4 :! :i rfirtl mm uj I til XXXIV MOUJfl AIRY, WORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY OCTOBER 0, 1013. WO. Lj - i MIGHT HAVE GIVEN EIGHTH DISTEICT TO REPUBLICANS. 'firje-akf' Bill Introduced By "Radical" Representative frtm Wilkee is Caught. , Raleigh, Oct. 2, 191.5. A seat in Congress w.i possibly saved to the iVmfK'ratjt by the art ful scrutiny of member of the judiciary c-mmitfee of the North v" Carolina Senate yeMterdav after- num, when thitt committee, not dlsped to take: things "for granted" examined carefully a bill that had passed the- House tuul discovered that it would transfer Wilkes county from the Seventh t the Kij? hth Congress , ional dUtrict. Trim "weak" bill wan intro duced in the; House last Satur day, September 27, by Repre serrtafriva Linville Dumgarner, of Wilkes county, arid was pas.'! on its second and third readings Monday, September 2!, accord itig to endorsement on the back of the cover. There is no en dorsement to .show that it had received the attention of any House committee. When the bill went to the fienate, it wa referred to the Judiciary Committee. When the committee yesterday went to corider the bill, it was read. and as a precaution Senator Les lie Davis took; the pains to lot-k HP the references to ascertain what would be iH effect, anl foinid that it would not only do "what the caption 'mdieattd, but would transfer Wilkes county from the Seventh, to the F::ghth (Vri g regional district. i The Possible Effect. As the Republican majority in "Wilkes comity is large arul the Democratic majority in the Eighth Congressional district normally is small, the transfer , would puil4y have resulted in the election of a Republican to succeed Congressman R. L. Donghton in 1914. The Republi can majority for Congressman in Wilkes county at the last elec tion was 1,12s. The majority re ceived by ('ounriwmari Doughton over his Republican opponent in the election of 1912 was :l,102. which -is above the normal for the district, even when it goes Democrat ii. Thus explains the Kir;os f the ".sneak" bill. When the Senate ci.rnmitee nude the discovery it named Senator W. K. Dauie! ot draft a report, advuing the Senate of the circumstances. The committee will meet this rnorniig. The re port IS expected to include A .'(athitiir denoting m nt of such methods of b-vislat ion, nr:d it i.s expected that the Senate will be askd to .spread the reort on the journal. Tu, bill is House bill 124 and Senate bill 22:!. Its caption reads : The "Sneak ' Bill. "A bill to be entitled an act relative to Wilkvs eountv, to re peal chapter 'X of Public Laws of 191:?, and amend Public Laws .f 1911." The bill is neatly typewritten id covered, ami reads: "Tlw (ieneral Asm mbly of North Carolina do enact: "Section 1. That chapter .Vl.'l of the Public Ijhws of 1913 be and the same is hereby re ealed. "Sc. 2. That the word 'Wilkes in line eighteen, chapiter iiin-tv-even of Public Law.s of l'.Hl be stricken (tut, and that the word Wilkes' b inserted at the ei.d of liuh- twenty-one of .said chapter "Sec. :t. That th:.s act hall be hi full force and . ff.-ct from and after its ratification." Chaj.ter '!: of the Public Laws id' 191:! provides that "( n ) snij be allownl one of the county of-fii-ers u Wilk.s for cl-rk. 'hire. The first jccti.oii of R-pr -.seiita- tive P.inniranier'.s bill simply r e- i peals tliKs act. liapf.'r niiiet -,.- en. Public Laws of 1911. is the chapter fonil'.Ijjr the tell ( 'o!!',M'csii.iial districts f the State and n.m- ilig the coil!iti.- iliclil.b -d ill each. To strike out the Word 'Wilkes' from line eighteen an 1 i:im rt it at the end of lie twen'y -.mic. i.s t!iidy to traiisfir tic c unty froill the ScVtJ'.th t district. Kighth Tims the "sioak" b.ll would: Jiave rtiea!tl a public b al law j applying only to Wilke county, to which the members of the Deneral Assembly would have had no objection. It is the u ual custom to p;ws private and lo cal bilU that are riot opposed or contested without investiga tion, the; member deeming each Representative or Senator re sponsible to his constituents. It is a sort of courtly, in which the General Assembly relies uip- u i. . Jt k- V"1 Y "T u'ir ',l of this oo-rufiflenc in hxdiol by hte leifislatjoTs a.s Uise and contemptible. The discovery of the "ncak" bill create! & dis tinct aeruwition ytterday after tMivni in lerisative cindes. Mem bers of the House were alnt arigry that they had be-n thu.s impjfisenl upon, anul thait their con fidence in Mr. Pi i rngrri Tier's in tegrity had been tused for iwh a purtfie. The leaders of the Re publicans were n)t whned to any charitable view of the meth- ods pursue!. 4 Mt. Airy Route 2 New. As it has been some time since we ave you any report from our -ction And it might be of in terest to some one to write a fw lcaU for your valuable pa t. The; tobacco and com crops have all been taken care of and aosne 'are commencing to jhJW nm,-iill trrain. Work on our school Jmildii.jf and jmblic road is fr ing riht on. Mr. Tobe McIIone aj?el alout 7ht ycirs died Fr'nlay night and was buried at oak grove Satur day evening. lie was a quiet, industrious, hard working man, Alwo Mr. Abner Sutphin one of our oldest and best citizens died Friday eveniijf at the age of 81 year and was buried at the old family burying ground known as the Sutphin grave vard Prof. W. M.. Wall and Mi Annie SnttUIf' left tfday to be gin teaching school at Salera. , A win whh born to Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Rifrg Sunday even ing. The writer and several of our people had i good old tune at the Winston Fair last week. iProf. J. II. Allen was a wel come visitor in our community a few days ago looking1 after pub lic school interest. V hope to Ree him often. Notice. ' y virtue of an order by the Superior Court of Surry County as (' mmis.sioner. I will .-el! at public auction on the premies on Sattirdav, the Mh dav of Novem ber 191:1, at one o'clock, P. M., the following real estate towit: A tract of land lyir g in Surry 'ounty, N. C. adjoinij.g the Harden Iiffoou place on the North, .1. A. ("Teed on the Fast, and the Peter Creed' place on the South and We- containing about three ami three fourths aens more or less. Terms of side cash. Sale will be made for assets io pay debts against the e. l)tidly Crcetl. deed.. This Oct. 7th, 19U. J. A. Creed. ( ' n. tate f ! 30,000 VOICES. And Many Are the Voices cf Mt. Airy People. Thirty thousand voice What a grand chorus! And tlitt's the uiuinln-r of American men and Women who are publicly praVinr Doan's K'hlnev i'i'ls for relief from backache, kidn.y a:;d b-r ills. They .-.ay it to t'r ..!! II 1 li cy Tell it in lu iio Airy lH-ople are in papers. Mt. j tii's !io; u . Here's u Mt. Airv e.i. siom-r. Main St., Mt. Airy, N. .says; "Doan's Kidney I'll s help, ( Hi - more tli.iii .'U thing else I eVer Used. My were ,i-v irrtgular in kidllex s aetii n. 1 had bad b.-od; aches and did every- tbu.g I kin-w f to get re', it f. I: ; ilidii "t ' 1 )..;, ' at t!ie Pet ;!. find reli. f writ i! 1 tot k : Kitlih y Pills. h . ll 1 L'"t : 1 b niils 1 rv' "o. ii 'A tlo s I )rui ( 'o. i Tlo- soon made my back a:d k d:us -t rt ;.g. use )'',t.r.s hi: Is-.ey 1'ili.s one.- i:i awhile and tlo v fc'-t" in. Well. For sale by all tb :.. rs. Price oO cents. F'st. r - Milburn Co.. Duff .do, New York, s!e agents 'for the Cnited States Reiiu-iitbrr the name DoanV and take no other. j GORED BY VICIOUS BULL, E S. Reece, Prcminent Citiien of Rockford township nearly Killed by Angry Bull Will Recover. Mr. E. S. Recce, prominent farmer am! merchant of Roe.k.fopl was gired by an angry bull last Tliursday morning about eleven o'clo-k; an8 came near bleeding to death from the wound. He is thiw renting well and will recov er if m conrplieatioriM develop. Thf story Ls that he had the animal, a five-year old Jersey, on his farm a few miles in the country. He had a few day be fore sold hirn to a neighbor lut he had not benn moved from the farm. About the time of the a ciderit the bull left the farm and aorne -nt caught him roaming! ftlut the neighliorhood ant car ried him U Mr. Rerce home at RoirWord. Mr. Reece. tied him in the barn lot and expected h"a new owner to come for him at once. The animal had not l)een vicious up to that time and no one hal any spen-uil fear of him. About eleven o eiock Mr. Reece went out into the barn lot and gave the animtal some feexl and while in the a-t of aijustiig the chain by which he was tits! he bxiked ami th Imll was in the act of nukinjr a lunge at him. He saw that the bull was so near him that the only chance to eneApe the mad rush was to jump clear over him. Mr. Reece is a large, active man and he .sjrang directly at the onrush ing animal ant came near jumpirg clejtr over his body. As it w-as he was caught by a Jorn in the fleshy part of the right thigh ahout five inch -s below the body arid an ugly weund fcbout four inches long was made deep in the fleslu As .sHn as Mr. Refcc had jumped over the anknal and thu escaped the main force of hw body he trnckthe ground anl feu. He had pTes erwe of mind enough to know that the hull might make a sec ond attack and so rolled over several times without taking j time to get up arul thus he put himself out of reach of the en rHgeti animal. At once he arw that he was dangerously wound ed and hollowed for help. Sev eral friends rufdwd to him at j once, but it is to the credit of' . k . , ... .strangely with the other blacken ion -writ- iiiii, ur w tii me iirt one to th'uik of some way to toji the flow of bhnd. The lourd was bleeding in a way to cause death in a very f -w min uttt, for the bbnd was ninnii g in a stream as large as ones finger. As soon as Mrs H i saw the. ,ituatiiri she mttched off a mw gingham apnn which she was wearirg and t re it in two and with the parts corded his leg above ai.d bebw the Ivound. Thu.s the loss of blocd was steppe 1 but not until he hed I t 4; . ; i . , . , ,. ... of his prison, but he actel as f iiiearlv bled to death. Doctors';. ' , , . ... , f , . . i'.t were an old torv to him and , i"t.-.' i phoned for but it whs ii.bout two. 1 . i. . i.....: .: i i 1 iiuu-t oeiore n ". sii niii eouiu u , r, urlllM. .m'ner be had been entombed for ed and dress, d the wound ami h()(irs Haf Mr. Iteece is now resting wel art t i u ' i ...... " . .the pit lohe.v.kv was st' ppeil Ins fnends have exvry re,sou for,,, , for a ,,hat, h to. a ,0OM UPt ther with Dr. H. (. Fortiwr. aaU1' who had been in aluut constint r . '. 77" rr I'lHK'li wi'h' him s:,ice piimmimi- The Strel Trap m th- Tre2. ;(.at.,n va uMi,1(Ml Tll(,s,HV Yorkvillc Kinuirer. 'r;irl t ;'- to whom is large'y due MtNM-s. I. D. an 1 Hlan'jecey j ?h, troo ! health of the man. T s Meiill, cf Hickory (Jrove No. ; bed A- wore the broidet :nile of 2. hav been playirg havoc the hawks by the ue of a tri.ik' that they have been Ceii,'.' at the sutfir 'ti.-n !' with little p ra th "ir The On the father. Mr. .1 triek is iu it A. MHiill. I .s!'!hile ot e an einin 'i.vi' over'ookir.g rt el. there is a walnut tree that was blast l by lurhtnirg Mine tiiu- ego. Tie fop tif the trfe wa-- h-ft with a groove that furnidi.s h v.-r. nice resting. piece for a steel tlllp. aikl fll-' b.is have been plaeii'g the 1 1 "1 in this -groove. The wonderfully suspicious hawks have not been siis'pt -etii g this very invitinir place; but hvae persl-tt'd ill Us ii-y it for a bntk-oiit nor the land. Since the fir-t of Auiriist. ln haw 1) and an owl hay.' filb-n virtims to the trap. The hawks include tun ie unusually larg ' fel-, d out to see T't-' ok; as i,.- w as pr !s:Mrio.i v. , i.t i;ito t ff.-ct. This is one of the 1.-st fn.it inns called a r-bb.t whirVd aim g the stress. II .at a r.t. t-f a g.dit.n. in , i a : fanns and in a goo. I ncigltf.or "blue dart-rs." and wife and fiv ehildn n w.ii',.1 .,ii,g f X. .rt h 'an-liii ins of In ml. low .sOlll. t .1. e iiawh, uvt four s-iarniw hawks. The trans is still tloing business an-i the re 'i.ainb r of the record yet to be rcjN.rted. Entombed in Mine fcr a Week, is a Free HUn. Central'm, Pa., Oct. 4. Thomas Toshsky, prisoner since Friday of lat wisek in an abandoned chamber of the Conitnental mine of the Lehigh Valley Coal com pany walked into the open air a fre anf comparatively well man at 22 minutes before M o'clock this- morning. He was taken to h'us home in Centralia threv miles, away fnnn hLs underground pris on, and at once put to bed, ap Ju.rent.ly none the worse for his rem.irkmhle ex.p,rienc. It was 7:1. 'c'IH-k when the Lwt barrier of coal was driven &way and Tosliesky crawled! through the opening from his pris on ehanuher info the tunnel which haI leen steaitlily driven toward him by eager willing rescuers. Seven minutes after the first in timation w-a.s given to the out sidr? w or 11 that the big task was completed and the prisoner was free. Thus was when a miner era whit to the mouth of the tun nel an.l railed to the top of the pit for blanknts and hot water to he sent down. The workl of getting the man ready for his exit occupied the next few minutes and at 7 -MA o' clock a file of men emerging from the heading heralded the approach of the hero of the oc casion. Toshesky came frcm the hole with a gray blanket wrap ped about his shoulders. Hack of hiirn was a miner with haraLs upraised ready to assist if he houlj be needed, but Toshesky 'alkejl with astonishing agility consider'sig his exprierk'e. When he stepped onto the W(xxlen platform jiest out-idc of the mouth of the riarrtw tunnel ar was first able to stand up right he paussl for an in.st.4iit Tim! looked upward, as if in greeting to the world or scan ning the srtee.p and muddy zig tu.rz Path which led to the apen- "Hi'the"-4Ti?rfeTTnhr- 'His miners cap was on his head when he crawled through the cpetmg of the tunnel and greet ed h'w rescuers. HLs lamp was place upon his cap ami burn ing. Tashesky wore the usual rough clotliirg anl shoes of the miner. The most noticeable thisig about him was a mllor which showed d miners, whose ruddy colt r showed ei n through the coat ofLrf.,,,.1- v, .... ,-,'.: dirt. Toshesky climbed the path.j 0f the roiul and thrw Mr. to the rjii of the nit almost tin- liV,,. ;,Jaii,. ... th ,,..,ir..l i a I d. A stret her had been tak ; en to the foot and there "were j .1 .. v ...:o:. - l Mcniv oi wuiuur uaous i carry him but b would have none of it. His whole attitude fn m tle t rue of the rescue until he dls- -.uvui-d beneath the blankets in his 'wn bil at home was one of .emi-stolidity. T..li..b-...... i. i .. . nothing over whwh to f Rr at fuss. make a Once before in his cireer as a ''.my pT- v! in the vicinity when bn t'-lr out. "Hello.' who spokt ey to ''l f . ! t a .. " he erected ever bt dy to him. His ( ne r-'-tioi:s j, t. h'w lie I'.ulh." Jest In-fore the end of the j lunnel was enlargtsl fiiough to;tii p. rmit (he juLssage of his ldy j the miners er.g; get! in were e!;;!'.tii,' with Irm. One a.sk c! wll.it he Wils iloil g. "I get n ady 't move," he sai l. "Th s is II, ! ('..! .! hi I'se, no g it tl bt 1, no sprirg, no nice bnudnig n:'- Slls." ' Tt'slitdy W;:l)ted to mi'k mrt. Ii-- -iVs p. r;:.itli .1 to r de in an n:r.bii! 1 1..-- "!.!. ' wiiii-h lie was taken to a l auto iii.'olh a; tl wa driei) li"ii... Inhabit. Hits f tie- town turn- f. ir I, m :.t t' .. ,b,..r . f ins liniin'. il:d widk- lb' got out of the car fJ up the i .a ;o bus lam.lv. .mVracing th.ui all, in turn, and kissing the bbay repeatedly. Six Ohio Ycxxng Women Kias iWribijig his experience Tos-j 10,000 Ohio Men. hesky saiil when h wan closed i . . in he thought he wouW be!tl,NJ,im; ' Oct 4-Twenty crashed to death as several thou-s ; t,hoi,!ttn:1 nJ P" pressed and wagon load of coal piled to wards him fn-rn th, bottom of the lsa.t. In fart, two breasts of coal ran away. Conuniuing, Toshesky .said through an inter preter: "My dir-iirr Imcke ftnd ctwt at the hot torn of the brta.it were lost as the coal rushed in. I had all mine tools with me and my Lamp wa burning. I had a half quart of oil im a can by my side. Sizing up the situ ation. I found I was entombed in a spaiee seven by fifteen fts-t. "I b;id been entombed twice oeiore arwi rescuers so n got in out. I felt that th-y would again take care of me. From Fridav until Tuesday I was without any thing to eat or drink and on the bust day my oil gave out. I was in dark new. It was a dlsnual period fnirn tlien until the res cuers drove the bore hole tli rough, After I g ft several drirakk of egg nog I felt like a new man," ljfft. Airy Rotrte 1, News. here was quite a large crowd present at Hollv Springs Sunday o hear the ordination sermon de - Irvered by Rev. C. C. Havmore of Mt. Airy, N. (1 which he deliver eJ in an' appropriate manner, af ter which Rev. Julius Rovles a resideU of this Route was or-''a,,-v decrease in tne number ot daine,! as a minister of the G, j wmties s.-nda-j prisoners to the 11. Rev. J. II. Havntw pastor P11;. . , at this place acted as chairman! Prn ofticials say the only of the Presbvterv anl Rev. Wi!Iiwa' th!-v c'ari accoiin-t for the de Chilton as Soeretarv. eruse is the strict entorcement ,, , , .". t fl the prohibitory law pxssed two Mr. Bovles ha.s the pravers of . ,. , , , , , ,. ... , , j.V'ars ago, which t,pptd the sale all Chrrstian 'p'opIe who know , T . .. F. . . .. , ' ... t-.iti alcohol and other mttx wants nun u,r greai suecess in ms uxr as a minister of the ojs.!. 3Irs. Sarah A. Howard will leave for her home in Utah Tli urday'aftt-r sp?ndlng about five weeks with relatives ami frienuLi in this county, who re gret very much to see her leave. Mr. II. F. Gwyn and wife hai penej to a very serious accident on lat Sunday morning, while dnvmg aenw the ihtnutj Kutge enroute to visit one ot their daughters. The mule ! wihch they were driviijr to a1 uiggy b,s:anie frightened or at eavt'ipot to traveling too fast I Lbmi th- li'ul n,l th bi.rv her head striking a stump. She : applauded with great entiiu;am was uneontscious for sometinu a notable tribute paid to Pres; aivl it Is not known at this time '..dn-w y!sn by C F. just u.rx serious her injuri-s mav M'dvevson. R pi.bl.can p .t:iia.st r prove to be. Mr. Cwvn remain- Ht Morvanton. N. C. 1 in the bujrirv a short dis-! Mr- McKesson said while he tance arul he was hurled to the!w,t not fwrving in the least m ground rei-eiviig st-me painful in- '!' to the Rublu-an juries. We hope thev will s.nilMr,.v he w-drd to say there is ecover. " jn.yNW occupying the presidential Mr. Luther Havmore is Vervl'hair at Washitvgtno the great low with Tvphoid fever at thisi chieftain the nation has ever writing, we'are sorrv to sjv. llad since the days of Thomas Mr. dames Hovtcs and wife of Pilot Mtn. siH'irt Saturday and Sunday with their son- Mr. ?. liovl.ti on this Route. Ms-. i f I'arktr. 15. K. H.i -i -.. ' (' i's; : re son. Mo i ! Kj. r. t vs r and D to I). I- A fe-w days ago a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Simmons on this Route. Vt. 7. 19l:. A Reader. Kcducticr in State Liqucr Sup- ly and Savirp. I caking iu Winstttn-Sal. m 1 f.iw dis ago Rt v. O. L. String ! ! Id. ;. .itant .sujteni.teiah r.t t f . Noi!h Carolina Anti Sal. ton ; ague, said that bt fore the . the worklat' pn Jut ion ebvtion - ui r.f.'the finest varieties of fruit. 24.;nu vo gH'.l. i.s of m: It s'piritut us r.liors were sol and: in No.: w hi. i . . - .. -1 1 i s.t;,t,. ire. l ti.s uttoiMaririi. ne s.uu. ; wis i lit aii i d t re in aid V: it n port tile ii,! fr.ou ! Ill 1 i ! 0 O'.i ill' -tea.! ,, rr:!ia: ; a s.iine sol!!' gallons an the Stare .! gamiHi - .. a'outthrte l . :.:l' h p- aii'.iii.il'j in- ;w,!ii- i! h a i' re kII.ioi.ioi. Mr Strliurf iv! lh.it where A.M was t llee taitli s;-e!:t ; for ah dollir "l.ol:,- dm-ks. only is Sj'cl t IloW. ii an .:ma: lour nuuioiis oinul griLss. 1 lie remamuer m h Were inaiiUfactlUed iu the good timber. Located in Wards pi if t inose ol slx rair mem tiers r.f or- (linary well-to-do arul locally prominent families, in a unique -heme whereby $10,000 was rals eJ toward a fund to endow HaJem hospital through the dis pensing ;if women's ki.ss.- at $1 each. Men, young and old, .tool in Ime to enjoy tlu formance. oscnurtery p'r- All the women were sing'e. One married woman, seekirg to do her part, compromised by shying hands with all comers at 25 cent a shake. One (f the victims, her hu.-iband, she charg- i for th.e privilege publicly oi closing nis iinigers over tiers. In all lli:!2 was raised, arwl with another campaign conducted two years ago makes $1ih).00 the town has raised to build the hos pital, which has just been com pleted. Kansas Ccnvicts axe Dwindling in Numlvr. Larwing, Kan., (X:t. 4. There are fewer prisoners m the Kan sas penitentiary now than there have been at any other time in I e 1MC -V -vrara- in-total num- M n,w tor tWf yn 1 . na wen a sr,ia,J.v' -I'-'rea-se n tne unmber, wtriut ar;.v in crease in the number of men en parole, and there has been a In the counties borderirg n Missouri and Nebraska, where li quor i oot&maMe- titrre- hs bten no decrease in the number of convicts, and on this the prison officials base their belief that the prohibition law has lessened crim . 'w?Wt, k. n,t s,- rr f f McKesson. Norfolk, Dispatch, 2T)th. Ntwrth.sitanding the fact that OKli' a w mattering Demwrat re ittirg in the joint conven- ih:n cf the Virginia and North 'a rot imi rxtm;usters' Ass.jcuttion. Mnun convened here in annual session trdav, the postmasters .'ftterson Executor Notice. Having pulified as executor of the last w ill and testament of Wil lis Furgcson deceased, notice U hereby given to all parties oweing the estate to make prompt pay ment and save cost. AM all parties holding any collections a gaitust the estate to present them within the time prescribed by Law or this notice will be plead in bar of their collection. Sept. 19, 1913. John Karly Ferguson. Kxr. Tir.e Carroll County Fruit Farm . fcr Sale. $6,000.00. This fann contains 'JikI acres ,,f land. KH) of which is in culti- vation, oi in orchard now bearing :;o acres of go.si bottom land. soil well a Lij't etl to wheat, corn . .... , ,ai. ma.1. ki miles .M.rtti k t .Mt. the express ( Airy. I he improvements con-S-iic then. hl,t of ;i fiie new kirn Mx,"ili; : dwelling hou.s-s etc. And a gm d wiiter power. b;us luary gool springs. Ciuireh. school hoiis,-. and !orc within one juart r t.: ,-. sivi ire.' ueiixerv al .roor. For further informati.-u cll or write me. H. M. McMillan. Cai Vs.

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