ijAf iff ji s!M;J Wwis Jyiy v vkf MO UN 2 AIRY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, WIS. NO. 10 YADKIN UNION HOLDS ITS ANNUAL PICNIC. Farmers Gather at Center and Hear Their Work in Behalf of Education Praised by J. Y. Joyner. Yadkinville, Sept.. 1. Tin- -find annual picnic of Farm ers' I ni.n of Yadkin County held at Center, three miles wr.-t of Yadkinville, Saturday, and was quite a Micceiss from every jint f view. The prinicpal ad dress .f tho day was delivered Jn- State Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction .loyner, who spoke for more tlian an hour on the "subject, "Co-operation in Edu cation," The crowd began to rirrive early, and by noon the people present were estimated at from :UX U 4,000, mostly "fanners, their wives and children. After a few ehoic: rejections pluyed hy local talent on string instruments, and Yadkin is lift ed fr some of the best 'm tlifus art, Mr .loyner began his talk. He said amofig other tb'mcrs that iwrt could not be intelligent operation without education; commented on the good work of the Farmers' Union in securing Kmno good legislation in favor of higher education, jn that Ha mem hers were larpe.lv responsible for the appropriation of :K(0,000 at .the lait fiction of the Legisla ture that mad.' possible a six (months school term, and also that they had a haiiid in Securing the, compulsory school law. He also told f the meaning of the 1 u t'ation ait childhood, and under the caption, "Money, Manhood and Mastery," he showed how education, was tho developing fac tor in these things. The different kinds of education also camo in for their share in his address, -a! he dwelt at length on the farm life Hchools.andsaid he be lieved that a proper blending to gether f all these: school would ?e a greater factor in the educa tion of the youth. IIi instructions, however, "wore mt confined to the male sex, as lie gave a talk on what he term ed. "Household Economics" for young women and urged thorn to take a stand for the betterment of the 'presmit conditions. After the close of the (speech, dinner was spread on tables in the prove, in all about, "00 feet of table being well covered with the delicacies as can only be prepared In- a farmer's wife. At the same time and place the Yadkin County Sunday School Convention convened, but the program was not taken up until the Fanners' Union bad completed its exercises. At 4 o'clock i" tho afternoon Mr. Jos eph A. Brown, president of the State Sunday School Association, made an address on the subject, "The, diild," taking up. tho work as carried on by the State association. Rev. J. Walter Long, secretary of the State association, was al so present, as was the orchestra of the- Spring Street Methodist church of Creensboro. Sunday the convention closed with an address at 11 o'clock' by Mr. Drown. Slit Skirts Stirs North Carolinian Raleigh. N. C, Sept. 2. When j I'oliceman Jordan bent hack a curious crowd in Ayden t nhi . ; and protect id a, pretty girl, wh'ol nppe-abd to him, he d;d not know that, the flirt slit skirt had drwau the men, and he escorted the girl info a millijicr's where the .kiit w as stitched. Ayden ;s A town of .everal hundred inhabi tants. Win n a g'u-1 of niiiete.-n, vi.'t ing the i-' i' i , appeared to-b'y -. iV. .in a'!'. .r d;i 'm"1 s.-, l.eise. ne.ir!v o:ic hundred men 'wee!. T! vnirp M'ciian ugl.t ;i!.n: , ;- fli.dit. :! tin d uuivkl. Policeman .Ionian ; dr.w his eh;', nnd b;:ekc! how '".jig l.. s off. "Wliafs'the iR-uhlff Del ask-d, and the girl p.:.i,.-d t l!..- rown and bl i.'wd. Tlie officer! took her to the milliner's and putting her in a can srr.t her home. It w.is the first lire thit any flirolina countrymen hadj Meweu tJic new ttvie, in.l one of i the first appearances- oj the slasl ed skirtir in North Carilina. JURIOUS CASE IS CALLED TO MEMORY. Ian and Woman Went to Pris on. Denying to the Last Their Guilt of Homicide Charge to Which One Confessed. arlMfe Observer. (The manner in which a crowd Set' i red doe McNeil v, shut him ano leu mm, i,ei,cving mm re.'itlU a somewhat similar oe- cuirenc(! in Mauley coiinTy some ten years ago A young pliymv mn. n;rmca .ovc, nymg in wo - it i. ' -.r eu,i, was taKtn su.iKiniy m a i-, ter eating his dinner and diedl ui a lew moments. ,mi unaiywu of h'w Ktom;ieb w;w m;id and Lt was found that he had been poi.s oned. The negro conk, a woman namel Klla Ixuotts, who bad served Doctor Ijovc his dinner wrw arrested. On the way to the jail a t A Hernia rle a mob of men overpowered tin' officers, took the Knott woman, tied a rope around her iw-ek and swung her to a limb in an effort to make her confess. Finally .she admitted that she had put tftry chnine on the tomato served Doctor Ive and that a kinsman of hers, John Knott s, had given her the nison. Sho was releiused fnin her perilous jwition and the officers immediately jdacod John Knott.s ujiib r arrest. At "the time he implicated a witch man but upon investigation thiii man wa.s de clar.dj imceiii.- ' Jfh: Knott. wa.s placed in jail and a few htormed the jail alnuit 2 o'clock one morning in an attempt to secure Knotts. The sheriff who lived in. the jail was not. at home and his lueky wife refusal to surre.ml -r the keys. Not to be outdone the mob went to the east side of the jail and with picks soon dug a hole in the wall large enninh to admit a man's body. -Several men in, this way pot inside the prison and, battering down the steel cell, secured Knott.s. lie was pushed through the hole ami when lie struck the ground he struck it running, lie succeeded in eluding his captors and made a get-away. It was not known whether or not the mob had lynched the prisoner and a search was made for his liodj". Two days afterward it was re orted that he wiw in jail at .Monroe, lie had covered several miles after eluding his pursuers, wading; Hocky river on his way and was in such a bad physical condition when he gave himself i .a 1 . up that Ins toes were gfrosthit ten. lie went to a Union omui- iy larmers nome uie next 0;y after his cwa.pe, told who he Was and this man-carried him to Monroe, and delivered him to the sheriff of the county, lie was af terwards carrhtl to Salisbury for safe-keeping. Coir coming on, his condition won! iot admit of his being tried ant t was some six months le'Ii re n case wa.s finally disposed ui. When it did finally come to trial both Kiiotts and the woman bitterly denied having committed the crime, the woman stating that she contVsh.d only when a rope ...... .......... .... ... v i"M on' was afraid they would kill her if she did not own up.. Under "us annum uer necii anu iic the circumstances and with no jt, late, as the sale had been duvet evidence the State agreed , eottsirmated. (iriffith, it Ls said, t.o a subniLssion of murd.-r in the Uva.s politely onb red by Din second degree for both part it s I Johnson, pnw'ulent of the Ameri and John Knotts was s -nteuced , can league, to sav nothing a to the penitentiary for 30 vfrs , l,ut ( t,,h o'mg to New York, and the woman was given 10 yeare. The man lived but a few j years in prison, den ing to the; last that he had amthing to do with the poisoning. Win n Sher iff McCain, of Stanley, eirriel !i:m to Ka ejpli he said to iohn you r r ' i)oA th 's lii'i- ,';e,-' our for irh.a the babiin vatural life and t'n been sett ltd one ail I n.e if you re.-dly ,. v. oiiiari the st r ci nin a - 1 T-M t!i fi a"i. ;-f- r to Dr. Dove ; 11 w;;s: "Sheriff. T know about it. T am a't in n " The case therefor.- r. .iiu-h of a lm s. l r s oecurrei! ten vears aj tc thii-g i t !. I j 1 uh. Harp has a few large pictures, My m -ther's mother (which is copi. of works of art, that earmv wife) must be mv anmdmoth- te Iranusl without ghi.s for fire.er. and I being mv graii-bnother a place screens they ae not pensive. LAST BARRIER AT THE CANAL BLOWN OUT. Mere Than 1,500 Spectators Wit nessed Wonderful Sight at Panama Canal Sunday. Panama, Aug". 31. The last re- niainii g barrier at th" Pamfie end of the Panama canal ww blown ('iit. by dynamite this morning. It, was an intensciv in ; t(.r, ting sp'taele. At exaetlvi j 0 .,.,.;. ,m ,.,,., rl,. .HwUe'hJ was tunnd on and 1 ,.') see.ta- fur, Including Shrine visit ug; hl.n. ,., 1)( ril:f.,i state and! (nV(rs of , jlrilWl ,,niU.r Nev . r.varii(,i lV :. wimderfnl siirlit. Ilundn-df of tons of mud and stones were thrown high in the air and the thunderous roar of the explosions re-echoed iu the nearby hills. About Jt) long tons, cuivalejit to 41, WH') pounds, of ." per cent dynamite constituted the blast, which was one of the largest ever svt off in the canal. The charge planted in ."11 bob-s at an average depth of .'50 fi-.t, ton- a big gap in the harrier, but not to a sufficient depth to permit water to flow through, lis the sea level channel was at low tide. Eouallv interesting as the ex plosion was the act.ual breaking; of the barrier thw afternoon, the tide creeping steadily up until at 1 o'clock it was level with the top of the gap. A workman s iz ed a slrovel and made a small trench through which a rill of water tri'"lbd. (iradually it widened, until ar..!'Cur later a raging torrent, with a" !.vv:i if fall, jMnired through are opening 400 fe.t wide ino that part of the canal between Camboa dike find the Miraf lores locks which jireviou.sly had been exoavafed by steam shovels. "This cult, .r,(KH) feet long. .") feet wide and 41 feet lecp below mem tea level, n filled entire ly lry 3 o'clock, when the waters of the Pacific laved for the first time the solid masonry of the iMiraflores locks. Dredges passed through the opening, and in a few days the last vestige of the barrier will 1k removed. The dredges will be gin September 2 to remove the last barrier of the Atlantic chan imI. Whu this work Ls accom plished ships may navigate t the lock ends. YrrJcees Buy Cobb for $40,000. Now York, Aug. 31. Ty Colb, f the lMroit Tigers, will w a nember of the New York Yan kcos next .season. The "(ieor- gia peach" has been, sold by the Detriot club to the New York club for the largest amount ever paid for a baseball player 10, 000. The announcement of the sale will not W made officially until the present season is over, but the news of the sale leaked out today through a stockholder of the Detroit club. The latter refused to have his name used at this time. Clark (iriffith. manager of the Washington Americans, got wind of the i.e-rot iaf i,.., tl. : Yrk and Detroit clubs, ami i iii'ii icr Tilt 'player. Tie was willing i higher, if necessary, but 11','ivi OH 'OO . .. to l)id tic C:i. Do Ycu Know This Man. "Last year I did not want to eiuha.'-ra.ss my !,(st gir! to make her propose to m.-e. so aked her to be m wife, and he said: "I Would 1 hke rather 1 xcu.sed," and an idiot t-xeus. d her. Hut .. with the girl. I I U- . ' man-'. -1 r moth. r. Then n.v f.-.M.' : n.irri.d the girl. New I n--iv v.l.o 1 am. When I married girls mouicr, iiie girl b. came i v d uighter, and my father mari'ed my daught. r w;;.. t i . - Wlien mv fath- - r m.Hri.-d my dai ghtrr she was my ::; 'L r. If my L.thtr is my son, and my d.iughtei is my moth er. who it. i)e thnrd. r am T ? -: husband I am mv own aramlfath- i er. Kxehange. WAVE OF PATRIOTISM SWEEEPINO MEXICO. It is Proposed to Have aO.000 Trocps in Line cn Iadepend- ence Day, on SepLmbir 20. .U Yu- City, Aiu'. '1. -A w i p if riotrft i, ; ar t i ve hf fwei-jtiiig o-r M'-xii-o. in manv .stafen and fnin 'il! 1 r'ni it is it.nn"Uii' r'd. a .,-iira.j.ei s .(' ai- bgiance and ofi'-i-s of mi' iM-iitK ii" ie 'i ii-ii: i'i ..... i. . .1 1., President Iliierta and hi n " . ter of war. Plans arc being mad for large display of t.iilitary strength jHcmoer if,, .mo pemmnce i iv,, it u p4o,..rM-u I( ...j parade in the capital in v. Inch .'O.OiiO are expected to march The war department has been called upon to furnish military instructors to a doi'n cities. Avhere the far of being impressed for service agaiit the revolu tionists has given away b'-fore a latter patriotic ardor. Thous ands of all ages are asking to be drilled in the uj of a urn. Ministers (Jamboa and I'rrutia, of foreign affair, and the inter ior, respectively, today issued denials of the declaration fr m the war department concerning the shifting of army division heaibpiorters from interior oirts to the coasts and frontier. It now is explained that if thee shifts are ma le It will be sob-ly fof the purpose of guaidiiig a jrainst rebel operations. In addition to the students f the preparatory sdieols, where mMjtjiry instruction has been en force, f fJVr- i'J 111 11 weeks, the man ual of arms w bctofr iht work men who are attetidinsUight scIhkJs and the employes of ttl tax departiinent. The employes of several banks also are said to have organized a company find proffered their services. .Tlie.newsptiipers cojtinue.to de vote themselves editorially to the Miltfleet of the diplomatic exis-teji't-s, dwelling ujon- the alleg ckI sympathy and oncouragivnent Mexico is receiving frrrm the press of France, Cermany and fireat. Dritain. Followers of fSeneral Felix Diaz exj'ct hkn to return to Mexico City not later than Octo ber to push his campaign for the presidency. Senor fJamboa to day said no further instruction,, regarding the, Ja.p;ui mission, to which (iencrnl Diaz was ai)point ed, would be issued by his de - partmcnt until after the elections. Ihe excitfment among Amen - can residnets over President Wil son's warning' suhsidisl to a large degree over Sunday. A limited number of persons left on trains to Vera Cruz today. Consul Gen eral Shanklin spent mast of the day in his offices, hut received fewer visits than on previous days. The opinion is growing that the warning, so far as re gards the large centers, will not le olwned generally unless fur ther information of a definite character is forthcoming. "Uncle Joe" Ag-ain in Race for CongTess. (tliieago, Aug. lff"ITncle Jcm?" Cannon, of Danville, will mn a gain Tor representative in con gress next, year, according to re ports received here. William P. MeKinley, a recent Taft suppor ter, is expected to enter the race in the Champion district. The litical .situation in Illi nois is such, it is understood from the conversation of the a'- tive Republicans that the claim; oi the ,-rsf wn lie I'eiire.setlTaTlVeS ani.it l'f overlooki d in getting togi th r an orgi i.iat ion to make The next State f'ght. Io-nominat;, ai of ('aurion. Me- Kii.l.y . II d. :.' d -' .1 F.r: an t '1 : e.H-edel ity. d:i" t upon ti e d t! i v i: rh iscaii.s who retiiaUi. licaii.s h 1 th- . the i .. party w!..,:i many i'rogreive camp. Tim It1!.-. i ne i ! '"".;:. ?!s are . congn ssi.Ui.il e.ii d'.i.it-s will ! hioki il t- .'US the T! .p-'llsj.le f..C' t.u-s in their eoiigr.-.-s-sional d.s tricts in getting the machinery of the Ke, i!) ..'an o-g-itiizatpui bax-k into gear, and that a gen-; eral harmony p roc ram will bed. re dy f eu.musiou in the late i fail. CRANKS OFTEN VISIT CAPITAL. WaAhingttn a Clearing: House fcr Unfortur.akS Frcm all ! rcmu. aAhint'ioi u ihf it;. iron 1 i-Ie'iring hnii-f fr crank.' and' in.-t.'iiii' persMM. Th . .statement' is not il"i.giied t i lnirleiie' ( 'n;i-( ' gres or nfliir hi'rh 'iovernni' iit ; ofl'ieial who come fo Vahingt.on 1H Hplfe of in're,isii..g fen- i . i i'l'i.i v iiiiiniie- Mini' i,i nie iieonii . ... i i . . ' , fo regard p,Mic n-rvants in that class, but that H n.hiiiL'foji As vllirn llnsre!:il j. trnte II... I.-m.I ',.,l:ir,.n'fr lunatic ' Vf.Ary ar y(,ry (,f,cn j nrnu-r.-.l in such a manner that j ,h,.v .f.ri. (hse.l W1tli tlie idea that soi me high mission calls them, and th.-v desire to in to the s-at of (iovernuieiit to r nderi'' - l,ifs of lit. -rati aid'or to gie waminjf or eouns' I to the President, or to Congress, s.ivs 1 he a.sliir vfori Herald. The guard at the White Hou.se, ! "'"I earned .1 gun trm child the doorkeepers of the Senate ' liool, w;us naturally v eon.spicii and House, private s eretari.s ti''."H 1hat ;i".v om ""''! him memb.'rs of Congr-s.s and Cabinet," a ennvd and b una!'e to mis inembers. other watchdogs Atad-j tak1, h;.s calling, and that as he ing between public, officials an lihad done .m.- c.ii'i.f Tfeitinsf the public an. I the officials ami ! himself he would csjH-iaKy be attendants of the Washington ! -ffi'i"i:t in apprehending o'hers Assliim for the Insane have a ' engaged in that trad -. budget of stories concerning the-e unfortunate ereatuns, who. in .some way r another, uvuinged to make their way to the Na tional Capital with astoirshing frequency. Infane Tar Heel. A man from North Carolina, who recently called at the Whi,t'' Jloiise, presents an inter-sting and ludicrous case, doing to the White Hons', he announccl that, le had come to Washington in o a wiridess message in rtMM.ti shorthand froi 'resident Wilson. This was an extrYtfT remark able statement to begin sin-1 uMnueh. hh it- would - bMWT impossible to send wireles-s nies sages in shorthand, so tho White House guards immedlatrly knew they had a crank to deal with. Interested, they drew the caller on to tell more about himself. He did so with gusto. He de clared that he had been at his home, a small town in North Car olina, when he received his mes sage. In some inexplicable, man ner, tli e man declared, his fellow Uwnsieople got wind of his af fair, and, b'?ominf jealous of his inte- .v with the President , of tils', . tilted States, attonpted to pre'vent his keeping the enga- , gememt which the President had tnade with him by wireless in shorthand. He asserted that he had great difficulty in getting out of the town, as the people fired 00 shots at him and threw stones and brickbats. He was vi-c about the number exactly S00. The railroad people were against him, too, he said, and he was compelled to ride on the trucks underneath a car until the train reached a lonely stretch, when he climbed into a Pullman and choked the conductor and porter with two oranges, which he took from the train newsboy. Then he took his ease in the stateroom, from which he evicted a bride ami bridegroom. Hut, according to his story, be did not reach Washington directly. So strong was the jealousy of the people that he was forced to work his way to Washington from North ( arolina around by Alabama. o , . TT . , T Prayed in Hotel Lobby. Itefore he came to Washington he had been in Philadelphia so that city must have been included! ; hi hss ein-mtoii. route Disoate h- f.s from the ( i.iker City declared a the time that the man enter, d the lib! of a fash:."ti.i!)!e hotel Tie re, alii!, steppll.g up to a.-.'d, Ceia.'t. a, ,i he i clerk m.gi.t the Ii y t..r . lit, d VII 1,1 rf4 iiioiueiir . ; f 1 x). : d tl-e2if h. the very ; l:.it-s.... .i, ' r i i hi iing an i I.. a. an i. as-, a., it" at j his lips' Thell. ch.'iT- ! severe " ntti m. nut. -s. I hen. cheer-! 'J to the iIcsa, he to! i tile ,: la .liieatil.e 1 K he bad lid 11 coin-j of guards Pll'l over- witli Pr-io.tit Wils r.jatfer t!..-se conviefs and that the President would hr theiv fthotily t dine w itii him. II ' said th.-v would d hot. I and that the boas. ollld ainply n p ild in th- alv.-rtlv-nt it would receive for the iw m i of its lobby. Needles to 8a v , that when the man reached Wa4i ingfou he told his story and w:v 1 promptly garnered by the Wash- '" Avium for th Ir-.nr... . I ' J ; :,n'n prevnt.-d hirr-M !f. ami ay. !fg rn w;i4 iiif- r.ii.I Mpr d ei ired li- had com the (Til. f Kticufivc K.eeijit e Mafi'i'.n. Not b rig ago or e f' throw 'l;t of M'i' to th' 'Capital and d-'martdiil "f the jx- with whom he carlv entered iion negotiations, fo s." Cneli frsim iu pirsri, tha I." might recite to that bene -!. jit g-ritlc-jna.ri bir wonrgs. II- ..rv the direet,r i'f th' Jo ,-rf, m ;'. Hus pital for the las.m Letters to Secret Service. ( ilief Wiikie of the Secret Service receives soill ouic fa.einat ire in ti form if application-. tor fit' ovment under t In- head of i er;mnent sleuth. One man wrote that h Letters and visitors of all de scriptions ''iine to the Secretary of the Treasury. There Is a man named Kelly who every few months will write in t t!.e Sec retary saying he will call on such and such a .Lite fur the .10,(K0.000 the Covertinnnt. owes him. The first time he call, d the jrivate .s-cretary to the then Seeretarv ff the Trea.siirv stum- bled iijHMi ii plan that always works. He told h mi it would take seme time to wrap up so much money and askd the crazy man to call in iui hour. Tht private seeretarv expected in. the meanume to mase w'- n n fciWrefrifrrg KB? meantime to make iirv&ngements but Kellv did not come hack After awhile, however, he wrote from a remote part of the world that he would call again, ami he did so. Ho was put off for half an hour again in the same way and did not come, back for haif a year. Ho ap pears to be. perfectly hurmlefis, and this simple met hid of get ting rid of Kelly is handed an other. - . At the StaU? Farm. iWin.ston .Sentinel. Mr. II. It. Varner, chairman of the State prisou board, made in spection of the State farm in Halifax county last week, and he was very much pleased with what he saw. In his paper, the Lex ington Dispatch, he says: This farm contains 1,'UMi acres ami it is probably the finest farm in North Carolina. There are some thing" like G,(WH) acres in cultiva tion. There are nine miles of dikes on the farm, seven and a half mihs on the Koanoke river. Tliese dikes are built to prevent the river from overflowing and destroying the crops on the farm. They are 100 feet at the base and about 20 feet on top, from :iO to 10 feet high. Sometimes the rains become so heavy, and the river gets so high that it breaks through the dikes. When it does, the crops are destroyed. Capt. C. N. Christian, a' na tive of Stokes count v, and tipt. I liheam, of eastern North Caro- lina. are In charge of this farm. Thev are' most excellent farmers (,ik1' th.v S:iy that th prilSp,,u j this year are the finest they have I ever been. Thev ha e '' Imi aeres in corn, which will i nduce 100,- 00( Iiii.heU- the h.l i l.siMl i-ro- ( aen s iu c,.:t.-ii. , ; dime a Hi!e to the 'in oeanuts, whir! h will .T" w i oo a ens tirod.n-e -10 to " bush.-ls to th.' acre; and -oO ens of c-.r.v p.-;t.s and S"ja tl.erc ; on tlie l..:-n id of cattle; :;H'I 1. "J10 ai d . l.co ) e . s. Km t; i- e s ;! .1 ' . ' eons. Ti: the W ( are 4"0 cnvi'-t- 2o.'ig liir.1, "tV-r f he w ork "i the farm, u it tak.-. a con-sid rablc r.s u , J.oK lt i.i a lit- j tic world all to is.-lf and is a jry interestintr place to visit. .tt tljX.t North Caroaiiftn would re gret -iiding the t me and money sixffkiiiit to visis this wonderful farm and see tl.e woinklful pro d.lctJi.

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