje i arrival ill o!ev ns'eiv- ed the first iiiieeti-n o-f vaccine, As Dr. Friidman's m st prmni lie! it patient, everv attention was tiid him aii.1 every cire taken.: Later he received R second in-' jeetioii fnwii Friedmann. Republicans Tire cf Losing Fightf, Washington, July 20. After j .1 a l . - .....I.. 1- ' several Honrs oi lojiir. iub.uui,.ii"' tii riff diw.Mi.sNkm in tin Senate ...... ..!... ... i t 1 ,1 iislay, during which tl.e KnpuMi- cans were consistently defeated , the minority VJl lllll' UlHJil 1 1.. K.nrMM t,i tiro l.f t riklt ll'.-S - - .fforts to amend the bill, ami - --ij i chnnieal whedule practu-ally wan r:uiM i)rorn t-,s was niatie. aprovi-l wihfoiit chanv'' when the. Senate adjourned. In protect ii'jg against the heavy rut ;n the duty on- whiting. Sen ator Lodge d'-clarcd he knew it was useless to offer amoikhneiit.s. He also protevtetl against the dutv ;ii lithoiMme, saving he would ivot uselessly hi an i ay i ne amend- S''tt;ite ty o-ileriiig incut. Senator Smoot also r.r iincd 1 from offering certain amend-1 lie ii Li, sni jik . l -;n',mt offer an ;unemlmeut In-cause I see it will do no good Monument to Adam. IDi'm iiK.nuiuent erect ill to the "meory of Ada, the first man,"j is the only one of its kind in; America, and probably in the j world. It was erected in 1W! v Mr. John P. Brady, a well known," contractor and builder, of Balitaoore, at his country place, "Hickfory Ground," near Canienville, iu the northeast ren Miburbs of Baltimore, Maryland, It is composed of atone, bronze, and cement, and is sumouutcil Bi.v a very large and accurate suiuliat, tispec'ially caleulatcil and con structed for th; latitude in which the monument M em-ted. N. Eat. degrees aiwl 20 minutes. Sur- rouiliiig the mnir Inures, m : circle on the dial, is the motto. "Sin; Transit Gloria Mumh (So Passes tiie Glory oi the World), and the date, 1!0!), adhl on Luther kidQ of the shaift is a sunken pan el with sunken letters, yu; two readinir: . . " Tius, the Xirst sJiatt m Amer- ... .i .. ,e lea, is erected U) ine memory wi AUum, tho first man. Th monpiment iww naturally attracted niuch attention. Mr. Brady has stated, amoing otlnT (things, in a newspaper interview, that "where .v many otliers ot lesser worth have bifii hoiionsl, he thouirht it .Uut time that KomcthiiMg was dioiie for Adam." From the August tstraml. Bullet Proof Wolf Killed. Wliealtand, Wyo., July PJth. Old Whitcy, an unusually large gray wolf whose depredations have caused the stockmen of this section $T0,000 ihirlng the 1ast five years, was slain by George Koohh uoi the Mertz ranch on the Laramie plains. OUi Whitey was probably the most cunning wild animal that ever operated in southeast Wy oming. He sidesti iMsl jsiisoned food aiwl trHji set out to eaten hum, while his fleetnttiS of foot carried hum out of roach of llus .s'uin slaghouiuls. He scivned bullet prmvf, for on nnuiy oeisisjoiis ranohmen have heanl the thud of their bullet as they struck his hide, but he always got away until this time, hide is seared bv many bid- tore of Old hitey. Court Financially Drunk.' ' A witness in u lienor i lei'C IrO(UtCeU a iail'rll lulling u i . i :..i ...l,,,, l.v .1... solemn miiruer iriai nen m- m-- jii.sid ainl .v;iid. in reply to a nie.stiou as to whether or not a i 'i-taiik man was drunk on a cer- ta' 11 e.' -1 s ; I ' 1 , I lull I' e II "V- .1. . 1. .. i. . t ' ' t i:n mei.'illv dnink.' hicli is r.f...:. if ii. .f in ur iteirnii' : icii'iis. if not U hi li l:n.k "financially a m i'i -I.ninbi rtoii I oiicrx ni.'ui Did It Ever Happen to You? ! o ad'stMiiro Messenger. - a painful accident l'Lt Week He was n.irnessuig' a mine, ami !was .sUmding at the animal 's 'head when it suddenly threw its - :head and hit Mr. Simmons 1 under the chin 3!r. Simmons had his !wer lip teeth at the time. !Avas bitten through. THURSDAYS, JULY Knocking 'I,,, Out Liquor Medicine. as a, Observer. 'IHie precis are bein-g knut-kwl out irnm um.er .h. ; a rapid rate. The doctors , coinii c to th eonchisi;M t"1-! then- are few if any cs ies of si.'km-Ks in which the use of al- eoliol 'in really belief n-ial. Un; d.. ..,..itrnrv it w hebl'' eOlltl'Ild- : in wiiLidi the 114 III.IW Itl'TVtl-" ........ - isse of alcohol ii . : ,,..t a diris-t deterrent to goid rcsiMts ( the exception. Tin New : M Yor'k! Siu! savs that in the In-( ternatie.jial Congrs of Physi-1 of three years ago tiy I.4( banners were able to fiimrc pret-oth-raiv recently couveiwd inUx.M). The figures show that Trea t- ebsclv on how mi wh ' money P.erlin "Prof.is.sor Ewald, perhaps the most eminent clinical teacher in the Berlin University, gave the coup de grace to al-ohol as . , , -I, ... i a stimulant when Ik- sam ne nan reached the conclusion that in the no iufi tious disease has ;.,,,, i.i value of alc.l.ol been provtsl and tlcsit it diminishes the natural n srstance to the inroads of dis ease." The Sun holds that Pro fevr Ewahls contention con firms what cvtT.v clear-vwioiiKsl physician of experience has ob served at the lieilside. that when ever alcohol is aibninlstered handicap) the patient, because lowers the blol pri-sMire; it it it R! a temporary spur to the failing heart, with a subpient le pression to which many a sicik ninn has suocumbe! without re alization of tlv.' caie of "heart failure." The Embarrassment of the Dead Game Sport. Statesville Landmark. Several passengers were al ready aboard an arly morning train when it was avut to pull out from a station not far from here a few mornings ago. Iu came t young fellow with liis hat on at a.lout b0 degrees, his pants rolled half-way to hi knees and !iaviu' "other ear-marks . of a dead-caune "soote." He halted alsmt half-way the car, removed his hat the balanct of the way from liis head and placed it in the rack; removed his coat and hung it on the wall overneau, ! turned two seats together ana proceeded to curl up iu a com fartable jxj.sition. All his move ments had Wen very ostentatious and all the ther passengers had taken considerable Interest in tht maiuier In which he made refidy for the journey. Suddenly the engine bumped gaiiut the train to eoiiple up. The "spoteV coat stmck the floor with a great thud and sounded like an elecrtic light bulb had burst and the other pas Hcimcrs didn't kivw but what there had. Soon 'though, the. odor of whiskey began to spread in the car. The "sote" .put on his hat, gathered his coat into a bundle and made his final di- aiMtcarancc from that car. As he passed along the crushed glasa tnnile a large noise ami the "rfpote's" face turned many ool ors. Water's Career on Land is Short. A Gein.i.ii .scieiitl-t la figureil r ,ome c... -:i if .niorm.'. tion coneeruing a drop of water. A drT ot water, he savs, may be 1 . . . . ;.. t..i.. drawn out of the ocean the day after it gets in, and on the oth- ior hand it, may possibly riinain in the oeeaji for IO.CmX) years. The ;nverage time .spent then by a 'drop is about :l.460 years, nc- immoih ii. nil mv. iimui'ii I Tl,.. lW., .f ,i .l.,ii. ,.f u-ntAp i - i outside the ocean is apparently a . Jisy one for in about Id bys alter e aiorati.ii on tlie average i. ,i-i 1 1 1... .. ... ... ,ii . I ..iiw.w I 1 TIT.. i t II 4 ' fl il .1 I winii im H ..- ' water. 1 hen it may tall as ram m 1 he lioek'v Al n li ;i l'vs. lor SJI- .stance, and reach the (iu!f or the iirca-t ijakei. i.ut its Life as frchh !. sliort for Avat'-r is ci.iiiparativi if it i.s not .soon c.irrii-d out to ea bv rivers it a-v ill in a fev , ears reach tlu in-ean again by being evaporated ai.d tin ii fa!l iiiir its ra.ji. Of eoui-se we cannot sav that any individual uroj imiwn ' iv.-n course. The drops losx- ; their identity when they go to.Miat the matter was and seeing . jna'ke up a stream or other body j the child's head hanginsr down, of water, and tliey are lrdcen upjlunied over on her pniow betwi n h'w jnto inf biite.simal ptirtieh-s Avhen expired immediately, and the sup aisl the lip 'the water is evaporated. From i posit im Is that heart trouble was !the Pathfinder. 31, 1913. National Treasury Hanuied. wore. Than Seven Billion. The I'juted States Treasury handled iu actual c;ush during th- fiscal vear cmhd June oO the Jstl,M.,h!)(H wm f $7,071,."i20.00O r.-ik1ii c all pre-viou wwU Hiid stampuig the F.-leral Tn-asury, ; offieials declared, as the greater l.ankhi institution in the world. ( Ketleetir.g tin- ir-meiMious LTOWtll of till! ITOVeriKIiellt blL-t- ifn w thU tiL'h recxird. including; . , . ii.,.. !im,I niu-r;t T,l ill" within, the Treasury. exeeedel the j - h transaetiui.s of the previous year by $4W,76!Mnitt nd those ury Kfficials durini: the year jast closisl baiiduti in actual casii ; that would have been ai hand nerly twice tlie amount of the H ith'T :!( to CO days when it total strck of money in the Cnit-'was taken from them suddenly, ed States, which is estimated at Xume fields of tobacco are prae l,720.0OO,(X). 'tically a total loss, while others Includirv' bonds, checks and lin. damaged to the extent cf ." warrants, the Treasury handled to To per cent. Cotton and corn over $10.(H'H),('00.(KH) during thi was ,lamagel, but of course these yrtir. Tliw vast ggrs.gation of crops are not so suseeptibb; to wealth, which does not irvlude j dama.ge us tofacct, esju'eially at th transactims of the sub-Treas-; this le season. iiries, was handled without the1 loss of a cent to the government, j Engines Leafed. The receiving teller oi the . A l government took in over me counter $7.Vlo:5.K) d'uring the ..n ...1 year: xn' pa.wi-g iciier cu...4 118,177.(XX) in cheeks and rant; the shi.piii Mler sent ii.,vH4,oiM,iHR to various n the coiuurv atwi ine ennue crniment received for redemption durii: the year 0.f.b6,0tK) m tLme-wru. United Statics currencj and 675.889(0 in national bank notes. Coins New Wcrd. Wahhttton. July 2S. Head- ouartci-s of the National Ameri can Woman Suffrage Association K.ttil witli ii dkmnticn tcdavlner cent and the fire under the offU'era and uicmSbers learned that Keprrscntative J. Thomas Heflin o-f -Alabanna, their most hitter op jionent int C6ngnss, had fired an other broadside in their camp bust night from the pulpit cf a local Church. In axldition to t-riticlsirir the "cause" in vig orous terms, Mr. Heflin also gave his definition of suffragists and their male supporters. Here it is: "Suffragettes Unmarried fe male fanatics. " Su f frageta rs Unha ppy dis contented married women. "Suffragettoi The male suf fragette. A f.-' !.-:'.. lied suf frotescent creature." Mr. Heflin expal'med totlay that the word "suffrotesceflit" was his own coinage. After some, thought he said he believed that "wood-en-heaibd" could be substitut ed for it without any loss in meaning. $1,500,000 In Free Labor. Jefferson City, Mo., July 26. Gov. Major has ussmd a procla mation, setting apart Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 20 ami 21, as public holidays, to be known as "Good Uoads Days." Every able-bodied man in the rural districts ami citim of the state is a skis I to put in. these days working on the public high wavs. 1 tie governor renie.M 1li;it nil iinlin.'irc business be sus i..Mhled E very" county court in . J. . . the state is a-ked to issue a Riljv plomental jwoclumation. The "Why man, yu re wrong again, women in the country are request I The map gives it as Mellms than cd to aid by furnishing th? vol-.iiel" untis'r workers with lunch crs. I Three or four times this sort of Tlie governor r.tim:ites that thing went on. Then the pass.i work apiroximatiiig jf'l.-W.OOO in ger. pointing to a gull, said: value will result. "What kind of a gull is that, ! ' Died Frcm Fright. Us. n. .inn - ni....v 1 .............. I.. ..O t.nir i. i" , w 1 tS. 1 1 1 r 1 ii I ili ,11 " ' 11 l- " ' v , ... . - J ;.-rtis Adams died .suddenly ai io-p ionic iiiiir Kim 1 ll 1IUU l the following cir'",i:iit.inee : At hour naiut Mr. Adams, on .l awaKei.-wg, iiidriii, w 1. l ' r if I w that urn' "f his U'iis hleetiin'' oil a tf.ilidl bed in the room with! J,.nus-lf f.ml wiio. wa.s hanging oer the side of the bed Mr. A.l t'l..s got 1IJ to J-l'l the little one in a mon cmfortablc v'.tioii. mid in t-o doing awoke lis wife. She wanted to know i the cause of sudden demise. WO. Hard Hit by Hail Etcrm. Fipiay Springs, July 2.. It L now e.sit'uiMitwl by those thor- cughly familiwr with the tobac co growiriig Hiduvtry that tru' fanners of this community have iot -t ".oi ry u.aiiiH!re une io the grew',rg we d by the s,vere haiUtorm that viit-d this m-c- ; tion a wci k ngo Sunday. J. W. AdeoX has lust. Tnost fl M iienii, It is estimated tttat he has suffered to tl te extent of 20 (kh), The crop was altnosi n.iui,- ,e crathered atll tiie they were going to gi-t money Kaleiirh. JuJv 2m. The Sea board's engines Sunday loafed aU lav with boilers full of ammonia , ui,r.wt ;,, war-;" tak(, iu wat(if from a branch into whicli the icr - 4iiiiiiw.t i i'i oiil- nut i if litJ Delayed trains and hardworked eneinenncn caused an investiga whhh ended at the State Lab oratory of Hygiene. The ensri ueers observed a ivuliar odor about the water ami discovert' that it was ammonia. They went to the laboratorv and tints were made. Branch water that usually shows 20 jer i cent alkalinity, was te.stirr xH) I; oilers made it sizzle. The rail- road'people aski-d the la.borato to. doctothe. trouble and tha caiLStd more talk. Alum -will counteract ammonia, but alusn w death to boilers. It corrodes then and the company was afraid to apply the counter-irritant. The water ran better yesterday and the alkali was reduced of it self to 65 per cent. Another day or two will clear it of foreign trouble. I u the tneanitme, the S atmard is using as much city water as it can buy and the en gines are aole to make tsitter time. Pardonable Oruffiness. Capt. Robert C. Warr, about to retire from sea life after forty-nine years of it, said on the Oampaoiia: "Yes, it w true that sea cap Wins are sometimes annoyed by passeng.ers who think they know in on? about navigation than the navigator himself. "I know a captain to whom a pasMger once said: "What town Is this we are rpproacking, eapt" "Drwent. sir." "No cap, you an mistaken, sir. LooW at this map here. Acconl ing t this map its Frdham." The captain said nothing and a moment later the passenger ask- - 'ed: "What channel is that, cap! ... i i . ! f.gg cliannci, sir. "Loolc at your map and find " til,-, enitt.-ibi r:iff -v ans- W(.mi Brcugtt Frcm Philippines. Caroleen, duly 2l. Tl.e ein :i.aliinsl IkhIv of Mrs. David Smith fnni the Ihilijp;re Islands : a- h Mtl thl place e.stinla a d will tie burcd tomorrow m th" H"lly . Spriings feiueti ry Mr. S u'th is a sergeau m the i nued n-s Army, having been in the service for it -oirs. Thr-.r years air he came to Carole n an 1 enrri'il Miss Hiiison. Ills wife d .-,l in her n;w lnmi eifht mi:4ii- ut4 The Ukly was preserved until (Sergeant Smith's three-f;r Unn of enlistment was finUhe!. lie then brought it back to l.U Avlfe's hl home.