( -ft) $ VOL. XXXIV M0UX1 AIRY, NORTH. CAROLINA, THURSDAY. AUGUST U, 1911. NO. 7 WITE SHOOTS BRUTAL HUSBAND. H. Clay Grubb Killed by jjja WLft at Hia Home in Daridscn Cctrnty. 51at (v!I!f Landmark. II. Clay Grubb, widely known -if.en. of Davidson equity ; i r I ISal'i-bury, was .-'hot and k ill.il by his wit'.', Kmma F. Grubb, at, their home mar 'hurehland. iu ro.)n- tosvnship. Davidson coun ty, Friday morning about 1 o' clock. .NVw.h of tlif killing- reach, -d Ix-xington before davhr eaiv anil the sheriff, coroin-r and went to the !rubb hem' rororwr at orn-e sinnnioned a jun ,nd an Luvcstij.'ati ji. Children Tell cf the Killinff. The killirajf was w'.tnesnl by i three children of Mr. and dnn ib. vouriir Zcb . riHl. ! j5 rears old and their two daughters Iise, r.eulah and Kdna Jrnbb. , iT 10 w ,lo-r ,U1" , ,n,r"7 Tlie bov tesf.fiH.l that his f.rrh-i'r.vll:lf. whr! th"-v ,ie,,r'1 ,,r!i,h r came home Fridax night un-, m,fV lt to ur- Tli der the influence of 'liuuor and : ll;l,1P,lt,'r l- that her mother continu. d to drink ; that about 10 Teanu-ii ar.l ran into tb- room oVb rl-j he went to his waf . 's ' a ,kl sIl,t thrtH' tim,'s room, cur.sii d her, ai d attacked Mother Testified Act Justified. her. tfcaggii g her from the b-1 , ., , , . . f- . . , , ,r, ; hen the cnildreti baa t."ti- ami beating her savagely. n fiei opim.r tt)k the boy ran m and H-rged h tath-ft( (ni)h tf iv( er to let he nn.rjier alonebut hejw om,ortun;tv t() make s resporuii-d nv cur.sin.tr his and orderii htm from the room, j The bor did. not know how bt'4r! this continued. He .stud that he went out of the hou- to a.wa , from it. Finally the noise 'e'en .. , i and he returned to the living , i t. .i ., nforji ami saw nrs nnii r on in ana saw hrs lathi r on jlanvenport close to the door, ap parently asleep. About .'!) rnin utes, the boy thought, hail elaps ed? when his mother enteral the room with a pistol in her harsl ami ailvamiiiafr toward the daven Iort, fired at her husband, whil iiv.T Tusaec-p'or juxv . atiajr up. The boy was not certain whether the shot was fired when his father was asleep or not. At th-' first shot (irubb leaped to his feet and went towart his wife, who find twice m.re and he fell dintd. MLw Beulah f irubb said that when her father became boister ous and abusive she and Iv-r sis ter went to their room. Sl,e could hear her mother's .sxtwuius and the sound of blows. After a time Grubb called his daughters, ttollin? them that he was going to kill their mother, his son Zeb and then he was 'oirvg to kill Lester Davis, Mrs. 4irubb's brotlivr. When MLs.s lieubdi went down she found her moth er's face was covered with blood iuwl bbxtcl was oozim from lier shm-s. S1r' was barely able to stand up and was Wg-ging- pit-e-ously for mercy. Her father con timied to beat her mother over the head, using a pistol, whii-h he held throughout the whole af fair, ami threatening death to the whole family. Finally, after he had tired of beating Mrs. (irubb, he lay down on the daven H)rt and sahl he would rest awhile. The last thing he said before goinr to ule.-p was that he would kill his wife us soon as he got up. He was asWp in a minute or two. Several min utes elapsed, during which Mrs. Grubb sent her son Zeb to th kitchen for her pistol and crept 1 out of the room, going to her; own room. Miss Beulah said that hiT mother later came around on the porch and sat i. ..i i .. ..,'1 .st.iteni' iit.s and I d a few oth er details ol .said that a ft i b ai 1 1 l.r l n i-irtanee. r father ith hi., She had !' ' 1 ! - 1 V- r 1 i I "111 dlMU-ged h-r from the fo. out to th. a itoiii .hi!.. j c fear of the ho i-e. u 1-Ot li'.S p,s!o. He fii.-n Red lo r ba.-k 'I tli" Ii' 'Us. . a lub a .d b. Wig the iu.sti.1 as a lu! a.., I ti.-..t- uoMn ax ine nor, on ine oui.snic, ssiie. auu ia.mily tor years. Iri -cbe to the davenport on which ipiiiitly running them away fr. m lay her husband. When he made j home when he was under the in a loos , unlit as if to rise Mr. I'lin-hcc of liquor. Persons who Grubb ran in and .shot him three; knew of hi.s conduct at home, it tim. s, killing1 him almost inst-an- ;is said, had been . pect it fs ;; tly. , tragedy for some time. Tiic other daughter. Mis-s Kdna ' On the other hand (Jrnbb '.s Gl'iibb, eol l ob e ,ei d h -r .sist. r's Se'id to ,ae beel. a kind l '-:i' t - irg b.-r every sti p. Ib- sTu.-k buil-Kntr. At the time of b'.s' h.-r once a -r- .s 'v" -id' of the death lie was engaged in rebuild-; head with .such fome that .shejr, at large exp"" r hinisi'f, droi'Msl to the floor and was n sect ion of ilo ntml ViirV.I almost nncon.seious. She thought . for awhile thn! her mother v.. is.it is kn.rvvn lint he had nlanned l-'ad. Mrs. Grubb revived slight-, Iy at Last an.1 asked to be allow-1 ef to jret aome water from thei porch. Thinking that she wan , planning escape, Grubb clutched .her skirt firmt tollo'Vel her to the ij'orch, holding the pistol oa her ' iin.l ffi;iML' her that hi was not going- t let her go to her broth- r. Lesti r Davis, hut was going to kill her ami settle with Let ter Liter. IT' brought h-r back i: t- '!) livintr room and threw hi r on, the davenport, tell.i.g her that he was goimg to kill her m iim as h.e r"ttd. : Miss F.dna corroborated :ier ! s.ster as to the pi.-tol and other Ni.uier" iiimi iu.il anri otlh-ri athiT bad fall iiii a-h-ep she slip The'peil around. th back way and iiei.ru a ner moTjicr io crawi tlrrojtgh the window. Slit? advis ed h-r to run away. Mr. Grubb to Idi her that he was not able e , she was so badly hurt. .ami tnat she tienevea mat v,n,. . ... i iiit . .r 1'i iii't H"ver siaiiii anorncr mow. Ilir were .sitting on the porch. 1 . ,1 1 .1 statement. She wm swath-l in bandages Hlrmst fnun head to , , . ..,. i iniif ni ftuu i'iw cai iii,L tfrom a blow with tii pistol of j , , , t, ... j , , , , T , . i i h-ornblv bruised nadj lacerated arad her lejrs were a mass of bru's ed. flesh. She was very cool and self-posse.stved and told a story tjiat corsfinnel the tpstinvony of her daughters in every tletail. Ilie said that she was convinced that her huhanl wonhl have kill Iwv . IT. J.it Liiti nv sfioi? Rr.i iijiyl she kilbil him to protect hersolf ami her children. After hearing the evidence the jury retired for a few minutes and ret uniet I with a verdict that ''the defeased, II. Clay (Jrubh, came to his death from a gun shot wound at the hands of his wife, Emma F. Orubb, aikd tliat she was justified in her act." The above facts are condensed from the (ireeiLsboro N'ews re port. Controlled Much Property A Record for Violence. Befire the days of prohibition Grubb was a distiller in David county and aeeuiuulatde. uiu. 1 property. On the advene of hibition he moved his liqin : 'mess to Florida. Tie own ' uaJde farm laiwN in and Iiowan eoimties, 1,ia;',:l! v n 1 1 1 ,i 1 1 a " . . ei iwiie in rsaioury anu nasi, it : w id valuable holdings n Honda. He r utly tohl a . . i - ' 'I,. "p W1L: ssonn a nau million nur owiii .12.").0("M1. He built the skysi-wi'p-er office building1 in Sailbiirv and owne.1 the theater there. Grubb spent moMt of his time in Salisbury, having- a business of fi's ijn that city. There arc oth ers who believe that a settle ment of the estate will show much indebtcilnoH and most of the reputed wealth will vanish. Grubb was a violent man when drinking. Several years ago 1 killed bis wife's brother. Ol Davis, for which he was trie in Rowan court av acquitted. Ivext Sunnlay is the Foot-1 is sa'ul be had mistreated hiv'ashing at Flat Gai), and the' ', i . i eUi-roilS lll.-l' t his fa-nil v V n krii.d an vr ih'-m y-'jierm; u'lt a lands.-.,:- y. n- or. . ad r r !.' . .i II ii i bur had d a f-w reb-i'!'. la f ''.ends and hi.s io i''hbo:i to hi m is largely di'e the .)-... l-'-s-s Booce towil'h'p bus mad" ilum-r the lust two years in road .... wav through Tsro township, and, m.any other things for the g Nxl of his county. It if reported that the immed- j wit cause of his vicuna out- j j hn aid w:w that one or both oft his ilaiigli,f.''rs were to be marncu;' i that he oHject'fL while his wife 1 ! favored the marriaire. and Jk . j vented his feelii g on her. , this i.s true, it, not a for it eems to he a ffu-t course, that in h'-M had erne1 wif. i. .in, l i 1 j run rui -in7il ii-ii .. ,1.1.1 """MM" . 'I .-..IT. The Funeral. lyl:j. i)( tail of the sources oif ' week, (rrubb was buried Sunday af-i t!u- -i 4 1.12 t.4":l eo'Iected in inter The Li g;iUture will met Mou ternoon im the family burying j "l revenue taxes durisijr the j day niht. and all mi-tnler hav anmml near his liotnc'. The 'fiiiv ! ?'ear eiided June :(), the great-it been notifi.tl U be pi-iss-nt. eral. conductisi bv Ilev II r. Swaim of Lexington, was at - teml-'d by tlwus;uids, of course manr of them, going through curvostlv, ami the ( ireenslKiro N'ews says there was some drunk intf and! disorder among the ypiftafors who attended out of curiosity. On account of her in-juri'-s Mrs. (irubb was unable to lciive her r.Him. The remains were taken to a window anl she vit-wea Uic deaa Imiy ot f her! hiHbntid before it was taken N the grave. Her condition is rcA'ard-d as precarious. The SaW.ury l.xlfee .f Klks. of which ItriiKK u- ri j n in ,m ii..tit tii'iii.; tiifilt fl.ir-'.'! nffritmfs It is nt believed there will be j snuiff amounted to t2.o.'"7.(MM and any further legal iikiuiry into' til e sale of .'tt.Ttil.l.Vi packs of the killinig. The general fec-linig '!aying canls, an increase of 1. i" that the man got what might I !W2,175 over the previous year, hav been exp-ctnl if nut what j brought f).jo.2;i. he dtscrved. j Tax.s on 1.172.NH) jxiuihls of Much Interest :n the Case. ; nrtifu-ia!l- colond nleomanrarine amounted to $H7.(M)0 anil on 1:58, (irubb was persoiHilly known to : jmh) uuids of uncolored 0I.hi some Statesvtll,. people, not a : -n trgariie to $317 .(MM). This show great many, but no event in re-!,, j ;m, agj-'r-saite increaw of l!, cenit years has aroused more in- j hh; oiki poinds in. the consumptio terest here. Mr. George Foanl. : (f oleomargarine compired with who eame fromSibsbury on j iilst vpar The us- of :!S.712.IMX) the early train Saturday morn-! ,H,n.U of proe-tw or retiovatl u;g, broiii'ht the report of the j butter, a decrease 0f 6.276.0O Uilhrng. The report so.wi pre;ul p,jn,u gtivc the Cm-varment !7. noi tiieri- .s(, mm .It lll'tTesi. that ,T1i'.l-iil:ikL V'r..y SUl "bury for vcrificAtioti of the n jort, and later secured details, which were kindly furnished by Editor Hurlcv o'f the p.t. Appeal fcr Aid. New York. Aug. It The re tH-nt war in Nouthern hurope, eiut eil by the signing of the treaty of Huchar.-st. has brought much Rufferwig" ajul want to the e. ple ot Mulgaria. Conditions are so bad that the Kev. KImer K. Count, superin tendent of MethodUt inLssiuns for 1' 'aria. has si-nt a cablegram 'ni that country to II. L. Iridnuin of The Hrooklyu Stiui lard -I'niiMi asking for help. The mess,-' ', follows: "There Ls creat and ."Killing m-'C M'liiienr t)ie t Vwv.Ki li.l A i.f fit. fugees wh.rhave fh-d to Iiulgaria . , .. . . :u iM'ain' ine ravages or tli" erue fcvar ,)n)s,.cuted bv Greeks and Turks kn Macedonia. Scores of k-illairc and hundnLi of horn. have been d. strove.1 an.1 mis ery, wiuit and dire distress are to be found on all sides. Pul-garLa- appeals to benevolent A inericanw for svmpathv and ma terial aid." Round Peak Route 1 News. We have been having nice rains for the past two weeks and crops are looking fine. We Jire glad to say that Mrs. C. L. Mathews wlio hns been real si.k thif summer t.-b out iiL'ain. able 'P je'opl around here are ex pect - ii l' to attend. x The rotracted meetmir at l,i Id Grove, was a gnat success this time, tlcre were 1 baptiz.il tie fourth Sin-day in duly. Mr. ("Clifford Sutphin is wear- 1!- -i br,,:,, smile, it's tsvill iril'ls t' :m time. .ii r. too l,, At.-h.-i nkla.. c At kins. .lr, of une in the 4th of dlilv o visit re! V. I !-'. i-d .s'::- - be 11' I'e he b.'l.s e'a .Oiisi las in- f.r his bride. Go'diifg i f 'iiiri a? iv. t and li i.s In i n MiS b'aeh. I Ks.i. Tli os. Iff I ' mons. Mr. and Mrs. Atkins expeet to make tb ir future home in ( "klahoma. They are having a nice Sun day School nt Bulah this Sum mer. Mrs. Wilcv Co! ins is on the i t i. '.. 1 1 m""n A r-aler or the .News . Aug-. 11, 1913. REVENUE RECEIPTS. Vaults cf the Treasury Bvlgmgi ... . (l ... c , Wtfc vr i ,!"iy. Auj. !). Governor Sul- Wltn. Money. ji-p j silent concerning- the cam- Wa.shintori, Aug. 10th. The ' jm ijm revelations made hy Chair- wealth of gold and silver and ui.wi Frasvlcy of the Legislative j f : TiaP,'r "lotney tilling tlic vaults ot om-muree. .:iiioiign lie nas iiuijin muity, on account ot an al iiitJii: F 'deral Treasiirv i.s due in intimated; when he may ksiie aleg. d .-hortajre .ta.MHl i r ...( n) ! H'na11 '',,:i,fur' to ,! recor'l - ! breaking driiiking. .vinokinir anl cum iu;iimr or tlw American - . n , , ! rx-opic aurustf The fiscal war ot 1 hi the history of the country,! ". . 1 w''r'' disclosed t.da iii I report j to Secretary MeAdoo by William j H. W)ori:c, Commissioner of Ln- ' tenuu iw rnue. Hie U:!.:220.noO gallons of whis- key aaid brandy c.Kiisinned durijg the year brought in .loT.ol'J.UtM). ths- r.21.0H) barrels of beer, porter ami ale netted th" Covern ment $o.).LH6,(XH); the 11.276,771. 1MN) ehrarettcH snnvked increased the revnues by !fl7,846,0HK) ; the i .H;j!).OoS.(ii) cigars puffed awav ; benetlfeil l'n'le Sam to the extent, ( otf $"J5.U!7.(m; th" ehewiny and! s-rmkuig- of 4 Kl.:;r,:i.(M k rKumds f tiJiii.i'iv t'ii-.A Ii i m 4i'0 '? 10 I u w . i taxes i n : V. 'V IM 1 H H ) twinn.U ..fH fftrt.se appareiuiy nas (lTsajspe.ir etl. "hib- he treasury collecteil t-ix cr. '."i.0('O pounds a year ago. nrne was collected during the fi-s- vai tar ct ::.. TV aggn-g;ate number of sa tn!"':' ,'m!r,tr-v tnu .yiir: the iucis'iused .onsurnption of iu- toxicants of 21..V1. ascomivinil j with the fiscal sear l'12. Whole-i sale li.iuor d.-ai-rs number i; IV a d. eis-a.se of (it Ml within a vear. lotal intertill revenue receipts of cxcH.ded the previous hiirb record f 1MJI ,v ,4;2l.sM,- MM n ii. . , lo cuiecr the enormous sum it rost the Government .." 4v'5.fHMl Money in Pruit. J Southern I'iiies. Aug. 10. The' fruit nun have abou teh-aned im what has been one of the mostiii,-',,. .. ... . ,,,'" s' )rofitable , . . : -to. it Ol I l iv' ill hi ior new crops per sh.p,u.d(fliniitlril ia tlH varioW (, irt. triin this section. In spite of the .1 ., , ..4.11 , d-sa.steis to whi. h grapes peach- s an, desvbernes were l,j.tl from the Nagar.es t the SpruiR weau.er the y.ei.i although le setied, lias been fair, and the prices the best ever known. Teaches brought as high as H aerate. Some orchards can show .fMM) from an acre, anl a good many fniit growers sold their output for more money than the j plantation co.st. The searvity of fruit was the j main reason for the high prices, I even thing being in demand. J-'ruit that w..ild usually 1m i thrown out as defective this vear brought go. d money, YVaternn-lons and cantebipn pefl an k-oing- forward, th- melons, al though lite, be'.l.ir in good Jiiand. A o.i.si. !-rable sh;pun nt of watermelons is observed at the station in this vicinity. The farm ers find that p.-a.s planted bc- n ihc no ion leu.s pas t, f..r t'he er. p I. .'II ii. ,v 1, no 'lis for pro 1 it. II, .he Cou?: os r froin his able ipianf it s '. i! bas e i : "' d naiifls. I.of la-,,!., ,.f ti c-port c irn b.:'t 1-r- ,11 Clls n, 1 ll-lll si," r in- :s not i i ! tie i. 1 .s-i J.I luil.:. U er of old. Th - ll"!., is not , tin- outside i' rn urp n in ,s . f it '.s corn is t- 4 i - i .s, n ra ,1.1.. t! iio.sai!,!,. Ies (i iii s ;m b ra's. . t urnii g iu the- count s , the Ian iir to cotton, in spite of tinU'd preach no nt of more the and the s.S cototn. It seems that diversification of cnijss will be, 'toward more tobacco, fruit Kueh things rather than to corn. Suker's Accusers axe Determin ed. 1 ; Mau-iiieni expi.iin.jiLT tlie cum - paign contribution and his stock ; peculations, h.n friends prlict ..1.1 , " ar. m will be heard frt m Lewis A. Sareey, tonner scere- - ...i. . e -I , i ar in wie novcrnor. no i ei ii.mi to tell ot the campaign: funds. may be summoned before the bar; of the House, He dedans that . he will go to jail before "" WU1 divulge the infonuatieri. Thi ie r ra-wn-y 4H!nniTT. :s cx- pected to llleet before the sssioll i ) j roir". ' MomLiv. and nuv s.-t in motion i Ar ... , . . . . f, - ,, . , 31 r. Ilnlibard returned to Last the machinery for the (lovernor s ( , . . - , . , , , ;lend August i a.nl has been mak Tilipcaelnnent. ! .. ... ,, ,rl . , in ir til-- examiiiati. n .since, with lliere was a sugg"Ntioij fbiviM ,. ., . , . , , ., . ., (, -w ' the result that he reported tins tliat the (nrvernor might, avoid mi . u,f i, i, , , t . . , , e i-nn tliat lie nis c in ,sel ar- l'actimeiit proceilmgs li v re- i s- .i ' ... , , ,' , , rest ot tw.slr.cr Norman, with an .signing. His tneiNils sawl he h-wl , .., , . , . i. '' mxeibions i . i lie irpiiiiiiM ni i nairman rraw-i y, of the committee. anl of Ku-j gene Lamb R hanls, coiuistd. no ,ltll.. .... l t.v .. ...i in l i'.'ui-f- in, iu l' ree. iiii iiii-'iii i ,'.' , . .ii l , ,. . i ilitiun have been repnrfi d bevoinl imr)eaclino rit pr'K'eeilir-gts is op.uii, , . , ' ., , ' f ' i . 1 . ' ithe or.g uual .statem-'iit that, soon in i lie l in i (si i a ;i i . irs. ,n i m , i W hether the ccmmittt e wi'l u.l, x. ... sci.uenu muriu ;w lone tom shortage. Jtvuire turther into the (.oyer-1 . ti.ir' U' .tl s;i-....t ,1..., .;ii v..J I he president ot the bunk is d--usst ,1 by the committee at a liie 'ting to be h"b.l iu Albans- on 31oiiday prior to tli " eoveniaiitfi f the LegisLitive Monday night.! Chairman Frawcly s.-t id yesterday.! "We've got enough already." j Never in the history of this. State has a Governor been i-m-i neac.hed. Should such a fate await! s r c .. i i , ... ii i . t . .. t . - .. . v. '. . . lift itik at t,ite Court of Appals, sittini; j was a tW:'M 0 C1ck thu jointly. The court is now in re- i Im? re cess and will not convene until! tumor of the occasion the September 2tb j city was decorated with flags, jjruns were fired, Ix-lls were rung 90 Thousand Dollars to be Spent cn State Building. Iwileigh, Aug. 'J. More than $!H).000 witl be expended within the next few 'months bv the State iu the erection and eiuipment of a n.-w central heating plant for ' all the State buildings and in the j remodeling of the old supreme ourt buildintr so that it will be adapted for the use of the State departments of educat'itui. labor ;t:id printing, insurainv the cor poration cunimlssiivn and the Stat b.u-d id health. The heating plant is to cost $-10,000 ami there is fUi.-JlWl to be expanded oil the ..1 1 i:...- ""'" I HI ll'llllilt I IKIH IIIMItl llm-v sign.sl for D. C. Hill ! tl, tl, u,.r hmUlvr u vh ! ioP thi, r,.miH,..,illll? Wlt k Hl(, .,, nients I he contract has finally ' lMliIlli ..onunittie of which Dr. i - i i n 1',' VT ' tlu' ' ;v nIU am4l nwlt,'nal ' ! -.T UF work' done within the amount that is available. There i.s to be a vault run up tkrough all four fhioru no. I nit i.l v n ty ,r Uli'l stalled. The present .supreme! fourt room and library sections are to Ih c!ia;igel trom two to one story pitch thereby making room Jor the State i -par' mciit ot euiicsiTmn on 111.' ri!il lior, . . .... the iii.-d - Cuttinff Teeth at 8G. Mi r. .lam 's Harts, one of most highly cs.t. 1M..1 .. ..II I oldest and cit u.i n.s of veras of and it ssi! !rii-nd.s to ii.i not i c, s 1 1 1 in' , j e on bis n-t birthday be i.n or.b r for his M i.d him a rattle and a rubber rii.j. for is Ih'SV e!!- L'ao.-d in tin- pleasant oceii pa! i.iii of cllttil g teeth. For si-Sera! d.is Mr. H uts has be. n cm r: ia-ii e ,i.ii irritation of the gums i1. t the irritation lieeaiii" so pro J ;i) d !! a ! .:. A as t .ol s is. th;. t,, em r ! a d n! t. Then t s as r. s a ab " .1. Tss o sha'i !h to !i, i!eh the kil.d he n h" ssas an infant base 'oiiw'ii t!ie lovs.-c gum and t. th the doctor thinks the chances arc L'od fT the prodiietio.; of a fair- ly cuiipli te ,s t before Mr. 1 la rty ' finish s the job. Hit children! ami frj i tls are making us much ainl,Juss over this second jertorm.iiiee in. 're,. -us hii iiients did over his first. ! Charlotte Observer. Clcses East Bend Eank. . na '-' . ," ukt S. A. Hubbard reported tins evening to the Corporation m- mission the ch-sing of 'he Yadkin Valley Bank of Kat Bend, Yad- , or ;uiiier !. Ie - .vrtiiati. w !io : has been placed il! custi d v. al i,ck. Mr. Ilub- ' thorvrh at 1. no xt bard caMcd at the ban!; .Inly 2', ! illvt Ki.t'm... tin,.. f,.. til.. K in!.- t,. J . " , l.ill' t ' ' , Ml' ' L ' f c!"-e, and, was prevn; d from makii:' his examination next day by 'i.-hicr Norman bring taken .ud.bnly ill that morning .si that i i ... i -i . i . n ;s inxsjcians r- poli.il mat lie 4m,u'j1 not be out for several days, There was no one , i.v to opVn ti. ,ank and it r.-main. ,1 closed i iHMiding the recovers- . f th. ,l.sll- i.r, wi?h tin- genera! con.M-nt of .,,.,..,. .,.;ti,imt ,,;, .inn .,( :,nv. iMiiiei lu wnieu over nun iii. ii'iui' tuid! that he has closed the bank iird will be in. liah i'i Monday to make detailed repmrt of its con lition. N'i details of the c ... alter the examination , , r ,-, t, lo(ke. like tlicrv was beira-n ('. MX) or iJohn A. M irtin. Th" capital is :$..IHH ai.U rcMiurees .liKOM) ac cording to the las t report, with .t2o.tW) l..JH.sit.S. Peace Again Reigns Over Balkan States. Hiichartst, Aug. 10. The pence trr&fs. ?.f w,, fha Itt,.--iui Stufc and the bands played. A solemn te deum in the ca thedral at noon was attended by Kk;,g Charlt. (iueen Klizabeth (i'annen iSylva) and members of tin- royal family and delegates to the peace eotifrceJice. KLvT Charles conferml hirh decora tions on all the delegates except th'.' Uuiu.'ian.s, who d-Xditutl them. The 'ace treaty provides that the Rumanian army shall evacu ate l'ulgarian territory in 15 days after its .signature ;uvd the Si-rvian ami Greek armies in three iliiys. It also provides for arbitration by Belgium, Holland or Ssviterland in event of a dis agreeincnt over the limitation of the new frontier. Bulgaria en gages to begin demobilization immediately. j Excursion, to Atlantic City, N. J. 1 I-Mal train consisting of first hh day caches and StaiulaM . dVK f Greensboro, N. C, at li:2") p. m. I Tu. Mlay, August l!th, VMX Leave Re'ulsvillc, N. C, at 11:02 J'. ni. noil a I I 1 1 I vi .iiiiuiu-, ii l .1 . i.buut August 'jun. : 1r( i '. Tckiti W ill If M !1 good go- I!, i.!v ft Sjiei-ia' n throiign Atlanta- (-'.ts , ai I returniii't , . i ' ' y' H good on ans- re dar tra.n 'b-asing Atlantic Cits up to a.i I .including; September 2nd. V . Stop-overs w ill be per' i i', ,1 'I'"' return trip at I'h'.h. !. Iphia, It i . i w .. i . .1 . I hi ; i , : 1 1 o re ami s u.sn :.,.::, -i:i- in limit of ticket bs" de;-s-,t hut ticket wth Ag-iit point on arrival. Use tiektts t' At! r. turn to Phi'.a-! at 'ass, P ovi r 'l-s can ;. ,.rd t :.g Il-il. t . Iph s, o ji os e r .ii..! make N.-ss York. Fo! pi.l.v Mt i'!o ii.iT round t -ip in : '.0 from .-Vi'i'C.N A rs. N. r 12 S. LI n. c. i2iHt. i::;, no. " eial Pullman cars Vinst.fs-i Sal, ni, Mt ni ..;!:. r points in 'In- .special tra art N wi'l. '!.e .sp.-.-i,il tra-u from Greensboro, l'ulhnun re-.-rv.-it:oii h..uld ) made in advance, For farther inform,.! i'-ii tr-ply ss ft 1 j to any agAnt Southern Railway, ! or write, R. II. D.-Bntta, D. V. A. 1 tiarlutie, N. C I

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