mm 4 4 i m a A Mil M- I'll VOL. XXXIV MOUtfl AIRY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 16, 1913. -V0. 10 ) SHIP BURNS AT SEA. Storm Prevents Rescue of All of Passexin Vessels Within Stone's Threw Cculd not Save the Perishing. London, Oct. 11. Euroj was thrilltxl bya wireless message to day telling of the burning of the steamship Volturno in mid Atlantic with a known loss of 1:J3 lives ami a rewue of 521. The survivors now aboard a fleet of steamers summciied by the Volturno s call for help. The Volturno sailed from Rot terdam October 2, for New York and carried twenty-two first class passengers and 5oS second class and a sleerwge crew of t6. The rescue ships reached the scene in time to save all but a storm pre vented. For hours th- great waves kept the rescuers from the llazintr vessel within a stone throw. All night Thursday the life boats tried desperately to tret alongside. The storm abated Fri day morning, and the survivors were removed. Kxactly how the rescue was effected U yet un known. The Volturno had plenty of lifeboats, but a ianic or the warn pre veiled their use. Sev eral life boats were luwerd, and smashed, and the occupants were drowned. Two were filled and got away. They havent been found arm! are given up for lost. The steamer Carman la was 78 miles away when the call for help was heard. She rushed to the rescue and was the first to ar rive. Nine other steamers fob lowed, but could help little. The burning steamer lay in a trough of the sea, pounding helplessly forward and hidden by a dciisn t-leud of Ninokie. The terrified passcmrera were huddled together and officers ami -crew fought desperately to check itW fire. Then V great explosion tore away part of the upper workis and the flames burst f rim the engine room and many pas sengers wrapped in life houya jumfped overboard. Few were rescued. At dayhreak the' Volturno was still afloat and the gale had moderated, and the seas had valmcd. The eiK-ireling steamers sent life boats and women and children were lowered fir.-4. Sev eral trips were made aid the survivors were rcmowd. Vessel Burring- Fiercely. Wh1!: the Carmania reach d tin icinity cf the VoltuiTo at noon she found the forward end of the distressed esd huvrn-ng fiere vly. The I'laining ship was at 1he same time rolling heavily whiel her propellers were fouled with boat' tackle used in lower inir her nix life boats. It was learn-d by the captain of the Cannaiiia that two only u't of six life boats had sueeeed d in getting safely away from the Volturno. The other four, crowded f rt stem to .stern with passenger and member of the rrew, had Irecn smashed against the side of tlie vessel and all the'r occupant thrown into the sea and drowned. In npite of the terrible gale raging when she arrived near the Volturno the euptain of the Car mania had one of his life boats lowered to p roc end to the Voltur no to help ilk the nvscue. Tin biia.t was lauiu-hcd with much diffieul t.V, Cor even on the lee wide of the Carmania the sea was ter ribly rougli audi it, was only by extraordinary effort that the .small craft was prevented from being smashed or eapsied as she left, the hide of the ship. The ( tirmania's life boat, in shargr of Fir,st Offiecr lianliner, made a gallant, but futile at tempt, to g 't alongside the doom ed Voltnuio. After two hours' battle with the wave during Mhi.h the life boat lost all but three of h r ou-s, the rot beimr broken i.r turn fe.vii the hands of the TeW, First Officer (iardiltef returned to th- Carmania. whieh he Micceidtd in making without bss of life ur I . ii . In ii Hud a- liior.r the lin iilli. (- of liis boat's Daring atUmpti at Rtseue. 'aptain Jtarr of the 'anuani lion maneuvered h in bif l ess. I tr eiowe to the Volttime and finally git tii- Co-mania's bow with ii a humlml f. . t of th - Vol turno ht.-rn. It was found iui- 'possible, however, to cast a line on board tihe olturno or to get any (body off her. It was a terrifying sight for the pasengers and crew of the Carmania to see ai clone to them the hundreds of passengers, in cluding women, ami children in horror stricken fear on the decks of the Volturno and yet be un able to help them. Most of the paengers got in to the lifeboats, but a hundred of them had gathered at the af ter end of the burning vessel, whose crefw at the same time con tinued in vain to fight the fire at the forward end. Captain Uarr of the Carmania in the meanwhile kept his wire less apparatus at work communi-i-atiiitf with all the vessek with in the radius f his iixtntmeaitt At 4 o'clok in the afternoon tho Crosser Kurfuri.vt and the VeuiiGZ came in signt ami1 me. two were joined later in the af ternoon by the Kroonland, the Devonian and Rappahannock, the Minneapolis, La Lourraine and the Asian. The gale moderated slightly to ward night and each of the suc coring ships a soon a it was possible for her to do so put out boats from her davits and lower ed them to tht. sea. The waves, however, were so high that al though the small craft made solue progress in the direction of the Volturno it was impossible for them to get alongside ami they returned to their ships in mast cases doing thw wfth the greatest difficulty owing to the over whelming seas ami the darkness of tho night. The Carmania kept her search lights going throughout the night, throwing their rays across the foaming a iu the quest for pos sible strugglii g swimmers or life boat from the Volturno. At about 9 o'clock in the evening-wlun th darkness wa At it blackest, fjames I burst through amid.shiw of the Volturno from her engine room and coal bunk ers. As the fire Ugh ted up the k'y this was followed by an ex plofdon which sent, into the air burning wreckage like a flight of rockets. The sectacle of the great ves sel bein ecmsumed by fire with over ;"M) souls on JAkand of her an .surrounded by a fleet of huge lighted hulls crowded with thous ands f spocUttors, all anxious but unable to help owing to the moirntaiuou seas, was heart breaking. Little. Cculd Be Dene. All tluit could It' done by the wiouId-Jic helpers was to throw overboard from their vessel doz ens of lighted life buo.vs and htand' by in the hope of picking uji some of those who hat been eat. into the Wch. At 20 minutes pat ! at n'ght the. wireless operator on board the Volturno had to turn over the coninvtion of his instrument to the reserve butteries as the fire had1 reached 'the loUer ami the engine room and hail put the pumjis ami dynamos out of ae tion. A few minutes later cries for help were heard rising from the water near the Carmania ami thei a man who proved to be. a uteer age p'isengcr of th Volturno. wearii 'g a life In It, was hx-ated ib.v means of the searchl srht a shor dt 1st n nee away, toscd about by the sea. lie was ri.scucd, but oidy after one of the sailors of the Cinnanla had b in lowered into the water with a Ifie linc1 vhiidi he plae.-d around the waist of the cxh lusted flo 'tin leail. OCher crits w-rc heard but tln-M irraduallx d e I nva and no further hodief or swimming pi ( Il(e WCI'f S" n. A I 'i i it midn oit a ray of hone came I'm' it was ' m n that the flame were m t luahliitf miifh headway aft of the !";in- roi -,n r nfl i f the bulkhead of the V 'turi'o. I'y i'avtirah the 'otiriio .n still floating with her jrntt hii m hi iri'u hud I! -d ill in is, h on her i -o. -p. Th- fii h.-i I iii d r t- d 1 1 ld and a flotilla f boats oitlori 1 aroind tin- sti-rn cf t h Volturno. CLJdren, we will look for you ht our tire, Monday, A and T IV M. That' oiir time ls-e our ad i.i this paper. . F. I., Smith II Iw. Co. Wilson's Becord. The 1 Baltimore Sun gives an In teresting sumniary of the great matters successfully dealt with by the Wilson administration dur ing tlie seven months of its in cumbency: "Tariff r-vision in accordant with the Italtiinore pbttfonn. "Refona in the national bank ing system, giving. the country a inure ebustic cUrreiK'y. "Controversy with (rr-at ltrit ain tver free tolls for American shis through the Panama camil. "Controversy with .Japan over the California alien land laws. "Threatened strike of the train men of the railroads serving the territory east of the Mi.-si.ssijipi river. "Dissolution of the Union aitd Tacifie, railroads, involving at tlie same time the d'vorceinei.t of tlie lYun.svJvaiua and Haltimore and Ohio railroads. "Mexican cris's, more serious thwm luiy siiuie Torfiro Diaz was driven fruni the presidency of that republic three and a half years ago." AikI the problems have been nivt fearlessly, fairly and suc oeNsfully. There has been no shrinking, no evasion, no drawing away from disgraceful issues. Tlie president and his cabinet have stocl ip and they have taken what luis come to them, and in doing it they have streng tlieneil the confUK'ivce of the fonntrv in their administration. T.'u1 tariff luis lHn ro'wesl. It has lisn'ii put through both bnuu-h e of cognrcss, Is now in confer ence, and; thv reduction - which the president contended for "in this connevtion have boen sos taiiui); throughout! A dvfinite program of curren cy legislation bias been lroight forwartl. It bus been adopted by th houv caiklis and is uwg debated on the floor, It will paa Jthal jHHb',.;,oveji'wheinAtifly iht go to the senate within ten ilays. v s , Tli' Mexican probhtm has been hamlU'd tt tine entire aatisf ac tion id the country. Intervention has been avoitled. Huerta has been ilenie I recognition and his regime Is totterng. The powers jwu-v supported the president in ewt-y mole he has m;nle in that uubaij'py republic. A sfactory tleeiee has be. 1 entend iu tlie courts dissolvin1 the greiittM railway merger ti the continent. The I'nion and Houthern I'acifV. railroads have e.vrs.l the thivitencd ivcciver ship, the pr( i;v,-i"t i's hse bet u separated, antl by the Mine !rolH th I'ennsylvan'ui Railroad kvas divi re.'d from tin Halt inon and Ohio, a lin- vihich i had tlomiuHted for a decade. Ni gctiatit i s w ith .laj-in over the niifortun.'ite alien I u d laws cf (filiforra have in t been con eluded, but that mipire ha be-! ioiu,i apparently satisfied that the n itii i al government has done all it could to prevent injustice to the .Japwii'vc subjects in th's country. ii in at iir rain has enTercii no fceoi T complaint agaii nt tt e I'nitid Stiitts on account of the tlwcrVniiwitii ii ii favi r of Am r1 ean shipping eontiiind in th' l'anama eanil act, If am viola tion of th' Ilay-I'auncefotiC trea-j ty occurred ill the p-issave ff th: act, Knglai'd h'a evidently bei-.i.M ' r 'concih d to it. Without fuss or fury, the privii lent called a eonferei;ce in Va!i n which ended in set 'liig lh- greatc-t labor liNput Ih' eoii'drv ever MlV. Iielire-i l t , ti i ( t' t, radn ad. m t e n-gr-ssmcn i.nd s n iton. in th preii' nt " ofl";ce. ll'.'ri ld 11 1 h i II an arbitration bill an I thin- .!;, .s it had p i .1 ThU ' 1 1 i i d a -1 i 1 K- that w u!d I n iu'i livid th- bus:iuji of 2" tales. Notice. Ili.vuijr ..Hill tied i.s Administra to). ,f th, , ; 'j'. W. Fo'-; ger, chi-iiiM 1, we notify all p.-r-' .?.iii holding (dainis against the; e:.-.te to pres. lt the .;;llie to the :ii:d-r?oj!ii d for pa m-.t w.thin o. c juir fn m the date f t h's notice or the notice will be pi-id 1 in bir of reeovery thereon.: All pi-r.soiti iidi-btid to the e ! ate are ieiittid to made pay-, aunt to us immediately. ThU S.-pt. loth. l!)li .1 II & W. I'. KIgtr, A djn r of T. W. Folger, Dec'd Old Yadkin Brides Bein Remov edIt was 41 Years Old. Elkin Tribune. Duilt duriiug tlie summer aisl whiter of 1872, 41 years ago, the uld Yadkin rivVr lrilgv w le'ii"g toru away. Until the railnad which wkmU its way along the river to North Wilkloro was completed, thw was a toll brklge, and substantially paid the own er for thi invtme:U. Iater, the bridio was bongh-t by Surry and Yailkin counties ami thrown jh-ii to the pulilic, and the toll was dko away with. Someitiuw afiter tl bridge was built an ex-n-!.o of about $1,2(X) was in'e sitatedi by the wasiiout of tho freshtl whUh ttHk away ttboiit tiwo-thiri'H of the abutment ou the north s'nW of the river. Pat rick' Money, an Irishman, then engrfctd in dwehvirg the. quar ry uf granite near Mt. Airy, .built the abutnu-nt.s for the bridge. Th'w britlge li;u stinsl the tisst of time, but a few yeirs ago an imvvfitigtiJitm was mask1, ami it Was coiUi'slV-red unsafe. Shortly afterwards our minds were reliev ed temporarily a to its siifety, for tlie real test came. A heavy traotitm eninv was sold to a arty in Yadkin county, and it was necessary to get it nensss .the river anil there was no other wa(y than acrs tho bridge, whnoh wiw thni con'ldend unsafe on account thf the weight of the jnachiiH'. Hut it was rolled crt sifely, ami the brhlge proposit'on was forgotten for sour time. Niw this oif .bridge is bern? removed, and in its stead will be cris.-U'tl a tw ami. substantial steel brhlge, the cs,'nract having been let. Th. Baby Fell to Death. Moorewville,- Oct. Vi. A hor rible ,aeeulei4 oceurrexl Fr'ulfiy moa-iwiig in the store of W. 1. CrjenteT, wheii th," 7,s!iiontlis pldj vhiKI of, Mr. i4 Mr, ,JVC, Foiatz, of the Concordia neigh Krtvotsl, Kiwan county, fell froiu the balcony U the floor, a dV t a nve of l.'t feet, cnushing it hi ad, from which injury it later died. Mr. ami Mrs. Fouftz had come, to Mooresville shopping, ac eompinietl by their children, the youn.gtist of which was seven months t-f age. Mrs. Foutz had cirrh-d' the baby u-p on the bal cony cf the store to look at some arU-lts antl laul tne Utth one on a trunk nearby, which wi s covered wi'h quibts. The trunk was be.s'uto tlie lan:sti-r ami some druggets were banning from th ' eiilirg, giving the appearance of a wall. A seAml later the chill foil backwards and to the floor below, landing on its head. lMiys'icians were summoned im midiately and foumt it heal eru.shtd. It was taken to the home tf Mr. L. (. Heaver, a re I live, aid iu the afternoon, to the Mia,t.onum at Salisbury for a poswible (iperation. but it. ditsl tint nrght alMMit mulnight. Notice Land Eale. My virtue of order of the Su jwrior (lourt of Surrv Countv, N. C. ma le by W. W, llimpton CUrk, on September 25th, 191U iu the case of T. V. Crouse ami others, Kx. Parte, therein a pointing the undersipnot Com missioner, 1 will hell on the prem ises on Saturday tlie first day of November 1!11 at 1 o'clock n. iu. the follow u.g real estat ' to wit : 140 acres laud more or bss ly ing and being- in Surry County Shoal Tow i .ship adjoiniig lands h. II. Br, wi. aid N. A. Wolf ! .mis, a. id others hounded as fol 'o'c : . V ii i :i y ; t h't( ( : 1 N. ' . v".!f. :iir i I corner runs Ka-t ;' chs. to ch-tru. South ol ells, to bliiek' oali Wi? 'H i hs. .'i links to .stake, N, U's ehs. links to t ike excepting from Hihl b. lilulai :t s about -H acres -se! I ff to R. S. i:II r. This land will be cut u j i in small tracts and offertd s-paratily and thin ot'f. ied as a w lode. Terms of sale rue ht!f cadi and i' iuaii .li r iu four months. This S. i t. 'JTth, !I:. K. I-'. St on I 'ohi. ). H. rMiow, Att v. f. r ( 'i m. I'eoi I - ho', j. in.v are going to l-ii.v a Majt tu? K;irg, during inir; Deinoi stratii u Uck. Vou Would too if ity ku.-w. Heads our frig ad, in hit paper. j F. h. !llut Ildw. Co. Business Ccaditicns. Ciarlotta Newa. Last week' The News carried the aunounoement tlw.t the Iltv volution Mill of Creerwhoro, hal under considVraition pbtns sik! jssvifcatoiw for extensions which will cost between $1,125, (XV ami $l',."jW,W)0. When tbee Htldition-sj ar completed the Re volution will liave a loouiage caicity etpial to tlie Cone MUU in (Jreeiusboro, which are the larp vat of their kind in the world. During the jotst week two new cotton inalb have been ohrater ed in North Carolina, while num erous additions and improvements atv beings planned by oUkt mills, tonight on an estimate of the Ami all of tliis in view of tho. revenues the Ciovi-rriment will fact that the democrats- are ininceive under the law but dkl csmirol of goverinncnt and the 'not finih their task, tariff is to be greatly reduced. I Interest centered today about llouvst tariff revision is not ! t'.ie d-velopment in the fight over gtiinr to send the country to the, the proposed tax on trades in ilemniit.ion bow wows antl inves-' cotton futures. Representative tors know this. That is why , 1'nderwood l.nroihicisl in the they hav confidemv in th fu- Xli Si-cii'.ed Smith-Lever ture of the busimss sufficient) ceiipr'en'.,c p'.a.. v 'l'di his tin: to cause them to invest their I end jrst lut-nt of th : I resident, the money freely in plants to handle , ret. try of Ag.-cultur, h- the growing business which is j I'ost master ; ar4 nu-y tluiirs. lSfii4h3rn Senators sr-d mvn''-s In all lines of trade comlit-1 cf Congress. This w ill be aiivo Uuw are good," as The- News andicated in the House next w.k CMwerver iwtes in th following "That there is a spirit of op timism with regard to national 'iWiu-s c. udtonh. ait" ''sat the end of ;'tuurs ;-o:-..t t an in "i.asiiie; b-.inn-v t L's U.i c.a lv seen in a remlirg cf the trade, journals ami the geneial ri'dicalUrs if this- ciuUrv. ., "That spirit Is also to be fouul among the traveling salis ineiii w ho' are excellent baromet ers of trade moVmi:ts. "Num bers of these who have lately i'eeni. visitors to Raleigh say tluit jidvamv onlcrs are good aud tlwt they ftn.l a feeling, amonv, tW iin-K'liai.-ts th!.f " enH ilon-i C 't fall and tvinter are to b excel lent. "That this optimort U; feeling will be heightened -with ihe tariff out of the way, ami with an as suraiwe that t lucre is to be a real refurm in the currem'y, is iM to lu d out 'ted. As long as thre was unecrtaiity about tariff scheduks business was necessar ily iu a hesitating coiuliticn, but with that pract'n-ally fixed antl with' fair winds filling th. sails of the currcicy and Iwinking n fomu bill, there is a feeling of eifi'ifi.lence iihrnul in the land that the country is about to t-n-ti-r upui a season cf great bu,s-iiu-ss aud great prosperity. "The resources and the output of the squill are such as to make this note of good cheer mosti agreeable to the people of this sciition, ard this same feelti,g is shared by the other secUuis of the coin try, for it is a nation wide seasen of increased business pnpjcts which is at hand. The dt iniM-racy iir its wisdom has pre lured a tariff bill which is to give opiHirtunity to all, not re .strict'ng tlrs to a few. And it is harking this up with a cur rency measure which will make it so that the producers and the f nterprlstM can ni t be Wpiceztd at the will of financiers. All in nil, tliAs country can feel well sat'fkcd at the outlook." Huy the Korbush are genuine. hi IOCS th ev Notice. By villi'? of an order of the Superior Court of Surry County a ( 'ommissioner, I will sell at puhl.r aiutioii at the Coint door in Dohnon. on Sat urday the lot day of Noxemher, l'Jl:l ut one o'clock 1. M. the following real estat-. A tract of land hingMn Surry County, N. C, bound, d on the North b, V. R. Doss, on the Fast and South ' W. II. (V ol the West by I'Vheis river. Contaiuirg about M ii res. Known as the Robert ( ii- laud. T ruis of .vile one half cash Hid tin- remainder in four m nils ll- iil itay of sale. Sale W,l be made for axs-ts to pas d. lit r gainst the iktatt cf R-b. i t 'o-, dee, ;.ied. Tl 2:ith, Fil l. W. F. Re. ce, C. m Iundys ho' are made by Forblish .Slioe Co , N. liraftell JIiim . factory line. TAELTr LAW WILL PROVIDE SURPLUS. Simmons Thinks Amount Will Rua From $10,000,000 to $16, 000,000. Wkslitngton, Oct. KHii. A sur plus of from $ 10,000 ,0M) to $16, 000,000 over, current m-eds of the (lovcrmoent will be provrdeili by the now tariff law, in the opin ion of Senator Simmoais, ?luir inan of the joint conference com-mitti-e, which is to report the completed Democratic tariff bill to the House and the Senate next week. Experts. fr.Tn the Treasurv Department work;s.l late and Representative I'nderwiKd expects the House to iivstruct its conferees to insist or 'the ajuend ui -r: t - r unto the tariff bill. W 1 rn&te Compromise? So i: ate L-aders toxlay would not adunit that the Senate would ac cept the compromise. Some Sen ate I)i':iKcr:its are its warm champions. fServdcr C!:iike, au thor of the provision pa,sjiHl by the Ser.-ite, expects to make a stror fight against the .eun rtunise. The 'essential difference be tween the two plans is that the Clarke amerHiment wonld impose a 'tax of 50 uta hale on alF future tradti where actual cot ton is not delivered, while the Jinith-Lever plan would retpiire cotton contracts to specify Gov ernment grades and would estab lish a delnite method of enforc ing the delivery of men-hairtable cotton ait fair market prices. A Slight Ttuch cf Key By Wil son Optaia Big- Canal. Washington, Oct., 10. A mo mei.tary touch cf a kiey by the Fn-sidci.t cf tlw Fnitisl States today s'nt a flash of electricity throrh a .contiuuoiLs tolegraph aiul cable connection four thous mi 1 miles sitting off th gigan tic bla.,1 cf 14 t ;a.n' t which cV 1. 1 te Oamlma dike, the last physical barrier to water ciiii-mui.-ication through the Faiiiuua ClinaJ. The I'resnlcJit touidiett the key ut 2 o'clock. A fi1w t'i-oud.s Inter a message came saying tlie exi(loMioii was sue,eesf ul. St venal tvlebrations Were held on th llieifin! uast, but none at Washington. 'lie Fresulent aid "Thore its all over; (tiimhoa is trusted." The final dnslging of the grssit ditch Is under way. Engineers i-Xjreet lighter Vt-Hscls to jHisa tli rough the canal in few weeks. Dike Rent in Twain. Panama, (X-t. 10. The (Jambisi itik was rent in twain by the )icum of I'n sident Wilson at '2:02 o'clock this afternoon. More, than three thousand persons wit ncssed the de.struetiun. Only a portiin if tie iMke w is destroy ed. Sixteen Im mired tors of' nt the water ai d rock high in the air. woman pe -t r I w s 1 1 iii h oi the Ik mi by A ro i, but li" s e,ui.,. ,i,t The r inainii v p rt i if the dilv.- are to I llown up liter. The boat entind the lake from the cut today. It was a canoe uianiw'd hv two Americans. Executor's Notice. Having pualifi.d lis executor of the last will and testament of Wi!- I Furi,M n deceased, l.ot et- ,S hereby ii t to all parties ow ring the estate to make r. -nj t pa liient .ti save cost And ail i-ariii s lio Idii any eoi t ef?s the estate to pr- Mj,t them within the time precr;ld by law or this notice w ii! be p!i a I ia bar of their collection. S. pt. Ft. Fill. John F.rly Ferfiis.u, Fxr.