xxxiv MOUJfl AIRY, WORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 19L3. WO. 0 Billy Sunday, Baseball Evangelist Bruce Burtca In It wa.s more than 'JO years ago that Hilly Sunday himself hit th" Miwdust trail, on a warm Sprii;',' afternoon in Chicago. The trail in Ills c.iM' wa.s Van Hureii stt t, and it I'd .straight into tlx- old Pacific, Cardi-n Mission. He wa right Itj ll.-r linn u that famous baseball aggregation captimd .by Pop An-.Mii, that, ban' hand, d. guiltless, of glove or mask or chest protector, won its way into tlit; ehaMh.pioiiship and imost o t.h,' team win with hint on that particular afternoon. Mike Kelly was there, and I'M Williamson, ami Frank Flynn, heroes all, sur roundtd hy the iuvitablc hand of .street -urchin worshipers. As they passed the haltered door of the mission, the music of an old hymn, almost equally battered, drifted out into the warm sun shine. Hilly stopjH-d short, and wondcringly, jokingly, the crowd stt'4ietl too. lie had heard that Music, a long time hack, hut its strains had not grown more fa miliar through the years. Now it struck into his sold with some straiHge compulsion. The crowd bantered a little and .started t move on, hut not Hilly. (Quietly he reaclnd out his hand to each one of the group in turn. "Boys," lie sail, "Pin through. I'm go ing in," One laujjhed: one pa.s, ctl a rough ; the rest Mood fdill uncomprehending. And the old Hilly iSunday was gone. Sometimes in his .sermons now lu tells ahout it, ami particularly Jihotit the next afternoon when In reported for practice at the old Southside grounds. At the .gate he met Frank Flynn, and braced himself for the ordeal that he knew to be inevitable. Frank camp on, slowly, looking search ingly into Hilly 's eyes, but there was no smile, no jest ; instead a long Handshake and "I'm glad voit did H. Hill." Inside Hop Anson waited to extend his hand, and out iiy one his team mates follow td tpiietly, without pre terite. The angels that assist St. l'eter at the irate could not have given a welcome more sin cere. H was a surprise to Hilly, almost a shock but it helped. It gave him a new regard for the jieart of the common man, a deep er respect for liw Cod, who with out the loss of a single day was busily id work on hi.s side. Fur that is Hilly 's idea of Cod, that He is working for Hilly Sunday just as hard ami as buiig as Hil ly works or Him. Religion to Hilly is i Kt worth its ntune imlc-N it has its sleeves rolled up; sal vation and .s'woat, in his vocabu lary, at' words derived from the. mi nu ,'ommon .source. Efficacy of Prayer cn the Dia mond. It was his religion, working persistently at its job, that made him cirtcJi the long, far fly in the decisive game that wceic A tremendous hit it was, in t.he crm-ial minute of the ninth in ning far out over right field, over the heads of the crowd, al most to the fence. As he ran back for it he could mot ti'H that it was going to be almost impos sible; he could feel Hie home crowd in the bleachers strainii-.g for him. could b :!! f ir off the faint encouragement of his team mates, in:d knew that the men on bases were running- in sure confidence that the game was won. And still he ran, panting out the first prayer of his Wn tian life. 'O Co.." lie said, "you know ori your te-'iu ; if to help 111 e. eo'n e on 1 m play ii g y ou'i'e going ,1- now. In a brool way it was a model for a!! the tl-,--i t K -it 1" ".a; ;;" are all lwrn en a heart that i- t!o speed !'!;. s.'nds of pra v ei-.s l-e.i s'i.... : th' ' the r :n. i et '' h :-t ii g be ond an e!,,it t r-1 answrred. i! '"! i 'i ! . t -m t it Would go and fa'l be- hi: ti-emen-' 1 Y. bare i'r. tb'-re was b. !p 'liw ty , Fast,,- 11.,. ' ! fas ; he knew 1) jusr o-- r his hi ,-i 1'ind irn In o d'MIS ef:',. t I hand nji into tin a swift, smarting impact - and be ft 11 ovt r on his brick w:th tlo baM clut.-hed t:glt in h;s f'st. His prayer ha 1 b. t n -i!swt r. d; Collier's Weekly ' the game was won. There f,J!. weil in th lif- of Hilly Sun. lay, convert, a Serbs of ; lot. jr. hard years before he be jca.'ii,' Hilly Sunday . va tig'-l i."t . t 1 1 Sundays he preaehed in a l. league sort ol laihioii wln rt t r he could get the chance at;d during th" week he worked as a physical director in the Chicago Voirng Men's Chris-tian Association, at a salary of $75 a month. In these later days, fwhcii grateful communities' some times reward him with .f 10.0(H) (,r e i ii 12.000 for his six-weeks' work, ami when critics of var ious tl "gives of sincerity taunt him for the money that he has ae.eum nlated, he looks back' on l.lrse l'U'g years of obscurity and sacrifice. "I notice," he as, "tJuit no one ever thought of calling in a grafter then." His first meeting were In Id in the town.s of ..K and ('. in Iowa. Illiii'ii.s. and Wisconsin. Ife has always been afraid of tin cities, but lie was more afraid of thi-in then. Uesidi-M, h- had , only six siimijis; when he had preaehed t lie-Ill necessity coiiLpcll- ;el him to liring the meetings to jait abrti1 close. And six ser ; iii'tn.s would im t. have touched a town of any considerable size; he would have been done and gone I In-fore the big community kiit-w ! iiat. In- was stiarted. ! A ISunday meeting is it like any other gatlit rii .g in the world, jit iw as carefully prepared lor as J a circus, as well staged us the j "harden of Allah." Out of the I scores of invitations that are pressed uywm him and he. lias enough on file to keep him work ing continuously for the next liO ytvtrs, shvuhl he provo able to stjitid tJie trtraitv that lng he Selects those that come frmn com munities where ctrnditioiw are most favorable nnd where he can have united supjttrt. From the day of hi.s aiveplanee he 'fr. niotnarcli of that community, a ty rant whose wih must lie ex ecutetl to the last letter. The churches must dose during his meetings; he will liave no dls traetion; the religioas life of the whole (vmmiunity mast merge it self for six weeks in the gnat tabernacle which is erected for him. There must be a choir of at least 500 voices; finally but first, on the list as Hilly sr.ibmii it there must be a regiment ". Christian men and warn en wh will pledge thomselvos to daily ami nightly for the cess of the meet'uur.s through all the weeks of preparation. At one time, when he was hold ing services in a cent nil Illinois city, a delegation came from a lieiglditriiig" eomim unity to re quest his services there. He eonstMited, with the understand ing that the delegation would re turn ami organize a hand of 'J00 ( "liriM uii.h who would begin at O'nee to pray for his success. The time of the meeting arrived; I'.illy gathered the ministers around him and asked for the list of those who had Iveiui pray- ing. Tweiiity and they had I promised "JiHl! That night, in the closing prayer, matter straight these words: "Htrd. you Were otr here Lilly to' took the Heaven in iih'W when we in the last ni'-ef- ; iing a bunch of these pivaehns ;cailie iilid asked Us to collie over I to th'..s sin-soaked town of theirs and help them out. And. Loisl. i y oil i-i-nirinber tli i? we promised 1 to eome if tllt-V Would get togetll- 'JiHi f,,!J; to pray i'.r tin- suc cess of the no-, -tn "s. And y o'.i reiin-niber they promised, l'i'd. Now We get In re Iiiei- a iiie.iU l;l gi t it. Lord .' ' I'M. il.d W'liat d We 'Ic L'd. Do you What do inn 1i k of th,,t :" ,,!" -, i.o 1 1 1 1 ; -j m d in t h rou gh Ihe reef ill tie- lllids? of olle of his s -He -is, finding him -tand-- g in th" pu'p't. or about to s.ving a erah'ng Hin the f!o..r of the platfouii. might have : a in-mi tit s doubt a.s to w hat sort of :in i h T'litioii v. as :i pr'res. ; Hilt ib'libt Would be removed Wire he to remain through to the end For there is sound i's pel in every serm "ii of Hilly 's and truth, ch'tln-d in the laiHTU- age of the way fari:ur man, to be sure, but driven hornm with the. un matched energy of a soul fully ! coiiserattsil to its task. J "1 am going to fight the things that destroy manhood and wo manhood ami homes and dcetit liiisiu-ss until lull frt-'-zes over," he aiiiioinieed in opening his meet ings in )ecatur. "and tlnn I'll buy a pair of shVttes in f'ght on the ice. ask no quarter, and I f'Af Jiofie." It was Hot nice, nt j chaste, not beautiful, but it hit home to the hearts of the thorn, amis who traveled out to ee I what iiiiiniier of man had come iiimofir them. After that, thev knew. I 1 . 1 1 1 these paragraphs ami imagine thoni sjtokeii in a tense. Inifd tone by a man who leans far out over the pulpit, jumps onto th chair and off again, shoot his- arms this way and that, and sweats great drops in the earnestness of his delivery. "TJiik revival nn-aius work for all of you. Don't you think that you an- L"'irg to have an time of it. No, sir. Think of the mountains of guilt in your city that won't move for a little. Sonne uie has got to sweat on this job. "I Wii.s going to say that (Jod couldn't convert a man on the top of the Alps. Iimi miles from anyone ele, but I won't say that, for (lotl could do it. but He doesn't. I don't believe any man was ever converted without the hiuDflfv agency figuring in it. (Itxl don't send angels to Coluin u.s to rimg your doorbells, preach and sing in your choirs. No. sir; iotl said: 'Hill, you tro down ami pull off that stunt for me.' "Lots of you jM'ople wear out 10 pairs of holUack.s to one (pair of tugs. What (lod wants is helper, not .klioekers; builders, not iconoclasts. Half the church members could die nnd the Church wouldn't lose as a spir itual force. Yank me of the CroMitw and stuffings out of your prayers ami put in joy ami work. There an three classes in every (liurcli,: the I wills, the I won'ts, and the I can'ts. The finst class does all the work. Some men are so stingy that they can't give a dune to the Church without sing ing: 'Cod be with you till we meet again.' "The story of Moses is one of 'the most fascinating in Scripture. I believe the origin of that ark which was hid in the bulrushes i"".sf have been in heaven, and '. ' it Cod w hispered the plan of aving that baby into the cars of its mother. The angels in heav en were surely kept busy keeping harm a.way from that baby Mos es. "Thank Cod the angels were not out at some bridge-whitft patty. When 1 get to heaven I am going to hunt up the mother of Moses and ask her how much Pharaoh's d-'ught' r paid her to nurse her own babv. "What is the Hihle? Cid news of salvation by faith in .Ittsus. I.ut you say, 'Is rt good news to tell me I am going to hell? "If it's a fact that you are lost and on the road to hell the sooner you find it out t.he better for you that's good news. Ami here's better news. You needn't go to hell; you can ! .saved by the blood of .It's us Christ. "If evt-r a man looks like a contsiiiuniat- a-s it's when he tells Cod that tin- plan of redemption 1 n't meet with his intellec tual approval. lo you thlllK liei'iuse say tin-re isn't any fire in that that turns the ho-c on ol hell it '. Scene of you men are so hw down, degrade I. and sun' en that '1 oil i i r do go to lie;! have to take a balloon. oil "If Co.! won!.! hr don t., h, ! I eoll'.d e ! I : e i itipulal it in lo m-mio -s. It wo'il in' a si-w h campaign. 1 ma ft in !; '.! wou'd be glad t n! in fi v m'iiii'i s if he i Yet m; get in. v c..,l ol i , i . "You say there Tnitv be a h A.I t. 1 a: a going to read v for the ma be. ' ' It's Fourteenth Century theol ogy, you say, and erhnps that's , true, lint there is no cant in it. It Is the hardhitting message of a ; strong man, s'irred to the lopth.s of his soul by the sjteetaele of 'puny, impotent, mortal men s. t jtjng thetuslevt s in rev'lt against the purpose of Almighty Cod. Ami men nqtond to it the It - ad - ing men of the city editor!, mer - chants, bankers, as well as the rank ami file. N oth.-r evan- Troublous Republic, j'"" pi"'-! tfl!,t h-y lia,i . "'-gi-lit owes ho little of his sue-i , countered more difficult i-s in the to etii'itionalisim : none other' CoMsboro, Aug. J,--Mr. C. I). 'trip aerirss the eoun'ry. can number a larger proportion of I'rothers who ha- been engaged While tie re Mr. Hr t lo-rs say men than women on his convert in railway construction work in ! the rebels under I'anfdo Natera rolls. Mexico, making his head'piart'-rs in the State of Zieateeas is in !the city verting his parent.s, J)r. , -ippeared on th- outskirts tf Sotn- A Senaible Judge. ;and Mrs. .1. . Hroth.-rs at the 1 bn-rtte. ami as tlo-re were only At tin- inciting of the l'ri-s-s State Hospital, having f r ttiis'H l-'eib-ral sohliers in the town AsAot-iatin in AsheviMe, .ludgecity from Mexico July 1. j th inhabitants urged the garri- I honnis A. Jones represented the mayor of the city and delivered the address of wdcoiiie. Follow ing is an extra'-t from hi.s re marks, z ' " Personally, believe ill the greatest liberty of tin- press. Wln-n I wa.s judge of the crim inai court of Huiu-ouibo the Ashe viMe papers s;w f'f to criticize in severely. Some of my friemls tried to persuade me to have a certain editor arrested for con- tempt, but I told th.'iu that I would do no siioh thing, for 1 be - li.-vt tl a long as iiew.s'jiapers gave the facts about the case of a judge, or any other public officer, that they had a right to indulge in anv criticism, however harsh it might be; that they had a per fect right to express the opinion that I was an unjust or tyran nical judge, or that my d s-isioiis were outrageous. I wa.s a disgrace to the bench and should be im peached, ami tiny had a perfect right to express tlo-ir views, howev-r much I naturally dislik ed or disagreed with them." "Spoken like ;i man." says the Salisbury Host. Indeed it Is. The public man who has so broad a conception of the liberty of the pns is indeed rare. St at csvii It Landmark. North Carolina May Get Millicji Dollars. Washington, Aug. 2. Iieprenen tative V(4b was assured today by Assistant Secretary of the Treasury John iSkelton Williams, that North Carolina would get a larg- slice of the $.0,(MM),(HH) loan which the government will make for the movement of crops. Char lotte. Mr. Williiiinis said, was al- ready on the list and ouhl I gotiatrons had been in progress figure in the distribution. It is j between Japan ami Mexico for believed over $1 ,0 K, M H) will be:'"0e a while, but as to the na 1laeisl at the disposal of the Tar! ture of same lu- could trot state, jlecl fttate baiuls for the move-j When asked if the people (if inent of the cotton, tobacco ami Mexico Were treated as slaves he other crops in the .state. Jret-ns- j stated that such reports were un born ami Wilmington will also true, but says that since Febru get a substantial amount, if the j ry, conditions have been going banks in these cities so desire. j from bad to worse. He stated Fourth sections orders were is- that President Huerta, in his sued by the interstate commerce opinion, would never be induced coinmissit -n today a:s follows: Al-:" resign, ami frankly threatens lowing a rate of 81 cents per hun-l-e Ic'"ple with the use of ilras tlrtsl oai traffic, from Cincinnati j tic means for the restoration of and Louisville group to lb-ids- j peace if necessary, ville and Kuffin. RstablKh rat us j When asked about railway on marble from Raleigh, N. C, j const ruction work in Mexico Mr. to eastern Virginia cities. Smith Hrothers stattd the Compania Atlantic, Ceorgia himI South Caro- Contsriietora tie Sombrcrete, who lina towns and also rate, on ' had the contract for the con- coal from l!ig Stone (Jap to North Carolina points. All the rates applied for are lower than the published tariffs and they were granted for a period of six months. Belt Strikes Man and His Two Horeses. King, Aug. 2 K W. Newsum. who yesterday afternoon .sought shelter from one of the worst storms ever experienced in this section, wa.s instantly killed when lightiiit-g struck the tobac co barn to which he had gone. IV o h irses. with which lit n.ui he had :li. Were be.-n phw ;ng and which taken to the ham wi'h h also kilb-tl by the same Mr. Xewsum was on,- best e i ..'' . ,,f fi, , ,.,ii. of the enty, ::. r ivetl bo ehildr.-i. !: Junior ears i i age at , u. a wite .and two vnall He w its a no ni'i. r if ? ! r.l -V and his burial w i ducted b m . " I J -e r . .' inei!. Light 'tifig a!o struck dene, , f Mr. C. ;. H,, ! ti" con- oeai a m ;!" s , ,,t tow n. ?. a I u 'i t) II. but i i a jj .elied was in ti e time. that in.o of the fami! his part of tie hon-e a' A strawst-o-k on th. farm of. Mr. I. H was struck and burn ed. The w:t;d and hail which ae the tie.-il dustur- b.a!iee ,1.1'nriged crops to a eo:i- shl.raMe extent, teJi;i-g pieces. j O0LDSB0R0 MAN HOME 1 FROM MEXICO, J Talka Intertstiiifily cf Conditions n an int. t lew Mr. Hrothers gave sonic v-ry interesting joints permit tin rebels to en'-r unmo iu regard to the sit nat ion in Mex-; b stt I. This was agre.-l to ami ico at tin- time of his departure j the rebel. who numbcrod about for the I'nited Sfatts, an.l saysjL'iW) took possesion f.f the to'.vn. that though a traveler would find Natt-ra levied loans on the bus- very little gayety in the troubl ed country these days, there are i P'tiimLs when frivohtv L- indulg- j i ed in to a greater degree of ex- j eess than -opje in thus country j could tb-em possible, ami at times the old world is made to smile "whether willingly or tlnrwi-e. , Mr. Hrothers says that pre -a j reports s nt t.ut from Mexico (greatly cxagi-rated in the sty ing that there was no law and order j observed; in the country and that ! during tin- Administration t f I'resitbnt Diaz law ltnd order wa.s in. many instances more rig idly enforced than in the I'lii'isd States. Talking further of Diaz he .stated that Diaz was a native of the State of Oaxa.-a. greatly iuhiib'rtatisl by Indians, who were ib-voted to him ainl have done great damage in their State, say ii.'V they would never follow or ; recoiriiie tin ('resent rronl'-nt Iliierta. anl will continue to go on the warpath from personal mo tives while he is in power. He says that acceptance of the new Administration in Mexico is not so general as at first thought, as the States of Coahuila, Sonora and Yucatan as well as Oaxaca have been in a state of uprising ever since the overthrow of Fran cisco Madero. Mr. Hrothers says tliat it is freely and enly discussed on tltc streets of Mexico that should the I'nited States have war with that country, that she would not only have Mexico to contend with but also, Japan. That secret in- struct ion of the railroad from Canitas to Duranga. has sus pended all work. All of its em ployes have left the State. About 140 kilometers of track has been laid, and the road would have been complcttsl in four months, , but work' had to be abandoned on! account of the disturbed condit ion tuf the couutrv. While passing through the re- gioti of Sombt-t-rete. Mr. Hrothers j l,,Wed to put us in bankruptcy, say.s he w;i.s infonneil that the 'With Cnele Sam at our back rebels were m.t molesting tl!fjan,i t1(l alMtve-Ti.-iTii.-d amount in cattle on the ranches. They take i l1:llhii there is every ' reason horses, which tiny say they need for the campaign, aid they kill beeves, and goats for food, but they do imt drive away any stock They confiscate arms where they are found, and force loans ot uioin-v troin merchant miners, 11' :t Iv. and stockmen verv lr ut says there is n want' :: le- truetioii i f property. Mr. Hrothers says he w .is o:e in.oir.g a ixti'tv of To, including S.- rai women, 'A ! to iZ to Zicatee, o an.l: HI'S and t 'I hoI'-selelCA. There party. s i re l " A no ricu lis in 1 1 1 1 foreigners, and the rest MeX- iealus. The distance hetWeell ('an as ill d V. ae,0i eeits i V r.uii'o.ii 1 s 1 1 1 kih.nn t. is but it was n-s.-iry fu- the party to no 1 .ral il tours which nntde it b V- iig- two r, the tril beil g Iliad-' i davs and it half. It w .us neces- sary to make the trip across eoun- c'ubti and murd.-rs. I he maJti try due to the i'rt.-rrnpti'.'i of with a gun si his Hket is g.-n-railway t raff; aid the suspension , rallv l-okiiv r trf- dde and corn tOjt.t work in th- Oiirt.w tkstrit t. doc not sc. k' to avoid it. Wb ij Mien the party is ach' d Zaca--st(-r'a Wet kly. feea-s tin- residents of the town gathered on th- street corners f see thorn pass, all being glad to 'reach their destination and being -on iiot t make a fight, but, to irii-s., men of the town, offering to give receipts if reipiin-d, an1 in this manner collected about !1I.HK). The reb.-U r'-maine.! onlv a ilav ami a tiait in tin- town and then left. Natera first ajujiofiritiifg a j-fe politico to ma!i age the affairs of the town. When asked if In- intended returning- to Mexico Mr. Hrothers -tated that it looked too mu'h like war at present, but if war came he would rather .ve it with the I'nited States, as it Wollltl be a great thing for Mexico, tln-r an- mihs and tuibs of unculti vated lands in Mexico, due to a law in that country that lio man eollhl be forced to pay a debt or work unless he so ehoosed to do SO. No Danger of a Panic. Croensboro lb-cord. The a'inounei im nt cf the elsion of the Seeretarv of ile-th- Treasury to place from Jo.O'Ki. Imni to -.l.(K.M),(MKt in tin bank s t f the South and West for im mediate u-e in the removal of crops, will bring relief to a -situation w I rich has not been highly satisfactory to those most famil iar with the currents of the com mercial world. There Is no douM that the ad ministration hats determined at all hazards to exert the utine-st of its financial strength to avert the danger ff a panic or any vit-h-nt disturbance of business con ditions likely to follow the adop tion id the present tariff bill. The country will accept In gtmd faith th'w assurance from the ad ministration, ami this assunuiee will largely allay all apprehen sion as to the effect of the, tariff legislation. Hut while this U true, there yet lingers a well-grounded fear that the power of the cotu'en t rated ami organized intercut, so strongly backed hy money in the hands or under the control of a few men may make trouble. Thi wer luis been acquired and the strings to irt are in the, hands of a few strong nun ami even the administration with all of tin risourees of the government, Is powerless to wrest from these met their weapons of warfare. However, it. Is hardly probable that conditions can be made any worse so lortg as the atl'ninlstra tion stands by its announced jol icy. Mr. iStvrctarv McAdoo tells in that he has $."i("Hl.(iOO.(i(it in his jeans pocket re.idy to meet any emergency and that every dollar of it will be Jo-lied out before the N.-'w York bankers shall lie al- to- hope for the best ;u! I n rtas- on for apprcht-m eiicy in tei-s gem-rally. ling any i r jr.e.ney mat Th' r is tib-ntv of mon.-y in the thi-re is a Uoun; where. K.Ten'",, lo-p.-ful and h-tf.p trv an d l ! i eV. r - be Ight Judge Cccke and Pistcl Toters lii'Tge i.ari.s M. C. k- K", AtiO term of fused to of carry- beii-V-Jug rtinedy it is a Is. We calls for : an jtisttrl ! f nl saiui ;' at tl e Wake S.r- rior r.s'- n o,l'-t. line any , ii.g Cone,.;- eo;sv:e?. ea ! n that the ,,'i!y efjeeti- for the pistol-toting I, ti H'l on the count. re knv ..f no evil that dr.tstie tri-a.ll.i lit m-e-e toting, for it Is the fni of breaches of the tw;tit, lioml-

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