w . .." ' mm fOL. XXXIV M0VX1 AIRY, XORTE CAROLINA, THURSDAY.9, SEPTEMBER 11, 191J. JYO. 11 a 1 PANAMA CANAL IS NEAR COMPLETION. End cf Dry Excavation Ad van-( ces the Work Almost to Final Stag ! t Wa.sii Ins-ton. S"tf. i. C om id- fin of lry rXeavati'm on - - j i the J'anama 'au.l veferday just 1' ilm V I t,f yh-tille futile. :id- aiMiiI tl.e worU. on use trrt-ar wati'rway aliri'-wt to the final ( imr .lit remain to be d.i.e in C'ub-Lm ut and alomr the route, lu t'hiH will be ai-rompudf d byidiwtrial Institute, und J. . (ii am moth drben flatijiir vtx ' the surface of the canal. -a army of m-r will be bu.y Iurintr the next fourw-k re-; moving t earn -ho vela and other eifiijiuerrt ami material, liu'ludLnsr :6 miles of railroad track, I'nm the nine-mile eruinnel in Cub-bra rut U'twei-n (iamboa Dyke and lrtlro 3IisrueI Locks. Ibw u pifTtaratorv to turiLir r wafer Ln- to the ohannei trf.m uatmn i.aKe, . on tle Atlantic side on ( .;ter j 5, five days in advance cf the ; ... ... Tl date Pet fT dynamiting C,s,nitht. r,lTmtrv tbev had to go to Dyke kc. ...c win ne imro- Alexi.-.. CLtv, then to Vera ru2. peed throujrh four 26-ifu - T'r"'!ard by .steam r to Havana. From duced xtendinr underneath the dike. arI altliTirh the five-day period Tianlly will suffice to fild the c-harnicl to one-third the canal level, vnough would be let in to act as a cahion againM the ex plick4 when the dyke M de- roved. . VliiJe the cut is being cleared ( railway aid equipment. Irill ing hij.1 blasting will be goiikg- on at tin lMttom of the chnanel, looseTiing up roks and earth for the dredges that soon will W vlawiivg away through wnter. Six of the shovels will Le Mn linuel m removing material from the eaxt and wert banks near t'uleibra to le.sen the danger from ftljdcs. The d.-rt rtK"t ion of GamJ)OA Pyie will kave only one such -obstruction long the Canal route, the dyke over which the railroad crosses the datum Locks and which can be removed at any time. The last harrier on. the Pacific, s'hle, the MiraflorcH Dyke, to dynamited jivst a few weeks ago turning Pacific tidewater in to a chaiuk-1 5,fMH) feet long. WO feet wile and 41 feet devp. Drelges now are navigating thw channel and on the Atlantic ride a log suction dredge sterun xl on Cat urn Lake up to a point near the Gamboa Dyke 10 days ago. Small vessels proJably will able to pass through the canal from end to end by October 10, and the waterway should l.e ready for shipping proper early in Deceaiiher. Bandits Get $16,000.00 Pay Roll. Columbia, S (', Sept.. 5th. Three men, each armed with two revolvers late today he-Id up a deputy fcherlff and two employees of the J. G. AYhite Construction Company at Phrnr Shoals, twen ty miles from here, and took t'rom thein sflfiAH) in currency which had been inf "iided to meet The pay roll oi the company, wnM'li is building a huge pwer f,-,rc their eyes ami never lift a t'.iim there. finger to help straighten things Tonight seven hundred cm-j out. The graft going on in cv ployei s of the company together j cry department of the Govern with the sheriffs and deputies of ! nient is quite unimaginable to a four counties with blood hounds square -minded person, ai'" hunting for the roblicrs. d.i "So far us 1 can make out V. oovner , u.e oe,.,u h t.u re-; 4 ii. . l .. ..I. . ; sisjiu i mo oiuiuus aiKi a.s simk, the bii'lct t ikii g effect iii the thigh His wound is not serious, K bberv o'-M-urred inst nf- t.i l';i ma.stcr Marr with Fred Bui; "i.; n as'statd cashier and I Ihioitv .loMier had taken the '. ltOUieY fnnil the expn-vs offiee at 'P.-,- l. ,..,!. .us to reach the si ru-i Ion ..it: i '''! i'-B! .S U!!H,C IffV 1ht money was to be distributed the h id to u the railway i traik llieough a rather b'( r cut.' A the thre. oas'PC a 1 . ar which Wiiv standing on the rni!v.-i:y track a trio of men. their f.ie,-, i.Wk.d 1 d'.sguis:' th' 111, icjqe ; out ap t covered the ni-oi-y bidvii'g v;iHy. Dejoity Joy i . r rea bed fr hsi gini mi l the ToVh. is opjncl fire. Jo n-r fell siiot Mirongh the thigh and the ofhei-s reahii g the futility of veslstf.tue with their assailants in! fo Mroi.g a piMinni, yic;.ie(. i ne , robWrs took the sack containing j the money and made off into the . :.: ... t fri wodi. CONDITIONS IN MEXICO. Metncdist Missionary Residing" in Mexico Write an Interesting i a t:trlit P1' thr-; ( tt; - c.-..,'ni;i.t,e to the n-Wrs 1 Letter to Relatives at Spartan- bura"- I ,..,jrf si r s: tk I'.-ndifioi, in Mexico are de-:nb- ! hi an rriteretii..g manner bv - f lliral.v f iv 4 'un ii,: rurl: ; m I a .lrrtiot t ms-;onarv at "nui J.ui.n I'iti.i. in a letter to hir .Mm. Thm.'.s .J. Ilr.rtrr, wife of i ;th - r.riiim-tl cf the Textile In- i 'unninrham, a sivphoruore at offonl Colbpe. Alfiioiitrli !id deri to emie home. JI'm Cun- nW'cham hum decliail. She i at rn'i.t at AIvar-z ami her lt- ter wa rit from there on Aug. IX In part she ay:: ML- Alfter arid I are running vii,j v, m tl mountain where we were (hri.sT.nw.. AH three of the div hoil teaehers (n,.t ,L;onarus went home, Aftr waiting for nearlv a ,111(Iltv. fOP a wflV u. ' there htey "ft ill. go either to New York or New Orleans to get to St. Louis. This w what might be called the 'lightning, route.' "Thd situation here is interest ing but not dangerous to us un less .something more devcloj than there has been any sign of so far. Huch a thought as leav ing has never n'e -rioiirly en tered our mind. "The school at Durango and the nonwd at Saltillo have both chvel down because they are in the midst of the fighting sec tion. "We have aloliitely noth ing to fear in San Luis" Toto-si except intervention, and in Ruch a ease, wliieh surely will never be, ;ur consul would be warned in time to save ua. We are very much concernc! to know, "what 2lr- hirt'fTs miavrn is. ilefore you receive this letter the trouble may all be settled. "The country will certainly go to the wall financially as a Government and as individuals if this keeps up much longer, business is pitifully paralyzed. Thousands of 'men ar out of work, aiui being promised good pay, join the revolution or form bandit ground and raid the eouutry for a- living. Hacien das, the large plantations, are being abandoned because it is unsafe to live on them. The mines over all this section (I do ,.f !, ..tv,. have .dosed down, with h .mp-I- tera and other attendant indus tries. "Prices for everything are go ing up all the time. The rest lessness of the middle nnd low er cla-;eH is Wcoming a roldem that I am glad I will not have to solve, while the complacence aJid utter indifference of the upper class Is disgusting. They have no more atriotism than a chick en. And the funny part is, they can sit with folded hands and calmly watch their own private husiino.s crumbling to atoms be- i ii ii .:in i l ucany an rue uuou.e ,uu. i cr -i.ises are against hihtui mihi the iMowr clii" are for h'riu ver- 'bally but without ' x sacrificing a niny nor putting forth the a.-t exertions. This ar.d the giaft a Malilit - unit in part for the in i f his GoCernmtVit. 'and f.naneiallv it sec nis to m coti-,Ti:ev cannot he i but continue ., , . '.. .,, ... : tri I 11(1; III 1'CIHT .ail llll' llllle We ean:not even speculate 'on the result. "The Federal Annv is com lo-.- I of men from the lower clas who have no protection, who are lit. tallv kidn.arxd ami kept in flic pe!i;t( iit iary until enough are eolb-ete.l to ship like cattle to Mexico, Cifv where thev are drilled a very little, then sent to' the front. The other Suikdav our jstrmiav vhool suiwri-nten- it . . ibnt went to the ' n' to bold j a service with sme of the men. . . .i . ..,..1 i - ri-.i s- 1 , usual, ttiey would not letl'o n-irions 04 uriiisn .sew wumoa him in. as they bad jut receiv-j cd YtO 'volunteers'' whom it: "'The tests of lif. an to make. jwonld take r.M afternoon to reg lister arid asv.gn to their eel! I "Is it anv wonder that when ; the Federal find themselve in ovt en. ThL W ex - . aft ly the reasri th Government has not and .iocs not seem likf- I Iv to iret an where in putting; dwn the revolt. nd th t-t.d M lit.' rt. AMERICANS Lieutenant Accsta Cresset Inter - national Bridge and Bcarins Kl Pa,, T'-x., Sept. 6. Lieutf-njen ye;ir's i-r-e in the world's ant Aeo.ta. a: officer u General greattyt deliberative body would Sahizar's Federal ciniriiand atjPrt irroLstible fae0r5 in civm Iitirez. eros-l the Stanton str et ' mendirg him to the favors of the international bridge this after-! eopU- for re-election. inHn and was kilUsl by United States t'liAtuns Irst'ei tor T. F. di.n.th awl Immri;rati i Irkpett.r i Thomas N. Ibifroii, after be hid jopend fire on them with a rifle. H was shot throifh the mouth and ann and his horse. fp..nfn; "'h wiK;m he was conver wdiieh he had dismounted. wasjU!- diot through the sile. The A-1 a i- f-vor c,f the Com- inerican officers were uninjured, mission form of government, a! I'.efore crosir.g the brid.ge the j though Durham defeatl the pro- 3Iex'uan had remarked that he;5MaI as "goii g to kill a gringo." j I"gical a!l hnsn. ss UKe way ct II ifron was starKlinr at the ! traactirtr the b.wim. cf a American end of the bridge when unR-apahty. whose affairs d- Acosta first opl fire "at him. al a,:;1 H..; 1,1, ' ; pert attention bv a bolv of men e tirtd back, using an aubv-!.' . t.,i, o i tna whom is cornvntrat-d b. th matic pistol. Worvah nasteneii to , ., ,. bis fau-e and U:m firing I r.insir.i ity. at the Mexican. The Mexican "'n,'r;'1 Vrjs sf;l talku g .f officer was within oO feet of the American before he was kilb-l. Two tnx ps of the Thirteenth C,ivnlrv were ordered Were onltrrtl to the; iri?ge foIIowM-g th shoot Hair, in ,t , , i t . , ,the grounds nn- dav he was ae- onler to restrain the l.UM Mex-' , f , . . ,. , , . , . . , Al i cooful hv a I mon soldier, a for- irauH who kul ira hered on the; o( y,llU..fr,t MeXK-an side of the bndge. j NVw yipk K i,nent Gtiieral Hugh S"ott, conunaud ing the United States truojx. was notified of the shooting and he ordered all trop to be pre pared for movement to El lso from Forf Bliss" "in ca.se " Of troulde. Tnn'-t a detacJiment of cav alry was stationed at both inter naticsial bridges and Army of ficers and troops have Wen or dered to nvn-iin at quarters in case of an outbreak among the Mexicans. A bitter feeling against Ameri cans was manifested in duarez by Salazar's Federal troops fol lowing the hhootiiur. L. Oleson of El Pa.so crossl to the Mexican side with a jiarty r' American men and women and iter reported to American Army oiiR-ers uiai a risiepai oincer ,,rew his T'1 anl threatt..sl to slioot. (tesiai stated that the American women were insulted hy tlie Mexican offieer. They es caped injury by putting their au tomobiles nt full speed and hur rying to 4he American side. 'Wie stated that several Mexican sol diers threatened them and shook heir fists at them as they were go'tf:g through the streets of Juarez. Other Amer'wans- also were threatened. Inspector of Mexean Consnlat s M. K. I)ielH1,l of F,l Paso Is cohr dur.'ting an investigation of the hooting. Amers'an officers1 ila-ed lie f ron and donah uuler arrest after the" killing. They were relcasid on .1.000 bonds." Mex'wah officers at Juarez tri ed to stop Lieut c him t Acosta from crossing the brhlge before ' hu ;,,vasioil ,,t u, ,lir(Sltt.ed U sim ct any om- who interfered! i n eulonsf man attended the i.;..'. a:.. Ar.,.:.,an ..ff, oMl' l!in':iw Voi-fulk- eveio-iioi , , .; , , .i,.-...:.,., -,! aft-r he w;'s k .id a bottle of Mexican wh .dtv u j , found ,n s .svldh Ac M . ba-s , . .mo :o Jnarf. frc:r ' Ch.h-.iiiuii with r-ei'fral Salazar's .. c. ... i .... " .'I " u ' ' M " l : ! i o held at lv ; raso. l'r i i lls of Aeosfa in Tuare hai .-.vk.u permission to remove if to Jua; Scientist is Eaten. London, Sept.. -1. .John Henry Warner, a Cn-rm n - American mineralogist, has been tviten by New Guiifa cannibals, according 4 . 1 .. ..It 1 " amccs rs-eivfsi nm1 tikuiv f roni Papau. arnre was search-, "g for ralium in the unexplor-! not break us Anr.. GEN. CARS SAT. OVEEMAV WILL WIN. Veteran Also Prcncnnces in Ja- , vrr r f Wrman Rnffran-. i Charlotte Observer. "(v.-rai.,m will b return J t ' t"r S 'n.itr without a if'.-utrt. ' Tliat i.-t the op!uia etpr'."fd lyratenLty Ty Juli.m S. C'irr , f Dirrh.'iuu. who jrer:t vvera! I hour in. the city. He addd that he brliev-d the junior S-uator'sjaiwaitiaif next t-rru of Su'e-Hoft if ",ru l,l';l.u- r". 1 "i"' '. lntt j-nrntl m h iruu "I am srfrongly in favor of wo man suf'rV:!'.'. added the General iu the course of his con versation. "It may not come in my lifetime, but it will be in yours.! h" said to the younger I regard it as the only ; :ae tnninre nmeiie uao at no G tt''iirg' 8emi-'entennaV . cele bration. One ir-jeideiit which ' hi - . . t "Were you in the Belleville. Ya.. ra'tdf " demandtHl the strarg tr eagerly. "1 was," replied General Carr, :uwl&t mHsiL -C. 2 "I've seen your face a thous and times since then!" exclaim ed the Federalist. "Do you re m ember when Ilawocks men were drawn up on one side of the road ami your men were on the other, aaid there was a hard fought engagtfliient in the twi light!" Yes, General Oarr renu-mWnd "I ttokJ deliberate aim at you and finsl." said the Northerner. "I did my Wt to kill you. Hy the flash of my gun as I pulbsl the trigger I saw your face clear ly, and it has haunted me ever since. I never kikew whether or not I killed you." Tlii North Carolinian as,snretl his fonrter en.iny that he came out of the battle urweratehed, at which the other was filled with joy. The two became fast friend and made a solemn vow to write to each other once a year so long as both shall live. "I think it remarkivble," soid the general, "that he should have remembered my face which he saw for but one brief instant, arm! should have recognized me after all these vears." Threw Negro Out Window; He Dies. Clinton, Sept. C The body of Henry Boykiu, who died last night in a Suffolk hospiLil as the result of injuries reeeivtd iu bcii.g thrown from sti excursiui train, was brought here today for burial. "over the Norfolk Southeni Tues- d,iy. h returned Thursday. The xcnrsi.wilsts. many of them, fill- eil on menu wi.iskey ai.d fiMiglit. ; Henry 1 od k in, porter for the Clin-! ton Hardware tympany, f -1 1 into ( the hands of three mgroes who. uireaiein i to throw him irom th" car. He Ix gL'.d tlpni not to do it but while the trainmen wen-i out tlie three llcgtOeS ' Wlh'SC p.-imo s are rji t k.iiown. d.u-hnl him through the ojm-u .window to t'ne ; ground. Tiie train was making some-! thi'g like fifty mih-s an hour; and Hoh;n was terribly injured.! The train was stoped, th'i wounded nmn piehed no and ..... .,i,,. i,.rf.M. .,.,- i,., treated He di d two days aft. r sJ . Bear ye one another's lumbns, nd so fulfill the law of Christ. -Par'. WHERE BL0CKADE2S STILL PERSIST YadkLnviLI. JS.-pt. 6th. Two ;st(Ait aJ!-b-tKli-I men are gone- joue murdered and one shot by an officer iu self . defense. The ; latter ii a negro, ami the fp - xu'-r a white man; rwi white turn an- iu th. State pKsou, with a k-utrtre .'t abop hanirir tfii vaw at hard Z over t !i i-ir fcea.U two negroes in the county jail j' ourt ait one out ou bond; one j j man bear- ugly sc;rs; two wi - .men. one wh'te ;;rd one blu-k, j ar an l - -r:d ehihlren: arn, f.t':ierle:. U tl.e ree, rd f r ! i.'i.i t tar. in that sinall sei-twn ot i j...tin county usiuilly known a.s thf "Gre;n p.nd SectiotK" I in" unit- or I a Tt. t - . . . . t jWixxK." Kir her or both cf the latter would be appropriate, the former became rhey are a "Na- ; tion" to themselves and the lit- t;-r bevarise they are sit-jtit-il ed. fo'r it U the social intert-.mrs anmn.1 several thousand aortas f (of their psie and the only so tiruber lands: that ar- almost im- ciety they want is among tlo-ni-peuttrable. saw only by tlu selves. T TVy ic-k u favors frtti that know it. j outsiders but if in an w ar a fa- Tiiis section is located abr.jr the vor is granted them it will n .t southeastern part of Ya.lkin!be overU"okl. and in due torue j county arsl ahurg Davie county line, ai d might be to ext-nl ; .us far West as Court nev, which is about e en mil juth of Yadk.invi!!e, ami to the Yadkin a::d t-xp-rt the same of trus riv.p on the east. 'deal with. A great many negroes along; Neither do th.se pe pie with the w hite people, although ; pi-"e agairs' th.- I.iws of not thicklv s-ttletl. compase the I en::. try acxsrlit;g to their population for several miles a-''f looking at it, but only to pro round and whatever Ls of inter- jtect theuuselvs atsl their rights, t it to one is of interest to all Us they think, that have been the'V'ple this section, with j h.i:del lown to them by their few eXi'cPtioiis. i forefathers, and this they w ill do The one trrilig persistent in this neighborhoo-1 and'hich it se-.tns Riips.sible to stop enrrfdy. w the manufacture of whisfcev enrNjarv - . . to the laws of the land ThfvJ laws of Die land. Tftrv win not stop. A ram by oftieers in this section one day does not meat that thing are "eleared upduVSTTfhere. The section in which they live affords the men aim pie opportunity to attain the:r coveted enda illicit disti'linr. "hat are known as the "Big WikkLs" leads along the Davie county liuc about five or six miles, ami extends into Yadkin five or six miles, leaving at least five or six square miles entirely covered by thiek timber, and there are but one or two dwelling houses in all this space and they are .-wuall. The read-r can imagine a ter ritrry almo-i. entirely destitute of auy living creatures. Only the chirping of the cricket, the wai'iMg of the whipoorwill, the mocking bird singing the song sf his neighbor bints, the lone Kwne hfkoting of the owl or the hopping rabbit remain to tlis turb the mooiushimr as he goes at his work in this wilderness by day or by night, which Is known only by those wlno live neant to dt. On the other hand he Is as sisted by the tall timber as well as by the thick undergrowth. Oc casions have been known where officers were verv near the things they were seandiing for ami still failed to fiisl any trace of them. It is said that not a man in the Federal revenue service is able to go in these woods alone without getting lut, and Yadkin county has never had but one officer wlio could go to all parts of these woods and around them without Rising his way and that one was .1. h. Miugart, lor sev eral years deputy sheriff nnd now township canstahle, he being the one who killed William Hitting coiored. m that s.-ction last week wh -n he retusMl to U arrest i-d. t() ,;s.l)),i,ar fr ;iw,:!t n'so. lie knows every man woman andj-Vltll jittj,, or 0 exception thU child in the s.-etion, besides ev-jis ,u, 0(lv s,.t.t;( (1f Yndkin c;y i-oad, path and place where a j ,.0.,,:tv i vl, t V whislev can b bh -hade distillery is l.kcly to be ,,!,t:iin(,(i .,t Vuv, ''M. Deputy Sher:tt J- ran k j Wishon cfliies next in line. These peop! not mean ..- o.id im on e. hev have Im n , T"ared by pani.ts who made v. ii'.ske, according to law if pos- sib',-, I ut rdl ( f v hem were ao cit. . ::icd to in kirg it anil keev t i.a:' it in var'ous v.s, whether 1 according to law or otherwise. This prohibition laws had no ter ror for them, only to take their government house down and set t!" in their place a mooiiMime j gins next Monday, and also to plant further in the thickets of j agree, if tatifaetory to th the "nation." They have Wen Judge, to the eontiruanee of all taught to make it and drink it, I criminal wises where the deffcl "rd thy fcavc ro thought cf oridanta arc not in jail. , : conception of Hit with Olit tiit ' romane caused by m.Lk.LifC and f drLukirsjr. It ha beeimie a fLvd habit and Ln a w;iv a second na- tare to them. The y never hart r the idea of giving up their old way1 or think' they could fet 1 ahmg without the-m. Th only j terror to them, H tiie fluffer of a, j f -w dav ejii.d Lv a vL:5 fn-ui th otta-ers f the law. ml only thiiu. .if :ori. i short tjm ; L ne- i to n-sume the normal v A siid bet re thv r a ruv- tion" to theriiseh. TL. y live amotljf one aijother arul Ci re very ittle f..T wh.it tro,- on oitts'de their own circle, or fop what dn m .t dirvs-tly aftWt w- of them ! iu their corn-nun if v . A-K-t'ier rea son why they have ain st the lg t is beeiltse thev live ir: leoelid'-Ut j of the outside 'world. They We i to some degree their own" rn!s ,f conduct' anl regu'.atioiLs of !ocietv. if s. cietv ir can, 1 ea!I- jit will not be overlooked, aid in due time it will be rtnr:iel by i them. Thev want to give favor i for favor and dollar for dollar tney - ' li the wav , " lssble. One illustration vf tjics is m ine cast- oi one isa;c 8hore who was stabbed in th I,l...ti i a:. ! .-uouiuvr one eariy uia yvnr ! by one person while anoth another held hvn ami from which woutsd he dievrs.lt developed at the trial that iSfefSEho s Uhoioji Jg. fatally stabbed lived several dsys. had told only oae or two persons who tabWd him and begged them not to tell it. Therefore if Shore had not died from hia wounds nothing would have ever leen known of rue stabbing. No very long ago some of them fell out over something and one man at lejit was severely beaten, but not a word of it ever reached a court, aitd now htey are all on pood terms. The negroes are Usei a.s "tools" and are always tak en care of by the white folss be hind them and these negros hae belonged to the clan so long they have become much worse than they would have- been other wise and an very impudent. The negro killed by Constable Shu gart bust week had boasted many times that be would never be ar rested by any white man. The white people all work hard and are as honest ns they can be, always making gmd any ob ligations made by them ami sup port their families as best they can. This is the situatioai as it has been for manv voars, although the prohibition laws have doubl id their efforts and linked them closer toghcr in sympathy, so to speak, as they think tluv are being divested of a natural ami inherent right that has bisu theirs from time immemorial. But officers are doubling their ef forts to clean out the elm and it is only a matter of a few years until thev will realie that they 'iiniNt change their ways. Siikce January 1 they have lost four m 'inherv Two are dead and two ; In prison with nearly ten j cars to fttu tj,r,... 1Mliri, ;,r. sil.it .1 i Doctor Orders Rest for Judg-a Long. S;ilisbury, Sept. 3. Jiu'ge B. j F. Long h.-i.s bi eii order, d ,y his dcijin to quit arei tast a- v bile, and upon ti is honors re- qut-st tlo- sa.isliury har .s.C! ation has (bs-'tled ti bac all civil ease continued at the Sep tember term of court, which be-

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